Support close quotes. SMS that will support in difficult times

In a difficult moment support is always more valuable than gold. Georgy Alexandrov

Yes, that's it, nothing else. You yourself gave me this rhythm,
So allow yourself to give me your hand, and into a new frequency.
Well, who has never fallen anywhere -
He is unlikely to be aware of the real height. Katya Tsoylik

When a person is in anguish, do not offer him to “pull himself together”, but admire his endurance. Michael Litvak.

Even strong people need a strong shoulder. I'm talking about women and men. Angelina Jolie

When you agree to help, it does not mean that you have given up. It means that you are not alone in this world. "Life as it is"

When the earth leaves from under your feet and there is nothing to lean on, there is only one thing left - to hold on to the stars. Sergei Vedenyo

We need support. We need friends. If they are not around, we have to turn loneliness into our main weapon. And then what surrounds us can help us move towards main goal. Paulo Coelho. Mage's Diary

AT Hard time you can always count on help good people. Especially for the help of the kindest of them - himself. Yuri Tatarkin

The Almighty helps only those who are able to help themselves - he provides only moral support. Neuah

The only way to help yourself is to help others. Kahlil Gibran Gibran

If you need a helping hand, know that you have it - your own. When you get older, you will realize that you have two hands: one to help yourself, the other to help others. Audrey Hepburn

Sometimes one word from a person who believes in you is enough to bring you back to the world. Alessandro D'Avenia.

If at least one person needs my support, smile or help, then I do not work and live in vain. Oksana Mikhailovna Marchenko

Knowing misfortune, I learned to help the sufferers. Virgil Maron Publius

You will always have everything you want in life if you help other people get what they want. Zig Ziglar

If you are unable to support another, then grow and grow with all your might. “Unheard of game”

Kindle your fire - someone really needs it! Stepan Balakin

If you have nothing to give into the hands of the needy, give something to his heart. One word of support can lift a person out of the darkness of despair.

Sometimes, to help a person, you just need to be near him. "Chrono's Crusade"

A good friend will support in a difficult moment, a great friend will pretend that he did not notice anything. "Desperate Housewives"

The most active philanthropy is that which helps people to help themselves and maintain self-respect. Eugene S. Dorsey

understanding heart,
Strengthens those who love
Those who believe very soon
Will invite you on the road.
understanding heart
And forgive us, and judge. DDT - Understanding Heart

When you feel like crying
Call me…
I don't promise to make you laugh
But I can cry with you.

If one day you want to run away.
Call me…
I do not promise to persuade you to stay ...,
But I can run away with you.

If one day you don't want to hear from anyone at all,
Call me…
I promise to come for you.
And I promise to be quiet. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Just don't lose heart
Look ahead
And your loved ones will support you
And they will always understand.

Mutual support is the basis of marriage.

The most important thing is your home
The family and those with whom you are surrounded are important,
Your friends, not those who turn away
When the clouds cover the sun. Ritmo, Under Myriad Stars

When you ask a man for support and do not push away his refusal, the next time he will more willingly respond to your request. John Grey.

It is considered accepted that people become attached to those they have helped. This speaks of the kindness of nature: the ability to love is truly a well-deserved reward for a good deed. Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

You know, when I look back at what our family went through, what each of us went through, I see all that pain ... I understand that we survived it all, supporting each other. "Supernatural"

If it is commendable to do good to friends, then there is no shame in accepting help from friends. Plutarch

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Each of us has tough times. Looking for support, warmth and comfort. Max Fry is a literary pseudonym of two authors - Svetlana Martynchik and Igor Styopin. They fell in love with readers for their extraordinary stories, charisma and fabulousness. Below are selected best sayings from books that will show that life is beautiful. You just need to not lose heart and be able to find strength in yourself!

