Fuel-free generators. Free Energy Generators

Many of us like to save money, so when we come across an advertisement on the Internet about the sale of a fuel-free generator (BTG), our hands reach for the “place an order” button. But will such a miracle device really help you save money?

What do fuel-free generator manufacturers promise?

On the Internet you can find various sites that offer to buy BTG, and for quite a lot of money (on average - 12 thousand rubles). Moreover, each seller explains the principle of operation of the mechanism in his own way. Some say that a fuel-free generator operates on some kind of “earth energy”, for others the source is ether, and others talk about static energy, which does not obey the known laws of physics, but is quite real.

IMPORTANT! The theory of the ether was relevant until the beginning of the twentieth century, until in 1910 Einstein refuted it in his scientific article “The Principle of Relativity and Its Consequences in Modern Physics.”

In fact, BTG is a beautiful invention, and similar devices do not exist in nature.

However, for those who are new to physics, the explanations about the ether and “earth energy” are quite enough to buy an expensive but useless generator.

Is it possible to make a fuel-free generator with your own hands?

If you are still in doubt, try assembling such a generator yourself. There are many different schemes on the Internet for collecting BTG at home. Among them, there were two fairly simple methods: wet (or oil) and dry.

Oil method of collecting BTG

You will need:

  • AC transformer – necessary to create constant current signals;
  • Charger – ensures uninterrupted operation of the assembled device;
  • Battery (or regular battery) – helps accumulate and conserve energy;
  • Power amplifier – will increase the current supply;

The transformer must be connected first to the battery and then to the power amplifier. Now a charger is connected to this design, and the portable BTG is ready!

Dry method

You will need:

  • Transformer;
  • Generator prototype;
  • Undamped conductors;
  • Dynatron;
  • Welding.

Connect the transformer to the generator prototype using undamped conductors. Use welding for this. A dynatron is needed to control the operation of the finished device. Such a generator should work for about 3 years.

The success and effectiveness of these designs largely depends on your luck. You will also need it to find all the necessary elements specified in the instructions. But you probably already guessed that all this is unlikely to work.

Who led the development of the free energy generator

Adams generator

In 1967, a patent was received for the production of this generator. The BTG turned out to be working, but the power it produced was so small that it would hardly be possible to provide energy to even a small room with its help.

But scammers don't care. Therefore, on the Internet you can find sites selling the Adams generator. But why spend money on a device that won’t help you save money?

Tesla Generator

The life and work of the famous scientist have long been overgrown with various inventions. Nobody knows for sure which of them is true and which is fiction. And this has become an endless source of inspiration for swindlers.

Nikola Tesla really tried to invent a special device. Not a fuel-free generator, but a perpetual motion machine. But let's be realistic. Think about it, if a scientist managed to come up with such a device, would they sell it to the masses?

Hendershot Generator

Information about this device first appeared in America at the beginning of the twentieth century. But the generator became widely known during a congress dedicated to the study of the energy of the gravitational field, which was held in Toronto in 1981.

REFERENCE. There is an opinion that the physicist is not the author of the BTG. Nobody knows how and when Hendershot received the device or the schemes for its assembly.

The Hendershot generator works thanks to the earth's magnetic field, so its use causes some difficulties, because the generator must always be correctly located relative to the south and north poles of the planet.

Soon after the convention, Lester Hendershot was considered a fraud, and his device was declared a fake.

Generator by Tariel Kapanadze

Tariel Kapanadze is a Georgian inventor who, as many believe, has achieved the impossible. He invented BTG, and named it in his honor - capagen. The functionality of the device was demonstrated to the audience. But it is difficult to say whether this was a show or a demonstration of a real fuel-free generator, because Kapanadze keeps his technology secret, awaiting a rich sponsor for the further development of the project.

Despite the secrecy of the project, some sellers claim that they managed to obtain Kapanadze generator circuit diagrams, according to which they can assemble it themselves. But this is hard to believe.

Donald Smith Generator

Donald Smith is the most famous inventor of the fuelless generator. The design of the device is quite simple: a wave resonator is taken and oscillated using a spark generator. In addition, the circuit contains diodes, the function of which is completely unclear. But most importantly, where does the additional energy come from in the generator, and even in an amount of about 10 kW?

