Vertical layout: assign the marks of the corners of the building. Why is the zero level in construction determined? Zero-cycle earthworks technology

I am sorry, there are many professional terms in the rhyme, I'm afraid it will be difficult to grasp the essence of the riddle without explanation. In our construction, the level of the floor of the first floor is taken as the “zero” mark. And in life we \u200b\u200bare accustomed to counting the floors: the first, above it the second and third (higher), and the elevator buttons are arranged. Below the first is the basement. Conventional, but usually, zero and first are combined, so that in a three-story building we will always count three floors (basement is separate). And in the west, in a three-story building, there are two floors and a zero, and if it is lower, which is located, it is indicated with a minus sign. It's simple. There, as you know, their "zero" - this is the designation of our "first". The elevator button has a very large "O" (so that the fool doesn't miss). I have two educations (an architect and a builder), when I studied for 10 years, I did not go abroad, and the question did not stand squarely. And, they would hardly have explained it then, and even more so today. Now it goes crazy. Is this some kind of game of uncles and aunts who teach us, or is it an accident? Yes, they themselves do not understand "nichrome"! Such a conclusion. We got used to: shaft, plan, mark, zero, first, girder-beam, covering on the floor, riser-pipe, ridge and weather vane ... And there is also a perspective, a kind of volumetric drawing of facades with one and two vanishing points on the horizon (splicing earth with sky - sky), where the rays of your gaze rush in reality. It all depends: look at the building with two eyes, or through the eye (at this point). And there is also the opposite perspective: everything further is closer to you. Anyway. You will never guess what the key word is here and why everything is so serious in construction ...

I'm in the west, not the first
pressing the elevator button, -
zero shakes my nerves,
as I go down, I listen to everything:
I believe firmly in line
to the horizon, to two vanishing points!
We are people, even though Jews
and hesitate, from sunrise:

Bite, lord, save
and tease with checkers,
- You can't go, you need a taxi?
What difference does it make to you!
Bees are all one deck
perspective w is a distraction,
to the dust of the Lord by nature
golden ratio to me:

There is always one eye
at least oblique in one eye,
even with a scythe go to the bottom,
even to the point in God's hole.
Not a thug * and dedicated,
a tale of hibernation, a wonderful dream.
Although a truncated column
well, what is the reason for you?

Jerusalem gave us Srul,
and where the first is the guest one,
they have a floor started from scratch,
we have a zero mark ...
Hall? stomping on the floor
Sergius marked with zero
with a unit to this school
count to conceive, I'll - about mine.

Pressing the elevator button,
I get everything on the first ...
- Zero to me! below paradise,
the unit flutters the nerves.
Not wanting to explain
- You are a builder and, from God,
and She, as lifeless,
- What's the matter, tell me, Seryoga?

To a fool so as not to miss
and don't get bogged down with the answer:
- See if it's zero vase,
the rest is all with greetings!
Here is a rose in a jug,
Well, and then, what is the question?
Over-under-shaft, at the top
above all lines, stripes ...

We slipped through the sky
- Here in their language - basement?
Valentines rolled up
but if he wants to go to the hayloft!
- And look, with the eyes of a miracle:
risers, skates and weather vane:
pipes come from here?
A and B, sold by Judas ...

Zero and First, seducing?
- You do not understand, do not understand ...
plus for minus, combining,
Christ himself ordered to stand!
For romance in charge
I lost the letter Yat in vain!
Not into a needle-egg in the light,
I didn't believe in anything.

As I turn to Russia,
so I press how I pressed,
jab their spears - I rush myself,
the spool on the road is small.
The key here: "under the shaft",
- Well, the demons have walled up!
almost hit the horse,
than they are made.

I would change my profession,
Yes, I really like it!
You draw zero, the floor will captivate,
but you think - a beauty!
Pockmarked chicken, - scattering,
eggs of golden prophecy,
where the euro zone is zero,
by the name. No middle name.

