Font for project documentation. Drawing fonts

The font (from it. Schrift) is a drawing, inscribing someone alphabet letters, numbers and signs.

Drawing fonts (GOST 2.304-81) are designed to perform inscriptions, drawing conventional signs and dimensional numbers in the drawings. To perform inscriptions in drawing, GOST. GOST sets the numbers of drawing fonts (1.8; 2.5; 3.5; 5; 7; 10; 14; 20; 28; 40) Russian, Latin and other alphabets.

The first standard "Fonts for the inscriptions" was developed and approved in 1919.

The font number corresponds to the height (H) of the capital letter. For example, Font No. 5 has a height of a capital letter equal to 5 mm.

The height of the letter is measured perpendicular to the base of the string. The font is performed with a slope of 75 ° (GOST is allowed to perform inscription drawing font without inclination).

For the convenience of writing the letters of the drawing font, the auxiliary grid is built (Fig. 35), which is performed as follows. Conduct the lower and top lines of the line, the distance between which is equal to the height of the capital letter. Deadly on the bottom line of the string of letters and the distance between them (Table 3).

Using the angles of 45 ° and 30 ° of squares, build the tilt of the letters in a row equal to 75 °.

Consider the drawing of the drawing font letters (Fig. 35-37). They differ in the presence of horizontal, vertical, inclined lines and roundings, width and height. The figures are shown (arrows) sequence of drawing each letter.

Fig. 35. Inscription of the uppercase letters consisting of horizontal and vertical elements, and building auxiliary grid

fig. 36. Inscription of uppercase letters consisting of horizontal, vertical and inclined elements.

Fig. 37. Inscription of the capital letters consisting of rectilinear and curvilinear elements

Fig. 38. Inscription of lowercase letters different from the inscription of the capital letters.

As you probably have already noticed, the drawing of many lowercase and uppercase letters do not differ among themselves, for example, to - k, o - o and others. The drawing of some lowercase letters is different from the drawing of the capital (Fig. 38).

When performing inscriptions, it should be borne in mind that the lower elements of the capital letters d, c, the ultrasound element of the letter is performed due to the distance between the rows.

3. Drawing font letters sizes

Despite the fact that the distance between the letters is determined by the standard, it should be changed depending on which strokes are near standing letters. For example, in the word work (Fig. 39, a) distance between the letter P and A, T, and and it is necessary to neglect (that is, the distance must be zero), since their inscription visually creates sufficient interbustural lumen. For the same reason, the standard distance between the letters b and o, 0 and T should be reduced halfway. If such conditions are neglected, then letters in the Word will like to crumble (Fig. 39, b).

Fig. 39. Accounting for an interbust lumen when writing words: A - right; B - wrong

Fig. 40. Figures and signs

The drawing of numbers and signs is shown in Figure 40. (When performing drawings, choose a font height of at least 3.5 mm.)

Under such a notion as " font", It is understood graphic image Such elements of drawings, as letters and numbers. This word has a German origin and in the literal translation means a handwriting or an inscription, as well as its value that is commonly used in everyday life.

The norms and rules for the preparation of technical documents and their design found that only the font that has some standard dimensions. His distinctive features They are the rigor and the clarity that should be so as not to make it difficult to readability. The outlines of technical fonts are always straight, and therefore they relate to their class that does not imply any sites, and largely for this reason is most convenient for visual perception and reading. Application of the technical font is made in such a way that with respect to the base of the line it was at an angle of about 75 Degree. At the same time, applicable to date and rules are allowed to use fonts And without inclination.

Current GOST 2.304 - 81 It states that ten sizes are provided for the drawing font, namely: 1,8 ; 2,5 ; 3,5 ; 5 ; 7 ; 10 ; 14 ; 20 ; 28 ; 40 . At the same time, the size is meant that the value that determines the height of the title (uppermost) letter. It is measured in relation to the base of the line, perpendicular to it.

This parameter font denotes the letter ( h.) And is its size. As for such letters as Sh, C., D., then the lower elements, as well as the upper element of the letter J. Performed due to distances between rows.

The thickness of the lines is also one parameters that the drawing font has. The thickness of the lines is indicated by the letter ( d.), and its size is equal 0.1h..


Litera ( g.) It is indicated by the width of the capital letters, and it is 6D or 0,6h., and this size approximately corresponds to the magnitude ( h.), which has font The nearest smallest number. This rule does not apply to such letters as YU, S, C., H., M., D., BUT. Their width is equal 0.7d. In addition, the exception also applies to the letters. Kommersant, Sh, Sh, F., J.for which this parameter is 0.8d, as well as letters FROM, Z. and G. The width of which is Rivne 0.5d..

For the overwhelming majority of the lowercase letters, the parameter ( from) denoting their height is equal 0.7h. This size is approximately equal to the one that has font The nearest smallest number. For example, in that font that has a number 10 , the lower case will be height 7 millimeters, and the same parameter for the lower case 7 5 millimeters. As for the lower and upper elementswho have lowercase letters, then they are 3Dwhich is performed by distances between rows.