  • Everything is already so bad that it can't get any worse. Therefore, it can only get better. Is it logical?
  • Today is a good reason to overflow the banks, to each of his own. Because every person is an ocean, and it is foolish to sincerely consider yourself a puddle all your life, even if it is the deepest and most non-drying one in the microdistrict.
  • By the way, have you noticed that this world is full of people who are quite sure that they perfectly understand what is happening to the rest?
  • In order to comprehend true meaning an event that you consider unfortunate follows
    move away from him some distance. And if you do not stop suffering altogether, then at least do not consider suffering the main business of your life.
  • Any woman is a crazy bird. The problem is that most people don't want to learn how to fly. They just want to make nests.
  • I wish I could teach you instead, "Oh, how bad it is!" - think: “Wow, how interesting!” But this attitude to life comes only with experience.
  • In the end, if you do not allow yourself to be a jerk sometimes, life will lose a good half of the pleasures.
  • Good omens should be invented independently. Whoever you meet is lucky. So let's write it down. And let's remember. And we will live the day accordingly.
  • You should immediately fulfill your stupid desire, so as not to threaten its fulfillment for the rest of your life.
  • If you pretend for a very long time that you are not afraid of anything, courage can become good habit, something like the manner of sleeping with an open window or taking a contrast shower.
  • The main thing is to talk less. And then the interlocutor himself will come up with a way to rationally explain everything to himself. At least I haven't met anyone who hasn't done it yet. The people are very talented. Highly.
  • In order to get a chance at immortality, one must give up hope for it ... In general, from any hope. Despair is an amazing key to power, not even a key, but a master key that can open almost any lock ... And usually this is the only key available to a person!
  • Some chances are better missed. In order not to lose everyone else.
  • One of two things: either you cannot change anything - and then it is useless to worry, - or you can - in this case, you should get down to business, and not waste your strength on anxiety and anger.
  • As long as the person is alive, nothing is lost. There is always a way out of any situation, and not one, but several - and who are you to be the first human being in the Universe, caught in a really hopeless situation?!

What to do when the mood is at zero ... when you give up ... when you don’t see where to go, and you want to quit everything ... once and for all.

Know that even in this moment you are NOT ALONE. There are a LOT of people like you. There really are a LOT of us!

So different, so unlike... and yet I = YOU. YOU = I.

We offer you 20 quotes famous people as support and inspiration on your way! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

1. "If you're always in a hurry, you might miss a miracle." Lewis Carroll

2. "Believe in the fact that there is something to live for, and your faith will help this fact to come true." William James

3. "To reach the goal, you must first go." Honore de Balzac

4. "The biggest mistake you can make in life is the constant fear of being wrong." Elbert Hubbard

5. “What is the purpose of man? Be him." Stanislav Lets

6. "Knowledge is a treasure trove, but practice is the key." Fuller Thomas

7. “Life is not suffering. It's just that you suffer from it instead of living and enjoying it." Dan Millman

8. "The fate of the person who sits in the seat does not move either." Philip Farmer

9. “There is no point in looking for a place where you will feel good. It makes sense to learn how to create it well anywhere ... "

10. "You can't change the direction of the wind, but you can always raise the sails to reach your goal." Oscar Wilde

11. “When you feel very bad, raise your head. You will definitely see the sunshine." Drew Barrymore

12. “While we pedal and steer towards the goal, it is important not to forget about the beauty that opens before us every day.” Paulo Coelho

13. "Life is beautiful when you create it yourself." Sophie Marceau

14. “When you really want something, the whole Universe will contribute to making your desire come true.” Paulo Coelho

15. "Forgiveness doesn't change the past, but frees the future."

16. “This world is like an echo in the mountains: if we give up anger, anger returns; if we give love, love returns.” Osho

17. “Most people are only as happy as they choose to be.” Abraham Lincoln

18. “You can only see what you believe. Believe and you will see." Wayne Dyer

19. “You won’t see the most important thing; only the heart is vigilant." Antois De Saint Exupery

20. “The goal of every person’s life is to become as happy as possible. Happiness is the goal to which all other goals are reduced. » Deepak Chopra

Many thanks to my Vkontakte administrator Natalya Bukhovtseva for such a wonderful selection of quotes!

