Statuses about nasty people. Statuses about a person

Where does a person have so much strength to smile when a part of the soul has been taken away. We are not people with spiritual experience, but souls with human experience...

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One word can change your mind. One feeling can change your life. One person can change you...

Where does a person have so much strength to smile when a part of the soul has been taken away. We are not people with spiritual experience, but souls with human experience... Loving is not difficult. The main thing is to find a person who needs it. Nothing adorns a person like friendship with one’s own head. If you want to be a happy person, don’t rummage through your memory…. So the day has come - when the heartbeat goes off scale - everyone! Every person in EUROPE! Nine out of ten people say they love chocolate. The tenth person is always lying Vodka shows what kind of person he really is. Dust. Quiet. The street is empty. Wet, merciless snow is falling. I am lonely and sad today. Somewhere, after all, my man is wandering ... Until the age of 25, a person has the appearance given to him by God, after 25 to 40 - the one that he provided for himself, after 40 - the one which he deserved. To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.
To the world you may be just one person, but to a person you can be the whole world. The strong man- this is not one that can afford a lot, but one that can give up a lot. If you love a person for who he is, then you love him. If you are trying to radically change it, then you love yourself. That's all. A boxer is a person whose right works much faster than thoughts. As long as a person feels pain, he is alive. As long as a person feels someone else's pain, he is a person. Sports boxing is not status for you, it is a science that tests a person for strength. When you are dear to a person, he will definitely answer you even to a message to which there is essentially nothing to say. If a person really needs you, both about pride and about your character forget. Reading the status of a person dear to you, you always want it to be written about you. Now in my life there is one person for the sake of whose call I will wake up at any hour of the night. I am proud of two people: Gagarin and Newton. One tried to escape from this planet, and the second proved that the first one would not succeed ... Status is not the most important thing in life, the main thing is what kind of person you are. laugh. And look forward to It's so easy to believe a person when he tells you what you wanted to hear... Wrote my resume. Printed out. I reread it. She burst into tears. What am I anyway wonderful person. Maybe I'm not the most ideal person, but I love you with all my heart) There are many values ​​\u200b\u200bin life ... someone loves a loved one, someone has a best friend, but when there is neither one nor the other, the MOST faithful friends- friend contact and girlfriend Asya The lazier a person, the more his work resembles a feat. Do not say that you are the most unfortunate person in the world. you just can't find happiness in yourself
The indifference of one person can lead to the feeling that the whole world has turned away from you The most influential person after a corporate party is the one who has pictures ... And only a Russian person, having drunk warm vodka in the 30-degree July heat, can sing “Oh, frost-frost, don’t freeze me…” The less a person has friends, the more he appreciates them, rather than a person who has hundreds of them. Once having given his heart to football, he will be faithful to this game for the rest of his life! Man can do anything! This is what is worrying. -Mikhail Genin “A man who has no imagination, has no wings” - Muhammad Ali I need a man who would not drive me crazy, but go crazy with me ... Only a Russian person, crossing the road at a red light, maybe shot down by a pedestrian running towards you =)))) A friend is a person who knows everything about you, but still loves =) A coward is much more often drawn into quarrels than a courageous person. And our boss is a man of his word. And this word is a redneck If a person thinks too often about his tomorrow's happiness, he may simply not notice today's happiness .. A person is doomed to freedom - Sartre J.-P. Man is not the answer. A person is a question - Tillich P. A friend is a person with whom I can be sincere. In his presence, I can think aloud.

The more primitive a person, the higher his opinion of himself. (Remark)

good people are weaker than bad ones \Pliny ml 61-114\

A person must be judged not only by his deeds, but also by his aspirations

Man is the greatest beast in the world.

People are more moral than they think and much more immoral than they can imagine.
Sigmund Freud

People become the tools of their tools.
Henry David Thoreau

Each person individually is mortal, but collectively people are eternal.

"If people always thought about the success of their enterprises, they would do nothing" (Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, German playwright and critic of the 18th century)

"Man perishes, work remains" (Lucretius)

"If opposing opinions are not expressed, then there is nothing to choose from the best" (Herodotus)

When will man conquer interhuman space?
Lets S. E.

Man is a creature that gets used to everything, and, I think, this is the most best definition person.
Dostoevsky F. M.

A person is just a short-lived vessel for digesting food, he wants to enjoy life, and death lies in wait for him.
Aldington R.

Man is the whole world, if only the basic impulse in him were noble.
Dostoevsky F. M

Some are people not in essence, but only in name.

How magnificent is a man, if he is a real man!

A sane person should beware of enmity and bitterness.

The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people.
Pascal Blaise

Being a good person means not only not doing injustice, but also not wanting it.

