The nuances of planting and growing basil in a greenhouse. Basil - growing a spicy plant from A to Z Growing basil in a greenhouse for sale

For many gardeners, growing greenery in a greenhouse all year round has turned from a hobby into a small, but at the same time, steadily profitable business. Indeed, it is relatively easy to get a good harvest of lettuce, parsley or basil, and the prices for these products in the winter period allow you to get a good income.

However, to ensure your well-being through the sale of greenery “out of season”, you need to master all the tricks of growing it. That is why in the article we will describe in detail how to grow greens in winter in a greenhouse.

Commercial approach

Cost optimization

Business planning should begin with the construction or purchase of a greenhouse for growing greenery in the winter. Since our task will be to minimize costs, we will start with small areas.

This means that we need a stationary greenhouse that can be installed on a personal plot:

  • Since we will grow the bulk of the products in the cold season, it is advisable to build a structure on the foundation.
  • The frame in this case should be made of wood - it’s both cheaper and warmer. Metal options are more technologically advanced and reliable, but the cost of their purchase and installation will be very significant.
  • As a skin, it is best to use sheet polycarbonate. If you have access to inexpensive glass (used window frames, etc.), then you can use it. But the film in this case will not work - it will not withstand the cold and snow.
  • To ensure optimal temperature conditions, it is worth using either infrared heaters or hot water batteries. If you place a greenhouse close to a residential building, you can power the heating from the central boiler.
  • No matter how hard we try to save money, we cannot do without light. The technology of growing greens in a greenhouse provides for the fastest possible forcing of green mass, and for this short winter or autumn day it is clearly not enough.

The price of an equipped greenhouse largely depends on its size and configuration. As a first approximation, one should start from the amount of 100-150 thousand rubles - this is exactly the lower threshold for entering this market. Well, if you plan to grow greens on an industrial scale, then a million may not be enough.

Product planning and implementation

A greenhouse for growing greenery for sale will only be profitable if you can establish an effective sales channel. And the first condition for this is the correct selection of the range of grown vegetables.

The greatest demand in the autumn-winter period are:

  • Leaf lettuce of different varieties (arugula, Iceberg, etc.).
  • Dill and parsley.
  • Basil, which, thanks to the popularity of cooking shows, has earned a place in many cuisines.
  • Green onion.

It is advisable to plan a greenhouse or greenhouse in such a way that all this assortment is presented in it. Then you will be able to satisfy the most relevant demand at the moment, and receive the maximum income.

As for distribution channels, there are several options:

  • Wholesale supply. Products are sold quickly, but profits will be minimal.
  • Direct deliveries to retail chains. A more profitable sale option, however, requires active negotiations.
  • Contract deliveries to catering establishments. A near perfect solution, but it can only be implemented if you grow very high quality greens.
  • Retail sale in the markets. This way of realization is universal, because it allows you to sell surplus products. The only negative is the cost of paying the seller.

In any case, it is worth distributing products through several channels - this way we will get a kind of insurance in case of unforeseen complications.

Agricultural technology of the most popular crops


In this section, we will tell you how to grow greens in a greenhouse all year round. Since the main varieties of greens require a different approach to agricultural technology, we will try to highlight the key features for each plant.

Lettuce is one of the most popular types of greens. The main advantage in its cultivation is the abundance of varieties - here are leafy, and head, and asparagus varieties.

Leaf lettuce is one of the most unpretentious, because those who are just learning how to grow greens in a greenhouse in winter should start with it.

  • The substrate is a mixture of sod land and peat (1:1). Humus or chicken droppings are added as top dressing.

The plant does not tolerate alkalization, so the reaction should be neutral or slightly acidic.

  • The optimum temperature is 20-24C, however, cultivation at 18 0 also gives good results. Shoots are very cold-resistant and can survive even short-term frosts.
  • We water young plants once every two days, before harvesting we reduce the number of waterings to one in five to six days. It is advisable to implement a drip system so that water does not fall on the leaves.