You can't count on help if you don't believe, but it's hard to start believing until you feel help.

Never offer help that deprives a person of their own abilities. Never insist on the help you think you need.

The one who once did you good is more willing to help you again than the one whom you yourself helped.

“Each person fights one on one with the whole world, and if he is lucky, then someone will give him a helping hand, but you can’t count on help.”

You have a thousand reasons to ask God, but he has no reason to help you.

If you want to help your friend, then do it in such a way that you do not take on his burden.

They don’t call friends in grief, they don’t pay for help, they don’t consider them obliged to themselves ...

Shutting yourself in means tying yourself to your problem and not accepting help, which can be very useful!

You will achieve everything in life if you help others achieve the same.

Today you helped a person, and tomorrow he ... did not help you.

It is necessary to help during life, and not to praise posthumously!

I also help my wife with cleaning the house - when she vacuums, I lift my legs ...)))

Whoever tries to help everyone, that hell has provided for himself even during his lifetime.

It seems like you want to help a person ... you help ... and then you understand ... or maybe this help will only bring him harm ...

How I would love to help you all! May you all be happy and loved

I always gave you two hands when you didn't deserve one.

Help breeds laziness.

Sometimes you need to be able to let go of the past, no matter how painful it is. Because it's just the past - it won't help you anymore.

Is it worth it to lend a helping hand? Worth it, but only good people, and the bad ones do not appreciate it, but they will find another extreme ...

But you don't have to feel sorry for me. This is what I can do myself. Better help financially!

And here is the feeling of horror and helplessness, when you help everyone around you, answer difficult life questions, but at the same time you cannot help and answer the same questions for yourself.

There is no point in trying to help people who don't help themselves. A person cannot be forced to climb stairs if he himself does not want to climb.

When you're on the edge, don't grab the first hand that comes out - maybe that hand will push you off the edge.

You seek too much help from others. Can't you see that this help isn't real?

In the name of saving a person, you can hurt him.

The only way to help yourself is to help others.

You are not a bird of flight to count on someone else's help. Himself, all by himself. Well, except that I can help - with advice, nothing more ...

To help, sometimes you just have to not interfere. Or so: to help, you just have to not help, so as not to interfere with your help.

For friends, I am a round-the-clock Mother Teresa!

People!!! And let's all pray together at least once a day so that there are no orphans, sick children, starving children on this earth ... only together we are POWER!!! Thanks for your prayers!!!

Time teaches us to adapt to heartache...

Each person has such a property as forgetting friends and remembering only when help is needed!

To the question: "Would you like help?" many answer: “Thank you, no need” even in a critical situation, so it’s better not to ask, but to help ...

“Mercy consists not only in material help, but in the spiritual support of one's neighbor. Spiritual support, first of all, is not in condemning your neighbor, but in respect for his human dignity.

If you do not see a way out, act illogically, this will be the way out.

By helping lazy people, you help them sit on your neck.

To help another person, it is not necessary to be strong and rich - it is enough to be kind.

If you have even a small opportunity to help others, help.

It is better to become a victim of ingratitude than to refuse help to the unfortunate.

It is necessary to help people very carefully and dosed - for thoughtless help is worse than indifference ...

Life is not easy and we all need to help each other get through it.

Whoever wants to pull his neighbor out of the mud must himself sink into the mud in order to give a helping hand.

The best help is the one at the wrong time. Prudently-preliminary assistance provided before it became needed.

Sometimes, the most real and effective help is simply not to interfere.

Do you also take leaflets from the subway not to find out what is there, but to help the distributor?

If it doesn't cost you anything to help a person, this is not an act. Another thing is when you donate something by helping.

Break the law of meanness - help people!

When a person feels bad, sometimes it’s enough just to be silent next to him.

How nice it is to help decent people: there are so few of them!

Instead of taking the hand and crawling out of the hole, people look for something valuable in the hand and, finding nothing there, push it away.

It also happens like this: whoever loves, he destroys, and whoever despises, saves.

