How many languages ​​does the minister know Lavrov. Sergey Lavrov: biography, personal life, family, children, nationality (photo)

    - (b. March 21, 1950, Moscow (see MOSCOW (city))) Russian diplomat (see DIPLOMAT), Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia (since 2004); ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, honored worker of the diplomatic service Russian Federation... Son of Tbilisi ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Foreign Secretary. Was born in 1950. In 1972, Lavrov graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Fluent in English and Sinhalese. At MGIMO he became famous as the author of the institute's anthem: "To study ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    Sergey LAVROV- (b. 21.03.1950) Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in the government of M. Ye. Fradkov since 09.03.2004 and in the government of V. A. Zubkov since 24.09.2007 in the second presidential term of V. V. Putin. Was born in Moscow. Educated at MGIMO ... ... Putin's encyclopedia

    Igor Viktorovich Lavrov (born June 4 [] in Stavropol) handball player, Olympic winner, world champion 1997. European champion 1996, multiple winner of European cups Contents 1 Career 2 Sports achievements ... Wikipedia

    Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov ... Wikipedia

    Lavrov, Sergey- Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia since 2004. He held this post in the offices of Vladimir Putin (since May 2008), Viktor Zubkov (2007 2008) and Mikhail Fradkov (2004 2007). Previously, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation at ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Lavrov. Lavrov, Sergey: Lavrov, Sergey Borisovich: Lavrov, Sergey Borisovich (1928 2000) Soviet and Russian economic and political geographer. Lavrov, Sergei Borisovich writer. Lavrov, ... ... Wikipedia

    Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov ... Wikipedia

    Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov ... Wikipedia


  • We are polite people! , Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich. Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov needs no introduction: he is one of the most authoritative contemporary politicians in Russia, its "face" in the international arena. It is not often possible to find out ...
  • We are polite people! Reflections on foreign policy. , Lavrov S.V .. Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov needs no introduction: he is one of the most authoritative contemporary politicians in Russia, its "face" in the international arena. It is not often possible to find out ...

YEREVAN, 23 October - Sputnik. The Bulgarian newspaper Trud published an article entitled The Iron Diplomat, which tells about interesting cases from the biography of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is a heavy smoker. When, following the introduction of a smoking ban at UN headquarters in 2003 Secretary General Kofi Annan reprimanded him, asking him not to smoke, Lavrov replied:

"This house belongs to all UN members, and you only temporarily manage it."

And he continued to smoke.

Kofi Annan is far from the only victim of Lavrov's sharp tongue. In the sauna of his home, the Russian diplomat keeps a souvenir - a stone with the inscription “At this place Minister Lavrov sent his British colleague Jack Straw far away”. This is the work of a friend of a Russian diplomat who witnessed this event. During the rafting on the Altai river Katun with a group of former classmates, Lavrov had to talk with Stro. However, he postponed the call several times. “Finally, I asked to politely tell a colleague that I would not be able to talk to him today,” Lavrov said, adding that his friend interpreted these words in a rather loose manner.

Recently, the first Moscow diplomat spoke sharply about the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov. He said that he was amazed "by Borisov's statement that Bulgaria, in the interests of the United States, refused to implement energy projects with Russia."

“I would be ashamed in front of the voters, in front of the country,” Lavrov said.

Borisov advised "the Russians to listen more attentively," and our Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov said that "Lavrov's words border on ill-mannered behavior."

Lavrov - a pupil of the Moscow state university international relations (MGIMO). He is a career diplomat who started at the lowest rung in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has grown to become its leader, which he has been for over 11 years. He speaks English, French and Sinhalese - the language spoken in Sri Lanka, where he was on his first business trip abroad. In 1994 he became Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN. There he began tirelessly to pursue the strategic line of the Kremlin, in which he personally firmly believes - the restoration of Russia's position as a great power.

(“Russia is his religion,” said one American diplomat)

And also against US domination in the international arena. He is remembered for the many vetoes in the Security Council, which earned himself the nickname "Mr. No". One of his idols is Alexander Gorchakov, who served as Minister of Foreign Affairs for about 30 years. Russian Empire, who stood at the head of her diplomacy after the defeat in Crimean war... “He managed to restore Russian influence in Europe after the defeat in the war, and he did it not with the help of weapons, but with diplomacy,” Lavrov said of Gorchakov. He believes that the 90s of the last century are a wasted time for Russia, a time when it was humiliated. Today, according to Lavrov, Russia has internal power, it is stronger economically and successfully resolves social problems... Therefore, she can afford a “confident” foreign policy.

