How long do lice actually live without humans, where can they live? Can lice exist outside the human body? How long do lice live outside the head? Where do lice live?

People often wonder how long lice live outside the human head, whether they can exist separately from human body? The answer is simple - a louse can exist without a person, but not for long - no longer than two days.

How long do insects survive in uncomfortable conditions?

How long do nits live separately from their owner? For its development, nits need human warmth. Without it, the larva will not be able to hatch. An adult lives a short life even on a human, so how long does it last? life cycle separate from people? The food of lice is not hair, but blood. By piercing the skin, individuals absorb blood. Their oral apparatus is absolutely not suitable for solid food.

Do insects live in bedding and clothing?

An exciting question for many people is: do lice live in bed linen? Is it possible, without having lice, to become infected with it if you sleep on the same pillow where an infected person previously slept? The question of whether lice can live in pillows cannot be answered unequivocally:

  • in the case where an infected person recently lay on such a pillow, infection is possible;
  • 2-3 days later, the possibility of infection is excluded.

The paws do not cling to the fabric, and lice are not able to lay eggs in the beds; in addition, there is no food on the bed linen.

The exception is clothes insects that live in the folds of bedding on clothes.

They are also called:

  • wearable;

These species exist without humans because their body structure has undergone changes. Thanks to the changes, insects calmly carry on their existence without feeding on blood for a long time. From time to time, such insects move onto people, solely for the sake of food, but spend most of their time on clothing. Among clothes, clothes insects choose dirty, rarely washed, but worn clothes.

The appearance of lice in pillows is facilitated by cases when they get onto the pillows from hair, existing without a person for several hours and waiting for a way to move back again.

Are lice capable of living on animals?

And those of them that settled on dogs are adapted to life on thick skin, and if they get on a person, they die.

How to protect yourself from infection

Having found out how long lice live outside a person, a number of rules have been formed; if you follow them, you can not be afraid of becoming infected with lice.

  • It is not recommended to use other people’s hats, caps and hats;
  • other people's combs and other accessories, where lice live for quite a long time, cannot be used; disinfection is necessary;
  • hygiene rules must be observed;
  • try not to be with strangers at a short distance;
  • avoid contact with people infected with head lice;
  • be especially careful in in public places, for example, transport;
  • It is important to check children's heads as they are carriers of head lice.

Now that we know how long lice live separately from the human body, as well as where and under what conditions they are comfortable, all that remains is to follow the rules, thereby reducing the risk of being infected.

The life of an insect is short even in the vicinity of a person, so there is no need to talk about their long existence separately from the human body. However, the fear of being infected does not leave people. This often happens due to insufficient awareness of the population and ignorance of how long a louse lives separately from a person.

The appearance of lice is an unpleasant event for every person. This is not only the discomfort caused by the “new residents”, but also the danger of infecting others. What kind of disease is this, how to fight it, is it possible to avoid infection and how long do lice and nits live outside the head?

Lice are...

Signs of lice infection

To diagnose head lice, you need to identify a number of symptoms. Typically this is:

  • Reduced immunity.
  • Increased sleepiness.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Depression.
  • Frequent headaches and spasmodic pain in internal organs.

Can a louse live without a person and for how long?

Life cycle of a louse

There are several stages of louse development:

So, we can say that the lifespan of a louse from the moment the egg is born until the death of the individual is up to two months maximum, provided that it exists on the human body.

Louse habitat on humans

There are three types of human lice in nature:

  • head;
  • pubic;
  • linen.

  • cranberry juice;
  • vegetable oil;
  • tansy decoction;
  • juice or decoction of wild garlic and wild rosemary;
  • cosmetic hairspray.

When these products are applied to the hair, lice and nits die, after which they are usually combed out with a comb. If you managed to comb out the louse, but it is still alive, then you should remember how long lice live outside the head. It depends on how quickly the insect hits the person again. Therefore, all combed individuals should be destroyed immediately.

How to avoid lice infestation

  • do not use other people’s personal hygiene products for the head and jewelry (towels, hairpins);
  • maintain hygiene;
  • systematically check all family members for lice infection;
  • do not wear other people's hats.

By following these simple precautions, you can save yourself and your loved ones from such an unpleasant disease as lice. After all, everyone now knows how long lice live outside the human head and body.

In general, the life of lice goes through the following stages:

Can a head louse survive outside of humans?

Can head louse nits survive outside humans?

The main thing that nits need to develop is the warmth of the human body. If this does not happen, the larva may not hatch at all.

On a note! If the conditions in which the nit finds itself turn out to be favorable and the temperature is suitable, its development can continue and end with the appearance of the larva.

However, the life cycle of the louse will stop there: due to lack of nutrition (human blood), the larva will die soon. Therefore, how long nits live without humans directly depends on the ambient temperature.

From everything described, it is clear that man is the only habitat of the head louse, and without him it cannot exist.