We are human beings and our destiny is to learn and be involved in imperceptible new worlds.
Carlos Castaneda

There are a lot of nice people - few useful ones.
Igor Karpov

People are loved not least by those who still do not want to develop a relationship with each specific person.
Evgeny Bagashov

There are many people in the world - good and different, only different - much more.
Yuri Tatarkin

And there is a benefit from people - they relieve boredom.
Vadim Mozgovoy

A capable person is capable of anything.
Nikolai Sudenko

All people are equally poor. It's just that the rich have a cheaper ruble.
Unknown (Humor)

The more I get to know people, the more I like dogs.
Unknown (Miscellaneous)

People are the messengers of justice and love, therefore we are obliged to condemn any manifestation of injustice.
Verna Dozier

There are no invisible people, there are only unnoticed.
Valery Afonchenko

Good people want to have a lot of money, and bad people want even more.
Georgy Alexandrov

All people are the same in their uniqueness.
Olga Muravieva

It is easier to accept people for who they are than to remake them all in accordance with your claims.
Dina Dean

And what God has created is subject to corruption. For example, people.
Valentin Domil

Not everyone who has gone out into the world manages to remain a man.
Valentin Domil

Noble people spend their money on wasting time.
Necker Suzanne

People are different: some quickly grasp, others quickly grab.
Sergey Skotnikov

Noble people remember everything, prudent people forget nothing.
Don Aminado

By nature, people are close to each other; according to their habits, people are far from each other.

For an ordinary person, all people look the same.
Blaise Pascal

When they hit on a coat, then the blows fall on the person who is wearing this coat.
Heinrich Heine

Let's be human at least until science discovers that we are something else.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

That which does not serve others dies.
Elbert G. Hubbard

People live the best they can. And when they can't, they suffer.
Leonid Krainev-Rytov

Statuses about people, statuses about people, status about a person

There can't be many friends in life, the real one is one. All the rest are friends, acquaintances, just people around you at a certain point in time and who are nearby.

The world cannot be divided into good and bad people. In any person, whatever he may be, there are two sides, one of them is light, the second is dark. It matters where you end up, on which side…

Why does everyone forget the good things so quickly? - Because happiness does not leave scars in the soul ...

At the bottom of my heart, very deeply, I treat people well ... But I would be incredibly glad that some individuals die ...

Best Status:
Who said that I should be nice to people who are not of interest to me, so, just a face on the profile picture, and pretend that I'm pleased?

A naive fool… He still believes in the good in people, being disappointed and getting bumps, he says enough is enough! And keep on believing...

Good people have one bad trait- they are going away.

The world can change good man, the question is in which direction?

With a bad person, it can be good .... With a good person, it’s bad ... That’s why I’m with you ... 🙂

There are no bad good people. All people are divided into friends and foes. They forgive even the bad. And they don’t forgive even good things to strangers. (C)

Kindness is within us!

Kindness is what the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Mark Twain

Kindness gives a person strength if life is difficult for him.

I want to say that every person is looking for someone with whom he feels good and comfortable. And then it doesn’t matter what hair color you have, height ... It’s completely different, it’s important what place you occupy in this person’s life !!

We say: “No one needs (needs) me” when we are not really needed by one and only person. We say: “I can handle it” when we are embarrassed to ask for help. We say: “You are a good friend” when we forget to add :"...but you can't be anything more to me"

Damn, why is there no “I DON’T like it” - why is there only kindness around ?!

Believe me, everyone has kindness. In some it can be seen with the naked eye, while in others it is hidden under problems, insults .. You need strength to find it ..

Nothing scares a person more than sudden kindness.

Being kind is noble. But showing others how to be kind is even nobler and less troublesome. Mark Twain

They say when you love a person you wish him the best, even if he is with another girl. [okay, let him be happy with someone scarier than me]]]

All people are similar .. It’s just that women are more psychologically more sintemental .. they kind of wait, count hours, minutes, seconds .. and the guy, he won’t wait .. he’ll go drink beer, have a good rest with friends, while we are killing ourselves

Today I am kindness itself, I will not kill anyone today ^_^

I want to take a BANAL PERSON for his big head, which is clogged with banal and paranoid thoughts, and shake until all those minutes that I spent so mediocrely on him answering boring dull questions like HELLO! HOW ARE YOU DOING? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?, friends, let's not be so banal and take the initiative towards eloquence .. OK? :)))

The person who tries to laugh with sadness and seem happy looks funny. And don’t lie that everything is fine, even though you laugh, your eyes are sad. (Girlfriend)

Kindness in words breeds trust. Kindness in thought improves relationships. Kindness in deeds gives rise to love.

Don't be afraid to be good.

