Growing calla lilies in the garden and taking proper care of the plant. Planting and caring for calla lilies

The experience of growing calla lilies in the greenhouse of the candidate s.-kh. Sciences K.S. Kocharyan:
"We make up the substrate for calla lilies from plant soil, peat and volcanic slags in equal parts, with the addition of 1.5-2 kg of manure per square meter (soil pH 5, 5-6). In September, we plant large vegetative layers of calla lilies in a greenhouse: in ridges 1.5 m wide and 15 m long, oriented from east to west. Density of planting plants - 10 pcs per square meter. (when planting a little higher, the plants age prematurely and lose productivity, and with deeper planting, soil gets into the leaf sheaths, which causes the leaves and rudiments of inflorescences to rot).
After planting, we water the plants abundantly, after which their leaves begin to grow intensively. If, after the first watering, the plants tilt, they need to be corrected (restore the vertical position). In autumn, to ensure intensive growth of leaves, the formation of inflorescences and their normal development, in greenhouses we maintain 6-12 degrees at night, 12-14 degrees during the day.
In the period from the end of October to the first decade of November, flower arrows begin to appear, and the first flowers are removed in the second half of December; mass cutting is carried out in January. The height of the calla lilies reaches a meter and a little higher; the diameter of the flower “coverlet” is about 15 cm.
In the winter months, the temperature in the greenhouse should be 14-16 degrees, but in extreme cold it can drop at night and up to 6-8 degrees (for plants this passes without negative consequences). Regular, but moderate watering of plants is carried out twice a week. Once a month we remove dying leaves and remove weak layers. Gentle loosening of the soil in a greenhouse with calla lilies (they have a superficial root system, damage to the roots is undesirable) we carry out 1-2 times a month - only until the leaves close. We fertilize calla lilies 2-3 times a month, adding per sq. meter 20 g of potassium sulfate and 10 g of nitrogen fertilizers.
In the first year, the yield of calla lilies is 40 inflorescences per sq. meters, and in the second year the yield of inflorescences almost doubles. "

In addition to the soil culture of calla lilies in a greenhouse for cutting, the experience of growing calla lilies in a greenhouse in pots is also practiced - cut inflorescences are also used flowering bushes calla lilies in containers.

The answer was prepared by E.Yu. Ziborova.

This is a fairly simple crop for distillation that does not require special conditions. In the first year, the yield of calla lilies is 40 inflorescences / m2, and in the second year it increases almost 2 times. The cost of 1 tuber is from 100 rubles, depending on the variety and size. The cost of 1 flower, depending on the region and season, is from 130 rubles.

Calla belongs to the genus Zantedeschia Spreng. From the Aroid family (Araceae Juss.). Calla lilies have been bred since the 17th century. These perennial herbaceous plants 8 species have radical large leaves up to 30 cm long and up to 20 cm wide. Their shape is corymbose-cordate, the color of the leaf blade is dark green. The leaves are arranged on long (15-30 cm) petioles. The inflorescence-ear is yellow, on a long peduncle 50–80 cm high. The coverlet (covering leaf), traditionally called a flower, is large, tubular, expanding upward.

In culture, 3 types of calla lilies have become widespread as decorative flowering and cutting plants: the Ethiopian calla (the most popular), Elliot's calla and Remani's calla. The varieties that originated from Ethiopian calla lilies are conventionally referred to the group of "white" calla lilies; they have an underground part in the form of a rhizome. The varieties bred from Elliot's calla lilies and Remani's calla lilies are referred to the group of "colored" calla lilies, their underground part is a tuber.

We select and process

Before planting, all planting material must be carefully examined for signs of rot on it. Tubers soft to the touch, as well as tubers with a white coating, must be separated from the rest so as not to expose them to infection. Having discovered penicillosis, it is necessary to find out whether the mycelium is only on the surface of the tuber or has penetrated inside. If white flesh is visible on the cut of the tuber, then it can be used for planting. If inner tissues are gray or brownish in color, these tubers must be removed. Tubers with fungal mycelium only on the surface should be planted as soon as possible.

Before planting, it is best to ventilate the material for 1-2 days in boxes at a temperature of 17 ... 18C. For longer storage, the temperature should be 10 ° C, and the air humidity should be 80%. It is also necessary to ensure good ventilation and make sure that the planting material does not dry out.

When choosing planting material be sure to keep in mind that large bulbs with big amount sprouts begin to bloom earlier. In winter, the use of large tubers, in comparison with small ones, gives a gain in 2-3 weeks.

