The most conflict and conflict-free couples according to the signs of the zodiac. Cancer and Scorpio love compatibility

The relationship between these signs can hardly be called easy and simple, although from the outside it may seem that it is perfect couple... Passion does not flare up between them unexpectedly, relations develop gradually, but they can give these people a lot of vivid impressions and positive emotions.

Scorpio and Cancer belong to the water element. She is responsible for intuition, sensuality and sensitivity, the ability to adapt to different life circumstances and change. Therefore, it is easy for such people to understand each other, although in nature they are completely different.

A Cancer woman can carefully choose a man for herself, sorting out her fans and dreaming of true happiness. Her timid and shy nature does not allow her to quickly and finally make her choice in love, so this woman can look for a real man and love for a very long time.

An excellent candidate for this role is precisely the courageous and strong Scorpio, however, mutual attraction does not immediately appear between these signs. The fact is that this partner may seem rude and too demanding to a woman, she will look at him for a long time.

But as soon as she makes a choice, she will be happy. This person will be able to give her everything that she did not dare to dream of. But she needs to help her make a choice that only a patient, benevolent and spiritually strong man can do. But together such people will be really happy if they can trust each other.

Despite the desire for a kind and friendly family, it is difficult for Cancer to make the final choice. If a woman like that is beautiful, she will break a lot male hearts before she finds her happiness. Sometimes she should be gently nudged to such a step, avoiding persuasion and pressure.

Pros of the union: Male-Scorpio and Female-Cancer

If Cancer and Scorpio can find mutual language, they will be truly happy. Such people can be created for each other, but they are not always able to immediately assess the correctness of their choice.

In the life of Scorpio, a lot of spectacular and attractive women flicker, so he may not even notice Cancer among his fans. A spark can run between them only if the man wants family and constancy, and the woman is ready to open her heart to love.

But more often Cancer weeps into a pillow, inconsolably dreaming of Scorpio's love and suffering from the fact that he does not pay attention to her, so if he begins to show her attention, the woman does not believe in the sincerity of feelings. It is for this reason that such people, despite good compatibility, rarely become a couple, although their union will benefit both partners.

The advantages of this union include:

  • the same degree of emotionality in both partners;
  • emotional attraction and rich inner world;
  • a common desire for stability, loyalty, devotion and constancy;
  • a man can become a reliable and attractive support for a woman;
  • mutual understanding of both partners;
  • a common desire for a rich and beautiful, wealthy life;
  • trust in each other and the absence of jealousy and irascibility;
  • lack of tendency to cheat, especially on the part of Cancer;
  • the ability to resolve conflicts peacefully;
  • in the person of Scorpio, Cancer acquires real protection.

Minuses of the union: Male-Scorpio and Female-Cancer

The disadvantages of this union are manifested either at the very beginning of communication and acquaintance, or after 5 or 7 years of marriage. The first pitfall that these people have to overcome is different life goals... If Scorpio does not plan marriage and a serious relationship, Cancer should not plan the future with him, although, unlike other women, she knows how to wait for the result like no one else.

Another obstacle to be overcome is Cancer's resentment. Outwardly, such a woman may not say anything, but a storm will rage inside her. If a lot of grievances accumulate, an explosion is inevitable and scandals will destroy even the most tender relationships from within.

The disadvantages of this union include:

  • a woman can pretty much exaggerate the Scorpio's love and plan the future with him, even if it's just her dreams;
  • Cancer's resentment can poison relationships;
  • secrecy of both partners;
  • different views on the development and upbringing of children;
  • over time, claims against each other accumulate;
  • a man may gradually lose interest in a woman, especially if he feels that she will not leave him anywhere;
  • a woman may eventually cease to meet the high demands and needs of Scorpio;
  • Cancer's desire to hide behind someone else's back can lead to passivity, and the absence of a partner or his departure can even be perceived by them as a tragedy;
  • conflicts with relatives or because of relatives may arise;
  • over time, you may feel that both partners made a mistake, entering into a serious relationship.

