Creation of a quality management system for education in secondary schools. Quality management of education in an educational institution Concepts, goals, tools Moscow Center for Education Quality Ivanov D.A.

2 Seminar Topic 2. 2. The system of intra-school education quality management. Questions for discussion: 1. Internal control as a guarantee of creating a system of quality education. 2. Designing the structure of in-school quality management. 3. Functions of in-school control. Stages of intraschool control. 4. Model of the system of in-school control. 5. The main directions of in-school control. 6. Employee incentive system. 7. Objects and methods of assessing the results of the school. 8. External evaluation of school performance. 9. The regularity of the impact of general management functions on the quality of the final result. Complete the task: 1. Write an essay on the topic "Quality management of education based on information technology", make a presentation and make a presentation at the seminar.

3 For quality management, you need: management tools (tools) and quality measurement (assessment); control system (specialized links); management motives (interest); target; use of the result of management (awareness of the need and the benefits of its implementation).

4 CONTROL SYSTEM is a set of actions necessary to influence the control object and ensure its movement in the direction of the target.

51. Forecasting and planning the quality of education, forecasting trends in its change. 2. Organization of the functioning of the education quality management system, specialization of functions, their distribution, consolidation and implementation. 3. Monitoring the quality of education in terms of the parameters of its potential, process and result. 4. Regulation of quality, ensuring compliance and harmony of its characteristics. 5. Assessment of quality, determination of its level and opportunities for improvement. 6. Research of the quality of education in the field of the reasons and origins of its formation, critical factors, limitations, negative influences, priorities. 7. Motivation to ensure and improve the quality of education. The main functions of education quality management E. M. Korotkov

6 Specific functions of education quality management Quality management of teaching staff. Student quality management. Quality management of education technology. Management of information and methodological support Management of the quality of material and technical support. Quality management of education infrastructure. Quality management of the educational program.

7 When forming a quality management system, it is important to take into account four factors: 1. external conditions for quality assurance, 2. the quality potential of the educational institution 3. the process of quality formation, 4. the quality of the educational result.

81. Orientation of all activities of educational institutions towards the goal of education, reflecting the needs, on the satisfaction of which the competitiveness of the university depends. 2. Continuous improvement and improvement of the quality of all processes of educational activities. 3. Ensuring the participation of the entire teaching staff of the educational institution, as well as students in solving problems of the quality of education. 4. Building a quality management system with centralization of the main functions and tasks of improving the quality of education (the principle of the first person). 5. Creation of a system of motivation for the quality of education for both teachers and students. 6. Development and use of modern technologies for the quality of education. 7. Creation of a system for monitoring the quality of education based on objective indicators of the state of quality and assessing trends in its change. 8. Establishing the correspondence of the quality of education to the mission and goals of education in society. 9. Formation of information support for education quality management. 10. Research and forecasting of trends in the quality of education and needs for a new quality. 11. Unification of the terminological apparatus of the quality of education, allowing for a comparative analysis of the level and characteristics of quality.

9 Intraschool management of the quality of education provides for a combination of target-oriented management with a focus on the development of self-assessment, self-control and self-government in the teaching staff. Intraschool education quality management is a new management approach designed to eliminate the discrepancy, inadequacy of the results of the educational activities of the school to the realities of the information society, the essence of which is to provide all participants in the educational process with objective management information about the quality of school education to resolve and overcome the identified contradictions and problems of educational practice. Management of the quality of education is a special management, organized and aimed at achieving not any, not random, not just better than before, not those that will turn out by themselves, but quite definite, in advance predicted with a possible degree of accuracy, educational results, and the goals (results) must be predicted operationally in the area of \u200b\u200bpotential development of a student (graduate), that is, we are always talking about the highest possible for a particular student, about optimal results.

10 The main provisions that make up the theoretical and methodological basis of intraschool education quality management: 1) intraschool education quality management is subordinate to the management of the school as an educational system; 2) the system of intra-school education quality management, being primary, organizationally and functionally is included in a higher order system (regional, territorial); 3) the main life cycle, within the framework of which intraschool education quality management is effective, is the academic year; 4) quality management of education - a modern management approach designed to eliminate the discrepancy between the results of the school's educational activities and the realities of the information society.

