Practice “Orgasm reflex”: why should every woman do it? Dynamic meditation “Orgasm reflex.

Reflex orgasm is an energetic meditation exercise developed by the Austrian psychotherapist Wilhelm Reich. It helps to remove blocks and release tensions of the first and second energy centers(chakras) of a person, promoting recovery and awakening of the organs located in the lower abdomen.

Wilhelm Reich - Austrian psychotherapist of the early 20th century, Freud's first student. But he developed the theory of the “muscle shell”, linking constant muscle tension in the human body with his character and protection from painful emotional experience. Reich gave great value energy organization of a person, finding in it the causes of emotional disorders.

The idea that everything psychological problems- a consequence of stagnation of natural or sexual energy (orgone) in the body - was new and revolutionary for Western civilization. Reich believed that such stagnation occurs during the process of socialization of the child and leads to the appearance of energy blocks on the muscles.

Causes of sexual dysfunction

A child who grows up in a home where the expression of any feelings is simply not tolerated or allowed, learns not to express them in order to win the favor of his parents. By blocking any feeling that is unacceptable in the family and holding back energy, the child gradually becomes an energetic and emotional cripple. Tension, becoming chronic, further restricts the free movement of energy flows. Sooner or later, it leads to the formation of a “muscular shell,” which creates fertile ground for the development of a neurotic character, since the natural emotional activity person.

Spending day after day, year after year in such a corset, a person becomes more and more “heavy”; he is constrained by the burden of emotions that he carries around in the form of a kind of muscular armor. As a result, stiffness and lifelessness become the norm for a person, he stops noticing them. A person loses a keen interest in life and completely moves into the head, where he spends all his remaining years.

The consequence of such care is the loss of natural emotionality, sensuality, the inability to receive pleasure from life and work, from love and sex.

Wilhelm Reich developed a number of techniques that allow you to unblock these bodily clamps, as a result of which the energy again begins to move naturally, and the person feels ALIVE and free.

One such technique is the “Orgasm Reflex”, based on the “Orgasm Formula” discovered by Reich. By studying energy processes in the body, it was discovered that most people have problems with the accumulation of charge and discharge. Interacting in society, during the day we accumulate an excess charge of negative or positive energy. The inability to free yourself from this charge, let it go and open up to new energy is the cause of various sexual dysfunctions and many diseases of the entire body as a whole.

Exercise “Orgasm reflex” - 5 stages

First stage: 15 minutes. Lie on your back, you can put your fists under your heels, it is important to lift your pelvis up as much as possible. If you decide not to put your fists under your heels, your arms lie along your body. Pull your pelvis as high as possible, this will create a good charge. It is considered correct when the pubis is the highest point in your body in this position. You need to constantly pull your pelvis up, because... if you just hold it, soon you won't even notice how it goes lower. The body tends to take the position that is more convenient and comfortable for it, and this position is not always related to energy, rather the opposite, the more comfortable you are, the weaker the charge. Is not strength exercise, it trains the will. Challenge yourself and do it completely as if it were the first and last time in your life. Most people already at this stage begin to vibrate in their legs from increased tension. This is what should happen.

Second stage: 15 minutes. Remove your fists from under your heels, continuing to stand on your toes, continue to pull your pelvis up, up and up again. You spread your arms to the sides, continue to maintain deep breathing, your mouth is slightly open, and you allow yourself to sound. Any words, sounds, laughter, tears, expressions of anger or joy, singing, uttering gibberish allow the energy to begin to move from the lower center throughout the body. You can hit your hands on the floor surface if it helps express your feelings. As a rule, during this period the vibration begins to intensify and cover the entire body, but it happens that the blockage in the body is so strong that the trembling is barely noticeable or completely absent. That is why it is advisable (but not at all necessary) to do it for the first time in the presence of a competent therapist who can help your body in this process.

Third stage: 15 minutes. Now start pulsing, throwing your pelvis up and down as if there was a rubber ball underneath pushing you up from the ground. You must continuously and quickly pump your pelvis up and down, reaching maximum amplitude and speed. There is no need to hit your tailbone on the floor! And don't stop feeling. Allow your body to completely surrender to the movement, this is a kind of dance where the hips and pelvis lead the whole body.

Stage four: 10 minutes. Gather all your awareness and attention to the perineum. We lower our pelvis to the floor and begin to slowly open and close our knees slightly. Important: movements from side to side should be invisible (microscopic) to the eyes; trembling may occur during movements. You are completely focused on your sensations. This is exactly what we were waiting for, we go through this segment very slowly, the body may throw up a little or make some kind of sound. There can be many such areas. Or it may not happen at all, the main thing is not to set yourself expectations.

Fifth stage: 15 minutes. Lie in complete silence, doing nothing, just relaxing, feeling and observing.

