Puffiness: how to cope with fluid retention in the body. Methods for dealing with puffiness How to deal with puffiness

The presence of edema - not only gives us discomfort and becomes the cause of unpleasant sensations (suddenly your favorite shoes become tight, and bags appear under the eyes - find out how to get rid of them), but also indicates serious health problems. This is what experts and scientists are sure of.

World Without Harm also became interested in this topic, and decided to do its own little research on the topic of edema. Where do they come from? Why do they appear? Is it possible to get rid of edema?

We invite you to try with us to find answers to these questions ...

What is edema

Edema is usually called excessive accumulation of fluid in the human body. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the form of an increase in limbs or body parts in their volume. As a rule, swelling becomes visible when more than 2 liters of fluid are retained in the body. And, if you press your finger into the area of ​​edema, then a fossa remains on the surface of the skin.

Types of edema

In addition to the fact that edema is general or external- we can see them with the naked eye, the excess accumulation of fluid in the body can also have a hidden, internal character. On visual inspection, it seems that no changes are visible. But, if you carry out daily weighing, and you control the ratio of the fluid you drink during the day and the urine excreted, then you will be able to detect a clear discrepancy.

Causes of edema

How to determine the cause of edema

In fact, there are a number of possible causes that can explain the appearance of edema. Therefore, in order to establish the exact cause and not be mistaken, experts recommend paying attention to a number of factors that can serve as a clue to you and your doctor about the cause of the edema.

So, first of all, the primary location of the edema is taken into account- it can be a face, legs, feet, limbs; prevalence of edematous area- we already know that edema is local and general; accompanying conditions for the onset of edema- the appearance of an accumulation of excess fluid in the body was preceded by a long stay of a person in an upright position, physical activity, contact with the causative agent of an allergy, taking certain medications (anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that lower blood pressure can give such a side effect), hormonal disruptions in the body, chronic diseases ...

Only by answering a number of these questions, it will be possible to establish with precision what kind of edema we are dealing with.

And, the swelling itself can be caused by the following reasons ...

Possible causes of edema

In the case of diseases of the cardiovascular system and acute heart failure, with kidney disease, vascular disease, liver disease, against the background of hormonal changes (pregnancy, premenstrual period, menopause), against the background of prolonged fasting and a strong allergic reaction, as well as in chronic diseases, in the case of an improper diet - in all these cases, edema of various localization may appear on the human body.

How to determine the nature of edema

  • With renal edema pallor of the skin is observed, the structure of the edema itself is loose, a mark from pressing with a finger remains on the skin for a long time, and such edema, most often, appears in the morning and subside by the evening.
  • Edema due to malfunctions of the cardiovascular system accompanied by shortness of breath, blueness of the lips, fingers, swelling of the veins in the neck. They intensify in the evening, but disappear in the morning.
  • The appearance of edema as a result of a violation of the work of blood vessels and venous lesions are accompanied by their appearance in the leg area, which are accompanied by painful sensations, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, redness of the feet. Appear during the day and increase in the evening.
  • Swelling caused by malfunctioning of the liver, accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, the appearance of spider veins in the abdomen, yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes, itching.
  • If the lymphatic system malfunctions edema occurs on the limbs, and when pressing on their surface, a fossa does not form.
  • Swelling in the joints and soreness in this place indicates severe arthritis or rheumatic disease.
  • Allergic edema can be both local and general. The most famous allergic edema is Quincke's edema - its symptom is swelling of the face, lips, neck, asphyxia and suffocation ...
  • Pulmonary edema occurs as a result of cardiovascular pathologies, with severe forms of bronchitis (try to treat them using procedures with), pneumonia and trauma. It can be recognized by shortness of breath, foam from the patient's mouth, cough with foamy sputum and noisy hoarse breathing.

Edema treatment

As you may have guessed, our readers, the treatment of edema in each case assumes its own individual approach to the problem and to the cause that caused it... So, it will not be effective to treat edema caused by heart problems with methods that can be effective in treating edema caused by hormonal imbalance. Therefore, in order for you not to be mistaken in choosing an approach to treatment, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following points of our publication, both general and individual ...

How to deal with swelling during pregnancy

How to deal with swelling during your period

How to get rid of edema during dehydration

A bit strange formulation, nevertheless, it takes place. Indeed, very often, the cause of the appearance of edema is precisely. Doubt that this is possible? Then what do you say to what

scientists were able to prove that if a person with a body weight of 60 kilograms consumes less than 1400 milliliters of water per day, then his body begins to accumulate all the fluid entering the body, so to speak, just in case.

