Why dream of swimming in the river. Bridge over the river what is dreaming of

When a person cannot understand the secret meaning of a dream he has seen, a dream book comes to his aid. Swimming, swimming in the sea or river - the interpretation of such a dream depends on many factors. Was the water clean or dirty, warm or cold, whether other people figured in the dream - all these details must be taken into account when trying to get to the truth.

Swimming in the sea or river: Miller's dream book

The condition of the reservoir is the first thing a well-known psychologist recommends to pay attention to. What interpretations does the dream book compiled by him offer? Swimming, swimming in the river - such a dream promises wealth and luck if the water is clean and transparent. A muddy body of water, on the other hand, should be considered a prediction of various troubles. The dreamer's expectations may not come true.

A sleeping person who sees himself drowning in a muddy river must be on his guard. Mindfulness will help you avoid fatal mistakes that will have a negative impact on your entire future life. Splashing in a pond with individuals who cannot swim means facing stagnation in business.

What other options are considered by the dream book written by Miller? Swimming, swimming in the sea in night dreams means facing unrealizable hopes in reality. It is possible that the sleeper is not satisfied with the way his life is going, dreams of changes for the better.


The company is another point that any dream book will advise to pay attention to. Swimming, splashing in the water with someone is what night dreams with such a plot warn about. If the person accompanying the dreamer during the voyage is a stranger, he will soon make useful connections. It is highly likely that influential patrons will contribute to his promotion.

Splashing with relatives - such a dream promises an imminent arrival of guests. It cannot be said whether the upcoming meeting will turn out to be joyful. Why in the water with a child (your own, a stranger)? In the near future, little joys await a person, most likely associated with family life. If a friend is a company to the sleeping person in a dream, then in reality fun awaits him. Bathing with a person of the same gender predicts the emergence of a powerful rival. Figuring a person of the opposite sex in a dream promises a love affair.

Cleanliness, dirt

Not only Miller's dream book, but also other guidebooks to the world of dreams emphasize the importance of the purity of the reservoir. The dream book of Nostradamus claims that bathing in clear water symbolizes success, the dreamer will successfully complete the projects he has begun. also suggests why you dream of swimming in water if it is clean. If you rely on its interpretation, swimming in an unclouded reservoir serves as proof of the purity of the intentions of the owner of the dream. However, if a person is drowning in a transparent river in a dream, in reality he will have to deal with piled-up affairs.

All guidebooks to the world of dreams are unanimous that swimming in a muddy body of water portends trouble. You should especially be on your guard if the legs are entwined with algae, as they symbolize insurmountable obstacles that will suddenly get in the way and destroy all undertakings.

Water temperature

What does a dream mean in which a person has to swim in a river or in the sea, realizing that the water is cold? Such a plot suggests that the sleeping person needs to reconsider his attitude towards others. It is possible that close people are upset by the dreamer's excessive coldness. If the owner of the dream splashes with one of his relatives or friends in an icy sea or river, in the near future, relations with them will deteriorate.

Swimming in a warm pond - often people have such a dream. Swimming in the water in this case means achieving a cherished dream. Fortunately, this requires a minimum of effort, since many of the obstacles preventing the achievement of the set goal will disappear on their own.


Swimming in the sea - such a dream warns males that they subconsciously do not trust their chosen one (wife, girlfriend). A bad deal is predicted by sailing in the sea during a storm, and a person may also have a serious rival, because of which he will have problems related to professional activities.

What does it mean to swim in if the water is calm? If the sleeper enjoyed swimming, a streak of luck awaits him in reality. This is a great time to lay aside and rest. Solving current problems does not require the dreamer's efforts, the clouds over his head will dissipate without his intervention.


Representatives of the fair sex often have a similar dream. Pure water predicts the imminent receipt of good news, which the dreamer is looking forward to. Married ladies should not be afraid of family conflicts, relations with their spouses will definitely improve, even if there are doubts about it now. Lonely young ladies can hope for a quick acquisition of personal happiness.

It is bad if the sea appearing in a dream is dirty, restless. Such night dreams predict quarrels, and the conflicts that occurred during this period will become protracted. Such problems can be avoided if a woman shows restraint and avoids harsh words.

