Beautiful interiors of apartments in white loft style. Loft-style apartments: a combination of creative clutter and comfort

In the middle of the 20th century, in the large industrial centers of the American continent, a design style originates that noticeably stands out from all others. "Loft" - translated from English means "attic", and this word accurately characterizes the original design of the home.

Characteristics of the loft style

The "attic" style of interior decoration originated in North America in the 50s of the last century, when prices for land and comfortable apartments began to rise sharply and became inaccessible to a large number of residents of megalopolises. Students, young people and people of liberal professions: artists and musicians especially suffered from the inability to live comfortably. Then the idea was born to use empty production workshops for housing.

The young people living in them were not puzzled by the construction of interior partitions and expensive wall decoration. All interior items were made from scrap materials or were purchased for free. Hence the name of the style and the strange interior of the house.

Today, the loft style is often used in the interior of a studio apartment. The main characteristic features of the loft:

  • The complete absence of intra-apartment partitions, doors. The only exception is the separation of the bathroom from the rest of the room.
  • Typical wall decoration: they are not carefully decorated, not leveled. Deliberate rawness of the walls is encouraged, and few know that rough brickwork is a carefully crafted building material or its imitation. Textured plaster, other modern finishing materials, and not the cheapest ones, are able to create an imitation of unkempt walls.
  • An obligatory element of the loft style is the presence of open pipes and utilities. Pipes, radiators and ventilation hoods are displayed as styling tools. This is typical not only for the kitchen or bathroom - pipes and batteries are not hidden even in the sleeping area.

The interior of the loft in the interior of the apartment prioritizes the maximum functionality of the room. Since there are no partitions in the apartment, it is important to properly zone the space.

The means of zoning are:

A huge sofa is a must-have stylization attribute and a functional piece of furniture. It is usually used to separate the living area and the kitchen.

For the same purpose, a bar counter is often installed. An interesting fact is that adherents of the "attic" style do not refuse modern kitchen and other household appliances, and a huge plasma panel can take the central place in the interior.

The loft style does not perceive modern furniture walls and closed cabinets: shelves and racks serve as storage places for things and at the same time can separate the zones of an apartment: for example, you can allocate a place to sleep by installing a screen or a rack with books.

Loft-style interior decoration

The project of a loft-style apartment involves the demolition of internal partitions: therefore, before starting the repair, it is necessary to agree on the possibility of their removal and creation of a single space. In apartments where the internal walls are load-bearing, they cannot be demolished.

It is more convenient to create a loft styling in an ordinary apartment when housing is purchased in a new building with a rough finish. Then you can not create an artificial imitation of brickwork and not build a new one: it will be enough to treat the brick wall with antiseptic preparations and special means that will protect the stone from destruction. You can cover the brick with a matte varnish.

The floor must be wood or stone. In the first case, parquet patterns are excluded; it is better to use an ordinary wooden board. Tile - natural stone or its imitation of natural shades. Plastic windows are categorically excluded - only wooden frames, which it is advisable not to cover with curtains.

In the kitchen, in the bathroom, pipes must be left open. It is better not to use modern polypropylene pipes for loft-style repairs: traditional options for cast iron pipes and radiators are more suitable here. The hood also needs to be made simple, without frills.

Looking at the photo of a loft-style apartment, it is striking that in the absence of special delights in the design of the room, the space turns out to be harmonious and comfortable. It is best to create styling in spacious rooms with high ceilings. Loft style adherents consider freedom to be the main life principle.

Comfort and coziness of a loft-style apartment

The proclaimers of freedom can create a comfortable and cozy living space without expensive furniture, luxurious carpets and ceremonial sets. Loft-style furniture resembles objects collected from different places brought into the house. One brought a chair with him, the other - a wooden box that he got along the way, which will serve as a table for the owners.

A huge sofa, which is installed in the middle, can be old and worn, or it can be covered with expensive leather, as if it is the only pride of the owners.