As a result, characteristic swelling appears in the area of ​​the ankles, on the lower abdomen (we often confuse them with the deposition of excess fat and declare war on ourselves in terms of food consumption). Changing your drinking regimen can help get rid of such swelling. You must remind yourself that 5-6 times a day you need to drink 1 glass of pure water (read more about this)... You will be surprised, but after a month of following such a correct drinking regimen, you will suddenly be surprised to find that you do not need to lose weight.

How to deal with renal edema

In fact, renal edema is often caused not only by kidney problems, but also by infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, complications after childhood infections, complications after flu, tonsillitis, autoimmune disorders ... It is very difficult to get rid of these edema without the help of a nephrologist. In addition, such edema requires constant monitoring. Therefore, we would not recommend that you self-medicate. It is commendable to follow the general principles for getting rid of excess fluid in the body, but do not forget about an individual approach to your problem.

How to get rid of edema due to improper nutrition

Yes, yes, one of the reasons, as we managed to find out, the appearance of edema, is improper diet. By the way, endocrinologists even call such people who are overweight as a result of their overeating chronically pregnant. But if the expectant mother has every chance to return to her previous form after childbirth, then such "chronic pregnant women", if they do not reconsider their diet, there are no such chances. Therefore, if you consume in excessive quantities spicy, salty, home preservation - stop. If you are satisfied with your swelling, you can, of course, continue, but if you want to get rid of them, you will have to give up these products. Indeed, a large amount of salt in all this becomes the cause of fluid retention in your tissues. You won't believe it, but

it is enough to eat 100 grams of salted fish, and your weight indicators increase by 650 grams due to the retained fluid in your body.

They have a similar property. For comparison - 1 gram of carbohydrates helps to "preserve" 4 grams of fluid in your body... Accordingly, when you eat a small cake weighing 150 grams, due to the edema that has appeared, your weight indicators become 500 grams more and more ...

Edema is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the body. They can be provoked by many diseases. Is it possible to stop the appearance of puffiness and how to do it?

Causes of edema

The appearance of puffiness is due to various factors:

  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys and heart
  • Unbalanced diets that do not allow you to get all the vital substances from foods
  • In women, before and during menstruation
  • Nutritional changes (increasing salty foods and carbohydrates, decreasing the amount of clean water you drink)

If before going to bed you have pampered yourself with salty, then you can be sure that in the morning it will "settle" on some part of the body. This is due to the ability of sodium, which is part of common salt, to retain water in the body. Often diuretics come to the rescue for edema - their action is based precisely on the removal of sodium salts from tissues.

In addition to salt, carbohydrates have the ability to retain water. Therefore, an excessive amount of flour eaten in the evening can lead to morning facial swelling.

How to deal with edema

To remove puffiness, you need to find out the reason for its appearance. In some cases, just excluding certain foods from the daily diet will help, and serious diseases will need to be treated with medication or surgery.

  • Nutrition adjustment. If you are a lover of coffee, sweet or spicy, edema will become your constant companions. After all, these products not only retain fluid in the body, but also cause thirst, forcing you to drink water in large quantities. To combat puffiness in this case, it is necessary to give up sweet, salty and consume less liquid in the evening and before bedtime. Lemon juice can be used to add salt to dishes - both tasty and healthy.
  • Violation of blood circulation. When the blood stagnates, excess fluid from it through the walls of the vessels enters the tissues. As a result, swelling appears on the legs. Calves and ankles are most commonly affected. Periodic walks, fitness classes and small warm-ups during the working day will help strengthen blood vessels. Use underwear with a compression effect, it will help to normalize blood circulation in the legs.
  • Premenstrual syndrome. Fluid accumulates in the body in the second half of the cycle, especially before the onset of menstruation. The result is swelling of the legs and arms, mammary glands and even the face. With the onset of menstruation, weight returns to normal. Limit sugary, spicy, and salty foods to reduce swelling. Choose complex carbohydrates, found in high amounts in legumes, grains, and potatoes.
  • Kidney disease. Kidney problems often affect the appearance - the face becomes pale, severe swelling appears. If you press the swelling with your finger, then the trace from it will not disappear immediately and will last for several minutes. Treatment of kidney disease should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician, and sometimes in a hospital setting. Therefore, if you suspect kidney problems, do not delay with a visit to the doctor - this will help avoid serious complications.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Edema that occurs with heart disease is localized first in the ankle area, gradually spreading to the thighs and sometimes the abdomen. Puffiness is not the first symptom of heart problems - initially there is shortness of breath, swelling of the veins in the neck, and a bluish tinge to the fingers and lips. Treatment of cardiovascular diseases at home is categorically contraindicated! In this case, only a cardiologist can help. After a course of treatment, you will not only get rid of edema, but also improve the condition of the body as a whole.