The variety you choose will determine how soon you can harvest. As a rule, from the moment of emergence of seedlings to the formation of the most delicious leaves, it takes from two to four weeks.

Dill and parsley

Mini greenhouses for growing greens can also be used to grow dill and parsley.

Of course, it will not work to get a serious profit from their implementation, but for yourself it is quite possible to single out a separate garden bed:

  • It takes about two months for dill to ripen. It has a high yield - with the right agricultural technology, you can collect up to 2 kg of young plants per square meter.
  • Dill does not put forward special requirements for the soil, but to improve the taste, it is worth adding potash and nitrogen fertilizers to the soil before sowing.
  • So that the shoots do not turn out tough, it is worth maintaining the temperature at 17-8C.
  • But dill needs a lot of light, so we place lamps over the bed with this crop with a minimum interval.
  • As for parsley, it is better to grow it from seeds. In this case, with a seeding rate of 2 g per square meter and observing the same conditions as when growing dill, you can get up to one and a half kilograms of products.
  • Distillation from the root crop is much more laborious, and therefore they are engaged in it only in order to obtain seed material.

The maturity of this culture occurs at a shoot height of 20-25 cm.

Bow on feather

Green onions are another crop that can be grown indoors with your own hands.

  • The optimal varieties are "Troitsky", "Spassky", "Krasavets" and some others.
  • Before growing greens in a greenhouse, it is necessary to loosen the soil, add compost and manure to it, and then provide the addition of mineral fertilizers of the phosphorus and potassium groups.
  • The high mass gain rate makes green onions very attractive for commercial cultivation. Subject to a temperature of 18-22 degrees, the crop can be harvested every 30 days.
  • A sufficient amount of moisture and is very important. Watering is carried out almost daily, and only a week before harvesting we switch to the mode of one watering in three days.


To make a profit, many choose such an activity as growing basil in a greenhouse in winter. The agrotechnics of this culture is somewhat more complicated than the previous ones, but from a financial point of view, basil is quite profitable.

Instructions for cultivating this green are as follows:

  • We take a soddy soil, with a clearly defined structure, light or medium. Before starting work on growing greens, we bring in from 4 to 6 kg of manure per square meter.
  • Top dressing of seedlings and adult plants is carried out with a solution of urea (10 g per bucket) or chicken manure (ratio 1:12).
  • Basil seedlings are quite fragile, so cultivation is carried out in seedlings. We germinate the seeds in a small nursery until the first true leaves appear (it takes up to 15 days), and then they are planted in the ground with a mandatory pick.

  • We transplant the dived seedlings at the age of 40-45 days to the beds.

The planting density of basil should be no more than 1 plant per 15-18 cm.

  • Watering is carried out once a week. The optimal volume throughout the growing season is 10 liters per 1m 2.
  • To obtain a quality product, it is very important to regularly ventilate the room.

We harvest when the plants reach 20 cm. At the same time, we cut off only the top of the bush, leaving one or two pairs of leaves. After each harvest, we fertilize the plants with organic and mineral fertilizers.


Growing greenery in a greenhouse in winter is not so much a difficult process as it is laborious. However, with the right organization of work, it is possible even with small forces to get a big harvest suitable for commercial sale. Of course, large areas are needed to maximize profits, but parsley, onion or basil can be grown very efficiently on a personal plot. In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Basil can be grown in greenhouses and heated greenhouses. So, basil, when grown in a greenhouse in winter, can cooperate with other crops: leaf and head lettuce, dill, parsley, green onions. These crops have similar requirements for soil composition, watering and temperature conditions.

How to EARN on the cultivation of SPICY herbs. Full discussion of the topic. // Oleg Karp


Fdssdfdfs Gfssdgf writes: Thank you - a good video. Questions - the text says that pots with a diameter of 20 cm are taken as a basis, but is the pot also 20 cm in the video? visually it seems to be more noticeable. But they didn’t try it, they didn’t think about growing medicinal herbs in this way, whether there would be profitability there.

conter7up writes: you still need soil for expenses, i.e. add earth.