The number of stems produced from a single tuber depends on its size, calla variety and growing season. In small-flowered varieties, in comparison with large-flowered varieties, more peduncles are formed from tubers of the same size.

When growing calla lilies in winter, flowering begins 75-110 days after planting the tubers. The reason for such a long period is that the plant grows in low light and low temperatures. When the tubers are planted in the fall, flowering will begin within 60–90 days. In this case, calla lilies grow rapidly in conditions of good light and high temperature, then with a gradual decrease in both light and temperature, their growth slows down.

The number of flowers per plant also depends on the size of the tuber, the variety of calla lilies and the treatment of the tubers. To increase the number of flowers, the tubers must be dipped in a solution of gibberellic acid (GA3) for 15 minutes before planting. Typically, this treatment is carried out twice: the first - 2-3 weeks before planting (dissolve 1 tab. GA3 in 11 liters of water), the second - just before planting (dissolve 1 tab. GA3 in 7 liters of water).

Treatment of tubers with a high concentration of GA3 solution increases the number of flowers, but at the same time increases the risk of underdeveloped flowers. Simultaneously with the treatment with GA3 solution, it is recommended to treat the tubers with fungicides against penicillosis before planting. For this, the fungicide is added to the GA3 solution.

Forcing in containers is better

Almost any type of substrate can be used for forcing calla lilies, but two important factors should be taken into account: the soil must be breathable and moisture-absorbing, its electrical conductivity is low (EC<1,5), а рН – 5–7. В почве не должно быть патогенов, особенно таких как гриб питиум (Pythium) и гриб ризоктония (Rhizoctonia solani).

We plant correctly

Calla lilies can be grown in greenhouses both in soil and in containers. Forcing in containers has its advantages: it is possible to organize heating of the soil from below, and also, if necessary, move containers.

The container is filled with the substrate by 2/3 of its volume and the tubers are placed on the surface of the substrate, with the growth bud up. Then the container is filled up to the top with a sufficiently large layer of substrate - the tubers should be covered, because roots begin to form at the top. With shallow planting of the tuber, sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity of the upper layer of the soil can negatively affect the development of roots, which leads to the appearance of underdeveloped flowers.

The planting depth depends on the size of the tuber: the soil layer above the small tuber should be 5 cm, above the large one - 9 cm. It is very important that the growth bud in the upper part of the tuber is directed upwards when planting. Otherwise, the shoots appear unevenly, and the development of plants also occurs unevenly.

Planting density depends on its timing, tuber size and calla lily variety. When planted tightly, the plants receive less light and therefore produce fewer flowers. The risk of illness increases, because in this case, the moisture content of the substrate increases.

In tall varieties, the distance between plants should be such that their leaves do not shade each other. Leave aisles wide enough between the rows so as not to damage the plants when cutting. When growing calla lilies in a greenhouse, nets are used to support the plants, especially if they plan to cut them in spring and autumn.

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Pavlovskaya Daria

Generalization of the experiment on growing feces in a school greenhouse



I. Introduction 3

II. Main part

Chapter 1.

  1. A bit of history 4
  2. Legend 4
  3. Structural features 5
  4. Growing flowers 6
  5. It's interesting 8

Chapter 2.

2.2. Experiment in a school greenhouse.

III. Conclusion

IV. Bibliography

V. Appendix

I. Introduction

Flowers ... Living colors of the earth. Flowers have always attracted with their beauty and aroma. Not a single person can do without them. Flowers decorate and revitalize our life, bring pleasure, delight with beauty, aroma, excite the heart, soul, improve mood, and therefore save health.

In the first grade, we were on an excursion to the school greenhouse, where we first got acquainted with calla flowers. These flowers amazed us with their beauty, delicate white flowers, In addition to these plants, we saw beautiful chrysanthemums, thorny cacti, tiny tangerines and large lemons, grape vine, laurel, pomegranate and fragrant roses. All this beauty was created by Elena Fedorovna Kartyaeva, a laboratory assistant in a school greenhouse. We had an idea to learn more about calla lilies and grow them ourselves.

Therefore, it was delivered goal: Learn more about calla lilies and grow flowers in the school greenhouse.


- learn as much as possible about calla lilies;

- find out what the people around us know about calla lilies;

- prepare for growing calla lilies in artificial conditions;

- grow flowers yourself in the school's greenhouse.

An object studying - plants in a school greenhouse.

Subject of study- calla flowers.