Edema control methods

Well-known diuretics such as Furosemide, Indapamide and their analogs effectively and quickly relieve puffiness. But it is not recommended to use these drugs on their own, since in case of violations of the regimen or dosage, unwanted side reactions may occur.

Herbal diuretics are widespread and are milder than drugs. These include:

  • Lingonberry leaves
  • Kidney tea
  • Bearberry leaves
  • Birch buds and leaves
  • Horsetail herb

Certain foods, berries and vegetables have pronounced diuretic properties, for example, cranberries, beets, oats, cucumbers, watermelon, tomatoes, asparagus, etc.

Remember, the main rule for preventing edema is less sweets, carbohydrates and salty foods, more fruits and vegetables that have a diuretic effect. If the swelling does not subside, it means that the matter is not at all in the diet. On the site about varicose veins Flebolab.ru you can find out everything about edema and how to treat it.

How to deal with edema? This question preoccupies the minds of many people, especially women, because puffy eyes do not paint the face. The causes of edema can be both problems with internal organs and dietary habits. There are many ways to quickly get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. However, if the problem is recurring, you should see your doctor.

Ways to get rid of edema

Methods for dealing with puffy eyelids:

  1. One of the popular methods is using potatoes. It is necessary to grate the peeled vegetable, put the resulting gruel in cheesecloth and apply it to the eyes.
  2. Tea bags or a napkin dipped in chilled tea are applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes.
  3. Wrap the parsley root gruel in gauze, apply to the swollen eyelids.
  4. There are special gel patches on the market for the lower eyelids that cool the skin.
  5. Ointments for hemorrhoids also help due to the content of heparin, phenylephrine, chestnut extract.
  6. Roll-on gels for edema typically contain caffeine, arnica and chestnut extract.

The skin of the eyelids is thin, so the products that are applied to it work relatively quickly. For other parts of the body, there are no quick methods as they are covered with thicker skin.

Foot baths with table salt and magnesia help with swelling of the legs. For varicose veins, heparin ointments can be used.

To combat generalized edema, diuretics are used, for example, a decoction of corn silk, green tea, orthosiphon infusion. Parsley root broth also removes excess water.

For edema during pregnancy, use the plant-based drug Hofitol.

Nutrition for edema, especially caused by a violation of the heart, should supply the body with potassium. Potassium, a macronutrient that removes excess fluid from the body, is a sodium antagonist that retains water. Found in bananas, potatoes, legumes, root vegetables - almost all plant foods. After consulting a doctor, you can take tablets containing potassium asparaginate: Ritmokor, Asparkam, Panangin.

Fresh vegetables are useful for removing excess fluid and improving kidney function.

Sodium is the enemy in the fight against edema. Most of it enters the body with table salt, the intake of which must be limited to 3 grams per day if there is a tendency to fluid retention. A lot of salt is found in meat products - dumplings, sausages, ham, sausages, wieners. There is also a lot of sodium chloride in cheeses, chips, canned food. These products should not be abused when there is a task - the fight against edema.

It is necessary to remember about the existence of such a phenomenon as carbohydrate edema. With the abuse of carbohydrates, especially fast ones, fluid retention occurs.

Water retention in the body is also observed with insufficient intake of proteins in the body. The albumin protein provides water retention in the vessels. With starvation and protein deficiency in the diet, there is no raw material for the production of plasma albumin in the liver. There are cases when people are swollen from hunger - the liquid accumulates mainly in the abdomen. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a sufficient amount of complete protein in the diet if the edema is protein-free.

Kidney disease is a leading cause of excess water retention. Moreover, with nephrotic syndrome, the aforementioned albumin protein is lost. Inflammatory kidney disease entails damage to the capillaries by the inflammatory enzyme hyaluronidase. To get rid of edema, it is necessary to treat these diseases with a nephrologist or urologist.

An underactive thyroid gland, called mucus edema, also causes the body to accumulate a large amount of fluid. How to deal with edema in this case? To get rid of fluid retention caused by hypothyroidism, you can use hormone replacement therapy prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Another possible cause of edema is liver problems. With cirrhosis and other liver diseases leading to a violation of protein synthesis, hypoproteinemia is observed, that is, a lack of blood plasma proteins. Fluid is retained for the same reason as during fasting, nephrotic syndrome.

