How to properly wash plastic windows. How to wash windows without streaks: recommendations, selection of products and tools for washing windows How to wash double-glazed windows

Among the advantages of plastic windows is the ability to block noise and street dirt. At the same time, dust settles in an even layer on the double-glazed windows, and sooner or later everyone thinks about cleaning up. Many people approach this task with caution: cleaning and polishing glass perfectly is not such an easy task. How to properly wash plastic windows without streaks?

Stages of work

You cannot wash windows without tidying up the plastic and metal parts. In the case of ordinary windows, it is enough to wipe the wooden frame with a damp cloth, and you can proceed to the glass. In the case of plastic, the following order is recommended:

  • plastic frames;
  • metal parts;
  • glass;
  • window sill and slopes.

Once every six months, metal fittings and rubber seals need to be treated with special means to maintain long-term performance. That’s why we don’t recommend washing out the lubricant during cleaning – just clean the elements from dust with a soft brush.

Required tools and materials

When washing windows, you can do it the old-fashioned way with a simple, clean, soft cloth or sponge. However, to achieve the best result with less effort, we will need a modern tool designed to facilitate the cleaning process:

  • a microfiber cloth or sponge (different for frames and glass);
  • water drain;
  • scraper;
  • telescopic holder;
  • brush for fittings;
  • melamine sponge.

To wash frames, slopes and window sills, we will need either soapy water or a standard non-abrasive detergent (dishwashing detergent is also suitable). The latter is important, since due to the frequent use of products with scratching microparticles, the protective layer is washed off the surface. As a result, when exposed to the sun, the plastic turns yellow.

If you need to wash stubborn stains, use soft silicone scrapers and a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide.

In addition to special products sold in the store, you can use traditional recipes:

  • water and vinegar (not essence!) in a 1:1 ratio;
  • 0.5 liters of water and 15 drops of ammonia.

Let's start cleaning

Before you start washing the frames, we recommend lightly wiping the slopes with a damp cloth. This will prevent street dust from getting onto freshly washed surfaces during cleaning. Then carefully wash the moving plastic parts (frame and handles). Try to avoid excess water and too concentrated solutions - aggressive detergents can cause the seal to dry out.

Then we move on to the glass. Key point: wash strictly from top to bottom. In the same direction, it is necessary to drive off excess moisture with a water squeegee. Read the instructions on the detergent carefully: some of them can be used with water, and some cannot.

Often, precisely because an unacceptable mixture was used, stains appeared on the glass, which were later very difficult to remove.

Outside first or inside first?

Experts say that it is better to wash the outside first, and then the inside. However, everyone decides for themselves what is more convenient for them. For outdoor work, it is recommended to use telescopic mops with microfiber attachments - this is much safer, although you will still have to wash the outside of the frames with your own hands.

Another trick, inherited from mothers and grandmothers, is to wipe the glass with paper after removing the water for greater shine. However, paper towels can produce tiny paper dust when used, so we recommend using a completely dry and clean microfiber cloth for wiping.

Fittings and window sill

Metal parts are cleaned with a neat soft brush - a toothbrush is often used for this. In the absence of severe contamination, dry cleaning is enough - detergents can wash out the lubricant, and the mechanism will begin to malfunction and creak.

Plastic slopes and window sills are most susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and may turn yellow over time. Also, microparticles of dust can become clogged into the relief surface. We recommend washing the elements with a mild soap solution, and in case of severe contamination, use an inexpensive and practical product - a melamine sponge. Like an eraser, it erases dark spots.

When washing slopes, be careful: accidental splashes and drips may get on the glass, and the window will have to be washed again.

As you can see, there are not so many rules on how to properly wash plastic windows without streaks. Want to learn more professional grooming tricks? Come to the shops of PVC window structures in the Lanskoy shopping center.

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How to wash windows without streaks: 3 approaches from different times

Today, you can write a thick reference book on how to wash windows without streaks, which will cover the experience of many generations of housewives and professional glass washers. I want to touch on only three main approaches that were dictated by time itself. So let's get started.

