1995 who was. Horoscope zodiac signs by years, eastern calendar of animals

Year of birth according to the Eastern calendar from: 01/27/1971; 02/13/1983; 01/31/1995; 02/18/2007; 02/05/2019 ;.

Woman Pig, Pig usually enjoys the sympathy of others, especially men. It is not surprising, because a woman of this type is an ideal friend: she will love, sympathize, support any, the most fantastic, ventures and generously forgive unseemly deeds. She is devoted to her friends, inundates them with gifts and provides them with support and various services, even to the detriment of herself. She just needs to take care of someone. However, her inherent gullibility and directness can play against her, making her the prey of people who are unscrupulous in their means.
Woman Pig, Pig is inclined to overly romanticize love relationships and often naively dreams of a prince on a white horse. It may seem that in matters of the heart, love itself is most important to her. Until the last, this woman will see only good in her chosen one, although, due to her inherent artlessness, she may fall in love with a man who makes her suffer. However, she rarely takes revenge for the wrongs inflicted on her.
Woman Pig, Pig is prone to jealousy; attempts to "discourage" her lover or friend can really piss her off. However, even in extremely tense situations, this woman rarely betrays her innocent nature and acts meanly, although she can be warlike and rather petty. But still, as a rule, she tries to avoid confrontations and disputes. The worst that ill-wishers can expect from her is exclusion from the list of invitees and the lack of friendly disposition on her part.
Woman Pig, Pig appreciates good food and loves both attending and giving gala dinners. She is very impressed by the acquaintance with famous people... In addition, this lady loves luxury and abundance and most often has enough funds to live the way she wants. The financial success that accompanies it is usually expressed in a generous inheritance or a wealthy spouse.

Elements of a woman Pig, Pig.

Woman Pig, Pig of the element of wood is very kind to others, delicate, kind-hearted and compassionate. However, she often suffers from shyness and bouts of excruciating timidity. Because of this, it is difficult for her to take the initiative or to be liberated in love relationship; She feels most comfortable at home.

The Pig woman, the Pig of the element of Fire is stubborn, energetic and has her own view of things and phenomena. She may be aggressive, but she is driven by noble intentions. Unwavering idealism often makes her rebel against the slightest manifestations of social inequality. A woman of this type likes to feel like the creator of a successful collaboration.

The Pig woman, the Pig of the elements of the Earth has extremely idealistic ideas about how the world should be and everything that it contains. Her actions are always dictated by the best intentions, however, when she realizes the real state of affairs, her rage has no limit. This lady is able to make those who are next to her unhappy.

The Pig woman, the Pig of the element of Metal has a really sincere nature, she is truthful and frank. She makes every effort to avoid confrontation, and will always compromise - just not to argue. In a stalemate, she will undoubtedly yield, but with her inherent elegance.

Woman Pig, Pig of the element of Water is reasonable and cold-blooded, graceful manners are characteristic of her. Excessive elevation is not characteristic of a woman of this type: she values ​​comfort and prosperity, but not above all. She really needs friends and is always devoted to those who are dear to her, although she rarely speaks about it out loud.

1995 according to the Chinese horoscope is the year of the green Boar, the element of the year Tree.

The beginning of the year of the Pig according to the Chinese calendar is January 31, 1995, the end of the year is February 18, 1996. A person born before January 31, 1995 belongs to the sign Dog (the previous sign in the horoscope).

1995 Chinese character

According to the Chinese horoscope, the element of 1995 is Wood, and the element of the Boar (patron of the year) is Water. The interaction of these two elements, Wood and Water, largely determines the character of the year, as well as the character of people born in 1995.

In the Chinese horoscope, the interaction of the elements Fire-Earth is considered very successful. According to the Eastern worldview, Water gives birth to Wood. Water nourishes Wood with feelings of empathy, promotes self-expression, and Wood gives Water a sense of stability and clarity of goals. Water and Wood are mutually complementary elements that harmoniously interact with each other and create a favorable background in 1995.