How often should you do this exercise? How do you feel the need to relax? But remember that the exercise is just an “orgasm reflex” and it is designed to teach your body to release, show it a way, but the best way, of course, there remains sex.

Ksenia Golitsyna,
Practicing psychologist

Reflex orgasm is an energy meditation exercise developed by the Austrian psychotherapist Wilhelm Reich. It helps to remove blocks and release tension in the first and second energy centers (chakras) of a person, after which the body plunges into maximum relaxation.

At the beginning of the 20th century, an outstanding Austrian psychotherapist, Freud's first clinical assistant, a renegade and adherent of psychoanalysis rolled into one, made a discovery. A discovery known and practiced in the east for thousands of years, but unknown to Western civilization.

During clinical practice he revealed the presence of energy in the body, classified it as biological (or sexual) and called it orgone. He believed that orgone is the basis of all life in the Universe. Based on this, Reich created a new and very promising direction in psychotherapy, the significance of which is only now being realized.

Psychological problems(according to Wilhelm Reich) - a consequence of orgone stagnation in the body. Such stagnation occurs during the process of socialization of the child and leads to the appearance of energy blocks on the muscles. Attempts to stop energy occur in connection with the conditioning of early childhood due to the natural and reasonable need of each organism to preserve its life.

A child who grows up in a home where the expression of any feelings is simply not tolerated or allowed, learns not to express them in order to win the favor of his parents. By blocking any feeling that is unacceptable in the family and holding back energy, the child gradually becomes an energetic and emotional cripple. Tension, becoming chronic, further restricts the free movement of energy flows. Sooner or later it leads to the formation "muscular armor", which creates fertile ground for the development of a neurotic character, since the natural emotional activity of a person is suppressed.

Spending day after day, year after year in such a corset, a person becomes more and more “heavy”; he is constrained by the burden of emotions that he carries around in the form of a kind of muscular armor. As a result, ceasing to notice his stiffness and lifelessness, he loses his keen interest in life and completely moves into his head, where he spends all his remaining years.

The price of this is impoverishment of the individual, loss of natural emotionality, and the inability to enjoy life and work. Reich wrote that this situation is beneficial to the powers that be. Unsatisfied, cut off from own feelings and desires, a person is much easier to manage than a person who is aware of his true needs and focused on meeting them.

Wilhelm Reich developed a number of techniques that allowed unlock these bodily clamps, as a result of which the energy begins to move naturally again, allowing a person to feel ALIVE and free.

One such technique is "Orgasm reflex", based on Reich’s “Formula of Orgasm.” Studying energy processes in the body, it was discovered that Most people have problems with charging and discharging. Interacting in society, during the day we accumulate an excess charge of negative or positive energy. The natural release of this is an orgasmic wave, which brings deep emotional and physical relaxation.

Exercise "Orgasm reflex" involves 5 stages.

First stage: 15 minutes. Lie on your back, you can put your fists under your heels, it is important to lift your pelvis up as much as possible. If you decide not to put your fists under your heels, your arms lie along your body. Pull your pelvis as high as possible, this will create a good charge. It is considered correct when the pubis is the highest point in your body in this position. You need to constantly pull your pelvis up, because... if you just hold it, soon you won't even notice how it goes lower. The body tends to take the position that is more convenient and comfortable for it, and this position is not always related to energy, rather the opposite, the more comfortable you are, the weaker the charge. This is not a strength exercise, it trains the will. Challenge yourself and do it completely as if it were the first and last time in your life. Most people already at this stage begin to vibrate in their legs from increased tension. This is what should happen.

Second stage: 15 minutes. Remove your fists from under your heels, continuing to stand on your toes, continue to pull your pelvis up, up and up again. You spread your arms to the sides, continue to maintain deep breathing, your mouth is slightly open, and you allow yourself to sound. Any words, sounds, laughter, tears, expressions of anger, joy allow energy to begin to move from the lower center throughout the body. For me personally, using words in jiberish (pronouncing gibberish) at this stage was very effective. You can hit your hands on the floor surface if it helps express your feelings. As a rule, during this period the vibration begins to intensify and cover the entire body, but it happens that the blockage in the body is so strong that the trembling is barely noticeable or completely absent. That is why it is advisable (but not at all necessary) to do it for the first time in the presence of a competent therapist who can help your body in this process.

Third stage: 15 minutes. Now start pulsing, throwing your pelvis up and down as if there was a rubber ball underneath pushing you up from the ground. You must continuously and quickly pump your pelvis up and down, reaching maximum amplitude and speed. There is no need to hit your tailbone on the floor! And don't stop feeling. Allow your body to completely surrender to the movement, this is a kind of dance where the hips and pelvis lead the whole body.