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton could also question Lavrov's upbringing. He refused to talk to her on the phone several times, and once called her a hysterical woman. Hillary's predecessor, Condoleezza Rice, also regularly fell under his blow.

“He knew exactly which button to press to make her angry,” recalled David Kramer of Rice's team.

Knowledgeable people categorically argue that Lavrov's supposedly unrestrained attacks are in fact a well-balanced move. As political scientist Georgy Mirsky explained: “He is a good diplomat. He knows how much. No matter what he says, he always expresses the official line of Moscow. "

Sergei Lavrov was born on March 21, 1950, his father's Armenian blood and his mother's Georgian blood flow in his veins. He graduated from high school with a silver medal. As a third-year student at MGIMO, he married, and has a daughter with his wife Maria. He is fond of sports and at any convenient moment gives himself up to his favorite skiing, football and rafting. His hobby is writing poetry, he is the author of the anthem of MGIMO. He plays the guitar and collects political jokes, most of which knows by heart and loves to tell.

About him:

"Wise and witty"

Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan: “I have learned to appreciate both his wit and his wisdom. I consider him a friend "

"He is among the most respected"

Former Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik: "He is one of the smartest, most informed and respected foreign policy players on the world stage."

"Unrivaled Specialist"

American diplomat with many years of experience, former ambassador USA at the UN Richard Holbrooke (died 2010): "He is a consummate diplomat who serves his masters in Moscow with intelligence, energy and considerable arrogance."

"One of the best diplomats of our time"

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Labor and Social Policy of Bulgaria, former minister Foreign Affairs Ivaylo Kalfin: “One of the best diplomats of our time. A person who very well identifies the goals that he pursues and chooses the way in which he defends them. Sometime - humor, sometime - sarcasm, sometimes - a sharp reaction ”.

Curiosity with Hillary Clinton

In 2009, Hillary Clinton, at a meeting with Sergei Lavrov in Geneva, presented him with the "Restart" button in honor of the announced reset of relations between the United States and Russia. However, the inscription in Russian was incorrect, and instead of “reset” it was written “overload”. Lavrov did not miss the opportunity to point out the error and announced that he would put this button on his desktop. Clinton's adviser Philippe Reines asked the Russian side to briefly return the button to him to correct the mistake, saying that if he didn't, Clinton would send him to Siberia. “At some point I really thought about it,” Mrs. Clinton admitted in her memoirs.

Maria Alexandrovna Lavrova, like many wives of Russian politicians, rarely gives interviews and rarely becomes the object of attention of photographers. The more interesting it is to find out who she is.

What does the minister's wife look like and what does she do

Several footage on the web captures a well-groomed middle-aged brown-haired woman. There are no photographs in which she is alone - only with her husband. Maria Lavrova does not look like young ladies of model appearance, she looks more like the former. This type of appearance is very common among Russian women.
Judging by the photographs, Lavrova prefers classic style clothes, which is not surprising given her position in society. The first glance at the minister's wife gives the impression that she is a doctor or teacher. Indeed, according to her diploma, Maria Lavrova is a teacher of the Russian language and literature. It is not known whether she worked in her specialty, but at one of the periods of her life she was in charge of the library of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN. She organized the "Women's Club" of the wives of diplomats and was active in it. Lavrova is Orthodox, however, it is not known how fully she observes the canons of faith.
In 2004 she returned with her husband to Russia. According to some sources, Maria Alexandrovna insisted that her daughter continue to live in the United States. Katya Lavrova came to Russia quite recently.

What they write about Lavrov's wife

The press rarely writes about Lavrov's wife and only in notes, where the main place is devoted to the life and work of her husband. From time to time, her name flashes in journalistic investigations concerning the property status of Russian politicians and their families. Then it is indicated what share of Lavrov's property is assigned to his wife.
For example, she owns a house of 600 sq.m. in the elite village "Gorki-8", as well as a large plot of land (1360 sq.m.) and a garage. But, according to the declarations, the Lavrov family does not have a personal car. In 2013, she earned 850 thousand rubles, but information about her occupation was not reported to the press.