Before you call me and ask for help, learn how to call to see how I'm doing.

- You can't help everyone. This is no reason not to help one.

It is so nice to realize that you are doing something very important for others, to feel your need, and the biggest reward is the happy faces of the people you helped ...

If you need a helping hand, don't forget that you have two of them.

There are so many who advise and so few who can help.

If we live to help others, then why do others live?

If you fell and can’t get up on your own, then it’s very important to understand: did they forget to help you, or were they just “beaten” on you?

I have only one drawback ... there is not enough money ... I pray to God to help me fix it))

The path to the church through suffering, when it seems that no one and nothing will help you...

Once you lend money to some people, once they start to see you as a bank.

Slipping and falling, remember that for one who is ready to stretch out his hand, there are ten who are ready to step on their backs ...

Happiness cannot be found in owning and acquiring something for oneself. It lies in the ability to give and help others.

Know that to save a person, it is enough just to hug him.

They held hands as they floated to the surface. A good thing is the hand of a friend.
It does not oblige the one who holds it out to anything, and it is very comforting to the one who shakes it ...

A friend is not just someone who helps you out. And the one you WANT to rescue at any moment.

There is such invaluable help that it would be better not to provide it ...

If you can help a person, help. And who knows, maybe when you need help, there will be at least one person who can give it to you.

When extending a helping hand, do not clench it into a fist.

No need to try to help all of humanity at once, just look around and see the one who feels bad. If each of us warms up an abandoned dog, comforts an offended child, or helps a lonely old man, there will be no unhappy people in the world.

I am my only helper, you will not wait for help from others!

Do not think about how your help will be rewarded and never flaunt your nobility by listing your good deeds and complaining about the ingratitude of those you helped.

The best help is the help given SILENTLY!!!)))

Where is the world heading?! We not only forget to selflessly help people, but also unlearn how to accept help! Everything seems to be some kind of trick or calculation. Sadly…

The helping hand must be clean.

Never complain to anyone about anything - they are unlikely to help, but they will stop respecting ...

Six do not remember those who helped them before: a student - a teacher, a married son - a mother, a husband who fell out of love - a wife, an assistant who reached the goal, a guide who got out of the thicket, a sick person - a doctor.

When we help others, we help ourselves, and don't expect anyone to ever appreciate it!

I unscrew the legs of the nightstand with a screwdriver. The husband comes up, takes away the screwdriver, leaves. Well, I think now everything will do! Comes back, hands me a screwdriver: - Just easier!

My Guardian Angel... I'm tired again... Give me your hand, please, and hug me with your wing... Hold me tight so that I don't fall... And if I stumble, You pick me up...

Statuses about help

In any habit there is a bit of selfishness. Parting with a loved one, one has to lose not only him, but also the image of himself that he created. He imagined that you are a cheerful guy, and after a while you begin to consider yourself that way. It is worth breaking up, you again become a grump and a bore. After all, no one found anything funny in you. And you didn't think so either. Without outside support, this image is destroyed. That is why it is often so painful to lose loved ones and friends. A part of you goes with them. May not be real. Invented by others. But with this particle, life was a little brighter.

Our world is cruel. You can survive in it only by climbing up. If you stop, you will slide down, and those who walk up your bones will trample you. Our world is a bloody uncompromising struggle of systems; At the same time, it is a struggle of personalities. In this struggle, everyone needs help and support. I need assistants who are ready to do anything, ready to risk death to win. But my assistants should not betray me at the most difficult moment. There is only one way to do this: to recruit assistants from the bottom. You owe everything to me, and if they kick me out, they'll kick you out too. If I lose everything, you lose everything too. I raised you, I found you in the crowd not for your talents, but because you are a man of the crowd. Nobody needs you. Something will happen to me, and you will again find yourself in the crowd, having lost power and privileges. This way of choosing assistants and bodyguards is as old as the world. So did all the rulers. You betray me, you lose everything. They picked me up in the dust the same way. My patron goes up and pulls me along, counting on my support in any situation. If he dies, who needs me?