Rostelecom home and mobile Internet. Tariffs for mobile Internet Rostelecom

Modern technologies provide great opportunities to always be up to date and in touch with friends and family. Mobile Internet Rostelecom one of these features, thanks to which only having a smartphone with a Rostelecom SIM card in your hands, you can communicate in social networks, watch movies or read books, as well as instantly get any information of interest on the Internet, wherever you are at any time of the day.

About the service provider

Rostelecom offers a variety of technical solutions for wireless Internet access. Most customers now use mobile Internet based on GPRS/WAP and GPRS/EDGE technologies, which provide a reliable wireless access channel to the network.

Not so long ago, it became possible to connect the third generation 3G mobile Internet, and now 3G + technology is being actively introduced, providing high-quality high-speed connection, twice the speed of a conventional connection.

The company provides a stable and uniform coverage throughout the country, as well as on the main road and rail routes, which allows you to entertain yourself with watching a movie or reading a book even while on the road.

Tariffs and prices

Rostelecom has developed several tariff plans aimed at users with different needs. In the line everyone can find for themselves. The available rates and their estimated cost are listed below.

  1. "Easy Internet". An excellent offer for those who go online infrequently and transmit small amounts of information. Traffic is not limited, the cost of one megabyte is 1 ruble. The cost of re-activation is 10 rubles, the first connection is free, as in most tariffs.
  1. Internet with you. Tariff with fixed traffic 70 MB per day and daily subscription fee. Subscription fee - 4 rubles per day. A good rate for fairly active Internet users.
  2. Fixed traffic packages for extensive networking opportunities. It is possible to connect packages from 3 to 25 GB per month. The subscription fee will be from 125 to 400 rubles per month.

For users of tariff plans 1 and 2 there is a service "Extend speed". It gives you the opportunity to get 60 MB extra per day for a fee. The fee is 10 rubles.

Ways to connect mobile Internet

There are three such ways:

  • through a personal account;
  • by phone;
  • via USSD command;
  • at the local branch of the company.

Now about each a little more.

Personal Area

To connect or change the mobile Internet tariff without leaving your home, go to the official website of Rostelecom and repeat the steps below.

By phone

Another way to connect Rostelecom mobile Internet without having to go somewhere. To do this, call the toll-free number 8-800-100-08-00. The service specialist will tell you in detail about all the tariffs available to you and their benefits, as well as help you choose the best one, and provide detailed guide by connection.

Via USSD command

Perhaps the easiest way. To do this, you need to dial a special character-numeric combination and press the call button. There is an individual combination for each tariff plan. For example, to activate the Easy Internet tariff, dial *116*13*1#. Full list combinations for each tariff plan can be viewed on the Rostelecom website.

At the branch of the company

In fact, the same consultation of a specialist on tariffs and services and assistance in connection, only for this you need to come to the company's office. It is worth remembering that when visiting there it is advisable to have an identity document with you.

How to disable the service?

To disconnect, the same methods are used as for connecting mobile Internet from Rostelecom.

In your personal account, it will be enough just to change the tariff plan to the one that was before connecting the mobile Internet or to any other that suits you. The scheme of actions in this case is the same as when connecting.

You can also disable the service by calling the above phone number. A specialist will help you do it quickly.

A USSD request with a disconnect code unique for your tariff plan will ensure that the service is terminated within a few minutes.

In the branch of the company, the specialist will quickly disconnect the service or reconnect to another tariff plan.

Mobile Internet Rostelecom is a reliable and high-quality service that allows you to stay up to date with the latest events, always be in touch with friends and while away the time reading an online book or watching an exciting movie. The advantage of this type of provider connection is its independence from location, which opens up a lot of opportunities for the user.

The conditions for using the service are extremely simple. Consider how to connect the Internet to mobile Rostelecom, as well as the features of its settings.

Optimal tariff plan

The use of the service begins with the choice tariff scale, which will meet the needs of the subscriber. The largest provider in Russia offers the following options service:

Connect and use

Rostelecom mobile Internet can be connected in one of the following ways:

  • at home - the user needs to visit the company's website and enter the individual page. The "my services" section provides a list of available options, including network connection. Next, you need to select a tariff plan and put the necessary checkmarks in the "settings" section, after which the mobile network is activated;
  • "for dummies" - the connection of the service is carried out in the representative centers of Rostelecom. Here, experienced staff will provide full information regarding affordable tariffs, they will advise on issues of interest, help to choose rational connection conditions for the subscriber;
  • by phone - the largest provider in Russia offers users to contact hotline 8-800-100-08-00. Here you will receive comprehensive instructions for connecting the mobile network. Calling the hotline is recommended in case of financial questions or questions regarding the level of customer service.