Lavrov's husband and wife. Family life

The Lavrovs have been together for over forty years. They got married even when the future diplomat and minister was in his third year at MGIMO. Maria Aleksandrovna emphasizes that she fell in love with the promising student almost at first sight, because he was "handsome, tall, strong-built," and also played the guitar and sang. Family friends say that Sergei Lavrov read poetry perfectly, which also did not go unnoticed by young Maria, who was keen on literature.
In 1972, the young couple went on their first overseas business trip to Sri Lanka. After spending four years in Asia, in 1976 the family returned to Russia and lived in Moscow for several years. Sergei Viktorovich was making a career, what his wife was doing at that time is unknown.
Then for many years the Lavrovs lived in New York, and their only daughter Katya was born there. After spending a couple of years in Moscow again, the family returned to New York.
As the wife of the Russian representative to the UN, Maria Alexandrovna actively participated in diplomatic receptions. She knows how to maintain a conversation and entertain guests, she is well versed in the intricacies of etiquette. According to the staff of the permanent mission, Lavrova did not interfere with her husband's work, she was modest, benevolent and polite. She tried to facilitate the adaptation of the wives of newly arrived diplomats in New York and introduced them to the city.
In 2008, Ekaterina Lavrova married Alexander Vinokurov. The celebration took place in Moscow. A few years later, in 2010, Maria Alexandrovna became the grandmother of a charming grandson.
Now the wife of the Minister of Foreign Affairs continues to live in Moscow.

Childhood and education

Lavrov's father is an Armenian from Tbilisi. The nationality of the politician has been discussed more than once. The diplomat himself spoke about his nationality back in 2005 at a meeting with students of the Russian-Armenian University (Yerevan): “I have Tbilisi roots, because my father is from there, I have Armenian blood and no other. This blood does not bother me in anything. "

The politician's mother, Kaleria Borisovna Lavrova, whose surname Sergei Viktorovich took, was born in Noginsk near Moscow, worked at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade.

Sergei Lavrov studied at one of the schools near Moscow, where the main emphasis was on learning foreign languages... The boy's parents were very busy with work and were constantly on the move, therefore, the grandparents were involved in upbringing at the initial stage. Later, the parents took the boy to the capital, where he continued to study in depth English at school number 607. In one of his interviews, the politician said that he is now trying to help his school, which he graduated from more than 50 years ago.

After graduating from an educational institution with a silver medal, Lavrov planned to enter the university. His choice fell on several metropolitan universities: MGIMO and the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. To choose future profession influenced not only the professional activities of the parents, but also the entrance exams at MGIMO, which began a month earlier. And in 1967 Lavrov became a student of the Oriental Faculty of the Institute of International Relations.

In his student years, Lavrov was the soul of the company. Not a single meeting of students was complete without his participation. Every summer, together with a group of Lavrov, he went to student construction brigades. By the way, Lavrov is the author of the MGIMO anthem, which is still valid today. During his studies, the student not only improved his knowledge of English, but also mastered the French and Sinhalese languages.

At the age of 22, Lavrov graduated from the institute and received a diploma from the most prestigious higher educational institution that time.

Political career

Sergei Lavrov is called a "career diplomat", as he managed to go through all the steps of the career ladder: from the secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Almost immediately, the young specialist was sent for an internship at the USSR Embassy in Colombo, in the Republic of Sri Lanka as an assistant secretary. The Foreign Minister recalls with trepidation those 4 years spent in a warm country: “the first business trip is always new world, discovering new friends for yourself. "

Upon returning from a business trip, Lavrov took the post of third and then second secretary of the department of international economic organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 1981 he was posted to the diplomatic service in the United States. There he worked for 7 years and served as First Secretary, Counselor, and then Senior Counselor to the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the United Nations in New York.

In 1988 Lavrov was transferred to the capital. From that moment, the politician began to reach the first significant heights in the diplomatic service. In the period from 1988 to 1992, Sergei Viktorovich worked as deputy, first deputy head of the so-called Department of International Economic Organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then he himself began to lead this structural unit.

In 1992 he was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Thus, at the age of 42, he came as close as possible to the echelons of the highest power. In this position, he oversaw the activities of the Department of International Organizations and International Economic Cooperation, the Office for Human Rights and International Cultural Cooperation, and the Department for CIS States. He held this post until January 1994.

