General Secretaries of the Soviet Union. From Lenin to Putin: what and how the Russian leaders suffered

The Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU is the highest position in the hierarchy of the Communist Party and by and large leader of the Soviet Union. In the history of the party there were four more positions of the head of its central office: Technical Secretary (1917-1918), Chairman of the Secretariat (1918-1919), responsible secretary (1919-1922) and the first secretary (1953-1966).

Persons who replaced the two first positions were mainly engaged in paper secretarial work. The position of responsible secretary was introduced in 1919 by fulfillment for administrative activities. The post of the Secretary-General, established in 1922, was also created purely for administrative and personnel intrapartare work. However, the first Secretary of Joseph Stalin, using the principles of democratic centralism, managed to turn not only in the leader of the party, but also the entire Soviet Union.

At the 17th Congress of the Party of Stalin, they did not formally re-elected to the post of Secretary General. However, his influence was already enough to maintain leadership in the party and the country as a whole. After Stalin's death in 1953, Georgy Malenkov was considered the most influential member of the secretariat. After the appointment, Nikita Khrushchev came out to the position of Chairman of the Council of Ministers and the first secretary of the Central Committee was released in the party.

Not infinite rulers

In 1964, the opposition inside the Politburo and the Central Committee removed Nikita Khrushchev from the post of the first secretary, by choosing Leonid Brezhnev to his place. Since 1966, the position of the head of the party began to be called the Secretary-General. In Brezhnev times, the authorities of the Secretary-General were not limitless, since the members of the Politburo could limit its powers. The country's leadership was carried out collectively.

By the same principle, like the late Brezhnev, managed the country Yuri Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko. Both were elected to the highest party post, when their health had worsened, and worked as a genecian position for a short time. Until 1990, when the monopoly of the Communist Party was eliminated, Mikhail Gorbachev supervised as Secretary General of the CPSU. Especially for him to preserve leadership in the country, in the same year the post of President of the Soviet Union was established.

After the August coup of 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev left the Secretary General's post. He was replaced by the Deputy Vladimir Ivashko, who worked as an acting Secretary-General only five calendar days, until the moment of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin suspended the activities of the CPSU.

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The path of the Soviet Union was finally ended in 1991, although in a sense, his agony lasted until 1993. On the final privatization began only in 1992-1993, simultaneously with the transition to a new monetary system.

The bright period of the Soviet Union, more precisely, its dying, became the so-called "restructuring". But what failed the USSR at first under the restructuring, and then under the final disassembly of socialism and the Soviet system?

1953 marked the death of the long-term actual head of the USSR - Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. After his death, the struggle for power between the most influential members of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee. As of March 5, 1953, the influential members of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU were Malenkov, Beria, Molotov, Voroshilov, Khrushchev, Bulganin, Kaganovich, Mikoyan. On September 7, 1953, at the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU N. S. Khrushchev, the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee was elected.

At the XX Congress of the CPSU in February 1956, Stalin's personality cult was convicted. But the most important miner was put under the very very device of the Leninsky principle of the Soviet state at the XXII Copyright October 1961. This congress was removed the main principle of building a communist society - the dictatorship of the proletariat, changing its anti-scientific concept of a "common state". The terrible here was also the fact that this congress was the actual mass of silent delegates. They accepted all the principles of the actual coup in the Soviet system. The first sprouts of the decentralization of the economic mechanism were followed. But since the pioneers often do not hold in power for a long time, already in 1964 the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU removed N. S. Khrushcheva from the post of first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

This time is often called the "restoration of Stalinist orders", freezing reforms. But this is only a philanthropic thinking and a simplified worldview in which there is no scientific approach. Because in 1965, market reform tactics won in the socialist economy. The "nationwide state" entered into their rights. In fact, under the rigid planning of the national economic complex, the total was summed up. The unified people's complex began to declare, and subsequently - to disintegrate. One of the authors of the reform was the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A. N. Kosygin. Reformers are constantly sick, as a result of their reform, the enterprises received "independence". In fact, it gave power to the hands of directors of enterprises and the right to spend speculative transactions. As a result, these actions led to a gradual emergence of the deficit of the necessary products for the population.

