Without which the hut cannot be cut. Cognitive and wise proverbs with numbers

We offer you a book for children "Tales of Letters and Words" as one of the options for the first acquaintance of children with their native language (with letters and words). Learning to read and write should be closely linked with drawing, playing and comprehending the beauty of the world. Therefore, in the book for children "Tales of Letters and Words" many questions, tasks and games aimed at developing creative imagination child. The book for children "Tales of Letters and Words" acquaints the child with letters and words, as with kind dear creatures. Each letter in the child's mind is associated with visual images, so both the letter itself and all the words about which it tells in a fairy tale are easily remembered. Emotional coloring of images helps children learn to read quickly.

Book "Tales of Letters and Words" (Learning to read) recommended for educators and parents to work with preschool children. The book contains over 100 fairy tales.

The book KIND ABC was published, in fairy tales, poems and coloring pages. More than 100 fairy tales about letters and words, more than 100 quatrains about letters and punctuation marks and 100 black and white drawings for coloring. The texts in the books FAIRY TALE ABOUT LETTERS AND WORDS and GOOD ABC are not repeated.


This book for children fills the learning process of reading and writing with vivid, vivid imagery of letters. In the book GOOD ABC you will find:

Kind tales who introduce children to letters, like with family, funny creatures;
- funny quatrains to help you memorize letters quickly and easily;
- coloring pages that enable children to create their own images of letters;
- creative tasks and games that develop logical thinking.

The purpose of this book: to connect the process of teaching literacy with drawing, playing and comprehending the beauty of the world.
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A. Lopatina
M. Skrebtsova

The old ABC sobbed:

Oh woe! Again I hear: "I don't want to!" "I won't!" Why aren't kids friendly with my smart letters?

Don't cry, wise book! We will tell children fairy tales about letters, and they will definitely love us.

Okay, - the ABC calmed down, - I'll listen too. More than anything, I love fairy tales.

Letter G

Met on the road gosling and a puppy.

Rrr, - the puppy growled, - I'll bite you!

Sh-sh-sh, - hissed gosling, - I'll pinch you.

Can not be so rough talk, - said the letter sternly G.

She gave the puppy - " Woof woof", a caterpillar - « ha-ha-ha».

- Ha-ha-ha, - shouted gosling, - let `s play.

- Woof woof, - answered the puppy, - we ran a race.

In the evening gosling said to the puppy:

- Ha-ha-ha, - let's go to me in guests i will treat you peas.

- Woof woof, - answered the puppy, - you are very hospitable.

What kind of treat will the letter G prepare for you?

Letter D

Why doesn't anyone live in me? - the new one thought sadly House.

I am big and handsome. I have a door and green yard.

The house should have soul, - said the letter D.

And what is it? - surprised House.

This is when the house is cozy and warm. Are burning in the stove firewood, and from the pipe comes smoke.

What should I do? - cried new house.

I will call lumberjack, - suggested the letter D.

Soon he settled in a new house woodcutter.

He brought firewood and lit the stove. V home it became warm and comfortable.

Is there a soul in your house?

Letter Ж

I caught the letter F, - the boy showed his mother beetle.

It looks like a letter F and buzzes, how F- Mom agreed.

- W-w-w-w let me go home! - hummed scared beetle.

Okay, but where is your home? The boy asked.

In a large stump, on the lower one this f-f-f-e, - explained bug.

The boy let go of the beetle and looked for a long time at the miracle stump inhabited by various insects.

- It's a pity, bug flew away and we have no letter F, - he said to mom.

Can't you hear? - Mom was surprised.

« F-f-f"- the bees were buzzing. " F-f-f, "- flies buzzed.

There's a letter everywhere here F! - the boy was delighted.

Pozh-zhuzhi, like a beetle!

Letter L

I don't want to sleep, I won't lie down, - the girl was capricious.

Mom furrowed her eyebrows, but the letter L softly whispered in her ear Magic word « I love».

I AM I love you, my baby, - affectionately said mom and hugged her daughter. Mom kissed her, and the girl fell asleep calmly.

“Big and small people need more than anything love and weasel", - thought the letter L.

She flew everywhere and softly whispered: “ Love love love"- so that no one will forget to say this magic word.

Say the magic word "love" to everyone you love.

Letter O

White cloud floated quietly across the blue sky.

It looked at the ground and wondered: "OOO"!

Below on the ground lay another round and shiny cloud.

Hello, cloud on the ground - said cloud in the sky.

I do not cloud, a Lake.

- OOO, so I can't play with you, - sad cloud.

Letter O I heard their conversation and came to the rescue.

- OOO you are so small cloud, - was delighted cloud.

- OOO you are so tiny Lake, - laughed Lake.

Lake threw a letter O on cloud, a cloud threw a letter O down in Lake... It was excellent the game.

Who else does the letter O like to play with?

:.: :.: :.:


House from the letter A

Son, this is the letter A, - said mom.

She is not a toy, but I love to play, ”the boy replied angrily.

Make me a home. Two sticks in a hut, in the middle - a crossbar, - suggested the letter A.

I’ll put the bus downstairs and the aquarium on the crossbar, ”the boy agreed.