How to find a common language in a pair: Male-Scorpio and Female-Cancer

In order for the union to be harmonious and bring only joy, Cancer should master psychology and reduce his own resentment and suspiciousness. This woman is characterized by emotionality and a tendency to cheat on herself, exaggerate the shortcomings of other people, so it can be difficult to find a common language with her.

She may not show her grievances, but constantly accumulate them in her heart, which can become a reason for discontent and constant disagreements. Moreover, Scorpio thinks more broadly and does not always consider it necessary to react to her whims and mood swings.

A Scorpio man needs to learn to feel the nuances of this woman's mood. What he takes for a common whim or mood swings can lead to deep resentment and trauma. The Cancer woman reacts very painfully to both criticism directed at her and to remarks directed at her friends, relatives, parents or her own children, which can become a time bomb.

For this reason, refrain from caustic and sarcastic remarks and try to understand what is hidden behind petty insults and misunderstandings.

Compatibility of couples in bed: Male-Scorpio and Female-Cancer

For intimate relationships without continuation, this combination is successful, provided that Cancer does not build illusions and does not try to take wishful thinking. Such a woman is characterized by daydreaming, the desire to embellish circumstances, so she herself may not notice how she will fall in love with a windy and fickle Scorpio, especially if he corresponds to her ideal man.

These people do not immediately feel attraction and may not be in the same bed right away. Most often, this is preceded by long sincere conversations and discussions about failures on the personal front of each of the partners. If personal life outside the relationship does not go well, then Cancer and Scorpio will very soon cross the border of friendship.

These lovers may take some time to taste love. From the first time, they may not succeed at all, but as interest in each other grows, real passion flares up between them. Partners are fully devoted to each other, experiencing not only sexual, but also spiritual interest.

If their personal life is not getting better, then very soon they can meet openly and plan a wedding. In such a situation, it is much easier for a slow and cautious Cancer to make a choice, but more often Scorpio does not take their relationship seriously, so he leaves a woman if she feels that she claims to be more than just non-binding meetings.

Cancer woman does not tolerate long foreplay. She can procrastinate and pull the strap, giving the initiative to her partner, so it is better to take action right away before she herself has lost interest. If the resistance is broken, Cancer will willingly agree to the next meeting. Especially if you show that you understand her and sympathize with her problems and difficulties.

Compatibility of couples in the brand: Male-Scorpio and Female-Cancer

The marriage between these partners is most often happy, but the path to it is not always easy. Therefore, if this couple managed to get married, this is a victory for both partners, especially if the relationship was long or there were outbreaks.

The fact is that it is difficult for Cancer to make a decision and make a final choice. She always checks and rechecks her chosen one, but she can rush into the pool headlong if she does not have a good relationship with her parents. This often leads to various nonsense and troubles, therefore, having ruined his life in his youth, Cancer can choose a man with special care. This is expressed in slowness, pickiness and constant resentment, which becomes an obstacle to happiness.

If Scorpio chose this woman, then life with her is unlikely to be easy. On the one hand, he is unlikely to be able to find himself a more gentle and benevolent woman, on the other hand, he can constantly stumble upon her petty claims, trifling insults and thorns. For her, the family is of great importance, but she can make high demands on her future chosen one. Therefore, when choosing her, accept this woman as she is, along with her whims, mood swings, habits, relatives and friends.

The key to this woman's heart lies in loving and meeting her high material demands. She strives for an ideal family and may over-focus her attention on shortcomings. Therefore, learn to understand her psychology and often give her beautiful gifts and tenderness.

Compatibility of couples in friendship: Male-Scorpio and Female-Cancer

Friendship between Scorpio and Cancer is more frequent than marriage. These partners understand each other perfectly if they keep their distance and communicate through a common hobby, job, or interests.

Scorpio and Cancer become friends in their youth, especially in the area where a woman plans to make a career. Best of all, they understand each other if they are united by art or collecting. Scorpio is able to give Cancer a lot of useful and pleasant advice for free. He is a good psychologist, so this woman begins to consult with him not only in business, but also in her personal life. So gradually they get closer and become real friends and partners in business.