Deliberate negligence in details is deceiving. Each stylization element is carefully thought out, including the selection of furniture. Today, many furniture companies produce furniture in the loft style: comfortable and unusual, but corresponding to the needs of the owners.

It's easy to create a loft style in a small apartment, although the lack of free space will be noticeable. Therefore, you need to limit yourself to purchasing only the most necessary furniture in order to maintain a sense of spaciousness in a small dwelling:

  • a transforming sofa can replace a bed for a night's sleep;
  • the bar counter separating the living room from the kitchen area will replace the dining table;
  • shelving provides storage space, and clothes can be placed on the wall on hangers and hooks, or stored on a vertical sliding rack.

A few photos in simple frames on the walls, a table lamp with a lampshade, a simple carpet on the floor - with their help, the interior of a one-room loft-style apartment will be harmonious and complete, no less functional than a spacious house.

An unusual and spectacular "attic" style gives rise to many ideas for creating a harmonious interior in the house. Everyone has their own understanding of the word "comfort", but those who love freedom, deny the banality and traditional ideas about life, who are used to being limited to small things, feel great in such a home.

Photo of loft-style apartments

The apartment has a small area of \u200b\u200b37 square meters - one-room and absolutely did not represent the possibility of expanding the space using additional premises. Therefore, some difficulties arose when creating a new design project.

As a result, the authors had to sacrifice the territory of the corridor, which, according to the new layout, moved to other zones. In its place, modern roomy storage systems appeared in the form of a large cabinet, which simultaneously divides the living room and hallway space.

The style is typical for people with established views, who are not afraid to change anything in their lives. All elements are made from natural raw materials: the walls are faced with bricks, the sofa is covered with leather, cabinet furniture and ceiling trim have a wood composition.


From the point of view of modern approaches to the comfort and convenience of living quarters, this apartment, built in the last century, does not meet the conditions for the correct organization of space.

Experts have dismantled almost all the structures that separate the room, hallway and kitchen. The result is a huge, spacious room filled with natural light and air.

As a result of the redevelopment of the corridor and the use of free space, the designers were lucky to enlarge the bathroom. After the installation of the wardrobe separating the living room from the entrance, a small, cozy entrance hall was formed.


It is quite difficult to organize and install many functional storage systems in a small apartment. Moreover, if even an elementary storage room is not provided in it. In this room, a huge closet at the entrance has become the most important and capacitive place for storing things.

It has also become possible to hide accessories in a TV cabinet, in kitchen cabinets, bathroom furniture, and also in the original chest tables located next to the sofa.


The task of lighting a small area has a very original solution. The customer abandoned standard chandeliers and lights. He wished to use unusual ceiling water pipes with cylindrical lamps attached to them. This non-standard design element perfectly complements the interior style.

The function of the secondary lighting of the room is performed by wall lamps purchased from the store, located above the dining table. They are attached with custom forged brackets.


To emphasize the long history of the house, the designers used techniques that were fashionable in the last century: a high elegant plinth was installed around the entire perimeter, and the door and windows were decorated with portals. Thus, another style, the Stalinist Empire style, has quite organically fit into the interior design.


Area: 37 m²
Wall height: 3m.
Hallway: 6.2 sq.m.
Living room: 14.5 sq.m.
Kitchen: 8.5 sq.m.
Bathroom: 7.8 sq.m.

Loft is an interesting and unusual style, combining bohemian and underground. The design direction - the loft consists in an individual approach to each room, covering both miserable living conditions and luxurious ones. The first conditions with the help of a loft can be easily transformed into the latter.

Translated from English, loft means premises that are unsuitable for life, in particular, these are attic or mansard areas. And if more large-scale, then these are one-story buildings of factories and enterprises, while with high ceilings. Later, the latter became associated with an unusual urban trend.

The use of industrial premises for housing is a specific feature of a loft. A large scope for creativity, a combination of rough and refined details - all this and much more lies in a bold and extraordinary style.

If you decide to recreate the loft style in the interior of your own apartment, then at first familiarize yourself, not only with the main points, but also study the history of its origin in order to understand all the specifics in general.

