Interesting quotes and statements. Interesting quotes about yourself, aphorisms about yourself

They say, they say, there are no ideal people ... What does it mean, I don't exist ?!

Anyone can see me and decide that I am what they thought. And only a few people feel who I really am ...

All types of antipathy in my direction, I ask you to express it purely in the form of suicide.

I have an unpretentious taste - I am quite calmly content with the best!

You are obliged to compare yourself with only one person - yourself in the past. And you should be better only in comparison with the only person - yourself in this moment life.

If I’m not bad, I’m insanely good, and if I’m bad, I’m many times better!

As you strive to become positive for everyone, do not forget what you are putting on yourself.

And so what if the drafts have settled in the head ?! At least I will refresh my thoughts a little ...

I create what I want, and with a special mood I get up, I am a creative person, I can!

The bulk of humanity does not belong to itself. We think in other people's judgments, we have turned our life into mimicry, and we are used to expressing passions in quotations!

Do it yourself - don't wait for strangers to do it!

I crossed someone's life with myself, as if with a scar. I came into the life of another person in the long-awaited spring. For one I am a genius, for another - an oak tree.

Continuation beautiful quotes read on the pages:

Success did not spoil me in the least: I was completely unbearable before.

And let me be hated for who I am, what they love me for who I will never be!

My character is golden, that's why it's so heavy!

The beginning of the most promising romance is self-love.

Create legends about yourself. The gods started with this.

I am only at first glance a selfish and narcissistic bitch, in fact I am even worse!

I’m a scar in someone’s life. I’m spring in someone’s life. And for someone a genius, for someone a stump.

If beautiful and smart do not exist at the same time, then ... does it mean I do not exist?

If you are exchanging for little things, then you are not a little thing.

Dance beautifully. Hit hard. Leave proudly. Don't talk loudly about yourself. Let others say quietly about you ...

it is better to be silent and seem like an idiot than to speak up and dispel all doubts.

A smile is my face! Laughter is my character! Joy is my life!

You waste your time and energy discussing me, while I don't even remember your names ...

Born, live, not dead yet.

I am neither good nor bad. I am kind in an evil stripe!

I'm interested in the future because I'm going to spend the rest of my life in it.

When I’m good, I’m very, very good, but when I’m bad, I’m even better!

I was toothless and bald when I was born. Years have passed, I have changed little.

I love people who like me. For their good taste!

So sweet, smiling, but in her heart she is sad, happy and forever in love. Lonely in life. No, not abandoned. Just not specific.

Throwing the crap out of your head is not difficult, but it's a pity!

When we like ourselves, we are more likely to like the world.

Oddly enough, I have no enemies. And if you consider yourself such, then congratulations - you are not.

Sometimes people force themselves to walk the rope without realizing that the rope is on the floor.

I have never been able to become the one that you dream of ... But I can become the one that you will not get!

Why don't I have time for me in my life? So I don't live my life.

I live as it should be, but it is necessary for me for everything!

I am the air. Don't try to hold back. Breathe while I let myself breathe ...

Of all my qualities, only the Rh factor is positive.

He cannot control others who is not able to control himself.

Don't be a photocopy. Be original.

Love yourself - and reciprocity is 100% guaranteed

They say that behind my insolent grin is a vulnerable soul.

So I want to tell someone I love you! ... well, everything, I went to the mirror ...

For life full life, you need to understand yourself.

But life after fifty is just beginning! - I thought and poured myself fifty more.

Many believe that I see the world in gray... And for me the world consists of three colors: white, black and rainbow!

How to know yourself? By no means by contemplation, only by actions. Try to do your duty, and immediately you will know yourself.

We know our own worth, but we are selling cheap ...

I look at myself in the mirror and think: She seems to be beautiful, slender, and she is not deprived of intelligence, but lonely. Maybe it’s worth going to the optometrist, maybe I don’t see something ...

I do bad things, but I do them well !!!

I live as it should be, but it is necessary for me to do everything ...

I do not argue with you and do not argue. I'm just going into detail about why I'm right.

White and fluffy until they step on the tail.

Never speak ill of yourself. Your friends will do it.

You are wrong about me. And for some reason I am to blame.

I was created from affection, tears, love and hate, happiness and sorrow, from pain and bliss, from a cry and a smile ...

Handsome, smart, slightly stooped, full of worldview, yesterday I looked into myself and left with disgust.