Donald Smith tried for a long time to explain the principle of operation of his invention, but they could not understand it. Many tried to replicate this device, but the power always turned out to be much less than that of the original.

Stephen Mark TPU Generator

The design of Steven Mark's device is very different from other BTGs, since the basis of the TPU generator is a metal ring with a diameter of 20 cm and coils of thick stranded wire placed on it.

REFERENCE. Stephen Mark was looking for an investor for his project for some time, but then suddenly disappeared. There is currently no information about the fate of the inventor or his device.

It is very difficult to assemble the TPU Mark generator yourself. The complexity of the design lies in the use of a multiphase master generator. In addition, neither the inventor himself nor his followers ever spoke about the principle of operation of the device.

Of course, you can try to verify the opposite and assemble the BTG yourself. But is it worth spending time and money on this?

Ecology of consumption. Science and technology: Fuel-free generators are gaining more and more popularity, thanks to the only, but very important advantage - the absence of fuel

Electricity generators are becoming increasingly popular every year not only among private users, but also in industry. This is directly related not only to savings in costs, but also to a reduction in the production of exhaustible minerals.

However, the most common fuel for them is still gasoline and diesel fuel. Their breakdown products are toxic and cause environmental pollution. Another thing is fuel-free generators, which have many advantages over their fuel counterparts. We'll find out what exactly they are next.

Saving mineral resources occupies a key place in the economy for many countries. This is successfully achieved through the use of fuel-free generators, whose operating principles are based on the elementary physical phenomena of magnetic induction current. Of the most successful and effective today, the following types of BG are used:

  1. Dudyshev rotor - uses a magnetic current that is converted into an electrical impulse.
  2. Minato magnetic motor has an increased efficiency of 100%, which is achieved through power amplifiers.
  3. Johnson motor - has a compensator, but is not effective in industry due to low power.
  4. The Adams generator is the most popular and efficient magnetic motor, which has a simple design but a high level of efficiency.
  5. Dudyshev solenoidal motor - has an external magnetic rotor, which is effective only when using low powers (with a “wet” design).

Let's take a closer look at Adams generators, which are most often found on the market of alternative sources of electricity.

Fuel-free generators operate on the principle of generating free energy, converting it into induction current. Such great physicists as Adams (after whom the device is named) and Bedini devoted their research to this physical phenomenon. These units are widely used as an autonomous power supply for private homes, as well as:

  • in shipping;
  • in the automotive industry;
  • farm and forest land;
  • in aircraft manufacturing and astronautics.

They are effective where there is no possibility of supplying fuel (diesel, gasoline, coke, gas, etc.), and natural energy (wind, solar energy, ebbs and flows) is not so powerful as to provide electricity at full capacity.

It is necessary to separate the concepts of “perpetual motion machine” and “energy generator of Adams memory”. They are similar in operation, but the latter require constant maintenance and periodic repairs.

Their operation does not depend on environmental factors, therefore the Vega fuel-free generator has the following features and advantages:

  • Can be used away from any sources of electricity, as well as in open and closed areas, under the influence of precipitation.
  • They use kinetic energy as fuel.
  • They have no restrictions in operation and energy production.
  • Does not have any negative effects on human health or the environment.
  • The unit is quite compact and can be assembled independently if desired.
  • Has a service life of at least 20 years.

The most important advantage of Vega generators is no need to impart constant movement to the generator shaft. This is done automatically by converting kinetic and electromagnetic energy into impulse.

The motor operates solely on the force of magnetic repulsion from the ends of the electromagnets. To do this, an induction field is created, which allows the production of an electrical impulse from magnetic oscillations.

The most primitive design of Adams generators contains the following elements:

  • Generator - is a hermetically sealed cylindrical container, inside of which an electromagnetic field is created due to the influence of external coils.
  • Voltage converter - generates electricity by converting magnetic pulses into alternating current.
  • Rechargeable batteries – accumulate the received charge, allowing you to use it at any convenient time.

The main structural element is a gearless direct rotation generator, which is multi-pole in structure. Along its outer edge there are magnets, the number of which is selected individually, depending on the desired power. In the process of creating an electric field, the generator rotates around its axis, generating Efficiency no less than 91%. The generators are well connected to each other, which makes it possible to obtain autonomous power grids at absolutely no cost. This is beneficial in the case when the power of one generator does not exceed 5 kW, and at least 10 kW is required to fully provide electricity.

