Winter swimming in the corruption: the path to health or a little bit? To whom you can and can not swim in the hole on baptism.

25.01.2018 76391

Most recently, the festival of the Baptism of the Lord was held, and most believers gladly dipped into ice-frowns on this day. Such a procedure is undoubtedly able to increase immunity and harden, and positive setting and faith in what it is done with god's help - And heal from some ailments at all. But do you do it right? Is the swimming in the ice corner can bring the benefit of a non-disroxnected person? How to tempt how to make no longer harmful to your body? We understand more.

What do doctors say?

It should be recognized that the doctors of therapists and immunologists argue that the benefits of obscuration in the hole once a year can not be - only harm! Even in the feast of baptism, water does not become healing, no matter how much to believe in it. Many people think that health problems can be solved at a time - dipping in the "holy" water or eating a wonderful tablet, which will immediately heal from the ailments. In fact, everything is much more complicated. Any disease should be overcome comprehensively, for this you need not only to drink medication, but also to lead a healthy lifestyle, and first of all, to start with improving the immunity and protective forces of the body.

In this regard, cold poults and molds can really help only if you start performing them gradually and do it regularly. And many confuse a disposable dipping in a hole with hardening, believing that it will benefit the body. Moreover, large research on the topic of hardening was not carried out at all. Starting from the times of Soviet medicine, a short-term stay in the cold is considered useful for immunity, and in some cases it may be true. Although, we repeat, there were no global research on this topic.

Should I swim on baptism?

If it is important for you with religious or from some other point of view, then yes you can do it. But here you should adhere to several important recommendations.

  • First, you should not be sick with colds or some other diseases that can exacerbate from staying in the cold.
  • Secondly, be sure to take a towel or bathrobe, dry warm clothes And think about how quickly you can get after bathing in a warm room.

  • It is necessary to be in the water not more than 10-20 seconds - plunge with your head three times, how traditionally make it, and get out of the corner.
  • Immediately laughing the body with a towel, although it is impossible to grow - you can damage the skin.
  • The same applies to the legs: do not go through the snow or frozen land, immediately put on socks and warm shoes.
  • The perfect option is to immediately go to the room, warm and heated, drink hot tea or eat something hot.
  • And no alcohol! It expands the vessels, while the cold hole narrows them. This can lead to problems with heart and pressure.
  • Try not to be for a long time In the crowd, especially where there is a cluster of the people, and around coughing. After severe cooling, the body will be weakened and more susceptible to various viruses and infections.
  • When it is impossible to do this?

On January 19, the Orthodox world celebrates baptism. On this day, water in rivers is considered healing. And many are solved on. Before you dare to immerse in ice water, you need to learn everything about the benefits and harm of such a procedure.

The benefits of Epiphany Bayani

Epiphany swimming hardened the body. And about how it is useful for the body, we know from childhood. The body thus gets "vaccinating" from stress. And it is not so painfully reacting to temperature differences in the future. The tempered people are sick of the ages and flu are much less likely. When hardening, immunity rises. And also they are not very serious, but chronic diseases.

Also in those who plunged into the hole, the mood rises. They feel a tide of vigor. And all because the adrenal glands begin to produce endorphins - hormones of joy.

Icewater opens the reserve forces of the body. Body temperature after bathing rises. Thus, viruses, microbes and even cells die.

However, swimming in the hole will benefit the prepared people - those who are tempered at home in the bathroom or practicing molding.

Because if you decide to swim on baptism, optimal option - Start taking a contrast shower. Do it need it regularly. And start in the summer.

Harm of Epiphany Bathing

An unprepared person bathing in the hole can give the opposite effect - instead of improving, weakening the body. The first risk is a cold. Strong body temperature differences can provoke hot, cough and runny nose.

In addition, the urinary system may suffer. Especially - female. The supercooling can provoke cystitis and inflammation of the appendages.

Strict contraindications of bachechen bathings

Cardiovascular diseases, hypertension: The temperature difference causes the spasm of the vessels and has a load on the heart. And in some cases - stop the heart.

Epilepsy: Cold water can cause cramps.

Inflammation of the kidneys and the broncho-pulmonary system: swimming in the hole can aggravate the condition, cause the lack of oxygen.