Another option is if both partners are friends of families and their relationship is built on the basis of children's friendship. In such a situation, they like to talk about the talents of children, the possibilities for their development, problems and difficulties. Common children or relatives can significantly bring them closer together, so they can maintain a spiritual relationship for a long time, without claiming anything more.

And only significant troubles on the personal front, betrayal and destruction of marriage, can make their relationship closer than just friendship.

Compatibility of couples in business: Male-Scorpio and Female-Cancer

For joint activities this is not very a good combination... Scorpio requires decisiveness, and Cancer can find fault with details, doubt the correctness of his decision and hesitate. It is for this reason that quarrels can constantly arise between them, especially if the man is the boss and the woman is subordinate to him.

If the situation develops the other way around and Cancer rules over Scorpio, the relationship may become somewhat softer than in previous version, however, in practice, everything turns out to be not at all so simple. The changeability and unpredictability of the boss can cause severe irritation in the subordinate. He starts to find fault with small details, make comments to the authorities or do everything in your own way, so this combination is best avoided in business relationships.

If both partners work in the same position, they are great at coping. In such a situation, Scorpio usually takes on the role of an adviser, mentor and leader, but it is better if they are led by someone else.

If partners, in addition to their main activities, have other interests, then they will be satisfied with each other and happy. Disputes and quarrels between them rarely arise, unless Scorpio begins to sneer at Cancer or make minor remarks on an insignificant occasion.

What a Cancer Woman needs to know about a Scorpio Man

The Scorpio man does not always seem ideal from the outside. He can be caustic, make caustic remarks, but his knowledge of life, ability to live and enjoy can only emphasize his charm and charisma, before which no woman can resist. But before you agree to his offer to take a walk, you should pay attention to the details.

First of all, this man does not tolerate female tricks, manipulations, although he may not show it, so trying to lure him into the network with the help of intrigue is not only useless, but also dangerous. He can play giveaway with a woman without feeling deep interest, from the outside it seems that he allows himself to be used, but this is an illusion. Having satisfied his needs and desires, he leaves the woman and goes on, so it's dangerous to joke and cheat with him.

Another nuance that should be taken into account is truthfulness and irony. Such a person rarely hides his dissatisfaction and, if your relatives or children are unpleasant to him, he will not remain silent. Therefore, before marrying a Scorpio, discuss all the details and try to soften the situation.

If you treat your family members with respect, then he will support them. Therefore, do not hide your ins and outs from him and turn on trust - it will allow you to feel this man and understand whether it is worth messing with him or not.

Scorpio can safely be trusted with personal secrets. He, like no one else, knows how to keep secrets and will not tell them even if you seriously quarrel and become enemies. He appreciates a relationship built on mutual trust and will not torment his beloved woman with jealousy and nagging.

What a Scorpio Man needs to know about Cancer Woman

A Cancer woman can make completely different impressions on men. Some consider her a timid flower that must be protected even from the cold wind, others see her as a predator and seductress, and still others consider her a child, unable to fully understand her desires.

Therefore, you will have to figure out on your own what she really is and what is hidden behind a timid smile and silence. A Cancer woman strives for an ideal man, therefore she easily discovers imperfections in others and may not accept a marriage proposal for a long time, even the most tender and sincere one.

Don't rush her, even if you really want her to be there. Tenderness, self-confidence and the ability to give good advice in a difficult situation. If she sees in you a reliable, sensitive and understanding person with whom her dreams will come true, she will gladly agree to anything just to be close to you. But be careful - fulfilling all her whims, you risk losing respect for yourself. Therefore, try to beautifully play the role of a real hero and you can find the key to her heart.

This woman appreciates delicate gifts with a subtle hint. Therefore, try to imperceptibly for her to feel her addictions and tastes. And, if you present her with a bouquet of white lilies, which she has always dreamed of, for a holiday, you will get a significant advantage over your rivals.

Compatibility of Cancer Woman with other signs

Compatibility of the Male-Scorpio with other signs

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The relationship between these two signs is based on an inexplicable, fantastic attraction. Their world is built by supernatural instinctive understanding. Scorpio and Cancer compatibility characterized by the fact that partners feel each other perfectly at the subconscious level.

