Report on work in the dining room - abstract. Organization of the work of the canteen Recommendations for the certification of catering services



2.1. Calculations of the area of ​​the dining room for 100 seats ..............................

2.3. Calculation of workshop areas
2.4. Calculation of the number of employees of the vegetable shop


Relevance of the topic. Catering plays an important role in people's lives. It most fully satisfies the nutritional needs of people. Catering enterprises perform such functions as the production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products by the population in specially organized places. Catering enterprises carry out independent economic activities and in this respect do not differ from other enterprises. Catering for the population is organized mainly by small private enterprises.
The fulfillment by a public catering enterprise of its main function implies the presence of a number of conditions, namely: they must have qualified personnel, buildings and structures, equipment, inventory and, of course, food. To implement the main function of public catering enterprises must:
- to study questions and requirements of consumers
- determine food needs;
- Establish and maintain relationships with suppliers;
- create conditions for eating;
- prepare food, portion and release it;
- make settlements with clients for services rendered;
- advertise services.
Public catering enterprise - a set of workshops and production sites included in it, premises for servicing consumers and various kinds of services; studies the activities of its individual divisions and their relationships in terms of the most efficient use of the resources of each of them and the enterprise as a whole; explores issues of specialization of production, division and cooperation of labor within the enterprise, methods of establishing progressive technical standards.
The object of the study is a canteen with 100 seats, located at the enterprise.
The subject of the study is the design of a vegetable shop in the canteen for 100 seats.
The purpose of the course work is the organization of the work of the vegetable shop in the dining room for 100 seats, located at the enterprise.
1. Get acquainted with the general characteristics of the enterprise and the vegetable shop.
2. Calculate the area of ​​the dining room and vegetable shop.
3. Make calculations for organizing the selection of equipment.
4. Calculate the number of workers in the vegetable shop.
Work structure. The work consists of an introduction, a theoretical and practical part, a conclusion, a list of references and an application.

Chapter 1 Features of the production and trade activities of a public catering enterprise

1.1. General characteristics of the enterprise

Catering establishments have a number of features. If most enterprises in other industries are limited to performing one or two functions, for example, food industry enterprises perform the production function, trade enterprises - the sale of products, then public catering enterprises perform three interrelated functions:
1. production of culinary products;
2. sale of culinary products;
3. organization of its consumption.
In addition, products manufactured by public catering enterprises have a limited sales period. So, in mass production, hot dishes are prepared for 2-3 hours. Sales, and cold ones - for 1 hour. This requires the release of products in batches, as they are consumed.
The range of products produced by public catering enterprises is very diverse; different types of raw materials are used for its preparation. The variety of manufactured products makes it possible to more fully satisfy the demand of consumers, but complicates the organization of production: many types of raw materials require special storage conditions, different rooms for mechanical culinary processing.
The variety of products depends on the nature of demand and the characteristics of the serviced contingent, its professional, age, national composition. Working conditions. study and other factors.
The mode of operation of public catering establishments depends on the mode of operation of the contingents of consumers of industrial enterprises, institutions, and educational institutions they serve. This requires enterprises to work especially intensively during the hours of the greatest flow of consumers - during lunch breaks, breaks.
Demand for catering products is subject to significant changes with the seasons. Days of the week and even hours of the day. In the summer, the demand for vegetable dishes and soft drinks increases. Cold soups. From the position of marketing, each company must analyze and study the sales market. The range of manufactured products and methods of service depend on this.
The catering company provides many other services besides catering. For example: leisure activities, dishware rental, etc.
These features of the work of public catering enterprises are taken into account in the rational placement of a network of enterprises. Choosing their types, determining the mode of operation and compiling a menu.
Dining room - a public catering establishment that is publicly accessible or serves a certain contingent of consumers, producing and selling dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day. The canteen catering service is a service for the manufacture of culinary products, varied by day of the week or special diets for various groups of the serviced contingent (workers, schoolchildren, tourists, etc.), as well as the creation of conditions for sale and consumption at the enterprise.
Canteens distinguish:
according to the range of products sold - general and dietary;
by the contingent of consumers served - school, student, worker, etc.;
at the location - public, at the place of study, work.
Public canteens are designed to provide products of mass demand (breakfasts, lunches, dinners) to the general population of the area and visitors. In canteens, the method of self-service of consumers with subsequent payment is used. Canteens at manufacturing enterprises, institutions and educational institutions are located taking into account the maximum approximation to the contingents served. Canteens at manufacturing enterprises organize meals for workers during the day, evening and night shifts, and if necessary, deliver hot food directly to workshops or construction sites. The order of work of canteens is coordinated with the administration of enterprises, institutions and educational institutions. Canteens at vocational schools organize two or three meals a day based on the norms of the daily ration. As a rule, tables are set in advance in these canteens.
Canteens at general education schools are created with a number of students of at least 320 people. It is recommended to prepare complex breakfasts, lunches for two age groups: the first - for students of grades I-V, the second - for students of grades VI-XI.
In large cities, school catering plants are being created, which centrally supply school canteens with semi-finished products, flour culinary and confectionery products. The opening hours of school canteens are coordinated with the school administration. Diet canteens specialize in serving people in need of medical nutrition. In dietary canteens with a capacity of 100 seats or more, it is recommended to have 5-6 basic diets, in other canteens with a dietary department (tables) - at least 3. Dishes are prepared according to special recipes and technologies by cooks with appropriate training, under the supervision of a nutritionist or nurses. The production of dietary canteens is equipped with specialized equipment and inventory - steamers, wiping machines, steam boilers, juicers. Canteens, distributing and mobile are designed to serve small teams of workers, employees, usually dispersed over large areas.
Canteens should have a sign indicating the legal form, hours of operation. In the design of trading floors, decorative elements are used that create a unity of style. In dining rooms, standard lightweight furniture is used that matches the interior of the room; tables must have hygienic coatings. From tableware, earthenware, glass from pressed glass is used. Of the premises for consumers, canteens should have a vestibule, a wardrobe, and toilet rooms. The area of ​​trading floors must comply with the standard - 1.8 m 2 per seat.