Ludmila Pecherska writes: Great! What a great guy you are! Such an open and friendly person! Health to you!!!

Albina Flora wrote: Oleg, you are a treasure trove of knowledge) thank you very much for the idea. I will definitely use.

Small house greenhouses adjacent to the building are also suitable. In such structures, one wall is made deaf, which increases the temperature inside the structure and saves on heating. Find out how to organize photosynthesis in a greenhouse on our website.

Basil (Galileo)


Yaroslav Bukharov writes: Vegetarian sausages >>>

Yaroslav Bukharov writes: Vegetarian sausages >>>

You can grow basil in a greenhouse using 2 methods - seeds and seedlings. Planting in a seedling box or a rack in the south is done already at the beginning of March, and in cool regions a month later. They start growing basil with seeds, usually in late April or early May, when the greenhouse or greenhouse is quite warm.

The plants are planted in well-moistened soil to a depth of 1 cm. The seeds are placed at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other, the row spacing is 30-35 cm. In the southern regions, the plants develop stronger, because there the distance is increased by another 10 cm. Then the planting is mulched and covered with a double layer of polyethylene film before emergence. Usually they occur after 10-12 days (at a temperature of 20-25 degrees). Further care for the basil is carried out as usual - as needed, it is thinned out, watered, fed, and the greenhouse is ventilated.

How to grow basil quickly? Basil cuttings #urozhainye_gryadki


Valentina Tsyganova

Wallman Wallman

Valentina Tsyganova writes: I cut it off, put it in a glass of water - it gave a root and I planted it in a pot

Wallman Wallman writes: is it possible to dig out of the garden with roots and soil and plant it in a pot?

Grass is very sensitive to cold, so it should be sown no earlier than 2 weeks after frost. It is better to wait for it to be more than + 5C at night, then the herbaceous plant will develop very rapidly and in a few weeks will please you with the first harvest of leaves. If the soil is clayey, then it is best to plant basil in seedlings - growing from seeds will not give the expected result, because the plant will be extremely weak. Seeds are shown from the ground after 7-10 days (if you previously soaked in a growth stimulator, then seedlings can be obtained in 4-5 days) and for the next 2 weeks they must be watered abundantly, mixed with a little fertilizer.

Some gardeners use agrofibre in their beds to get faster shoots and to effectively control weeds in the early stages. But labor costs will be very large, because the planting density is high and it is necessary to spend more than one hour of time for high-quality laying of matter on the bed. Basically, this technology is effective in the presence of drip irrigation, because moisture does not fall on the leaves and feeds only the root system. In this way, many diseases that can attack your crop are prevented.

Basil seedlings are transplanted into open ground in May, while the seedlings should have more than 5 leaves. Before planting, about a week in advance, the seedlings begin to harden, why they are taken out of the greenhouse into the open air, gradually increasing the residence time.

If the soil is dense, after each watering it must be loosened to avoid stagnant water. With an excess of moisture in the soil, basil is affected by rot. Also, this disease can appear if cool damp weather sets in. If foci of the disease are found in the plant, damaged leaves are removed, after which they are treated with a fungicide, for example, foundationazole. 1-2 such treatments will stop the spread of the disease. In case of severe damage, the whole plant is dug up and destroyed.

Growing greens in the winter in a greenhouse has become a good business for many gardeners. It is not particularly expensive and at the same time a profitable business. From a financial point of view, basil, the cultivation of which is a fairly simple process, is very beneficial in relation to other crops grown for greenery. Basil is an unpretentious crop that can be quite successfully grown in a stationary greenhouse. Soddy land with a light structure is suitable for growing it in a greenhouse.

When seedlings are grown in a greenhouse or on a pallet, constant monitoring of the soil condition is an important factor. The soil should not dry out, but the water should not be allowed to stagnate, excessively plentiful and frequent watering is also harmful, since the shoots that have appeared can become ill with diseases, for example, a black leg. Due to the defeat of the disease, the sprouts die.

