How to summon a brownie with spoons, pencils, or a tasty treat. How to call a brownie, ways to communicate with him How to talk with a brownie help

In the old days, brownies were revered and appreciated for helping to look after the house. It is also possible to summon a spirit in modern conditions in order to get his help, find a lost thing or protect a home from any evil.

Before calling a brownie, it is important to make sure that you have one in your apartment or house. ... After making sure that there is a brownie, you can start calling the spirit. It is important to remember that just like that, for pampering, you should not call a brownie. He may be offended, and then trouble will be added to the house. The brownie is able to send nightmares, confuse things and interfere with sleep, slamming doors and even breaking dishes.

How to summon a brownie at night

It is important to appease the brownie from the very beginning by placing a saucer of porridge or milk in a secluded place, leaving sweets without a wrapper or the owner's old shoes with a soft cloth. Small gifts will help you quickly call a brownie at home.

After the delicacy is left, it is worth waiting a day, and then starting the summoning rite. This should be done in silence and without prying eyes. The call is best done at night, as the spirit of the house prefers to stay awake at night.

The brownie will surely respond to the call if you stand with your back to the table at which the family dines and say:

"Father brownie, dine with me, accept the treat from the bottom of your heart, answer my request."

There must be a treat on the table, and to make it pleasant for the brownie, they spread a beautiful tablecloth. You can understand that the brownie has appeared by the insignificant rustle, knock or creak of the floor. Sometimes the spirit clears its throat to attract attention. Do not turn around when you hear extraneous sounds, so as not to frighten him off. The brownie is invited to the table once again and thanks for the trust.

The spirit of the house can be asked a few pressing questions by asking it to knock back. Questions should be asked simple, which can be answered with consent or denial. After the conversation with the brownie is completed, they thank him again:

“Thank you, sir, brownie. Stay with me, I will not forget about you: I will bring food, maintain order in the house ”.

Brownies love it when the house is cozy, so they reluctantly settle where the owners are not used to cleaning, scold and quarrel over trifles.

How to call a brownie in the afternoon

In case of emergency, you can call a brownie in the daytime. It is important that the reason is really valid, otherwise the guardian of the house can be very offended. Most often, the brownie is called to help in finding the missing thing or to get rid of the evil eye and damage to the house.

The summoning ritual also begins with a treat with which the brownie is appeased. In addition, it is important to maintain order and cleanliness in the house, and also not to ignore pets. Those who can afford a pet should pay attention to a kitten that will randomly find its owner. According to legends, it is with cats that brownies get along best.

They call the brownie with the following words:

“Father, brownie, don't be angry, show yourself in broad daylight. I call on you not for fun, but for an important cause. Come, answer, helped to cope with the problem, but do not turn away. "

The brownie will notify you with noise or knocking, and then you can negotiate with him, as well as enlist his support.

The people believed that the presence of a brownie in the house is an indicator of a prosperous life, but sometimes the spirits of the house begin to play pranks. You can pacify them if you regularly clean up, fix broken things, do not accumulate trash and maintain a favorable atmosphere in the house. In this case, brownies will be happy to help their owners. Those who are going to move should carry out the ritual of resettlement of the brownie so that the little owner continues to protect the family in the new house. I wish you happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

08.05.2019 04:29

Our ancestors believed that a spirit lives in every house, capable of looking after the home and household. ...

We hasten to please you, on the other side of reality in your apartment there is a creature that considers itself its rightful owner. There is no need to get scared and call the ghost hunters. This character is distinguished by a kind disposition and a naughty character.

How to find out if there is a brownie: signs

On the other side of the ocean, he gained notoriety, people freeze in mystical awe at the mention of Poltergeist. But in our Slavic tradition, he is portrayed as a positive kind-hearted man in old age with abundant vegetation on his body, even covering his palms.

This figure is so revered that a cartoon was shot in his honor. For his playful temperament, he is sometimes affectionately called Barabashka, but among the people he is better known as the Brownie.

According to one of the legends, he was born in the process of building a house, from the soul of a felled tree. Also, according to legends, he is a respectable family man who loves his wife Domovich and little housewives. On the paternal side, he also has brothers - goblin, watery and field workers.