Research methods:analysis of literary sources and survey results, observation, photography, survey, experiment, analysis of the results.

Hypothesis: if we study the material on this topic, we will be able to grow calla lilies and introduce our friends to little-studied flowers, we will learn how to conduct an experiment and process the results obtained.

Chapter 1.

Calla - Calla (zantedeskia, calla, richardia) is a well-known herbaceous perennial plant of the aroid family. We can distinguish members of this family by their characteristicinflorescence - a cob with a veil.

  1. A bit of history.

Calla lilies are native to South Africa.

In V. Dahl's dictionary, calla is represented by a variety of names:serpentine, snake, serpent-grass, crassa, lake shift worker, white companion, breadbasket, cockerels, bean grass, bogeyman, swamp.

In N. Annenkov's "Botanical Dictionary", in addition to the variants of the names of this plant already mentioned by V. Dahl, there is an interesting message about calla: whereby the crushed fresh root is firmly tied to the place through which these diseases entered the body. "

Latvian writer Anna Sakse has written many fairy tales about flowers. Among them there is a fairy tale called "Calla lily". The wicked stepmother forced the orphan boy grazing the pigs to rescue the piglet who had fallen into the swamp. The poor shepherd boy drowned along with the pig: "... Only a pig's ear and the boy's rough fist stuck out on the surface ... The next day the swamp dried up, and in its place a flower that looked like a white wing grew ...".

  1. Legend.

Callas are a guardian of family happiness. They say that reconciliation after a quarrel will go easier, and old grievances will be forgotten faster if you bring this flower to your dear person, with whom your relationship has cracked. Calla reveals femininity. And the negative around transforms into benevolence and the desire for an open conversation.

There is a belief that calla is a flower that increases the immunity of its owner. It is believed that this plant itself charges the air in the garden and home with health, energy and strength. A bouquet of callas expels despondency and melancholy, gives a seriously ill person vigor and hope.

Now I will tell you a legend about a flower, about how feces appeared on earth. Have a deity, cruel, Indian, Fell in love with a daughter, because it is an everyday matter, Fell in love with a brave and courageous young man, Who lived in a simple ordinary tribe. Learning about their love, he made his daughter invisible, But still she went down from the mountains to her beloved. The young man only felt that next to him she, Tosca again sounds his soul a string. He collected flowers and sewed a veil, And he covered his beloved with them in the evening, But he saw her only a silhouette, And sobbed, trying to find the answer to fate. The father, seeing this, took pity on him And his daughter returned the former face. In the place where the veil fell, The whole clearing was covered with new flowers.

Another legend associated with calla lilies. The merciless leader from a barbarian tribe passionately fell in love with a beautiful young girl and decided to marry her. But the kind and honest girl boldly refused him. An angry man attacked her settlement, intent on taking possession of the girl he liked. On the day of the wedding, which was not to be accomplished by her will, the beauty, dressed in a festive wedding dress, wanted to throw herself into the fire, but the ancient gods decided to help the girl, not wanting such a pure and bold creature to simply die, and turned her into a gorgeous and delicate flower - calla.

  1. Features of the structure.

Calla Ethiopian and other varieties with a white veil grow

up to 1 m in height, with a variegated blanket - does not exceed 50 cm. The round tubular stem turns into a flower. The color of the flower is different. The more common in our country are white with a pale yellow center. In the school greenhouse, in addition to white calla, yellow and burgundy flowers are grown.

The underground part of the calla lily is either not described at all in the literature, or it is somehow indistinct about it. Whether calla lilies have tubers, or rhizomes, or "tuberous rhizomes." Everything turned out to be very simple. In some plants, those that descended from Ethiopian calla lilies, the underground part is a rhizome. Others, whose ancestors are Calla Eliott and Calla Remann, have tubers.

  1. Growing flowers.

Natural places of growth of wild callas are river floodplains in regions with a warm and mild climate. For successful growth and flowering, calla lilies require a light to penumbra location and constantly high soil moisture.

In artificial conditions, it will be easy to grow feces and achieve its flowering for someone who knows everything about it.

Calla is a "short day" culture. During the formation of the peduncle in calla lilies, it needs long-term illumination (at least 12 hours). And then the kalle is provided with a shorter daylight hours (8 - 10 hours).

For the successful cultivation of this exotic plant, flower growers need to remember that calla lilies must have a pronounced dormant period. In our Russian conditions, the dormant period of plants is winter. In the rest of the year, calla lilies in a pot are demanding for a balanced combination of organic and mineral dressings.