I am smart because I am modest, and therefore so beautiful!

In order not to depend on the opinions of others, you need to have your own opinion about everything - and above all about yourself.

People like me become rock stars, crazy artists, morgue workers, but not the girls they love.

You can say any nasty things about me, I still know more!

I can be ruined, but I cannot be bought.

Do not make plans for me, I will not live up to your expectations.

I'm not money to please everyone.

If there is no one else to love, you can love the person in yourself. - Aphorisms about yourself

She took over the world, quit smoking, made repairs in the apartment) oh ...

To see yourself from the side, do not turn your face to the mirror. Turn your back to him.

It is a big mistake to dream of yourself more than you should, and value yourself lower than you are worth.

Many people live without living, but only intending to live. V. Belinsky

Life is the art of drawing comforting conclusions from disappointing premises. Samuel

There are no coincidences in fate; man creates rather than meets his destiny.

To live without benefit is an untimely death. W. Goethe

I believe with all my heart in luck; and I found that the harder I work, the
getting better.

People work most of the time to live, and little free
the time remaining with them worries them so much that they by all means
trying to get rid of it.

A man should feel that he is needed, and a woman should feel that she is being cared for.

Life is just a stop between two deaths

While you pick up your dry cleaners, fax the reports
ironing linen or washing dishes, randomness is already sneaking up on you.

When you were born, you cried and the world laughed.

Live so that, dying, you laugh, and the world cries. Indian wisdom

Find your way, find out your place - this is everything for a person, this is for him
means to become yourself. V. Belinsky

Life is an eternal gluing of fragments. Edith Wharton

Remembering death means living without thinking about it. You don't need to talk about death
remember, but calmly, joyfully live with the consciousness of her constant approach.

You can only hate life as a result of apathy and laziness. Seneca

Everything comes in due time for those who know how to wait.

Quotes and aphorisms for all occasions

Life is a combination of honey and bile.

You don't have to be pretty. it is important to be able to inspire that you are irresistible and
charming that you are the center of the earth, the navel of the universe. People are so willing to accept
imposed opinions

Everything that kills us makes us eternal.

Our life is a game, the rules of which are unknown to us.

To be means to be for another. Maurice Blanchot

“To live beautifully” is not just an empty sound.

Only the one who multiplied beauty in the world

Labor, struggle, - that life lived beautifully,

Truly crowned with beauty!

It seems like life is a choice between two wrong answers. Sherin McCrum

Life is a moment. It cannot be lived out first on a draft, and then rewritten in
belovik. A.P. Chekhov

Mother - creates, she protects, and talking about destruction means
speak against her. Mother is always against death.

Do not look for the meaning of life, because you will not find it anywhere, but look for at least something
and in this you will find the meaning of life.

There are only two ways to live life. The first is that miracles do not exist. Second
- as if there were only miracles all around.

Small towns have an amazing ability to keep those who are here

Life is like a mill in the millstones of which any grain will be ground.

Best of all, a person lives in those moments when he does not know that it is possible to live better.

Nothing happens without good reason. Mikhail Vasilievich

Life must be lived in such a way that at the top ofigels they say - well

The best aphorisms about life # 5 ...

Beautiful aphorisms about life

Time grows in proportion to suffering

Never regard God's gifts as due, immutable, and deserved.

It is impossible to understand the Bible without following its laws.

I noticed long ago: each, at first glance, the most tragic trouble, sooner or later leads to something good. You just need to believe and move forward.

All these prejudices of yours are just a shield for weaklings.

Often between the real world and heaven has to choose one thing. It is impossible to love life from above with all your might and not to lose the joy of earthly existence.

Living without sin will help you sleep without pills.

A wonderful gift for a child is to instill love for Christ.

The anchor can be fully appreciated only during a storm.

Before you fully believe in God, try to get to know him better.