Protein retains the liquid part of the blood in the vessel, maintaining oncotic pressure. Its deficiency in plasma leads to the accumulation of excess fluid. With cirrhosis, this fluid accumulates mainly in the abdominal cavity, the abdomen increases. This condition requires urgent medical attention for the treatment of ascites. Laparocentesis (puncture of the anterior abdominal wall) and evacuation of the effusion are performed. Further therapy is aimed at restoring liver function.


With a tendency to edema, it is necessary to limit the intake of salt and fast carbohydrates, eat foods rich in potassium. Late intake of food containing salt is also undesirable. If changes in diet do not lead to getting rid of edema, then the best solution is to visit a doctor.

Since most often leg edema is a direct consequence of fluid retention in the body (and, in particular, in the soft tissues of the lower extremities), one of the most common ways to combat swelling is diuretics, diuretics (furosemide). Swelling of the legs is most often found in pregnant women, since expectant mothers are constantly sitting or lying, and not moving, due to the heavy load on the legs and back. Determining the causes of leg swelling allows you to find a more effective way to solve the problem, how to remove the resulting swelling of the lower extremities. The less you move, the more likely you are to get swollen feet. When resting, try to lie with your legs raised or lie on your left side. Most often, people suffer from edema of the legs, the reason for this is peripheral venous insufficiency due to disorders in the venous valve system of the legs.

Edema feet- a fairly common occurrence for women and for obese people. Because of it, the heart works with increased stress, disrupting the work of the vascular system. The swelling that occurs in the legs makes them not very attractive. Women are quite worried about this, and edema causes a lot of discomfort for men. Especially strong and often swelling makes itself felt in the summer, when the sweltering heat forces you to consume more water than usual, and the body is simply not able to cope and process such an amount of fluid. Edema does not occur by itself, they always serve as symptoms of any more serious diseases that exist in the human body.

Causes of leg edema

The main reasons for an increased tendency to swelling are flat feet, varicose veins, interruptions in the work of the cardiovascular system. Violation of the movement of the lymphatic fluid leads to the fact that water and protein metabolism is disrupted. Hence the consequence - edema.
There are numerous ways to deal with leg swelling in summer that you can take advantage of. For example, following the recommendations - not to sit for a long time in one position and on too soft a seat, not to cross your legs while sitting, not to drink too many carbonated drinks - you can get rid of the problem of edema. In addition, the elementary ways to combat leg edema include wearing comfortable shoes, as varied as possible. Experts do not recommend walking in the same pair of shoes for three to four days. Change your shoes after two days. Heels deserve special attention. Women do not want to give up this element of femininity and attractiveness, despite all the warnings and dangers associated with wearing high heels. If possible, you should at least change your shoes during the day for a pair without a heel and stiletto heels.
In the summer you want to drink constantly. The drinking regime should not be disturbed by the consumption of harmful drinks, for example, soda, drinks with artificial colors and preservatives. They just upset the balance of salts and water in the body. As a result, edema begins to manifest itself not only externally, on the limbs, but also in internal organs. You can drink plain, purified water, green tea, natural juices or decoctions of berries and herbs. There are drinks and foods that help remove fluid and prevent it from accumulating in the body. In summer, it is a juicy watermelon that perfectly cleanses the body and instantly removes all the liquid from the internal organs, but you should use this berry carefully. If you do not eat anything else for several days in a row, as supporters of diets and beautiful figures do, then all useful substances and salts will be excreted along with the liquid, as a result of which a serious malfunction of all organs will occur. Swelling of the legs is associated, as a rule, with a sedentary lifestyle, as well as with diseases of the internal organs - the cardiovascular system, blood vessels, and especially - the kidneys and liver.

There are several ways you can treat leg swelling while you sleep. For example, it is good to sleep in such a position so that your legs are slightly higher than your head. This can be achieved by putting your feet on a special roller or any other elevation. When you return from work or after a hard day on your feet, it is good to do gymnastics. But if in the summer there is not enough strength or time for it, it is useful to just lie down and raise your legs up, resting their feet on the wall. Relax and lie down for fifteen minutes, after which you will notice that the swelling has subsided a little. Use light massages throughout the day on the shins and thighs. It can be just stroking, light tingling and massaging movements. Using creams formulated to reduce leg swelling and fatigue can provide additional benefits.

For swollen and tired feet, foot baths or rubbing with ice cubes are helpful.
Simple exercise: Place your right foot on your left, lift your left toe as high as possible, then repeat the same with your right foot.
Another, rather unexpected way of dealing with edema is taking care of the soles of the feet.