The shoots of the growing calla lilies will not become smaller if they are fed with organic matter in a timely manner. To do this, along the edge of a heavy and voluminous calla lily pot, you can carefully dig a groove and add any organic matter in the house. You can use, for example, peel from fruits (bananas, kiwi apples, etc.), seed husks, tea leaves, etc. Sprinkle the introduced organic matter with earth, water the plant with water at room temperature. In the future, water the calla lilies fed with organic matter with a mineral fertilizer dissolved in water (according to the instructions).

Periodically, the topsoil in the calla lily pot can be replaced (being careful not to damage the rhizome). Then the plant will successfully grow in a pot for quite a long time without transplanting.

Calla is very moisture-loving, so the substrate must be kept moist and never dry out. It is also a prerequisite for the development of beneficial soil bacteria, which convert organic matter into fertilizer available to plants.

When a peduncle appears in a calla, you can slightly (so as not to burn the roots of the plant) increase the dose of nitrogen-potassium fertilization. It is preferable to use urea, which improves the acidity of the soil, which is beneficial for calla lilies.

When the calla inflorescence is at the beginning of dissolution, calcium can be added to the substrate (for example, an infusion of egg shells is suitable). Then the half-open flower stem of the calla when cut (or if the plant blooms in a pot) retains its freshness longer and does not fade as quickly as it happens in nature.

Calla is usually written about: "blooms from October to April." It just can't be! December, January and February in the homeland of calla lilies - in South Africa - this summer is hot and sometimes dry. It is during this period that the calla falls into a state of rest. She awakens to life in the fall, when the air temperature does not exceed +20 - + 22C, and it rains. Therefore, the peak flowering of calla lilies falls on our summer (June-July-August) - respectively, in the mild South African winter.

The two groups of calla lilies - "white" and "colored" - require a different approach. "White" are hygrophilous, bloom longer, and do not shed their leaves for a dormant period. "Colored" are less demanding on soil and air moisture, likebright diffused light and completely shed the leaves during the dormant period. Guided by general recommendations for flower care, hobbyists often fill in tuberous calla lilies. And when the plant sheds its leaves, they think that the calla is dead and throw out the tuber along with the earthy clod. Other troubles occur with Ethiopian calla lilies. When a plant gets from a greenhouse into a dry, warm apartment, it “thinks” that summer has come and gradually prepares for it - it stops blooming, leaves and sheds its leaves. We rush to save our jewel - we begin to water and spray abundantly. The result is sad: the bewildered calla is neither resting nor growing.

Observing these non-tricky rules for caring for calla lilies, you can successfully grow and propagate this noble-graceful plant for many years, enjoying its flowering.

  1. It is interesting.

The calla blanket predicts the weather: it reacts sensitively to the approach of rain, deflecting like a barometer needle. If the coverlet adheres tightly to the inflorescence, if its tip is directed vertically, the weather will be sunny. If the calla leaf cover leaves the inflorescence at a right angle, it will soon rain. The more the leaf deflects, the closer the rain. The rationale behind this behavior of the plant, obviously, is to allow the flowing moisture to transfer pollen from the upper staminate flowers to the flowers located below.

All fresh calla parts are peppery-sharp in taste and poisonous due to the glycoside-like saponin they contain. Poisoning is expressed in the form of vomiting, numbness, slow heart rate, seizures. Large doses of the poison can be fatal. Calla is particularly toxic in early spring and dry summers. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to take laxatives and drugs that support the activity of the heart. However, when dried or heat treated, the poisonous substance is completely destroyed, making the plant not only safe, but even edible.

Calla is familiar to folk medicine as a diuretic for dropsy and edema, as an analgesic for rheumatism (decoction of herbs or rhizomes), as a laxative (fruit). Calla leaves boiled in milk were applied to ulcers, and compresses from fresh rhizomes were applied to snake bites.

Calla served as a substitute for flour. In lean years, the peasants collected the starch-rich rhizomes of this plant and dried them. After drying, they were ground into flour and boiled. The liquid was poured out, and the thick was dried again. Boiled and dried, the mass completely lost its bitterness and toxicity, was sent to the sauerkraut as an admixture to ordinary flour.

Chapter 2.

Experimental research work.

2.1. Analysis of a sociological survey.

We decided to find out what the people around us know about calla lilies. The survey involved 50 people, children from grades 2b, 3a and their parents. We drew up questions and conducted a survey. The results were processed.

1.Do you know that there are such calla lilies?