That's all for you, the difference,
and where are we, "heaven-O-zem" ...
The elevator gets stuck - teasing
but the point is only in him!
Be in the west, I'm the first
the elevator button by pressing
Zero, flutters the nerves
- Is there a blonde?
And which one?

Well, give or take, redhead,
burning all sunny,
- An apple for you? shameless,
we got there, to paradise! ..
Stands, quite Snow Maiden,
- Wrong, who do you want?
Sergey Zavatsky-Kurochkin,
plus or minus,
as evil ...

* a thug is an initiate in translation, as it was customary from the Offenists, it has dried up ...
* Srul, Akaki, Sergius - one name, means - Jerusalem.


At any site, zero-cycle work is carried out, during which the site is being prepared, conditions are created for the subsequent stages. All zero-cycle construction works are subdivided into organizational and earthworks. In the course of the second, an examination of the soil, digging of pits, trenches and much more is carried out. In most cases, zero-cycle construction work also involves the delivery and unloading of the bulk of the materials for laying the foundation and erecting wall structures.

Zero cycle in construction is the construction of foundations and, including other underground parts of a residential building, as well as overlap above them. Zero works in construction got its name from the term "zero mark" (± 0.000) - the mark of the "clean" floor of the first floor. All levels of underlying elements and structures in the drawing are indicated by a minus sign (-).

Zero-cycle earthworks technology

The zero-cycle work technology starts from before construction works it is necessary to carefully inspect the surface of the site, identify damp places, determine the general direction of the slope, outline the bend surface waters into a common drain or into a special storage pool.

It is necessary to organize the relief of the entire site so that storm water is not directed to the construction site. The main collectors and conductors of storm and melt water can be drainage open and closed canals. The need to drain is sometimes caused by standing tall groundwater, as well as the creation of retaining walls.

Before carrying out earthworks of the zero cycle, at the construction site, it is necessary to uproot the stumps and cut off the mounds that will interfere with the marking, then remove the vegetation layer of the earth to a depth of about 20 cm and subsequently use it for reclamation.

Zero-work cycle in construction

When starting zero work in construction, remember that shallow foundations cannot be left on winter period unloaded or underloaded (when the building is not fully built). If for some reason this is not feasible, a temporary heat-insulating coating is made around the foundations of sawdust, slag, expanded clay, slag, straw and other materials that protect the soil from freezing. This is also part of the zero-cycle work when difficulties arise and other unfavorable factors appear.

It is forbidden to arrange shallow foundations on a frozen base. IN winter time their construction is allowed only if they are deeply buried groundwater with preliminary artificial thawing frozen ground and the obligatory filling of the sinuses with non-porous material. The whole cycle includes such activities as site clearance, trench preparation, bulk materials plant.

The development of trenches during the construction of the foundation should be started only after all the equipment has been brought to the construction site. necessary materials... The process of erecting the foundation should take place continuously, starting from the device of trenches and ending with backfilling of the sinuses, compaction of the soil and the installation of a blind area.

All vertical dimensions and levels for new walls and buildings are referenced from a single fixed point on the construction site. This point is called the “datum” (zero point) and is usually determined on site before any construction work begins. The reference mark can also be called a "time reference".

Most often, at the construction site, the level of a horizontally located waterproofing pad (waterproofing layer) of the projected building or wall is taken as the zero level mark. For a completely isolated structure, the zero mark can simply be set at a suitable point next to the projected structure by driving in a wooden peg so that its top is 150 mm above the completed zero level; 150mm is the minimum height of the waterproofing layer above the completed ground level for new buildings as required by building codes.

Although for boundary walls and garden fences, there are no legal requirements, special reasons to change this minimum height not.

For walls to be erected and buildings located next to the existing structure, it is customary to use the level of the waterproofing layer of the existing building as the zero mark. The peg is simply placed next to the building at its waterproofing level, and then the zero level mark is transferred to the desired location either using the building level and rule, or using Cowley's level.