A little about motivation

Everyone understands perfectly well that cleaning double-glazed windows is necessary, as, in general, is everything else that surrounds your life. But here I want to give you some logical chain:

  • There is such a statement: windows are the eyes of the apartment;
  • Also, we have all heard more than once that the eyes are the mirror of the soul;
  • But who is the soul of an apartment if not its residents?
  • Therefore, we can then consider the windows... a mirror interpretation of the people living in the house?

On the one hand, it sounds either completely meaningless or too philosophical, but let’s now think not so loftily, but more down to earth to our realities:

  • If passers-by see dirty glass in window openings, then they get the impression that the owners of an apartment or house are sloppy and lazy people. That is, the window-tenant chain is still present;
  • In addition, cloudy double-glazed windows make the surrounding world darker, bringing melancholy and depression to those who live inside the building, which also clearly indicates a direct connection between their state of mind and the appearance of the windows.

As a result, I can say with confidence that if you want to have a good reputation among your neighbors and a balanced nervous system, then please take timely and high-quality care of the cleanliness of the window units of your home.

Approach #1: “With love from the past”

Why with love? Yes, because from your mothers and grandmothers, who simply don’t know any other way. Even when you were little, they already knew perfectly well how to quickly wash windows without streaks, and at the same time, their technology is relevant even now in the age of technological progress.

The instructions for the “grandmother’s” method are as follows:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to correctly choose the most favorable time, since washing windows without streaks is possible only in cloudy weather. If you start the process on a bright sunny day, the soapy water on the glass will dry out too quickly, forming rainbow halos;

  1. Pour into a convenient bowl or bucket water at room temperature. The liquid must be warm, since hot liquid will leave smudges behind, and cold liquid will cause significant discomfort to your hands;

I do not recommend taking a full container of water; two-thirds of its volume will be quite enough. Otherwise, it will be very inconvenient for you to stir the soap solution, and then move the brimming basin around the room. You'll probably spill it somewhere.

  1. Add it to the water with your own hands a small amount of soap or powder, then stir thoroughly. This is not the only recipe that our grandmothers used for high-quality cleaning of window glass, but I will pay special attention to them below;

  1. Preparing the rags: one for applying soapy liquid, the other for dry wiping the window unit. Flannel or suede, which perfectly absorb moisture, is very suitable for achieving your goals;

Be sure to make sure that the pieces of rags are solid without protruding rags. Otherwise, after you finish washing, you will also have to collect all the threads from the glass.

  1. Before cleaning the glass surface of the window, you must wash its frame, which is what we do. At the same time, it is worth removing dirt even from hard-to-reach crevices using a toothpick;

When working with mixed compounds, I recommend wearing rubber gloves. The soap solution described here is by and large harmless, but there are other formulations that I will touch on later, and store-bought products that can negatively affect the skin of your hands.

  1. Now apply the cleaning composition directly to the glass from the inside using one of the prepared rags;

If the windows were last washed quite a long time ago, and the layer of dirt has already acquired an indecent consistency, then do not rush to immediately remove the soap solution, let it soak in better, destroying the dirt deposits. Then the further process will be easier and with greater effect.

  1. How to properly remove the substance formed on the glass surface? Using a dry cloth, moving from top to bottom;

  1. But how to wash windows so that there are no streaks for sure, because even flannel or suede can leave traces of soap solution, which then turn into rainbow spots that are unpleasant to the eye? And here, probably, many will remember from childhood the indescribable squeaking sound heard when grandmothers or mothers wiped glass crumpled paper. It is this simple device that copes with the task of completely drying the glass surface.

  1. After all this has been done, you can start washing double-glazed windows from the street using a similar approach.

Folk remedies for removing dirt from windows don’t end there; over decades of caring for glass, people have come up with many more interesting recipes.

Grandma's legacy

Secrets of high-quality cleaning of window blocks using improvised means:

  • Adding ammonia in a soap solution will allow you to easily remove even the most stubborn stains;

  • Another composition that allows you to quickly bring glass to a shine is prepared from crushed chalk and vodka. The ready-to-use mixture should look like sour cream;

  • How to clean a glass surface if there are flies on it? Cut onion into two parts and wipe the marks with them, after which rinse everything off with warm water;

  • What is the best way to achieve shine if there is no vodka in the house and there is no vodka? Then use starch, it will also make the glass shine;

  • To prevent flies from returning to washed window blocks, when you rinse off the soap solution, add a little vinegar to the water.