We all remember the "golden times" of Soviet cinema of the 1970s. For example, in the film "Ivan Vasilyevich changes the profession" the viewer clearly shows how the actor actor Demianko buys the semiconductors they need not in stores that for some reason are closed for repair or for lunch, but in speculatant. Speculant, which was sort of "believed and condemned" by the Soviet society of that period.

Polytecomic literature of the time will acquire a unique anti-scientific terminology of "Developed Socialism". But what is "developed socialism"? Strictly following Marxist-Leninist philosophy, we all know that socialism is a transition period between capitalism and communism, the period of death of old orders. Acute class struggle under the leadership of the working class. And what do we get in the end? What appears some incomprehensible stage there.

The same happened in the party apparatus. Matturists and adaptents, and not ideological and tempered people, began to join the CPSU. The party apparatus becomes actually unsound of society. From the dictatorship of the proletariat there is no longer any trace.

In politics at the same time there is a tendency for non-permanent management personnel, their physical aging and decreasing. Careerist ambitions appear. This moment, the Soviet cinema also did not care. In some way, it was raised, but there were also brilliant tapes of the time that gave a critical analysis of the proceeds. For example, the 1982 Film - the Social Drama "Magistral", who settled with all the directness of the expansion and degradation in a separate industry - on the railway. But in the films of that time, mainly in the comedies, we already find direct glorification of individualism, riding a man of labor. At this field, the film "Service Roman" was especially distinguished.

The trade already occurs systematic interruptions. Of course, now the directors of the enterprises are actually the owners of their lots, they have "independence."

Anti-communists are often mentioned in their "scientific" and anti-scientific works, which in the 1980s the country has already been severely ill. Closer a friend can only be an enemy. Even if you do not take into account those frank salts that anti-communists poured into the USSR, a rather difficult situation was actually evidenced in the country.

For example, I myself remember well, as for the products in the early 1980s we traveled from the "Untusting" Pskov region of the RSFSR to the "Developed" and "advanced" Estonian SSR.

Such a country approached the line of the mid-1980s. Even on the films of that period it is already clear that the country in the construction of communism does not believe. Another 1977 film "Racers" clearly shows which ideas of Vitali in the heads in the midsters, although the character of this film was also trying to show in negative light.

In 1985, after a series of deaths of "non-permissible" leaders, a relatively young politician M. S. Gorbachev comes to power. His long speeches, the meaning of which went to the emptiness, could last many hours. But the time was that the people, as in the old days believed reformer deceivers, as the main thing was on the mind - change in life. But how does the averageer happens? What I want - I do not know?

Perestroika has become a catalyst for accelerating all the devastating processes in the USSR, which for a long time accumulated and trelly. Already by 1986, anti-Soviet elements appear openly, which aimed at dismantling the workers' state and the restoration of bourgeois orders. By 1988 it was an irreversible process.

In the culture of that time, anti-Soviet groups of that period - Nautilus Pompilius and Civil Defense appear. According to the old habit, the authorities are trying to "chase" everything that does not fit into the framework of official culture. However, and then the dialectics threw strange things. Subsequently, it was the "civil defense", it became a bright revolutionary beacon of an anti-capitalist protest, thereby fixing all the contradictory phenomena of that era for the Soviet era, as rather Soviet than anti-Soviet phenomena. But even the criticism of that time was at a rather professional level, which brightly reflected in the song of the group "Aria" - "What did you do with your dream?" Where in fact overturns the entire path as erroneous.

At its wave, the era of restructuring carried the most disgusting characters, the vast majority of which were just members of the CPSU. In Russia, B. N. Yeltsin became such a person, who lowered the country in the bloody messenger. This is the execution of the bourgeois parliament, according to the habit of having another Soviet shell, this is the Chechen war. In Latvia, such a character was the former member of the KPSS A. V. Gorbunov, who continued to manage bourgeois Latvia until the mid-1990s. These characters were still Soviet, the Soviet encyclopedia of the 1980s, calling them "outstanding leaders of the party and government."

The "sausage inhabitants" usually judge the Soviet era of the rejuncting horror strokes about the Stalinist "Terror", through the prism of its narcotic perception of empty shelves and deficit. But their mind refuses to accept the fact that it is the large-scale decentralization and capitalization of the country and led the USSR to such results.

