Unusual modern inventions. The most incredible inventions (30 photos)

That summer, when I didn't go to school yet, our yard was being renovated. There were bricks and boards everywhere, and in the middle of the yard there was a huge pile of sand. And we played on this sand in the "defeat of the Nazis near Moscow", or made Easter cakes, or just played at nothing.
We had a lot of fun, and we made friends with the workers and even helped them repair the house: once I brought a full kettle of boiling water to the locksmith Uncle Grisha, and the second time Alyonka showed the fitters where we had a back door. And we helped a lot, but now I don't remember everything.
And then, somehow imperceptibly, the repair began to end, the workers left one by one, Uncle Grisha said goodbye to us by the hand, gave me a heavy piece of iron and also left.

And instead of Uncle Grisha, three girls came into the yard. They were all very nicely dressed: they wore men's long trousers, smeared different colors and completely solid. When these girls walked, their pants rattled like iron on a roof. And on the heads of the girls wore hats from newspapers. These girls were painters and were called: brigade. They were very cheerful and dexterous, they loved to laugh and always sang the song "Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley." But I don't like this song. And Alenka. And Mishka doesn't like it either. But we all loved to watch how the girls-painters work and how everything turns out smoothly and neatly. We knew the whole team by name. Their names were Sanka, Raechka and Nelly.

And once we approached them, and Aunt Sanya said:
- Guys, run someone and find out what time it is.
I ran, found out and said:
- Five minutes to twelve, Aunt Sanya ...
She said:
- Sabbath, girls! I'm in the dining room! - and went out of the yard.
And Aunt Raechka and Aunt Nelly followed her to dinner.
And they left a barrel of paint. And a rubber hose too.
We immediately came closer and began to look at that part of the house where they were just now painting. It was very cool: smooth and brown, with a little redness. The bear looked and looked, then says:
- I wonder if if I shake the pump, the paint will go?
Alenka says:
- We bet it won't work!
Then I say:
- But we argue, it will go!
Mishka says:
- No need to argue. Now I will try. Hold, Deniska, the hose, and I will shake it.
And let's download. I shook it two or three times, and suddenly paint ran out of the hose! She hissed like a snake, because at the end of the hose there was a hood with holes, like a watering can. Only the holes were very small, and the paint went on like cologne in a barbershop, you can barely see it.
The bear was delighted and shouted:
- Paint quickly! Hurry and paint something!
I immediately took and sent the hose to a clean wall. The paint began to splatter, and there immediately turned out to be a light brown spot that looked like a spider.
- Hooray! Alena screamed. - Let's go! Let's go! - and put her foot under the paint.
I immediately painted her leg from knee to toes. Immediately, right before our eyes, no bruises or scratches were visible on the leg! On the contrary, Alenka's leg became smooth, brown, with a shine, like a brand new pin.
Bear screams:
- It's great! Substitute the second, quickly!
And Alenka perky framed her second leg, and I instantly painted it from top to bottom twice.
Then Mishka says:
- Good people, how beautiful! Legs just like a real Indian! Paint her quickly!
- All? Paint everything? From head to toe?
Here Alenka directly squealed with delight:
Come on, good people! Paint from head to toe! I'll be a real turkey.

Then Mishka leaned on the pump and began to pump it all the way to Ivanovo, and I began to pour paint on Alyonka. I painted her wonderfully: both the back, and the legs, and the arms, and the shoulders, and the belly, and the panties. And she became all brown, only her white hair sticks out.
I'm asking:
- Bear, what do you think, and dye your hair?
The bear answers:
- Well, of course! Paint quickly! Come on quickly!
And Alenka hurries:
- Come on, come on! And hair come on! And ears!
I quickly finished painting it and say:
- Go, Alenka, dry in the sun! Oh, what else to paint?
And Mishka:
- You see, our clothes are drying? Hurry up paint!
Well, I did it quickly! I finished two towels and Mishka's shirt in a minute so that it was a pleasure to look at!
And Mishka went right into the excitement, pumping the pump like a clockwork. And just screams:

- Come on paint! Hurry come on! There's a new door on the front door, come on, come on, paint faster!
And I went to the door. Top down! Upwards! Top down, sideways!
And then the door suddenly opened, and our building manager Alexei Akimych came out of it in a white suit.
He was downright dumbfounded. And me too. We were both spellbound. The main thing is that I water it and, out of fear, I can’t even guess to take the hose aside, but only swing it from top to bottom, from bottom to top. And his eyes widened, and it doesn’t occur to him to move even a step to the right or left ...
And Mishka shakes and know yourself getting on with his own:
- Come on, come on, hurry up!
And Alyonka dances from the side:
- I'm a turkey! I am a turkey!
... Yes, it was great for us then. Mishka washed clothes for two weeks. And Alyonka was washed in seven waters with turpentine ...
Alexey Akimych was bought a new suit. And my mother did not want to let me into the yard at all. But I still went out, and Aunt Sanya, Raechka and Nelly said:
- Grow up, Denis, hurry up, we will take you to our brigade. Be a painter!
And since then I've been trying to grow faster.

We are so accustomed to what surrounds us today that it is impossible to imagine how people used to do without all this ...

It is interesting what lies ahead for us, and without which we, humanity, will not be able to live and develop in 100, 200, 500… years 🙄

While many of you are immersed in languid thoughts, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the greatest inventions humanity today.

12 Gunpowder and Firearms

There are many persistent opinions that gunpowder was invented in China. Its appearance led to the invention of fireworks and early firearms. Since the beginning of time, people have divided territories and defended them, and for this they always needed some kind of weapon. First there were sticks, then axes, then bows, and after the advent of gunpowder, firearms. Now many types of weapons have been created for military purposes, from simple pistols to the latest intercontinental missiles that are launched from a submarine. In addition to the army, weapons are also used by civilians both for their own protection and protection of anything, and for hunting.

11 Car

It is difficult to imagine the modern world without cars. People ride them to work, to the country, on vacation, for groceries, to movies and restaurants. Different types vehicles are used to deliver goods, build structures, and for many other purposes. The first cars looked like carriages without horses and did not move at a very high speed. Now there are both simple cars for the middle class, and luxury cars that stand like a house, accelerating over 400 kilometers per hour. Modern world It's just impossible to imagine without a car.

10 Internet

Mankind has been going to the creation of the Internet for many years, inventing new and new means of communication. Even 20 years ago, a little more than 100,000 people had the Internet, and now it is available in almost all more or less large settlements. Through the Internet, you can communicate both by letters and visually, you can find almost any information on the Internet, you can work through the Internet, order products, things and services. The Internet is a window to the world through which you can not only receive information, communicate and play, but also earn money, make purchases and read this site. 😉

9 Mobile phone

Even some 15 years ago, in order to communicate with someone at a distance, you had to go home and call a landline phone or look for the nearest phone booth and coins or tokens for a call. If you were on the street, and you urgently needed to call an ambulance or firefighters, you had to scream in the hope that someone from the nearest houses would hear and call the right place, or quickly run and look for a phone to call. Even children always had to go around friends and personally find out if they would go for a walk or not, since even at home many did not have a telephone. Now, almost anywhere you can call anywhere. A mobile phone is the freedom to communicate, wherever you are.

8 Computer

The computer today has replaced for many such items as a TV, video or DVD player, telephone, books, and even ballpoint pen. Now with the help of a computer you can write books, communicate with people, watch movies, listen to music, find the information you need. What am I telling you, you yourself know everything! In addition to domestic use, computers are used for various research and development, facilitating and improving the work of many enterprises and mechanisms. The modern world is simply impossible to imagine without computers.

7 Cinema

The invention of cinema was the beginning of the cinema and television that we have today. The first motion pictures were in black and white and without sound, appearing only a few decades after photography. Cinema today is an incredible spectacle. Thanks to the hundreds of people working on it, the CGI, the sets, the make-up, and so many other ways and technologies, cinema can now feel like a fairy tale. Television, portable video cameras, surveillance cameras, and in general everything connected with video exists thanks to the invention of cinema.

6 Phone

A simple landline phone is higher than a mobile phone in our ranking because for the time when the phone was invented, it was a huge breakthrough. Prior to the telephone, communication was possible only by letters by mail, telegraph or carrier pigeons. Thanks to the telephone, people no longer had to wait several weeks for an answer to a letter, they did not have to go somewhere or go somewhere to say or find out something. Creating a telephone not only saved time, but also energy.

5 Electric lamp

Before the invention of the electric light bulb, people sat in the dark in the evenings or lit candles, oil lamps, or some kind of torches, as in ancient times. The invention of the light bulb made it possible to get rid of the danger posed by lighting “devices” using fire. Thanks to the electric bulb, the rooms began to be illuminated well and evenly. Now we understand how important a light bulb is only when we turn off the electricity.