1.2. General characteristics of the vegetable shop

The first among the harvesting shops is the vegetable shop. The technological process of processing vegetables consists of the following operations: sorting, washing, machine cleaning, manual cleaning, cutting. Processing of vegetables is divided into streams: processing of potatoes and root crops, processing of other vegetables and herbs, processing of pickled and salted vegetables.
In modern specialized vegetable shops located at large enterprises or at vegetable bases (vegetable stores) and designed to supply both public catering establishments and retail chains, the production of an expanded range of products can be organized: production lines for packaging potatoes and vegetables in bags can operate , a line for the production of peeled sulphated potatoes, a line for the preparation of potato and vegetable cutlets, fried crispy and side dishes, a line for the preparation of salads and vinaigrettes.
In the dining room, the vegetable shop is located next to the pantry of vegetables, and also has convenient communication with cold and hot shops. The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, cleaning, cleaning after mechanical cleaning, washing, cutting. Workplaces are equipped with tools, inventory for performing certain operations. In accordance with the technological process, 3 workplaces are organized in the workshop:
1. Cleaning potatoes and root crops, cleaning and washing them. At the workplace for the processing of potatoes and root crops, a washing bath, a periodic potato peeler, a special stainless steel table with recesses for peeled potatoes and two grooved holes are installed: on the left - for peeled vegetables, on the right - for waste, as well as inventory, podtovarnik;
2. Processing seasonal vegetables and peeling onions, garlic. A special table with a built-in bathroom and the necessary equipment (cutting boards, trays, knives, etc.) was installed at the workplace for processing white cabbage and seasonal vegetables, onions.
3. Cutting vegetables, a production table, a vegetable cutting machine, as well as the necessary equipment are installed.
The equipment in the workshop is located near the wall.
A workplace equipped with a special table with an exhaust hood is organized for each employee.
The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the head of production. One person works in the workshop - a cook of the 3rd category. The shop has a one-shift operation. For the evening work of the enterprise, vegetable semi-finished products are prepared in advance, taking into account their shelf life and sale. Head production according to the production program draws up a schedule for the release of vegetable semi-finished products in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day, and the shelf life of semi-finished products. At the end of the working day, the responsible worker of the shop draws up a report on the amount of raw materials used and semi-finished products produced.
In order to avoid accidents, kitchen workers study the rules for operating the equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. Rules for its operation are posted at the locations of the equipment. The floor in the workshops is even, without protrusions, not slippery.
When working in workshops, the following rules are observed:
? foot gratings are installed on the floor next to the production tables;
? knives have well-fixed handles and are stored in a specific place;
? production bathtubs and tables have rounded corners.
During work, they remove and process waste in a timely manner, monitor the sanitary condition of the workshop and each worker.
When working in a hot shop, employees learn the rules for operating mechanical and thermal equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. Rules of operation are posted at the location of the equipment.
The floor in the workshop is even, without protrusions, not slippery. The temperature in the workshop does not exceed 26 degrees C. Disassembly, cleaning, lubrication of any equipment can be carried out only when the machines are completely stopped and disconnected from sources of electricity, steam and gas.
Electrical equipment is grounded. When working with kitchen equipment, employees know and strictly follow the rules for operating this equipment.
Before starting work, check the serviceability of the machine. Switches and safety locks of the closed type. The machines are switched on and off using the START and STOP buttons.
All moving parts of the machines are guarded and the body is grounded. If a malfunction is detected, then they inform the manager and the machine is not operated.
Next, consider the lighting and ventilation in the enterprise.
Daylight. The main requirements for natural lighting are the uniformity of illumination and the depth of penetration of daylight into the room. Natural lighting depends on a number of factors: the orientation of windows in relation to the cardinal points, the size, design and dimming of windows, the size and color of the room, the light climate of the area. In industrial, commercial and administrative premises, it should be at least 1:8. The rooms are illuminated better if the windows are located at a distance of 80-90 cm from the floor level.
artificial lighting. Artificial lighting in catering establishments can be general or combined. Lamps of various types are used as light sources. Depending on the nature of the distribution of light, lamps are divided into three groups: direct, reflected and diffused light.
Direct light fixtures include those that direct 90% of the light flux to the lower zone of the room.
Diffused light fixtures include those that distribute the luminous flux both to the lower and upper zones of the room.
Reflected light fixtures direct at least 90% of the light upwards, while it is important that the ceilings and walls are light in color.
c) in dressing rooms, toilets, warehouses, with incandescent lamps - 75-100 lx.
Lamps must not be placed above boilers, stoves, and lamps with lamps open at the bottom must not be used in order to prevent glass fragments from falling into food products when the lamp breaks.
Ventilation. According to its purpose, ventilation can be supply, exhaust and supply and exhaust, and according to the method of air movement, natural and artificial.
Natural ventilation. With natural ventilation, air exchange in the room occurs through leaks in the external fences of buildings (slots in windows, doors). In the premises of catering establishments, at least half of all windows must have transoms, in the hot shop each window. To enhance natural air exchange, exhaust ventilation ducts are arranged in the internal walls of the premises, the outlets of which are led to the roof of the building and equipped with special devices - deflectors.
Artificial ventilation. To ensure reliable air exchange, artificial ventilation is used, which is carried out with the help of ventilation systems. Outside air is preliminarily cleaned and blown through the supply ducts, while the polluted air is sucked off and thrown out through the exhaust ducts. The supply air temperature must be at least 12 degrees, relative humidity 30-60%, the speed of movement in the working area, i.e. at a height of 1.5-2m from the floor, 0.15-0.2 m/s.
When building ventilation, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of supply air passing through the premises. Dining halls, hot and confectionery shops, washing and preparation shops, administrative and amenity premises are united by one supply system.
In the cooled premises, a separate supply and exhaust ventilation is designed with supply air cooling and a separate exhaust duct from the fish storage room. In toilets, washbasins, showers, smoking rooms and dressing rooms, only exhaust ventilation is installed. The exhaust system of sanitary facilities must be insulated.
The projected vegetable workshop is located in canteen No. 4, which belongs to the Kazan Helicopter Plant.
Thus, the vegetable shop is intended for the primary processing of potatoes and vegetables and consists of two sections: in the first section, potatoes and vegetables are washed and peeled, in the second, they are cut, as well as sauerkraut and pickles (tomatoes) are stored. The workshop is located at the entrance to the dining room in order to prevent contamination of other premises and workshops of the dining room. In the second chapter, we will consider the device and equipment of the vegetable shop.

Chapter 2

2.1. Calculations of the areas of the dining room for 100 seats

Hall loading:
working mode
1 places at 1 hour
?,% occupancy
number of consumers per hour
number of dishes


service time = 20 minutes, and from 9-10 60 minutes per person.
turnover of 1 place during the day = 20 people.
food consumption coefficient = 2.5
the total number of dishes consumed is 4100, of which: cold 820, first 1230, second 1640, sweet 412
number of consumers per day 1640.
The area of ​​premises of catering establishments for 1 place in the halls
the number of seats in the halls or meals in the house kitchens
The area of ​​​​premises for 1 seat in the hall (in the house kitchens - for 1 dinner) in m?
for visitors
administrative and domestic
total in enterprises
In catering establishments
including halls
for raw materials
for raw materials
for raw materials
for raw materials

for raw materials
Canteens of an open catering network

Conclusion: the dining room works on raw materials. The entire enterprise for 100 seats must have at least 548 m².

2.2. Selection of mechanical and non-mechanical equipment, inventory, utensils for the vegetable shop

The calculation of mechanical equipment is to determine the required performance of the machine intended for installation, its operating time and utilization rate.
The required performance of the machine is determined by the formula:
Q \u003d G / tu,
where G is the amount of processed raw materials, kg;
tu is the conditional operating time of the machine, determined by the formula:
tу = T * ?у,
For a potato peeler tu = 3.5; for a vegetable cutter tu = 3.5.
Required machine performance:
- for potato peeler Q = 62.8 / 3.5 = 17.94 kg/h;
- for vegetable cutter Q = 77 / 3.5 = 22 kg/h.
Based on the calculation made according to the current reference books, machines are selected: potato peeler MOK - 125 and vegetable cutter - MPO - 50 - 200.
The actual operating time of the machine is determined taking into account the utilization factor using the following formulas:
tf = G / Q,
?f = tf / T,
where tf - actual operating time, h;
G is the amount of processed raw materials, kg;
Q is the capacity of the received machine, kg/h;
?f is the utilization rate of the received machine;
T is the duration of the shift, h.
For potato cleaning: tf = 62.8 / 125 = 0.5 hours, ?f = 0.5 / 7 = 0.07;
For a vegetable cutter: tf \u003d 77 / 50 \u003d 1.5 hours,? f \u003d 1.5 / 7 \u003d 0.21.
Selection of non-mechanical equipment
The number of production tables in the cold shop is determined by the formula:
Lst \u003d rr * l,
where Lst is the estimated length of the table, m;
rr – number of employees, people;
l - the norm of the length of the table per employee, equal to 1.25 m.
The production table SP - 1050 and the production table with small-scale mechanization SPMM - 1050 are accepted for installation.
Selection of washing baths
Calculation of the required number of production baths for washing vegetables, herbs is calculated by the formulas. The calculation results are summarized in the table.
Table #1
Calculation of the volume of washing baths
Products to be washed
Quantity, kg
water consumption rate,
Bath turnover per shiftBath fill factor
Estimated volume of baths, dm3
The installation accepts two washing baths of the BM-1 type.
Production tables in the cold shop are selected according to the number of employees.
The total length of the tables can be calculated using the formula.
L=l*R (10)
R is the number of employees.
l is the average length of the workplace (1.25).
We determine the total length of the tables by the formula (10).
L=1.25*1=1.25 m.
According to the result obtained, we select a table with a cooled surface and a slide SOESM-3. In addition, we select a washing bath VM-1, a sink for washing hands, a ST-1 rack, a table scale VNTs-2. The selection of non-mechanical equipment is displayed in the table.
Table number 2.
Name of equipment
Number of units
Type, brand
Dimensions mm.
table with refrigerated surface and slide
washing bath
sink for washing hands

2.3. Calculation of workshop areas

Raw materials are calculated on the basis of the planned and calculated menu and bookmark norms for one dish, and for purchased goods, based on average calculated norms for one place. The calculations are summarized in the table.
Calculation of areas of cooled chambers:
Calculation of the area of ​​cooled chambers is carried out according to the formula:
Stot = Stov * ?,
where Stot is the total area of ​​the cooled chamber, m2;
Stov - the area occupied by raw materials and goods, m2;
? - coefficient of increase in the area for passages, indents from the walls.
For chambers with an area of ​​up to 20 m2, the coefficient of increase in the area for passages, indents from the walls is taken within 2 - 2.2.
The area occupied by raw materials and goods is determined by the formula:
Stov = Q / q,
where Q is the amount of raw materials and goods to be stored in a refrigerated chamber, taken according to table 8, kg, l.;
q is the specific load rate of the goods, kg/m2.
The calculation of the area of ​​the cooled chambers, depending on the area occupied by the goods, taking into account the commodity neighborhood, is given in the table.
Table #3

Cooled chamber for fruits, drinks, herbs, berries
Peaches (canned)

Hot shops are organized at enterprises that perform a full production cycle. The hot shop is the main shop of a public catering enterprise, in which the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, broth cooking, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses, as well as heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. In addition, the workshop prepares hot drinks and bakes flour confectionery products (patties, pies, kulebyaki, etc.) for clear broths. From the hot shop, ready-made dishes go directly to the dispensing rooms for sale to the consumer.

A hot shop serving several trading floors located on different floors should be located on the same floor as the trading floor with the largest number of seats. On all other floors there should be distribution rooms with a stove for frying portioned dishes and food warmers. The supply of these distributing finished products is ensured by means of lifts.