13. You can manage the object that has a purposeful procedural nature. What is the object of management

17 Quality policy Resources ensuring quality Expertise diagnostics, education quality assessment Preventive and corrective measures to improve quality Monitoring operations of education quality

192 1 43 Planning organization Management leadership control 5 Purpose analysis Management information Management decision

21 How do you understand the essence of the concept of "intraschool education quality management" The education quality management system is the management of the quality of the educational process and other activities that ensure the formation of competencies of students and school graduates. Education quality management is the management of quality assessment and control mechanisms. Education quality management system is an organized intra-school control and planning of the school's work on the quality of education. Quality management system is a set of organizational structure, methods, processes and resources necessary for the implementation of general quality management

24 Implementation of the mission, goals and objectives of the development program Organizational culture of educational institutions aimed at supporting the educational institution's strategy Social partnership New approaches to the system of assessing the quality of education. The essence of the result. Social order: successful graduate control External and internal expertise

15% of deviations in quality depend on performers and 85% of defects are due to deficiencies in management Edwards Deming

27 It is recommended to use in the development of the Quality Management System in Education Principles of the theory of Quality Management by American Edward Deming

28 Consistency with OU capabilities Assessment of barriers and failures. A clear distribution of powers and responsibilities Concept of integrated quality management

30 Research determining the effectiveness and quality of impact on education The strength of the effect Overall effect Average value Satisfaction of personally important expectations of the student with the qualitative performance of tasks 1, 13 Motivation of the student (value orientations for achievement) 1, 04 Educational effectiveness of elements of education (educational process) 1, 00 Educational a space that allows organizing the student's self-education in accordance with his capabilities 0, 84 Direct influence of the teacher through direct teaching instructions 0, 82 Intensification (inclusion of additional programs, increasing the pace of passing programs) 0, 72 Household factors (living conditions, influence of parents) 0, 67 Feedback and corrective support available (academic performance that triggers special assistance) 0.65 A combined 180,000 research paper published by the University of Auckland

31 Studies that determine the effectiveness and quality of impact on education Effect strength Attitude towards learning 0, 61 Classroom environment (favorable atmosphere, support, high expectations from the student) 0, 56 Formation of goals (goals formed in joint activities with the teacher, as own learning objectives student) 0, 52 Peer tutoring (high achievers help the weak) 0, 50 Teacher development (teaching new methods) 0, 49 Parent involvement 0, 46 Homework 0, 43 Survey - exam (provided it helps students think about studied) 0,

32 Education quality management is the management of the quality of the educational process and other types of activities that ensure the formation of the competencies of the students of educational institutions.Each educational institution, depending on the goals in the field of quality and available resources, chooses its own organizational structure of the quality system. process, monitoring studies, development of preventive and corrective measures, development of IC documentation, etc. The activities of the service are regulated by: the Charter, the regulations on the service, orders and orders of the director, orders and instructive documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, etc.

33 Options for constructing an organizational structure for managing the quality of education of the educational institution Council on the quality of education under the director of the educational institution Deputy director of the educational institution for the quality of education Education quality service of the educational institution Laboratory of the educational quality of the educational institution Department for the quality of education of the educational institution

34 Development of a draft policy of educational institutions in the field of quality of education Development and maintenance of documentation of educational institutions of educational institutions Preparation of administrative proposals for improving the quality of education in educational institutions. measurement of measurable characteristics of the quality of education and methods of their measurement. Organization of work to improve quality: planning, collection and analysis of information, monitoring and control operations, etc.

36 What types of activities are covered by the in-school education quality management system Analysis of the quality of education (subject, supra-subject results, personal development.) Work processes for quality management Information support of management decisions on the problems of improving the quality of education; Quality policy implementation:. planning the quality of the educational process; organization of work to improve quality; development of preventive and corrective measures; Examination of diagnostics, assessment of the quality of education. The system of improving the professional competence of teaching staff. Material and educational and methodological support of images. process Carrying out various monitoring operations of the quality of education

37 Work processes for quality management of education Content of work processes Analysis of education quality Analysis: - MSC; - Final certification; - External control; - Comparative analysis of external and internal control - Conditions that ensure the educational process (quality of lessons, professional competence, teaching and methodological support, etc.) Planning the quality of the educational result Planning the quality of conditions for achieving the planned result, including the use of resources to achieve it

