What should be understood by human morality? “A moral man.

What is morality? On the one hand, this is a very complex philosophical question that requires serious thought. On the other hand, usually we can quite clearly determine whether a person acted morally or not. Well, let's speculate.

If we dig deeply, we will understand that from time immemorial the source of morality has been the scriptures. In Christianity, it was the ten commandments of Christ that determined the moral code of a person. Why do I say in the past tense? Probably because now there are not so many believers, religion no longer permeates all spheres of human life as it used to. In addition, as culture and humanity develop, new moral and ethical norms appear in society.

But still, what is morality? Perhaps, it should be understood as the spiritual qualities of a person, which are based on high ideals of good, duty, honor, justice and are manifested in relation to other people and nature. Morality is how a person himself evaluates his actions and behavior from the point of view of good. But everyone understands good in his own way. What is good for one is completely unacceptable for another. And where is the truth? I think morality is precisely in seeing your actions not only acceptable, but also good for society. Immoral behavior makes a person licentious, ethically ugly and unworthy.

Can we talk about the actions of children from the point of view of morality? I'm afraid not, because the concept of "good" at a tender age is very vague, a child is simply not interested in analyzing his behavior and looking at it from the angle of some kind of incomprehensible morality. Children's actions are determined by a single criterion - "like", "not like". And it is not at all a fact that, having matured, the child will acquire moral traits. Here a lot already depends on the upbringing and environment. The first teachers of morality for children are parents and school. I don’t think that morality cannot be learned. On the contrary, it is possible and necessary. A person learns all his life, and this is not only about expanding his horizons, but also about self-education, changing priorities, mastering new values.

You need to control your every step. Experience shows that one who has committed an immoral act once cannot resist in the future. And here anti-morality is already born: a person becomes a liar, a opportunist, and even an outright rogue. Therefore, it seems to me, you should not shout about moral norms - it is better to behave in accordance with them. The moral principles of one person will become the moral principles of society only if he is guided by positive intentions and lives according to his conscience.

The true evolution of man is impossible without a moral life, subordinate to the just interests of the society in which he lives; high moral principles, honor, conscience, helping those in need, constant enlightenment with knowledge ...

In this article I would like to touch upon one of the most interesting, in my opinion, topics: the question of the connection between human morality and his evolution. To reveal the topic, first of all, it is necessary to shed light on the concepts themselves. "moral" and "evolution".

Moral- this is a life of conscience, when in thoughts, words and deeds a person is guided by the commandments of our great ancestors and the voice of reason, multiplied by the love of the heart.

Evolution- this is the development of additional bodies to the physical body of the Human Essence, or, in other words, the bodies of the Soul, with the receipt of which a person has new opportunities and abilities. This is what allows a person to expand the range of his perception of reality and, upon reaching a certain level of development, to control space and matter.

The truth, forgotten by many, is that true evolution is impossible without a moral life. Today in society, the interchangeability of the concepts of "development" and "evolution" is widespread, although they do not mean the same thing. For example, a person studying foreign language, develops, that is, develops, increases his knowledge of the studied language. Or a person involved in any kind of sport also develops certain physical parameters. But neither a foreign language nor sports help a person to make a qualitative breakthrough, both in their perception and in their capabilities.

No matter how many languages ​​a person learns, and no matter how many sports he masters, he will still live within the existing limitations of the five senses. And this is a fact. The fact is so heavy and capacious that it is impossible not to comprehend it. It means that the very accumulation of information does not at all guarantee that a person will have new opportunities and abilities, and also does not make a person reasonable and moral. After all, the very word “ intelligence"Means nothing more than" the mind sanctified by the divine light of truth, "and this light appears in a person from a life according to conscience, that is, from a moral life. And in no other way, this light, cannot appear. Academician Nikolay Levashov wrote about it like this:

“… Our ancestors also shared two concepts - MIND and MIND! And in their understanding, these two concepts were fundamentally different from each other, although these two words have a common root UM! Matter, which has realized its existence, acquires precisely the MIND! And only when the carriers of the mind achieve enlightenment with knowledge, only then does the MIND appear !!! The ability to think does not mean rationality - a state when a person is enlightened with knowledge, knowledge of the laws of nature, from which he was born! .. "("Source of Life-5").