As you can see, there are a variety of washing methods using available products that you can find at home.

Approach No. 2: “Everything has already been thought of for you”

Today, to the question of how to wash plastic windows without streaks, any specialized store will give you a thousand answers. The technology itself has remained approximately the same, only instead of rags and hand-prepared solutions, special tools and concentrates are used, which, of course, make the work easier, but also require additional financial investments.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with some of them:


What is the most convenient way to clean glass? Here are some suggestions:

  • Microfiber cloth. It simply absorbs water perfectly without leaving even a trace of moisture behind. As an example, I will give a description of the “Aqualine” napkin:

  • Special scraper on an extended handle will allow you to reach the top of the window without a chair or stepladder, and will also be able to cope with the removal of chewing gum. As an example, I propose to consider the proposal of the company “GRASS”:

  • Magnetic brush allows you to wash the window both inside and outside at the same time. So you don't have to perform dangerous acrobatic stunts when tidying up window blocks on high floors. This device consists of two parts, one of which is installed on the back side of the glass, and the other is operated from the room, holding and forcing the first to move using built-in magnets. The cost of such a device, depending on the brand, can vary from 400 to 2500 rubles.


And here are examples of some window cleaning compositions that I have seen on store shelves:

  • "Lazur" has antiseptic properties and does not require subsequent rinsing. Also adding convenience is the fact that it is sold in a half-liter spray bottle. That is, it is enough to simply spray it on contaminated areas. Such a bottle costs 57 rubles;

  • The Turkish “Mr. Muscle” is probably familiar to many from television advertising. It contains ammonia, the properties of which I mentioned in folk remedies. It is also equipped with a sprayer and is most often sold in half-liter containers, the price of which is 210 rubles;

  • The “Aqualon” concentrate containing ethyl alcohol can be purchased in a five-liter canister for 377 rubles, and this supply will last you for a very long time, since it will be enough to simply add a small amount of it to the solution being prepared each time you wash the glass.

Approach No. 3: “They can even do everything for you”

The future is already on the threshold and offers you to acquire special equipment that, in fact, can cope with window cleaning at all with virtually no participation from you. Here are examples of such miracle technologies:

  • Robot for washing window blocks Hobot 168 will solve the problem for you, although it may leave you with a little dirt in the corners of the structure. Technical description:

  • Wiper Although the Kärcher WV 50 Plus will require your help, the result is simply amazing. Technical description:

  • Steam cleaners They will perform high-quality environmental cleaning of windows without the use of detergents at all. Also, the window unit will receive a high level of disinfection. Such equipment is also widely represented by the German brand “Kärcher”, so as an example I will give a model from their “SC 5 Premium Iron” line:


We looked at how to clean windows efficiently using grandma's approach, using modern tools and means, as well as using very advanced technologies in the form of special equipment. It’s up to you to choose, you can achieve a good result in any case, it’s just that in the first case it will be more difficult to do, but cheaper, in the second it’s easier, but more expensive, and in the third it’s quite simple, but very expensive.

The video in this article will provide you with some additional information that is directly related to the materials presented. If you have any questions on the topic, please ask them in the comments.

September 27, 2016

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The good thing about high-quality plastic windows is that cleaning them is a pleasure! This is especially understood by those who previously dealt with old wooden frames (dry, warped and splintered), which had to be opened or unscrewed in order to get to the inner surfaces of the glass in the package. Washing plastic windows is much more pleasant and faster, but this process has its own nuances.

Plastic windows are usually washed in spring and autumn. It’s nice and quick to do this, but, as in any business, this process has its own nuances

Those who just want to clean up can limit themselves to water and two rags - wash off all the dirt with a wet one, and wipe off the remaining water from the glass with a dry one. If you are striving for a “shine” effect, then when wondering how to quickly and efficiently wash plastic windows at home, start with proper preparation.