Baths will be useful for the feet, which are recommended to be taken with cool water and with the addition of anti-edema agents. For example, it is recommended to use such methods of dealing with swelling of the legs as baths with sea salt, if there is none, ordinary rock salt will do. A decoction of figs helps to relieve swelling of the legs, as well as a decoction of Dubrovnik, lemon balm and mint. To prepare a decoction of figs, boil its fruits in slightly boiling water and add a little soda. Instead of water, you can use milk for the decoction. It is useful to add birch leaves to the foot baths. They can also wrap legs up to knee level, using cotton fabric for fixation. This is one of the oldest and most effective remedies to help eliminate leg swelling in summer. A decoction of chamomile is useful, which can be added to baths, and you can also rinse tired legs with it, make compresses. Like birch leaves, chamomile tea causes strong perspiration, which is evidence of the release of excess fluid.

Often our great-grandmothers used recipes that could be used to prepare lotions and other medicines at home. Vegetable oil was boiled, well-chopped nettle leaves were added to it. After boiling the mixture for about ten minutes on low heat, it is cooled, left to infuse. Such a remedy is used when going to bed at night. It is well rubbed into the feet so that it is completely absorbed.

Compresses and lotions are an excellent way to combat leg swelling. For example, make a decoction of parsley, dill, and chamomile (1: 1: 1). Let it sit for 15 minutes. And apply lotions to your swollen feet.

In summer, when you can easily find fresh herbs, you can use a decoction of parsley to get rid of swelling. The leaves of this greenery are finely chopped, poured with boiling water, and allowed to brew for twenty minutes. To enhance the effect, you can mix a decoction of parsley with a decoction of chamomile. But remember that this turns out to be a powerful diuretic, which should be taken into account before a long journey or leaving the house. It is better to apply such a remedy immediately after the end of the working day and before the night.
If there are no contraindications, then you can use the following methods of dealing with leg edema. Honey is added to unsweetened wine, the amount of which is half that of the drink itself. Received the remedy drink four to five times a day, about fifty grams and before meals.
Do not take regular diuretics. They only remove fluid from the organs and the vascular system, but not from those tissues where the accumulation of fluid is undesirable, as a result of which the fight against edema by water abstinence can result in the appearance of kidney stones.

If your legs are swollen

... When you return home, take off any clothing that is squeezing (with elastic bands). Stretch out on the floor. Spread your feet apart, relax your hands, turn your palms up. Take a few deep breaths in and out.
... Without lifting your back off the floor, bend your legs and bring your knees to your chest, helping yourself with your hands. Remain in this position for a few minutes.
... Raise your legs at a right angle. Slowly bend and stretch up the toes. Bring your legs together and apart, lightly hitting your calves against each other. Make a "candle" ("birch"), helping yourself with your hands.
... With smooth sliding movements, massage your legs from the ankles up, along the calves and thighs.
... Relax your calf muscles by gently and very slowly kneading them with your fingers.
... Shake your legs one at a time.

Fight leg swelling

Pour 1 liter of water with 4 tbsp. l. flaxseed, place on the stove and boil for 10-15 minutes. Then close the pan with a lid and leave, let it brew for 1 hour. The broth can not be filtered. For flavor, you can add lemon or any other freshly squeezed juice. Take hot in 0.5 tbsp. every 2 hours 6-8 times a day. The result will be visible in 2-3 weeks.

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If in the evenings deep marks from seemingly not tight elastic bands of socks and golf began to remain on your feet, as well as for no apparent reason your weight increased dramatically, your favorite shoes became small, edema, cellulite and bags under the eyes appeared - all this can be symptoms of excess fluid accumulation in the body.


Fluid retention- although unpleasant, but most often quite safe syndrome. However, it is necessary to consult a doctor to rule out diseases that may also be accompanied by edema, such as kidney disease, circulatory system diseases and metabolic disorders.

1 g glycogen clings to itself 4 g of water.

To determine if you have edema or not, you can do this: press your fingers on the shin bone. If a fingerprint remains, then this is a sign that your feet are swollen. But edema can be latent. They can be diagnosed by doctors through regular weighing, blood pressure measurements and monitoring urinalysis.

Causes of edema and fluid retention in the body

Improper diet, which leads to an imbalance of electrolytes: sodium, potassium and chlorine ions.
... Excessive drinking when the intake of fluid exceeds its excretion.
... Sedentary lifestyle.
... Taking certain medications and contraceptives.
... The habit of crossing legs, mostly standing or sedentary work, heat and tired legs, uncomfortable, tight shoes - everything that leads to impaired blood circulation in the legs.
... Pregnancy and changes in the body that accompany it.
... Premenstrual syndrome.
... Diseases of the kidneys, circulatory and digestive organs, metabolic disorders, a number of other diseases.