Mobile Internet settings Rostelecom

In order to ensure quality work network, it must be configured in advance. You can do it yourself by following the attached instructions:

Rostelecom mobile Internet settings can be done with the help of an operator. This method faster and more convenient, you do not have to manually adjust the settings. A call to the hotline should be made from the phone to which you plan to connect.

After ordering the settings, the smartphone will receive an automatic configuration, which must be saved and restarted. Next, go to the phone menu " mobile networks" and activate the "data transfer" section.

Alternative tuning methods

Rostelecom users can always visit service center where experienced specialists will set up the necessary connection. The advantage of such a mobile Internet setup is speed, but you will have to spend time on the road, as well as pay for the work of a specialist.


In Q1 2013, Rostelecom launched a third-generation (3G+) mobile communications network into commercial operation in seven regions of the Volga federal district: Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Saratov, Orenburg, Penza, Ulyanovsk regions and the Republic of Tatarstan. The operator's subscribers can fully appreciate the new speeds of mobile data transfer and unleash the capabilities of their smartphones and tablets to receive Internet services.

The 3G+ network from Rostelecom was built using modern technology HSPA+, which provides data transfer rates up to 21 Mbps with the ability to upgrade (if there is demand) to 42 Mbps. The network is built on the principle of LTE Ready, which will allow deploying a 4G network with minimal modifications in the future. Thus, in the future, a modern, reliable, productive multi-standard mobile communication network will be created, which will combine the advantages of all standards (which will provide high quality voice and data services).

At the first stage, more than 900 base stations of the new generation were installed in the cities of the Volga Federal District, where the 3G + network is deployed. At present, 3G+ network coverage is provided in such major cities, as Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Saratov, Orenburg, Ulyanovsk, Penza, as well as in smaller settlements. In these regions of the Volga region, service is provided at more than 1,000 points of sale - Rostelecom's own sales and service centers, as well as at federal and regional dealers.

“With the launch of 3G+ networks in key regions of the Volga Federal District, Rostelecom opened new stage in the development of cellular communications - innovative telecommunication services in the third generation network will be simultaneously available to most of our subscribers. The development of 3G+ will significantly improve the quality and convenience of using existing services and services for data exchange: subscribers receive high-speed downloads of multimedia content, use of navigation and maps, download large amounts of information and just fast Internet surfing,” said the Vice President - Director Macro-regional branch "Volga" OJSC "Rostelecom" Dmitry Proskura.

By the beginning of commercial operation, a new line of tariff plans and options for data transmission services has been developed, designed for various styles and volumes of service consumption. The subscriber is given the opportunity to choose the optimal unlimited solution for everyday access to the global network, sending e-mail, reading news, and downloading content of various sizes. For example, for phone owners who need mobile Internet periodically to view news pages, communicate in social networks and work with email the company offers the service "Internet with you" - unlimited Internet access from the phone for 3 rubles. per day without limiting the data transfer rate.

The 3G+Connect tariff line is designed for using mobile Internet from tablets, laptops or computers, including using USB modems. Each subscriber can choose a traffic package depending on their needs. The volume of packages varies from 3 to 30 GB of traffic per month.

For Rostelecom customers, the company has prepared a special offer: when subscribers who use wired broadband access services connect to the mobile Internet and receive a payment of 99 rubles or more, subscribers receive two months unlimited internet free and the next six months of use at half price.

Rostelecom and its affiliated companies(NSS, BVK, ETK, Sky Link, Volgograd GSM, AKOS, BIT) provide mobile communication services in 59 regions of Russia, serving more than 13.6 million subscribers. Rostelecom is building 3G mobile communication networks in 27 regions of Russia. In total, it is planned to install more than 8 thousand base stations. Equipment and solution providers for the 3G+ network are Ericsson and Huawei.

Modern life requires constant activity and movement, not allowing people to sit still. And therefore home Internet gradually gives way to a more convenient and practical mobile counterpart. Rostelecom has a similar offer. The provider offers its customers a lot of options and tariffs that differ in traffic volume and prices. But in order to connect to one of the existing plans, you need to understand the conditions of the mobile Internet available to Rostelecom and the tariffs. This is the only way to avoid mistakes and extra expenses, only attentiveness will help subscribers save on cellular communications and receive exactly those services that are required to meet all their existing needs.

To date, the company has a wide range of tariffs, allowing customers to choose the most convenient and profitable option for accessing the World Wide Web.

The provider's specialists have developed 7 different offers, each of which has its own unique details and characteristics:

  1. 500 Mb+;
  2. Day online;
  3. Internet from phone;
  4. Just Internet S;
  5. Just Internet M;
  6. Just Internet L;
  7. Just Internet XL.

The speaking name of the top one clearly indicates what those who connected will receive. Subscribers will have access to 500 megabytes of traffic, for which you need to pay 50 rubles. The second and third involve a daily calculation. As a result, users have access to 200 and 100 MB per day for 10 or 4 rubles, respectively.