A bit of history

The loft appeared in the 50s of the last century. Namely, an economic revolution began to take place in the United States, the cost of land began to grow, in connection with this, all factories moved out of town.

And dispose of the remaining production facilities as best they could, quickly reissued them into budget housing and rented them out. Photo of the merged loft in the interior.

It became a dwelling for the poor. The absence of dividing walls, there was even the ceiling itself, as it could be beams. The only convenience was the kitchen and bathroom.

These were the first decorated loft areas. They could have simply been forgotten and left on the pages of US history as affordable housing for the poor, if they had not so much to the liking of the creators of the art who turned the factory spaces into their own studios.

At first, the artists were lured by the rental price, and they began to show their works there. Thanks to the large windows, a huge stream of light came in, and due to the fact that there were no delimitations from the walls, an unthinkable spaciousness was felt, and the factory structures carried out decorative elements.

The rudeness of the interior of the abandoned factories, combined with the artwork and bohemia, expressed the loft that has become so popular nowadays. The specificity of the style is the use of only the necessary pieces of furniture without trifles, the principle is to do with only the smallest part of things.

Over time, loft-style design became elite, and it was no longer housing for the poor, but on the contrary, in the 60s in the USA it became the most popular among the wealthy strata of society.

Loft and modernity

Why is a loft so attractive? And the fact that he does not make living quarters identical and similar. The choice of furniture, partitions - all this is already so recognizable, even if it is taken from the most fashionable trends.

The loft has a different approach to all this, there are no boundaries for imagination.


Will it be possible to recreate this trend in the apartments of the city.

Let's try to understand the existing stylistic features:

  • Huge not delimited spaces up to 1000 square meters;
  • High ceilings;
  • Large window frames;
  • Coarseness of finishing in surrounding surfaces:
  • Metal constructions;
  • Few pieces of furniture.

A modern loft is an outrageous and chic style. Experts can easily bring it to life. How? They replace the necessary space of factories and rough surfaces with items of the production arsenal and unusual furnishings.

Layout and division into zones

Free zones are a loft concept. The ideal option is considered to be a territory that is completely visible. The bathroom, storerooms, and sometimes the bedroom are not visible beyond these boundaries.

The presence of a large amount of light and space is the main point, because of this, pieces of furniture should be in minimal quantities and always placed near the walls, but on the contrary, away from them.

All unnecessary things are hidden in the back rooms. You also need to pay attention to them. Because it is necessary to remove unnecessary things so as not to harm the created creative atmosphere.

There is a variant of vertical zoning, i.e. open floor. Below are photos of the loft style.


The main material is:

  • Pipes;
  • Beams;
  • Bricks.

Take advantage of textured surfaces. Different materials are used to divide into zones.

"Defiant" rudeness, "unfinished" finishing creates the necessary atmosphere where even a grandmother's chest of drawers will look on an equal footing with a luxurious sofa.

All kinds of pipes for heating or air conditioning are “put on display”. On the walls can be anything from various posters to paintings by famous artists.

The floor is made of stone or wood.

Beams or other decorative elements are placed on the ceiling, or everything is painted in light colors.

They hang blinds on the windows or leave everything as it is.

Furniture and decor elements

Highlights in relation to loft style furniture:

  • Minimum set
  • Fashionable
  • Space between furniture and wall.

Most suitable are vintage and trendy designer furniture.

The loft was one of the first to use plastic, leather and aluminum materials. Such long-familiar things as folding chairs or metal shelves and much more appeared then along with the loft. Loft-style furniture does not include headsets, wooden shelves or bulky cabinets.

Antique furniture or modern furniture? Both options are suitable as long as it is luxurious and expressive.

Kitchen or dining room decoration

Furniture rarities of the 50s or high-tech kitchen equipment are perfect. Chrome plating on metal surfaces is also approved. It will be great if you end up with a restaurant or cafe.

In the dining room, loft-style design is also decorated in a minimalist direction.