Yes - 39

No - 10

I don't know - 1

2. Do you think it is easy to grow them?

Difficult - 36

Easy - 12

I don't know - 2

3.Do they grow with us?

Grow in a greenhouse - 24

Do not grow - 16

I don't know - 8

Grow at home - 2

4. What do they look like? If you don't know, then guess.

I don't know - 20

White - 15

Red - 6

Beige - 3

Handsome - 2

Blue or any - 1 each

5. For what purpose are they grown?

For beauty - 19

I don't know - 13

For celebrations - 3

Sniff - 3

For joy, decoration, medicinal - 2 each

For perfume, aesthetics, bouquets, love, funeral services, scare away - 1 each

6.When can they be gifted?

For a holiday - 23

For a wedding or birthday - 11

I don't know - 9

Any - 3

For the funeral - 2

For a loved one - 2

As a result of the survey, we saw that opinions were divided. There are questions that the respondents answered correctly. But it seems to us that if these beautiful flowers are in our school, then we need to know more about them. There were even wishes after studying the topic to tell them what we learned about these colors.

2.2. Experiment in a school greenhouse

Purpose of work: to identify empirically favorable conditions for growing calla lilies in a school greenhouse.

In work put forward hypothesis : if we use various feeding, improve the soil, then we will be able to grow calla plants and see their wonderful flowers.

Our experiment was carried out in a greenhouse on the roof of school No. 17 in the city of Ust-Ilimsk at 7 Engels Street.

We used young calla lilies, greenhouse soil, autumn fallen leaves, mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, calcium nitrate, potassium sulfate), organic fertilizer (weekly herbal infusion), Baikal-EM fertilizer, and an air thermometer.

Our work was made possible by the microclimate in the greenhouse, which is very similar to the climate of southern Africa (hot long summers, cool short winters).

Stages of work:

  1. Network September 2012 - September 2013
  2. October 2013 - May 2014
  3. September 2014 - January 2015

Work description.

At the first stage we took 3 plants and planted them in the same soil. created the same conditions for them, but carried out different feeding: sample No. 1 - with mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium nitrate), sample no. 2 - with organic fertilizer (herb infusion), and sample no. 3 was watered with plain water. The growth of the stem (h) and the number of leaves (n) were compared.

The timing



September 2012

h = 10cm

n = 1 sheet

h = 12cm

h = 10cm

October 2013

h = 23

n = 3sheets

h = 25cm

n = 4 sheet

h = 15cm

n = 2sheets

We concluded that during the growth period calla lilies better respond to organic fertilization.

Since our goal was to grow calla lilies before they bloom, we went to second phase work. In the greenhouse, the soil is practically not renewed, and we decided to collect the fallen leaves in the schoolyard in the fall, put them in samples No. 2, No. 3. For plants No. 1, No. 2, the feeding conditions remained the same, in sample No. 3 they began to feed them with mineral, organic fertilizers and the biological preparation "Baikal-EM".

The timing




October 2013

h = 23

n = 3sheets

h = 23

n = 3sheets

h = 23

n = 3sheets

May 2014

h = 51cm

n = 5

0 flowers

Flowering time - no

"Children" - 4 pcs., Weak.

h = 67cm

n = 6leaves


Flowering time - April, May.

"Children" -6 pcs., Developed.

h = 55cm

n = 6 leaves

1 flower

Flowering time - May.

Young shoots and "babies" 8 pcs., Developed.

We were pleased with the results and we made the following conclusions : For good growth and flowering of plants, it is necessary to renew the soil and apply all fertilizers.

Since sample no. 3 was the weakest, and in the changed care it caught up with other plants in growth and bloomed, most of all “children” and young shoots were formed on its rhizome. So in sample No. 1 we did not add leaf compost and fertilized it only with mineral fertilizers, flowering did not come.

The findings gave us the opportunity to use this plant care for all calla lilies in the greenhouse.

Started third (practical) stagework. The leaves collected by the children of our class in the fall, we put in a box (ridge), poured soil on them, planted several calla lilies and carried out the top dressing described in our experiment for sample no. 3. Plants were distinguished by a powerful stem, the size of leaves and flowers. And most importantly, for the first time in 10 years, they bloomed in January.We hypothesize that the leaves have created an air cushion for the plants, which warms the soil and is good for plant growth and development. All calla lilies in the greenhouse received top dressing, and this result was obtained only in the experimental plot with laid leaves.