Each sees the shortcomings of the other, but instead of trying to fix them, he takes pity on his chosen one. In such a union, the incredible happens: both Cancer and Scorpio grow spiritually under the influence of each other, at the same time receiving what they have dreamed of for so long - real feelings.

Scorpio and Cancer compatibility gives an idea of ​​an ideal relationship. Harmony reigns here, and special efforts no one applies to this: everything goes on as usual. Cancer for Scorpio is a source of knowledge, while Scorpio opens a previously unknown world of sensations and instincts to Cancer. These signs are similar even in their rancor. The only difference is that Cancer is more impressed to close in itself in response to resentment, quietly sobbing away from society. Scorpio, on the other hand, cherishes and cherishes the plan of revenge in order to then carry it out.

These signs of the zodiac form a long-term harmonious union. They support each other in everything, it is extremely rare to hear reproaches or accusations here. Each of the partners seems to see themselves in the mirror, and their inherent selfishness does not allow their beautiful reflection to offend.

The compatibility of the signs of Scorpio and Cancer is supported by a strong financial foundation. Together they are able to move mountains. Scorpio knows perfectly well how and where to make a fortune, and Cancer can easily preserve and increase it. In all matters, partners are able to support each other. They do not fight for territories, but the best way share spheres of influence. Among other things, their values ​​and ideals in life are identical. Scorpio and Cancer can create a strong, financially prosperous cell of society that has its own foundations.

However, this relationship also has a weakness. Partners should avoid excess in everything, and especially in alcohol, sex, drugs, etc. Any mistake can lower this wonderful union to the very bottom of society. And the way back will be very difficult for both.

Scorpio and Cancer sexual compatibility

The intimate relationship between Scorpio and Cancer is ideal. Scorpio lives by instincts, bed is his element. Cancer is madly attracted to this, in return he gives Scorpio a sea of ​​sensuality and emotions. The life of these partners together is full of passion that is fueled by inner strength and the energy of Scorpio. They are very good with each other. It is difficult to imagine more suitable partners.

Compatibility: Cancer man and Scorpio woman

In such a pair, the head of the family is a woman. Lady Scorpio will provide her man with the stability, support and protection he needs so much. The Cancer man in response to this will be gentle and caring. The reward for the union will be the achievement of harmony and tranquility. Pluto, ruling Scorpio, has more power and authority than the Moon of Cancer.

This explains such compatibility of the signs Cancer and Scorpio in the ratio of man-woman. Scorpio is leading in these relationships, but Cancer does not always want to be blindly led, especially since he is the head of the family. Therefore, at times the idyll of this married couple is violated by his insubordination. The Cancer man is capable of being very fussy and unbalanced. To remain himself, which means to be sweet and delicate, he needs his beloved to unobtrusively help him deal with his conscious and subconscious fears. Otherwise, Cancer is threatened with another depression, which is very difficult for him to get out of on his own.

A Cancer man and a Scorpio woman should remember that humor is their main ally. However, the fine lines of humor cannot be crossed; any grin here can play a fatal role. Offended Scorpio is vindictive, if Cancer happens to hurt the pride of his chosen one, it is better to immediately seek shelter. Having offended Cancer, Scorpio, perhaps, will drown with him in tears, and then for a long time will try to raise the spouse's self-esteem again.

If you do not go to extremes, this union is durable and brings happiness to both partners. Together, a Cancer Man and a Scorpio woman can reach the heights of a career, ensure financial well-being and give birth to children, unusually talented and beautiful.