38 Organization of work to ensure the quality of education Creation of conditions necessary to ensure the quality of education (personnel, educational, methodological, material and technical, financial) Areas of activity for studying the personality of the child, identifying the abilities of schoolchildren of all age groups (Individual assessment of the capabilities and abilities of children, diagnostics of professional orientation, etc.), Areas of activity for the development of the teacher's professional competence (system-activity approach, new approaches to the assessment of educational achievements, etc.) Motivation of all participants in the educational process for its quality Activities to organize preventive and corrective measures Creation of a system measures to track and stimulate improvement; a clear distribution of authority, responsibility in organizing quality assurance work. Organization of work on quality control Development of criteria and indicators for examination and evaluation. Development of control and measuring materials, etc. Activities for the organization of MSC Organization of work to determine the measured parameters of the quality characteristics of the educational process Preparation of documents reflecting records for assessing quality Preparation of documents reflecting records for assessing the quality of education Normative consolidation of procedures for assessment, collection, storage of data about the quality of education, etc.

39 Monitoring the quality of education Determine and include in the MSC the necessary types of monitoring for the identified indicators Determine the subjects of monitoring (information consumers) and possible forms of providing them with information Determine the frequency of monitoring, appoint persons responsible for its collection, storage, processing and analysis. Information support of management - the progress of schoolchildren and the level of academic performance; - the competitiveness of schoolchildren in terms of education in universities, participation in olympiads; - satisfaction of schoolchildren with educational programs; - teaching efficiency; - the composition of schoolchildren and its analysis; - available training resources and their cost, etc. Management decisions Determination of information flows necessary for making managerial decisions on the quality of education Determination of a specific object of managerial influence and certain performers and those responsible for its implementation;

41 Critical Factors for Improving the Quality of Education (Based on International Survey of the Top 25 School Systems) Attracting Strong Candidates to the Teaching Profession Candidate Selection Mechanism Increasing Academic Requirements for Education Annual courses of professional development Each teacher should be provided with all available materials, knowledge, abilities to improve the level of the child Implement processes that guarantee quality improvement

42 Updating the system of training and advanced training of personnel Development of public participation in the assessment of the results of teacher activity

44 Complete the assignment and answer the questions: Describe the system for managing the development of teachers in the school What analytical information do you use in the school to assess the quality of education and make management decisions? Describe the structure, directions of activity and assess the effectiveness of the in-school system for managing the quality of education.

45 literature. PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SELECTION OF MODEL MODEL OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Education for high schools and colleges of St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI".) GUIDELINES FOR PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTING SELF-EFFICIENCY OF FUNCTIONING OF CONTROL SYSTEMS OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT BASED ON THE MODEL OF IMPROVING PERFORMANCE (St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI".) 2005. Monitoring of general educational achievements of graduates of basic school Polivanov K. N. Kasprzhak A. G. Venger A. L. M. 2006 Quality monitoring: statistics and sociology of education M. L. Agranovich O. Ya. Dymarskaya et al. M. 2007

What is the difference between an administrator and a manager? Administrator Manager Monitors the performance of employees of their duties Controls the compliance of actions with the existing norm Leads people and maintains existing functioning Complies with the established financing scheme Creates a vision of the future product, result Determines the purpose, goals and objectives of the organization Creates an organizational structure to achieve the goals of the organization Motivates personnel, etc. Determines strategy, manages processes and their changes Allocates resources to maintain effective operation Maintains the required workflow

Management is: Management is a professional activity. Management is a type of professional activity. The purpose of this activity is to organize, transform and coordinate the activities of specialists in order to achieve the goals of the organization The purpose of this activity is to organize, transform and coordinate the activities of specialists in order to achieve the goals of the organization Management objects - processes - activities. Control objects - processes - activities.

Management (continued): Management objectives (mission, strategy) are formulated by the top managers who, with their help, set their vision of the organization's purpose, the content of its activities, including future results. Management goals (mission, strategy) are formulated by the top managers, who, with their help, set their vision of the organization's purpose, the content of its activities, including future results. The main functions of management: planning (development of an organization's development program), organization (development of an organizational structure), personnel motivation and control. Additional functions are also distinguished: leadership (manage processes, lead people), decision-making and organization of communication (information exchange). The main management functions: planning (development of an organization's development program), organization (development of an organizational structure), personnel motivation and control. Additional functions are also distinguished: leadership (manage processes, lead people), decision-making and organization of communication (information exchange). Today, such an understanding of the management's activities is most widespread in the world.