Problems with thyroid gland, infectious diseases: a weakened by stress, the body can stop functioning as usual.

Be healthy and spend the holiday of baptism in the spiritual atmosphere. Also read about, and write down.

Photo:, open sources online

Hello, dear readers! On January 19, all believers celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, the most ancient holiday of Christians. From a long time, in Russia, it was believed that swimming in baptismic water, eliminates many ailments. Swimming in the hole in baptism - what is it? Tribute fashion or, really, behind this is the healing of the soul and body? This is speech today.

Some believe that the roots of this holiday are still to pagan culture. Currently, on the night of January 18 to January 19, there is a consecration of holy water and sources. Many people are built into the queue to take the holy water or swim in the consecrated source.

According to the Gospel, it is believed that on this day Jesus Christ came to the Jordan River in Vifavar, where John the Baptist was, in order to take the baptism from him. John, who pretended the Savior's Agrantened Coming, was surprised by saying Jesus that he would have to be baptized from him. But in response, Jesus replied that "to fulfill us to fulfill all the truth" and adopted baptism from John. During the baptism, the sky turned around and on Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit with the words "You are my beloved son, in you my favor!"

Usually at this time in Russia there are strong frosts, they call them even bachers. But frosts seemed to have passed, and there are relatively warm weather throughout Russia.

On the eve of baptism on January 19, on water bodies and rivers in many cities, and in small villages where there are churches, special holes are cut down, in which everyone can plunge. Many do it because of the true faith in God, and someone is just for Extreme.

But with whatever purpose, the person does not plunge into ice water in the hole, first of all, you need to be ready for this, not only physically, but also morally. It is still especially for the body unprepared man, Stress. The unprepared body can experience a feeling of cold, but only short-term. This is based on the method of hardening.

It is necessary to know that water -, it has the ability to perceive any information, while changing its structure under the influence of the source of information. Entering into the hole, first of all, a mood is needed for good and useful. Water feels and will answer you the same thing you wish.

How the body reacts on swimming in the hole

Permanent swimming in the face of the winter is one of the ways to harde the organism, the prevention of colds, training of blood vessels. But if a person decided once a year, to the baptism to swim in the corner, will it be harmful to its body? How can his body respond to such a strongest stress as immersion in ice water?

  1. When immersed in cold water with a head, an instant awakening of the central nervous system occurs, the operation of many centers is activated.
  2. At the same time, the release of the protective forces of the body is released, the body temperature after contact with cold water Reaches temperature 40 ⁰. We know that this temperature is destructive for viruses, bacteria and patients with cells.
  3. During stress (positive) from the immersion in ice water in the human body, a hormone of adrenaline is produced, which has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, increases mental energy and activity. In addition, adrenaline has a pronounced antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood composition, relieves pain, swelling and spasm.

Swimming in Epiphany

Of course, to climb into ice water, I repeat, you need a special mood. But one mood is not enough. There are certain rules that will help properly make this rite.

  1. First, it is necessary to swim only in a specially equipped corner. It will be fine if the descent in the hole is equipped with a ladder with handrails.
  2. Secondly, never go alone to swim in the hole. Unforeseen circumstances may arise and you may need help.
  3. And last. Going to swimming in the holes are right. For swimming, take a swimsuit or a simple shirt, slippers or to conveniently go through the snow or ice. To change clothes, take dry clothes, but such that it can be quickly putting on it.

How to swim in the hole

To the corruption, approach without hurrying, go down to the water carefully, better holding the handrails, slightly tilt the body forward so as not to slip. In no case do not dive and do not jump into the water - it is dangerous for life.

During swimming, according to church rules, it is necessary to plunge into the water with your head three times. But if you are not configured for it, you should not do this, immerse yourself in the neck. It is no longer necessary to be in the hole for more than 1 minute so that your body does not hurt.

If a child is with you, be sure to follow my well-being, keep it by the hand. With young children, I personally would not recommend performing such a procedure.

Get out of the water, too, very carefully, holding the handrails, so as not to slip. Immediately after that, try to remove raw clothes, sort yourself up with a towel of drying. Although, the towel is usually not required: the body itself instantly dries - checked twice on personal experience. And immediately put on yourself dry underwear.

If you feel that you are cold, then make energetic movements, and coming home, drink hot tea to warm up.