Compatibility: Cancer woman - Scorpio man

The Cancer woman admires her timid mystery. She is able to arouse a lot of interest in herself. Seemingly cold and restrained, she is capable of childishly rejoicing in little things, she has wonderful feeling humor. Due to external detachment, this woman is often misunderstood, considering her to be selfish and vain. One of the few who can make out her real one is the Scorpio man. After all, they are so similar, and I understand each other on an intuitive level. Understanding on the part of a partner gives a Cancer woman a tremendous sense of gratitude. She becomes sweet, gentle and caring, falling in love with a Scorpio man, who attracts her with his mystery. The compatibility of the signs of Scorpio and Cancer, when she is Cancer, he is Scorpio, is characterized by the external coldness of such a union. Their element is Water, and both partners consider it inappropriate to openly show their feelings. Scorpio is a master of self-control. He is very emotional, sometimes something incredible is happening in his soul, but no one will ever see it. This is his secret.

At the same time, He and She are very sensual and sentimental. And only Cancer and Scorpio can see this in each other. Problems can arise if a Scorpio begins to put pressure on a partner, trying to completely take over the relationship. Scorpio's unbearable jealousy will not add to their happiness. In such an alliance, the main thing is to trust each other and maintain maximum openness. Then love will bring them a sea of ​​pleasure, and the relationship will be long lasting.

Cancer and Scorpio business compatibility

Scorpio and Cancer business compatibility truly phenomenal. In four hands, they are capable of performing unimaginable feats. There is both creativity and down-to-earth practicality. This brilliant alliance is able to stand at the head of an entire corporation, competently guiding its development. As colleagues, Cancer and Scorpio understand each other perfectly, quickly finding ways to solve the most important problems.

Scorpio, despite the passion of his nature, prefers to completely control his emotions. Therefore, the person he loves may not even know about it. He will be given to know if Scorpio decides to open himself. But when the wheel of the novel begins to spin, he sets in motion all his remarkable abilities in order not only to bewitch a person, but also to understand how to please him. They do not need to get very close, the poisonous Scorpio will penetrate the very essence of things and find out everything he needs. And when he is convinced that his partner can be trusted, he will become a devoted and caring lover.


The relationship of these signs is very ambiguous. Today there is an idyll between them, and tomorrow there is complete devastation. The intensity of passions is off scale. If both partners are not afraid of difficulties and are willing to overcome them, they can create a strong alliance.


The relationship is also no less complicated than in the previous case. But in this case the case is overshadowed by the desire of both to break out into the leaders, but at the wheel of a car, As you know, only one driver can sit, all the others only interfere with him. So here. If they fail to agree, the death of the union becomes a foregone conclusion.


The compatibility of Gemini and Scorpio is in question. The first is too fickle, so the second goes crazy with suspicion and jealousy. And the more Scorpio is not sure of himself, the more he tries to bind Gemini to himself, which he really does not like.


With a representative of this sign, Scorpio can live in perfect harmony if it is possible to maintain emotional boundaries. Both need to be alone with themselves from time to time.

a lion

This couple is beautiful - Leo and Scorpio deserve each other... But the idyll between them exists until they want to figure out who is in charge in the house. This will not happen if partners learn to respect each other's interests.


To get along with Virgo, Scorpio will have to win over himself every day. Virgo is too demanding of herself and her loved ones, and her constant annoyance about and without such an explosive sign like Scorpio is not very easy.


Libra and Scorpio compatibility is above average. Both, if desired, are able to find compromises, especially if they feel a certain benefit for themselves. In such a marriage, there are no restrictions on personal growth, which is quite unusual given the Scorpio's desire to control everything and everyone.


As with any monopair, problems in the relationship between two Scorpios mainly arise from the similarity of partners. In this case, both do not have enough patience, while each needs to keep the situation under his control. Therefore, they are rarely inferior to each other.


Scorpio likes the cheerful disposition of Sagittarius, only with him can he allow himself not to think about anything and relax. A if they also have life priorities the same, they will have no time to get bored.


Cold Capricorn is not able to awaken a volcano of passions in Scorpio, which is looking for a way out. And if this exit is not found, it will wither away. These signs are so different that they cannot be complementary principles for each other.


Unlike Capricorn, Scorpio finds contact with Aquarius. That's why, despite the significant difference in worldview, they complement each other perfectly. The secret to this couple's success is allowing their partner to live the lifestyle they like.