The evolution of the concept of quality in economics compliance of the result with the standard developed by the manufacturer external control (inspection) of the parameters of the result Disadvantages of the model: 1. Inspection is the enemy of the manufacturer 2. Does the standard (product) meet the expectations of the consumer ?? Model 1 Compliance with the application (expectations, customer needs) Continuous improvement and self-control of each process Customer feedback Model 2 Compliance with latent needs - meeting the needs of the customer before he realizes these needs Model 3

Quality is: Customer orientation (products, services, results) Customer orientation (products, services, results) Fairness - equality in access to education Fairness - equality in access to education Leading role of leadership (quality development strategy) Leading role of leadership (strategy quality development) Continuous improvement of products, services, the results necessary for the consumer Continuous improvement of products, services of the results necessary for the consumer Involvement of all employees in achieving goals in accordance with the development strategy Involvement of all employees in achieving goals in accordance with the development strategy Continuous improvement of employees' activities to achieve the goals of the organization Continuous improving the activities of employees to achieve the goals of the organization Process approach (definition of all processes necessary to achieve the goal of the organization, providing them with resources and creating conditions for their effective functioning) Process approach (determination of all processes necessary to achieve the goal of the organization, providing them with resources and creating conditions for their effective functioning) Not external control, but internal examination of the organization's activities (self-examination) in order to identify problems and determine ways to solve them Not external control , and internal examination of the organization's activities (self-examination) in order to identify problems and determine ways to solve them

Quality-summary: Quality is not equal to the standard Quality is not equal to the standard Quality \u003d self-improvement and creation of organizational conditions Quality \u003d self-improvement and creation of organizational conditions Quality - the property of an organization to achieve the result required by the consumer (society) Quality - the property of the organization to achieve the result required by the consumer (society) Quality - the ability of an organization to identify a development trend and respond to a not yet formulated customer demand Quality - the organization's ability to identify a development trend and respond to an unformulated customer demand

What is the specificity of quality in education? Who determines the result and how? In what form should the result be formulated so that it can satisfy the consumer? Who are the consumers of the educational result? How do you determine what consumers need? In what areas can the consumer use the result? Does it matter in what ways to achieve the result? In the presentation and application of the educational result (product)

The quality of education is: Social order: Agreement on the requirements for educational results (including research results) between: Government Society Employers Academic community of universities Students Parents of Development Programs Transformation of these requirements into the mission, goals and objectives of the educational institution Organization conditions Creation of conditions and their improvement to achieve educational results determined in accordance with the social order - implementation of the Program Internal and external expertise of the internal school quality management system, educational conditions (satisfaction of parents, students and teachers) and educational results

Challenges to human education from modern society To comply with dynamism (constant changes) and the diversity of life and activities in modern society To comply with dynamism (constant changes) and diversity of life and activities in modern society Focus on basic democratic values \u200b\u200bFocus on basic democratic values \u200b\u200bIndependence in solving problems, initiative, responsibility for the result Independence in solving problems, initiative, responsibility for the result Tolerant behavior in a multicultural, pluralistic society Tolerant behavior in a multicultural, pluralistic society

Quality management in education - quality assurance and development (state level) At the state policy level - defining the main priorities in the field of achieving the required educational results At the state policy level - defining the main priorities in the field of achieving the required educational results Schools autonomy (budget, changes in educational content, use means of achieving it, public administration, lack of state inspection) Independence of schools (budget, changes in the content of education, use of means of achieving it, public administration, lack of state inspection) Determination of key competencies necessary for a young person for his successful socialization in a given society ( competence model of a graduate) Determination of key competencies necessary for a young person for his successful socialization in a given society (competence model graduate) is determined by the result of negotiations of all interested parties regarding the requirements for educational results, which are reflected in the formulation of educational goals and objectives. is determined by the result of negotiations of all interested parties regarding the requirements for educational results, which are reflected in the formulation of educational goals and objectives.