But how many strengths and minds of ideological Bolsheviks were applied to raise their country to the Space Level of Development by the mid-1950s, to pass a terrible war with the most terrible enemy on Earth - fascism. Dismantling of the communist development, which began with the 1950s, lasted for more than 30 years, while maintaining the main features of the socialist development and a fair society. After all, at the beginning of its path, the Communist Party was really ideological party - the advanced vanguard, a lighthouse of the development of society.

In all this history, it clearly manifests itself that the influence of their ideological weapons - by Marxism-Leninism, leads the leaders of the party to the betrayal of the entire people.

We did not set their goal to disassemble all the stages of the decomposition of the Soviet society. The purpose of this article is only to describe the chronology of some significant events of Soviet life and its individual significant aspects of the post-Stalin period.

Nevertheless, it will be fair to mention that the relative modernization of the country continued throughout the entire period of the country's existence. By the end of the 1980s, we observed the positive development of many social institutions and technical development. Somewhere the pace of development slowed down significantly, something continued to remain at a very high level. Medicine and education developed, cities were built, infrastructure improved. The country in the inertia went forward.

In the dark century, our journey went with an accelerated pace and irreversibly since 1991.

Andrey Krasny.

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Image Caption. The royal family hid a disease of the heir to the throne

Disputes on the state of the health of President Vladimir Putin are forced to remember the Russian tradition: the first person was considered as a terrestrial deity, to remember which was not obvious and vousa.

Possessing almost unlimited lifelong power, the rulers of Russia were sick and died as ordinary mortals. It is said that in the 1950s, someone from the liberally tuned young "stadium poets" once said: "Only they have no administrators for heart attacks!".

Discussion of the personal life of the leaders, including their physical condition, was banned. Russia is not America, which publishes these analyzes of presidents and candidates for presidents, and their figures of their blood pressure.

Cesarevich Alexey Nikolaevich, as it is known, suffered to congenital hemophilia - a hereditary disease in which blood is not normal, and any injury can lead to death from internal hemorrhage.

The only person capable of improving his condition is still incomprehensible to improving his condition, was Grigory Rasputin, who was expressing in modern, strong psychics.

Nicholas II and his spouse categorically did not want to publish the fact that their only son is actually a disabled. Even ministers only in general knew that Zesarevich had health problems. Simple people, seeing the heir during rare public exits in the hands of a hefty sailor, considered him a victim of the attempt of terrorists.

Aleksey Nikolayevich could subsequently lead the country or not, unknown. His life in incomplete 14 years crashed the Chekist bullet.

Vladimir Lenin

Image Caption. Lenin was the only Soviet leader from whose health was not done secret

The founder of the Soviet state died unusually early, in 54, from the progressive atherosclerosis. An autopsy showed an incompatible lesion of brain vessels. It was rumored that the development of the disease was provoked by an incredited syphilis, but there is no evidence to this.

The first stroke, the resulting partial paralysis and loss of speech, happened to Lenin on May 26, 1922. After that, he was at the cottage in the hills in a helpless state, which was interrupted by short remissions.

Lenin is the only Soviet leader, who did not make a secret from whose physical condition. Medical bulletins were published regularly. At the same time, the colleagues until recent days they assured that the leader would recover. Joseph Stalin, who visited Lenin in Gorki more often than other members of the leadership, posted optimistic reports in the "Pravda" on how they were cheerfully joking with reinsurers with Ilyich.

Joseph Stalin

Image Caption. About Stalin's disease reported a day before his death

The "leader of the peoples" in recent years has suffered a severe defeat of the cardiovascular system, probably aggravated by an unhealthy way of life: he worked a lot, while turning the night a day, eating fat and acute food, smoked and drank, and did not like to be examined.

According to some reports, the "doctors" began with the fact that the Cardiologist Kogan advised a high-ranking patient more relax. A suspicious dictator saw in this someone's attempt to remove him from things.

When the "doctors' case", Stalin remained at all without qualified medical care. Even the closest people could not speak with him on this topic, and he was so he fought so much that after a stroke, which happened on March 1, 1953 in the near country, was lying on the floor for several hours, since she had previously banned the security to disturb him without a call.