The seething sea predicts financial problems for ladies. If a woman is afraid of drowning while swimming, she will face unfavorable changes, most likely related to her personal life. If other people pull the girl out of the water in time, you can safely count on the help of close friends and relatives in the coming difficult situation.

See the sea or the river

Seeing water in a dream - what does it mean if you rely on the opinion of various interpreters? A person who is not abandoned by inner anxiety can watch the raging sea in night dreams. If such a dream often disturbs the dreamer, he needs to allocate time for a long rest, forget about current tasks. For businessmen, the seething sea predicts instability financial situation, interference in the affairs of a superior person vested with power. In the coming days, you should be careful to abandon dubious projects. Restless water promises young people conflicts with the chosen one, parting.

Dream guides do not give an unambiguous answer to the question of what the dreaming calm sea predicts. Some interpreters argue that such a dream indicates that a person's life has become too boring, that dreams of change do not leave him. It is possible that the time has come to think about changing your job, place of residence or partner. Others insist that the calm sea symbolizes the calm before the storm, and that one must prepare for the worst.

What does it mean to see water in a dream, realizing that it is a river? A calm reservoir promises a streak of luck, various benefits will enter the dreamer's life, which he will only have to accept with gratitude.

Various plots

It is obvious that a person can not only above water, but also under it. Such dreams often disturb the night peace of people who are not allowed to live in peace by the desire to solve some riddle, to find out someone else's secret. However, having managed to achieve their goal, they can experience upset and disappointment, so it is worth giving events the opportunity to develop naturally.

Often there are dreams in which people have to swim in the sea without feeling the bottom under their feet. Joy or misfortune promises such a plot, it is easy to understand if the dreamer manages to remember his mood. If the sleeping person did not leave self-confidence, he did not feel fear, in real life all his endeavors will be successful. The fear of drowning indicates internal hesitations, an unwillingness to take responsibility for important issues, infantilism.

Also, the dreamer can observe how someone else is splashing in the water. In reality, he will have to help this person. It is possible that he already needs support, but hesitates to contact the owner of the dream with such a request.

Interpreters associate the water surface of the river with the flow of life; it can differ in bizarre shapes and different water quality. Why is there a dream about the plot according to which the owner of the dream had a chance to swim in the river? The interpretation offered by the dream book depends on the scenario of the picture, where the reservoir is present, the actions of the dreamer and the characteristics of the water. Therefore, you will have to remember the details of the dream.

The main character of such phantasmagorias is considered to be the water element. Recalling additional plot details allows you to restore the overall picture of a unique dream event. Before figuring out why you dream of swimming in the river, it is useful to learn about the meanings of the main image of the sleepy picture.

  • Transparent river waters herald the onset of a calm and serene period in the future of real life.
  • Muddy waters can be considered a harbinger of future bad events; the dangerous period can become protracted.
  • Cold waters promise an unexpected surprise to the dreamer, but the reaction to it will be ambiguous.
  • Dream books interpret the frozen river as the impossibility of transmitting important information by the owner of the dream.
  • The seething and boiling water streams of night dreams turn into a deterioration in mood and bad events in reality.

Fast flowing river waters promise an interesting period of reality, filled with vivid impressions. If the dreamer had a chance not only to swim in the river, but also to swim with the flow in a dream, this is the favor of fate. However, one should beware of the abundance of emotions.

How are the events of the night scenario interpreted by dream books

Most dream interpreters attribute the plot of the night picture to auspicious signs, if the river waters do not cause unpleasant emotions. Moreover, bathing someone in a dream warns that, according to the concept of reality, there will be a chance to take leadership position, and the abundance of splashes will bring a good business message.

Bathing according to Miller's dream book

According to the famous psychologist, the correct interpretation of a dream depends on whether you can remember what the reservoir was. Other events of the night illusion are no less important.