US Educational Policy 1. Accessibility of education for the majority of citizens, regardless of their social status, racial or ethnic group. 2. Education should contribute to the reform of society. 3. Education should contribute to the preparation of the political, academic and scientific elite. 4. Education should contribute to self-improvement and finding a person his life path. (Gunnar Mirdal Education. In the book: America: people and country. M., PPP (prose, poetry, journalism), 1993)

Development of the quality of education in educational institutions Quality of education in educational institutions Analysis of the initial state in the field of education quality. Decision on transformations Development of a philosophy, mission in accordance with the social order Coordination for educational purposes and priorities (teachers, parents, students) Development of an implementation program and criteria for evaluating results Creation of conditions for the implementation of the mission and goals (lifestyle, pedagogical technologies, organization of the educational process, etc. etc.) Internal expertise of activities to develop the quality of education

Education quality system in educational institutions General strategy for the implementation of social order Public and public administration Mission and goals (educational results) Pedagogical principles Pedagogical technologies Methods and procedures for assessing results Approaches to teaching different categories of children School life (school and class - living space Improving pedagogical competence Cooperation with parents Social partnership Internal and external expertise

What ensures the educational result of a student in the education quality management system? Mission, goals (student's competence model) General pedagogical principles Educational result Teaching, teacher's activities (methods) Organization of the educational process Assessment of educational results Formation of social order Internal and external expertise Improving the competence of the teaching staff School, classroom as a living space Public administration ( independence, autonomy of schools) Cooperation with parents Involvement of all in activities to achieve goals Social partnership (relations with the external environment)

Public administration of educational institutions School is an independent organization in the "educational services market" (inspections are excluded) School is an independent organization in the "educational services market" (inspections are excluded) Governing councils (administration, parents, representatives of municipalities, teachers, "people from the external environment ", High school students) Governing councils (administration, parents, representatives of municipalities, teachers," people from the external environment ", high school students) Participation in decision-making on key issues of organizing the educational process Participation in decision-making on key issues of organizing the educational process The idea of \u200b\u200bindependent, responsible and active school (any educational organization) is the core and strategic direction of development of quality assurance systems in education in developed countries.

Civic School "Only a civic school, in which parents and teachers, based on common core beliefs within the framework of target settings binding for the whole society, form a certain pedagogical program, able to meet the requirements of education focused on values \u200b\u200band educational achievement in a pluralistic society." Frank Rudiger Jach

Strategic Framework for Change Management in Education Quality Management Student Achievements What Are We? What are we aiming for? What else should we try to achieve? Have we started to change? What are the results? What have we managed to achieve? What are our new actions? What should we do for this? Main issues of internal expertise (evaluation)

Concept - development strategy: Key idea (mission) - indicates the final result of educational activity and the conditions for its achievement (in generalized form) Key idea (mission) - indicates the final result of educational activity and the conditions for its achievement (in generalized form) Values \u200b\u200b(pedagogical philosophy) - the basis for the choice of this final product Values \u200b\u200b(pedagogical philosophy) - the basis for the choice of this final product Problem - reveals a social contradiction Problem - reveals a social contradiction Goals - specific new educational results of students Goals - specific new educational results of students Means - pedagogical methods, techniques, techniques, a system for evaluating results, the conditions necessary to achieve the required educational results Means - pedagogical methods, techniques, techniques, a system for evaluating results, conditions necessary to achieve the required educational results

Implementation program Analysis of the initial state (strengths and weaknesses in the activities of the teaching staff regarding the achievement of the stated goals) Analysis of the initial state (strengths and weaknesses in the activities of the teaching staff regarding the achievement of the stated goals) Tasks - actions and intermediate results necessary for the effective achievement of the set goals: Tasks - actions and intermediate results necessary for the effective achievement of the set goals: change in pedagogical principles and technologies, forms of organization of the educational process, motivation system, competence of the teaching staff, way of school life, change in pedagogical principles and technologies, forms of organization of the educational process, motivation system, competence of the teaching staff , the way of school life, changes in the management system of the school (new management structure; new mechanisms and management methods; new functionals; new ways of reading information, etc.); changes in the management system of the school (new management structure; new mechanisms and methods of management; new functions; new ways of obtaining information, etc.); Performance assessment - expert assessments of students 'activities according to specified criteria and test materials PISA and USE Performance assessment - expert assessments of students' activities according to specified criteria and test materials PISA and USE Stages of achieving goals with their results Stages of achieving goals with their own results Risk assessment (personnel, economic etc.) Risk assessment (personnel, economic, etc.) First step in concept implementation First step in concept implementation

Formation of a social order: Formation of a mechanism for determining a social order: Formation of a mechanism for determining a social order: Determination of trends in the development of a socio-economic system Determination of trends in the development of education Consideration of world trends in the development of education Determination of consumer needs in learning outcomes Determination of consumer needs in learning outcomes Definition of qualities and skills (competencies) that meet these needs - results of national and international studies (PISA) Definition of qualities and skills (competencies) that meet these needs - results of national and international studies (PISA) "Agreement" between all stakeholders on requirements for educational outcomes: students and their parents, teachers, employers, the academic community, civic institutions "Agreement" between all interested by the known parties regarding the requirements for educational results: students and their parents, teachers, employers, the academic community, civil institutions