Even after Stalin turned 70 years old, a public discussion of his health and forecasts, which will be with the country after his care, were absolutely impossible in the USSR. The idea that we will ever remain "without it," was considered blasphemy.

For the first time, the people of Stalin, the people reported a day before his death, when he had long been unconscious.

Leonid Brezhnev

Image Caption. Brezhnev "Rules, not coming into consciousness"

Leonid Brezhnev recent years, how to joke in the people, "rules, without coming into consciousness." The very possibility of such jokes confirmed that after Stalin, the country was still much changed.

Elder diseases in the 75-year-old Secretary General grabbed. Mentioned, in particular, sluggish leukemia. Nevertheless, it is difficult to say, from what, in fact, he died.

Doctors talked about the overall weakening of the body caused by the abuse of soothing and sleeping drugs and caused failure in memory, the loss of coordination and the disorder of speech.

In 1979, Brezhnev during the meeting of the Politburo lost consciousness.

"You know, Mikhail," said Yuri Andropov just translated into Moscow and not accustomed to such scenes to Mikhail Gorbachev, "to do everything to support Leonid Ilyich. This is a question of stability."

Brezhnev politically killed television. In previous times, his condition could be hidden, but in the 1970s it was impossible to avoid regular appearance on the screen, including in the live broadcast.

The explicit inadequacy of the leader in combination with the complete lack of official information caused the extremely negative reaction of society. Instead of pity for a sick person, people responded with jokes and jokes.

Yury Andropov

Image Caption. Andropov suffered by defeat the kidneys

Yuri Andropov Most of the Life suffered from a severe defeat of the kidneys, from which, in the end, and died.

The disease caused pressure increase. In the mid-1960s, Andropov was treated hard from hypertension, it did not give results, it was the question of his retirement retirement.

The Kremlin doctor Evgeny Chazov made a dizzying career due to the fact that he put the right diagnosis of the KGB chapter and presented it about 15 years of active life.

In June 1982, at the Plenum of the Central Committee, when the speaker called from the Tribunes to "give a party assessment" to distributors of rumors, Andropov unexpectedly intervened and told the tough tone that "the last time warns" those who chat delicately in conversations with foreigners. According to the researchers, he meant, first of all, leaks of information about his health.

In September, Andropov went to rest in the Crimea, there was a cold and no more from the bed did not get up. In the Kremlin Hospital, hemodialysis was regularly made - the procedure for cleaning the blood with the help of equipment that replaces the normal operation of the kidneys.

Unlike Brezhnev, who once fell asleep and did not wake up, Andropov died for a long time and painfully.

Konstantin Chernenko

Image Caption. Chernenko rarely appeared in public, said, choking

After the death of Andropov, the need to give the country a young dynamic leader was obvious to everyone and everyone. But the old members of the Politburo put forward to the general secretaries of 72-year-old Konstantin Chernenko, formally who was human number 2.

As the former health minister of the USSR Boris Petrovsky recalled later, they all thought exclusively about how to die at the posts, they were not to the country, and even more so, not to reforms.

Chernenko has long been sick of emphysema lungs, heading the state, almost did not work, rarely appeared in the public, said, choking and swallowing words.

In August 1983, he suffered severe poisoning, sowing fish in the Crimea, his own self-caught and smoked neighbor in the country, Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR Vitaly Fedorchuk. Many were treated with a gift, but no one had happened to anyone anyone.

Konstantin Chernenko died on March 10, 1985. Three days earlier in the USSR, elections were held in the Supreme Council. Television showed a Secretary-General, who approached the urn with a non-hard gait, lowered the bulletin in her, sluggishly waved his hand and said vigilantly: "Good".

Boris Yeltsin

Image Caption. Yeltsin, as far as known, suffered five heart attacks

Boris Yeltsin suffered from severe heart disease and, according to the available data, suffered five heart attacks.

The first president of Russia has always been proud of the fact that it does not take it, he was engaged in sports, bought in ice water and largely built his image, and the dismissed was accustomed to tolerate on her legs.

Health of Yeltsin deteriorated in the summer of 1995, but there were elections ahead, and he refused a detailed treatment, although the doctors warned about the "irreparable harm to health." According to the journalist Alexander Khinstein, he stated: "After the elections, at least cut, and now leave."