Who can not swim in the corruption - contraindications

  • Acute diseases of the nasopharynx, apparent sinuses of the nose, otitis and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Cardiovascular diseases (transferred myocardial infarction, heart defects);
  • Epilepsy, consequences of cranial injuries, encephalitis;
  • Endocrine diseases, including diabetes mellitus;
  • Acute conjunctivitis, glaucoma;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system, venereal diseases;
  • Bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, lung emphysema;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How I bathed in the corner - personal experience

I happened to experience such happiness three times. True, for the first time it was late in autumn In the village of Velikoretsky. This village is famous for the fact that one day, back in the XIX century, one peasant under the roots of pines on the bank of the Great River found the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker. This icon subsequently cured many people and since then she is very revered. Now this icon is located in the trifon monastery of the city of Kirov. With this icon, annually, in June, the Great-Knotsky procession passes, which is going to dozens of thousands of people from all over Russia and not only.

The second time I plunged into the hole in baptism. I want to talk about my feelings.

That time was frost about 20⁰. But it so happened that we were the company when they returned from fitness, we decided to go and swim in the hole. For a whole week, remembering that I had to go swimming, everything was chicder from fear inside. But since she promised, then you need to go.

The hole was kipped with a tent, in it people undressed, and came into a hole. Having secured a small queue, we also went to the tent, quickly undressed and went to the hole. In the hole, the staircase with the handrail was descended. Going into the water, I felt the legs burned. There was only one thought in my head: do not stop! Going to the hole, I felt small needles in the body, but still I plunged into the water with my head three times!

Coming out of the corner, my body was burning. Probably, my blood vessels of the skin extended that I was hot. The skin is instantly dried. Only on the head were icicles. Quickly wiped her head with a towel and changed in dry clothes, we left the tent. The queue to the corruses increased even more.

But I liked my feeling after the hole. There was an amazing ease, joy and feeling, I would say, pride for myself - I could! The most interesting thing, after such a bathing didn't even sneeze, it means that I only had such a bathing.

For the third time, I plunged into the baptism after 2 years. Remembering that day, I was not going to swim in the hole. Everything turned out spontaneously, girlfriends arrived, they said "Let's go swimming, dress accordingly!" Gathered at 3 minutes. And again I felt that unforgettable buzz from immersion in ice water.

Dear readers, did you bathe in the hole? It was interesting to know about your feelings from ice water, write about it in the comments.

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Be healthy! With you was Taisiya Filippov.

January 19, the day when the baptism of our Lord, Jesus Christ is celebrated in Orthodoxy. Epiphany swimming in the hole (font) have long been steel folk tradition. It is said that on this day, if you swim, you will not get sick. BUT! Still, medical contraindications are also worth paying attention to them. Let's look at the main contraindications and batteries low temperatures:

(And here, for your fear, as they say, the risk) people with cardiovascular diseases (great risk of heart attack or stroke), epileptic, with diseases of the respiratory organs, diabetics, if used earlier, brain injuries, with stomach ulcers, cholecystitis And arthritis. As well as with venereal diseases. And many more contraindications.

Try to choose the right place for swimming

  1. If possible, choose a proven place, the best organized, where there is a group of people.
  2. The depth of bathing space should not exceed 180 cm
  3. If you have the opportunity, try to protect the place for swimming to avoid falling.

Need appropriate equipment

Melting (swimsuit), towel (bathrobe), take slippers (only non-rubber, as they greatly slide) or you can go into the water in socks.

Do not forget to warm up before immersion in the hole

Make a few turns with hands, a couple of slopes, etc., the main thing is not to rearrange and do not stand.

If you want,, of course you can dip with your head, but this is optional.

Having plunged up, euphoria arises (feeling of joy), and there may be a desire to linger in water, but this feeling of euphoria is just chemical reaction In the brain on the cold. So, you should not linger and risk your health.

Immediately after swimming in cold water It is necessary to warm up

To be confused by a towel and drink something warming (green tea).

Do not drink alcoholic beverages before bathing.

This is a delusion that you need to drink, because it warms it. But actually the effect is the opposite.