How to grow basil from bushes, when to plant it? Planting bushes on the site is carried out in the first decade of July. If plants are planted earlier, this is fraught with their death, since basil does not tolerate low temperatures. Planting seedlings of basil, as well as seeds, occurs in a nutrient soil mixture.

For picking basil, you can use a mixture of the same composition as for sowing. Just add 2 tablespoons of ash and 1 tablespoon (without a slide) of full mineral fertilizer to 5 liters of earth mixture. Mix well so that the fertilizer is evenly distributed in the soil.

Further care consists in regular watering with warm water. If the weather does not allow planting basil at the time you calculated, then after 2-3 weeks, feed the seedlings and pinch the shoots over the 6-8th leaf. 2 weeks before planting, start hardening seedlings in the fresh air. Basil hardening temperature should not be lower than +5…+10°С.

greenhouse. basil - 2

Basil, of course, is not as popular with us as the original spices - dill or horseradish. But in India, it grows everywhere, and is used not only as a spicy plant. There it is considered a sacred plant that protects the home from evil spirits and brings good luck. Therefore, it is supposed to be grown wherever possible - in front of the front door, on windows, in gardens.

It would not be superfluous to say that the taste of basil is very harmoniously combined with the taste of tomatoes, so it is used in the preparation of sun-dried tomatoes, as well as in the recipe for classic pizza sauce, pesto, bruschetta, etc.

Bruschetta or bruschetta. Traditional Italian appetizer.

It will take no more than 5-10 minutes to cook. cut the bread into slices and fry it in a pan or grill until slightly golden brown. Grate the fried slices of bread with a piece of garlic. Tomatoes, if desired, peel and cut into cubes or slices. if the tomatoes are cut into small cubes, then mix the chopped tomatoes with herbs, salt and pepper. Drizzle lightly with olive oil. for each fried piece of bread, grated with garlic, put tomatoes (slices or already prepared stuffing from tomatoes and herbs). Salt, pepper, if desired, add a couple of basil leaves.

What's more, for those who grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, basil can be a very useful compacting plant. Basil bushes planted between tomato bushes repel some pests with their pungent smell. Well, at least that's what the "popularity" says. I didn’t particularly notice that the basil scared someone away, but we don’t have anyone to scare away from the tomato ... Or maybe that’s why there is no one? ...

How to grow excellent basil seedlings? There is nothing easier. Do not believe in fairy tales about capriciousness, whimsicality and other tricks of the basil. The main thing to remember is that basil is a very thermophilic plant. It does not tolerate even short-term frosts (because it grows very poorly on our street). And he loves the sun.

So, we grow seedlings of basil. When to sow seeds? I do this quite early - at the beginning of March, and if you really want to - you can sow even at the end of February. The fact is that the first month basil grows slowly, and planted in March, by May it reaches just the size “suitable” for planting in a greenhouse.

I sow in small cassette pots, the volume of land in each is about 100 milliliters. I put a few seeds in each pot - 2-3-4 things. Seeds are deepened by 0.5-1 centimeter, watered abundantly and placed in a very warm place. The warmer it is, the faster they will rise. Approximately at + 25, shoots appear in 5 days.

At first, seedlings require a lot of light, otherwise they will stretch in the warmth, although this is not so scary. You can grow basil seedlings on the west and east windows, although on the south, of course, the seedlings will turn out better. I won’t be surprised if something grows on the north window. You can grow 2-3 plants in a pot this way, and then plant them in a permanent place. Or you can leave 1 most beautiful bush. In general, different varieties bush in different ways, the usual, “classic”, bushes well.

In this volume, 100 ml, you can grow basil throughout March and April, and plant it in a greenhouse in May. There is no need to dive the rasada, at least I see absolutely no point in this - the basil root system is already superficial and fibrous.

It should be noted again that I mainly use basil as a compacting plant between tomato bushes. For all our needs, we have more than enough 6-10 bushes, 2-3 roots each. But we don't use it very much. If you want to grow it for sale or you just get bored of its 100 bushes, then it will not be a problem to grow seedlings in a crowd in one box, basil tolerates transplanting and picking normally, almost does not fade, it only slows down in growth for several days.