June 26, 1996, a week before the second round of elections, in Kaliningrad, Yeltsin had a heart attack that with great difficulty managed to hide.

August 15, immediately after joining the position, the president lay down at the clinic, where he was made by the operation of the Aorticorona shunting. This time he conscientiously performed all the instructions of the physicians.

In the conditions of freedom of speech, the truth about the state of health of the head of state was difficult, but the surroundings tried as it could. Recognized, as a last resort, the presence of ischemia and temporary colds. Press secretary Sergey Yastrzhembsky told that the president rarely appears in humans, because it is extremely busy work with documents, but he has an iron handshake.

Separately, mention should be mentioned about the relationship of Boris Yeltsin with alcohol. Political opponents have constantly detected this topic. One of the main slogans of the Communists during the 1996 campaign sounded: "Instead of Elah drunk, choose Zyuganov!".

Meanwhile, in the public, Yeltsin appeared "under the fly" the only time - during the famous orchestra conduction in Berlin.

The former head of the presidential security Alexander Korzhakov, who had no reason to fire off the former Chef, wrote in memories that in September 1994, Yeltsin did not leave the plane to a meeting with the Prime Minister Ireland not because of intoxication, but because of a heart attack. Havor confused, advisors decided that albeit people believe a "alcoholic" version than to recognize that the leader is seriously sick.

Safety retirement, mode and peace have been beneficial to the health of Boris Yeltsin. He lived in retirement for almost eight years, although in 1999, according to the estimates of the physicians, was in serious condition.

Is it worth hiding the truth?

According to experts, the disease for the statesman, of course, is not plus, but in the era of the Internet, it is meaningless in the era of the Internet, and with the skillful Piara, it is possible to even extract political dividends.

As an example, analysts point to the President of Venezuela Hugo Chávez, who made good advertising from his fight against a cancer. Supporters received a reason to be proud of the fact that their idol in fire does not burn and even in the face of the face thinks about the country, and they ran around it even stronger around him.

With the death of Stalin - "Father of Peoples" and "Archage Communism" - in 1953, the struggle for power began, because established by him, it was assumed that the steering wheel of the USSR would stand the same one-owned leader who will take the Brazda government to the state.

The difference was only that the main applicants for power all as one performed for the abolition of this very cult and liberalization of the country's political course.

Who rules after Stalin?

A serious struggle unfolded between three main applicants who were initially represented by Triumvirate - George Malenkov (Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR), Lavrenting Beria (Minister of the United Mise) and Nikita Khrushchev (secretary of the CPSU Central Committee). Each of them wanted to take a seat in but the victory could only get to this contender, whose candidacy will support the party, whose members enjoyed great authority and had the necessary connections. In addition, all of them united the desire to achieve stability, complete the era of repressions and get more freedom in their actions. That is why the question of who rules after the death of Stalin does not always have a unambiguous answer - after all, there were three people who fought for power.

Triumvirate in power: the beginning of the split

Created by Stalin Triumvirate divided power. Her big part focused in the hands of Malenkov and Beria. Khrushchev assigned the role of the secretary not so much in the eyes of his rivals. However, they underestimated the ambitious and assertive parties, who allocated extraordinary thinking and intuition.

For those who ruled the country after Stalin, it was important to understand who first need to be eliminated from the competitive struggle. The first target became Lawrence Beria. Khrushchev and Malenkov paid a report in which dossier for each of them had a minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, headed by the entire system of repressive organs. In this regard, in July 1953, Beria was arrested, accusing him in espionage and some other crimes, thereby eliminating such a dangerous opponent.

Malenkov and his policy

The authority of Khrushchev as the organizer of this conspiracy increased significantly, and its influence on other party members increased. However, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers was Malenkov, key decisions and directions in politics depended on it. At the first meeting of the Presidium, the course was taken for the defalence and establishment of collective management of the country: the cult of personality was planned to abolish, but to do it in such a way as not to diminish the merit of the "father of peoples". The main task that Malenkov put was in the development of the economy, taking into account the interests of the population. He suggested a rather extensive program of change, which was not adopted at a meeting of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee. Then Malenkov put forward the same suggestions at the session of the Supreme Council, where they were approved. For the first time after the United States of Stalin, the decision was made not a party, but an official authority. CPSU Central Committee and Politburo were forced to agree with this.