  • If you are lucky enough to swim in clear waters clean river and see other bathers nearby, expect not only great luck, but also wealth.
  • If, according to the night plot, one had to swim in a muddy body of water, the author associates the unpleasant event with the collapse of hopes, all sorts of troubles.
  • If the owner of the dream floats through muddy waters, in reality there is a real danger of a fatal mistake that will affect the rest of his life.

A phantasmagoria with swimming or just swimming in the sea promises in real life the acquisition of unrealizable hopes. The dream contemplator is dissatisfied with his current life, the expectation of a change for the better is hidden deep in the subconscious. If persons who cannot swim are splashing next to the dreamer, problems cannot be avoided.

Interpretation of the image according to Hasse's dream book

Before turning to the predictions of Miss Hasse, you should decide on the phase of the moon. From the point of view of a medium, not all dreams are worthy of attention, having different probabilities of being fulfilled.

What does Hasse's dream book tell you if you dreamed of swimming in the river? The plot of the illusion convinces the dreamer that he has a strong character and enviable endurance, excellent self-control. If you happen to splash in a muddy body of water, the author predicts to the dreamer small changes in the course of real life. Miss Hasse's dream book considers bathing in clothes as an inheritance.

River water according to Freud's dream book

Decoding dreams with vast expanses of water, from the point of view of the father of psychoanalysis, is based on sexual associations. According to the concept of the author of the theory of the unconscious, dissatisfaction with erotic thoughts manifests itself in dreams.

  • Visions with a wide river flow bring to the surface a storm of sexual fantasies that the dreamer hides deep in the subconscious.
  • The author considers the night picture with the waters of a calm and clean reservoir a harbinger of love and cloudless happiness. The vastness of the muddy river - to quarrels and losses.
  • Not only swimming in a dream, but also swimming in the river, this is the dreamer's love, which completely engulfed him in reality. A sober view of the events of life is required.

The psychoanalyst associates any kind of water flow with pregnancy, ejaculation. If the author associates a walk along the river bank with erotic fantasies, then sexual intercourse becomes a symbol of riding on the water surface on watercraft. Swimming in the river according to Freud's dream book foreshadows pregnancy for a woman, and an act of self-gratification for a man.

The river and swimming in it according to Vanga's dream book

  • If you had to plunge without undressing, the vision portends the owner of the dream and his household not only moral, but also material well-being.
  • Swimming in muddy waters shows sorrowful emotions and resentments. It is important for the dreamer to pay attention to the motives of the feelings overwhelming him.
  • Swimming, fighting the turbulent stream of the river in a dream, in order to get ashore, is a sign of imminent wealth. Only if the dreamer still managed to be on land.

The great seer connected the waters of the river with the line of human life, and the movement of the water element with redemption and purification. It is interesting that the bridge thrown across the river, Vanga equated with a promise, and a long journey across the bridge - with a sense of guilt for not fulfilling the promise.

Interpretations according to Meneghetti's dream book

A treatise on mysterious dream transcripts from the Italian philosopher-psychologist is based on the rich experience of psychotherapy. The author draws a parallel between the river and the course of life. Therefore, the interpretation of the image of the night illusion depends on the nature of the movement of the water flow and the nature surrounding the reservoir (personality characteristics).

  • Swimming in the river and seeing yourself moving downstream of the stream portends the loss of health and good luck. The dreamer is afraid that he will not have enough willpower.
  • Sailing upstream of the river is a sign that it is difficult for the owner of a dream to achieve it, Perseverance will help to achieve the intended goal, despite the obstacles.

The psychotherapist associates the river bed with female genitals, and the movement of its waters - with the desire for forward and progress. The appearance of the river according to the night scenario is a secondary fact, the main emphasis is on the identification of the characters in the dream, as well as their actions in relation to the water element.

Felomen's dream book considers an illusory plot, where the owner of a dream had a chance to swim in a river, a good omen. A sleeping person can be called balanced. A harmoniously developed personality coexists peacefully with others, despite the influence external factors together with an active confrontation of ill-wishers.

The river is a traditional symbol of life. Constant and at the same time changeable, with constantly changing water, pools, dams, shoals, difficult places. Plain rivers are usually wide and unhurried, but with an irresistible mighty force.