Fourth stage: 10 minutes. Gather all your awareness and attention to the perineum. We lower our pelvis to the floor and begin to slowly open and close our knees slightly. Important: movements from side to side should be invisible (microscopic) to the eyes; trembling may occur during movements. You are completely focused on your sensations. This is exactly what we were waiting for, we go through this segment very slowly, the body may throw up a little or make some kind of sound. There can be many such areas. Or it may not happen at all, the main thing is not to set yourself expectations.

Fifth stage: 15 minutes. Lie in complete silence, doing nothing, just relaxing, feeling and observing.

Olesya Berezhnaya

Dynamic meditation “Orgasm reflex” is an energy meditation exercise developed by the Austrian psychotherapist Wilhelm Reich. It helps to remove clamps, remove blocks and release the trapped energy of the first and second energy centers (chakras) of a person, after which the body plunges into maximum relaxation.

How can you understand if you have a blockage of the first and second energy centers?

You often feel irritated and aggressive

Something or someone is bothering you

You find it difficult to manage your emotional state,

It's hard to get up in the morning,

You feel "broken" all day

You often feel a state of powerlessness or loss of energy.

My advice is to start doing the “Orgasm Reflex” meditation, which includes 5 exercises.

№1: 15 minutes. Wear comfortable clothes (sportswear). If there is no one at home (you can do the exercises naked).

Lie on your back, you can put your fists under your heels, it is important to lift your pelvis up as much as possible. If you decide not to put your fists under your heels, your arms lie along your body, you can place your foot on your toes. Pull your pelvis as high as possible, this will create a good charge. It is considered correct when the pubis is the highest point in your body in this position. You need to constantly pull your pelvis up, because... if you just hold it, soon you won't even notice how it goes lower. The body tends to take the position that is more convenient and comfortable for it, and this position is not always related to energy, rather the opposite, the more comfortable you are, the weaker the charge. This is not a strength exercise, it trains the will. Challenge yourself and do it completely as if it were the first and last time in your life. Most people already at this stage begin to vibrate in their legs from increased tension. This is what should happen.

№2: 15 minutes. Remove your fists from under your heels, continuing to stand on your toes, continue to pull your pelvis up, up and up again. You spread your arms to the sides, continue to maintain deep breathing, your mouth is slightly open, and you allow yourself to sound. Any words, sounds, laughter, tears, expressions of anger, joy allow energy to begin to move from the lower center throughout the body. You can hit your hands on the floor surface if it helps express your feelings. As a rule, during this period the vibration begins to intensify and cover the entire body, but it happens that the blockage in the body is so strong that the trembling is barely noticeable or completely absent. That is why it is advisable (but not at all necessary) to do it for the first time in the presence of a competent specialist who can help your body in this process.

№3 : 15 minutes. Now start pulsing, throwing your pelvis up and down as if there was a rubber ball underneath pushing you up from the ground. You must continuously and quickly pump your pelvis up and down, reaching maximum amplitude and speed. There is no need to hit your tailbone on the floor! And don't stop feeling. Allow your body to completely surrender to the movement, this is a kind of dance where the hips and pelvis lead the whole body.

№4 : 10 minutes. Gather all your awareness and attention to the perineum. We lower our pelvis to the floor and begin to slowly open and close our knees slightly. Important: movements from side to side should be invisible (microscopic) to the eyes; trembling may occur during movements. You are completely focused on your sensations. This is exactly what we were waiting for, we go through this segment very slowly, the body may throw up a little or make some kind of sound. There can be many such areas. Or it may not happen at all, the main thing is not to set yourself expectations.

№5 : 15 minutes. Lie there doing nothing, just relaxing, feeling and observing.

If you want, you can download selected music to awaken the two lower chakras and perform the dynamic meditation “Orgasm Reflex”.

Victoria | 08/24/2012 11:38

It’s all so simple, but what will Olesya give me? I don’t understand something?

Andr | 09.21.2012 21:45

100% completion of the exercise gives - freedom in expressing emotions - flexibility, lightness in the body - a feeling of “orgasm” in everyday life

Olesya Berezhnaya | 09/25/2012 01:45

Victoria, dynamic meditation “Orgasm Reflex” helps remove blocks and muscle tension in the pelvic area, which allows you to feel better and helps to train your body. If we begin to practice Taoist techniques, tantric techniques, yoga, women's practices Slavic enchantresses, belly dancing, etc. the female body becomes more sensitive and helps the woman feel deeper orgasms and give the man new sensations.

The Orgasm Reflex practice is one of the most necessary practices for every woman, without exception. What is the secret of her popularity and attractiveness? Of course in the results!

For reference: at the beginning of the 20th century, Wilhelm Reich, an outstanding Austrian psychotherapist, Freud's first clinical assistant, made a discovery - he proved that there is a special energy in the body - “Orgone”. Reich believed that orgone is the basis of all life in the Universe.