The width of the lowercase letters is indicated by the symbol ( g.), and its value is equal 5d.. The exception is the letters but, m., c., kommersant The width of which is Rivne 6d.; For letters z.,from - 4D; And for letters j., t., f., sh, sh, s, yu7d..

Special auxiliary grid was designed to ensure that beginner drawers learned to apply font manually. It is formed by subtle auxiliary lines, between which the letters must be inscribed. The step that has auxiliary lines of the grid depends on what value is parameter ( d.) (That is, the thickness of the lines of the font itself).

Table of font parameters

The table includes such font parameters as height, thickness and width of its lines, as well as the minimum distance that should be between the words and between the letters.

Font Parameters Designation Relative size Size in mm.
3.5 5 7 10 14
Height of uppercase letters h. 3.5 5 7 10 14
c. 0.7h 2.5 3.5 5 7 10
Distance between letters a. 0.2h. 0.7 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.8
Minimal distance between string bases b. 1.7h. 6.0 8.5 12.0 17.0 24.0
Minimum distance between words e. 0.6h 2.1 3.0 4.2 6.0 8.4
d. 0.1h. 0.35 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.4

Graphic representation of letters and other signs is called a font. All together they are a single stylistic and composite system that is intended to display the information visually.

Stripping more simple language, font It is a set of numbers, letters and special characters, which are uniform from the point of view of stylistics and are carried out with strict observance of proportions between their dimensions.

Parameters such as size (kege), width (wide, narrow, normal), saturation (fat, bold, light), drawing (mean, direct) are the main characteristics of fonts.

Additional characteristics of the font include readability, capacity, contrast, distinguity and clarity. They also have an important meaning.

Drawings, schemes and other design documents contain the necessary inscriptions: product name, sizes, material data, technical requirementsSpecifications. If the inscriptions are taken carelessly, then in the manufacture of parts for such drawings, errors are possible. Types and sizes of fonts, numbers, signs, etc. Sets GOST 2.304-81.

Font size H. - The value determined by the height of the capital letters in millimeters.

Font Line Thickness D Depends on the type and height of the font

GOST sets the following font dimensions: (1,8); 2,5; 3,5; 5; 7; 10; 14; 20; 28; 40.

The standard features 2 types of seifts: Type A and Type B, Each of which can be performed or without inclination, or with a slope of 75 gpadov to the base of the stroke. In training practice, it is preferable to apply a type b font with a slope of 75 degrees.

Figure 7.

The seifts perform the help of auxiliary grid, closed with thin lines, let the letters fit into which. The step of the mesh lines is designed depending on the thickness of the lines of the shplay D (Figure 8).

Figure 8.

Table 5 - Font Sizes

Inspecting the type B font is given in Figure 9.

Figure 9.

Writing numbers and design of some signs are given in Figure 10.

Figure 10.

An example of inscriptions (Figure 11)

Figure 11.

To perform an exercise on writing letters and numbers, the markup of the grid is simplified (Figure 12).

Figure 12.

Table 6 - the size of letters and numbers in mm.

1.8 Designation graphic materials and the rules for applying in the drawings

In mechanical engineering use details made of different materials. To impart expressiveness and clarity of the drawings, conventional graphic designations of materials installed GOST 2.306-68. Graphic designations of materials in sections, depending on the type of materials, must correspond to those shown in Table 7.

Table 7 - Graphic designation Materials in sections

The inclined parallel lines of the hatch must be carried out at an angle of 45 ° to the line of the contour of the image, to its axis or to the line of the drawing frame (Figure 13).

Figure 13.

If the hatch lines spent on the line of the drawing line at an angle of 45 ° are coincided in the direction of the contour lines or axial lines, then instead of an angle of 45 °, an angle of 30 ° or 60 ° (Figure 14) should be taken.

Figure 14.

Shell lines should be applied with a slope to the left or right, but, as a rule, in the same side on all sections related to the same part, regardless of the number of sheets on which these sections are located. The distance between the parallel straight lines of the hatching (frequency) must, as a rule, the same for all the cross sections performed in the same scale of this part and is selected depending on the hatching area and the need to diversify the hatching of the adjacent sections. The specified distance must be from 1 to 10 mm. The narrow areas of cross sections whose width is less than 2 mm in the drawing, it is allowed to show abnormal with leaving the lumen between the adjacent sections of at least 0.8 mm (Figure 15).

Figure 15.

For adjacent sections of two parts, tilt lines of hatching for one section to the right, for the other - left (counter hatching). When hatching "into the cell" for adjacent sections of two parts, the distance between the hatching lines in each section should be different. In adjacent sections with the hatching of the same inclination, the distance between the hatching lines should be changed (Figure 16).

Date of administration 01.01.82

This standard establishes drawing fonts applied to the drawings and others. technical documents All industries and construction.

1. Terms and definitions

1.1. The font size H is the value determined by the height of the capital letters in millimeters.1.2. The height of the capital letters h is measured perpendicular to the base of the string. The extent of the lowercase letters C is determined from the ratio of their height (without proceedings k) to the size of the font H, for example, C \u003d 7/10 H (features 1 and 2).