The last four offers are calculated exactly for a month. Clients receive 2, 6, 15 or 30 GB of traffic, depending on the chosen tariff plan. The services received will cost 99, 200, 300 and 380 rubles. To get access to the network, you need a SIM card and money in your account. Write-off is made on the first day of the beginning month or at the moment when the subscriber topped up the balance.

The transfer of the remaining traffic to the next month is not provided, therefore, when choosing the most profitable tariff plan, you should reasonably evaluate the possibilities and needs.

Unlimited mobile Internet Rostelecom: how to connect?

There are 4 main methods of connecting the tariffs described above. Any of them stands out for its simplicity and accessibility, since it requires minimal actions to activate. Subscribers can:

  • contact the sales and service office;
  • call the support service and turn on the operator add the required package;
  • use the functionality of your personal account on the official website;
  • send a special request.

To understand the valid commands, you should visit the page of the official website of Rostelecom with tariffs for 3g mobile Internet. But, if this is not possible, you can use the following combinations:

  • *100*347*1# ;
  • *100*341*1# ;
  • *100*340*1# ;
  • *100*342*1# ;
  • *100*343*1# ;
  • *100*344*1# ;
  • *100*345*1# .

The order of the indicated commands is the same as the order of tariffs indicated above. To disable the service, change the last one to zero.

Traffic extension

If the existing limit was not enough and it ended much earlier than the right time, users have the opportunity to activate additional option, which will extend the available traffic for a few more gigabytes or megabytes.

Depending on the Internet tariff for the phone chosen earlier in Rostelecom, additional activation is available to subscribers:

  1. 100 MB;
  2. 1 GB;
  3. 3 GB.

The first option is used for tariffs with daily limits and limits, the last two are for offers with a monthly subscription fee. To use them, you need to send a short command that will activate the service:

  • *100*349*1# ;
  • *100*348*1# ;
  • *100*346*1# .

The combinations are listed in the same order as the services. To check the status of the option, you need to change the last one to a two and send a new request.

The price of each renewal is higher than the cost of standard tariffs, but since these options are rarely used and are an add-on, their cost is low. Subscribers will have to pay 10, 90 and 150 rubles. respectively.

Important: traffic extension is available not only when connecting to the tariffs described above, but also for owners of standard SIM cards with limited Internet.

Mobile Internet Rostelecom

Each user decides for himself which services he needs, and which ones are so far unnecessarily.

But Rostelecom offered customers a fairly high-quality connection and favorable conditions, so there are almost no negative reviews about the mobile Internet of this company.

But enough positive words and thanks. Users note the breadth of the tariff line and the abundance of existing offers. An additional advantage of the provider is a convenient and simple service that allows you to easily manage connected services and instantly receive the necessary information.

Cellular network subscribers have long been accustomed to 3G, GPRS and WAP mobile Internet. Today, absolutely all telephony providers offer high-speed connection services to their customers. Today's review is devoted to web options from Rostelecom, mobile Internet is offered here on good speeds and favorable conditions.

How to connect Rostelecom mobile Internet?

Telesystem Rostelecom allows you to connect the Internet to any mobile phone or smartphone. In total, there are four ways by which you can activate the web option. So, it is possible to enable the service:

  • through your Personal Area;
  • through a call to the operator;
  • using the USSD command;
  • in the telesystem office.

Each connection method is good in its own way. However, in order to understand which one suits you best, you need to familiarize yourself with each of them in more detail.

If you don’t have your personal account yet, registration will not take you much time. To authorize, you just need to go to the main page of the operator and click on the "Register" button. After that, you will need to fill in the empty columns, indicating personal data in them, and press the "Authorize" button.

The algorithm for connecting to the Internet Rostelecom through the LC itself is as follows:

  1. Go to your page and go to the "My Services" category, then indicate the phone number to which you plan to connect.
  2. Next, go to the "Tariff plan" category.
  3. After selecting the desired billing, click the "Settings" button next to it, then click the "Save" button.

After these simple steps, you can safely use the web connection at your discretion.

You can also connect to the Internet by sending a special system command. Each TP has its own digital combination for activation. For example, if you want to enable the Easy TP, send the USSD command * 116 * 13 * 1 # . And if you plan to launch the "Internet with you" tariff plan, dial the digital combination * 106 * 90 * 1 # on your cell phone and confirm your decision by pressing the "Call" button.

Via phone

You can also turn on the web service by calling the free number of the cellular provider 8-800-100-08-00. After connecting, inform the employee of the company about your desire and then follow the instructions.


You can also connect Rostelecom mobile Internet directly at the nearest telesystem office. In this case, friendly managers will do everything for you and, in addition to the connection itself, will advise you on each of the tariffs. However, when going to the office center of a cellular company, do not forget to take your passport with you.

