50 interesting facts about the identity of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev and his epoch. Leonid Brezhnev

Interesting facts from the biography of Leonid Brezhnev on October 15, 1964, Leonid Brezhnev rose at the helm of the USSR, driving them 18 years. Much of his life we \u200b\u200bknow. Films and TV shows are removed about him. The era of his rule is still considerable interest. But there are facts from the biography, which, not very often remember.

In the picture: Transbaikal region. Chita region. Cadet and Political Tank Rota Rota Leonid Brezhnev, 1935. 1. According to nationality - Ukrainian Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev was born in Ukraine on December 19, 1906, in the village of Kamenskoye (now the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk), and in most of his documents, nationality was recorded - Ukrainian. In any case, for many years in his all possible identity cards, this graph has not changed. In a passport and a military ticket. With Ukraine, his life has been connected in life. But he began his labor biography in Belarus, after the end of the Kursk land and ameliorative technical school, he worked as a land surveyor in the Kohanovsky district of the Orsha District of the Belarusian USSR. In 1927, Brezhnev married, and in the same year she got into the Urals. 2. History with WCP (b) in the Sverdlovsk region (then another Ural), Brezhnev began a simple land surveyor, then became the head of the district land department, Deputy Chairman of the Bisadist Rain Executive Committee of the Ural Region (1929-1930), Deputy Head of Regional Land Department. It is in the Urals to do a further career, Brezhnev exactly 85 years ago, took the party, as evidenced by archival documents. True, with the entry of the future Secretary General to the Bolsheviks Part, and still have questions. The document in which Ivan Ivanovich Neptehine was preserved (a very popular surname in those places), which was headed at the end of the twenties of the last century, the Bisadist District of the Ural Region at the end of the twenties of the last century, recommended to accept the candidate in the party Leonid Ilyich. In the official biography, it is found that Brezhnev took the party in Dnepropetrovsk. Two years later. There is a version that from the Urals in Dnepropetrovsk Brezhnev ran from arrest. He threatened him for incorrectly did the measurement of the Earth and they were interested in the NKVD. In Dnepropetrovsk, Brezhnev got through Moscow, where in 1930 he entered the Moscow Institute of Mechanical Engineering named after M. I. Kalinin, and in the spring of 1931 he was transferred to the Evening Faculty of the Dneprodzerzhinsky Metallurgical Institute. Simultaneously with the student, he worked as a simple stapler-mechanic at the factory in Dnepropetrovsk. October 24, 1931 for the official version, joined the WCP (b). And on his career sharply went uphill. In 1937, he is already Deputy Chairman of the Dneprodzerzhinsky City Executive Committee. In 1939, the secretary of the Dnepropetrovsk regional committee of the party, where he first oversaw ideology, and then the defense industry. Then, they say, Stalin himself noted him, saying: "What a beautiful Moldavian." Then Brezhnev has already led the Central Committee of the Party of this Republic. And what is the most important, as if rapidly not moving the Brezhnev on the career ladder, the fear of the Urals did not have passed. He never once visited the Sverdlovsk region. 3. The right faithful man Khrushchev

In the picture: Moscow. Kremlin. 1st secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (left) and Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, 1962. In early 1954, Leonid Brezhnev was sent to work to Kazakhstan, where he was entrusted to head all the work on the development of virgin and lands. This is where the Education Education is useful! The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan was then Pantelemon Kondratievich Ponomarenko, the second - Brezhnev. It is known that shortly before death, Joseph Stalin in Ponomarenko saw his successor and successor. According to many contemporaries, Nikita Khrushchev extended a possible competitor away from Moscow, putting him into the deputies of his most reliable subordinate to look at him. He knew Khrushchev, to the Brezhnev himself put the heated and never trusted him. 4. Cosmic attempt in January 1969 at Leonid Brezhnev was an attempt. Everything happened during the solemn meeting of the crews spacecraft Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5. Officer of the Soviet Army Junior Lieutenant Victor Ilyin, disguised into a police form, penetrated the Borovitsky gate under the guner's guilt and opened fire from two pistols by car, in which he believed, should have riding the head of state. In fact, in the car, the cosmonauts of Leonov, Nikolaev, Tereshkova and the coastal. The shots were killed by the driver Ilya Zharkov, several people were injured before the accompaniment motorcycle shot down the shooter. Brezhnev himself was driving another route and did not suffer at all. Another attempt on Brezhnev was preparing in Paris during his visit. But there all attempts managed to prevent in advance.