Read the continuation of the quotes on the pages:

Laziness seems to slow down time and space. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Religions, like chameleons, take on the color of the soil on which they live. Anatole France (Thibault)

Mystery art! Edvard Grieg

Cynicism is heroic idealism turned inside out. Aldous Leonard Huxley

Dear ladies, if your friend advises you to go out, enjoy life, pursue a career, and not think about male feelings? This means that she wishes you happy loneliness in middle and old age. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Misfortune makes a person wise, although it does not enrich him. Samuel Johnson

Diversity kills diversity. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

A righteous wife is wealth to the home and salvation to her husband. Gregory Nazianzin (Gregory the Theologian)

Modesty beautifies. But somehow modest. Sergey Fedin

The basic virtue of a citizen is distrust. Maximilian Robespierre

It is one step from perjury to fiction. Don Aminado (Aminad Petrovich Shpolyansky)

There is no envy in the world, since all people are on the same row, on the same rung of the ladder of happiness. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Pension: rest imposed on you when all you can do is work. Georges Elgozi

By improving the stagecoach, you can create the perfect stagecoach; but a first-class car hardly. Edouard De Bono

You cannot hit the same leg twice. Sergey Ostashko

Eloquence possesses, like the fair sex, such significant charms that it does not tolerate attacks on itself. And it would be useless to scold the art of deception when people enjoy this kind of deception. John Locke

Did you get everything you need from happiness? Then pass the joint on. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Laziness is the destructive fire of dreams. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Life without sin is so depressing that you will involuntarily fall into the sin of despondency. Sergey Fedin

Aphorism - a mania of thought, brought back to life by the magic of words. Evgeny Khankin

These are the times, continuous executions for the Soul, and now there are so many of them that it is incomprehensible to the mind, but THIS IS a daily reality .. Vladimir Solonina

Above all, learn to restrain your tongue. Menander

To say is not to do. Unknown author

For me, as Antonina, the city and the fatherland are Rome, as a person - the world. And only what is useful to these two grades is good for me. Marcus Aurelius

All that we see is only one appearance. Far from the surface of the world to the bottom. Consider the obvious in the world unessential, For the secret essence of things is not visible. Omar Khayyam

He did not change his views - on the contrary, his views changed him. Wieslaw Brudziński

Representatives top class societies, put pressure on the middle and lower class of society, like grapes. They cook from our suffering, delicious wine that belongs only to them. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

The destroyed ecology of the earth is the coffin of humanity. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Everything has some limit, but sorrow does not, it does not know sleep, it does not know death; the day does not illuminate it, the night is its depth, its living memory. Maurice Blanchot

Folk songs are when there are more people on the stage than in the hall. Unknown author

Hate, the only feeling longing to take your throne and make your coffin a footrest. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

An optimist is not a well-worn pessimist. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Our mind is metal taken out of form, and form is our actions. Henri Bergson

Envy builds the entire human race, under one flat line, which is called: insignificance. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Do not flies bite you? They probably disdain. Sergey Fedin

In fact, after death, everyone ends up in the same place. It's just that optimists consider it to be heaven, and pessimists - hell. Sergey Fedin

Homosexuals, lesbians, sexists, feminists, Nazis, and fascists are evil that pretends to be good. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Law is the art of goodness and justice. Unknown author

Even in the worst, there is something funny. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

We pay the price for the mistakes of our ancestors, so it's only fair that they leave us money. Don Marquis

Good intentions are thoughts that are not tainted by deeds. Evgeny Khankin

Put on brass knuckles of nobility, destroy evil. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Very few areas scientific research are in a phase of such intensive development as modern mathematics. Alfred Tarski

He was an atheist by the grace of God however. Sergey Fedin

A speech will become a little clearer when you have a brick in your hands. Sergey Fedin

No amount of wealth will make you richer. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

There is no worse thing than growing old alone. My wife has not celebrated her birthday for the seventh year. Robert Orben

Russia is a very strange copy of America, and Kazakhstan is a very, very strange copy of Russia and America. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

For some, marriage becomes a life sentence. Sergey Fedin

Only evil people are afraid of evil. Walter Scott

To be silent is to believe in yourself. Albert Camus

Those who have gone through the war are very sincerely happy about its end, but in creativity they cannot go beyond military topics... Frantisek Cover

You have to live with hopes, and cohabit with losses! Michelle Emelyanov

Homosexuals, lesbians, sexists, feminists, Nazis, and fascists are the dregs of society that bring the human race to death. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Envy is a talented musician who performs great compositions on the thin strings of your proud ego. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

There is a group of people who were born on earth only to talk about death. There is a kind of beauty in the slow extinction, like the beauty of the heavens at the hour of sunset, and this fascinates them. Rabindranath Tagore

An irritating tribe of poets. Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

One can only envy someone who wants nothing. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Where there was the most so-called positive religion, there was always the least morality. Johann Gottfried Soume

Greed and envy, throw meaningless objects at people, and laugh loudly at people who mercilessly torment and kill each other, out of some stupid things. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