The operation of the generator under load is demonstrated in the video

Let's look at the example of creating an Adams-type generator, producing a small amount of power.

So, for work you will need:

  • Magnets - their size will affect the induction field and the energy generated, so small pieces, preferably of the same size, are suitable for testing. For a full-fledged generator, 15 pieces will be enough.

The magnets must be installed towards each other with one pole - plus. Otherwise, the induction field will not be created.

  • Copper wires.
  • Two coils - you can either take it from ready-made motors or make it yourself by gradually winding two copper wires, starting from the bottom and moving up.
  • Sheets of steel from which the body (frame) will be made.
  • Nails, bolts and washers for securing small parts.

Let's get started. The first step is to attach the linear magnet to the base of the coil by drilling a hole and securing the latter with bolts. We wind wires (1.25 mm each) with insulation onto the coils. We install the coils on the metal frame so that there are gaps at the ends necessary for torsion of the main element. Actually, the unit is ready for use. Whether it was assembled correctly or not is very easy to check. To do this, you need to twist the magnets by hand, applying maximum force. If voltage appears at the ends of the winding (we check with a special device), then the unit is completely ready for operation.

Naturally, this circuit is primitive, but it reflects the essence of the idea - to create a generator that would operate without fuel, using the power of magnetic current. Such a generator is unlikely to be suitable for a home, but it will be quite possible to charge a mobile phone.

In the market of magnetic generator manufacturers, three leaders stand out significantly:

  • "Vega";
  • "Verano-Co";
  • "U-Polemag";
  • "Energystem".


The manufacturer produces generators that operate on the principle of magnetic induction, the idea of ​​which was brought into reality by the scientist physicist Adams. The cost of certain models depends entirely on the power output and dimensions of the unit. The price starts from 45,000 rubles. Among the obvious advantages are the following indicators:

  • high level of environmental friendliness;
  • silent operation, allowing the generator to be installed in a residential area;
  • compactness;
  • wide range of models from 1.5 to 10 kW.

Duration of work – at least 20 years. Operation and repair depends on the model. The most frequently replaced parts are batteries, which last for 3-5 years of use.

The operation of the generator is shown in the video


Ukrainian manufacturer that uses high-quality components for its models. It is based on the production of generators of alternative energy sources, intended not only for domestic needs, but also for generating energy on an industrial scale. The operating principle is similar to all magnetic generators. The price range for the model range varies from 50,000 to 180,000 rubles.


Chinese manufacturer, leader in the number and variety of models. Efficiency – 93%, with less than 1% energy loss. Compact dimensions and light weight are ideal for home use. The low level of noise and vibration allows you to keep it in the house without fear for your health. The equipment includes modern cooling systems that allow you to increase the service life up to 15 years. It is distinguished by its affordable prices, which on average range from 31,000 to 85,000 rubles.


Engaged in the production of fuel-free vertical generators that operate on magnetic current. Many users of such units are dissatisfied, expressing somewhat contradictory opinions regarding the quality and power of the generators produced. The slightly inflated cost of 50,000 rubles and above makes this company last in the ranking of BTG manufacturers.

Any new generators (and magnetic ones even more so) cost a lot of money, so before buying one the question arises: how to buy a cheaper, but high-quality model? Recently, it has been fashionable to buy goods from China, which are famous for their cheapness and relatively tolerable quality. Generators or components for them can also be ordered abroad, but the risks are high:

As you can see, the savings are completely false. Another option is to purchase from the manufacturer. But even here there are some problems. Without knowing all the intricacies of the design and operating features of the unit, an experienced salesperson and marketer can “sell in” a generator that will not meet the requirements. It’s not for nothing that they say that if you’re armed, you’re protected! Therefore, before buying an induction magnetic generator, you need to:

The video shows a Vega Adams generator

This question is quite difficult to answer, because as many people there are as many opinions. Remember the main thing - the main task of an induction vertical fuel-free generator is to provide electricity with the power that is required. If the power is not enough, the generator can act as an auxiliary source of electricity. When choosing a model, the savings will not be justified, since cheap units are created from cheap materials that will not serve faithfully for ten years, as they should.