A stork can live on the roof, and we will hang a lampshade under the roof, '' the letter A picked up.

And for lunch we will have pineapples and oranges, - said the boy.

I’ll bring them from Africa by airplane, ”the letter replied.

You more interesting than toys, letter A, - the boy laughed.

Tell me, what would you put in the house from the letter A?

New Year at E and Yo

New Year we met the letters at the sisters E and E. The letter E wanted to bring a large spruce from the forest, but the letter E grew a fluffy Christmas tree in a pot.

I'll put a star on the top of her head, '' suggested the letter Z.

I will decorate it with balls, - said the letter S.

I will dress her up in glittering tinsel, said the letter M.

I will light cheerful lights on its branches, - the letter O laughed.

“I’ll lay out the presents under it,” the letter P said mysteriously.

When the tree was decorated, sisters E and Yo sang in unison:

“A Christmas tree was born in our country, it grew with us, and brought joy to our wise alphabet!”

Then sisters E and Yo treated the letters to delicious food.

What did the letters E and Yo treat their girlfriends to?

Desires of the letters Ж and З

One day girlfriends F and Z were sitting on the roof and admiring the stars.

Suddenly, a sparkling star came down to them, sat down, comfortably hanging its legs from the roof, and said:

I flew to fulfill your wishes.

I want to become famous, - the letter Z immediately declared.

I want to learn to juggle, ”said the letter J.

At that moment, the groan of a jasmine bush was heard from the garden.

Oh, rain, come. I am dry and I will not be able to savor tomorrow.

Let the rain feed the jasmine bush, ”they said in unison.

Rain pounded on the iron roof, and the star flew home.

Will the asterisk fulfill the wishes of the letters G and Z?


Faithful friends

A dog, a cat and a horse argued over which of them was a true friend of man.

I protect the house and protect the owner, - the dog barked.

The cat is always allowed ahead when they move into a new house. We are the keepers of the home.

Previously, a man with his faithful horse did everything together: he plowed the land and carried loads! the horse whinnied loudly.

In the evening, the sad owner returned. His faithful friend has gone far.

The horse pushed trustingly into his shoulder. The dog put its muzzle on his lap, and the cat jumped onto his shoulders and warmed him with fluffy fur.

You are my most faithful friends! - said the owner through tears.

Tell us about your faithful friend.

Proud Mountain

Once upon a time there was a high, proud mountain. She was only friends with the clouds. The clouds rested on the mountain and washed it with rain. Once the sun was very hot, and the clouds flew to cold countries.

The grief was hot and sad without friends.

Nobody needs me, ”the mountain cried, and streams of tears flowed from it.

The dry ground below was damp and flowers blossomed on it.

Thank you mountain, you saved me from drought! - shouted the earth.

The mountain was surprised. She was proud and never looked down.

Seeing the land with flowers, the mountain laughed with joy.

Friends are everywhere, you just need to see them! - said the wise heaven.

Tell me who you are friends with.

Mom's heart

Big birch grew up in a forest with three small birches. With her spreading branches, Mother Birch protected her daughters from wind and rain.

One day a strong thunderstorm broke out in the forest. Thunder roared, lightning flashed in the sky. The birches trembled with fear. Mother birch hugged them and said: "Do not be afraid, behind my branches the lightning will not notice you."

A sharp lightning flashed in the sky and struck directly into the birch. She did not fall and hugged her daughters even tighter.

When the storm passed, the tree trunk cracked. Falling, the birch whispered tenderly: "My trunk will be overgrown with moss, but my heart will beat in it!" Sit in the forest on the trunk of an old birch, close your eyes and listen.

Tell me what you hear.

Without you, it's not that in any way, without you - there is no need.

"You must love her, if only simply because she chose you out of four billion men!"

No one can make a lock without keys. So life will not give a problem without a solution.

A person cannot live without a heart, without a liver, without kidneys - but without brains they can live peacefully for whole generations!

Learn to enjoy without alcohol, dream without drugs, communicate without the Internet.

There is only one way to solve the love triangle problem - by changing the number of angles. If you can't remove the third, add the fourth.

We spend too much time in our rooms. We think too much within four walls. We live too much and despair locked up. And in the bosom of nature, how can you fall into despair?

Know how to appreciate the one who cannot live without you, and do not chase after the one who is happy without you!

Do not look back, everything is unchanged there.

We will be ruined - politics without principles, pleasure without conscience, wealth without work, knowledge without character, business without morality, science without humanity and prayer without sacrifice.

"One, two, three, four, five! The bunny went out for a walk! " Children love this counting rhyme very much! Why don't we take advantage of their love for numbers, and introduce the kids to the proverbs where these numbers are found? And at the same time, repeat the count with the kids. So it will turn out, as in the saying: "we will kill two birds with one stone!"

Yes, indeed, we have already addressed the topic of proverbs with numbers on the pages of the site more than once. These were two special articles - and. But it turned out that a lot of interesting things on this topic remained. 🙂 This means that the holiday continues!

Proverbs with numbers

The hut cannot be cut without four corners.