During the war, in the human world, there is a huge number of legal crimes. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

The one who has nothing to hide is the most skillful in hiding his talent. Edmund Burke (Burke)

Shit in this world: it evolves and multiplies. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Laziness is insomnia Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Beer comes out faster than water because the water still needs to change its color ... Unknown author

People are like plants that do not grow well if they are not behind them good care... Charles Louis Montesquieu

Everything global problems, are born from a little whim, in small minds. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

We admire antiquity, but we live in modernity. Ovid (Publius Ovid Nazon)

He who does not ask about anything will learn nothing. Thomas Fuller

Selfishness makes of a person the same miracles as love. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin

Eight is a zero with a waist. Sergey Fedin

I lived in laziness! Alive in laziness! I will live in laziness! Sergey Fedin

Homosexuals, sexists, feminists, Nazis, and fascists are the dregs of society that bring the human race to death. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper, especially if it flies along it ... Sergey Fedin

People live in the nature they deserve. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

We die exactly as long as the world ceases to be needed. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Nazis and racists want to destroy immigration in the world, they only want their homeland to die slowly and painfully, in the most terrible agony of independence. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

People are like, evil, angry defilers, wandering in the empty darkness of their own consciousness. Their souls are blacker than any ink. Inhuman growling is called their soul voice. Restless and inconsolable creatures, rapidly disappearing into the infinitely deep sphere of their own nonexistence. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Discouragement is a web that completely immobilizes the body. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

The epoch is overtaken on the left lane. Leszek Kumor

The play and the role for the actor are only text. The distance from the text to the game is enormous. Gustav Gustavovich Shpet

Certain individual considerations strike us to the very heart. Wilhelm Dilthey

Before you have time, others will. Robinson A. William

Loneliness is the true road to heaven. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Homosexuality is a terrible mutation in the natural world. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

Gluttony, mercilessly drowns in an insatiable thirst for poison. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

The crown of the old is the sons of sons. Bible, King Solomon

Humanity is drowning in its own shit. Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

It often seems to people that the big truth lies next to the bigger nuisance. Karol Izhikovsky

If the accused confesses, a judge is not needed. Unknown author

Reading ancient sages, you often find something of your own. Cyril Northcote Parkinson

Live and learn ... And yet ... Not everyone comes with wisdom over the years ... They don't become wise, they are born wise ... It's just that it is revealed later ...

Especially for our readers, we have selected 30 best quotes during the week.

1. Do not complain about life - someone dreams of the kind of life you live.

2. The basic rule of life is not to be overwhelmed by either people or circumstances.

3. Never show a man how much you need him. You will not see anything good in return.

4. It is impossible to expect from a person that which is unusual for him. You don't squeeze a lemon to make tomato juice.

5. After rain, a rainbow always comes, after tears - happiness.

6. One day, quite by accident, you will find yourself at the right time in the right place, and millions of roads will converge at one point.

7. What you believe in becomes your world.

8. A diamond that has fallen into the dirt still remains a diamond, and dust that has risen to the skies remains dust.

9. Don't call, don't write, don't show interest - that means they don't need it. Everything is simple and there is nothing to invent.

10. I know people are not saints. Sins are spelled out by fate. For me, it's better to be honestly evil than people with deceitful kindness!

11. Be like a lotus that is always pure and blooms even in troubled waters.

12. And God forbid everyone to be with those with whom the heart does not seek others.

13. No better place than a house, especially if there is a mother in it.

14. People constantly come up with problems for themselves. Why not invent happiness for yourself?

15. It hurts - this is when a child wants to see mom and dad, but they are not. The rest can be experienced.

16. Happiness is near ... Do not invent ideals for yourself ... Appreciate what you have.

17. Never lie to someone who trusts you. Never trust someone who lied to you.

18. Mom, even if she is prickly, is still the best!

19. There is no need to be afraid of distances. And far away you can love deeply, and close you can quickly part.

20. I always consider the last book I read to be the best until I try something new.

21. We give LIFE to children, and they give us SENSE!

22. Happy man- this is the one who does not regret the past, is not afraid of the future and does not climb into someone else's life.