Preparatory process

To begin, prepare the necessary equipment:

  • buckets of warm water;
  • soft rags and sponges;
  • detergents.

Nowadays, many convenient and useful devices have been added to the usual set of household cleaning tools, for example, a variety of scrapers, brushes or mops.

Many people prefer to clean glass with special rubber scrapers made similar to car wipers.

Think about what else you might need - a stepladder, a large basin for removing curtains and curtains, a vacuum cleaner, newspapers or old nylon tights (they can be used to rub washed glass).

Owners of blinds with horizontal slats will have to tinker with cleaning them

Having prepared everything you need, you can proceed to active actions:

  1. Remove all curtains and curtains and put them in the wash. Collect the dusty blinds, move them to the side or lift them as high as possible and secure them.
  2. Clear the window sills of flower pots, vases, candles, etc. standing on them. Take advantage of the opportunity to tidy up your house plants: carefully inspect, clean and prune, plant if necessary, wipe the leaves, wash with cool “rain” from the shower.
  3. Remove the mosquito nets and immediately wash them in a large basin or bathtub under strong pressure from the shower head. There is no need to rub the thin mesh so as not to damage it; dust and dirt are easily washed off with water. It is convenient to wipe plastic frames with a soft sponge.

Wash mosquito nets in a bathtub in a vertical position, it is convenient to leave them there to drain water

When you have removed everything unnecessary and provided yourself with convenient access, it’s time to start washing plastic windows and window sills.


The choice of window cleaning products is very wide. If you prefer to use household chemicals, then in any store you will find glass cleaning sprays, gels, pastes or special wipes impregnated with a detergent composition and do not require the use of water. Liquid or laundry soap, washing gels and powders, and dishwashing detergents work well to remove dust and dirt from frames, window sills and glass from the outside. They need to be added to the water in small quantities so as not to create excess foam.

Don't use too much detergent - too much suds will add more work to your work.

The most commonly used home remedies to help clean plastic windows without streaks are table vinegar, potato starch, salt, tooth powder or chalk. We will explain how to handle them further.


You need to start properly washing plastic windows from above and from the inside, that is, from cleaner surfaces, and then gradually move on to the main contaminants that accumulate below and outside.

Wash away the dirt

At this stage, the main thing is not to be lazy about changing the water and rinsing the rag well so as not to spread dirt across the surface of the plastic and glass.

It is enough to wipe the glass from the inside with a cloth moistened with clean water.

Start with wet or dry cleaning from the very top - wipe the cornices, collect dust and cobwebs from the ceiling and slopes with a vacuum cleaner. Mix a warm, mild soap solution in a bucket and wipe the inside of the frames and glass without opening the window. Rub the most contaminated areas on the handles and windowsill well with a rag or sponge.

Be careful when washing the outside of windows

Change the water in the bucket to clean water and add the next portion of detergent to it. Open the window sashes and wipe the top, sides, and then the bottom surfaces of each sash frame. Wash the frame itself and the glass outside, soak the dirt on the outer window sill.

To avoid stains from detergents, it is recommended to remove dirt from glass not with soapy water, but with solutions:

  • table vinegar - 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of warm water;
  • crushed chalk or tooth powder - 1-2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of warm water;
  • potato starch - 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of warm water;
  • table salt – 1-2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of warm water.

Heavily soiled glass can be washed well with a solution of vinegar, ammonia and starch. To prepare it, take 1 liter of warm water, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and ammonia, 1 tsp. potato starch. Pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle, spray generously over the surface of the glass and collect all softened dirt with a damp cloth.

It is recommended to rub individual dirty spots or black dots from insects on the glass with half of a cut, unpeeled potato or onion.

It is better to wash plastic windows and window sills with gloves to protect the skin of your hands.

Change the water again and, without soap, wash away any remaining dirt from the outer surface of the glass, frame and window sill. To be sure, wipe them again with a clean, well-wrung out cloth. At this point, the “dirty and wet” part of the work can be considered complete; all that remains is to clean the glass to perfect transparency and shine.

Let's shine

It is no secret that after washing glass, traces of dried water and soapy stains from detergents remain on their surface. Good housewives cope with such problems easily. How to wash plastic windows without streaks?