Living room

Interior items in the loft style, such as a soft sofa, a comfortable chair and other furniture will create the right atmosphere, and the works of artists will add luxury.

Also, do not forget about modern technology, which a loft-style apartment cannot do without.


It can be separate or one of the studio zones. The partition can be a simple wardrobe or chest of drawers.

Preference is given to a high bed made of metal construction. And of course the bedroom must be in perfect order.

Bath and toilet

The bath can be designed in different ways. The difference is plumbing items. The ideal option is a gilded claw-foot bathtub. If there are no vintage items, then focus on modern plumbing.

Decor elements

The interior of a loft-style room does not allow for various trifles, it is better to opt for 1 - 2 large details.

A great option would be to have a fireplace. Loft-style curtains in the interior are used as decor.

If there is a 2nd floor, the staircase also acts as a decor.

Loft in the apartment

Based on the basic principles of the loft, you can recreate semi-residential and spacious spaces, with the presence of luxury and style. A country house is a great option for your fantasies.

Currently, the recognizable features of the loft are used in the design of apartments - textured walls, interweaving of rarities and the latest fashion trends.

As a result, combining the seemingly incongruous leads to an unexpected result. Which is very popular now. Therefore, a loft-style apartment will be created quite easily.


The loft suits absolutely everyone, both rich and poor, both the owners of restaurants and nightclubs. But most often it is a choice of creative people.

Photo of interior design in loft style

The design of an apartment in the Loft style is an absolute hit of recent years. This popular interior style is preferred by creative and creative people who love freedom and minimalistic practicality. Regardless of the budgetary appearance of this stylistic direction, Loft is now almost the leader among expensive interiors. Loft-style apartment design became very popular in the USA, and then throughout Europe. And for about 10 years now it has been making Russians happy. In this article, we will learn all about the Loft style, its history of origin and, of course, we will analyze the options for decorating an apartment in the Loft style, for each room.

Loft style apartment design - history of origin

Loft-style design began its inception in the 40s of the last century, in the territory of the factory districts of Manhattan. In those days, there was a sharp move of many industrial enterprises from the city to suburban areas. This was due to an increase in the price of renting urban land. The remaining abandoned factory buildings fell in love with the local bohemians. People of creative professions began to use these empty objects for holding art exhibitions and music concerts. They decorated the premises for the sake of a creative personality. Soon, such apartments became very popular and their cost skyrocketed at times, due to the unusual stylistic design, elite location and huge areas. This is exactly how, with the light hand of the New York bohemian elite, abandoned warehouses and factories, in the middle of the last century, became an elite loft-style dwelling, and contributed to updating the list

In subsequent years, the wave of loft interiors overtook other European cities. Plants, factories and warehouses moved to the suburbs. And the empty buildings, following the American example, were reformed into elite, fashionable housing.

Characteristics of Loft-style design

The Loft style is characterized by open and spacious rooms with the presence of elements of the industrial direction in their interiors. This is a high high ceiling, and a wall without finishing, covered with brickwork or concrete. Ceilings can be reinforced with beams, a pipe is located along the walls, the floor is made of cement, as if without finishing.
If we translate the English word "loft", then its literal meaning is, the attic or the top floor of the factory. It is, if you first get into a Loft-style interior, the first impression is that you are in some kind of workshop. And as soon as you look closely, you notice a habitable, living space, skillfully stylized.
The real design of an apartment in the Loft style, as a rule, occupies more than 100 - 200 sq. M. There are large window openings everywhere, filling the room with light and air. The main distinguishing feature of this interior is the absence of partitions and high ceilings.
The design of an apartment in the Loft style should be completely open. Only the toilet, bedroom and utility rooms are isolated in such apartments. There are Loft interiors, where even a bath can be found in the middle of the bedroom.
The main design concept of an apartment in the Loft style is the harmonious combination of opposing architectural solutions. It is in the Loft that worn and peeling interior items taken with modern chrome details and appliances coexist completely calmly and harmoniously.