The hot shop should be located next to the cold shop, washing tableware and kitchen utensils, distribution, trading floor and have a convenient relationship with the harvesting shops, the greenery processing shop, and storage facilities. Their close location helps to reduce the time spent on moving products from one workshop to another and to the distribution line. Washing kitchen and tableware is placed next to the hot shop.

The production program of the workshop is determined by the menu plan.

Dishes made in a hot shop are distinguished by the following main features:

    type of raw material used from potatoes, vegetables and mushrooms; from cereals, legumes and pasta; from eggs and cottage cheese; from fish and seafood; from meat and meat products; from poultry, game, rabbit, etc.;

    cooking method - boiled, poached, stewed, fried, baked;

    the nature of consumption soups, main courses, side dishes, drinks, etc.,

appointment- for dietary, school food, etc.;

consistency - liquid, semi-liquid, thick, puree, viscous, crumbly.

Dishes of the hot shop must comply with the requirements of state standards, standards of the industry and enterprises, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, technical specifications and be produced according to technological instructions and maps, technical and technological maps, subject to the sanitary rules of catering establishments.

The hot shop should be equipped with modern equipment - thermal, refrigeration, mechanical and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, cooking pots, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, as well as production tables and racks.

Depending on the type and power, it is planned to use mechanical equipment in the hot shop (P-II universal drive, mashed potato machine).

Equipment for the hot shop is selected according to the standards for equipping trade, technological and refrigeration equipment in accordance with the type and number of seats in the enterprise, its mode of operation, the maximum load of the trading floor during peak hours, as well as forms of service.

The production program of the hot shop is compiled on the basis of the range of dishes sold through the trading floor, the range of culinary products sold through buffets and retail chain enterprises (culinary shops, trays).

The temperature, according to the requirements of the labor organization, should not exceed 23 ° C, therefore; supply and exhaust ventilation should be more powerful (air velocity - 1-2 m / s); relative humidity - 60-70%. To reduce the effect of infrared rays emitted by heated frying surfaces, the stove area should be 45-50 times smaller than the floor area.

Hot shop workers, in order to successfully cope with the production program, must start work no later than 2 hours before the opening of the trading floor.

The number of chefs in each department is determined by the ratio 1:2, i.e. in the soup department there are half as many chefs.

The hot shop is subdivided into two specialized departments - soup and sauce. Broths and first courses are prepared in soup, while second courses, side dishes, sauces, hot threads are prepared in sauce.

Organization of the work of the soup department of the hot shop

The technological process of preparing first courses in the soup department consists of two stages of preparing broths (bone, meat, fish, mushroom, etc.), vegetable, fruit decoctions and cooking soups (filling, dairy, sweet).

The duration of cooking bone and meat and bone broths is 5-6 hours, so they are prepared the day before, the rest of the broths (meat, chicken, fish) - at the beginning of the working day. It is advisable to prepare them concentrated and store in the refrigerator.

In a restaurant where broths are prepared in small quantities, 50 and 40 l stove-top boilers are used to cook them.

In high-capacity canteens, where the assortment of first courses is small (2-3 items), soups are prepared in large batches that require a lot of broth, so two technological lines are organized. First line designed for making broths. At the workplace of a cook preparing broths, stationary boilers are installed in a line - electric, gas or steam. More often used electric boilers KPE-100, KPE-160, KPE-250 with a capacity of 100, 160, 250 liters or KE-100, KE-160 with functional tanks. They put a bath for washing meat, poultry carcasses, bones. The meat is placed in a cassette with a perforated insert and lowered into the washing bath. In the same container, the meat is immersed in a non-tilting cauldron installed nearby. After preparing the broth, the meat container is unloaded from the boiler using a special TP-80K cart with a lifting platform.

At catering establishments, unified steam cooking boilers of the type KPP-100-1, KPP-160-1 and KPP-250-1 (rectangular) can be used. In addition, electric cooking boilers KPE-100, KPE-160, KPE-250 or a sectional modulated tilting boiler KPESM-60 are in operation.

Digestion kettles are also used for cooking cabbage for cabbage rolls, potatoes and carrots for salads, etc. in functional perforated containers.

Opposite stationary cooking boilers are installed second production line for the preparation of soups, including a line of thermal and non-mechanical equipment, the distance between which should be 1.5 m.

The line of thermal equipment includes: a mobile boiler KP-60 with an electric cooking device UEV-60, an electric frying pan SE-0.45-01, an electric stove PE-0.51-01, production tables of the SP-1200 type for auxiliary operations.

The stove is used for cooking first courses in small batches in stove-top boilers, stewing vegetables, etc. An electric frying pan is used for sautéing vegetables. Section inserts for heating equipment, used as additional elements in the lines of sectional modulated equipment, create additional convenience for the cook.

Preparation of passerovka (beetroot, vegetable, flour) in the soup department is carried out 2-3 hours before the start of the hot shop.

Lines of non-mechanical equipment (distance between lines 1.5 m) for preparing soups include sectional modular tables and a mobile bath for washing side dishes for clear broths. At the workplace of the cook who prepares the first courses, the following are used: a table with a built-in bathtub, a table for small-scale mechanization, a table with a refrigerated slide and a cabinet for storing food supplies.

In restaurants where first courses are prepared in small batches in 50, 40, 30, and 20 l stove-top boilers, food warmers are installed in the hot shop, which ensures the preservation of temperature and taste of soups. The first courses should be sold at a temperature not lower than 75 ° C, the duration of the implementation of the first courses in mass preparation is no more than 2-3 hours.

For the preparation of puree soups, the products are rubbed and ground using a universal drive II- with interchangeable mechanisms, a UKM universal kitchen machine with interchangeable mechanisms.

Flour culinary products (patties, cheesecakes, pies) are prepared for transparent broths. For their production organize additional jobs. The dough is kneaded in plate boilers, cut on a wooden-coated production table using rolling pins, manual dough dividers, cutters.

Organization of the work of the sauce department of the hot shop

This compartment is designed for preparing second hot dishes, side dishes, sauces.

The main equipment of the sauce department are cookers, ovens, electric frying pans, deep fryers, as well as cooking pots, a universal drive. Barbecue ovens are installed in hot shops of specialized enterprises and restaurants. The enterprises use sausage cookers, egg cookers, coffee makers, etc. For the preparation of dietary dishes, a steamer is installed in the sauce department.

The jobs of chefs preparing second courses in canteens and restaurants differ from each other.

In the sauce department of canteens, three technological lines are provided, on which workplaces are organized for frying, boiling, stewing, poaching, baking; preparation of side dishes, sauces and hot drinks; preparation of culinary products (cheesecakes, cabbage rolls, vegetable cutlets, etc.). In large canteens, culinary products are made in the culinary workshop.

The first line includes ovens (ShZhESM-2K), stoves, electric frying pans SESM-0.2 (SESM-0.5), fryers.

In restaurants, food warmers are also installed in this line, designed for short-term storage of second courses in a hot state.

In the hot shop of the canteen at the manufacturing enterprise, a conveyor oven is used for continuous frying of cutlets, rump steaks, entrecote and other meat products.

In diet canteens for steaming meat, fish, vegetables in perforated containers, a steamer APE-0.23A is used.

The second line provides a workplace for preparing side dishes, sauces and hot drinks. The workplace is equipped with a production table with a washing bath SPM-1500 for sorting and washing cereals; a digester kettle KP-60 for cooking side dishes and sauces; an electric stove for cooking coffee, cocoa in stove-top boilers (and in restaurants - chocolate, oriental coffee, etc.). Rice or pasta in a perforated container is lowered into the boiling water of the boiler using a mobile cart with a lifting platform. The finished side dish is washed in the boiler and unloaded along with the container using the same trolley. Then they are transferred to a functional container, filled with oil.

In restaurants where complex side dishes are mainly prepared, stove-top dishes are used in small quantities. For portioning and decorating dishes, special food warmers are used, as well as production tables with refrigerated slides and cabinets.

To prepare sauces at the workplace, cooking pots are used when it is necessary to prepare a large amount of sauces, or pots of various capacities - when preparing a small amount of sauces. For rubbing vegetables and straining broths, sieves of various shapes or strainers are used. The main sauces (red and white), as a rule, are prepared for the whole day, and derivative sauces for 2-3 hours of selling dishes on the trading floor.

For frying potatoes (fries, pie, etc.), deep fryers of the FESM-20, FE-20-01 type are used.

The third line, intended for the manufacture of culinary products, has several jobs, since the products are made not only for sale through a distribution center, but also through the branches of the enterprise. At workplaces, production tables are installed, on which scales, cutting boards, functional containers and knives for molding products are placed. To wipe cottage cheese, potatoes and other products, a universal machine with a replaceable drive is installed.

In the sauce department of the restaurant, jobs are organized mainly by type of heat treatment. For example, a workplace for frying and browning products and semi-finished products; the second - for cooking, stewing and poaching products; the third - for the preparation of side dishes and cereals.