And finally, Pisces. Union with a person of this zodiac sign can be considered one of the most favorable in the starry sky. They have harmony in everything: in the kitchen and in bed, in communication and in joint activities.

Conflict-free pair for Yin signs (Earth and Water)

It is believed that the easiest way for people to find a common language with representatives of their Element: Fire - with Fire, Earth - with Earth, Air - with Air, and Water - with Water. This is not entirely true. Indeed, relationships between people of the same element develop easily. They have nothing to argue about, they are happy with each other. It would seem that peace, harmony and comfort - what else is needed for good compatibility? However, temperamental Yang signs, Fire and Air, in such a relationship will be bored. They start looking for partners with whom they would develop a more dynamic relationship. Therefore, with their own kind, strong and good alliances in love, friendship or work form only Yin signs - the signs of Earth and Water. From the outside, their couple looks boring, insipid, but they themselves are completely satisfied with such a relationship, because they live in peace and harmony, and for Yin signs this is important.

An example of such a pair is the union of Elizabeth Taylor (Pisces) and Richard Burton (Scorpio).

Conflict-free pair for Yang signs (Fire and Air)

People of Fire and Air are the best partners for each other. They are similar enough that they have points of contact, and peace in their union is preserved, but also different enough not to copy, but to complement each other. The fire is too addicting. He throws all his strength on the one and only thing that interests him at the moment, and does not notice anything else. Air signs help Fire become more versatile and easier to relate to life. In addition, Air is a supplier fresh ideas for Fire. But Air has its weak points: it is too cold, distracts attention and is not seriously carried away by anything. He lacks passion, little touches him to the living. Communication with Aries, Leo and Sagittarius makes "Air" people warmer, gives them an idea of ​​feelings and does not allow them to give up their business halfway through. A special case is a pair of opposite signs (Aries-Libra, Leo-Aquarius, Sagittarius-Gemini). It is more difficult for them than for other Fiery-Air couples to find a common language, but such an alliance brings more benefits to both, and if the representatives of these signs are together, then quarrels in such a pair almost never arise.

An example of such a couple is John and Jacqueline Kennedy (Gemini and Leo).

Pairs of special combination of planets

Very good compatibility for those people whose sign is patronized by the same planet. These are: Aries-Scorpio, Taurus-Libra, Gemini-Virgo, Sagittarius-Pisces and Capricorn-Aquarius. It is not always easy for them to find a common language, but they are drawn to each other with extraordinary strength. Next to each other, they are able to discover such traits in themselves that they did not know about. These couples cannot be called fully harmonious, they have a lot of internal tension and disagreements, but this does not prevent them from being happy. Taurus with Libra and Gemini with Virgo have only one ruler planet. Such pairs converge faster, their compatibility is more obvious. Taurus and Libra are equally attracted to comfort, only Taurus - to the outside, and Libra - to the inside. Taurus provides a material base for a couple, and Libra builds comfortable relationships with the outside world, finds mutual friends. Gemini and Virgo are intellectuals. But Gemini is the collection of information, and Virgo is her practical use... In their personal lives, such couples are not very strong, because only one intellectual interest and the ability to chat about everything for hours will not go far, but in business life this is a very successful and fruitful union.

In order for Aries and Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, Capricorn and Aquarius to unite in a pair, more external conditions are needed. These people can easily walk past each other and not be interested. And only if life itself brought them together, they understand how lucky they are. True, this happens after long grinding and a series of conflicts of varying severity.

The most conflicting couples of the Zodiacal circle

There are people who don't need to be together. Of course, they also form business, personal and friendly couples. But this happens in two cases: either in the personal horoscopes of such a couple, some other planets, except for the Sun, are strong, and the union rests on their interaction, or the couple was united by external circumstances, and there is no spiritual understanding in it. What are these pairs? It is often mistakenly believed that these are pairs of opposite signs. Or that these are pairs of incompatible elements (Fire-Water, Earth-Air). This is not true. Pairs of opposite signs are often very successful, and in a pair of incompatible elements there can be very interesting relationships, where people do not understand each other, but are fascinated by the dissimilarity of a partner.