In the picture: Moscow. The meeting of the crews of Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 spacecraft on the Vnukovo airfield. From left to right: Members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU Dmitry Polyansky, Nikolai Podgorny, Leonid Brezhnev and Cosmonaut pilots of the USSR Vladimir Shatalov, Boris Volynov, Evgeny Khrunov and Alexey Eliseev, 1969. 5. The militant Secretary General Approval of Brezhnev in power and its glorification began in the 70s of the last century. The country lived then without waiting for change. The watches of the Great Soviet era went without failures, squeezing seconds and minutes of their heyday. But it was during these years that the USSR fought as much as the country never fought. Moreover, taking part in the most meaningless wars. This, however, did not prevent Leonid Ilyich to kiss himself with the leaders of fraternal and developing countries. His regalia was then not to consider - Secretary General CPSU Central Committee, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, four times the hero Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Cavalier of the Order of Victory (His commandments were honored, made a fundamental fracture in the course of World War II), and all other Soviet, as well as countless foreign orders, actually the one-color owner is huge, with almost three hundred million people, empires By the name of the Soviet Union, located on a huge mainland of Eurasia. This great person He managed to stop the development of a huge state to eighteen years. The ancient Greek philosopher Democritus, who reported to the world, that "everything flows, everything changes." We all flowed, but nothing has changed. And then it seemed that it would always be that Leonid Ilyich was eternal. The people looked at him loosely over his forgetfulness, he was amused by countless jokes about him - the benefit of political jokes was not shot and the deadlines were not given. Even a caustic joke about the leader of Angola and the poet to Net's Agostiny, who unexpectedly died in 1979 during his visit to Moscow: "Net came to us, and Grutto left for us (which means - the product with packaging)", called more sympathy than sarcasm.

In the picture: Moscow. Kremlin. Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Nikolai Viktorovich Podgorny presents the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev military sign Differences "Marshall Star", 1975. Net's agostiny, becoming the head of state, declared a course for the construction of socialism, but immediately the troops of Zaire and South Africa invaded the territory of his country. They connected with anti-government organizations and moved to the capital of Angola Luanda. And then of course, the Net's president applied for help best friends - USSR and Cuba. Cuban housing by a number of 15 thousand well-armed fighters plus our military advisers and weapons have done their job, defended the independence of the freedom-loving Angolese people. Then the oppositionists in the face of orthodox communists were eliminated. In the course of intrapartic cleaning and mass repressions, tens of thousands of Angolats were killed.