At the workplace, cooks use cookers (PESM-4, TLM-0.51, PE-0.51Sh, PE-0.17, PESM-4SHB, APN, etc.), ovens (IZHSM- 2K), production tables and mobile racks. When cooking deep-fried dishes (burgers in Kiev, french fries, etc.), on an open fire (grilled sturgeon, grilled meat, grilled poultry, etc.), an electric grill (GE, GEN-10) is included in the heat line , deep fryer (FESM-20, FE-20, FE-20-0.1). Prepared semi-finished products in a grid are immersed in a deep fryer with heated fat, then the finished products, together with a grid or slotted spoon, are transferred to a colander installed on a saucepan to drain excess fat. A separate workplace is allocated for the preparation of shish kebabs. Shish kebabs are portioned on the production table, and fried in a shish kebab oven ShR-2, in which heat transfer occurs by radiation.

Workplaces for cooking, stewing, poaching and baking products are organized taking into account the performance of several operations by cooks at the same time. For this purpose, thermal equipment (stoves, ovens, electric frying pans) are grouped with the calculation of the convenience of the transition of cooks from one operation to another. Auxiliary operations are carried out on production tables installed parallel to the heating line. Thermal equipment can be installed not only in a line, but also in an island way.

Grill bars and fast food establishments use GE electric grills with infrared radiation to fry chicken and other products. Acceleration of the heat treatment of food can be achieved by using microwave devices. In microwave devices, semi-finished products are heated throughout the entire volume of the product due to the properties of electromagnetic waves to penetrate into the product to a considerable depth. In the apparatus, the time for frying beef culinary products is 3.2 minutes, pancakes - 1.5 minutes.

The work of the cooks of the sauce department begins with familiarization with the production program (menu plan), select technological maps, specify the amount of products needed for cooking. In the restaurant, fried and baked dishes are prepared only by order of visitors; labor-intensive dishes that require a lot of time to cook (stews, sauces) are prepared in small batches. At other enterprises in mass production, no matter how much product is prepared, it must be taken into account that fried main courses (cutlets, steaks, entrecote, etc.) must be sold within 1 hour; boiled, poached, stewed main dishes - 2 hours, vegetable side dishes - 2 hours, crumbly cereals, stewed cabbage - 6 hours, hot drinks - 2 hours. In exceptional cases, in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules, forced storage of the remaining food, it must be cooled and store at a temperature of 2-6 ° C for no more than 18 hours. Before selling, chilled food is checked and tasted by the head of production, after which it is necessarily subjected to heat treatment (boiling, frying on a stove or in an oven). The period for the sale of food after this heat treatment should not exceed 1 hour. It is forbidden to mix food leftovers from the previous day with food prepared on the same day, but at an earlier date with newly prepared food.

It is forbidden to leave the next day in the sauce department of the hot shop: pancakes with meat and cottage cheese, minced meat, poultry, fish; sauces; omelets; mashed potatoes, boiled pasta.

Labour Organization. Since the work in the hot shop is very diverse, cooks of various qualifications must work there. The following ratio of cooks in the hot shop is recommended: VI category - 15-17%, V category - 25-27%, IV category - 32-34% and III category - 24-26%.

The production team of the hot shop also includes washers kitchen utensils, kitchen workers.

The cook of the VI category, as a rule, is a foreman or a senior cook and is responsible for organizing the technological process in the workshop, the quality and compliance with the output of dishes, monitors compliance with the cooking technology and culinary products, prepares portioned, specialty, banquet dishes.

The 5th class cook prepares and decorates dishes that require the most complex culinary processing. The cook of the IV category prepares the first and second courses of mass demand, sautés vegetables, tomato puree. The cook of the III category prepares products (cuts vegetables, cooks cereals, pasta, fries potatoes, products from air mass, etc.).

Is a hot shop. The place where most of the technological processes necessary for preparing the main dishes are carried out has several variations of its device, which depend on the format of the enterprise itself.

So, the equipment of the hot shop in the restaurant is very diverse and makes it possible to cook a wide range of dishes at the same time. Meals are served in small (or even single) quantities, based on the wishes of each client. Whereas the kitchen of a large public dining room assumes the uninterrupted delivery of set meals of several varieties and in large volumes, which, of course, determines the special specifics of its design.

general characteristics

In the kitchen, the preparation of broths, sauces, cutting and mixing salads, thermal processing of semi-finished products, frying and stewing meat and vegetables are carried out. The inventory of a hot shop in a large institution should also provide the possibility of baking bread, rolls and confectionery, brewing hot drinks and issuing other gastronomic delights. In addition, it usually processes ingredients intended for an appetizer or dessert.

The scheme and its location in the building relative to other premises primarily depends on the volume of dishes produced. An establishment with several dining rooms can include both several kitchens and one large one, located on the same floor as the hall with the largest number of seats. At the same time, the hot shop should have free access to the warehouse, blank shop, washing and, of course, ideally fit into the distribution system.

The kitchen device includes the assembly of equipment for heat treatment, as well as the connection of electrical and mechanical appliances, electronic scales, tabletop mechanisms for preparing complex dishes with a large number of ingredients.

Equipment location requirements

The scheme of the hot shop directly depends on its strategic location. In addition to all of the above, in the immediate vicinity there should be a spacious and comfortable washing room with a large number of sinks for cleaning kitchen utensils and tableware. The medium-temperature refrigerating cabinet is located strategically - opposite the window for supplying products to the kitchen.

The height at which the ceiling of the room is located must exceed 3 meters. To cover walls and other surfaces, light-colored paint is more often recommended. In addition, panels with ceramic cladding are often installed at a level of up to 1.7 m from the floor. The materials used for finishing the hot shop must be sufficiently waterproof, easy to clean and have an anti-slip structure.

Organizing his workplace, the cook of the hot shop must use equipment installed in sections, which allows you to significantly save the work surface and combine the cooking processes.

Workspace organization

In accordance with the capacity of the institution and the dimensions of the kitchen, the equipment of the hot shop can be located in different ways. In rooms with a small area, it is placed along walls equipped with strong forced ventilation. In parallel, a line is often equipped: a stainless table, as well as surfaces for inspection, cutting, processing and preparing products. In large areas, as a rule, there is not one, but a number of jobs for acting chefs. In such cases, space zoning occurs depending on the specifics of the activity. One cook of the hot shop prepares soups. The other - second courses, etc.

In the zone for preparing liquid dishes, as a rule, there are a cooking boiler, pots of various capacities, pans, a table equipped with a special bath and other devices, and other equipment from the category of small-scale mechanization.

Particular attention in restaurants is paid to the speed of issuing ready-to-serve dishes. Of the equipment in the kitchen of canteens, there is usually a medium-temperature refrigerating cabinet for cooling food. As well as cutting boards, spice containers, cooking pots and a rack.

Hot shop equipment

The main requirement for the equipment of the workshop for the preparation of hot dishes is the efficiency of the working space and the creation of the most productive balance that fully meets the professional needs of the kitchen, depending on its specifics. In this regard, in such premises are used:

  • cutting table;
  • refrigerator;
  • electronic balance;
  • boiler for cooking;
  • beaters, etc.

The most productive work of the staff is helped by the optimization of frying surfaces, grills, devices that combine steam and high temperatures, ovens, cabinets for dough-based preparations, etc. In general, the scheme of the hot shop includes various kinds of features, depending on:

  • type;
  • area;
  • frequency and saturation of visits.

In the most optimized cooking room, there should be both desktop scales and large floor scales - with a dial. Not so long ago, gas or electric stoves were the main heating equipment in the kitchen. Today, professional steam-based boilers for cooking all types of dishes, electric frying surfaces, special barbecue ovens and more are becoming increasingly popular.

Hot Shop Safety

Since the great honor of working in the kitchen is the operation of high-temperature appliances, special attention is paid to safety in addition to the usual hygiene standards. The most common of its rules are as follows:

  • it is allowed to dismantle, clean and lubricate the equipment strictly after it is turned off and when disconnected from power sources;
  • in containers with hot fat (for example, a digester) only dry products are loaded, while the laying is carried out only in the forward direction (“away from you”);
  • Boiling liquid containers weighing more than 15 kg are recommended to be removed from the stove only in pairs.

Knowledge of these rules is subject to regular checks, as well as the scheme of the workshop, as well as compliance with fire safety standards. The latter is one of the most important working conditions in a hot shop. To this end, everyone who enters the kitchen undergoes special training. An unscheduled test of knowledge of fire safety rules is carried out in each individual case, when the production technology changes and new equipment is purchased.

Ventilation in the hot shop

The air exchange system in the kitchen of a restaurant or dining room is very different from the same device in industrial or residential premises. At the same time, the ventilation system in the hot shops of each catering establishment also has its own characteristics, which depend directly on its profile. So, for example, in a small cafeteria or canteen with a small throughput, where from the entire extensive list of professional equipment there is only a cutting table and floor scales, there is no need for abundant air circulation, which cannot be said about establishments with several dozen seats.