Visually, the brownie does not manifest itself, except that sometimes it flashes a shadow on the wall. But it creates enough noise effects - he sighs loudly, mutters something under his breath, wandering around the night house.

If in the morning you woke up and your beard turned into braided pigtails, you can speak with 100% certainty about the tricks of the brownie. Inexplicable bruises after the night - the same handiwork.

Strange inexplicable sounds, missing things, constantly burning out light bulbs - all these are ways of communication between the brownie and you. And he also does not like guests who are unpleasant to him and will make every effort to get them out of his monastery.

Pets are very sensitive to it. Surely, you noticed your pet in a frozen position, motionlessly looking at one point. Be sure, it is there at this moment that the brownie is located.

How to call it at home?

We must be careful, because our ancestors believed that after communicating with him, you can remain a stutterer, or even worse, become numb.

If you decide, then be patient, he does not like to be in public or to come at the first call, which is not surprising, with such and such a pedigree. Only a family member living in the apartment should call him, ideally the owner of the house.

This should be done no more than once a month at night or during the day, it is advisable to stay at home alone. Prepare gingerbread cookies and a beautiful saucer with a small tablecloth with an ancient Russian pattern drawn on it in advance.

Put the treat on the table and look away, while you should be in a standing position with your legs together and your eyes closed. Whatever you hear, never turn around. Then three times say the following words: "Father, come to my fellowship for a treat."

Do not try to call him a brownie, for him this is the greatest insult. If he reacted to your call, he will manifest himself through a slight rustle from behind or a barely perceptible touch. At this moment, it is necessary to agree on the rules of the game, voicing them loudly.

In the case of a positive answer to the question, your right hand will itch, and in the case of a negative answer, your left hand. Don't ask questions like "When will I get married." The wording should be clear and suggest only two answers - yes or no. If the communication was successful, the next day, bury the gingerbread under any tree other than aspen.

He also helps young girls who doubt the loyalty of the betrothed... Left alone at home, she turned to the housekeeper through special ones. This happened on Thursdays, with the exception of holidays. As a token of gratitude, she left a candy, a saucer of honey or other sweets on the floor.

If you have lost a thing and cannot find it in any way, contact him with the words “Master Father, show me where the lost lies”. Sometimes they also say “Brownie, brownie, play and give it back,” but for his ears this is too familiar an address.

Role in cleaning the apartment

The main task of the spirit living in the house is to tirelessly protect you and your hearth from any manifestation of evil spirits.

Our ancestors believed that the brownie was one of the children of the god Veles, the patron saint of the Slavic peoples. Previously, two spirits were distinguished, the courtyard - the owner of the courtyard, and the brownie - the lord of the house.

Dvorovoy was asked to look after the cattle. It was believed that the health of pets directly depended on his mood. To raise his emotional tone, he was placated with food left in the barn.

The brownie, in turn, was responsible for the atmosphere of the dwelling. Due to his age, he was lazy and often liked to warm his old bones on the stove. Feels comfortable in the attic, in the closet, in the corners and at the doorstep. But he does not like the bathroom, most likely because he does not want to share it with other entities.

Brownies are excellent defenders, they smell evil a mile away. If there is a person with evil intentions in the house, he will warn the owner of the danger in all possible ways, he may even knock the dishes out of the hands of an unwanted guest.

How to appease the spirit of the house?

People have always respected the spirit of the home. For example, every year on June 9, he liked to take a nap on a broom. In order not to inadvertently take it out of the house along with the rubbish, the floors were not swept at all that day. In addition to the fact that he was left with grubs as a full-fledged member of the family, a holiday was invented in his honor.

Do not forget to congratulate, February 10 is the name day at your brownie, and he will be pleased to taste the festive treat. In Russia, a pot of porridge was traditionally left near the stove. And to keep the dinner warm, hot coals were placed next to it. Remember, the most important thing for him is attention. The food for the morning will most likely remain intact, since the brownies do not feed on the food itself, but on the energy that it emits.

If you are interested in the presence of the brownie in the house, it will not be superfluous to know about his habits. He does not like whistling and tobacco smoke, he does not tolerate evil people, but on the night of April 12 he loved to play pranks... Try not to leave sharp objects and onions with garlic on the table at night, they interfere with his fight against dark forces.

The easiest way to appease a brownie is not to anger him. He loves neat, tidy hosts and harmonious, loving families.