The peg that sets the zero mark should be located on the construction site in a place where it can be seen and easily approached, but where it cannot be touched or otherwise affected by builders passing by, falling materials and equipment. Maintaining the accuracy of the datum is critical because all vertical dimensions and elevations for the wall under construction are measured from it, and if the datum changes during operation, it can be disastrous.

The peg that sets the zero level mark must be driven into the ground, and then, if possible, concreted. The larger the building site, the longer the zero point peg will be required, therefore additional protection should be provided in the form of a triangular wooden structure, as it shown on the picture.

When the zero mark is established, it must be transferred to both ends of the wall to be erected or to all corners of the new building, again using either building level and as a rule, either Cowley's level.

Concrete foundations cannot be expected to be flat or even, therefore the zero mark must be transferred to every corner of the building or to extreme points walls so that the bricklayer can check the height of the row when building corners brickwork from the top concrete foundation... Therefore, any height adjustments (thickening or thinning) should be made below ground level, thereby ensuring that all brickwork is horizontally leveled when the waterproofing layer is reached.

To avoid the need to level the row height below ground level, the zero level peg can be used as a reference to determine how deep to dig a trench under the foundation so that when the concrete is placed, the vertical distance between the top of the foundation and the elevation zero level exactly coincided with the height of a row of brickwork and there was no need to adjust the thickness of the bed joints (in other words, it would be a multiple of 75 mm).

As an example, suppose that minimum thickness simple strip foundation is 150 mm and let the distance between the top of the concrete foundation and the completed zero level be 1000 mm.

Assuming that the zero mark is set at the level of the waterproofing layer at a height of 150 mm above the completed zero level, the total distance from the zero mark to the base of the foundation will be 1300 mm (calculated as follows: 150 mm + 1000 mm + 150 mm), while the top of the finished the foundation is 150 mm higher - at a depth of 1150 mm below the zero mark. Dividing 1150 mm by the height of a row of brickwork 75 mm, we get 15.33 rows of masonry from the top of the foundation to the zero mark. It is clear that this value is not a multiple of the row height: 15 rows will not be enough, and 16 rows will be too high. Considering that only 0.33 of the row height (approximately 25 mm) needs to be picked up, the bricklayer usually chooses to adjust the height by increasing the thickness of the bed joints at the stage of masonry from the ground level.

There is an alternative to increasing the thickness of the bed seams: rounding to the integer value of the row. This means 16 rows are laid from the foundation to the zero mark, but the foundation trench is dug a little deeper to maintain the height of the rows that would not require adjustment. It is possible to round up to 15 rows, but this means an increase in the level of the foundation with the possible risk of violating the requirements for the minimum depth of the foundation. When rounding to 16 rows, the foundation trench will need to be dug to a depth of 1350 mm, that is, 16 rows x 75 mm + 150 mm (concrete thickness).

Obviously, the bricklayer will have to make a decision based on the following conditions: the bed seams can be thickened to get 25 mm, or the row height can be kept at 75 mm, taking on the labor of marking and deepening the entire trench under the foundation by another 50 mm and laying another row of bricks. Undoubtedly, in the second case, it will take more time, it will be necessary to take out more soil, use more bricks and mortarand it will cost more. In most cases, the convenience associated with the absence of the need to adjust the thickness of the bed seams is very expensive, which is not always advisable. Rounding to 15 rows avoids all additional excavation work, additional bricks and mortar, but still takes time to accurately mark out the corrected depth.

Most bricklayers will probably prefer to thicken the bed seams to achieve the required 25 mm.

Construction sites with high slopes

For obvious reasons, the zero mark on construction sites with a steep slope should be located on the top of the site so that the elevations are carried down, down the slope, and not up. When marking and transferring elevations on such sites, it is recommended that the marking begins with short pegs at the top of the site, and longer pegs are used as you go down the slope. If the elevation shift is going up the slope from the lower origin, then there is a possibility that you will be below ground level before you install the last peg. This is why markup should always be done from top to bottom! It should be borne in mind that when viewed with the naked eye, the true slope may not appear to be the same as it actually is, and the site often has a much greater slope than it appears at first glance.