For polishing glass, napkins or rags that do not fray and absorb moisture well are best suited.

To rub the surface of the glass to a mirror shine, take a dry cloth or napkin. Some people prefer to polish things the old fashioned way (but no less efficiently) with crumpled newspaper or old nylon tights. Glass should be polished using intense circular movements from top to bottom.

Suitable weather conditions are considered an important factor for obtaining an ideal result. It is correct to wash plastic windows on a warm day in the absence of bright sun, rain and strong wind. In the hot sun, the remaining water and detergents dry out very quickly, leaving a lot of stains, and wind and rain make the process very difficult and constantly stain already washed surfaces.

Finishing touches

After making it clean and beautiful, take care of the safety and durability of your windows. The opening and closing mechanisms of the sashes are subject to the greatest mechanical loads, and the rubber seals are subject to temperature loads.

Window manufacturers recommend lubricating all metal fittings with machine oil after each wash after complete drying. Rubber gaskets around the perimeter of the frames must be treated with special silicone grease at least once a year.

Manufacturers of plastic windows recommend lubricating all metal fittings with machine oil after each wash after complete drying.

After taking the necessary preventive measures, you can install mosquito nets and close the windows. Wipe the window sill again with a clean, damp cloth, removing any traces of cleaning and processing remaining on it. Return the “cheerful” flowers and home decor items to their place, hang curtains and clean curtains.

Now you can enjoy the smells of freshness and gentle sunlight with a clear conscience until it’s time to wash your plastic windows again.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

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Do you know that:

Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.

There are special traps to combat moths. The sticky layer with which they are covered contains female pheromones that attract males. By sticking to the trap, they are eliminated from the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

Before removing various stains from clothing, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

The dishwasher cleans more than just plates and cups. You can load it with plastic toys, glass lamp shades and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without using detergents.

The habit of using an automatic washing machine “sparingly” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt onto the paper, heat the iron to maximum and run the iron over the salt bed several times, applying light pressure.

If your favorite things show the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to their proper appearance.

Threads made of gold and silver, which were used to embroider clothes in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers to the required fineness. This is where the expression “to drag out the rigmarole” came from - “to do long, monotonous work” or “to delay the completion of a task.”

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don’t have to worry about leaks from neighbors above.

Many special devices have been invented to clean frames and glass from dirt, some of them are practically useless, others significantly facilitate the process.

Effective tools:

  1. Porous sponge. We choose a product with sides of different hardness. We wash the glass with a soft half, and remove old dirt with a hard half.
  2. Absorbent wipes. A soft cloth is intended for wiping dry. Special napkins made of artificial suede and microfiber, which do not leave streaks, are very good for these purposes.
  3. Double-sided squeegee or scraper for windows. On one side of the tool there is a long sponge made of foam rubber or microfiber, on the other there is an elastic rubber scraper. Some models are equipped with a telescopic handle, which makes their use very convenient.
  4. Magnetic sponges. The built-in magnet allows you to simultaneously wash the inner and outer surface of the glass. Convenient for cleaning windows located on upper floors.

If there are no special tools, you can get by with a few cotton rags that absorb water well and any sponge.

Window cleaners

The widest range of such products is presented in all stores. You need to understand that to wash windows you will need two different compositions: one for glass, the second for frames and window sills. In principle, you can use a general solution in the form of a soap solution, but the result will not be the best. It will be difficult to remove stains from glass, and you will have to spend a lot of effort on washing window sills and frames.

It is better to select two compositions. An alcohol-based composition, available in a spray bottle, is well suited for glass. It is easy to use, and there are practically no stains. For frames, we select the appropriate product based on the type of material. For plastic, for example, cleaning abrasives and aggressive agents are contraindicated. Painted wood cannot be washed with soda solutions.

How to clean windows: step-by-step instructions

To do this, you don’t need to put in a lot of effort. All you have to do is do everything right, and to do this, follow five simple steps.

1. Remove unnecessary things

Washing windows should begin with cleaning the window sill. It's good if it's usually empty. But most often, at best, there are pots of flowers here, and there may be other items. We completely clean, preparing the place for cleaning.