In the picture: Cuba. Santiago de Cuba. Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev (center) and the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba Fidel Castro Rus (right) during travel in the city, 1974. At that time, the African continent was practically divided into the sphere of influence of strong states in militarily. In fact, this territory (as well as Southeast Asia , Latin America, Middle East) was transferred by a military confrontation of two world systems focused on building or socialism, or capitalism. But that actually happened inside the country, it was sometimes sometimes the most intelligent advisers. No wonder there is a continuation of the saying "East Case Subtle, Africa Dark business". In July 1977, an armed conflict broke out between the Republic of Somalia and Ethiopia, which was also not passed by the USSR. 42 thousand Somalia army, and these are 12 mechanized infantry brigades, 250 tanks, hundreds of artillery guns, more than 30 modern Soviet production aircraft MiG-17 and MiG-21, crossed the border and started fighting against Ethiopia, whose leaders also took the course to build socialism . It must be said that the current situation for Soviet aviation advisers was largely anecdotal: they had to teach Ethiopian pilots who flew to American F-5A, F-86 SAYBR (until the emperor in 1974, Ethiopia was armed with USA) fight against Soviet Mig 17 and MiG-21, who were in service with Somalia. 15 years of the USSR supplied weapons to Somalia, he taught in the schools and academies of officers, the Somali fought for our combat charters, and our specialists literally a week before the conflict served as advisors in the Somalia army. In March 1978, Somalia troops were expelled from Ethiopia. Again, I worked for a Cuban building, our advisers and specialists. Common losses in the war - about a hundred thousand killed, half a million refugees. And with whom now Angola, Ethiopia, Somalia and ten more African states? 6. First Socialist War? On February 17, 1979, the troops of the People's Liberation Army of China invaded the territory of Vietnam. In this conflict, the USSR occupied the side of Vietnam, arranged throughout the eastern border with PRC of 4500 kilometers, the campaign of intimidation. In the direction of China, 44 divisions were coming with tank and aviation support. In combat readiness number one, the divisions of the rocket troops of the strategic, operational and operational and tactical appointment of the Far Eastern Military District were presented. The deep intelligence reported that the troops of NAK, the inhabitants of the cities and the villages of the adjacent side in a panic run deep into the country. From the first days of war, Soviet specialists who were both in Vietnam and in neighboring countries began combat activities together with Vietnamese. In addition to them, reinforcements began to tighten from the USSR. The USSR Air Bridge was installed - Vietnam. The USSR expelled the Chinese embassy from Moscow, and he sent his staff not by the plane, but by railway. In fact, after the Ural ridge to the border itself with China and Mongolia, they could see the tanks running east. The aggression turned around by the collapse of the Chinese military car - 300 thousand Chinese, equipped with heavy weapons, were kept by the non-regular Vietnamese army, which carried out international duty in Kampucheia and Laos, but by border guards, police and popular militia of border provinces. At the same time in 30 days conflict Maximum Promotion chinese army Among about 80 kilometers, although the modern war assumed the promotion of the division in the occurrence of 50 kilometers per day. The losses of the Chinese in Vietnamese data were killed 62.5 thousand people, as well as 280 tanks and armored vehicles, 118 guns and mortars, several aircraft. In December 1979, the divisions of the 40th Army Army of the USSR entered the territory of the Republic of Afghanistan. The time began to count the time of the collapse of the Brezhnev era, and together with her and the Soviet Union. Dnepropetrovsk, March 20, 1946. In the presidency of the meeting on the nomination of the first secretary of the Dnepropetrovsk regional community, Leonid Brezhnev (at the table, the third right) as a candidate for deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Brezhnev is the only one in the history of the existence of the USSR, who possessed five golden stars Hero: one star of the Hero of Socialist Labor and Four Stars Hero of the Soviet Union. Marshal Zhukov had only four stars Hero of the Soviet Union, and the predecessor Brezhnev N. S. Khrushchev - three stars of the hero of socialist labor and one star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. The rest of the heroes in the USSR are the title and the Golden Star more than three times were not handed over.

Also Brezhnev is the only victory awarded by the Order, whose award was canceled. According to the Statute of the Order, which states that only those who commanded the front have been entitled to be awarded Order and carried out a strategic fracture in any operation, or the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Army, which made a significant contribution to victory over fascism. Brezhnev, who spent the whole war on management positions in the RKKE Pallet, absolutely no right to this order did not have, especially in 1978, when the award was held.

There is a rumor that a peculiar diction of L. I. Brezhnev is connected with the fact that during the war he was injured in the jaw, which was especially affected by age. According to other sources, Brezhnev for the whole war did not receive a single injury.

Brezhnev loved to play dominoes.

On February 9, 1961, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev on the aircraft "IL-18" was serving from Moscow to the Republic of Guinea and an official visit. About 130 km north of Algeria at an altitude of 8250 m suddenly a fighter appeared with French identifiable signs and made three days at a dangerous close distance from the aircraft. During the arrivals, the fighter opened twice shooting on the Soviet aircraft with the subsequent intersection of the aircraft. Bougaev's pilot managed to bring his plane from the shelling zone.

In 1976, Bust Brezhnev was installed in Dneprodzerzhinsk on the Privokzal Oktyabrskaya Square. From this area down to the Dnieper to the Square at the Dnieper Metallurgical Plant descended the green alley. On the square of the DMCD there was a long monument to Lenin and soon in the people, this alley was called "from Ilyich to Ilyich."

In 1977, the film "Soldiers of Freedom" was released on the screens, in the last series of which E. Matveyev played the role of the young Colonel Brezhnev. This fact led to the fact that the people began to happen to the revival of the cult of personality, this time - Brezhnev.

About Brezhnev removed in 2005 the artistic television series.

Brezhnev was sick for the Spartak football club, he was also constantly attended by the Hockey Matches of the Spartak team, held on the ice arena in Luzhniki.

Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev occupied the highest post of the USSR within 18 years old, from 1964 to 1982. What is interesting, the characteristic in a personal case from 42 years old was reading: "Crashing the draft work, has very weak military knowledge ..."
The first pre-New Year television appeal on behalf of the leadership in the USSR to the Soviet people first made the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev on December 31, 1970.