  1. avoid close contacts in crowded places;
  2. do not wear other people's hats;
  3. do not use other people’s personal hygiene items (towels, combs, etc.);
  4. avoid contact with infected people;
  5. frequently check your children's heads for lice infestation;
  6. maintain hygiene.

If these simple conditions are met, the chances of becoming bloodsuckers' breadwinners will be significantly reduced.

It is believed that lice feed on hair or sebum. But the basis of their diet is blood. The oral apparatus of insects is adapted only to pierce thin human skin and suck out iron-containing liquid. Lice outside the head may obtain food on other parts of the body, but then return to their normal habitat. Therefore, they live in the hair and prefer to feed in the back of the neck, behind the ears, and on the temples.


The lifespan of an insect depends on temperature environment. Between 10°C and 45°C, the louse actively develops. More high temperatures or a decrease to 0°C kills it. But before the death mark, the insect hibernates and can survive in this state for 7-10 days.

  1. A nit is a fertilized egg with an embryo. Requires 5-7 days to fully ripen at favorable temperatures. When the heat decreases, development slows down and is viable for 10-12 days.
  2. Nymph is an intermediate state of an insect that includes three stages of molting. The larva, nymph and adult, if provided with food, live 15-20 days. If the hatched insect does not receive blood within the next hour, it dies.
  3. An adult louse acquires the color and body structure corresponding to its species. They are much larger than nymphs and require more nutrition. After the last molt, individuals are distributed according to gender and are immediately ready for fertilization and laying new eggs. The active reproduction process lasts 20 days maximum.

Living lice outside the head

Therefore, head lice live without food outside the human body at a favorable temperature for no more than 55 hours. They can remain on pillows, clothing, personal hygiene items, etc. So they wait for a new owner to get blood.

When the temperature drops to 10°C, adults slow down and hibernate. Their existence on any hard surface lasts a week or a little longer. Lice live without humans fresh water up to 4 days in warm time, but during cold periods they can wait 15 days.

In accordance with temperature conditions and during the normal period of development, nits live without a person. They can leave their head only with fallen hair or when combing it out. The length of time they live outside the head in the absence of blood does not change - 5 days in the heat and 12 days in the cold. Egg destruction is possible using physical strength and under the influence of certain aggressive substances.

To the question of how long lice live without a person, you can give a simple answer - exactly as long as they can survive without food. And the issue of hunger for lice is very, very acute - usually a louse cannot starve for more than 2 days, and only when the temperature drops to 10-12°C can it last up to 10 days without food.

On a note

The pubic louse is even less hardy - it can starve at its normal 28-30°C for no more than 8-9 hours, and after this period it will die if it does not reach the human body. But in water, lice, especially pubic lice, can survive for two days, and therefore are often transmitted from person to person in public bathing areas.

As long as lice live, they continuously feed. Head lice eat 4 times a day, pubic lice every 3-4 hours.

From the above considerations it is easy to understand that lice cannot live for a long time outside the head and, in general, outside a living being.

This is interesting

Frequently asked questions by parents such as “how long do nits live” or “how long do nits live without a person” are not entirely correct. Nits are not independent insects, but only, each in its own shell. Therefore, they do not live, but develop. Without humans, they retain their ability to develop for quite a long time - up to several days.

Specifics of lice nutrition and their dependence on the host

Each species and even each subspecies of louse is morphologically very well adapted to its habitat. The size and shape of the segments on the paws for capturing hairs, the shape of the body, even general outlines The abdomen of the insect is positioned to live on a person and even on a specific part of his body.

For example, some lice live outside the head - the body louse has adapted to living on clothes and crawling onto the human body when he puts on clothes. And the pubic louse lives exclusively on pubic hair and in the armpits. Only in children can pubic louse infest the hair on the head.

In general, even on humans, lice do not live long. If the insect does not fall off its head and is not poisoned by special shampoo or kerosene, the louse lives in the adult stage for a maximum of 40-46 days, the nymph develops an additional 15-20 days. In general, a louse on the head lives for about two months, and on the pubis about six weeks.

This is interesting

This is interesting

In laboratories, scientists use rat blood to feed lice or simply culture them on monkeys. Here, every louse lives without a person as long as it would live on the person himself.

Lice in dogs

This is interesting

Not dangerous for humans. The lice that live on cats cannot even attach to human hair.

Do lice live on pillows and blankets?

Of course, they don’t live on pillows. If only because here they have nothing to cling to and nowhere to put nits.

In some cases, head lice can fall onto pillows from the hair of an infected person and remain there for several hours, waiting for the opportunity to crawl onto the person’s head again. Body lice can even settle in the folds of blankets and sheets, but these insects do not form permanent populations here.

But lice can easily be transmitted through towels, combs and hair ties. To prevent infection, you should first check hygiene products and the person with whom you are communicating.

Interesting video: details about lice and methods of combating them