If you plant 1-2 plants in a permanent place between tomato bushes, then pinch the top of them and your basil will begin to actively bush.

Basil is very hungry for nitrogen-rich and humus soils. If you plant it in well-composted soil and water it heartily, preferably every day, then the bushes will grow very quickly in the greenhouse, and will soon bloom with rather fragrant white or lilac flowers. In the black earth region and in the south, there is apparently no point in planting in a greenhouse. And in the Moscow region and in the north-west, the basilica in the greenhouse is the place, in the open field it succeeds only in warm years.

Which basil is better - green or red? Everyone answers this question on their own, it is only a matter of taste. I prefer the green version. There are also small-leaved forms similar to thyme, and even lemon-scented varieties. But this is quite an amateur, I prefer the classic basil.

Growing basil is quite possible at home, on the window. A basil bush of 2-3 pinched, bushy shoots will suffice in a pot with a volume of only 1-1.5 liters. The main thing is to water it properly, and when the lower leaves begin to turn yellow, it means that you have not fed the plant for a long time. Pour it with complex fertilizer, which contains nitrogen, potassium and iron without fail.

They allow you to harvest in late autumn, winter and early spring, when vitamins are especially needed.

  • basil good endures with other spices herbs and. It can be planted in a greenhouse to, and.
  • Growing basil in a greenhouse will not only provide for the family, but also give by selling the surplus.
  • For growing, you can use both heated greenhouses and light summer ones without additional heating.
  • Variety selection

    Botany there are at least 150 varieties of basil. They differ in the size of the bush, the color of the leaves, the nuances of taste and aroma.

    The most popular and undemanding varieties are suitable for a novice gardener. In the greenhouse, you can plant several options at once or stop at your favorite ones.

    • Basil fragrant or camphor. The most popular variety with bright green leaves. It has a recognizable clove aroma, bushes well. The variety is especially popular in Mediterranean cuisine.
    • Basil cinnamon or mexican. There are subtle cinnamon nuances on the palate. The plant is compact, beautifully combining pale green leaves with bright purple flowers.
    • Basil violet. Very popular in Caucasian cuisine, added to meat garnishes, sauces and even desserts. The taste of the leaves is very delicate, slightly sweet.
    • Basil citric. Spreading plant, giving a large green mass. The leaves are large, light green, with a delicate lemon aroma.

    Useful video about varieties of basil grown in a greenhouse:

    What greenhouse do you need?

    Basil can be grown in greenhouses and heated greenhouses. So, basil, when grown in a greenhouse in winter, can be combined with other crops:,. These crops have similar requirements for soil composition, watering and temperature conditions.

    Ideal greenhouse for growing greenery throughout the year may be small, from 20 to 50 sq. m. On the plot can be made of wood or metal profiles. Convenient or pitched designs.

    Small ones adjacent to the building are also suitable. In such structures, one wall is made deaf, which increases the temperature inside the structure and saves on heating. Find out how to organize on our website.

    The winter greenhouse can be covered with glass or sheets. A more economical option is a double plastic film. Her the only drawback is fragility. The film coating will have to be changed annually, and in regions with too cold climates, such protection may not be sufficient.

    In winter, maintain the desired temperature in the greenhouse biofuel will help- a mixture of rotted manure with straw. The mass is left under a plastic film for several days, and then laid out in ridges and covered with a thick layer of prepared soil.

    It is recommended to lay sheets of roofing material around the perimeter of the greenhouse, which will help protect the plants from the cold.

    For heating greenhouses use electric boilers, heaters, stoves or small fires.

    Heating is necessary with the onset of frost. Vents are needed for ventilation. To prevent cold air from entering the greenhouse, a small vestibule is made at the entrance.

