How to see hidden friends on VKontakte. How to see hidden friends on VKontakte

Hello, dear readers! As is known, Russian social network VKontakte provides for its users access to exact amount different settings and functions that should make your stay on the site as comfortable as possible for everyone. One of these settings is the ability to hide friends. Each of us, using this privilege, can pursue a different goal. However, our article today is dedicated, naturally, not to conspirators, but to curious Barbarians who are eager to see the hidden friends of VK on the page of the person over whom a detective investigation is being conducted.

Is looking at hidden VK friends a justifiable risk?

It is worth noting right away that at the moment there are no safe services and programs that could show hidden friends on VKontakte. AND keyword here - safe. Therefore, by downloading a promising application or using an untrustworthy site to see hidden VK friends, you are thereby signing up for voluntary hacking of your own account. This usually happens when a login request pops up through a username and password. But, if the official VKontakte website guarantees the security of your data, then on analogues of VK with a wider range of actions no one will give you this guarantee. And as a result, scammers have full access to your page, through which best case scenario will send spam.

If you still decide to take a risk and resort to the help of such resources, then I personally would like to give advice: do it better from a fake page, which you definitely won’t mind losing.

Now let's return to the topic and list sites that position themselves as “spyware”. These include:,,,

How they will behave in practice, it remains for you to check. Be prepared for the fact that you will most likely need to enter your username and password, but if you use a fake page, it’s not so bad. We strongly do not recommend sending an SMS “with a code/code word” to any number, otherwise there will be no money in your mobile account.

And I would really like you to share your experience in the comments below this article after the “operation” has been performed.

How to find out if a user has hidden friends?

This method does not allow you to find out who exactly remains secret. However, the very presence of hidden friends for the user is as simple as shelling pears. To do this, you do not need to download any incomprehensible programs, but just be able to count. Now follow the instructions:

  1. Go to the page of the person you are interested in.
  2. On his page, go to “Friends”. Pay attention to the number of people (let's say there are 60).
  3. On the right side of the window, click on “Options”. In the filter, set the gender one by one and remember the number of corresponding friends. For example, there are 25 women and 15 men.
  4. View your friends list. Perhaps someone did not indicate the gender or deleted. Let's say there are 3 people.
  5. As a result, from the total amount of friends we subtract women, men and “undefined”: 60-25-15-3=17. 17, you guessed it, is the number of hidden friends. But, unfortunately, you will not be able to identify them.

Discover hidden friends by observation

If it’s really so important for you to identify hidden friends, and you don’t mind the time, then you’ll have to thoroughly “scan” all the photos, wall posts and comments. Pay attention to who often likes and comments on your passion's posts. If someone is in mind, go to the page of this person. Mutual friends will be displayed there. And if your fiancée is on the list of mutual friends, but the fiancée does not have this particular person among his friends, then most likely he is a hidden friend.

But, again, we repeat that it will take more than one hour.


We remind you that, regardless of the number of friends, a VK user can add no more than 30 people to the list of hidden friends. Let’s also add that the developers of this social network really took care to hide as securely as possible the information that the user wants, thereby not violating his personal space. Therefore, it is still not easy to see hidden friends on VK, and this question is to a greater extent remains open...

That's all, friends! Trust each other and see you soon!

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Our favorite social network VKontakte has a wide variety of functions and settings. One of them - hidden friends, which in theory no one will see except you. But is there a way to see another person's hidden friends? Yes, there is such a method, and we will tell you about it in today’s article.

The Vk social network gives you the opportunity to make sure that the user who opens your page sees only what you want to show him. But our site, as always, reveals all the cards! To see hidden VKontakte friends, you don't need any hacking knowledge. All you need is: Internet connection, VK page, Internet browser (for example, Orbitum). But first, we will tell you how to hide your friends on social networks. This information may be useful to you, since not all users know how to view your hidden acquaintances.

Hiding user profiles

  • To begin, you must log in to your VKontakte page.
  • Next, click “My Settings” and look for the “Privacy” tab.
  • In this tab, click on the button to the right of the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” in the “My Page” column.
  • Select "Everyone except...". A window will open in front of you, with the help of which you will select the people you decide to hide.
  • The left column contains a list of all your friends. On the right are those whom you will hide from prying eyes. By clicking on the names of certain users, you will move them from one column to another.
  • When you're done and the right column contains the names of everyone you want to hide, click on the blue "Save Changes" button.

How to view hidden pages

So, now let's talk directly about how you can see such hidden comrades in the profile of another user.