A generator, just like a car, is something everyone chooses for themselves, taking into account their personal preferences and requirements. The model, power, dimensions and other technical characteristics completely depend on where, how, when and for how long the fuel-free generator will be used. published

Many people are now starting to leave cities for nature. And often they have a problem with electricity. They begin to look for alternative sources of electricity and most of them turn out to be solar panels (especially since their characteristics have now significantly improved). There are many videos on the Internet today with magnetic fuel-free generators and many people want to have them.

Meanwhile, an enterprise has already appeared in Russia that has launched tact generators into mass production and their price is quite reasonable.

Now the company already sells many models of fuel-free single-phase generators from 1 to 100 kW at 220 volts at different prices. Acceptable noise level is 40 dB. with overload protection and zero sine wave distortion. The generator is started from batteries. The analysis showed that such a generator pays for itself in 2 years. The declared service life of this device is 10 years. As I understand it, during this period it is possible to repair the electric motor (bearings will have to be changed at least once every few years), replace some radio components, repair the rotor, etc. That is. In case of problems, the cost of repairs is not significant and is quickly recouped.

If fuel-free generators are magnetic, as the manufacturer claims, then the magnets tend to demagnetize and after 15 years they will have to be changed, and maybe earlier. Magnets are most likely the most expensive element in a generator. Perhaps this is why the stated service life of the device is 10 years.

All this is very good and may this enterprise develop successfully. After all, this could radically change the economy. Now you can abandon power lines, heating mains and not depend on public utilities. Free heating of the house and year-round greenhouses is now becoming possible. This company has been operating for several years. However, for some reason there are no reviews on the Internet about the plant’s products on third-party sites. Why? After all, this is a revolution in science and hundreds of people should purchase such generators. We provide a link to the website of the manufacturer of fuel-free generators - ( link removed, read on). Watch, study. We will be glad to receive information on this topic in the comments.

Attention!!! According to the latest information, this enterprise is fraudulent. They take money in advance, but do not ship the goods. Be careful! Read the comments below and if you have something to say, leave a comment. People will be grateful to you.

Update from 02.14.16

A video with a homemade similar fuel-free generator was found on YouTube. The author's video has been deleted; it is a re-uploaded video from another person.

Sall S.A. — Why aren’t fuel-free generators introduced?

Update from 12/21/16

Several people have already sent money for the purchase of generators, and that’s all. Nobody sent any generator. Don't fall for scammers' tricks . Although there were many warnings in the comments.

Many people have thought about the possibility of owning a source of renewable energy in their lives. The brilliant physicist Tesla, known for his unique inventions, who worked at the beginning of the last century, did not make his secrets widely public, leaving behind only hints of his discoveries. They say that in his experiments he managed to learn how to control gravity and teleport objects. It is also known about his work in the direction of obtaining energy from under space. It is possible that he managed to create a free energy generator.

A little about what electricity is

An atom creates two types of energy fields around itself. One is formed by circular rotation, the speed of which is close to the speed of light. This movement is familiar to us as a magnetic field. It spreads along the plane of rotation of the atom. Two other spatial disturbances are observed along the axis of rotation. The latter cause the appearance of electric fields in bodies. The energy of particle rotation is the free energy of space. We do not make any expenses in order for it to appear - the energy was initially embedded by the universe in all particles of the material world. The task is to ensure that the vortexes of rotation of atoms in a physical body are formed into one, which can be extracted.

Electric current in a wire is nothing more than the rotation orientation of metal atoms in the direction of the current. But it is possible to orient the rotation axes of atoms perpendicular to the surface. This orientation is known as electric charge. However, the latter method involves the atoms of a substance only on its surface.

The amazing is nearby

A free energy generator can be seen in the operation of a conventional transformer. The primary coil creates a magnetic field. Current appears in the secondary winding. If you achieve a transformer efficiency greater than 1, you can get a clear example of how self-powered free energy generators work.

Step-up transformers are also a clear example of a device that takes part of the energy from outside.

Superconductivity of materials can increase productivity, but so far no one has been able to create conditions for the degree of efficiency to exceed unity. In any case, there are no public statements of this kind.

Tesla Free Energy Generator

The world-famous physicist is rarely mentioned in textbooks on the subject. Although his discovery of alternating current is now used by all of humanity. He has over 800 registered invention patents. All the energy of the last century and today is based on his creative potential. Despite this, some of his work was hidden from the general public.