Further history will show that among those who rules after Stalin, Malenkov will be the most "efficient" in their decisions. The Complex Action Complex by him in the State and Party Apparatus, on the development of food and light industry, to expand the independence of the collective farms gave their fruits: 1954-1956 For the first time after the end of the war, the growth of the rural population and the growth of agricultural production was shown, which for many years The decline and stagnation became cost-effective. The effect of these measures remained until 1958. It is this five-year plan that is considered the most productive and effective after Stalin's death.

Those who rules after Stalin, it was clear that in the light industry, such success would not be able to achieve, since the proposals of Malenkov in its development contradicted the tasks of the plans of the next five-year plan, which focused on Promotion

I tried to approach solving problems from a rational point of view, applying economic, and not ideological considerations. However, such an order did not suit the party nomenclature (led by Khrushchev), which practically lost its prevailing role in the life of the state. It was a weighty argument against Malenkov, who under the pressure of the party in February 1955 filed a resignation. His place was taken by the companion of Khrushchev Malenkov became one of his deputies, but after the overclocking of 1957, the Anti-Partisan Group (which he entered), together with his supporters, was excluded from the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee. Khrushchev took advantage of this situation and in 1958 he removed Malenkov and from the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers, taking his place and becoming those who rules after Stalin in the USSR.

Thus, focused in his hands almost complete power. He got rid of the two most powerful competitors and headed the country.

Who rules the country after the death of Stalin and the displacement of Malenkov?

Those 11 years who Khrushchev managed the USSR, rich in different events and reforms. On the agenda, there was a lot of problems faced by the state after industrialization, war and attempts to restore the economy. The main milestones who remember the era of the Board of Khrushchev, the following:

  1. The development policy (not reinforced by scientific study) - increased the number of sowing areas, but did not take into account the climatic features that slowed down the development of agriculture in the areas of departed territories.
  2. "Corn campaign", the purpose of which was to catch up and overtake the United States who received good crops of this culture. Sowing Squares under the corn expanded halfway to the detriment of sowing rye and wheat. But the result was sad - climatic conditions did not allow to obtain a high harvest, and the reduction of the area for other cultures provoked the receipt of low indicators by their collection. The campaign with a crash failed in 1962, and its result was the increase in oil prices and meat, which caused discontent among the population.
  3. The beginning of the restructuring is the mass construction of houses, which allowed many families to move from hostels and communal to apartments (so-called "Khrushchev").

Results of the Board of Khrushchev

Among those who rules after Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev highlighted its non-standard and not always thoughtful approach to reform inside the state. Despite numerous projects that were embodied, their inconsistency led to the displacement of Khrushchev from office in 1964.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Joseph Stalin died on March 5 at 21:50. From March 6 to March 9, the country was immersed in mourning. The coffin with the body of the leader was set in Moscow in the column hall of the House of Unions. Thousands of millions of millions took part in mourning events.

To maintain public order to the capital were troops. However, the authorities did not expect such an incredible influx of those who wish to conduct Stalin on the last path. The victims of the funeral on the day of the funeral, March 9, according to various sources, were from 300 to 3 thousand people.

"Stalin entered the Russian history as a symbol of greatness. Industrialization, victory in the Great Patriotic War and the creation of a nuclear bomb became the main achievements of the Stalin era. The foundation that the leader left was allowed the country to reach a nuclear parity with the United States and to launch a rocket into space, "the doctor of historical sciences in Dmitry Zhuravlyov was noted in conversation with RT.

At the same time, according to the expert, the Soviet people paid an enormous price for great accomplishments in the Stalin era (1924-1953). The most negative phenomena, according to the evaluation of the zhuravlev, there were collectivization, political repression, labor camps (GULAG system) and gross disregard for the elementary needs of a person.

The mystery of the death of the leader

Stalin was distinguished by pathological distrust of doctors and neglecting their recommendations. The serious leader's health degradation began in 1948. The last public speech of the Soviet leader took place on October 14, 1952, on which he summed up the XIX Congress Congress.