If you treat him sincerely and with love, he will not be able to refuse his patronage. Never forget about his birthday, arrange songs and dances for him that day. After all, your attention is so important to him.

If he is really outraged, try not to scold. In the evening, contact him and ask him to show the reason for the dissatisfaction in a dream.

What if he appears and comes?

The brownie loves to sit on his chest at night. If you woke up at this moment, ask him a question about your future, he will tell you in what way further events will develop.

Sometimes the meeting is for informational purposes, he just wants to take a closer look at the new tenants of the house. There are also quite sentimental individuals who like to greet residents after their long absence.

Often he acts as an educator and teaches the mind to reason of careless owners. making a mess in the house. She does not hesitate to break the dishes and hide things.

Sometimes you have to portray a policeman. For example, if things were stolen from the house, the brownie came to the thief in the house and began to howl wildly until the frightened criminal threw them back.


  • If the brownie rustles in the house- expect trouble
  • If he pulls the woman by the braids- beware of quarrels with your husband
  • If cold paw touches cheeks - to be trouble, warm - to good, shaggy - to wealth
  • If rattling dishes- you need to be careful with fire
  • If crying- I'm burning to be
  • If howls and slams doors- to the deceased
  • If wet in a dream - to be sick
  • If will play on the scallop- to joy

Try not to throw away heirlooms. Not only will the brownie react painfully to this, he will also begin to demand them back.

How to take a brownie with you when you move?

As a rule, a brownie gets used to one habitat and does not like a change of place of residence. In the old days, the owners, loyal to the spirit of the home, carried it with them to a new house, placing it on a wooden shovel for a stove or in a bast shoe. Now the owners take the brownie with them with the help of slippers, a box of soft things or a casket.

To pick up a brownie when moving to a new apartment, this little thing simply needs to be left in an empty home for a while and call the spirit of the house with you.

Fairy tales and cartoons present the image of the brownie as a fussy old man, who has a grumpy and slightly eccentric character. They are good and evil, helpers and pests, pedantic or chaotic. However, having found a common language with magical entities, you can not only acquire a strong defender, but also get answers to a number of questions. There are at least several ways to summon a brownie at home, suitable for both beginners and people who are familiar with magic firsthand.

How to call a brownie at home

Calling a kind brownie at home during the day is not too difficult. If he is the owner of a sympathetic disposition and kind character, the brownie will definitely accept the invitation and make contact. If he is in no hurry to show up, it is likely that the house was abandoned due to the bad atmosphere and the accumulation of negative energy. The premises, the inhabitants of which are prone to scandals and manifestations of aggression, arouses hostility in the housekeeper and pushes them to search for a new place of residence.

It is better to call the brownie into the house when you are alone in it, since such creatures do not tolerate unnecessary noise and can be frightened of large crowds of people. The best time for the ceremony is late evening. It is worth pre-preparing a treat for a keeper who has a reputation for a sweet tooth and a lover of dairy products. Among other delicacies, to which "barabashki" are not indifferent:

  • bread;
  • unfolded sweets;
  • biscuits;
  • chocolate products;
  • gingerbread.

For several days before the start of the ritual, it is recommended to leave treats for the night guest every evening in the kitchen or dining table, covered with a beautiful tablecloth. After the keeper has been cajoled with the goodies left behind, it is necessary to turn away from the table to call him, saying the phrase three times in a row:

The appearance of the brownie will not go unnoticed. The visit of the guardian, as a rule, is accompanied by the lightest rustles and barely discernible steps in the silence. However, it is strongly discouraged to turn around at such sounds, which can frighten off the brownie and postpone contact with him indefinitely. Having thanked the guest for their trust, you should invite him to the table and taste specially prepared treats.

Then you need to contact the brownie for permission to ask exciting questions or make a wish. Before starting a dialogue, you need to agree with the keeper that in case of a positive answer, he will touch his right hand and left, if the answer is negative. This is important because he cannot communicate with people using words, and this way of conveying information suits him much better.

After the completion of the ceremony, it is necessary to thank the keeper for the concern, response to the call and the communication session. When it becomes clear that he has retired back to his hiding place, you can turn around to face the table. With the onset of the morning, the treats prepared for the brownie are buried near the dwelling under a tree. There are other options for how to call a brownie at home.