For a person born in 1995, the element of Water endows with natural charm, wisdom, flexibility, insight and developed intuition. The influence of the Tree, according to the Chinese horoscope, is manifested in enviable self-control, the desire to find a lasting place in life, in the ability to achieve maximum success in any business. A person born in 1995 is guided by the clues of his intuition, and his innate goodwill and the ability to enter into the position of other people help him achieve career success.

Character of a person born in the year of the Pig

A person born in the Year of the Pig according to the Chinese horoscope is distinguished by truthfulness and directness. His "yes" means "yes", and "no" means "no", and the Pig expects the same from those around him. In relation to the Pig, like no one else, the saying is true that he harnesses for a long time, but then drives quickly. Indeed, in everyday life, the Pig can be called a leisurely person, but when a decision is made, the Pig demonstrates amazing determination and firmness. He is determined only to win and is not used to retreating!

The Green Wood Boar Years:

(People born in these years, according to the Chinese horoscope, are "heavenly twins", that is, they have much the same character traits and outlook on life).

Celebrities Born in 1995:

- Victoria Komova, Russian gymnast, two-time Olympic silver medalist in 2012 (January 30, 1995).

- Mikaela Shiffrin, American alpine skier, 2014 Olympic champion (March 13, 1995).

- Gabriela Papadakis, French ice dancing figure skater, world and European champion (May 10, 1995).

- Missy Franklin, American swimmer, the most decorated in the history of the world championships (May 10, 1995).

- Sui Wenjing, Chinese figure skater in pair skating, champion of the four continents championship (July 18, 1995).

- Ralph Mackenbach, Dutch singer, winner of the 2009 Junior Eurovision Song Contest (October 4, 1995).

"Years of the Chinese horoscope", Nadezhda Zima

According to the Chinese horoscope, people born between January 31, 1995 and February 18, 1996 are under the auspices of the Wood Boar (Pig). The symbol of the Wood Pig is considered to be beauty, elegance and harmony, and the talisman is the zodiac sign Scorpio.

Representatives of this sign are very friendly and sociable, they easily make new friends and have a calm and kind character.

It is quite fun and interesting with such people, they are sincere and cheerful, they cannot stand conflicts and are very friendly towards others.

Description of the Wood Boar sign

V eastern horoscope The boar is in 12th place and completes the cycle of the presented signs. Therefore, it is believed that he has all the positive and negative qualities previous animals. There is a belief that the Pig carries in itself not only wealth, luck and prosperity, but also need, misfortune, losses that have accumulated over the previous years of the reign of other animals.

Character features of those born in 1995

People born in the year of the Pig, kind, polite, honest, considerate and very tactful... They can be real friends, they will never betray their friends and relatives, and if they need help, they will always be the first to provide it. Pigs fearless, stubborn, courageous and can stand up for those who are truly loved and respected without hesitation.

Representatives of this sign are at first wary of strangers, but with mutual sympathy, they begin to treat a person wholeheartedly, making him their companion. Therefore, around the Pigs there are many dishonest people who use their gullibility and kindness for selfish purposes.

Pigs are by nature very soft, defenseless and naive. They can be quickly and easily offended, so many consider the Pigs helpless, although this is far from the case. In fact, this sign has firm, strong character, and if someone tries to hurt his pride or offend people close to him, he can very severely punish the unbridled impudent person.

Born in the year of the Pig is pretty smart and very kind... They do not like quarrels, scandals, showdowns and try to prevent this. Representatives of this symbol are very responsible, always keep their word and never forget about their duties, which they perform in good faith and honestly. Wood Pigs are ingenuous and usually achieve their goals in a straightforward way. Any decisions can take a very long time, but having determined, they do everything possible in order to achieve what they want.