III. Conclusion.

As a result of studying the flower culture (calla lilies) and its cultivation, we made the following conclusions:

There are calla lilies of various colors, which have different flowering periods.

This is a truly festive flower.

For good growth and flowering, top dressing is necessary. mineral, organic, biological fertilizers.

Fallen autumn leaves can be used to improve the soil.

I really like working in the greenhouse: I fell in love with flowers, learned to take care of them, make notes of observations, conclusions, I was able to tell my classmates about my work.

And, most importantly, I wanted to become a biologist and study wildlife and engage in genetic engineering.

From time immemorial, through different eras, people carried the desire for beauty. Once having planted flowers, a person never parted with them. Flowers cleanse the soul, make it kinder, richer. M. Prishvin's words say: "Understand the living language of nature, and you say - the world is beautiful!"


1. "Flowers" - a reference book. Moscow, Ast, Astrel, 2001

2.M. Alexandrova, P. Alexandrov. "Home garden floriculture",

Labyrinth-Press, Moscow, 2002

3.Internet resources:

V. Applications:

I. Excursion to the greenhouse

II.Plants in the greenhouse.

III. The structure of calla lilies.

IV. The first stage of the experiment.

V. Second stage of the experiment.

VI. The third stage of the experiment.

This perennial plant, belonging to the aroid family, has other names: Ethiopian zantedeschia, calla, lilikalla. South Africa is considered his homeland. From there, the ancestors of modern gladioli "came" to us. That is why the principles of agricultural technology of these two plants have some similarities. But gladioli are more susceptible to diseases, but with proper care, calla lilies bloom longer, and it is not difficult to keep them on the site.

Since about 1687 this tropical beauty has been cultivated. Large plants with a white flower, can reach a height of 1.5 meters, they descended from Ethiopian calla lilies. And there are varieties with multi-colored "blankets", they descended from Elliott's calla lilies (golden-yellow) and Remann's calla lilies (pink-red), such plants grow on average up to 70 cm, by the dormant period they usually completely lose their leaf mass.

A calla flower is usually called an inflorescence of a cob, which looks like a yellow candle, which is wrapped in a “blanket” (covering leaf). And the true flowers of the plant are nondescript and small, but they exude a very pleasant aroma, which can be compared with vanilla. In modern varieties, the bedspread can be yellow, purple, orange, raspberry red, burgundy, pink. Sometimes during the flowering period, the color of the "bedspread" changes slightly. And all this is against the background of elegant bright green heart-shaped arrow-shaped leaves, in some species they are covered with silvery specks. In Ethiopian calla lilies, the underground part is represented by the rhizome, and in other representatives - by tubers or tubers.

Grows very well in the garden and the variety "Mango" reproduces. It produces flower stalks abundantly, the color is "bedspread"

Orange-yellow, coral-red spots gradually appear. There is a beautiful silvery pattern on the leaves.

Conditions for zantedeschia

In nature, calla lilies have chosen their places around rivers, on moist heavy clay soils, sometimes muddy. Experience shows that not only on clayey soils, the plant feels good, but also on loose loam. That is, sand, humus and peat can be added to the soil. The reaction of the medium is preferably slightly acidic. Choose a sunny or semi-shady plot. Better to plant calla lilies near a pool, fountain or summer water supply. The soil layer should not dry out, this will have to be especially monitored, because the plant has large leaves that evaporate a lot of water. But calla lilies cannot be poured either, their rhizomes can quickly rot. Callas definitely need a dormant period (at least two months), otherwise they will not bloom.

Callas in the garden

When buying, inspect the tuber; it should not be dry, shriveled and lethargic. The larger the tuber, the more chances you will see flowers on the plant this season. Tubers purchased in February or March should be wrapped in a napkin and placed in the refrigerator, in a drawer where vegetables are usually stored. It is necessary to "wake up" the tuber in April. For germination, plant the tuber in a small pot to a depth of 4 cm. Please note that the side of the tuber with tubercles (buds) should be at the top, and the smooth side at the bottom. First, let him stand on a sunny window, then this pot can be taken out to the balcony or put in a greenhouse at a summer cottage. In open ground for permanent residence, transplant your calla lilies by transshipment only when the likelihood of the return of night frosts disappears. When transplanting, you can deepen the plant a little - to a depth of 5 cm. If it is not possible to germinate the tubers, then it is allowed to immediately plant them in a flower garden on May days. This is followed by watering the transplanted plant. MirSovetov will remind you that good and abundant watering after transplantation and in summer is especially important for calla lilies. In autumn, calla lilies usually have enough natural precipitation. During the season, you need to carry out 3 top dressing - with a diluted mullein solution or liquid mineral complexes. It is worth remembering that with an excess of nitrogen, the "blankets" can deform and turn green, and few flowers will appear. Flowering lasts from mid-summer to October. Each flower looks great for a month and a half, then the cover leaf begins to turn green, then it is better to remove the peduncle so that seeds do not form, in which case the tubers will increase.