2. Wash the frame

Windows begin to be washed from the frames. It may seem strange to some, but this helps optimize the process. If you wash the sashes after the glass, the latter will certainly contaminate the water drips and you will have to repeat the operation again.

We wet the frames with water, rinse them clean with a suitable detergent and wipe dry.

3. Clean the fittings

This primarily applies to plastic windows. We thoroughly wash the rubber seals that press the glass to the frame, clean all metal and drainage elements. It is especially important to keep drains clean in case they become clogged or covered with ice during the cold season.

4. Clean the glass

The easiest way to do this is with a special product sprayed from a spray bottle. If the glass is too dusty, it must be wiped first. Then apply the detergent composition, wipe the surface with a cloth and polish with a clean cloth.

5. Cleaning the window sill

The window is already clean - All that remains is to wash the window sill using any suitable product.

At the end of wet cleaning, it is advisable to lubricate all metal fittings with machine oil, this will extend its service life. Rubber seals on plastic windows are lubricated with a special solution containing silicone. In this way, it will be possible to maintain their plasticity and prevent the appearance of cracks.

How to use a window cleaning squeegee correctly

If the windows are very large and you cannot reach every corner of the glass surface, you should use a double-sided squeegee with a telescopic handle. First, moisten a sponge in clean water and wipe the glass with it. Then we apply detergent to it and wash the glass surface until it shines.

Now we turn the squeegee over, place the scraper at the top of the window, lightly press it against the glass and move it down. We wipe the rubber strip dry and repeat the operation until the entire surface has been treated. This way you can clean even the largest window quickly and easily.

How to wash windows: instructions from Martha Stewart

American cleaning genius Martha Stewart has another trick for cleaning windows.

  1. Remove dirt and dust from the window sill and other horizontal surfaces.
  2. Make a cleaning solution from vinegar and water (1:1 ratio) and wipe the glass with it.
  3. Clean the windows with a rubber squeegee.
  4. Wipe the glass dry with store-bought cleaner.

The entire process is shown in this short video.

Immediately after installation, plastic windows look attractive, decorating the room with their snow-white appearance. Over time, dirt from accumulated dust, marks from cups and flower vases appear on the windowsill. The frames may show black mold accumulation or just a yellow discoloration. Housewives are trying to wash and even bleach the plastic. But in order not to make things worse, you need to know exactly how to clean plastic windows without damaging their surface.

The window sill is most often subject to contamination. More dust accumulates on a horizontal surface and is sometimes used as a stand for various objects, which results in many stubborn stains of dirt. Before you start washing the window sill, it is better to remove the side decorative plugs. This will eliminate the accumulation of small particles of dirt at the joints. A stain-free surface can simply be washed with a microfiber cloth soaked in warm water. Then wipe dry to avoid streaks.

To clean old stains or marks after repairs, you will have to resort to the use of cleaning products. It is better to purchase them in the store, but you can also prepare them at home.

Homemade Cleaning Products

External factors often contribute to the appearance of yellowness or gray spots. This includes exposure to sunlight, changes in temperature, or simply changes in the structure of impurities added to the plastic.

All these unpleasant marks can be easily cleaned with home remedies:

These simple tools, available in every housewife, will help keep PVC window sills clean.

Industrial cleaning products

For people who do not trust home remedies, manufacturers of household chemicals offer various cleaning pastes, solutions and powders. But they can be no less dangerous for plastic if used unreasonably, plus cause allergic irritations to the skin of the hands.

The most popular means that can be used to clean PVC window sills are the following:

Sometimes housewives try to clean very dirty surfaces with powders intended for the care of hobs. Yes, they are effective, but before you wash the window sill with powder, you need to make sure that it does not contain abrasive substances. Solid particles will leave a lot of scratches, ruining the appearance.

To wash PVC frames, use almost the same products as for window sills, since the material being cleaned is homogeneous. If, after renovating an apartment, you have to wash the frames of newly installed windows, you must remove the protective film. Over time, it will stick and it will be difficult to remove it. After this, ordinary dirt is washed off with water with the addition of laundry soap, dishwashing liquid or washing powder. It is important that any composition does not contain acids or abrasives. Even new frames may show minor scratches. They can be easily hidden by treating the area with polish.