He participated in the development of modern electromagnetic weapons, being the director of Project Rainbow. The famous Philadelphia experiment, which teleported a large ship with its crew to an unimaginable distance, was his work. In 1900, a physicist from Serbia suddenly became rich. He sold some of his inventions for $15 million. The amount in those days was simply huge. Who acquired Tesla's secrets remains a mystery. After his death, all the diaries, which could have contained sold inventions, disappeared without a trace. The great inventor never revealed to the world how the free energy generator works and works. But perhaps there are people on the planet who have this secret.

Hendershot Generator

Free energy may have revealed its secret to an American physicist. In 1928, he demonstrated to the general public a device that was immediately dubbed the Hendershot fuel-free generator. The first prototype only worked when the device was positioned correctly according to the Earth's magnetic field. Its power was small and amounted to 300 W. The scientist continued to work, improving the invention.

However, in 1961 his life was tragically cut short. The scientist’s killers were never punished, and the criminal proceedings themselves only confused the investigation. There were rumors that he was preparing to launch mass production of his model.

The device is so simple to implement that almost anyone can make it. Followers of the inventor recently posted online information on how to assemble Hendershot's Free Energy Generator. The instructions as a video tutorial clearly demonstrate the process of assembling the device. Using this information, you can assemble this unique device in 2.5 - 3 hours.

Does not work

Despite the step-by-step video tutorial, almost no one who has tried to do it can assemble and launch a free energy generator with their own hands. The reason is not in the hands, but in the fact that the scientist, having given people a diagram with a detailed indication of the parameters, forgot to mention several small details. Most likely, this was done deliberately to protect his invention.

The theory about the falsity of the invented generator is not without meaning. Many energy companies are working in this way to discredit scientific research into alternative energy sources. People who follow the wrong path will ultimately be disappointed. Many inquisitive minds, after unsuccessful attempts, rejected the very idea of ​​free energy.

What is Hendershot's secret?

And from those whom he decided to trust, he made an obligation that the secret of launching the device would be kept. Hendershot had a good sense of people. Those to whom he revealed the secret keep secret the knowledge of how to start the free energy generator. The device's launch circuit has not yet been solved. Or those who succeeded also selfishly decided to keep the knowledge secret from others.


This unique property of metals makes it possible to assemble free energy generators on magnets. Permanent magnets generate a magnetic field of a certain direction. If they are positioned properly, the rotor can be made to rotate for a long time. However, permanent magnets have one big drawback - the magnetic field weakens greatly over time, that is, the magnet becomes demagnetized. Such a magnetic free energy generator can only serve a demonstration and advertising role.

There are especially many schemes online for assembling devices using neodymium magnets. They have a very strong magnetic field, but they are also expensive. All magnetic devices, the diagrams of which can be found on the Internet, fulfill their role as unobtrusive subliminal advertising. There is one goal - more neodymium magnets, good and different. With their popularity, the welfare of the manufacturer also grows.

Nevertheless, magnetic engines that generate energy from space have a right to exist. There are successful models, which will be discussed below.

Generator Bedini

American physicist and researcher John Bedini, our contemporary, invented an amazing device based on Tesla’s work.

He announced it back in 1974. The invention is capable of increasing the capacity of existing batteries by 2.5 times and can restore most of the non-working batteries that cannot be charged using the usual method. As the author himself says, radiant energy increases capacity and cleans the plates inside energy storage devices. It is typical that there is no heating at all during charging.

Still she exists

Bedini managed to establish mass production of almost eternal generators of radiant (free) energy. He succeeded, despite the fact that both the government and many energy companies, to put it mildly, did not like the scientist’s invention. Nevertheless, today anyone can buy it by ordering it on the author’s website. The cost of the device is a little over 1 thousand dollars. You can purchase a kit for self-assembly. In addition, the author does not attach mysticism and secrecy to his invention. The diagram is not a secret document, and the inventor himself has released step-by-step instructions that allow you to assemble a free energy generator with your own hands.


Not long ago, the Ukrainian company Virano, which specialized in the production and sale of wind generators, began selling fuel-free Vega generators, which generated 10 kW of electricity without any external source. Literally in a matter of days, the sale was prohibited due to the lack of licensing of this type of generators. Despite this, it is impossible to ban the very existence of alternative sources. Recently, more and more people have appeared who want to break out of the tenacious embrace of energy dependence.