This can be confirmed by academicians who are unable to go beyond the dogmas existing in science; scientists who sit on each other for the sake of a dainty position and titles; highly educated members of the governments of the world, whose actions are contrary to all norms of morality and rationality; businessmen, for the sake of momentary profit, disfiguring nature with pollution from their factories, and so on, and so on ...

For only one of his life in physical body a moral person can complete the planetary cycle of his evolution by developing in himself the etheric, astral and four mental bodies, which, together with the physical, make up seven human bodies, which corresponds to the seven levels of the Earth, formed by seven primary matters. As Nikolai Levashov wrote, “The presence of mental bodies gives a person, who has them, a colossal psychic power, through which such a person can influence the processes occurring in nature, both on a local and a planetary scale. Only by the power of your thoughts can you influence and control the processes taking place in human society. See and hear the past, present and future ... and much more. Such strength should and can only be in a person with pure thoughts, a pure soul and an open heart to goodness. "("The last appeal to humanity"). And the completion of the planetary cycle of human development gives him the opportunity to start a qualitatively new stage of his development: cosmic stage of evolution.

After the death of the physical body, the Essence (Soul) of a person falls on that level of the Earth, which corresponds to the evolutionary level that the Essence managed to reach during the current life in the physical body. And no matter how smart a person is, no matter how many regalia, power and wealth he possesses, but if his life was not moral, he will not be able to get on high levels of our planet for one simple reason: during his life such a person has not been able to develop in himself the higher bodies of the Essence, which give such an opportunity. And if a person lived by instincts (emotions) or with a predominance of them, then he gets to the lower astral level of the planet, where criminals and simply spiritless people, who are surrounded by various “astral animals” on these “floors” of the Earth, serve their “punishment”. And if the people who got there have a weak energy protection, then they, in the literal sense of the word, can be eaten by these creatures. A "The death of the Essence means that all the evolutionary experience and achievements of all incarnations that the Essence had, disappear forever ... this is an evolutionary death ..."("The last appeal to humanity").

Many people do not believe that, living morally, they will be able to get what they want from life, because they see that often those who are just leading an immoral life have success and prosperity, in today's understanding of these terms. Such people forget that external material success and wide access to various pleasures are bought by them at too high a price: loss of Soul and, quite possibly, the impossibility of a further thousand-year life.

Our ancestors lived along Vedic laws which were given to them by their patrons - the Gods. Who were these Gods? The Slavic-Aryans understood the gods as people whose level of development was much higher than their own level. And the Gods of the Slavs - Svarog, Perun, Veles, Lada Mother of God and others - gave them moral and ethical commandments, the fulfillment of which inevitably leads a person to enlightenment with knowledge, the creation of more and more Essence bodies, and endless development. Fortunately for us, after many centuries of concealment of the "Slavic-Aryan Vedas", now some of them have been published and available for reading by everyone interested in the true past of Russia and the whole world. And this means for us an excellent opportunity to study and understand the moral foundations on which the life of our great ancestors was built, and therefore the opportunity to build our own life on a solid foundation, proven by many thousands of years of history.

Be truthful in Soul and Spirit,

The worlds are kept by the Truth. Their gate is Truth;

For it is said that Immortality rests in Truth.

("Slavic-Aryan Vedas", Santia Vedas of Perun. First Circle. Santia 4).

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Each person has come across the concept of morality more than once in his life. However, not everyone knows its true meaning. V modern world the problem of morality is very acute. After all, many people lead the wrong and dishonest way of life. What is human morality? How is it related to concepts such as ethics and morality? What behavior can be considered moral and why?

What does the concept of "morality" mean?