In the course of many experiments, the scientist discovered that human psychological, emotional and physical problems arise due to orgone stagnation. Such stagnation develops during life (from birth to a person’s present age) and leads to the appearance of energy blocks on the muscles. Repressed (hidden, unresolved) emotions “get stuck in the body,” forming a “muscle armor.” Living day after day, year after year in such a corset, a person becomes more and more “heavy”; he is constrained by the burden of emotions that he carries on himself. And this affects his health. The body screams, asks for help. And the next stage is psychosomatic disorders...

First acquaintance with the practice “Orgasm Reflex”

I first learned about the practice “” 10 years ago. And at the beginning she did not make any impression on me. It was physically difficult for me to do it, my body hurt, I was irritated. And I didn’t feel any effect. After a while I repeated the practice. The second time it was much easier, but again I did not feel any visible results. Well there is no way. I forgot about this practice, as it turned out, for the time being.

Once at one of the groups body therapy I was advised to do it once a month for a year. They talked about changes in well-being and other wonderful effects. “I haven’t, I’ll try,” I decided then. And you know, the result exceeded all my expectations. I forgot about pain during menstruation, it became easier for me to breathe, panic attacks disappeared, my body became free. And the energy tripled. I'm not even talking about enchanting orgasms. I generally call them “ side effect” practice, despite its name.

“Orgasm reflex”: what is the effect? How does it “work”?

Practicing the Orgasm Reflex helps improve your well-being, but it also affects your quality of life. For years, from birth, we carry a burden of unexpressed emotions. And they come from childhood. When you were still a child, living in a family where emotions were not welcomed, you could not express what angered, offended, upset you or, conversely, gave you a feeling of happiness. And these “stuck” emotions don’t go away; they are deposited in your body all your life.

The Orgasm Reflex practice allows you to:

  • Free your body from clamps, blocks, pain, illnesses.
  • Live and release suppressed emotions (anger, resentment, fear, joy, shame, guilt, pleasure).
  • Raise the orgasmic wave upward.
  • Fill yourself with energy.
  • Improve your well-being, regulate your menstrual cycle, and become healthy.
  • Feel the orgasm.
  • Restore the energetic integrity of the body.

Imagine hoarding blocks and clamps all your life. And now, in order to get rid of them, you need to do the practice regularly (once a month). I compare the clamps to a multi-layer cake with different fillings. By practicing systematically, you remove layer after layer, improving the quality of your life. You begin to savor every moment, orgasms become brighter and tastier.

Parable about a bag of rotten potatoes

In class, I tell a parable about a bag of rotten potatoes, which shows what exactly we “carry” within ourselves.

The student asked the teacher:

-You are so wise. You are always in a good mood, never angry. Help me to be like that too.

The teacher agreed and asked the student to bring potatoes and a transparent bag.

“If you get angry with someone and harbor a grudge,” said the teacher, “then take these potatoes.” On one side, write your name, on the other side, the name of the person with whom the conflict occurred, and put these potatoes in a bag.

- And it's all? - the student asked in bewilderment.

“No,” answered the teacher. You should always carry this bag with you. And every time you take offense at someone, add potatoes to it. The student agreed...

Some time passed. The student's bag was replenished with a few more potatoes and became already quite heavy. It was very inconvenient to always carry it with you. In addition, the potatoes that he put in at the very beginning began to spoil. It became covered with a slippery nasty coating, some sprouted, some bloomed and began to emit a sharp, unpleasant odor.

The student came to the teacher and said:

“It’s no longer possible to carry this with you.” Firstly, the bag is too heavy, and secondly, the potatoes have spoiled. Suggest something different.

But the teacher replied:

“The same thing happens in your soul.” When you are angry or offended at someone, a heavy stone appears in your soul. You just don't notice it right away. Then there are more and more stones. Actions turn into habits, habits into character, which gives rise to fetid vices. And it is very easy to forget about this load, because it is too heavy to carry it with you all the time.

This story is about an adult who has the choice of carrying a bag or being free. But the child does not have such an opportunity. To survive in this family, in this society you need to suppress your emotions. And we have been carrying around rotten, stinking potatoes for years.

If we had a special x-ray that could show how much pain, fear, resentment and suppressed joy and pleasure you carry within yourself, you would be horrified.

It’s as if your body consists of many large or small capsules in which unexpressed emotion beats. And the body begins to “scream”, ask for help (through illness).

I have been teaching the club class “” for the seventh year, and during this time a huge number of women have passed through the practice. Every time they share their results, how their lives have changed and their well-being has improved. Some have become slimmer and younger, others have become actively involved in creativity. For example, one student began performing at international dance competitions, although before that there was only business in her life, another took up opera singing, although she was far from music and vocals, and another girl, on the third time of practice, experienced an orgasm for the first time in her life! And there are many such stories.

Develop your sensuality and sexuality. After all, by changing yourself, you change the world around you!