How to reduce the amount of fluid in your body and cope with swelling on your own

There are some harmless measures that can help relieve swelling and reduce the amount of fluid in your body.

Linda Lazarides' Drainage Diet

Diuretic diets There are many. But by far the most famous and popular of these is the Drainage Diet, written by Linda Lazarides.

The essence of this diet: edema and excess weight do not occur due to the fact that we drink a lot of water, but due to the fact that some substances retain it in the body. This means that the problem of edema can be solved by giving up these substances - primarily from salt and carbohydrates.

Do not eat foods:
Sugar, honey, syrup and all products containing them, dairy products, eggs, yeast, any red meat, salt and all salty foods, including ham, bacon, smoked fish, cheeses, cakes, pastries, chocolate, potato chips, butter, margarine , fried foods, cream, mayonnaise, baked goods, sauces, gravies, fatty desserts, wheat flour, alcohol, and foods containing artificial additives.

You can use:
Soy milk and yoghurts (natural, no additives), fruits (excluding grapes and bananas), vegetables (excluding potatoes), seeds, nuts, oatmeal, brown rice, legumes, lean poultry and fish. You can drink freshly squeezed juices, herbal teas, and other beverages that are low in caffeine.

The number of permitted foods is not limited - you can eat as many of them as you like.

Efficiency: for the first week weight loss can reach 6 kg(this is due to fluid loss). After the pace will not be so noticeable, but 1-2 kg per week is a very real result.

Regular use of this diet a week before your period can significantly alleviate PMS, if not completely eliminate it.

Herbal teas and teas that reduce swelling

Green tea
... Black or green tea with milk
... Melissa
... Lingonberry tea
... Rosehip decoction
... Caraway decoction
... Hawthorn decoction
... Mate
... Lemon juice water
... Comprehensive pharmacy fees, which usually include: bearberry, bird knotweed (knotweed), nettle, horsetail and other herbs.

Products that reduce swelling

Watermelon, cucumber, melon
... Celery
... Beans
... baked potato
... Green apple varieties
... Oats
... Low-fat milk and kefir
... Honey
... Viburnum juice, mountain ash
... Sorrel
... Nettle
... Beet

What else helps to reduce swelling

Sauna, bath, bath

Bath recipe to relieve swelling and excess fluid

Pour 37-38 C ° water into the bathtub, dilute 300 g of sea salt and a pack of soda in it. The time for taking such a bath is about half an hour. Do not drink 2 hours before the bath and 2 hours after.
You can repeat this procedure 3 times a week. Such a bath helps to lose 500-700 g of weight per procedure.

Massage and warm-up

If you sit a lot, then touch your toes as often as possible, make circular movements with your feet, stand on your toes for a few seconds (15-20 times). In the evenings, lie down for 10 minutes and throw your feet on a wall or on some kind of hill, and then rub them vigorously from feet to knees.

Contrast foot shower

A contrast shower helps to strengthen the blood vessels of the legs. It is not necessary to specially set aside time for this, after a regular shower, change the water several times from hot to cool and vice versa. Do not turn on ice water, leave it at a temperature that does not irritate you. You need to come to colder water gradually. Contrast baths can only be done for the feet. The basic rule of such procedures is that you need to finish in cool water.

Physical activity: running, swimming, walking.
... Medicinal diuretics

There are many different medicinal diuretics available. But it is not recommended to use them on your own, due to the high likelihood of various complications. Seek the advice of your doctor.

Any diuretics should be used carefully! Uncontrolled and prolonged use of diuretics can lead to dehydration of the body, as well as to a violation of the water-salt balance.

The causes of edema can be different - inappropriate shoes and clothes, kidney disease, metabolic disorders, physiological changes in the body during pregnancy or menopause, varicose veins. Severity and pain in the legs are sometimes a symptom of serious trouble, but more often they signal us about the development of an unpleasant disease - “heavy legs syndrome”.

Varicose veins are usually the cause of heavy legs syndrome. It can proceed unnoticed, characteristic "stars" do not form on the legs and large blood vessels under the skin do not appear. In addition to edema, there may be other signs of the disease - cramps in the calf muscles, painful sensations in the afternoon or evening, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, causeless fatigue, a tingling or crawling sensation in the lower third of the leg and feet.