The real problem is pairs of neighboring signs and those people whose signs are 150 degrees apart. These people do not "see" each other. They cannot give each other anything in terms of personal growth and psychological support. It is even difficult for them to get to know each other, and if circumstances brought them together, then the couple will be short-lived or each of them will have their own life, not connected with a partner, which will lead to frequent quarrels and constant tension. Here are examples of such pairs.

According to astrologers, the combination of a Scorpio man - a Cancer woman is quite successful. They manage to build harmonious, trusting relationships. However, some difficulties in life path such partners do occur. A man should understand that complex, diverse emotions are hidden in his chosen one, which she skillfully hides behind her outward timidity and modesty. The girl is also not immediately ready to come to terms with certain shortcomings of the gentleman.

  1. How compatible are Scorpio man and Cancer woman?
  2. What are the nuances of the compatibility horoscope?
  3. Is there a compatibility of signs in love?
  4. Sexual horoscope.
  5. Helpful hints.

How compatible are Scorpio man and Cancer woman? What arises between them: love or hate?

We can say that the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac Cancer woman - Scorpio man is not just amazing, but somewhat magical, mystical. No units can be used to measure this unity. As they find in each other your soul mate, their living together filled with happiness, love and harmony. However, it is also easy for partners to turn a relationship into something terrible and dark. In other words, a Scorpio man and a Cancer woman can make a relationship ideal or unhappy. Everything will be determined by the aspirations of the partners, their level of emotional and spiritual development.

If the lovers choose the first scenario, they will fill their union with understanding, harmony. After all, they have similar interests, both strive for a reliable, lasting relationship. Partners sincerely admire and are inspired by the merits of each other, get used to the shortcomings of the other half.

Scorpio is distinguished by its rancor. He rarely forgives anyone, unless we are talking about a Cancer woman. Such a chosen one completely trusts the gentleman. Difficulties arise if the patron planets of the signs are located in an unfavorable way. It is sometimes difficult for partners to resist temptations. Some of them may begin to abuse alcohol, drugs, lead a promiscuous intimate life, and so on. As a result, he will pull his soul mate to the bottom.

Be that as it may, a Cancer woman and a Scorpio man sex, love, friendship, business relationships are built on mutual understanding and trust. They like to do everything together, together to achieve success in life. Partners appreciate each other, care, protect the soul mate.

What are the nuances of the compatibility horoscope for a Scorpio man - a Cancer woman?

In principle, we can say that the compatibility of the zodiac signs Scorpio and Cancer is ideal. But even an exemplary couple sometimes encounters certain difficulties. The most difficult period occurs at the very beginning of the relationship:

  1. A man should be more attentive to his soul mate. She is very sensitive, and therefore may think that the chosen one has lost interest in her.
  2. The partner should show restraint, not be jealous of the beloved for no reason.
  3. It is very easy to offend such a woman, only she does not demonstrate her true emotions, hides her feelings deeper. Scorpio may not understand why a girl is sad. In fact, she is hurt by a past hurt.
  4. Cancer needs to open up to a loved one more often. Her mysteriousness can lead to quarrels, because the man will think that the chosen one simply does not trust him.

In general, it leaves no doubt whether the Scorpio man and the Cancer woman are compatible. This pair is very interesting and original. Just lovers should take into account certain nuances in order for their relationship to be exemplary.

Is there a compatibility of the signs Cancer woman and Scorpio man in love?

The uniqueness and singularity of this couple lies in the fact that the lovers understand and respect each other. They are truly halves of something big and clean. A woman, as a rule, is attracted by the fact that the gentleman fully shares her hobbies and interests. In addition, he does not dwell on the shortcomings of the chosen one. It should be noted that the sexual compatibility of a Cancer woman and a Scorpio man, like love, is also built on similar disadvantages of partners. Both are oblivious to weak sides each other. Thanks to this, their compatibility is quite enviable. Many couples can only dream of such a trusting relationship.