First, you should find out the ID of your, so to speak, “victim”. Let's say right away that it should consist of numbers, not letters. If it is made of letters, then this is an already changed page address, and we need a digital ID. How can you recognize him? To do this, right-click on the person’s avatar and select “Open link in new tab.” As we have already said, we use the popular Internet browser Orbitum, so this is what we call this item. If you use another web browser, then this function may have a slightly different name, but the meaning is the same.
When you open a person’s avatar in a new tab, pay attention to the address bar. There will be something like this: "". So, the first six digits (in our case, it’s “7096863”) are the VK user ID. All you need to do next is paste the ID into the online viewing link.

In addition, you should know that there are a lot of sites on the global network that promise to open another user’s page for you in its entirety. That is, hack. Of course, not for free. Then, the hidden friends on VKontakte, which you are so interested in viewing, will not become a mystery to you. Just like photo albums hidden by privacy settings. But keep in mind that in 99% of cases, all these guarantee sites are scams. In other words: pay money, but get nothing in return. After all, you know that hacking accounts is a real crime? So, to whom, in this case, will you complain that your VK page was not hacked for money? In general, it’s better not to even get involved with this kind of hacker; spend your money on something more significant and useful.

As you know, the functionality of the Russian social network “Vkontakte” implies the possibility (of up to 30 people) from prying eyes. At the same time, there are users who are eager to find out if any person has hidden friends on VK, and what kind of people they are. In this material I will try to help such users, and I will tell you how you can recognize hidden friends in VK, and what methods will help us with this.

First of all, I note that there are no highly effective methods for identifying the hidden friends of any user on VK. When searching the Internet, you can find several online resources (for example,, and others), as well as several mobile applications(for example, “Hidden Friends of VKontakte” in the Play Market), which offer to determine the user’s closed friends in VK by entering his VK address or ID in the appropriate line, and then clicking on the search button.

The truth is that it quickly turns out that these services (programs) need a login and password for your VK page, after which the creators of these products get direct access to your personal data. After this, you can expect various troubles when working with VK - theft of your page, failures in its functionality, and much more.

At the same time, those who decided to entrust their login and password to these services were usually left with nothing, since these services successfully failed test tasks with fake accounts, without finding a single friend hidden by the user. Therefore, I would not trust my login and password to these resources, and even more so I would not recommend sending paid SMS to unknown numbers, which could end quite disastrously for your mobile account.

How to determine the number of secret friends on VKontakte

However, there are several completely legal ways to determine the number of hidden friends of a user.

Click on "Friends" to access the user's friends list
  1. To do this, go to his page and click on “Friends” there.
  2. A list of all the user's friends will open. Remember the total number of all friends (let's say it's 50 people).
  3. Then click on the “Options” button on the right, and select the “Female” gender.
  4. Only female friends will be displayed, remember their total number (let's say 20). Now select male gender, and also remember the number (also let it be 20).
  5. Now add the male and female numbers together (let it be 20+20=40).

You will receive a certain number (in our case 40), which may not coincide with the number of the user's default friends (as we remember, initially it was 50 people). Now you need to see if there are any deleted or banned pages among this user’s friends. If there are such (for example, there are 5 of them), then you need to add their number to the number of male and female friends (40). We get the number 45 (20+20+5).

Now we need to subtract the resulting number 45 from the initial number of the user’s friends displayed on his page (50). The resulting difference of 5 people (50-45=5) will be the number of hidden friends of the user.

The disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of accurately identifying people in such hidden friends.

Another way to discover hidden friends on VK

There is also another way to find out the user’s hidden friends on VKontakte. To do this, you need to look through his wall in search of comments and likes from different people, and then see if the authors of comments and likes are friends of this user.

If the “commentator” is not among your friends, you should go to his page and view the list of his friends. If in this list of friends you find the person from whose page you started your search, it means that it is quite possible that the author of the comments (likes) is such a hidden friend.

This method is inconvenient because sometimes you have to spend a significant amount of time before you discover any hidden friend. In addition, the author of the comment and our original user may be each other's hidden friends, which will complicate the process of effective search. However, also this method quite effective and efficient in practice.


In this material, I examined ways to identify hidden friends on the VK network. I don’t recommend trusting any sites or programs that offer to find out all your secret friends in a couple of clicks - apart from problems with the page and potential loss of money, you won’t gain anything. It would be better to use the methods described in this article - they are legal and quite working to use.