About digging tubers and storing them

Around October, the tubers must be dug up, having time to do this before the frost. Then rinse the underground part. Do not cut off the leaves and roots right away, let the calla lilies lie in a cool place and dry out, for example, in a garage or shed for 2 weeks. During this time, the nodules will draw out all the nutrients from the roots and leaf mass, better prepare for the dormant period. Then separate the leaves, and cut off the roots. It is not necessary to immediately separate the children from the tuber in the fall (and there are 5-6 of them). It is advisable to divide the division in the spring, then the children will grow up, and the separation will be easier - along the formed dividing film. You don't need to divide the rhizome, then you will have a gorgeous bush with many peduncles. In two or three years, calla lilies will adapt to your garden plot, you will learn to understand your plants, they will repay you for their care with beautiful unusual flowers. They do not even need to be sprayed with various agents for pests and diseases.

Storage of tubers is possible in the refrigerator (in containers for vegetables), on a glassed-in balcony, in the basement, the temperature should be about +5 degrees. In the basement, tubers are conveniently placed in boxes, covering them with coniferous sawdust or peat.

How calla lilies grow in greenhouses

I remember that calla lilies were my class teacher's favorite flowers, so we always looked for these plants for her on holiday dates. This is how they are now grown in greenhouses and greenhouse farms. As a substrate, take plant soil, volcanic slags and peat in equal proportions. Another 2 kg of manure is taken per square meter. The ridges are made from east to west, 15 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. Large vegetative layers in September are planted on prepared soils. The base of the false stem must certainly be at ground level, then all plants take root successfully. Plants now need good watering for vigorous leaf growth. At night, the temperature is required from 6 to 12 degrees, and during the day it should rise to 14 degrees. Flowers will appear on the plants by November 10th. After December 15, the first cutting of flowering plants is already carried out. If the covers are half-open, then the calla lilies will stay in the vase for 14 days. Watering in greenhouse conditions is carried out twice a week. Fertilizers (nitrogen and potassium sulfate) are applied 2 times a month.

Try to purchase calla varieties that are already adapted to the conditions of Russia. Then you will not have problems with decay, dryness and loss of planting material. But imported plants often upset gardeners with the absence of peduncles in the first seasons after planting on the site.

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Pre-purchased planting material is stored until spring in a dry place at a temperature of + 5 ... + 7 ° C (at higher rates, tubers germinate).

In April, they are taken out of the "bins" and sorted out, discarding dried and rotten specimens. High-quality tubers are treated with a solution of any and planted with a tubercle upward in separate flower pots with a moistened nutrient substrate, deepening by 2-3 cm.The containers are kept at a temperature of + 20 ... + 22 ° C, periodically moistening the soil in them, and with the appearance of sprouts they are exposed to light ...

Tubers need to be planted with a tubercle upwards - later sprouts will hatch from them. Photo from

With the advent of stable warming, hardened seedlings are planted in a garden bed in holes 8-10 cm deep.An interval of about 20 cm is maintained between low-growing varieties, medium-sized varieties are planted no closer than 30-40 cm to each other, and tall calla lilies are given more freedom, not less than 50-60 cm.

When handling plants from pots, they act very carefully - calla lilies have a very fragile root system. After that, the soil around the seedlings is slightly compacted and the plantings are watered.

Calla tubers can be planted directly into open ground without prior germination. This is done after the threat of return frost has completely passed. But in this case, you will have to wait longer for the appearance of peduncles.

Planting rhizome calla species is best done in the fall. Planting material can be purchased in garden nurseries, at exhibitions, or borrowed from friends who already have such an exotic plant.

To do this, they dig up an adult bush and gently break off young root processes from the edge of its rhizome. They are placed with a lump of earth in separate pots and left to winter in a dark room at a temperature of + 13 ... + 15 ° C. In the spring, the pots are brought into a warm room for germination, the soil is moistened, and in the future they operate according to the same algorithm as with tubers.