Very often morality is equated with morality and ethics. However, these concepts are not entirely similar. Morality is a set of norms and values ​​of a particular person. It includes the individual's ideas about good and evil, about how one should and should not behave in various situations.

Each person has his own criteria for morality. What seems completely normal to one person is completely unacceptable to another. So, for example, some people have a positive attitude towards civil marriage and do not see anything bad in it. Others consider such cohabitation immoral and strongly condemn premarital relations.

Principles of moral conduct

Despite the fact that morality is a purely individual concept, there are still common principles in modern society. First of all, these include the equality of rights of all people. This means that there should be no discrimination against a person on the basis of gender, race or any other basis. All people are equal before the law and the courts, all have the same rights and freedoms.

The second principle of morality is based on the fact that a person is allowed to do everything that does not contradict the rights of other people and does not infringe on their interests. This includes not only issues regulated by law, but also moral and ethical standards. For example, cheating on a loved one is not a crime. However, from the point of view of morality, the one who deceives inflicts suffering on the individual, which means that he infringes on his interests and acts immorally.

The meaning of morality

Some people believe that morality is only necessary condition in order to go to heaven after death. During life, it absolutely does not affect the success of a person and does not bring any benefit. Thus, the meaning of morality lies in the cleansing of our souls from sin.

In fact, this opinion is erroneous. Morality is necessary in our life not only for a specific person, but also for society as a whole. Without it, arbitrariness will ensue in the world, and people will destroy themselves. As soon as the eternal values ​​disappear in a society and habitual norms of behavior are forgotten, its gradual degradation begins. Theft, debauchery, impunity flourish. And if immoral people come to power, the situation is aggravated even more.

Thus, the quality of human life directly depends on how moral it is. Only in a society where basic moral principles are respected and upheld can people feel secure and happy.

Morality and morality

Traditionally, the concept of "morality" is equated with morality. In many cases, these words are used interchangeably, and most people do not see a fundamental difference between them.

Morality represents certain principles and standards of human behavior in various situations, developed by society. In other words, it is a social point of view. If a person follows the established rules, he can be called moral, but if he ignores, his behavior is immoral.

What is morality? The definition of this word differs from morality in that it does not refer to society as a whole, but to each specific person. Morality is a rather subjective concept. What is normal for some is unacceptable for others. A person can be called moral or immoral, based only on his personal opinion.

Modern morality and religion

Everyone knows that any religion calls a person to virtue and respect for basic moral values. but modern society puts at the head of all freedom and human rights. In this regard, some of God's commandments have lost their relevance. So, for example, few people can devote one day a week to serving the Lord because of the busy schedule and fast pace of life. And the commandment "do not commit adultery" for many is a restriction of the freedom to build personal relationships.

The classic ones remain in force. moral principles concerning the value human life and property, help and compassion to others, condemnation of lies and envy. Moreover, now some of them are regulated by law and can no longer be justified by supposedly good intentions, for example, by the fight against infidels.

Modern society also has its own moral values, which are not indicated in traditional religions. This includes the need for constant self-development and self-improvement, dedication and energy, the desire to achieve success and live in abundance. Modern people condemn violence in all its forms, intolerance and cruelty. They respect human rights and their desire to live as they see fit. Modern morality focuses on human self-improvement, transformation and development of the whole society as a whole.

The problem of youth morality

Many people say that modern society has already begun to decay. Indeed, crime, alcoholism and drug addiction are flourishing in our country. Young people do not think about what morality is. The definition of this word is completely foreign to them.

Very often, modern people put at the head of everything such values ​​as having pleasure, an idle life and fun. At the same time, they completely forget about morality, guided only by their selfish needs.

Modern youth has completely lost such personality traits as patriotism and spirituality. For them, morality is something that can hinder freedom, limit it. Often people are ready to commit any act in order to achieve their goals, completely without thinking about the consequences for others.

Thus, today the problem of youth morality is very acute in our country. To solve it, it will take more than one decade and a lot of efforts on the part of the government.