Features in the design of an apartment in the Loft style

In addition to the characteristics listed above, the Loft design features open and spacious spaces, high ceilings and rough wall finishes. The design features of an apartment in the Loft style can also be attributed to:

  • Lack of bright colors for the sake of light colors. The light design allows the sun entering through the windows to open up to the maximum;
  • The presence of fireplaces and stoves in the interior. They came to the loft interior from the cold and large premises of the plant, which needed to be heated. And now this detail is a special highlight of the design of an apartment in the Loft style;
  • The presence of a metal or wooden staircase and even, if the height of the ceiling allows, equipped for a sleeping or workplace, the second level;
  • Modern, multifunctional, not flashy furniture with details from the 20th century.
Modern trends in interior design in the Loft style

Often, modern designers divide the Loft style into three main areas:

  1. Bohemian Loft, it's still the same factory interior, but with the presence of creative accessories, objects and accents. This is the presence in the interior of industrial, forgotten objects, for example, old teapots of that era, musical instruments. All this is boldly combined with avant-garde paintings and ikebano;
  2. Glamorous Loft, combines bedding shades of contrasting colors. This is a familiar combination of gray with brown or orange. Glamorous details in the form of fashionable lamps, beautiful chandeliers, Renaissance mirrors, animal skins on the walls and floors are also appropriate here;
  3. The Industrial Loft is the most popular now. In such a Loft, the main focus is on the restoration of the industrial premises in the design of the apartment. Metal pipes for ventilation and septic tanks can be found everywhere. Antique wiring, functional furniture, clean lines.

Bohemian Loft
Glamorous Loft
Industrial Loft

Of course, not every apartment has a completely open floor space. In such a situation, it is necessary to correctly beat the attic style of the loft by adding stylistic elements.

General interior and design of an apartment in the Loft style

In its general trend, the decoration of premises in the Loft style is not very whimsical, but it is very difficult to recreate this style in a simple apartment. First of all, you need to pay attention to redevelopment, it is necessary to demolish all non-load-bearing partitions. Due to this, several rooms will be combined into a common space. This is, for example, a living room with a kitchen in a common area. If possible, widen window openings to let in more air and light.
The decoration of the premises should be carried out with simple materials close to the natural structure of the building. In the living room, lay a wooden laminate, highlight the kitchen area with massive tiles. Leave some of the walls without processing, for example, with an even layer of concrete, only cover with special protective materials. Some walls can be covered with tiles imitating brickwork. Try not to hide any communication systems: ventilation, heating, pipes and wires. With the help of them you will keep the loft spirit in the interior.

Loft style apartment design - kitchen

Usually, in the combined kitchen-living area, a minimum of space is allocated to the kitchen area. This is literally a small corner where the kitchen unit is placed directly. Loft style kitchen equipped with chrome fittings and glass surfaces.
Household appliances are the center of the interior. This includes the entire arsenal from the refrigerator to the coffee machine. It is necessary to select furniture in combination with technology. It is very good to withstand everything in a minimalist spirit. Use an unusual design of chairs as a bright accent, or get a small antique sideboard from the industrialization era.

Loft style living room

The main feature of the loft living room is the large window openings, wooden floors, rough wall decoration and a huge minimalistic sofa. Near the marvel, poufs and an interestingly shaped coffee table will be appropriate. Open shelves can be installed against the wall for storing books and decor items. The decor should also correspond to the stylistic direction of the industrial-factory theme.

Loft style apartment design - bedroom

Here is a bedroom, just in the design of an apartment in the Loft style, and you can hide it behind a partition or an interior wall. If you have high ceilings, then a very original solution in the Loft style will be the organization of a bed on the second tier.
In the bedroom, the walls can be painted in a calm color, bed shades. And leave the wall, for example, at the head of the bed, not processed, but stylized as a concrete covering or brickwork. A large wardrobe with mirrored doors will help to expand the bedroom space. Use decorative pillows of different colors for decoration.
If the bathroom is located next to the bedroom, then this partition can be removed completely, this is very much in the spirit of Loft design. You can zone the bedroom and bathroom using a glass partition, blackout curtains, or using a podium.