How to call a kind brownie

Most of the well-known rituals allow you to call a brownie at night, but you can communicate with the guardian during daylight hours.

He is able to respond to the call in the following cases:

  • if a good relationship based on trust is established with the brownie;
  • if he is very angry and wants revenge.

In order to prevent the occurrence of the second situation, it is worth starting to establish good-neighborly relations with the keeper immediately after the housewarming. It is preferable to start communication with gifts for the housekeeper, as well as talking aloud and loud jokes. According to popular beliefs, "barabashki" have an excellent sense of humor and can appreciate a funny story. Brownies do not like unscrupulous owners, so it is recommended to keep the home clean. To really call the brownie is only after establishing contact with him.

Features of calling a brownie using ordinary pencils

Summoning the keeper with pencils is considered a powerful ritual, therefore, it is permissible to use it only in the case of a task that is very problematic to solve without outside help.

A similar ceremony helps people living in the same room for six or more years. For the ceremony, two people are required. Usually this role is played by the hostess and the owner of the house. Each takes three new pencils (the ends of which should not be sharpened) and holds them in front of the face in such a way that they form the shape of the letter "P".

Then the letters unfold towards each other. They should make a geometric shape of a rectangle. When she is ready, the owners turn to the brownie with a pre-prepared question. If the answer is yes, the participants in the ritual are asked to raise the sticks up. If the answer is no, the pencils should be down. When the keeper gives his consent to dialogue, the pencils immediately move. During the performance of this ritual, the owners have the right to ask the brownie no more than three questions. It is important to keep in mind that you cannot ask the same question within a session, even if the answer to it seemed inaccurate or unsatisfactory.

Summoning with tablespoons

The ritual of calling a brownie using spoons is considered quite simple and uncomplicated, therefore it is excellent for beginners. To implement it, you will need long paper strips and four tablespoons of identical sizes. Cutlery is wrapped in sheets so that paper tails remain on their ends, which will need to be crumpled and whispered to the brownie: "If you appear, unfold one of the spoons and wrap it back." The spell is pronounced in the evening in the dark. Before this, you must tightly close the doors and windows.

If the brownie has accepted the invitation, there will be a distinct rustle. When the sound becomes pronounced, you need to touch the cutlery. They should be cold to the touch, which indicates that the brownie is ready to communicate. Before asking him questions, you should decide and say out loud that the noise of the paper will mean “Yes”, and the absence of a rustle will mean “No”.

Precautions when calling a brownie

Before you start the ritual of calling the brownie, it is important to remember that he is not obliged to come to the call, therefore it is strongly discouraged to obsessively demand communication from him. Obsession can make him very angry and he will certainly take revenge at the first opportunity.

Brownies don't like:

  • whistle;
  • quarrels and scandals;
  • mess, dust and dirt;
  • the smell of spices and tobacco smoke;
  • garlic, pepper and salt;
  • sharp objects such as knives and scissors.

Before you call a brownie, it's a good idea to learn about his character and habits. After all, this spirit must dwell next to us constantly, and by accidentally offending it, you will harm the well-being of your home.

There are a couple of signs by which you can determine if a brownie exists in your apartment. Where there is no brownie, you will never achieve comfort, in such places it is difficult to have a pet. It is believed that he should live wherever people live for a long time, but this is not the case. Brownies do not initially live in hostels and hotels, but they can live in a country house or in a hunting hut, even if you rarely live there. Brownies leave houses in which there is a lot of dirt, the owners often get drunk, quarrel, utter and whistle. Sometimes the brownie leaves the house, for which in such cases it is also said that the "owner of the house" was replaced by a devil. The main sign of a brownie leaving due to damage is the appearance of a large number of cockroaches, which cannot be removed. It becomes harder to live in the house, people in it often get sick, equipment breaks down, dishes break.

Don't try to call where it most likely isn't. Completely different creatures may come to your call, not always kind.

Calling a brownie is easier when you are on good terms with him. It is worth to nourish the spirit regularly and especially before summoning. The brownie is treated to sweets - they are left in secluded places. He, of course, does not eat them, although some argue that the offered candies sometimes disappear in an incomprehensible way. The brownie feeds on the "spirit" of food, subtle energies. Then the treat is not thrown away, but fed to some pet.