4 Antibiotics

Before the invention of antibiotics, some diseases that are now treated at home could kill a person. The development and production of antibiotics began actively in late XIX century. The invention of antibiotics has helped man overcome many diseases that were previously considered incurable. Back in the 30s of the 20th century, dysentery claimed tens of thousands every year. human lives. There was also no cure for pneumonia, sepsis, typhoid. A person could not defeat pneumonic plague in any way, it always led to lethal outcome. With the invention of antibiotics, many serious diseases are no longer afraid of us.

3 wheel

At first glance, you can’t say that the wheel is a very important invention, but it was thanks to this device that many other inventions, such as the car or train, were created. The wheel significantly reduces the energy costs for moving the load. Thanks to the invention of the wheel, not only transport was improved. Man began to build roads, the first bridges appeared. Everything from carts to airplanes is powered by a wheel. Even elevators and mills work thanks to the wheel. If you think a little, you can understand the full scale of the use of this simple ancient invention and all its importance.

2 Writing

In second place in our rating is the second most ancient and frequency of use method of transmitting information. Thanks to writing, we can learn history, read books, write SMS, learn new information and learn. Ancient writings found in Egyptian and Mexican pyramids provide insight into the way of life of ancient civilizations. Now we need writing for almost everything. Working in the office, relaxing with an interesting book, having fun at the computer, learning - all this is possible thanks to writing.

1 Language

The first place is occupied by the most ancient and frequently used method of transmitting information. Without language, there would be nothing. People simply could not understand each other, as it was many thousands of years ago, when humanity was still at the first stages of its development. Today there are thousands of languages ​​with dozens of dialects each. Most of them are no longer used, many are used in distant corners of the world by various tribes. Thanks to language we understand each other, thanks to it we develop as a civilization and thanks to it you can learn about the most important inventions man! 🙂

It would seem that any invention must be brilliant. But the desire to come up with something unusual sometimes leads to such absurd inventions that it turns out to surprise by 200%, but not everyone wants to use such an innovation.

The most useless inventions

Probably this man was very fond of women, if it occurred to him to invent tights for 3 legs. Indeed, it is a pity for women who throw away 1/6 of their salary for the purchase of tights because of the slightest tightening or “running” loop. So three-legged tights appeared, which in 1997 were patented in the USA. And they are not for female mutants. They are worn like ordinary tights, and the “third leg” is hidden on the belt. If the tights are torn on one leg, it is enough to replace the “damaged leg” with a third stocking, and everything will be in order.

And why is the subway cap patented in Japan not funny? Put it on your head, pulled it over your eyes, and rest while the train goes. And in order not to oversleep your stop, there is a special slot in it, where a sign with the name of the desired station is inserted. A good neighbor-passenger will always wake you up if the owner of such a hat suddenly falls asleep.

Alarm clock for those who are constantly late for work. In appearance, it is no different from the usual alarm clock. But a small button the size of a match head is located among the needles densely stuck into the body. Even normal person it's hard to press it. But what about those who spent a stormy night the day before, or whose hands are shaking after a fun feast?

In America, they patented a rotating ice cream. The balls inside the cup are constantly moving. It remains only to stick out your tongue and hope that at least a drop of goodies will reach the “destination”.

Among the inventors-eccentrics there are really talented people who have left "their mark" in the world of discovery.

The most famous inventions

Among the inhabitants different countries of the world conducted a survey on the most famous invention of mankind. Oddly enough, most of the inhabitants of the planet did not attach much importance to those inventions that "shook" the world.

The first place was taken by such an invention as letters. They are made up of words and sentences. This is the language of communication, without which it is impossible to imagine the existence of man. No inventions or technologies could come into being if there were no letters, signs, language.

Anesthesia. It is impossible to imagine how even the simplest operation can be carried out without it. The term "anesthesia" belongs to an ancient Roman physician and pharmacologist who lived in the 1st century AD. He managed to isolate narcotic extracts from the mandrake root, which had an analgesic effect.

"Laughing gas", or nitrous oxide, which relieves pain after a few inhalations, was invented by the English chemist Humphry Davy. And the invention of anesthesia using diethyl ether belongs to Dr. Morton. From that moment on, surgery learned to control pain.

Antibiotics have protected humanity from epidemics and deadly diseases. The inventor of penicillin, the first antibiotic, was Alexander Fleming, who patented this miraculous drug in 1928.