Mission, key idea Examples - how not to formulate: Creative learning based on the system dynamics methodology, as a new educational practice, ... Creative learning based on system dynamics methodology, as a new educational practice, ... How to formulate: How to formulate: Ensure that students receive high-quality linguistic education, by mastering communicative competence (working with information, participating in a discussion, understanding the text, writing various texts) Ensure that students receive a quality linguistic education by mastering communicative competence (working with information, participating in a discussion, understanding the text, writing different texts ) Ensure the mastery of communicative, research, project competencies and the ability to solve problems necessary for the successful socialization of students in modern society; Ensure the mastery of communicative, research, project competencies and the ability to solve problems necessary for the successful socialization of students in modern society Creation of an educational developmental environment that provides independent choice, information search, problem solving, knowledge generation, responsibility for the result, setting personally significant goals Creation of an educational developmental environment that provides independent choice, information search, problem solving, knowledge generation, responsibility for the result, setting personally significant goals Formation of natural science thinking as a methodology of scientific explanation Formation of natural science thinking as a methodology of scientific explanation

Educational goals How to formulate goals correctly? Informatization of the educational environment Building a new model Building a new model of the educational environment of the educational environment Stimulate motivation Stimulate student motivation Frequently used verbs: develop, activate, prepare, provide, increase, continue, organize, improve, etc. Ability to highlight facts, assessments, interpretations in the text Explain the reasons for a physical phenomenon (describe, put forward hypotheses, use models, etc.) Analyze and summarize information Set goals and formulate tasks (correctly) Harmonious personality Developing personality type Teach physics Develop logic Independent intellectual As a means: Non-specific educational outcome: As a specific educational diagnosed outcome: (not correct)

Pedagogical principles and approaches to learning: Education for life (personal, professional, public) Education for life (personal, professional, public) Teaching based on one's own motivation and responsibility Teaching on the basis of one's own motivation and responsibility Not transferring knowledge, but generating it to students on based on their experience and meaningful action Not the transfer of knowledge, but its generation to students based on their experience and meaningful action Creation of a developing environment that encourages students to search, research, problem solving, communication and self-determination Creation of a developing environment that encourages students to search, research, and solve problems, communication and self-determination Inclusion in independent activities that satisfy the interests of students Inclusion in independent activities that meet the interests of students Taking into account individual interests, abilities and characteristics of students Taking into account individual interests, abilities and characteristics of students xia Constant support of the weak and help in reaching the highest possible level Continuous support of the weak and assistance in reaching the highest possible level

Positions of an adult in the educational process Teacher Teacher Curator (solving social problems) Curator (solving social problems) Tutor Tutor Psychologist Psychologist Special teacher (working with lagging people) Special teacher (working with lagging people) Assistant (working in the classroom with the teacher) Assistant (working in class with the teacher) Master Master Nurse (health prevention) Nurse (health prevention)

Improving teacher competence to achieve the declared educational results Organization of conditions for professional communication of teachers within the framework of methodological work in educational institutions: Organization of conditions for professional communication of teachers within the framework of methodological work in educational institutions: Collective and group forms: Scientific seminar, pedagogical council, expert council, open lesson, round table, creative groups, mutual visit of lessons, subject and interdisciplinary seminars, methodological advice, Scientific seminar, pedagogical council, expert council, open lesson, round table, creative groups, mutual visit of lessons, subject and interdisciplinary seminars, methodical council, school of mastery, practical conference , methodical exhibition, methodical marathon, methodological association, panorama of pedagogical ideas, pedagogical fair, business game, skill competition, teachers' conference, experimental groups, young master's school Individual forms: Co conversation, introspection, consultation, self-education, coursework, author's work, creative portrait, research work, training, presentation of the author's pedagogical technology, author's school, mentoring, postgraduate study, internship

Key Competencies Competent - having ability, strength, power, skill, knowledge, etc. (to do what is required) Competent - sufficient, adequate (Oxford Dictionary) Competence - Ability Ability Knowledge Necessary to achieve the required result Key competencies - qualities, abilities, skills necessary for each person in his professional, personal and social life in modern society Key competencies are those skills that can be applied in situations that cannot be predicted in advance regarding future tasks and the knowledge and skills necessary to solve them.