Battle for Earth

What will happen to the world if such a generator appears in every home? The answer is simple, as is the principle by which self-powered free energy generators operate. It will simply cease to exist in the form in which it exists now.

If on a planetary scale the consumption of electricity, which is provided by a free energy generator, begins, an amazing thing will happen. Financial hegemons will lose control over the world order and fall from the pedestals of their prosperity. Their primary task is to prevent us from becoming truly free citizens of planet Earth. They were very successful along this path. The life of a modern person resembles a squirrel race in a wheel. There is no time to stop, look around, or begin to slowly think.

If you stop, you will immediately fall out of the “clip” of those who are successful and receive rewards for their work. The reward is actually small, but compared to many who do not have it, it looks significant. This way of life is a road to nowhere. We burn not only our lives for the benefit of others. We are leaving our children an unenviable legacy in the form of a polluted atmosphere, water resources, and turning the Earth's surface into a landfill.

Therefore, everyone's freedom is in his hands. Now you have the knowledge that a free energy generator can exist and operate in the world. The scheme by which humanity will throw off centuries of slavery has already been launched. We are on the verge of great change.

Many owners sooner or later begin to think about alternative energy sources. We propose to consider what an autonomous fuel-free generator by Tesla, Hendershot, Romanov, Tariel Kanapadze, Smith, Bedini is, the principle of operation of the unit, its circuit and how to make the device with your own hands.


When using a fuelless generator, an internal combustion engine is not required since the device does not need to convert the chemical energy of the fuel into mechanical energy to generate electricity. This electromagnetic device works in such a way that the electricity generated by the generator is recirculated back into the system through a coil.

Photo – Generator Kapanadze

Conventional electric generators operate on the basis of:
1. An internal combustion engine, with a piston and rings, connecting rod, spark plugs, fuel tank, carburetor, ... and
2. Using amateur motors, coils, diodes, AVRs, capacitors, etc.

The internal combustion engine in fuel-free generators is replaced by an electromechanical device that takes power from the generator and uses the same to convert it into mechanical energy with an efficiency of more than 98%. The cycle repeats itself over and over again. So the concept here is to replace the internal combustion engine, which depends on fuel, with an electromechanical device.

Photo - Generator circuit

Mechanical energy will be used to drive the generator and produce the current produced by the generator to power the electromechanical device. The fuelless generator, which is used to replace the internal combustion engine, is designed in such a way that it uses less energy from the generator's power output.

Video: homemade fuel-free generator


The Tesla linear electric generator is the main prototype of the working device. The patent for it was registered back in the 19th century. The main advantage of the device is that it can be built even at home using solar energy. The iron or steel plate is insulated with external conductors, after which it is placed as high as possible in the air. We place the second plate in sand, earth or other grounded surface. A wire starts from a metal plate, the attachment is made with a capacitor on one side of the plate and a second cable runs from the base of the plate to the other side of the capacitor.

Photo – Tesla fuel-free generator

Such a homemade fuel-free mechanical generator of free energy electricity is fully functional in theory, but for the actual implementation of the plan it is better to use more common models, for example, inventors Adams, Sobolev, Alekseenko, Gromov, Donald, Kondrashov, Motovilov, Melnichenko and others. You can assemble a working device even if you redesign any of the listed devices; it will be cheaper than connecting everything yourself.

In addition to solar energy, you can use turbine generators that operate without fuel using water energy. Magnets completely cover the rotating metal disks, a flange and a self-powered wire are also added to the device, which significantly reduces losses, making this heat generator more efficient than solar. Due to high asynchronous oscillations, this cotton fuel-free generator suffers from eddy electricity, so it cannot be used in a car or to power a home, because. the impulse may burn out the engines.

Photo - Adams fuel-free generator

But Faraday's hydrodynamic law also suggests using a simple perpetual generator. Its magnetic disk is divided into spiral curves that radiate energy from the center to the outer edge, reducing resonance.

In a given high voltage electrical system, if there are two turns side by side, electric current moves through the wire, the current passing through the loop will create a magnetic field that will radiate against the current passing through the second loop, creating resistance.


Exists two options doing the work.