  • Joseph Stalin performs at the final meeting of the XIX Congress of the CPSU
  • RIA News

For the last years of life, Stalin spent a lot of time at the "near Dacha" in Kuntseva. On March 1, 1953, the leader was in a fixed state found employees of state bors. They reported on this Lavrentia Beria, George Malenkov and Nikita Khrushchev.

Operational medical care was not rendered. Doctors came to inspect him only on March 2. What happened in the early days of March at the "near Dacha" - a mystery for historians. The question of whether it was possible to save the life of the leader, still remains unanswered.

Son Nikita Khrushchev is confident that Stalin became the "victim of his own system." His approximate and doctors were afraid to take something, although it was obvious that the leader is in critical condition. According to official information, Stalin diagnosed stroke. There was no announced about the disease, but on March 4, the party top, apparently, sighting the head of the leader, decided to break silence.

  • Queue of those who want to say goodbye to Joseph Stalin at the House of Soviez, Moscow
  • RIA News

"On the night of March 2, 1953, I.V. Stalin there was a sudden hemorrhage into the brain, which captured the vital areas of the brain, as a result of which the palsy of the right leg and the right hand came with the loss of consciousness and speech, "the article was said in the Pravda newspaper.

"The semblance of a palace coup"

Colonel KGB retired, counterintelligence Igor Prelin believes that the entourage of the leader understood the inevitability of his ambulance and was not interested in recovering Stalin.

"These people were interested in it (Stalin. - RT.) Rather, left for two considerations. They feared for their position and well-being that he would remove them, remove and repress. And the second - of course, they themselves rushed to power. They understood that Stalin's days were considered. It was clear that this was the final, "said Prena in one of the interviews.

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The main applicants for the role of the leader of the Soviet state were the former head of the NKVD of Lavrenty Beryia, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Georgy Malenkov, First Secretary of the Moscow Region of Nikita Khrushchev and Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU Marshal Nikolay Bulganin.

During the period of Stalin's disease, the party Tips redesigned the highest government positions. It was decided that the post of chairman of the Council, who belonged to the leader, will take Malenkov, Khrushchev will be the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee (the highest position in the party hierarchy), Beria will receive a portfolio of the Minister of the Interior, and Bulganin - Minister of Defense.

The reluctance of Beria, Malenkov, Khrushchev and Bulganin to save all possible ways of the leader's life and redistribute state posts spawned a widespread version of the existence of an antistali conspiracy. The conspiracy against the leader was objectively beneficial for the party tip, believes a crane.

  • Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev, Lavrenty Beria, Matvey Shkiryatov (in the first row right to left), Georgy Malenkov and Andrei Zhdanov (in the second row to the right left)
  • RIA News

"It was hypothetically possibly a certain semblance of a palace coup, since the open confrontation of the leader was completely excluded. Nevertheless, the theory of conspiracy and the violent death of Stalin did not receive reinforced concrete evidence. Any versions on this score are private opinions that are not based on documentary confirmation, "said Zhuravlyov in conversation with RT.

The collapse of the main challenger

Poststalin regime in 1953-1954 is often referred to as "Collegial Management". The authority in the state was distributed between several party bosses. However, historians converge in the opinion that under the beautiful screen of "collegial management" was hidden by the most severe struggle for absolute leadership.

Malenkov, being a curator of the most important defense projects of the USSR, had close ties with the military elite of the country (one of the supporters of Malenkov is considered Marshal Georgy Zhukov). Beria had a huge influence on security authorities - key institutions of power in the Stalinist era. Khrushchev used the sympathies of the party apparatus and was perceived as a compromise figure. The weakest positions were at Bulganin.

At the funeral of the first coffin with the leader from the trade union house, Beria (left) and Malenkov (Right) took place. On the Tribune of the Mausoleum, in which Stalin buried (in 1961, the leader was reburied by the Kremlin Wall), Beria stood in the center, between Malenkov and Khrushchev. It symbolized his dominant position at that time.

Beria united under his authority the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of State Security. On March 19, he replaced almost all the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Union republics and regions of the RSFSR.

However, Beria did not abuse power. It is noteworthy that his political program coincided with democratic initiatives that Malenkov expressed and Khrushchev. Oddly enough, but it was Lavrenti Pavlovich that began the revision of the criminal cases of those citizens who were accused of anti-Soviet conspiracies.