We never miss a person. Remember NEVER!!! we miss the fairy tale for the feelings that he gave us. for those moments when we were good. we are all selfish...

depression .... I try to help two, well, maybe three people who are just friends for me .... and those whom I call “the best” simply asked, what is it? and in response, mm ((((…… and so you wait for what exactly they will write that everything will be fine… but they are silent, and their status is having fun… and you sit and quietly wipe the drops of tears from the table….

God created heaven and earth and said: “Let there be light!” And it became so. He separated the light from the darkness and saw that it was good. And God said: “Let the water gather and dry land appear!” And it became so. He created people in his own image and likeness and gave them… THE INTERNET!

good kind person to be, not to seem. Ali Apsheroni

Sometimes God wants us to meet a few bad people, before we meet a good person, so that in the end, when we meet a good person, we understand what a great gift he is for us ...

And do not think that your kindness is in courage and strength: if you can rise above anger, forgive and love the one who offended you, then you will do the best that you could do to a person ....

I'm a very contradictory person..I wanted to meet a good guy...I met..and after a few days of dating I really wanted to teach him a bad guy 😉

Kindness cannot be given away forever - it always comes back.

Do not be afraid to say what you feel for a person ... If this is mutual, you will be together, if you are a good friend for him (her), then you will remain friends, and if he sends, then this is another fucker in your life. don't waste your time...

It is impossible to be good for everyone... And if a person has enemies, then he is really worth something

Loneliness is on the heels. I'm sure that everyone had such moments when during the day you feel the fullness of communication and it would seem that everything is okay! Yes, and good people surround you! But you come home in the evening, alone, and start scrolling through the pictures in your head .And you understand that this is superficial, but your soul remained untouched. That we live with superficial feelings of joy. But we don’t feel the depth.

I don't believe in my kindness. But I believe that other people are kind. So somehow live calmer.

Maybe, he thought, such things as bad or Good friends, simply does not exist, and friends are always just friends - those people who stand shoulder to shoulder with you in Hard time and ready to help you. Probably, they are always worth worrying about and living for them, maybe even dying for them, if necessary. Not good friends. And not bad friends. Just the people you want to see, who have a place in your heart.

I don’t see anything abnormal in loneliness. I feel good alone. People greatly exaggerate the meaning of their love. It is not always so important. The same applies to life ...

I am tormented by the question of the value of people, including me ... How can I cost a lot? hair, 100 because I'm alive, and 50 because I'm not alone .. Total 170 rubles ... Not so much .. but with this money I can buy myself my favorite white rose that smells like summer. .Great

If a person feels bad, then he puts an ellipsis ... if a person feels good, then he puts a smiley 🙂, and if a person hides tears behind a smile, then ...)))

Only one person out of five drives a car well, and he always sits next to the driver

a strong person is not the one who is doing badly, but who is doing well, regardless of what

If the day is bad, it only ends faster. Wake up. Smile. And forward to the people. Because everything will be. Everything will be fine.

With all your talents, you still have one significant drawback. You are a good person. This is not allowed.(c)

All the good people have died. Innocence is no longer in fashion.

Kindness will always prevail over beauty. Heinrich Heine

Kindness is almighty, let's be kinder)

Today I am kindness itself: "P

Often people say “God, why is this all for me” and think why he does not give them any signs, is silent ... He just does not understand why we are killing ourselves ... everything is fine after all ...

the person reading these lines now, smile, everything is fine with you =)

It's time for all the good people to get together, put all the bad people on their knees and brutally kill them!!

Even in the worst person, you can find something good if you search him carefully.

Everything can be resisted, but not against kindness. J.-J. Rousseau

Every person in the soul should have a place for the so-called cemetery of loved ones. A person leaves your life, and you no longer remember him in any way: neither bad nor good. He is dead.

A good mood is kindness and wisdom together. O. Meredith

It's so easy to be kind. You just need to imagine yourself in the place of another person before you start judging him. Marlene Dietrich

Come to me, buy something for tea. -Okay, I'm with the roll! -Like this?! And what about in winter? People can't shit only in summer!!!

If a person is good, it doesn't matter what color his Maybach is...

There must be many good people. Turns out I'm a bad ass.

An acquaintance is a person we know well enough to borrow money from him, but not well enough to lend him.

Kindness is for the soul what health is for the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in every business. L.N. Tolstoy

New Year's is good, but birthdays are better. You can meet new people and celebrate it every month =)

Laughter and smile is the door through which all human kindness enters us.

People often do not notice all the good things that happen to them. But when bad things happen, people understand ... how good they felt ... THEN ....

Kindness was a word that could be found in dictionaries, but rarely in human souls.

Only good people play the guitar ... No, well, you think, why does the rest need it?

Pops is when a bad person feels good, and Blues is when a good person feels bad ...

He is very kind... I have seen so many smart, cool, businesslike people... But it doesn't matter if there is no kindness.