How did the invention of the computer change the world?

In the 50s, scientists invented "computers" resembling huge machines, the main task of which was to correctly calculate the trajectory of space flights. These inventions were called computers. A computer genius, a legend became Steve Jobs, which is in the area information technologies patented 230 inventions. Thanks to his genius, not only portable computers appeared, but also iPods and mobile phones iPhone.

The computer has become not only a means of collecting and processing information. This is not only a way to transfer any data to almost all parts of the world. This invention is indispensable in the management technological processes. With the help of computers automated control production processes, automatic robots, mechanisms for calculating control and measurement data.

They are of great importance in the field of medicine when making diagnoses and examining the body, during the most complex operations, up to the transplantation of the heart and other human organs.

Computers are indispensable in the military-technical field. Flight trajectory calculation spaceships and satellites, their launch into space, the study of the bowels of the earth, the prediction of natural disasters and the observation of changes in nature, the search and extraction of minerals, the ability to control the work nuclear power plants- this is a tiny part of the possibilities that a person received with the invention of the computer.

The most significant invention in human history

It is rather difficult to single out the most significant invention. Scientists have come to the conclusion that this is not a rocket, not a light bulb, not television or radio, not the Internet and not an iPhone. This is a book. Because the flight of spaceships and aircraft, the mastery of electrical or atomic energy, and much more became possible thanks to the invention of the book. Neither the advent of the computer, television or high technology could replace the book. It is the most ancient, reliable carrier and keeper of any information, which does not need any external energy. It still fulfills its main task - to educate and educate people.

Perhaps the most notable know-how was the invention of the wheel. Some units with wheels are truly impressive, for example, the fastest motorcycles can accelerate to 100 kilometers per hour in 2.5 seconds. .
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The main character of Mikhail Zoshchenko's story "Interestingly came up with" is a small dog named Lyoshka. Once this dog, left at home alone, saw that there was a sausage on the chest of drawers. The dog wanted to get to this sausage and eat it. But the chest of drawers was tall, and the dog was small, no bigger than a cat.

But the dog Lyoshka was cunning and smart. She figured out a way to get tasty treat. The dog pulled the bottom drawer of the dresser towards itself with its teeth and managed to pull it out. Then she climbed onto the drawer that was pulled out and began pulling out other drawers. Gradually, she formed a ladder of boxes. The dog got to the coveted sausage and immediately ate it.

When the owners returned home, at first they wanted to punish Lyosha for arbitrariness. But, when they saw what the dog had thought up to get to the sausage, the owners did not punish her, but only laughed and said that for such a smart dog, sausage is not a pity.

Takovo summary story.

The main idea of ​​Zoshchenko's story "Interestingly came up with" is that the desire to get what you want stimulates initiative and ingenuity. The dog Lyoshka really wanted to eat the sausage lying on the chest of drawers. The desire was so strong that the dog managed to build a ladder out of chest of drawers and got to the desired one.

The story teaches to be persistent and quick-witted in achieving the goal.

What proverbs fit Zoshchenko's story "Interestingly came up with"?

He sees the eye, but the tooth is numb.
There would be a hunt - any work will work out.
Mind chamber.

Zoshchenko: I came up with an interesting idea: a story for children

A story for children from the cycle: Cunning and smart

One dog, named Lyoshka, saw a sausage on the chest of drawers. And there was no one at home.

Our dog got courage and decided to pull off this sausage.

And she wanted to eat this sausage so much that even her eyes lit up and saliva flowed.

Here the dog sees the sausage, but cannot get it, because the chest of drawers is high, and she herself is small, a little more than a cat.

She is small, but quite cunning. She thought a little, like a professor, and this is what she came up with.

First, she pulled out the bottom drawer of the dresser with her teeth.

Then I climbed up on this drawer and pulled out the second drawer a little.

Climbing up on the second drawer, she pulled the third drawer out quite a bit.

And then it turned out something like a ladder.

And our dog calmly and without anxiety climbed this ladder, took out a sausage and ate it without a trace.

Then the owners came. They were angry that the sausage had disappeared and wanted to beat the dog. But when they found out how the dog got the sausage, they did not beat her. They just laughed and said:

Oh, what a smart dog we have! Even we are not sorry that she ate the sausage.

You read a story for children - An interesting idea - by Mikhail M Zoshchenko, from children's stories: Cunning and smart (brave).