With all positive qualities ah Pigs pretty sloppy and lazy, can often go on about their weaknesses. Negative trait their character is also considered a changeable mood. If the Pig is out of sorts, or his affairs are not going according to the plan, he can withdraw into himself and not let anyone in until he finds a solution to his problems.

Such people love to surround themselves with beautiful and luxurious things, it can be expensive clothes, household items or electrical equipment. Pigs are quite wasteful, they can acquire a lot of excess, but they will never spend the last money for their own whim and will not allow their family to need something.

Wood Boars - from childhood very independent and courageous individuals, know how to live and value their freedom very much. They are always full of energy and determination to confront any situations in life. Representatives of this symbol always know what they want, never set themselves unsolvable tasks, so they almost always achieve what they want.

Profession and business qualities

Pigs do not chase big money, as they are rather unpretentious and are mostly content with what they have. Work for the Pigs is not the main thing in life, although they cannot be called lazy either. Due to their inherent responsibility, sociability, leadership skills, these people are able to easily move up the career ladder.

Representatives of the wood element can make beautiful scientists, musicians, doctors, lawyers, managers, politicians, writers... They always do their work competently, efficiently and on time.

Such people never strive for power, and if they become bosses, they never use their position in their personal interests.

Pigs will always help colleagues if they turn to them for help, and they also know how to create a friendly environment in the work team, even while in a leadership position.

Love and family

Representatives of the sign are romantics, so love is very important in their life. Wood Pigs are very sensual, gentle, caring, they can make excellent companions in life, despite the fact that they are quite jealous.

It can be difficult for pigs to fall in love, as they need time to be convinced of the seriousness of their feelings. But when this happens, they will be ready to completely dissolve in a loved one and forgive him many shortcomings, especially with mutual sympathy. Therefore, it often happens that partners use loving Pigs for their own purposes, taking advantage of their naivety and kindness. But if he finds out about this, he can end all relationships and after a while will be ready to open his heart to new feelings.

V family life The pig is quite anxious about the second half and the rest of the household, loves them very much, tries to bring comfort and harmony into everyday life.

These people make wonderful fathers or mothers who will be happy to participate in the lives of their children and always help them. Often, representatives of the sign become very close people for children and grandchildren, who trust them even their innermost dreams and desires.

The first half of the life of the Wood Boars can be quite successful and calm. They will have Good work, will always be able to provide themselves financially, without attaching to this special efforts... In the next stage of life, Pigs can face numerous problems in personal and family relationships. But they will surely find a way out of difficult situations, since they are quite modest and are not used to resorting to outside help.

Pig compatibility with other signs

Despite the fact that the representatives of the element of the tree are very devoted to their family and friends, in a love relationship they can easily get carried away and just as quickly break their ties for the sake of a new object of passion, being in constant search. What animal according to the Eastern calendar is most suitable for love and friendship for Pig people born in 1995? Let's take a look at this:

  1. Rat... If the Pig is in charge in the marriage union, and the Rat begins to completely obey her, then peace, tranquility and material well-being will always reign in their house. Signs can be friends, they are united by a common love for fun parties and noisy events. Business cooperation may not work out, since the Pig knows how to make money, and the Rat will deceive him.
  2. Bull... Both symbols are very cute to each other, they are united by common moral values, only the Bull can be content with little, and the Pig strives for wealth and extravagance. This can cause mutual disagreements, but if they come to a compromise, the relationship can last quite a long time. Between the signs, friendly relations are possible, only on the condition of infrequent meetings. Collaboration is very promising, since the Bull can use the energy and abilities of the Pig for a common cause.
  3. Tiger... A wonderful relationship will develop between the Pig and the Tiger, they are quite suitable for each other for family life. Friendship can also exist here, it will be based on honesty and mutual understanding. Business cooperation will not be successful because these signs have a different approach to work.
  4. Rabbit... If the Rabbit agrees to live with the Pig, then such an alliance will be quite strong, there will be mutual respect, love and prosperity in it. Signs can be friends, only without joint appearances, since the behavior of the Pig in society can embarrass the gentle Rabbit. Doing a common business will give a good result, because the Pig is very lucky, and the Rabbit is fast and agile, so such partners are able to reach great heights together.
  5. The Dragon... Here, the relationship is doomed to failure, despite the fact that the Pig will try with all his might to serve and please his partner. The dragon, by virtue of its nature, will simply be unable to appreciate this, and this will begin to offend her. The signs suit each other as friends, they will have a wonderful relationship based on honesty and trust. Joint work is possible, the prospects here are very good.
  6. Snake... The union is undesirable for the Pig, since she completely falls under the control of the Snake, and this can be a difficult test for her. Friendship is also unlikely here. They should not start a business relationship either, because the Pig does not need wise advice The snake will always be able to earn money himself, and she will only interfere with him.
  7. Horse... Nothing good will come of these relations, there will always be mutual misunderstanding, irritation, resentment. The Horse loves himself first of all, and the Pig will find it difficult to come to terms with this. There can be no friendship between these signs either. And they will not be able to work together, because they will never be able to come to a common agreement.
  8. Goat... An excellent union, complete understanding, love and harmony will always reign here. The signs complement each other perfectly and can live together for many happy years. Their friendship can be very strong, these people are interested in communicating with each other and spending time together. Business cooperation can also be very promising, since in joint work they perfectly complement each other.
  9. A monkey... Signs can create a family, such a union will be lasting and happy. Monkey and Pig can be good friends, respect and humor will always be present in their friendship. They can try to work together, such cooperation can be beneficial for both.
  10. Rooster... The family union will be very strong, provided that the Pig provides the Rooster with a decent standard of living in material terms. Friendly relations are unlikely, because the Rooster is too bright and shocking personality for the Pig. Business cooperation will not be successful, as the Pig will not be able to take the Rooster seriously.
  11. Dog... The relationship between the signs is quite good, such a marriage will bring happiness and peace to both partners. Their friendship is very strong, the Dog and the Pig will always be devoted to each other. Signs do not fit together for teamwork, so it is undesirable for them to work together.
  12. Pig... The union can be very good, provided that one of the partners agrees to yield to the other. In this case living together will be strong and happy. A friendly relationship is long-term and strong, based on similar interests and life values. Business cooperation is very promising, as the representatives of this sign are quite lucky and will be able to gradually get rich by working together.

Best compatibility with marks such as:

  • Goat.
  • Rabbit.
  • Tiger.

Who is the least suitable for him for family and friendships? Understanding and friendship are unlikely with the following symbols:

  • Horse.
  • Snake.

Pig and zodiac signs

The constellations under which people are born are also capable of exerting a certain influence on their fate and behavior. Character features of good-natured and peace-loving Pigs in the zodiac signs are manifested in the following:

All representatives of the Wood Pig have a strong character. One of its features is that, despite any setbacks, losses and troubles, he can always pull himself together, independently solve all problems and start any business from the very beginning.

Attention, only TODAY!

We can observe the whole palette of diverse properties and qualities that define a person as an extraordinary personality in people born in the Year of the Boar (Pig). This is the year in which quite peaceful people are born - they will never be the first to bully and provoke a conflict. It is much more pleasant for them to make new acquaintances and expand the circle of friends and supporters. In such cases, they know how to be convincing! They cannot be called pessimists. On the contrary, they always belong to the “good prognosis” group. They are active, trying to keep abreast of events.

Eastern 1995: Year of the Wood Pig (Boar)

In this article, you will learn:

1995 what year is the eastern calendar

The eastern calendar tells us that 1995 is the twelfth sign Chinese horoscope and corresponds to the sign of the zodiac Scorpio. Release of the Year Tree.

The color of the boar is black, and the tree is green.