1.3. The width of the letter G is the largest width of the letter, measured in accordance with the features. 1 and 2 is determined relative to the size of the font H, for example, G \u003d 6/10 H, or with respect to the thickness of the font line D, for example, G \u003d 6 D.1.4. The thickness of the font line D is the thickness determined depending on the type and height of the font.1.5. Auxiliary grid - a grid formed by the auxiliary lines in which letters fit. The step of the auxiliary lines of the mesh is determined depending on the thickness of the font d (damn 3).

2. Types and font sizes

2.1. The following font types are established: Type A without inclination (d \u003d 1/14 h) with parameters shown in Table. 1; type A with a slope of about 75 ° (d \u003d 1/14 h) with parameters shown in Table. 1; type b without inclination (d \u003d 1/10 h) with parameters shown in Table. 2; type B with a slope of about 75 ° (d \u003d 1/10 H) with the parameters shown in Table. 2.

Table 1

Type A font (d \u003d h / 14)

Font Parameters


Relative size

Dimensions, mm.

Font size -
Height of uppercase letters
Height of lowercase letters
Distance between letters
Thickness of font lines

table 2

Font type b (d \u003d h / 10)

Font Parameters


Relative size

Dimensions, mm.

Font size -
Height of uppercase letters
Height of lowercase letters
Distance between letters
Minimum pitch (height of auxiliary grid)
Minimum distance between words
Thickness of font lines
Notes: 1. Distance A between letters, the adjacent lines of which are not parallel between themselves (for example, ha, AT), can be reduced by half, i.e. On the thickness D line of the font. 2. The minimum distance between the words e, the split acquisition sign, is the distance between the punctuation sign and the next word. When performing documents, the automated method is allowed to use the fonts used by the means of computing technology. In this case, their storage and transmission of documents must be provided. (Modified editors, change No. 2)2.2. The following font sizes are set: (1.8); 2.5; 3.5; five; 7; 10; fourteen; twenty; 28; 40. Note. The use of a font size of 1.8 is not recommended and allowed only for type B.2.3. Building a font in the auxiliary grid is shown on damn. four.

2.4. Limit deviations of the sizes of letters and numbers ± 0.5 mm.

3. Russian alphabet (Cyrillic)

3.1. The font type A with a slope is shown. five

3.2. Type A font without inclination is shown. 6.

3.3. The font type B with a slope is shown. 7.

3.4. The font type b without inclination is shown. eight.

4. Latin alphabet

4.1. The font type A with a slope is shown. nine.

4.2. Type A font without inclination is shown. 10.

4.3. The font type B with a slope is shown. eleven.

4.4. The font type b without inclination is shown. 12.

4.5. Types, shape and location of diacritical signs for fonts of types A and B without tilt are shown in the reference application. Diacritical signs for fonts with a slope should be carried out according to the same rules.

5. Greek alphabet

5.1. The font type A with a slope is shown. 13.

5.2. Type A font without inclination is shown. fourteen.

5.3. The font type B with a slope is shown. fifteen.

5.4. The font type b without inclination is shown. sixteen.

5.5. The name of the letters of the Greek alphabet listed on the hell. 13 - 16:

6. Arabic and Roman numbers

6.1. Type A font is shown. 17.

6.2. Font type B is shown. eighteen.

Notes: 1. Roman figures L, C, D, M should be performed according to the rules of the Latin alphabet. 2. Roman numbers are allowed to limit horizontal lines.

7. Signs

7.1. The font type A with a slope is shown. nineteen.

7.2. Type A font without inclination is shown. twenty.

7.3. The font type B with a slope is shown. 21.

7.4. The font type b without inclination is shown. 22.

7.5. The names of the signs are shown in Table. 3.

Table 3.

Rooms signs in drawings

Name of signs

Rooms signs in drawings

Name of signs

1 Point 25 Percent
2 Colon 26 Degree
3 Comma 27 Minute
4 Semicolon 28 Second
5 Exclamation point 29 Parallel
6 Question mark 30 Perpendicular
7 Quotes 31 Angle
8 AND 32 Bias
9 Paragraph 33 Taper
10 Equality 34 Square
11 Value after rounding 35 Arc
12 Correspond to 36 Diameter
13 Asymptotically equal 37 Radical
14 Approximately equal 38 Integral
15 Less 39 Infinity
16 More 40 Square brackets
17 and 17A. Less or equal 41 Round brackets
18 and 18A. More or equal 42 Damn fraci
19 A plus 43 room
20 Minus, Tire 44 From to
21 Plus-minus 45 Sign of similarity
22,23 Multiplication 46 Star
24 Division

8. Rules of writing fractions, indicators, indices and limit deviations

8.1. The fractions, indicators, indices and limit deviations are performed in accordance with Table. 4 font size: one step less than the font size of the primary size to which they are attributed to; the same size with the font size of the primary value.