In love, complete harmony reigns between them. The partners have the same values, the main of which is the family. Both strive for lasting, strong, stable relationships. For this reason, the compatibility between a Cancer woman and a Scorpio man in marriage is also excellent. From time to time they have to overcome some of life's troubles. But since the spouses strive to preserve the "cell of society", problems and troubles are not able to destroy their union.

Plus to everything, both partners of character are sensuality and romance. The cavalier is not inclined to demonstrate his emotions in public. When a Scorpio man loves a Cancer woman, he surrounds her with care, tenderness, but shows his true feelings only at home. It is noteworthy that the partner has the same character traits. Among other things, Cancer is naturally a shy person. Lovers try not to give their loved one reasons for jealousy. Thanks to this, their compatibility only grows stronger.

Are Scorpio man and Cancer woman suitable lovers? Sex horoscope

These partners have the strongest physical and emotional bond. The Scorpio man and the Cancer woman do not even talk in bed, they only need light hints to understand what their partner wants. The cavalier is a passionate lover, and therefore he easily captivates his sensual chosen one, liberates her, kindles the flame. Despite the pathological jealousy of Scorpio, next to Cancer he feels comfortable, because the partner does not give any reason to doubt her infidelity.

Considering all of the above, the conclusion can be drawn as follows: the Scorpio man, the Cancer woman, as lovers, fit one another. In bed, they develop a trusting, very close relationship. Partners do not hold back their emotions and desires. After intimacy, both feel special tenderness.

Scorpio man, Cancer woman sex is perceived as a harmonious, inspiring process. The partner should understand how much the companion needs romance. Cancer's sexuality depends on small but pleasant surprises. For example, she is able to inflame a presented bouquet of flowers or an unexpected present found under the pillow. A man's jealousy, his natural suspicion negatively affects the relationship of lovers. Plus, he loves to lead and rule. Cancer can drown in their own grievances, even if they are made up. In any case, the Scorpio man, the Cancer woman find compatibility in bed and personal life thanks to the ability to forgive, mutual understanding, care, respect and sincerity.

What kind of life do such partners have?

When the lovers understand that there is a lot in common between them and they can no longer find anything better, they decide to marry. Their family life also filled with love. Cheating in such a couple is practically impossible. The fact is that a Scorpio man has the highest possible combination with a Cancer woman. Together they are incredibly good.

Scandals rarely happen between them. But even periodic discord is not able to destroy their harmonious union. Lovers are going through difficult times together. The main thing is that mutual trust reigns in their relationship. A man should often discuss his problems with his chosen one, because she will help him understand the situation, give advice, and everything will be resolved quickly and without loss.

It is much worse when lovers close in on themselves. Usually a woman is prone to this behavior. As a result, resentment and understatement accumulate between partners. The partner can even invent pods herself to take offense. This must be avoided, because they cannot part, the relationship between them is too high. A Scorpio man's love for a Cancer woman and vice versa is something worth fighting for.

  1. Partners must remember that trust is too difficult to rebuild and therefore cannot be broken. Lovers should struggle with secrecy and restraint, discuss problems more often, be open with their soul mate.
  2. Great friends are the Scorpio man and the Cancer woman. The friendship between them can be endless. The main thing is that the girl normally perceives Scorpio's jokes.
  3. Both tend to keep secrets, to protect them. This often has a negative impact on compatibility. If they reveal at least some secrets to each other, they will achieve complete trust.
  4. Partners are careful about money. Due to excessive frugality, their family life often becomes boring, monotonous, because both deprive themselves of pleasure. From time to time they need to go on trips, go to various events and in other ways bring zest to their lives.
  5. Lovers must constantly develop, improve, grow spiritually, because if one of them goes to the bottom, he will certainly pull the other with him.

If partners can overcome all adversity, life will reward them in full. Sometimes the character traits of both overshadow the mind. If you learn to deal with it, everything will go like clockwork. Both should not close in themselves, build around a stone, impregnable wall. Lovers must talk, analyze problems, then they will begin to resolve by themselves. After all, even an ideal relationship suffers from understatement and hidden grievances. As a result, falling in love can turn into hate. It is a shame if such suitable partners cannot build a family.