The causes of this unpleasant syndrome have not been precisely established. Most likely, it develops against the background of a genetic predisposition with significant stress on the legs. At risk are, for example, salespeople, hairdressers and representatives of other professions that involve a long stay in an upright position. Provoking factors are also important - for example, shoes with an uncomfortable last or incorrectly sized shoes, too high heels, flat feet, overweight, excessive passion for artificial tanning, baths or saunas, etc. The distended veins gradually overflow with blood, the normal outflow of fluid is disrupted, it accumulates in the tissues.

If edema appears, it is advisable to consult a specialist as soon as possible. It is recommended to perform ultrasound and Doppler ultrasonography of the leg veins in order to timely diagnose varicose vessels and provide adequate therapy. Often after this, the swelling disappears without additional measures. At the same time, measures should be taken to prevent the recurrence of unpleasant symptoms. Correctly formulated diet, performing therapeutic exercises, normalizing body weight, significantly reducing orthostatic load will help you cope with edema.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe physical therapy, special massage, or compression socks or tights. Sometimes surgery is required to eliminate varicose veins.

Never buy compression products yourself! They differ in many ways, and only a phlebologist will be able to choose them correctly. Your task is not to make your legs visually slim, but to get rid of swelling and discomfort.

If your legs get tired during the working day, do some light exercise after returning home. They will help you improve blood circulation and flush excess fluid from your tissues.

Exercise 1... Starting position - standing on a rung of a ladder or a low threshold, the body weight is transferred to the forefoot. Straighten your back, relax your leg muscles. If you are having trouble keeping your balance, place your hand against a wall or railing. Lean back, holding on to the step using the leg muscles. Then return very slowly to the original position. Make sure your breathing is rhythmic and deep. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times at a slow pace.

Exercise 2. Starting position - sitting on a stable comfortable chair, Legs wide apart. Tighten the toes of both feet, pulling them towards your feet and waving your feet. At the same time, your feet should not move on the floor. Press your fingers together and alternately. Do the exercise until you feel a little tired.

Exercise # 3... Starting position - sitting on a chair or sofa. Place a few small buttons or other appropriately sized items on the floor. Alternately lift each item with your left and right toes. Breathe deeply and regularly. Make sure that your muscles are not overstrained.

To increase the effectiveness of gymnastics, try doing baths for tired feet... It is very good if you have a special foot massage device that resembles a mini jacuzzi. You can also immerse your feet in a basin with a solution of sea salt, decoctions of medicinal herbs, and aromatic additives. If you experience severe swelling, try the following method: pour cool water into the bath (the liquid level should reach the middle of your legs), add 1 cup of natural sea salt, stir until the crystals dissolve. Walk around the bath, raising your feet low, for 7 to 10 minutes. After that, rinse your feet with warm water and do a kneading massage.

A fragrant bath with a decoction of medicinal plants will help you relax after a tiring day at work and get rid of from edema... Mix 1 tablespoon of crushed juniper cones, 2 tablespoons of peppermint, 2 tablespoons of oregano, 2 tablespoons of lavender leaves. Brew the resulting mixture with three glasses of boiling water, leave covered for 1 hour, then strain. Pour the infusion into a bath of warm water, immerse in it for 10 - 15 minutes. Instead of the herbal decoction, you can use the essential oils you like.

If there are no contraindications, take a contrast shower, massaging the swollen areas of the legs with jets of water. The recommended procedure time is about 10 minutes.

Be sure to choose shoes exactly in size or with a small margin - by the evening the volume of your feet increases, even if you do not have pronounced swelling. If you have to spend most of the day on your feet, ditch high, thin heels, tapered noses, and stiff heels. Stable and practical shoes can also be beautiful and fashionable, so don't be lazy to spend some time looking for them. Give preference to shoes made of natural materials, in which the foot "breathes" and excess moisture is easily removed.

During the day, try to lift your legs up several times (for example, by placing them on the edge of the table) to ensure that any accumulated fluid can drain out. In some countries, by the way, such a pose will not surprise anyone - office employees are trying to monitor their health.

Try to eat less salt. When preparing first and second courses, replace sodium chloride with tasty and aromatic spices. Too much salt can cause swelling.