In recent years, a rare issue of the Ideas for Your House magazine has gone without a loft-style interior. Hence, we can conclude that this style meets the needs of metropolitan residents who dream of a functional and modern interior.

1. Combination of loft and eco-style

Architect Ksenia Bobrikova. Photo: Evgeny Kulibaba

In the design of the representative area, the traditional signs of the loft style (unmasked auxiliary structures) are combined with natural warmth. So, the wall is decorated with two columns of logs left after the dismantling of a hundred-year-old log house, which the author of the project personally polished and varnished. They are attached to the ceiling mortgages with special metal hinges. And in the space between them, a picture of a bullfight, painted especially for the interior by Sergei Bobrikov, in bright colors typical of pop art, fits well. It stands out against the muted tones of fairly simple yet comfortable furniture.

The decoration of one wall imitates brickwork, the other is covered with fine-grained plaster. Luminaires on an unmasked auxiliary structure locally illuminate individual areas and emphasize rough textures.

2. "Male" loft

The black brick wall emphasizes the "masculine" character of the interior. The brutality is visually softened by a wall panel with a characteristic natural texture, a fire in the fireplace, a bright yellow pouf and plants (floor and in hanging pots), which are used to beat the dining area.

3. Loft aesthetics: brick walls and metal shelving

Architects Mark Safronov, Natalia Sirbu. Photo: Ilya Ivanov, Yuri Afanasyev

The owner of this is a girl who works in the fashion industry. Loft aesthetics here are set not only by the design of the walls (white brickwork in the partition between the windows) and the floor, but also by the industrial-looking shelving made of wood and metal with characteristic factory elements - brutal metal ribbons with studs, which sheathed the edges of shelves and framing sections with drawers ...

4. Photo wallpaper in the interior of the loft

Designers Pavel Alekseev, Svetlana Alekseeva. Visualization Pavel Alekseev

In this it is noteworthy that a fragment of a brick "walk-through" wall in the center, placed in a metal frame and under glass, with an image of rusty metal and concrete.

5. Two-level loft

Design Bureau Visualization: Max Zhukov

Two-level - space for the realization of the authors' fantasies on the loft theme. To create the appropriate atmosphere, the walls were partially covered with clinker tiles and finished with plaster for concrete. But initially they decided to leave the concrete ceiling in its original form. The San Francisco bridge with thin curved metal railings and a spiral staircase served as a visual image for the creation of the second tier.

6. Raw textures and nude structures

Project manager Elena Mizotkina, designer and visualizer Elena Danilina

To create a brutal atmosphere in a small living room of 9 m 2, intended for a young man, the authors used a restrained palette, raw textures and naked architectural structures. Pay attention to the successful “finds” of the designers - the “sloppy” painted surface of the concrete walls and ceiling, as well as the mezzanine for storage made of perforated metal sheets and corners.

7. Public area

Architect and photographer Alexey Bykov

Loft style public area for young people whose work is related to art. According to the architect, he used only "honest" (no imitations) materials that demonstrate their texture and properties. These are warm colors of bricks, wood, textiles from natural fibers in furniture upholstery. Also, the author preferred to free the old walls (the apartment is located in a building of the early XX century) from the layers of the old plaster and leave the authentic brickwork open.

8. "Chocolate" loft

Architect-designers Olesya Shlyakhtina, Sergey Vetokhov, visualization of the project authors

The walls are decorated with Dutch brick-like tiles, which emphasize the color of the brass, bronze and black painted metal details, and also go well with the overall “chocolate” interior palette. The Serge Mouille Spider ceiling lamp with three long swiveling and bending arms also looks impressive.

9. Loft with a concrete wall

An original idea: a brutal wall made of panels imitating a concrete pavement with a relief texture and traces of formwork, serves as an excellent backdrop for familiar things (projector, skateboard and snowboard), turning them into a spectacular art object.