Special Settings personal page « In contact with» make some information private. Including, you can hide friends, both one and almost all of them. But what if you need to extract this data from the profile you are interested in? Is there any way to see hidden friends? In contact with", and if possible, how? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

What are hidden friends of a VKontakte user?

Going to the page of the "contact" comrade, you can easily view the list of his friends by clicking on the appropriate link. But this is only possible if the user has left the information in the public domain.

Let's figure out who the hidden friends of the network are " In contact with", and how they can be calculated. Any information posted on the page is personal: the account owner decides what to put on public display and what to hide. This extends to his contact list as well.

Suppose, for some reason, your "contact" friend does not want you to see some of the people who are his friends. Using the page's private settings, he can easily hide them. In this case, you simply will not see people in the list, even if you actively search.

Okay, is it possible to somehow determine who a friend is hiding? Perhaps there are special programs that extract such information, or secret loopholes? Well, it's time to answer this question.

Method 1: how to find a friend’s hidden contacts using a special application

The answer is simple: this is personal information, and in general it should not be accessible. It’s not for nothing that a person doesn’t want everyone to know her. However, there is a special application that allows you to calculate secret data. But remember that with such actions you are invading the user’s personal space, and he may not like it at all.

So, here's the procedure:

And here is the result: this account had 3 hidden friends, whom the program identified and displayed on the screen.

If your friend is not hiding anyone from you, the corresponding picture will appear.

This is how the search for hidden friends happens." In contact with”, if the person you are interested in has them. Finding out secret information is not so difficult, but it is not entirely fair to a friend. Therefore, even understanding how to see hidden friends " In contact with", try to use the program less often. It’s not for nothing that the owner of the page doesn’t want you to see this data. Respect for privacy and personal space, even virtual, is one of important principles communication on social networks.

Method 2: how to find hidden friends without a program

If you do not use the specified application, then you will not be able to establish the exact number, much less the names of classified individuals. However, it is possible to calculate whether there are any in the profile of interest. The procedure will be like this:

  1. Go to the page of the person you are interested in and open his “friendly” list.
  2. See how many contacts are indicated in the upper left corner of the page (“ All friends»).
  3. Open " Options» and filter the given list by gender, for example, first men, and then women.
  4. Separately, you count: how many guys the user has as friends, and then how many girls, and add up the resulting numbers.
  5. If it turns out to be less than indicated on the page, then most likely there are hidden comrades, but you won’t be able to find out exactly who they are.

However, there is a nuance here. Check to see if this person has any blocked or deleted accounts on their friends list. If yes, then subtract their number from the difference obtained during the first calculation and then accurately determine the number of mysterious personalities. The fact is that when a page is deleted or blocked, the user loses his gender identity and, therefore, is not taken into account by the system when creating a filter.


These are the secrets hidden by one of the most popular social networks in our country. It’s up to you to decide whether to use them or not, but remember: spying on other people’s pages is a thankless task that can deprive you of peace and cause unnecessary worries.

Video on the topic

VKontakte is the most popular social network in Russia. By adding a person as a friend on VKontakte, you can leave him messages, communicate with him online, send him photos and links to interesting materials in the Internet.

How to see friends on VKontakte?

How to see your friends

Let's start with the simplest thing - how to see who your friends are. To do this, log into your social network page, find the “My friends” item in the menu on the left, and click on it. On the page that opens, go to the "All friends" tab. You will see a list of VKontakte users whom you have added to your account as friends.

How to see a friend's friends

If you want to see who is in your friend's friends, you can do that too. Just go to your friend's page. Find the "Friends" block and click on it. You will see your friend's friends list.

How to see a friend's hidden friends

VKontakte differs from many social networks in that you can hide some information from visitors. You can also hide from prying eyes those people whom you have added as friends. To do this, just go to the “My Settings” menu item, then to the “Privacy” tab, find the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.” Next, follow the "All friends" link, select the accounts you want to hide, and save the changes.

And if you want to see at all costs who your friend has hidden, then this can also be done. There are many online services on the Internet that offer to find hidden friends on any account, the main thing is not to stumble upon scammers.

One of the services is To find hidden friends of a VKontakte user, paste their id into the special field and click the “Add” button. The program will immediately display a list of open friends. Next, press the "Search for hidden friends" button. The task progress indicator will show how many people out of the total number of users who had contacts with the person you are interested in are in his hidden friends. The search takes a very long time. Of course, there is no certainty that all hidden friends have been found. But to be sure, the id can be scanned again by checking the “Scan only suspects” checkbox.

Another similar service is