In parallel, Lavrov worked as deputy chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission responsible for the participation of the Russian Federation in the organizations of the UN system, and was also co-chairman of the commission for coordinating the country's peacekeeping activities. For 10 years, the diplomat served as Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations. During this time, he acquired a reputation as a decisive and principled person who strictly defended the position of Russia.

In 2004, S. Lavrov's career began new stage: he was appointed by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to the post of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. This ministry is headed by Lavrov to this day.

During his entire political career, Lavrov managed to gain prestige in the international arena and is rightfully one of the most powerful diplomats in the world. Lavrov's track record is huge. He was repeatedly awarded with gratitude from the top officials of the country and was awarded with certificates of honor of the President of the Russian Federation. The entire list of awards will fit into 38 honorary titles, confessional, regional and foreign awards. And for his love of poetry, Lavrov received the prize of the Writers' Union of Russia.

Personal life

Sergei Lavrov got married while still a third-year student at the Institute of International Relations. His wife, Maria Alexandrovna, has a philological education.

The couple have a daughter, Ekaterina, who was born during Lavrov's work in New York. Ekaterina Sergeevna grew up in the United States, graduated from the Manhattan School and entered the prestigious Columbia University, where she studied political science.

After successfully graduating from the university, the girl went to get a master's degree in London, where she met her future husband, Alexander Vinokurov, who is the son of the largest pharmaceutical tycoon. Lush wedding celebration took place in 2008. Catherine gave birth to her husband two children.

Sergey Lavrov is fond of sports and in his free time he goes skiing, plays football and also with student years is engaged in rafting. In addition, the minister plays the guitar and, as mentioned above, is fond of poetry - he reads and writes poetry himself a lot.

Sergei Lavrov, 67, Russia's foreign minister, is one of the country's most popular ministers. How does Sergey Lavrov's personal life develop, what is known about his wife and daughter?

Sergey Lavrov was born on March 21, 1950. It is known that Sergei Lavrov's father was an Armenian from Tbilisi. According to some sources, he bore the surname Kalantarov.

Sergei Lavrov's mother worked at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade. Sergey Lavrov's height is 185 cm, weight - 80 kg.

Sergey Viktorovich studied at the V. Korolenko school in the city of Noginsk, Moscow region. And he graduated from a Moscow school with a silver medal, where he studied English in depth.

In 1972, Sergei Lavrov graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (this is MGIMO) of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Lavrov speaks three languages: French, English and Sinhalese.

The personal life of Sergei Lavrov is stable and has not changed for 40 years. Sergei Lavrov married in his third year, linking his life with the future teacher of Russian language and literature Maria.

“I noticed Seryozha right away: he was handsome, tall, strong-built,” recalls Maria Alexandrovna. - And when at parties he picked up a guitar and wheezed "under Vysotsky", the girls went crazy. "

Maria Lavrova accompanied her husband on all his trips, starting with the very first - a four-year business trip to Sri Lanka. Subsequently, while Lavrov worked as the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, she headed the mission's library.

The press rarely writes about Lavrov's wife and only in notes, where the main place is devoted to the life and work of her husband. From time to time, her name flashes in journalistic investigations concerning the property status of Russian politicians and their families. Then it is indicated what share of Lavrov's property is assigned to his wife.

Their only daughter, Katya Lavrova, was born in New York, when Sergei Viktorovich worked in the Soviet Permanent Mission to the UN. Graduated from high school in Manhattan and Columbia University.

After graduation, the girl went to London for an internship. There, Catherine met the son of a pharmaceutical magnate, a Cambridge graduate, Alexander Vinokurov.

In 2008 they got married, and in 2010 Katya gave birth to a son. The couple later had a daughter.

Now the minister's son-in-law is the president of the Summa Group holding and is a member of the board of directors of Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port OJSC.

Sergey Viktorovich is a heavy smoker. Defending his rights, he even went into conflict with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, who banned smoking at the headquarters of the Organization. Lavrov objected that the order was illegal because Annan was not the owner of the building.

The Russian Foreign Minister loves writing poetry and singing with a guitar. Sergey Lavrov is fond of rafting. He is the President of the country's Rowing Slalom Federation.
Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov loves to play football. He is a fan of the Moscow team "Spartak". And he also caught such a fish!