A special approach deserves the organization of the ventilation system in the kitchen of the restaurant, which has halls for smoking hookah or tobacco consumption in general. If, for example, in the hot shop of a pizzeria, it is quite enough to provide air exchange with the help of a supply and exhaust scheme for organizing vents and sleeves, then in a large and serious institution one cannot do without complex special equipment. A high concentration of hot vapors, products of thermal processing of food and combustion - all this requires not just elementary air circulation, but powerful ventilation in the form of a serious engineering system.

Hot shop design

To achieve the most productive results when designing a kitchen, due attention should be paid to a whole list of details. Since the main task is to ensure compliance with all technological standards and create maximum comfort for the work of personnel, the project must certainly include a layout for all equipment.

The kitchen is often located so that its windows are on the north side. The equipment in this case must be installed in series in order to provide the most comfortable and efficient circuit, through which all the processes provided by the technology will be properly implemented. At the same time, great importance is attached to compliance with the sanitary and technological rules for such premises, as well as compliance with the high requirements of product processing procedures. The scheme of the hot shop includes cold and hot water supply, as well as ventilation sleeves, hoods and vents.

Ensuring safety at work

The basic requirements for working on each specific equipment come, firstly, from its design. Hazardous high-temperature appliances may only be operated after appropriate instruction. Near such equipment, a fire extinguisher, which is marked on the diagram, must certainly be located. Moreover, a fire-fighting tool kit should be located in each room of the hot shop. It also requires a box with enough sand.

Devices that involve working with high temperatures (for example, a digester) are actively used in every hot shop. In large restaurants, their operation requires the use of different types of fuel, from natural coal to gas for heating. Which necessarily implies following the relevant rules when designing the premises and the location of such equipment in accordance with all fire regulations.

The width of the passage corridors and the number of exits from the premises, representing in their totality evacuation routes in case of fire, must comply with very specific established standards. The scheme of such tracks is usually placed in a conspicuous place in the hot shop, and is also included in its approved plan.

Preparatory procedures

After signing the lease agreement for the premises in which the catering establishment will be located, all available technical documentation should be requested from the landlord. It must certainly include the BTI plan, on the basis of which it is necessary to start designing and drawing up a diagram of the hot shop.

First you need to contact a qualified specialist who will perform all the necessary measurements. Only after that it is possible to start planning the technology by which the workshop will work. Having a ready drawing, you need to decide on the choice of a construction company and suppliers of specialized equipment. Almost all companies involved in the sale of such equipment are simultaneously engaged in the provision of project development services, focusing on the specific tasks that the customer sets for himself when planning his enterprise.

The most common mistake novice restaurateurs make is building an establishment without a ready-made technological project. In this case, the workers begin to organize the electrical wiring and water supply system without regard to any plan, which ultimately, of course, leads to the inability to ensure the work of personnel adequately to the tasks set.

Common Mistakes

An equally important requirement when planning a hot shop is the competent organization of the execution of all construction documents. So, each version of the drawing should have a number indicating when it was approved, and the signature of the compiler. This approach will help to subsequently protect the customer from all sorts of troubles. For example, from such as conducting work according to an irrelevant plan, which fell into the hands of builders due to a misunderstanding.

The most common mistake is to search for production organization technology on the Internet. An attempt to find a suitable scheme for a hot shop on the Web, relying on the similarity of the field of activity, leads to the fact that the future restaurateur orders it from an unfamiliar person and pays a lot of money for it. The resulting material (no matter how high-quality it may be) in this case is completely inapplicable. The main reason for this is the fact that all catering establishments (even those that have an identical format) are individual: different manufacturers and equipment quality.

Technological project

A technological project is one of the main stages on the way to creating an enterprise of any format. His tasks include answering questions regarding the location of the hot shop in accordance with all existing standards, the layout of the premises, taking into account considerations of convenience and economy. The technological design allows avoiding the intersection of the flows of raw materials and finished products and makes the work of the hot shop the most constructive.

Industrial premises occupy more than 40% of any serious enterprise. A competent calculation of all the necessary nuances helps to avoid unnecessary costs associated with the acquisition of excessively productive and energy-intensive equipment, which is not needed, and eliminates the loss of customers.

A competent designer is able to solve the problem of rational arrangement of equipment in such a way that every centimeter of the room will be used as efficiently as possible. Usually, specialists who know the peculiarities of cooking and are well versed in a wide range of equipment are involved in such work.

2. The milk-fat chamber has a temperature of +4°C and is designed to store milk for 36 hours, sour cream for 72 hours, peasant butter for 28-30 days.

3. The storage room for vegetables has a temperature of +7°C and is intended for short-term storage - 5-10 days.

4. The chamber for storing fruits, herbs has a temperature of +4 C. Fruits, berries are stored for 2 days, greens - 1 day.

3. Organization of production

3.1 Operational planning

In the dining room, where the range of dishes is large, the menu mainly includes portioned dishes, so you need to plan in advance the number of dishes produced, taking into account past experience, you can plan the release of the number of semi-finished products and how much food to receive per day from warehouses.

Operational planning of production work includes the following elements:

Drawing up a planned menu for the week, on its basis, develop a menu plan that reflects the daily production program of the enterprise; preparation and approval of the menu;

Calculation of the need for products for the preparation of dishes provided for by the menu plan, and drawing up requirements for raw materials;

Registration of the requirements of the invoice for the release of products from the pantry at the production site and the receipt of raw materials;

Distribution of raw materials between workshops and determination of tasks for chefs in accordance with the menu plan.

The main stage of operational planning is the preparation of a menu plan. The menu plan is drawn up by the head of production on the eve of the planned day (no later than 15:00) and approved by the director of the enterprise.

It contains the names, numbers of recipes and the number of dishes, indicating the timing of their preparation in separate batches, taking into account consumer demand.

To the main factors that must be considered when compiling the menu. They include: an approximate range of products recommended for public catering establishments, depending on the type and type of ration provided, the availability of raw materials and its seasonality.

By approving the menu plan, the director and production manager are responsible for ensuring that the dishes included in the menu are on sale throughout the entire trading day of the enterprise.

At catering establishments with a free choice of dishes, operational planning begins with the preparation of a menu plan for one day in accordance with the turnover.

3.2 Organization of the work of the hot shop

In the hot shop, the heat treatment of products is carried out - one of the main operations of cooking. The hot shop is the central production site of public catering enterprises, since the following technological processes take place here:

Boiling broths;

Heat treatment of semi-finished products and products;

Preparation of the first, second, sweet dishes, as well as sauces, side dishes, drinks.

The hot shop of the canteen of GOU NPOPU-9 is located on the first floor. Combined lighting is used in the workshop, natural lighting is used to the maximum extent.

The hot shop has a convenient connection with the blank shops, with storage facilities and a convenient relationship with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils.

The hot shop is equipped with thermal (EP-4 stoves, ovens, SE-0.22 frying pans, FZ-20 fryers), mechanical (universal drive 1I-II-I, slicer), weight measuring and non-mechanical equipment (production tables SP-1200, SPSM-3, stationary racks SP-125), as well as refrigeration equipment (ShK-0.56).

The broth is cooked in advance, at the end of the shift, in the evening. Stored in the refrigerator.

The working shift of chefs starts at 8:00 am and ends at 4:00 pm.

Fresh cabbage borscht

Characteristics of semi-finished products from fish

Assortment of second courses

Assortment of side dishes

Assortment of side dishes

Processing method

Hydromodule in heat treatment

Output of cereals, pasta

Type of culinary product



Mashed potatoes

cleaning, washing, scrubbing

boiling, wiping

Homogeneous, without lumps, light yellow color

boiled rice

sort out, wash

Fluffy rice, white

Buckwheat porridge

Sort out, pro-wash

Loose porridge

Boiled pasta

Pasta | cream color

3.3. Organization of the work of the cold shop

The cold shop is intended for preparation, portioning, registration of cold dishes and snacks. Its production program is compiled on the basis of the range of dishes sold through the trading floor. The cold shop at the enterprise is located on the same level with the hall.

The cold shop is located next to the hot shop where the heat treatment of products necessary for the preparation of cold dishes is carried out, and the distribution, where the products are sold, but is isolated from all other rooms by a blank partition.

Since the temperature of serving cold dishes is 10-11 degrees, therefore, a refrigerating cabinet ШХ-0.56 is provided in the workshop.

In the cold shop, products are made from products that have undergone heat treatment, as well as from products without additional processing, so it is necessary to distinguish between the production of dishes from raw and boiled vegetables, from fish and meat.

Particular attention is paid to the sanitary condition of the cold shop. The products used to prepare many cold dishes are not subjected to secondary heat treatment before release, so the workshop complies with strict sanitary requirements:

Products used for cooking are stored in
refrigerating chambers at a temperature not higher than 6-8C;

Dishes and utensils are marked and used for their intended purpose;

The temperature regime of storage and distribution of cold dishes is observed 10-14C;

The cook must ensure the cleanliness of his place.

Waste is collected in a special separate tank and taken out twice a day.

3.4 Organization of the work of the vegetable shop

In the canteen, the vegetable shop is located next to the vegetable pantry. Vegetable semi-finished products enter the hot and cold shops, where the production of finished products is completed.