Brezhnev very much loved to kiss, and did not make exceptions for men. Because of this, a three-year kiss in the people began to call Brezhnevsky. Knowing the weakness of the Secretary General, during his travel around the country, local authorities specifically picked up girls who were trusted to give Leonid Ilyich bread-salt. They say that in Kiev from contenders, in addition to external data, it was necessary to kiss sweetly. Brezhnev was pleased with reminders of his former successes on the love front.

To the old age, Brezhnev began to speak and fall asleep during negotiations and speeches. In 1976 he suffered clinical death. It has been proven that Brezhnev became drug addict snowpit preparation "Nebutal". On November 7, 1982, his last appearance in public was held, and already three days later, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev died at the age of 75.

During the funeral of the Soviet leaders, they are taken to carry their awards attached to small velvet pads. But Brezhnev had more than two hundred orders and medals! I had to attach to each velvet pad for several orders and medals and limit the honorary escort of forty with four senior officers.

After the death of Leonid Ilyich from 1982 to 1988, the city of Naberezhnye Chelny in the Republic of Tatarstan was named Brezhnev. It is characteristic that when the city of Izhevsk was renamed in memory of former minister Defense Dmitry Ustinov, there was Brezhnev - Ustinov bus route.

Brezhnev is the only one in the history of the existence of the USSR, who possessed five golden stars Hero: one star of the Hero of Socialist Labor and Four Stars Hero of the Soviet Union. Marshal Zhukov had only four stars Hero of the Soviet Union, and the predecessor Brezhnev N. S. Khrushchev - three stars of the hero of socialist labor and one star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. The rest of the heroes in the USSR are the title and the Golden Star more than three times were not handed over.

Also Brezhnev is the only victory awarded by the Order, whose award was canceled. According to the Statute of the Order, which states that only those who commanded the front have been entitled to be awarded Order and carried out a strategic fracture in any operation, or the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Army, which made a significant contribution to victory over fascism. Brezhnev, who spent the whole war on management positions in the RKKE Pallet, absolutely no right to this order did not have, especially in 1978, when the award was held.

There is a rumor that a peculiar diction of L. I. Brezhnev is connected with the fact that during the war he was injured in the jaw, which was especially affected by age. According to other sources, Brezhnev for the whole war did not receive a single injury.

Brezhnev loved to play dominoes.

On February 9, 1961, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev on the aircraft "IL-18" was serving from Moscow to the Republic of Guinea and an official visit. About 130 km north of Algeria at an altitude of 8250 m suddenly a fighter appeared with French identifiable signs and made three days at a dangerous close distance from the aircraft. During the arrivals, the fighter opened twice shooting on the Soviet aircraft with the subsequent intersection of the aircraft. Bougaev's pilot managed to bring his plane from the shelling zone.

In 1976, Brezhnev bust was installed in Dneprodzerzhinsk on the Privokzal Oktyabrskaya Square. From this area down to the Dnieper to the Square at the Dnieper Metallurgical Plant descended the green alley. On the square of the DMCD there was a long monument to Lenin and soon in the people, this alley was called "from Ilyich to Ilyich."

In 1977, the film "Soldiers of Freedom" was released on the screens, in the last series of which E. Matveyev played the role of the young Colonel Brezhnev. This fact led to the fact that the people began to happen to the revival of the cult of personality, this time - Brezhnev.

About Brezhnev removed in 2005 the artistic television series.

Brezhnev was sick for the Spartak football club, he was also constantly attended by the Hockey Matches of the Spartak team, held on the ice arena in Luzhniki.

Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev occupied the highest post of the USSR within 18 years old, from 1964 to 1982. What is interesting, the characteristic in a personal case from 42 years old was reading: "Crashing the draft work, has very weak military knowledge ..."

The first pre-New Year television appeal on behalf of the leadership in the USSR to the Soviet people first made the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev on December 31, 1970.

Brezhnev very much loved to kiss, and did not make exceptions for men. Because of this, a three-year kiss in the people began to call Brezhnevsky. Knowing the weakness of the Secretary General, during his travel around the country, local authorities specifically picked up girls who were trusted to give Leonid Ilyich bread-salt. They say that in Kiev from contenders, in addition to external data, it was necessary to kiss sweetly. Brezhnev was pleased with reminders of his former successes on the love front.