On March 27, 1953, the Interior Minister signed a decree "On Amnesty". The document made it possible to release citizens from the conclusion of citizens condemned for official and economic crimes. In total, more than 1.3 million people were published from prisons, criminal proceedings were discontinued in relation to 401 thousand citizens.

Despite these steps, Beria is firmly associated with repression, which were held in the Stalinist era. On June 26, 1953, the chapter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was summoned to a meeting of the Summin and detained, accusing in espionage, falsification of criminal cases and abuse of powers.

His nearest colleagues were condensed in the hydration. On December 24, 1953, the Special Judicial Presence of the Supreme Court of the USSR sentenced Beria and his supporters to the death penalty. The ex-minister of the internal affairs was shot in the bocker of the Moscow Military District headquarters. After the death of the main applicant, about ten functionaries were arrested and convicted of the authorities, which were held in the "Band Beria".

Triumph Khrushchev

The elimination of Beria became possible thanks to Alliance Malenkov and Khrushchev. In 1954, the struggle between the head of the Council and the first secretaries of the CPSU Central Committee was unfolded.

  • Georgy Malenkov
  • RIA News

Malenkov advocated the elimination of the beggars of the Stalinist system both in politics and in the economy. He urged to leave the cult of the leader's personality in the past, improving the position of collective farmers and focus on the production of widespread consumption.

Malenkov's fatal mistake was indifferent to the party-state apparatus. The Chairman of the Summin reduced the salary officials and repeatedly accused the bureaucracy in the "full neglect of the needs of the people."

"The main problem of Stalinism for the KPSS figures was that anyone could get under the rink of repression. The party apparatus is tired of this unpredictability. He needed guarantees of stable existence. Just promised Nikita Khrushchev. In my opinion, this approach was the pledge of his victory, "said Zhuravlyov.

In January 1955, the head of the USSR government was criticized by Khrushchev and party comrades for failures in economic policy. On February 8, 1955, Malenkov left the post of chapter of the Sovmin and received a portfolio of the minister of power plants, retaining membership in the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee. Malenkov's post occupied Nikolai Bulganin, and Georgy Zhukov became Minister of Defense.

Such attitude towards a political opponent was intended to emphasize the beginning of a new era, where he reigns a gentle attitude to the Soviet nomenclature. Her symbol was Nikita Khrushchev.

"Guide of the system"

In 1956, at the XX Congress, Khrushchev came out with a famous speech on the debate of the cult of personality. The period of his reign is called a thaw. From the mid-1950s to the beginning of the 1960s, hundreds of thousands of political prisoners received freedom, the labor camps (GULAG) system was completely dismantled.

  • Joseph Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev welcomed the participants of the May Day demonstration on the Tribune of Mausoleum V.I. Lenina
  • RIA News

"Khrushchev was able to become his own for the apparatus. During Stalinism, he said that under the repression did not have figures for the Bolshevik Party. However, as a result, Khrushchev became the hostage of the management system created by him, "said Zhuravlyov.

As the expert explained, Khrushchev in communication with subordinates was distinguished by excessive sharpness. He traveled a lot around the country and in the personal meetings with the first secretaries of the Commands subjected to their cruel criticism, committing, in fact, the same mistakes as Malenkov. In October 1964, the party nomenclature has shifted Khrushcheva from the post of first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and the Chairman of the Council.

"Khrushchev took literate steps to become the leader of the USSR for some time. However, he was not going to radically change the Stalin system. Nikita Sergeevich limited himself to the correction of the most obvious drawbacks of the predecessor, "said Zhuravlyov.

  • First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev
  • RIA News

According to the expert, the key problem of the Stalin system was the requirement of a permanent labor and combat feathip from the Soviet person. Most projects of Stalin and Khrushchev walked to the USSR, but the personal needs of citizens were given catastrophically attention.

"Yes, with Khrushchev, Elite and society sighed freely. However, a person still remained a means of achieving ambitious purposes. People are tired of endlessly chase records for records, they are tired of calling for self-sacrifice and waiting for the onset of the Communist Paradise. This problem was one of the key reasons for the subsequent collapse of the Soviet statehood, "the ravine raised the crane.