The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, cleaning, post-cleaning after mechanical cleaning, washing, cutting.

In the vegetable shop, a line for processing potatoes and root crops and a line for processing fresh cabbage and other vegetables and herbs are distinguished. The equipment is placed in the course of the technological process.

Equipment for a vegetable shop is selected according to the Standards of Equipment, depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise. The main equipment is production tables, tables for peeling potatoes, washing baths, vegetable undercarriers. Workplaces are equipped with tools, inventory for performing certain operations. Head Production organizes the work of the vegetable shop.

Table Characteristics of semi-finished products from vegetables

Type of vegetables Slicing form Culinary use
Tomatoes Salad "Motley"
cucumbers slice 1=2.5-3; thickness 0.3-0.5 Salad "Motley"
Onion rings d=3-5; section 0.5 Salad "Motley"
Cabbage Fresh cabbage salad with corn
Potato slice 1=2.5-3; thickness 0.3-0.5 Mimosa salad"
Onion straw section 0.2; length 4-5 Seaweed with vegetables
Cabbage straw section 0 2; length 4-5 Salad "Autumn"
Onion straw section 0.2; length 4-5 Salad "Autumn"
Beet straw section 0.2; length 4-5 Salad "Autumn"
Onion half rings d=3-5; section 0.5 Salad "Sea Fantasy"
cucumbers cube 1=1.0 meat salad
Beet straw section 0.2; length 4-5 Beets with cheese, mayonnaise
Potato cube 1=1.0 Ham salad with green peas / |
Beet straw section 0.2; length 4-5 St. cabbage borscht with pork |
Sauerkraut straw section 0.2; length 4-5 St. cabbage borscht with pork 1
Carrot straw section 0.2; length 4-5 Borscht 1
Onion cube 1=1.0 Borsch
Potato slices thickness no more than 0.5 Borsch
Potato slices thickness no more than 0.5 Rassolnik with pork 1
Carrot straw section 0.2; length 4-5 Rassolnik
Onion cube 1=1.0 Rassolnik
Pickles cube 1=1.0 Rassolnik
Onion cube 1=1.0 Solyanka team
Pickles cube 1=1.0 Solyanka team
Carrot cube 1=1.0 Meat salad |
Green onion cube 1=1.0 Pink salmon baked with vegetables
cucumbers straw section 0.2; length 4-5 Mimosa salad"
Potato slice 1=2.5-3,thickness 0.3-0.5 Potato casserole with minced meat
Cabbage straw section 0.2; length 4-5
Carrot cube 1=1.0 Red main sauce
Onion half rings d=3-5; section 0.3 Cabbage stewed with pork
Potato slices thickness no more than 0.5 fish soup
Onion half rings d=3-5; section 0.3 Roast pork

3.5 Organization of the work of the flour shop

The flour shop of the canteen of GOU NPOPU-9 is located on the first floor. Combined lighting is used in the shop, to the maximum extent natural light is used.

1 General characteristics of the enterprise and the services provided

2 Characteristics of the processes and divisions of the enterprise

2.1 Storage of raw materials

2.2 Production shops of the enterprise, their characteristics, area, equipment

2.3 Technological process

3 Architectural and construction part

3.1 General plan of the enterprise

3.2 Structural characteristics of buildings

4 Sanitary and technical part

4.1 Heating, ventilation, air conditioning

4.2 Water supply

5 Energy supply of the enterprise

5.1 Heat supply

5.2 Refrigeration

5.3 Power supply

6 Organization of work on labor protection

7 Measures for environmental protection

8 Organization of production and labor rationing

9 Organization of customer service

10 Organization of enterprise management and personnel management

11 Economic efficiency of the enterprise

11.1 Turnover

11.2 Labor and wages

11.3 Production and distribution costs

11.4 Tax liabilities

11.5 Gross income and profit

11.6 Profitability of the enterprise

List of sources used


Annex A

Annex B


Public catering is a branch of the national economy, which is based on enterprises characterized by the unity of forms of organization of production and customer service and differing in types and specializations.

The development of public catering provides significant savings in social labor as a result of a more rational use of technology, raw materials, materials. Provides workers and employees with hot food during the working day, which increases their efficiency and maintains health. Gives the chance of the organization of the balanced rational food in children's and educational institutions.

The successful activity of an enterprise (firm) is determined by the quality of the services provided, which must: clearly meet certain needs, meet the requirements of the consumer, comply with applicable standards and specifications, comply with current legislation and other requirements of society, be provided to the consumer at competitive prices, ensure profit.

To achieve its goals, the enterprise must take into account all technical, administrative and human factors that affect product quality and safety.

Improving the efficiency of public catering is based on the principles of production intensification common to the entire national economy - achieving high results at the lowest cost of material and labor resources.

Creating the necessary conditions to meet the needs of people in good nutrition at the place of work, study, residence and recreation, improving the quality of service and providing additional services by public catering enterprises are the most important socio-economic tasks of the state.

1 General information about the dining room

1.1 Organization of the canteen

Canteen - a public catering enterprise or serving a certain contingent of consumers that produces and sells lunch products of mass demand in accordance with a menu varied by day.

The job of the canteen is to serve lunch during the big break.

The younger classes have lunch earlier than others. The tables are already set. First or second courses are served, followed by drinks. Portioning is different from high school.

1.2 The relationship of production shopswith other room groups

At each enterprise, in accordance with the technological process of output, production units are organized that form its production infrastructure, which is understood as the composition of its production units (sections, departments, workshops), forms of their construction, placement, production relations.

At each enterprise, two of the most important components are distinguished: the main production, covering all processes directly related to the production of finished products, and the auxiliary production, including the processes of material and technical maintenance of the main production.

Production facilities are larger units compared to workshops that are created at large enterprises where it is necessary to combine several homogeneous or interconnected workshops.

In turn, the main and auxiliary production are divided into workshops, departments, production sites, jobs.

A workshop is a technologically isolated part of an enterprise in which a completed process takes place. Depending on the nature of the technological process and the amount of work, workshops may have production sites, departments or production lines.

Production site - part of the workshop where the completed stage of the production process is carried out.

Branches - larger production units that can be created in large workshops. For example, soup and sauce departments can be created in a hot shop.

Workshops, departments, production sites are divided by the difference in location.

Workplace - a part of the workshop where the labor process is carried out by one or a group of workers performing opted operations.

Distinguish between enterprises with a workshop structure and non-shop.

shop structure organized at enterprises operating on raw materials, with a large volume of production. Workshops are divided into procurement (meat, fish, poultry, meat and fish, vegetable), pre-cooking (hot, cold), specialized (flour, confectionery, culinary). At catering establishments working on semi-finished products, a semi-finished products refinement shop, a greenery processing shop are organized.

Shopless structure production is organized at enterprises with a small volume of the production program, which have a limited range of products at specialized enterprises (snack bars, barbecue, dumplings, dumplings, etc.).

The composition of the premises of public catering enterprises and the requirements for them are determined by the relevant SNiPs, the following main groups of premises are distinguished:

    warehouse group for short-term storage of raw materials and products in refrigerated chambers and unrefrigerated pantries with appropriate storage conditions;

    production team for the processing of products, raw materials (semi-finished products) and the release of finished products; the production group includes the main (harvesting and pre-cooking) workshops, specialized (confectionery, culinary, etc.) and auxiliary (washing, bread-slicing) workshops;

    trade group for the sale of finished products and the organization of its consumption (trading halls with distributing and buffets, culinary shops, a lobby with a wardrobe and bathrooms, etc.);

Administrative group to create normal working and leisure conditions for employees of the enterprise (director's office, accounting, staff wardrobe with showers and bathrooms, etc.). All groups of rooms are interconnected;

The mutual arrangement of the main groups of premises should provide the shortest connections between them without crossing the flows of visitors and service personnel, clean and used dishes, semi-finished products, raw materials and waste;

It is necessary to strive for a compact structure of the building, providing for the possibility of redevelopment of premises in connection with a change in production technology;

    the layout of all groups of premises must meet the requirements of SNiPs, sanitary and fire regulations;

    all production and storage premises must be impassable, entrances to production and amenity premises - from the side of the utility yard, and to trading premises - from the street; they must be isolated from entrances to residential premises;

The layout of retail premises is made along the movement of visitors; the possibility of reducing their movement and ensuring the evacuation of people in case of fire is envisaged.

2 Organization of the work of the hot shop

2.1 Generalrequirements, features of the organization

In the canteen, a workshopless structure of production is organized.

The main workshop is the kitchen. It is divided into sections for the processing of meat, herbs, flour products.

Hot shops are organized at enterprises that perform a full production cycle. The hot shop is the main shop of a public catering enterprise, in which the technological process of cooking is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, broth cooking, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses, as well as heat treatment of cold and sweet products. In addition, the workshop prepares hot drinks and bakes flour confectionery products (patties, pies, kulebyaki, etc.) for clear broths. From the hot shop, ready-made dishes go directly to the dispensing rooms for sale to the consumer.