To the old age, Brezhnev began to speak and fall asleep during negotiations and speeches. In 1976, he suffered a clinical death. It has been proven that Brezhnev has become drug addicts from the sleeping package "Nebutal". On November 7, 1982, his last appearance in public was held, and already three days later, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev died at the age of 75.

The last Secretary General and at the same time the first president of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, differed modest wages 500 rubles. Just above the middle country. However, almost before the collapse of the USSR, his cash reward increased dramatically to several thousand rubles. Special capital he did not have time to nor. And after the completion of the political career began to perform worldwide at various conferences, forums and other events. The annual income of the "former" president began from 200 thousand dollars.

Yeltsin Also was asked ascetic about his salary. In the mid-90s, he practically lost control over the authority. Rules country handful of elected oligarchs led by Berezovsky.

The current head of state V.V. Putin received at the beginning of his political activity As a president about 5 thousand dollars a month. To date, this amount is about 80 thousand dollars. Add trial a separate expense article on maintaining presidential activity in the amount of about 1 million per month (naturally).

Interesting fact. According to the current legislation, the pension of the former chapter is appointed in the amount not lower than 75% of the salaries received during the president. And accrued immediately after the expiration date.

Brezhnev is the only one in the history of the existence of the USSR, who possessed five golden stars Hero: one star of the Hero of Socialist Labor and Four Stars Hero of the Soviet Union. Marshal Zhukov had only four stars Hero of the Soviet Union, and the predecessor Brezhnev N. S. Khrushchev - three stars of the hero of socialist labor and one star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. The rest of the heroes in the USSR are the title and the Golden Star more than three times were not handed over.

Also Brezhnev is the only victory awarded by the Order, whose award was canceled. According to the Statute of the Order, which states that only those who commanded the front have been entitled to be awarded Order and carried out a strategic fracture in any operation, or the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Army, which made a significant contribution to victory over fascism. Brezhnev, who spent the whole war on management positions in the RKKE Pallet, absolutely no right to this order did not have, especially in 1978, when the award was held.

There is a rumor that a peculiar diction of L. I. Brezhnev is connected with the fact that during the war he was injured in the jaw, which was especially affected by age. According to other sources, Brezhnev for the whole war did not receive a single injury.

Brezhnev loved to play dominoes.

On February 9, 1961, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev on the aircraft "IL-18" was serving from Moscow to the Republic of Guinea and an official visit. About 130 km north of Algeria at an altitude of 8250 m suddenly a fighter appeared with French identifiable signs and made three days at a dangerous close distance from the aircraft. During the arrivals, the fighter opened twice shooting on the Soviet aircraft with the subsequent intersection of the aircraft. Bougaev's pilot managed to bring his plane from the shelling zone.

In 1976, Bust Brezhnev was installed in Dneprodzerzhinsk on the Privokzal Oktyabrskaya Square. From this area down to the Dnieper to the Square at the Dnieper Metallurgical Plant descended the green alley. On the square of the DMCD there was a long monument to Lenin and soon in the people, this alley was called "from Ilyich to Ilyich."

In 1977, the film "Soldiers of Freedom" was released on the screens, in the last series of which E. Matveyev played the role of the young Colonel Brezhnev. This fact led to the fact that the people began to happen to the revival of the cult of personality, this time - Brezhnev.

About Brezhnev removed in 2005 the artistic television series.

Brezhnev was sick for the Spartak football club, he was also constantly attended by the Hockey Matches of the Spartak team, held on the ice arena in Luzhniki.

Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev occupied the highest post of the USSR within 18 years old, from 1964 to 1982. What is interesting, the characteristic in a personal case from 42 years old was reading: "Crashing the draft work, has very weak military knowledge ..."

The first pre-New Year television appeal on behalf of the leadership in the USSR to the Soviet people first made the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev on December 31, 1970.

Brezhnev very much loved to kiss, and did not make exceptions for men. Because of this, a three-year kiss in the people began to call Brezhnevsky. Knowing the weakness of the Secretary General, during his travel around the country, local authorities specifically picked up girls who were trusted to give Leonid Ilyich bread-salt. They say that in Kiev from contenders, in addition to external data, it was necessary to kiss sweetly. Brezhnev was pleased with reminders of his former successes on the love front.

To the old age, Brezhnev began to speak and fall asleep during negotiations and speeches. In 1976, he suffered a clinical death. It has been proven that Brezhnev has become drug addicts from the sleeping package "Nebutal". On November 7, 1982, his last appearance in public was held, and already three days later, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev died at the age of 75.