To date, mobile Internet Rostelecom can be connected in several ways. Tariff plans are focused on different needs of customers. So, the following Internet packages are available for connection:

  1. TP "Easy Internet". Suitable for users who do not access the World Wide Web too often. The cost of the service is 5.50 rubles/day. Despite the fact that the traffic here is unlimited, only 100 MB are allocated per day (see a detailed overview of the TP below).
  2. TP "Internet with you". The tariff offers 50 MB of traffic with a daily subscription fee of 4 rubles. (see detailed review below).

If you often use the web connection on your smartphone, packages with a monthly subscription fee are also available for connection. Such TPs are more voluminous and can include from 3 to 25 GB of high-speed traffic. The subscription fee will depend on the allocated web quota and can range from 125 to 400 rubles per month.

Also, users of the first two TPs can connect the option "Extend speed". As part of the option, you can get an additional 60 MB for just 10 rubles.

Light Internet

This offer is designed for a specific group of customers. Basically, this package is connected by subscribers who do not need to be constantly online. However, from time to time they still need access to the Internet, for example, to check mail.

For using the service, a daily subscription fee of 5.50 rubles will be debited from the account. Within the framework of the TP, the speed of mobile Internet is provided at the level of 3G+. However, despite the fact that the description says about unlimited access to the network, the speed will still be reduced to 64 Kb / second after using the first 100 MB. That is, access to the World Wide Web will remain open, but will be available only at the lowest speeds.

If this offer suits you, then you can connect the TP by any of the above methods.

To check the remaining MB limit, you can use the system request * 116 * 13 # , and to deactivate the service, send the following USSD: * 116 * 13 * 0 # .

You can also activate the additional service "Extend speed" at the TP. As part of this function, the subscriber can receive an additional 100 MB for 15 rubles. The option can be activated by sending a system request * 116 * 19 * 1 #, in the Personal Account in the "Services" section or directly at the telesystem office.

You can quickly check the rest of the traffic by sending the USSD command * 116 * 19 # . To deactivate the option, send * 116 * 19 * 0 # .

Rostelecom knows about the needs of its customers and offers mobile Internet at the best rates. This package is available for connection on almost all Rostelecom TPs, with the exception of such as:

  • freedom of communication 250 and 500;
  • 3G + Connect;
  • U pad;
  • buttons. RU.

Unfortunately, 4G traffic is not provided here. However, for subscribers using mobile telecom systems, high-speed connection is available in GPRS and 3G formats. In the first case, the speed reaches 230 Kb / s, and in the second - 2.1 Mb / s.

If you want to get unlimited on your phone, then this service is exactly what you need. As part of the package, a mandatory subscription fee of 4 rubles / day is provided. 50 MB of traffic is allocated per day, after the quota is exhausted, the web connection will be provided at 0.90 rubles per 1 MB. At the end of the day, the entire amount of traffic spent is summed up.

If the subscriber's account runs out of money, the option stops working until the account is replenished. If the subscriber does not replenish mobile balance within the next 30 days, the service will be automatically deactivated.

You can activate the service by sending the system command * 106 * 90 * 1 # or by any of the methods described above.

To check the remaining quota, send a system request * 106 * 90 * 2 # . Immediately after sending the command, an SMS will be sent to the cell phone with a detailed report on the remaining limit and the operation of the option.

If you no longer need a service, you can always turn it off. To do this, you can use the functionality of the Personal Account or send the system command * 106 * 90 * 0 # .

As mentioned above, mobile Internet from Rostelecom can be turned off in several ways. And also the subscriber can choose the type of disconnection of mobile Internet from Rostelecom.

Temporary shutdown

If for some reason the subscriber cannot use the web connection fully for a long time, for example, during a vacation or a business trip, it would be more expedient to disable the service in order to save money.

To do this, you can use the "Temporary blocking", through which you can stop the flow of traffic for a certain period of time. There are several ways to enable temporary blocking:

  • in the office center of the telesystem;
  • in your personal account;
  • by calling the service number;
  • by sending USSD.

If you decide to deactivate the functionality through the office, then in this case it will be enough just to come to the nearest branch of the provider (with a passport) and order the deactivation of the package.

If you plan to turn it off through your Personal Account, then after authorization, go to the section of the desired service and press the “Block” button.

To turn off the function by calling, dial 8-800-707-1212 on your mobile number and after connecting, inform the operator of your decision.

You can also disable any of the packages using the above system queries. If the required system command to deactivate your package is not in this review, information on disabling it can be viewed on the official website of the cellular provider.

It is important that when choosing this type of deactivation, you can always enable the option again or resume its operation.

Complete shutdown

A Rostelecom client may at any time refuse the Internet provided by the telesystem. Full blocking can only be performed at the provider's office after providing all required documents(passport, contract).