    Soil preparation

    Basil is demanding on the composition of the soil. In a greenhouse, it is better to remove the top layer of soil by filling the ridges with a mixture of garden soil, peat and sand. The soil should be light and loose, with moderate acidity. Before planting, rotted manure is introduced into the soil (at the rate of 4 kg per 1 sq. M). 2 weeks after planting, fertilize the soil with an aqueous solution of chicken manure or urea.

    In a greenhouse, basil can be grown from seedlings or seeds. The first method significantly reduces the growing season. Seeds on seedlings are sown in boxes filled with light soil. You don't need to deepen them. The boxes are covered with plastic wrap.

    The first shoots appear after 2 weeks. When the plants acquire 2 leaves, a pick is carried out. Between young plants there is a distance of 5 cm, this will allow them to develop normally. In a month and a half seedlings can be transplanted into a greenhouse. It is better to sow basil in winter, plant seedlings in early spring.

    Features of planting and care

    How to grow basil in a greenhouse? Seedlings are planted in shallow furrows, the distance between plants is about 15 cm. Every 7 days, the beds should be watered abundantly with not too cold water.

    For watering it is worth using watering cans with a wide spray. Very comfortable and automatic drip system, which is installed in industrial greenhouses.

    Basil loves warmth. The optimum temperature for growth is 22°C…28°C. Excessive heat of the plant is not needed; in the warm season, the greenhouse needs to be ventilated often. Basil in the cold must be protected from drafts. When the temperature drops to 15°C, growth slows down, a drop to 5°C can kill the sprouts.

    The first crop can be harvested when young plants reach 20 cm. cut with secateurs or a sharp knife so that a stump with 2 leaves remains on the surface of the earth. You need to act carefully, the root system of the basil is weak, with a sharp movement you can accidentally pull out the bush.

    Plants should be well watered after harvest. apply fertilizer to the ridges: chicken manure or an aqueous solution of urea. Such a system will ensure the uninterrupted growth of fresh herbs, it will be possible to harvest at least once a week. For the season from 1 sq. m of covered ground you can collect from 2 to 7 kg of greens.

    Basil undemanding to care and enjoy a good harvest. This culture is suitable even for beginner gardeners. Having gained useful experience, you can start growing other, more capricious plants.

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    Let's look at what basil is like. Growing from seeds, caring for it will not add any special difficulties to the gardener. Many people like basil for its special taste, aroma, and beneficial properties. It is a lush, medium-sized bush, about 60-80 cm tall, often used not only in cooking, but also as a decorative decoration of the site.

    Fragrant spices such as fennel, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, cilantro, basil are liked by many, so they have been successfully grown in our gardens for a long time.

    Green and purple basil in the garden

    What is a basil plant

    This plant, originally from Asia, has several varieties, varieties differ in color, leaf shape. Culinary European countries widely use green basil for cooking.

    green basil

    In our country, on the contrary, its purple counterpart is more common, which has a bright, pronounced aroma.

    purple basil

    The leaves of the Baku variety are purple in color, their smell is somewhat reminiscent of a mixture of mint, cloves (seasoning) aromas. Basil with a bluish color (Yerevan) smells like tea, allspice. Green basil (spoon-shaped) - smells a bit like laurel with an admixture of cloves.

    In addition to its culinary purpose, this aromatic culture has a fairly wide application, since its leaves and stems contain many vitamins, essential components, camphor, carotene, and potassium. Purple basil has bactericidal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties. Its use has a positive effect on the nervous, genitourinary system. An interesting fact is that mosquitoes, midges, flies do not like the smell of basil, so it would be advisable to sow it near arbors, benches or other places of rest in your country house.

    Dry or fresh basil leaf is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes, sauces, soups. It should be added very carefully, as it can completely change, even kill, the taste of the main ingredients.

    Growing basil from seedlings

    This herb prefers light fertile soil, begins to bloom from mid-summer, continues until the first autumn days. Basil loves heat, lighted places, does not respond well to temperature changes. How to grow basil from seeds at home? Experienced gardeners recommend pre-soaking the seeds (2 times) with hot water - no more than + 30 ° C, for about 15 minutes. If you have potassium permanganate, you can add a little powder to the water.

    basil shoots

    Shallow containers (5-7 cm) are prepared in advance with a substrate that is well moistened before direct sowing of seeds (early-mid-April). Also for planting, you can use a soil mixture consisting of humus, peat, sand (proportions - 2: 4: 1).