The water in lowland rivers is usually dark or opaque, warming up on the shallows near the coast. Mountain rivers are rugged, can be crystal clear, but always cool, since they originate in glaciers. The water in mountain rivers is icy, except for those cases when thermal springs are located at the top.

The meaning of sleep depends on which river you happened to swim in. Whether you strive to swim across the river at any cost, like the legendary Chapaev Ural River, or simply splash, enjoying the coolness in the middle of a sultry day. Let's figure out why you dream of swimming in the river in various dream books.

Basic meanings

  • Cross the river in any case, regardless of the width of the stream - achieve your goal, start new stage, to part with the past. The significance of the achievement just depends on the width of the river and the difficulty of overcoming the water barrier. If you do not plan to return to the abandoned shore, this is a sign of a serious decision to leave. It is not necessary to part with people, it is possible to part with your former self, your habits, beliefs, way of life.
  • In most cases, you will have to swim in muddy flat water, heated from above, but insidiously hiding in the depths the insidious dank cold and, quite possibly, chthonic monsters lurking in quiet river creeks. The dream in which you float on the river has no one overall value and always fraught with some degree of unpredictability and danger.
  • Sailing with the flow of the river - in full accordance with the idiom, means acceptance of the circumstances, peaceful and unhurried progress with minimal effort. This is not always a bad thing, you can swim much farther with the current than against the current, senselessly fighting the waves. Perhaps you have found a comfortable niche for yourself. It is wonderful. Do not waste time and energy fighting the elements, since you manage to command it without a fight.
  • To swim and rake against the stream - it is quite obvious that such a dream shows the unfavorable circumstances in which you find yourself, of your own free will or not. finding himself in difficult situation it doesn't always make sense to fight to the last, unless your task is to lose weight and build nice muscles. Find an opportunity to look around, get out of the situation and solve it without extreme effort. The dream shows you that overcoming the river is a daunting task. You need to swim in the river with pleasure.
  • Tasting the water in the river with your foot - considering possible options the course of the situation. To enter the water - to decide on changes, to start moving towards solving problems.
  • Sail away from a boat, steamer, boat or catch up with a floating vehicle - you have lost your transport, through which you planned to move along the waves of life. You may have to change jobs or other significant changes await you.
  • Swimming in the hope of saving someone in a dream means falling for a trick. Someone skillfully manipulates your mind, awakening deep fears, forcing you to act against your will.

Authoritative interpretations

  • Women's dream book promises family happiness, especially if you happen to swim in the river on a boat, along a calm stream. Rough River in this case, it means exclusively family passions. To cross the river by swimming means a complete victory over any circumstances.
  • Miller's dream book promises financial well-being, especially if fish are found in the river. Turtles swimming with you mean great luck, luck, loyal friends.
  • Vanga's dream book portends an early pregnancy and a happy family life... Storms, waves in the river, cloudy water mean the usual hardships of life that you will overcome without too many problems.
  • According to Freud's dream book, swimming in a river means having sexual fantasies that you would like to come true. Crossing a river or wading means breaking up a relationship.

Let's try to figure out what the dream of swimming in the river is in the opinion of most dream books. According to Ukrainian dream book swimming in the river with clean water to great happiness, and in the river with cold and clean water to great health. But if the dreamer bathes in a dirty one, muddy water, then such a dream promises big trouble and trouble.

What if you dream about swimming in the river?

All dream books are one in one, swimming in the river with warm water to trouble. This can be both a negative turn in business and health problems. Dream Interpretation Hasse says that swimming in the river tells the dreamer about his strength, self-control and excellent self-control. But swimming in the river with turbid water according to Hasse's dream book, to small changes in life. And if the dreamer bathes in the river in clothes, wait for the inheritance. But the dream book of Simon the Canonite says that swimming in a muddy river leads to little trouble or change. But swimming in a river with warm water, according to the Canonite's dream book, is to a great advantage.

It is important when interpreting a dream, in which swimming in the river occurs, to remember what the water was, all dream books say one thing, that a river with clean and dirty water dreams of different events, and the temperature of the water in the river plays a big role. So for accurate and full interpretation all these nuances must be taken into account.