Here are a couple of ways to summon a brownie.

1. (Challenge for fortune telling.) You will need 6 identical unsharpened wooden pencils, better round. Each of the fortunetellers holds 3 pencils so that they form a half of a rectangle in the air. Your fingers should be easy to squeeze the pencils in the corners of this rectangle, and your elbows should not be pressed against your body. Pull the ends together slowly to complete the shape. Now one of the fortunetellers can ask: "Father brownie, come to tea, answer the questions!" If the ends of the pencils of one of the fortunetellers went up - the brownie came and is ready to answer the questions "Yes" or "No". If you went down - he does not want to talk to you. When the ends move in different directions or the pencils are twisting, the brownie is playing pranks or has not yet decided on the answer. Ask the question again.

2. Here's how to summon a brownie you can alone. Leave all your clothes away from bed in the evening. Walk to bed naked, holding a lighted candle in your hand (the electric light is turned off in advance). Put out the candle while lying in bed. Now you need to wake up on your own in the middle of the night and quickly direct the light from the flashlight towards your clothes. The brownie will sleep there, and you can see how he runs away.

If during fortune telling or in general you saw a brownie, heard him portends good luck and a happy life. And if the brownie is playing pranks, he is unhappy. It's time to placate the spirit with treats.

Few people can confirm that they saw the brownie, but many believe in its existence. In general, it is considered to be a good spirit that dwells in the house and protects it from evil spirits. Brownies are uncommunicative and distrustful, and do not like to get in touch, let alone communicate with people. Now we will figure out how to call a brownie and establish contact with him, since this is useful and beneficial. An invisible spirit can help you find a lost item, attract good luck, protect your home from thieves, etc. By the way, the behavior of the brownie directly depends on the owners and on their way of life.

How can you call a brownie?

It should be noted right away that only the owner of the dwelling has the right to communicate with the spirit. It is not recommended to force the brownie to communicate, as this can lead to various troubles. It is best to call the brownie in the daytime alone, since friends may not like it and no one will get in touch. There are several ways to do this, let's consider the most popular ones.

How to call a brownie at home?

It is necessary to feed and treat the spirit. To do this, you need to buy gingerbread cookies, put them on a saucer, and a small tablecloth under it. Then, stand with your back to the table where you placed the treats and do not turn around. Even if you heard some rustles, still hold on. Now the time has come to call the invisible spirit, but, in no case, do not utter the word "brownie", as for him this is a manifestation of disrespect. Best of all, say: "Father, come to my fellowship for a treat!" If after that you felt someone's presence and even touches, then everything worked out. Stand with your feet together and close your eyes. Now you can ask him questions of interest, to which the answer should be either "yes" or "no". If this is a statement, then the right hand will be combed, and if not - the left. After the conversation, it is important to thank the brownie. To do this, the gingerbread cookies, which were bait, must be buried under any tree, with the exception of aspen. Perform such rituals no more than once a week.

How to call a brownie with pencils?

This ritual is used when you need to get advice on how to solve a difficult issue. It should be carried out only if you have been living in the room for at least 6 years. Take 6 unsharpened pencils of the same color. You need the support of a loved one, since in order to call the brownie at night this, you will need help. Each person should take 3 pencils, place them in the shape of the letter "P" and hold the vertices with their thumb and forefinger, but without exerting effort. Expand the shapes to form a solid rectangle. After that, say the following words: “Brownie, Brownie, please tell me (an exact question that can be answered unequivocally). If "yes", then raise the sticks up, if "no", then lower them down. " Immediately after that, the pencils should move and give an answer. Having called the brownie with the help of pencils, be sure to thank the spirit for help and say goodbye to him. Thanks to this ritual, only 3 questions can be asked and only one person should do this. Another important note - in no case do not ask the question again if you are not satisfied with the answer.

How to summon a brownie with spoons?

Take 4 identical spoons and the same number of identical long strips of paper. Wrap the spoons in strips and remember the tips. Place the spoons in a circle, turn off the lights, close the curtains and close the door. Sit near the spoons, close your eyes and say loudly: “Come, come, master! If you come - unfold any spoon one and wrap it back. " If you hear the rustle of paper, then the brownie has come. After that, open your eyes and touch the spoons, they should be cold.