The hot shop occupies a central place in the catering establishment. In the case when the hot shop serves several trading floors located on different floors, it is advisable to place it on the same floor with the trading floor, and having the largest number of seats. On all other floors there should be distribution rooms with a stove for frying portioned dishes and food warmers. The supply of these finished product dispensers is ensured by means of hoists.

The hot shop should have a convenient connection with the blank
workshops, with storage facilities and a convenient relationship with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils.

Dishes made in a hot shop are distinguished by the following main features:

    type of raw materials used - from potatoes, vegetables and mushrooms; from cereals, legumes and pasta; from eggs from cottage cheese; from fish and seafood; from meat and meat products; from poultry, game, rabbit, etc.;

    cooking method - boiled, stewed, fried, baked;

    consumption patterns - soups, main dishes, side dishes, drinks, etc.;

    appointment - for dietary, school meals, etc.;

    consistency - liquid, semi-liquid, thick, puree, viscous, crumbly.

Dishes of the hot shop must comply with the requirements of state standards of the industry and enterprises, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, technical specifications and be produced according to technological instructions and maps, technical and technological maps in compliance with sanitary rules for public catering establishments.

The production program of the hot shop is drawn up for a week. The menu is provided by OOO Public Catering. The microclimate of the hot shop. According to the requirements of the labor organization, the temperature should not exceed 23 ° C, therefore, supply and exhaust ventilation should be more powerful (air speed - 1-2 m / s); relative humidity - 60-70%. To reduce the effect of infrared rays emitted by heated frying surfaces, the stove area should be 45-50 times smaller than the floor area.

The hot shop should be equipped with modern equipment: thermal, refrigeration, mechanical and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, cooking pots, electric fryers, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, as well as production tables and racks.

Depending on the type and power, the use of mechanical equipment in the hot shop (universal drive, mashed potato machine) is envisaged.

Equipment for the hot shop is selected according to the standards for equipping with trade, technological and refrigeration equipment in accordance with the type and number of seats in the enterprise, its mode of operation, the maximum load of the trading floor during peak hours, as well as forms of service. So, in restaurants where first courses are prepared in small batches, less stationary cooking pots are required than in canteens with the same number of seats.

In a hot shop, for the convenience of organizing the processes of preparing hot dishes, it is advisable to use sectional modulated equipment that can be installed in an island way, or organize several production lines for preparing broths and first and second courses, side dishes and sauces.

Sectional modulated equipment saves production space by 5-7%, increases the efficiency of equipment use, reduces fatigue of workers, and increases their ability to work.

Distribution at catering establishments performs the function of selling ready-made meals. Fast customer service largely depends on the work of distribution lines, which means an increase in the throughput of the trading floor and an increase in the output of own production.

Distribution is an important area of ​​production, since the estate here, when the finished product is issued, the production process is completed. The fuzzy work of the dispensary can lead to a decrease in the quality of ready-made dishes and a deterioration in customer service.

Distribution rooms should have a convenient connection with hot and cold shops, a trading floor, a bread slicer and washing tableware, and in a restaurant - with a service, buffets, and a bar counter.

By its location, the distribution room can be a continuation of the hot shop, being in the same room with it.

In restaurants, small and medium-sized enterprises, the distribution of finished products is entrusted to the chefs who prepared it. This increases their responsibility for the quality, design and correct yield of dishes. At self-service enterprises, when the trading floor is open for a long time, the dishes are released by the distributors.

Distribution lines are classified according to three features: the design features of the equipment used, the range of products sold and the way they are sold to consumers.

In accordance with the first sign of distribution, they are divided into non-mechanized, mechanized and automated; according to the second attribute, they are divided into distributions that sell dishes on the menu with a free choice of dishes, and with complex types of food, according to the third - into specialized, universal and combined. The use of each of them depends on the layout of the trading floor, the capacity of the enterprise, the intensity of the flow of visitors, as well as the forms of service used.

2.2 Organization of supply.Supplier selection

In large firms, at catering establishments, regardless of the type of ownership, supply departments are created, at small enterprises an employee is appointed responsible for organizing the supply. The supply department, as a rule, works independently, performing its specific functions. With a logistic approach to the work of an enterprise, the supply service is the cement of a micrologistic system that ensures the passage of a material material flow in the supply chain - production-sales.

Logistics is the planning, organization and control of activities for the movement of material flow from the point of purchase of raw materials to the point of the final consumer. Ensuring a high degree of consistency in the management of material flows between the supply service and the production and marketing services is the task of the logistics organization of the enterprise as a whole.

To provide the enterprise with food products, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    what to buy;

    how much to buy;

    from whom to buy;

    under what conditions to buy.

In addition, you need:

    enter into a contract;

    control the execution of the contract;

    organize delivery;

    organize warehousing and storage.

At public catering establishments, a list of potential suppliers should be formed, which is constantly updated and supplemented.

The compiled list of suppliers is analyzed on the basis of special criteria. Often, when choosing suppliers, they are limited by the price and quality of the products supplied, as well as the reliability of supplies.

2.3 Stocks of products, their importancefor the rhythmic work of the enterprise

Acceptance of goods at catering establishments is an important part of the technological process. Acceptance is carried out in two stages. Products are received according to the ordered quantity and quality.

First step - preliminary. Acceptance of products by quantity is carried out according to waybills, invoices, by recalculating containers, weighing, etc. If the goods arrived in good packaging, in addition to checking the gross weight, the company has the right to demand opening the container and checking the net weight.

Second phase - final acceptance. The net weight and the number of trade units are checked simultaneously with the opening) of the container, but no later than 10 days, and for perishable products - no later than 24 hours from the moment of acceptance of the goods. The tare weight is checked simultaneously with the acceptance of the goods. If it is impossible to weigh products without containers (pickles, sauerkraut in barrels, sour cream, cottage cheese in cans), the net weight is determined as the difference between the gross and tare weights. In case of discrepancy between the actual tare weight, the results of the check are drawn up in an act on the veil of the tare, which must be drawn up no later than 10 days after its release. Each container (box, flask, box) must have a marking label indicating the date, hour of manufacture and the deadline for sale.

If a shortage is detected, a unilateral act on the identified shortage is drawn up. This product is stored separately, its safety is ensured, and the supplier for perishable goods is called immediately after a shortage is discovered. For the rest, no later than 24 hours. The supplier for perishable goods must appear within 4 hours after the call, for the rest - no later than the next day. After completion of the final acceptance, an act is drawn up in 3 copies.

Simultaneously with the acceptance of goods by quantity, the goods are also accepted by quality. The term for quality control for perishable goods is 24 hours, for non-perishable goods - 10 days.

Acceptance of goods by quality is carried out organoleptically (by appearance, color, smell, taste). At the same time, compliance with standards, TU is checked. Certificates or certificates of quality are attached to transport documents, which indicate the date of manufacture, the period of implementation, the name of the company; hygiene certificates (indicating the permissible and actual levels of heavy metals).

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", sanitary norms and rules, the goods must be safe for the health of consumers.

It is forbidden to take:

    meat of all types of farm animals without a stamp and a veterinary certificate;

    poultry and eggs without a veterinary certificate, as well as from farms that are unfavorable for salmonellosis;

    canned food with leakage, bombing;

    vegetables and fruits with signs of rot;

    salted, pickled, dried mushrooms without a quality document;

    crop products without a quality certificate.

If a quality discrepancy is found, an act is drawn up in the presence of the supplier on the quantity of low-quality products.

In order to ensure the uninterrupted operation of production facilities for the sale of products in a sufficient range, taking into account consumer demand, commodity stocks are necessary.

Commodity stocks should be minimal, but sufficient for the smooth operation of the enterprise. For public catering establishments, the following norms of commodity stocks are recommended under normal storage conditions:

    non-perishable products (flour, sugar, cereals) - 8-10 days;

    perishable products (meat, fish, poultry, etc.) - 2-5 days;


Excess stocks increase storage losses, slow down the turnover of goods, complicate accounting, clutter up storage facilities, and worsen storage conditions.

2.4 Sequence of warehouse operations

Warehouses of public catering establishments are used to receive products, raw materials and semi-finished products from suppliers, their short-term storage and release. Warehouse premises can be located in separate rooms, as well as on the first, basement and basement floors. They must have a convenient connection with the production facilities. The layout of storage facilities is carried out in the direction of movement of raw materials and products, while ensuring the most rational implementation of warehouse operations and loading and unloading operations.

Large firms (joint stock companies), which unite not only enterprises, as a rule, have central warehouses, from there the products go to the warehouses of public catering enterprises included in these associations. Such a warehouse may be intended for the storage of goods of one company (a warehouse for individual use), or it may be leased to individuals or legal entities (a warehouse for collective use) under leasing conditions. Warehouses can be workshops serving the workshop in which they are usually located (storerooms of the daily supply of products, confectionery workshop).

The set of works performed in different warehouses is approximately the same.

Any warehouse processes at least three types of material flows: input, output and internal.