This is of course at will, but you can pray

For reference

From the Greek "baptism" or "baptism" means "immersing water". Water, as everyone knows, the source of life. Sugar and other deserts are dead, because there is no water. Water may also cause many disasters ( Biblical history About the global flood, tsunami and much more).

Epiphany bathing symbolize cleansing and beginning of a new life. Good luck and take care of yourself!

On the eve of the festival of the Baptism of the Lord, many people wonder - there is the benefit from swimming in a hole for baptism? Is it possible to wash yourself from sins after immersion in ice water? How is the recovery after swimming in the hole? How does this procedure affect the body of an unprepared or non-unknown person? Let's deal with these questions.

The benefits of the corruption - what doctors say?

The use of bathing in ice water is undoubtedly there. With short-term immersion in such water in the human body, the following occurs. Our body from a strong temperature drop is under stress, thanks to which many adrenal hormones are thrown into the blood. It is known that when they fall into the bloodstream, the body gets shake. In the usual situation, these hormones are highlighted in a large extent when a person is experiencing strong fear or falls into extreme conditions.

So conceived by nature so that a person can survive - adrenal hormones activate different processes In our body, thanks to which people can cope with a large load. Having plunged into the ice water, the human body falls into an unusual environment, as a result of the emission of adrenaline, all organs begin to work at the limit of their capabilities. It is due to this effect most people, after bathing for baptism, get rid of various diseases.

Correct setting

It is worth mentioning another factor, why it is useful to swim on baptism in the hole. It is associated with the psychological attitude of people who have decided to plunge into the hole. All of them go there voluntarily, but encourages them to the action of faith in the fact that this ritual or tradition will help heaisy or spiritually clear. Actually Epiphany water Does not wash off sins - if people came incorrectly in relation to others, they will not change and after swimming.

Cleaning promotes the awareness of their actions and repentance in them. Restressing implies reluctance to repeat them. It is this that cleans sins and makes us better. But people swimming in the frost in the hole believe in the fact that the ablution will help them improve themselves, it is their mood and is a decisive factor. People seem to program themselves for recovery, tying their faith and conviction with a certain action - swimming in the hole. That is why many still feel the positive effect of immersion in ice water over a long period of time.

Medical contraindications

Is it useful to swim in the holes? Doctors warn that not everyone can afford such an extremal procedure for health. A sharp temperature difference can provoke the spasm of all vessels and capillaries. Such a shock may result in poorly, if you have a weak heart. There is a risk of heart attack and stop heart. Who else is contraindicated in ice water?

Women suffering from inflammation of appendages should be refrained from diving into the hole. People who have repeatedly manifested allergies to the cold, can also be molded too. If you are diagnosed with convulsive syndrome, epilepsy, tuberculosis, or the work of the kidney is broken, then swimming in the hole damage the body.

If you still decided to participate in mass folk bathing of believers for the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, then you will certainly use the following recommendations.

1. Approximately an hour before the procedure, drink a spoonful of fish oil.

2. Do not drink alcohol before bathing, eat a little bit.

3. Put on the head rubber hat.

4. Sleep into the water slowly, but you are in it no more than 10 seconds. This time is enough for triple dive. Long-term foundation in water is dangerous to health.

5. When you get out of the hole, immediately intensely laugh with a towel so that the skin flushes. So you will strengthen blood circulation and quickly warm.

6. Upon returning home drink hot tea.

7. Never go to the hole alone or if there is no one near anyone.

8. If you yourself do not want to be a member of the Epiphany bathing, do not do this, even if you encourage relatives or friends to this.

Do you have to swim on baptism - what the ministers of the church say?

According to the priests, the custom of swimming in the hole is not really associated with faith in God. He has pagan roots. As one father says, absolutely all the water is consecrated on the day of the Baptism of the Lord. If someone does not want to swim in the hole in their will or because of illness or age, he can get God's grace, just waving off with sanctified water or drinking a small amount. But, first of all, the believer must conduct an awning lifestyle to receive a blessing.

So, now you know, what is the use of swimming in the hole on baptism, and what damage it can bring. If you believe in the healing power of such a rite, which, then take part in it, but try to follow all the recommendations in order not to harm your health. If this rite is not for you, then just visit the church and bring consecrated water to the house. On this day, it is charged with a special energy under the influence of prayers and chants. Epiphany driver will help you charge positive energy every day.