23. Pain sometimes goes away, but thoughts remain.

24. How much wisdom is needed to never lose kindness!

25. Having abandoned me once, no longer meddle in my life. Never.

26. Appreciate the one who cannot live without you. And don't chase after those who are happy without you.

27. Remember: you attract what you believe in!

28. There is only one thing you can regret in life - that you once did not dare.

29. The most natural thing in this world is change. Living things cannot be frozen.

30. One sage was asked: "What to do if they stop loving you?"

“Take your soul and leave,” he replied.

quotes and statuses about yourself are just those phrases that characterize and describe you. People are very different, and each person should choose quotes about himself, of course, for himself. We try to take out a wide variety of statements so that everyone can choose the most suitable one. statuses about yourself can be used in contact to enable your friends and everyone else to understand you better. Take your pick.

"Always be at war with your faults, at peace with your neighbors, and everyone New Year find yourself a better person. "

Benjamin Franklin

I forgive everyone who betrayed! To everyone who left - I wish you a happy journey! And those who stayed next to me - I appreciate, love and respect!

I appreciate those who cannot live without me, and do not interfere with those who are happy without me !!

And I closed my gates to my soul. Someone simply does not understand me ... I am often told that I am beautiful ... I would exchange beauty for happiness ...

Someone will definitely need us for who we are ...

I do not need someone who sees only good in me, I need someone who sees bad in me, but still wants to be with me.
Marilyn Monroe

“I am selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I get out of hand and can be difficult to deal with at times. But if you cannot communicate with me when I am in a bad mood, then you do not deserve me in a good one. "

Marilyn Monroe

The only person with whom you have to compare yourself is you in the past. And the only person you should be better than you is now.

Most of us are not us. Our thoughts are other people's judgments; our life is mimicry; our passions - quote!

Oddly enough, I have no enemies. And if you consider yourself such, then congratulations - you are not.

Dance beautifully. Hit hard. Leave proudly. Don't talk loudly about yourself. Let others say quietly about you ...

So I want to say to someone “I love you!” ... well, everything, I went to the mirror ...

The beginning of the most promising romance is self-love.

So sweet, smiling, but in her heart she is sad, happy and forever in love. Lonely in life. No, not abandoned. Just not specific.

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She took over the world, quit smoking, made repairs in the apartment) oh ...

Don't be a photocopy. Be original.

I look at myself in the mirror and think: She seems to be beautiful, slender, and she is not deprived of intelligence, but lonely. Maybe it’s worth going to the optometrist, maybe I don’t see something ...

I am neither good nor bad. I am kind in an evil stripe!

If beautiful and smart do not exist at the same time, then ... does it mean I do not exist?

I have never been able to become the one that you dream of ... But I can become the one that you will not get!

A smile is my face! Laughter is my character! Joy is my life!

Many people think that I see the world in gray ... But for me the world consists of three colors: white, black and rainbow!

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You shouldn't be too persistently interested in my life. It can be so interesting that you will be disappointed in yours.

What I have to - is spelled out in the constitution, the rest is at my discretion.

I do not like boors. Why do I need competitors?

I long for absolute perfection in everything. Love is so love, friendship is so friendship, and so no half measures, and everything with a capital letter. And life is just half measures ..

I have nothing to declare about myself except that I am a genius.

When I’m good, I’m very, very good, but when I’m bad, I’m even better!

I am only at first glance a selfish and narcissistic bitch, in fact I am even worse!

I was created from affection, tears, love and hate, happiness and sorrow, from pain and bliss, from a cry and a smile ...

They say that behind my insolent grin is a vulnerable soul.

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My character is golden, that's why it's so heavy!

I'm not money to please everyone.

And let me be hated for who I am, what they love me for who I will never be!

I live as it should be, but it is necessary for me to do everything ...

I am the air. Don't try to hold back. Breathe while I let myself breathe ...

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I’m a scar in someone’s life. I’m spring in someone’s life. And for someone a genius, for someone a stump.

You can say any nasty things about me, I still know more!

I love people who like me. For their good taste!

To live life to the fullest, you need to understand yourself.

Born, live, not dead yet.

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Do not make plans for me, I will not live up to your expectations.

I was toothless and bald when I was born. Years have passed, I have changed little.

White and fluffy until they step on the tail.

it is better to be silent and seem like an idiot than to speak up and dispel all doubts.

Of all my qualities, only the Rh factor is positive.

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Perhaps the best girl in the world! =)

There are millions like you, like me, no more.

I am dumber than you think, but smarter than you can imagine.

Imagine being humble, sweet, kind, good, and generally wonderful person... Have you presented? So, this is not me.

The people around you see only my masks and think they know me.

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