The presence of an input stream means the need to unload vehicles, check the quantity and quality of the cargo that has arrived. The output stream determines the need for loading onto a transport port or leave for production, the internal one - the need to move the cargo inside the warehouse.

In general, the complex of warehouse operations is the following sequence:

    unloading transport;

    acceptance of goods;

    storage placement;

    release of goods from storage places;

    intra-warehouse movement of goods.

2.5 Space-planning and sanitaryhygiene requirementsto warehouses

The internal layout of the warehouse must meet the following requirements:

    ensure the use of the most rational way of placing and stacking goods;

    exclude the negative impact of some goods on others during storage;

    avoid counter, cross movements of goods

    to ensure the possibility of using the means of mechanization of modern technology.

To ensure the smooth operation of warehouses, certain space-planning and sanitary and hygienic requirements are imposed on the warehouses of public catering enterprises.

2.5.1 Space-planning requirements:

Storage area should be compact, for each
goods allocated area;

The equipment must be rationally placed, and
required area for driveways, etc.

The height of storage facilities located in the basement floors must be at least 2.5 m; cooled chambers - not less than 2.4 m;

    transport access and unloading of products should be carried out from the side of the household yard;

    unloading platforms, platforms for unloading several vehicles at once are provided for the acceptance of goods

    for the descent of goods into the basement, special hatches with doors and ramps are equipped;

    cooled chambers should be placed in one block i with a common vestibule.

2.5.2 Sanitary and hygienic requirements:

To comply with sanitary rules, the walls in the warehouses must be protected from the penetration of rodents and painted with oil paint, and the walls of the refrigerated chambers are lined with tiles for systematic wet cleaning;

    lighting in vegetable pantries and refrigerated chambers should only be artificial; in other storage areas, lighting, in addition to artificial, can also be natural; coefficient of natural lighting 1:15 (ratio of window area to floor area), artificial lighting rate - 20 W per 1 m 2;

    ventilation in warehouses should be natural and mechanical (exhaust);

    floors should provide safe and convenient movement of goods, people and vehicles;

    the width of the warehouse corridors is 1.3-1.8 m, and if trolleys are used, 2.7 m.

3 Organization of food storage

3.1 Mode and methods of storage

When storing raw materials and products, the requirements of sanitary standards must be observed in accordance with SanPiN 42-123-4117-86 Conditions, terms of storage of especially perishable products. Responsibility for compliance with and control of sanitary rules is borne by the heads of enterprises producing and transporting perishable products, catering trade enterprises. Control over compliance with sanitary rules is assigned to the bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Of great importance is the correct placement of goods, taking into account the maximum use of the warehouse area, the possibility of using mechanisms, ensuring the safety of personnel, and prompt accounting of inventory items. To prevent losses and damage to products, it is necessary to ensure the optimal mode of storage of goods in warehouses in accordance with their physical and chemical properties; The storage mode provides for a certain temperature, air velocity, relative humidity. During storage, you should strictly monitor compliance with the terms of the sale of products, especially perishable ones. So, large-sized semi-finished products from meat are stored for 48 hours at a temperature of 2-6 ° C, portioned semi-finished products without breading - 36 hours; portioned breaded semi-finished products - 24 hours; semi-finished minced meat products - 12 fish of all types - 48 hours at a temperature of O-2°C; frozen fish - 24 hours at the same temperature; lactic acid products are stored for no more than 36 hours at a temperature of 2-6°C.

There are several ways to store and stacking raw products.

Shelving - products are stored on shelves, shelving cabinets; with this method, it is protected from dampness, as air is accessed to the lower layers. In this way, food is stored in boxes, butter, cheese, bread, wine in bottles (in a horizontal position to wet corks).

Stacked - products are stored on pallets; and store products in containers that can be stacked in stable stacks with a height of not more than 2 m; bags with sugar, flour are laid flat, no more than 6 bags high.

Box - fruits, vegetables, eggs, etc. are stored in boxes.

Bulk - products are stored in bulk - in bins, chests-containers, bunkers without containers, and on the side of the walls and the floor they leave a space of 10-20 cm for free access to air; Ha; potatoes are stored in this way (height no more than 1.5 m), root crops (0.5 m), onions (0.3 m).

Suspended - used to store raw materials and products in a suspended state, this is how smoked meats and sausages are stored. Meat in carcasses, half carcasses, quarters is stored hanging on tinned hooks, without carcasses touching each other and with walls using hooks.

To ensure the correct storage regime, it is prohibited to keep food products outside the storage facilities (in the corridors, at the unloading area, etc.); finished products, gastronomic products - together with raw ones; goods that easily absorb smell (eggs, dairy products, bread, tea, etc.) - with pungent smelling goods (fish, herring, etc.); products - with empty containers.

Violation of the established rules and regimes of storage, transportation and distribution of goods can lead to product losses. They are divided into two types: standardized and non-standardized.

Normalized losses are within the limits of natural loss (shrinkage, weathering, cracking, spray, spill). Natural loss occurs as a result of changes in the physical and chemical properties of products during storage. Attrition rates are set for all types of products. Attrition is written off during the inventory period, if a shortage is found in the warehouse Calculations for attrition are made by the accounting department and approved by the director of the enterprise.

To unnormalized losses include fight, spoilage of products. These losses arise as a result of unsatisfactory conditions for the transportation and storage of products, as well as due to mismanagement of storeroom workers. Losses from battle and damage to products are drawn up by an act no later than the next day after they are established. The cost of damaged products is recovered from the guilty persons.

4 The order of release of products for production

Release of products is one of the important final operations of the warehouse cycle. From the storage facilities of a public catering enterprise, products are sold to production, to branches, canteens according to the requirements drawn up by financially responsible persons (manager of production bartenders). Based on the requirement, the accounting department draws up requirements-invoices, which are signed by the chief accountant and the head of the enterprise, and after the release of the goods by the warehouse manager and the materially responsible person who received the goods. Upon receipt of products from the warehouse, they are checked for compliance with their requirements-waybills in terms of assortment, weight and quality, as well as the serviceability of the container.

Before the release, the storekeeper opens the container, checks the quality of the goods, sorts and cleans them. When dispensing a product, the storekeeper observes the order: the goods that arrived earlier are put in the first place, first dry products, then from the refrigerated chambers, and lastly - potatoes, vegetables.

The storekeeper is obliged to prepare measuring containers, weighing equipment, inventory, tools.

Upon receipt of the products, financially responsible persons must make sure that the scales are in good condition, check the tare weight, product quality, the timing of the sale of goods sold, monitor the accuracy of weighing and notes on the invoice.

5 Organization of container economy

5.1 Purposeand container classification. container requirements

A container is a commodity packaging used in the transportation and storage of goods. It is designed to ensure the safety of the quantity and quality of goods, protects them from external influences, losses and damage. All goods and products that are processed or sold by public catering establishments are delivered in containers. Various physical and chemical properties of raw materials, products, finished products determine the need to use various types of containers.

Packaging is classified according to four main features:

    according to the type of material, the container is divided into wooden, glass, metal, fabric, cardboard and paper, plastic, different;

    according to the degree of rigidity, i.e. the ability to resist mechanical influences - hard, semi-rigid, soft;

    according to the degree of specialization - into universal and specialized; universal packaging is used for several types of goods;

    according to the frequency of use, the container is single-turn and multi-turn (used repeatedly).

Reusable packaging, in turn, is divided into inventory, owned by a particular supplier enterprise, having its inventory number, and public containers coming from different suppliers; The use of reusable containers allows you to significantly reduce the number of containers in circulation. At present, the use of multi-turn packaging equipment is becoming more and more widespread, which is; containers and equipment. These are special structures that simultaneously perform the role of external packaging, a vehicle for warehouse equipment. The most common in public catering establishments is a unified container in the form of containers and means of their movement. These containers are intended for storage, preparation, transportation of semi-finished products from procurement and industrial enterprises to public catering establishments, short-term storage, cooking and distribution of dishes.

Technical, operational, self-packaging and hygienic, environmental requirements are imposed on containers.

It is important to increase the level of unification, and improve standards and specifications. Certain requirements are imposed on containers in accordance with GOSTs. The technical requirements include the requirements for material, dimensions, as well as strength, reliability, ensuring the complete safety of the packaged products and multiple use of containers.

The operational requirements for containers provide for the convenience of packaging, unpacking, acceptance, transportation, storage, and sale of goods.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements require the provision of the possibility of rapid sanitization and disinfection. Environmental friendliness of the container - its harmlessness, the ability to eliminate environmental pollution during the disposal of the container.


It is recommended to prepare complex breakfasts, lunches for two age groups: the first - for students of grades I-V, the second - for students of grades VI-XI. In large cities, school catering plants are being created, which centrally supply school canteens with semi-finished products, flour culinary and confectionery products. The working hours of school canteens are coordinated with the school administration.Report on practice at Alfa Hotel Abstract >> Physical culture and sports

Character. At the service entrance canteen for staff and directly next to... you must immediately contact the department on work with staff. Personal items can be... the following; 1. Data forwarding on expenses. 2. Withdrawal reports on credit cards. 3. ...