10. Rough textures and "soft" accents

Designer Natalia Maksimenko. Photo by Alexey Lukichev

The high concrete ceiling was lightly sanded and lacquered with colorless. Its surface does not press due to the light wall decoration and the white "shadow" from the arched window, which visually stretches the space vertically. The rough textures typical of the loft are softened by textile upholstery of the sofa, decorative pillows and a blanket made of faux fur.

11. Bright furniture in an industrial space

Designer Nina Romanyuk. Visualization Design Studio Ideas

In the living room, against the background of brickwork, the red sofa, yellow pillows and shelves of the rack "sounded" expressively. An additional detail that underlines the industrial character of the interior is the open-movement steam-punk watch.

12. Synthesis of loft and Scandinavian minimalism

Designer Konstantin Valuikin. Photo: Evgeny Kulibaba

Illustrates the synthesis of loft (finish imitating rough building materials) and Scandinavian minimalism (natural colors, rectilinear furniture compositions). Interestingly, the window sill area has been played up, which has turned into an open shelving for books and, in combination, a bench where you can comfortably sit for reading.

13. Traditional loft with phytowall

Designer Ksenia Eliseeva. Photo: Vitaly Ivanov

The interior has the traditional features of the loft style: concrete surfaces, unplastered but painted brick, a ceiling lined with black stripes of tire lamps. And the role of the main accent is assigned to the phytowall, the greenery of which softens the "harsh" aesthetics of the living room. Several round niches were filled with the same stabilized moss.

14. The combination of the incompatible: concrete ceilings and floral wallpaper

Designers: Natalia Tsetsulina, Maria Malyshkina. Photo: Artyom Semyonov

And by right it can be called floral. The author's concept is to use mutually exclusive style techniques. So, concrete ceilings with open electrical wiring peacefully coexist with the "rose garden" on the photo wallpaper and decorations reminiscent of garden pergolas, and Ilyich's open bulbs are friends with a glamorous crystal chandelier.

15. The unity of opposites in the interior of the loft

Design and visualization: Oksana Balabukha

In brutal materials (plaster for concrete, aged tiles for brick) contrast with glossy surfaces (floor, furniture fronts). Please note that the designer has chosen an art object to decorate the space of a concrete column, continuing the theme of the unity of opposites. Yellow “blocks” are responsible for creating a positive mood.

16. Loft with a "time stamp"

Project manager Irina Goncharova, designers Anatoly Kostenko, Elena Lobatskaya. Photo: Vitaly Nefedov

The living room bears the "imprint of time" inherent in a real loft, and also displays an unusual mix of several styles. For example, a white column will not fit into the loft style, but thanks to the bronze tinting, it organically coexists with pendant lamps and open electrical wiring.

17. Natural wood shades and vibrant color accents

Designers: Ivan Korvegin, Nikolay Miroshnichenko

The coloristic solution of the interior fully meets the requirements of loft aesthetics. As a base - natural shades of wood, as well as sanguine, ocher and white. And bright colors (blue, blue, red) act as accents. The lack of historical context (old plastered walls and brickwork) is replaced by modern materials (brick-like tiles). The chosen theme is also supported by such an attribute of an industrial premises as open wiring.

18. Loft interior built on contrasting colors

Design and visualization: Alexey Zhukov

In this representative area, the cool color scheme of the furniture contrasts well with the warm shade of the aged brick tile.

19. Combination of industrial loft style and vintage furniture

Design and visualization: Alexander Savinov

ИВД№4 / 2015 This interior organically combines the industrial style of a loft and vintage furniture. Brick walls have become a good background for the exhibition of black and white photographs and art objects.

20. Stylish loft in a brick "stalinka"

Another example: a living room in a brick "stalinka", where the original historical environment has been preserved. The layout, textures and materials correspond to the spirit of the loft, and each non-standard detail is organically integrated into the overall composition. Old red brick walls were cleaned of layers and restored. In some places, there were gaps in the masonry, which had to be filled with modern bricks, which differ in color from the previous bricks with the original brands. The furniture is made from natural materials (or in natural upholstery) that have pleasant tactile properties and are pleasing to the eye.