(Photo: Mikhail Zahranichny, Donald Joski, matka_Wariatka, ncn18, shutterstock.com)

How to relieve leg swelling

  • There is also a recipe for removing edema from the legs. You will need raw potatoes for it. Peel the potatoes, grate, apply the resulting mass to the leg. Wrap the top with a plastic bag and warm cloth. You need to keep such a compress for two hours, then the potatoes need to be changed.
  • You can massage using ice. First you need to prepare ice. For this, a decoction of any medicinal herb will do. It needs to be frozen. After that, the resulting ice must be crushed, wrapped in a cloth and massaged with it on the legs.
  • Once upon a time, edema was removed using medicinal leeches. The procedure, frankly, is not a pleasant one. Nowadays, instead of it, it is permissible to replace it with ointments and creams that contain leech extract.
  • A very old recipe of traditional medicine recommends drinking 80 ml of the collection broth, which is now sold in pharmacies, every day. There it is called Corn Silk and Stakes today. This broth is diuretic. It also helps in cleansing the kidneys and liver. In addition, this broth is necessary for people with diabetes.
  • In addition to the above, people prone to swelling of the legs are advised to use special rollers during sleep, which are placed under their feet.

In general, it should be remembered that in order to get rid of leg edema, it is necessary to remove excess fluid from the body. We also remind you that if edema occurs regularly, then you need to consult a doctor and find their cause. ist

Folk remedies for leg edema

The most common remedy for swelling is flax seeds.

A little seeds (1 tsp) are poured with boiling water (1 liter) and boiled for 15 minutes. Cover the pot and let the seeds brew for an hour. Drink infusion hot every 1.5-2 hours for half a glass.

Another proven remedy for swelling of the hands and feet that traditional medicine recommends is birch leaves.

A cup of finely chopped birch leaves is poured with boiling water (1 liter) and table salt is added (1 tablespoon). Leaves are infused for 30-40 minutes. Compresses are made from the infusion 5-6 a day.

With renal and cardiac edema, you can use an infusion of birch leaves internally.

As soon as the young foliage blossoms, you need to pluck the tender young leaves of the birch (100 gr.) And pour warm water (0.5 liters). Leaves should be infused for 6-7 hours, then strain and squeeze. Let the infusion stand for another half hour so that a precipitate appears. Then gently pour a clean, sediment-free liquid and take it three times a day.

Very often, swelling of the legs after surgery or a long course of antibiotic treatment annoy a weakened person. A proven remedy for such complications and edema is rose hips.

This berry is a pantry of health, a symbol of longevity and an excellent means for cleansing the body, and also an irreplaceable diuretic. Put 2-3 teaspoons of rosehip in a glass of boiling water and let it brew. A portion is drunk per day. You can take a 10-day course, take a break (7-10 days) and repeat the cleaning.

With age, when you need to think about unloading the kidneys, heart and fight puffiness, you need to include fresh cucumbers in the menu. Many healers and healers recommend cucumber juice and cucumbers as a wonderful diuretic for swelling of the legs. If swelling occurs, squeeze the juice from the cucumbers instead of drinking. Remember that in addition to water, which takes up almost 97% in it, the remaining 3 percent has a wide range of beneficial nutrients and vitamins. A large amount of potassium contributes to the diuretic properties of cucumber.

The bright yellow-orange season presented us with another vegetable that emphasizes its belonging and kinship with the fall and tells us what to do with swelling of the legs. This is a pumpkin. The most distinctive property of pumpkin is its diuretic effect. Modern nutritionists often prescribe pumpkin for kidney disease, accompanied by swelling of the hands and feet. Just 0.5-1 glass of pumpkin per day will help relieve the heaviness of the legs and get rid of edema.

A collection of 8 herbs helps well against edema.

In equal shares, take hawthorn, calendula, dry blueberries, leaves or rose hips, birch leaves, linden flowers, dry viburnum berries and plantain. A small handful of the collection is placed in a half-liter thermos and poured with boiling water. The infusion is left overnight. Take the infusion several times a day (course 3 months). Such a medicinal collection is rich in vitamins and nutrients, a good diuretic that will help remove fluid from the body and eliminate puffiness.

Swelling of the legs in pregnant women is quite common. Before using infusions for edema during pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor. Conventional diuretics are not always safe to use in such cases, but swelling should not be ignored either. Unfortunately, this is not only difficult for the expectant mother, the placenta suffers from edema, and therefore the baby. Due to the deterioration of the blood supply, the child does not receive a sufficient amount of nutrients, he receives less oxygen. Therefore, a caring mother, first of all, needs to reduce her fluid intake. Drink cranberry juice, it is rich in vitamins and quenches thirst well.

Lingonberry tea is good for edema. Very often, swelling of the legs in the evening is especially noticeable. In case of evening edema, it is good to combine tea drinking with foot baths of grape leaves, pine needles or sea salt. ist