    Seeds are deepened by about 1 cm, carefully watered, after which the box is exposed to a place lit by the sun, where the temperature is not lower than + 23 ° C. After 7-10 days, the first shoots appear, by this time the temperature should be lowered to + 17..20 ° C so that the seedlings do not stretch.

    At all stages of growing basil, watering should be done only with warm water. Also, the soil should not be allowed to dry out, as well as waterlogging (to avoid the appearance of a black leg).

    How to plant basil in separate pots? When the seedlings have two true leaves, it's time to pick. To do this, you can use special cassettes or other small containers. At the bottom, you can put medium-sized rubble or pebbles, which will be drainage. Picking is done carefully, for fear of damaging the root system. Plants are planted in small depressions, followed by regular watering.

    Basil - planting and care in the open field

    Somewhere 7-10 days before the transfer of plants to open ground, hardening should begin - reduce the amount of water during irrigation, air, gradually reduce the temperature (not lower than + 7..10 ° C). By the end of May / beginning of June, when the earth warms up to about + 15 ° C, seedlings can be removed from pots and transplanted into the ground.

    Next, we plant, plant basil on the beds. in open ground behind this crop is practically no different from any other seedlings. The bushes are located at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other, the depression in the soil should be approximately 7-10 cm. The distance between the beds should be approximately 30 cm. The hole should be well watered before planting the plant. The bush itself should be planted in such a way that its main bud, leaves are located above the soil. As in the case of other seedlings, it is better to choose an overcast day for planting bushes so that the sun has minimal contact with the young basil.

    In order for the bushes to develop well, to please you with their splendor, the tops of the plants can be pinched off at the stage of the appearance of the fifth or sixth full-fledged leaf. This maneuver contributes to the growth of the basil in breadth, its density. Subsequently, in order for the plant to also give lush leaves, the inflorescences must be removed in a timely manner - pinch off or cut off. The earth, of course, requires regular watering, loosening, weeds should be destroyed.

    Planting basil seeds immediately in open ground

    You can also plant this fragrant spice directly in the ground, bypassing the process of pre-growing in boxes, pots. If you live in the south of the country, then this process should be done by the middle or end of April. If you are in the middle lane, then it is better to sow basil by the middle / end of May, when you are sure that no more cold spells are expected.

    Similarly, the seeds are first soaked in hot water. Shallow beds are formed in the garden, while the specifics of sowing seeds repeats the above method of sowing seedlings. Seed deepening - no more than 1 cm, subsequent watering, fluffing of the earth, removal of weeds. When the plants reach 20 cm, the top is pinched. The more you remove the leaves from the bush, the more actively they will grow again.

    Basil is a plant whose best time to harvest for fall and winter is before flowering. By this time, it reaches the maximum concentration of useful components, vitamins, essential oils. As soon as you see the buds that have not yet blossomed, immediately cut off the sheet onto the blank. When the seeds ripen, you can collect them, use them for their intended purpose with the onset of spring.

    Basil feels comfortable in the garden before the onset of the first serious cold snap. Before the frosts approach, you can dig up a bush, plant it in a pot, so in winter you will always have a fragrant spice and at the same time a beautiful plant at home.

    You should know that it is not recommended to plant basil in the same place for several years - this increases the risk of plant disease with Fusarium.

    Now you know when to plant basil for seedlings, plant it, how to care for seedlings and grown bushes. It grows well with normal care, but if you decide to feed it with organic fertilizers, it will not be worse. Using the method described above, you can grow the main varieties of basil or hybrid ones, such as Balconstar, Anise, Fantazer, Lemon Flavor.

    We hope that the fragrant spicy decorative annual basil, growing from seeds, the subsequent care of which was described in this article, will now settle in your summer cottage.