Store-bought care products for PVC frames

You can clean the PVC frame with the same “Mr. Proper" or similar products used for window sills. However, this list can be expanded a little:

  • Domestos gel, specially developed for toilets and baths, can whiten yellowed frames;
  • The basis of Pemolux cream is soda. It is safe for PVC surfaces and can easily clean stubborn dirt after repair;
  • It is good to wash off grease from kitchen frames with Comet gel. When used, it is diluted at the rate of 60 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water;
  • Mr Muscle cream will help whiten frames. The preparation is rubbed onto the PVC surface and washed off with a wet sponge after 3 minutes.

When using any chemical, you must remember safety precautions and use personal protective equipment.

Folk remedies for caring for PVC frames

You can clean PVC frames at home, as well as window sills, using folk remedies. Let's look at the two most popular recipes:

  1. Equal proportions of chalk and tooth powder are diluted with water to form a paste. This mixture is applied to a dirty surface and after drying, simply wiped with a dry soft cloth.
  2. To remove a stubborn stain, sprinkle it with baking soda and immediately rub it with a sponge soaked in vinegar. The reaction that occurs will clear out the dirt, after which the frame must be washed with clean water.

When using an unfamiliar folk remedy, you must first test it on a small area and then rub it on the entire frame.

Removing aggressive stains

Often, after repairs, aggressive marks remain on PVC windows, which cannot always be removed with store and home remedies. They can also be removed at home.

Scotch tape marks

After removing the tape, sticky marks remain on the plastic. They cannot be removed with a dry cloth. Folk remedies will help here:

  • Glue a piece of fresh tape onto the remaining mark and tear it off with a sharp jerk. The process continues until a positive result is achieved;
  • Lubricate the sticky spot with any vegetable oil. After 10 minutes, the dirt is wiped off with a paper napkin;
  • the sticky trace is erased with cotton wool or gauze soaked in ammonia or ordinary alcohol.

If small traces of tape remain, do not immediately resort to aggressive cleaning methods. You can try to erase the stain with a regular eraser.

Traces of paint

On plastic, traces of paint are a serious problem that requires immediate removal. First, you need to resort to a gentle method, smearing the dried paint with silicate glue. As the glue dries, it will begin to shrink, pulling the bulk of the paint with it.

How to adjust plastic windows with your own hands if the sashes sag or there is draft from the windows.

If this does not help, take a piece of cotton wool, soak it in nail polish remover and wipe the painted area. It is important to pay attention that the liquid does not contain acetone. Otherwise, this substance will corrode the plastic.

Polyurethane foam

Sticking foam in the wrong place is a common occurrence after repairs. Cosmofen is sold specifically for PVC windows. Uncured foam is cleaned off with a plastic scraper, and the remaining stain is wiped off with a rag soaked in this solution.

Dry foam should be cut off as much as possible with a sharp knife, and the remaining stain should be moistened with Dimexide medical solution. After 5 minutes, loose residues are wiped off with the hard side of a dishwashing sponge.

The store sells special foam solvents. Before using them, you must carefully study the instructions, otherwise the aggressive solution will do more harm than good. The most harmless product for plastic and the skin of the hands is SOL OFF Delicat Barton’S.


On the street side, a lot of soot settles on PVC frames. It is formed during the operation of factories and from vehicle exhaust gases. Inside the room, soot settles from tobacco smoke and food burnt during cooking. A soap solution or baking soda will help get rid of it. They simply wipe the window, then rinse with clean water. You should not use aggressive anti-soot products.

Construction mud

After the renovation is completed, traces of cement, wallpaper paste or plaster remain on the windows. All these residues are easily washed off with soapy water. Very hard fractions can be pre-soaked in vinegar, then washed off.

Having cleared the window sills and frames of dirt, all that remains is to wipe off the glass. For this, there are many store-bought remedies such as “Second” or simply add ammonia to the water. Traditional crumpled newspaper will help add shine to glass.

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