People who were born this year know how to feel and participate in a common cause, devote themselves without reserve to promoting ideas and productive activities. They do not tolerate when an opinion is imposed on them. Even if it is indisputably true, it is difficult to accept it. They almost never ask for advice.

Features of the sign of the Wood Pig (Boar) on the Chinese calendar

The characteristic features of the Pig - responsibility and obligation - make him not only an unsurpassed partner in business, but also in trusting friendships and family relationships. It should always be remembered that the Pig, giving himself up, counts on the same adequate response, sincere interest in a common cause or project. With a lot of obvious positive qualities, boars are not poseurs, they do not like to show themselves. The role of the "gray eminence" suits them much more. Staying in the shadows and on the quiet side is the unspoken motto of the Boar. Any work that was assigned to him or he planned himself, he will carry out methodically competently, systematically and on time. He never craves power over others, and if he finds himself in the position of a boss, he never abuses it and does not choke on it.

In personal relationships, when choosing a partner, he tries for a long time, doubts, experiments. If the couple has taken place, then it manifests itself as a very caring half, sensitive to a loved one. Manages to save romantic relationship for a very long time and tries to support them in every way. Sometimes, while showing even some naivety.

They learn throughout their lives, and they like this process, moreover, they know how to learn. Like any sign, Boars also have breakdowns, non-standard situations... They never fall into hysterics, prostration because of this. They can pull themselves together without external help to start any business from scratch.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Wood Pig (Boar)

  • People born in the Year of the Pig have many advantages inherent in character traits. The business they undertake is almost always subject to them, thanks to their remarkable erudition and various talents, often in very remote areas. Many problems are solved productively, thanks to sincerity with partners and friendliness.
  • Very rare events can confuse the Boar. The ability to understand the situation, prioritize and correctly build the algorithm of action, provide the Kaban, in the end, the achievement of the goal and victory.
  • But a number of shortcomings sometimes complicate their life. In situations out of control, they cannot contain their temper and the development of events after these outbreaks is very difficult to predict. The authoritarianism of those born this year is not always helpful in building constructive relationships. They can often position themselves as inveterate snobs.
Published: 2016-08-10, Modified: 2016-11-23,

Year of the green wood boar

Element: Wood

Green color

The ability to please people and fight them with your charm are your main characteristics. You do not need to do anything to achieve your goals: a lot of things go into your hands and contribute to your luck, both in business and in love.

You are able to achieve a lot in your life without much effort, even what others get by hard work. But do not relax: in some situations, you will have to exert personal effort or enter the battle with difficulties and obstacles. So persist if necessary and try to spare the feelings of those around you, especially those you really love.


  • Strong;
  • Decisive;
  • Inflexible.

Distinctive features

Tall, thin build, beautiful eyes, small hands and feet.

Suitable fields of activity

  • Scientist;
  • Researcher;
  • Writer.

Eastern calendar compatibility table

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Neutral type of relationship

Such people will be able to create harmonious and strong relationships. But to achieve harmony is possible only with mutual understanding, otherwise the relationship is very easy to destroy. Pay close attention to each other and everything will be fine.

Constant friction in a relationship

Partners tend to play with each other and spoil each other's nerves. The duration of the relationship depends only on the mutual desire to be together.


Partners will be happy together, but they will constantly move forward. If this is about you, then you have every chance to create a wonderful and strong relationship.

Complete harmony

One of the finest combinations. The family relationships of these people will be harmonious, happy, and calm to the envy of others.

Open confrontation

Such people will constantly conflict, even if they do not want to spoil the relationship. It is very difficult for partners to understand each other and not provoke conflicts.

Conflict combination

Partners will have to overcome many obstacles and show a lot of patience to keep the peace. For the connection to be long-term and useful, you need to make a lot of effort both for you and your partner, constantly adjusting to each other.


Ups and downs will continually alternate, as will quarrels and periods of reconciliation. If you can get through difficult times, your relationship will become harmonious and you will be able to build a happy future.