Sprouted calla lilies in pots. Photo from the site


Moisture-loving Ethiopian during the season will require regular watering. Calla Remani and K. Elliot are better off not flooding. Watering young plants is started only when the seedlings take root in the garden bed and begin to release new leaves. Before that, it is not carried out at all (or only slightly moisten the soil when the soil dries up) so that the "young" will form a strong root system. In the future, calla lilies are watered 1-2 times a week or more often (depending on the amount of precipitation), preventing either drying out or waterlogging of the soil under the plants.

In order for the plant roots to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, after each watering, it is imperative to loosen the soil around the bushes and prevent a dense crust from appearing on the soil. At the same time, they are removed in the aisles. Some gardeners specifically launch calla lilies on the garden bed, which help to loosen the soil under the plants in a natural way and enrich it with humic compounds.

In order for the calla bush to have magnificent forms and give numerous flower stalks, it must be provided with "high-calorie" nutrition. If, before planting, fill the garden bed with the above-described soil mixture and add 40-50 g of complex soil for each m², in the future you can do without additional fertilizing.

Otherwise, a couple of weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground, they begin to carry out regular fertilizing with an interval of 14-20 days. To do this, it is better to use special preparations, for example, dry fertilizer "Gumi-Omi" for bulbous flowers or liquid fertilizer "Good Power" for bulbous flowers.

For a lush flowering, calla needs regular feeding. Photo from

When feeding calla lilies, the doses of nitrogen-containing preparations should be limited, which will negatively affect the strength of its flowering, and when the first peduncles appear, it makes sense to increase the dose. To do this, throughout the entire flowering period, under each bush, 1 tbsp is applied in a dry form. spoon of potassium sulfate, evenly distributing fertilizer around the plant and embedding it into the soil with a hand hoe. If the soil on the site is neutral or alkaline, during the season, at intervals of a month, the bushes are additionally watered with water slightly acidified with vinegar or citric acid.

With proper care, this African woman is not susceptible to disease, and there is also little interest in her. Therefore, after flowering, it will only require the removal of shoots with wilted inflorescences, which reduce its decorative effect and delay the advancement of new peduncles.

Since this southerner does not tolerate our winters, after the end of flowering, it is necessary to reduce watering to a minimum, and shortly before frost, dig up the calla and send it to winter in a room with optimal conditions. Peeled and dried calla tubers are stored in paper bags, rhizome varieties are immediately planted in pots after dividing.

Types and varieties

As already mentioned, calla lilies are divided into two types - tuberous and rhizome. The most widespread in our country are the tuberous calla lilies of Remani and K. Elliott, as well as the rhizome to. Ethiopian. On the basis of these varieties, many varieties have been bred that can be successfully grown in the garden.

It is worth noting that the varieties, the ancestor of which was the "Ethiopian", most often have classic white inflorescences (sometimes greenish) and are distinguished by the tallness of the bush. But the pink-red calla Remani and yellow calla Elliott gave rise to shorter "colored" varieties, the inflorescences of which can already have the most varied shades. Below are the most effective varieties of calla lilies.

  • Variety "Ascari" grows up to 70 cm and attracts attention with large inflorescences of a rich cherry shade with an amazing yellow edging around the edges. Blooms from June to September.
  • Variety "Picasso" reaches a height of 70-80 cm, has very decorative dark green leaves with white dots. In June, it releases numerous peduncles with snow-white "glasses", painted inside in a dark purple shade. Blooms for 3 months.

Calla varieties "Picasso". Photo from
  • Variety "Garnet Glow" forms a compact bush 50-55 cm high with a lush rosette of large heart-shaped leaves of a rich green hue. At the beginning of summer, numerous inflorescences of an amazing pomegranate color appear on it, painted on the outside in a peach shade. Blooms for 3 months.
  • Variety "Black Star" It is distinguished by spectacular inflorescences of maroon, almost black color and narrow spear-shaped leaves. The bush of this variety grows up to 60-70 cm, blooms all summer.

Calla variety "Black Star". Photo from the site
  • Variety "Best Gold" grows up to 60-70 cm, is distinguished by bright yellow inflorescences, which look incredibly impressive against the background of dark green foliage. Flowering lasts all summer.
  • Variety "Selina", growing no higher than 40 cm, will attract attention with catchy orange-red inflorescences. Light green speckled foliage adds decorativeness to the variety. Long bloom - from June to September.

Calla variety "Selina". Photo from the site

Planted on the site, calla will not only give great aesthetic pleasure during its long flowering period, but, according to popular beliefs, will bring good luck and prosperity to its owner.