And you just appreciate those people who are next to you. When you feel good and when you feel bad, when it's fun and when it's sad. Always, in all your moments of life.

I saw there earlier, the statuses in which they speak badly about Kirill ... people and you yourself are insignificant if you don’t understand that the guy is just trying to find at least the slightest thread in order to be close to his girl !!! Support the boy better ... KIRYUKHA YOU ARE GREAT, and those who are not able to understand WHAT IS LOVE are allowed to nurse! Everything will be alright)))

Don't love anyone and everyone will like you. Send the whole world to hell and you will be admired. People don't appreciate a good relationship....

Why so much hatred and anger in people? And where are the kindness and understanding.

Why, if a person is in a good mood, everyone thinks that he is either stoned or has gone crazy ?!

I believe that the really true religion is the Good Heart.

It is unlikely that anyone falls in love with a woman just because she is kind - otherwise Mother Teresa would have to disperse the admirers with a stick.

Sometimes it's awfully good to know a person... he promised to call. You sit on the phone and wait for his call, knowing that he will not call ....

It's good when people have some general jokes that are quite difficult to explain to an outsider.

When the life of some very good person suddenly stops, for some reason you begin to understand that a problem like “I had a fight with a guy” is not a problem at all ..

It’s bad to be friends with the opposite sex, you start to get used to communicating with him and lose contact with your own kind. One person told me: “Naska, you are a great friend, but I would not dare to be your half. You know too much about us!” this is how it happens)

no matter what Lexus, the main thing is a good person !!!

And only my grandmother knows how to put a person from heaven on a snake: - Everything is so good, my happiness has lasted so long, everything is so smooth ... - Granddaughter, this is the calm before the storm!

Kindness is not letting the people around you be scum. N. Kuznetsova

A person's vision is very selective - he sees his misfortune well and badly his guilt. But if he looks at others - and vice versa

We have a good team ... but the people are shit!

Sometimes, we simply do not notice those people who are always there and ready to give us a lot of smiles and love. They want to be with us regardless of our actions and appearance. But we ourselves put spokes in our wheels. We look completely at others, to whom we are parallel ... But when the time comes to change something, it is too late. Those good people leave your life, and then you begin to truly love them .

Many try to live other people's lives. Their thoughts are other people's opinions, their lives are mimicry, their passion is quotations. The ability to quote well hides the absence of one's own ideas. (c) Kurt Cobain

It doesn't matter what they say about your friends: if you like them and you feel good with them, then they are exactly the people who should be around - regardless of age and social status.

As I said, people don't change. However, people change. Someone lives alone because they sacrificed their personal happiness for the sake of a child. Someone every day promises to quit smoking the very next day, but again does not do it. From black to white, from bright colors to gray... There is everything: a little good, a little bad...

When people write to you on ICQ and put a bracket or a smiley at the end of a sentence - don't be afraid, everything is fine) When people put an exclamation point, question marks or dots at the end of a sentence - don't be afraid, everything is fine ... When people put a full stop - don't be afraid, everything is fine .But if people do not put anything at the end of the sentence ... - BE AFRAID, they do not care about you

Fate plays with a person like in Tetris, twists and turns him only to finally insert it well.

I don’t need people who say “everything is fine!”, I need those who say “everything sucks, but I'm with you!”

She walks down the cold street, but does not feel cold. She does not cry, does not think about how much she has earned, she is in a kind of spiritual stupor - I think this is called "in a trance." There are people who were born into the world to go through life alone, this is not bad and not good, this is life.

Every day we are surrounded by a huge number of people: at school and work, during leisure and, of course, at home. What can be said about people? They possess different characters, completely different from each other. It is safe to say that no two personalities or characters are the same. But how, among this huge stream, do we choose those who suit us? The fact is that there are people who are compatible and vice versa. This is often mentioned in statuses with meaning about people - people have different characters, and this is something familiar and ordinary for our lives.

Statuses about people can tell a lot. In fact, they will become real teachers and mentors for some people. In situations where you absolutely do not know what to do, it is such statements that will help you understand, sort through and find answers to much-needed questions. After all, people will not always please us with their behavior, because in life there are all sorts of situations. Just do not rush to conclusions, but ask your relatives, friends for advice, or just read the statuses with meaning about people. They will tell you what to do in this or that vicissitudes of life, they will give practical advice.

About good people statuses

In fact, each person needs to go through many life lessons to understand all the intricacies of communicating with people and remember one important thing - people can hardly always do what we like. Therefore, if a person is dear to you, just accept him as he is, with flaws and virtues, but do not try to correct him. All people are different, and we can’t like everything, just like we are around people. This is the law of life, which must be remembered always and everywhere. By reading statuses about people, you will understand this much faster, and life will become easier and more enjoyable. And find the most interesting and cool statuses about people you will find on our portal.