There are many different dream books, one of the last is considered a dream book of the XXI century and he interprets swimming in the river as follows. The dreamer himself bathes in the river for the arrival of guests or great joy. If the water in the river is clean, then the dreamer's life will be long and carefree, and if the water is dirty and muddy, then unfounded accusations await. If the dreamer sees children bathing in the river, expect great joys. But if you dive into the water, then you should beware of unexpected troubles. According to Medea's dream book, if, while swimming in the river, the dreamer falls into a shallow place, expect difficulties in life.

What portends?

Swimming in the river according to an ideomatic dream book speaks of a long life. The dreamer floating along the river is overcome by laziness, or he has successfully adjusted to existing circumstances and can simply enjoy life. If swimming in the river leads the dreamer to the river rapids, then in life there will be dangerous obstacles, not everything in business will turn out as planned. And if bathing led to a waterfall there will be a big trouble, the dreamer should be careful when starting something new, and it is worth paying attention to health. If the dreamer drowns while bathing, expect collapse on the personal front.

When interpreting any dream, the main thing is not to forget that a dream is a reflection of daytime thoughts and experiences, and if the dreamer dreams of a vacation, about how he will dive into a warm summer river, then the dream in which the dreamer bathes in the river does not carry anything bad, he only reflects the desire for reality.

In conclusion, I would like to say that when interpreting dreams, you need to take into account all the details of the dream, who is bathing, dressed or undressed, where is bathing, what sensations the bather is experiencing at the same time, on which day the dream was dreamed. Only by adding everything can one correctly assess the warning sent by the universe.

River bathing can be interpreted by dream books in different ways - it depends on what temperature and transparency the water was, as well as who was your companion in performing ablution. In order to avoid misunderstanding the interpretations of what the dream is about, in which you happened to swim in the river, do not be too lazy to remember the details seen in a dream, the interpreters advise.

What Miller's dream book predicts

Seeing in a dream that you are bathing in the river, especially if you were not alone, but with other people, Miller's dream book strongly recommends that you “study” the state of the reservoir. So, for example, if you dreamed that you were splashing with other people in clean and transparent water, then this means that either wealth or great luck awaits you. But swimming in a muddy river symbolizes the collapse of hopes.

In a dream, you fell, slipping in a muddy slurry? Such a dream means mistakes that you can avoid if you are attentive to the little things. Swimming in a swamp with people who cannot swim is a sign of stagnation in business.

The company will tell you what to expect ...

Why dream about swimming in the river can be interpreted in different ways. Here, for example, how the water activities partners influence the events of the following days.

  • Seeing a friend next to you is fun.
  • Bathing a child in a dream is a small, but nevertheless joy.
  • A woman dreamed of swimming with a man - for a love affair.
  • A representative of the same sex swam with a man in a dream - to the presence of a rival.
  • Swim in the river with by a stranger- to the acquisition of new connections.
  • Swim on the water surface next to a relative - for the arrival of guests.

Water purity: from success to trouble

Had a dream that you are diving in a clean river? The dream book of Nostradamus promises success in completing the work begun. But the Islamic dream book "says" that swimming in a clean reservoir symbolizes the purity of the dreamer's thoughts and thoughts. Drown in a dream in clean river- a sign that you will be "overwhelmed" with new responsibilities or projects that will appeal to you.

Be sure to find out why splashing in dirty water is dreaming, advises Lunar dream book, it will help you to get out of trouble. I dreamed that you were sailing in dirty river? You will not end up with problems, the interpreter grieves. And if, while swimming in a muddy pond, you feel the algae entwining your legs, then beware of obstacles, they can completely destroy your plans.

Water surface temperature - Will there be luck?

Why do you dream of swimming in a cold river, Tsvetkov's dream book will tell you - you are too cold with those around you, so you can earn the glory of an individual farmer and a loner. See yourself floating in cold water with someone from your acquaintances - to a cooling of relations with him.

But, the interpretation of the dream, in which you swam in a warm river, will delight: the fulfillment of desire will delight you with timeliness.