Misfortune never comes alone.

Spring and autumn - there are eight weather per day.

There are two wills in the field: whose will take.

Alone you cannot overcome a hummock, an artel and over a mountain - just right.

Uphill, seven can hardly pull, and downhill, and one will push.

At 20 years of age, there is no strength - and there will not be; in 30 years there is no mind - and there will not be, in 40 years there is no prosperity - and there will not be.

A loyal friend is better than a hundred servants.

Grief for two is half a mountain, joy for two is half joy.

Two bears in the same den will not get along.

Two deaths cannot happen, and one cannot be avoided.

Two dogs are fighting, the third - don't poke your nose.

They forgive up to two times, and beat them the third time.

A good deed has lived for two centuries.

Nine mice pulled together, pulled the lid off the tub.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one.

You cannot exchange one rich man for a band of beggars.

And it's sick to live in paradise alone.

Whoever helped soon helped twice.

The horse has four legs, and then it stumbles.

Who dared, he ate two.

Whoever knows at least one trade will not know the need.

It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.

The bummer works twice.

In one place, and the stone is overgrown with moss.

Do not recognize a friend in three days - recognize in three.

The feed cannot be divided into three pigs.

On three legs you will become more limp.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Don't put all your money in one pocket.

At one veche, but not only speeches.

One spring at home is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land.

One bee does not carry a lot of honey.

If you cut down one tree, plant ten.

You can't clap your hands with one hand.

One truth in the world lives on.

Once - does not count.

One hand does not knit a knot.

One is plowing, and seven are waving their hands.

One wise head is worth a hundred heads.

One bee is better than a swarm of flies.

One "today" is better than a hundred "tomorrow."

From one word to a quarrel forever.

One ride - and the road is long.

One for all, and all for one.

One swallow does not make spring.

One and porridge does not argue.

One god and one truth.

You can't fertilize a field with a mare alone.

It's boring to hurry alone.

One smart is worth three fools.

One head it's good, but two better.

One wolf drives sheep regiment.

One is in sin, but everyone is responsible.

A person has one own mother, one is his homeland.

One spoiled apple rots a whole cart.

From love to hate one step.

Some do so-to-themselves, others - as to themselves.

One fool can ask more than a hundred smart ones can answer.

One fool will say - a hundred wise men will not understand.

From the great to the ridiculous - one step.

Writes in three pens, and the money is not a dispute.

Scripture is not an easy matter: two fingers write, and the whole body hurts.

Once he lied, he became a liar forever.

Hands will overcome one, knowledge - a thousand.

I don't fight myself, I'm not afraid of seven.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

They don't tear two skins from one ox.

Seven times measure cut once.

Your own nickel of someone else's ruble is more expensive.

Seven axes lie together and two spinning wheels apart.

The coward dies a hundred times, and the hero dies once.

The one and the lord who cannot do one.

There are three cows, they will calve, there will be six.

The hedgehog has one strength - thorns.

Mind is good, but two is better.

The rich have a thousand worries, and the poor have one concern.

The mother has two young daughters and there is no water in the bucket.

The lazy one has seven holidays a week.

Even if you don't eat for three days, you won't get off the stove.

It takes three years to learn hard work, and three days to learn laziness.

Four corners of a home to a building, four seasons to commit.

Sayings with numbers

God loves the Trinity.

It entered one ear and exited the other.

He drank two, and he doesn't remember where.

You can't put everything in one paw.

Two of a Kind.

I got ready for two hours, washed my face for two hours, cleaned for an hour, dressed for a day.

There are two hundred, but not in one place.

There are five kopecks, and the grandmother is in the bargain.

For one beaten two unbeaten give.

Over the seven seas.

Behind seven seals.

For a spoon - the first, and for work - the last.

As two drops of water.

Like the fifth wheel in a cart.

Round zero.

Like the back of my hand.

The goat competed with the wolf - one skin remained.

Onion for seven ailments.

Between two fires.

Two words.

On two fronts.

Not two, not one and a half.

Zero without a stick.

For a ruble of work, for two boasting.

Audacity second happiness.

Not a timid dozen.

One head on the shoulders.

There is safety in numbers.

Alone at sea is not a fisherman.

Kills seven in one fell swoop.

They have been waiting for the promised three years.

One leg is here, the other is there.

One - with a bipod, and gray with a spoon.

Birds of a feather.

Once a year, the stick shoots.

We live once.

Again - twenty-five.

Once - does not count.

Two inches from the pot.

The first pancake is lumpy.

A double-edged sword.

Seven troubles - one answer.

Seven miles is not a hook.

Seven raise one straw.

Miser pays twice.

Seventh water on jelly.

Seven are sitting on the benches.

Seven spans in the forehead.

Sit on two chairs.

Seven don't wait for one.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Tuck into both cheeks.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Limp on both feet.

The price for a braggart is three kopecks.

Sixth Sense.

A neck is a penny, an altyn is a head, a hundred rubles is a beard.

A little time will pass, and you will notice that your children began to insert these sayings into their spoken language. This means that your goal has been achieved. And proverbs with numbers have helped your kids in learning. Well done! 🙂

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