Types of key competencies Communication (participation in a discussion, work with information, understanding texts, writing texts, speaking) Communication (participating in a discussion, working with information, understanding texts, writing texts, speaking) Operations with numbers (Concerning the interpretation of numerical information, performing calculations and presentation of conclusions and conclusions.These competencies are necessary when carrying out measurements, collecting information presented in the form of diagrams and graphs, when calculating volumes and sizes, when using tables to present the results of calculations). Operations with numbers (Concerns the interpretation of numerical information, making calculations and presenting conclusions and conclusions. These competencies are necessary when making measurements, collecting information presented in the form of diagrams and graphs, when calculating volumes and sizes, when using tables to present the results of calculations). Information technology (These competencies will be required when using a computer to find the information a client needs or to implement a project, develop ways to solve a problem, build tables and graphs, write letters or reports). Information technology (These competencies will be required when using a computer to find the information a client needs or to implement a project, develop ways to solve a problem, build tables and graphs, write letters or reports). Working with People (Refers to how to work together with people in planning and implementing activities aimed at achieving common goals). Working with People (Refers to how to work together with people in planning and implementing activities aimed at achieving common goals). Improving Learning Ability and Enhancing Performance (Related to Human Resource Management, Career Development and Learning Ability) Improving Learning Ability and Enhancing Performance (Related to Human Resource Management, Career Development and Learning Ability) Problem Resolution (These competencies are required when work problems, in training or in personal life, when various methods of finding solutions are used and the effectiveness of these methods is verified. (Cambridge and RSA Examinations 2000) when various methods of finding solutions are used and the effectiveness of applying these methods is checked. (Cambridge and RSA Examinations 2000) Oxford - Cambridge Core Competencies Model (2000):

Types of core competencies (continued) Austrian model: Competencies in certain areas of activity - language and communication, creativity and design, man and society, health and movement, nature and technology. Social competences - the ability and willingness to take responsibility, the ability to communicate, the ability to work in a team, the ability to resolve conflicts, the ability to adapt, the ability to understand others, contact, etc. Personal competence - the development of their own abilities, knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses, as well as a willingness to learn and test oneself in new situations. German model: Subject competences Methods competence (learning) Personal competencies Social competences By type of activity: Scientific (research) Pedagogical Management Expert Engineering, etc.

New house of learning (focus of innovative programs, innovative technologies on the development of competencies) Subject competence Competence of methods Social competence Personal competence Work and learning based on one's own motivation and responsibility Possible educational work Organizational forms Work by epoch (in the immersion system) Work in groups, in stages Projects, educational research activities Work on an individual curriculum Work on a weekly plan Production of educational products Reports / Communication Request and search for information from different sources (ask and ask) Teaching methods training Team work Communication training Key competencies

Modern pedagogical technologies Project method - purpose - to teach different types of competencies: Provide students with the opportunity to freely choose topics and tasks that correspond to their interests and inclinations; Provide students with the opportunity to freely choose topics and tasks that correspond to their interests and inclinations; Teach a student to plan and implement work (in accordance with with his age) Teach the student to plan and implement work (in accordance with his age) Teach the student to independently analyze the content in accordance with the tasks set Teach the student to independently analyze the content in accordance with the tasks set Teach the student to independently search for ways to achieve goals, implement them and transfer this experience to other situations Teach to independently look for ways to achieve goals, implement them and transfer this experience to other situations Teach to develop and test your capabilities and understand their limits s Teach to develop and test your capabilities and understand their limits Teach to identify existing tensions and conflicts and look for ways to solve them Teach to identify existing tensions and conflicts and look for ways to solve them Teach to collect the necessary information, systematize it, critically evaluate it and use it Teach to collect the necessary information , systematize it, critically evaluate it and use it Teach business discussion to be able to express and argue your point of view Teach business discussion to be able to express and argue your point of view Teach purposefully, individually and in a group, to participate in events and decisively influence them To teach purposefully, individually and in a group, to participate in events and decisively influence them

Teacher Competence What should a teacher be able to do using the design method? 1. To be able to design (know the design methodology) 2. To be able to organize independent design activities of students 3. To be able to organize group work 4. To be able to teach various skills (communication, research, reflective, etc.) 5. To be a partner, consultant, organizer student activities 6. To be able to assess the contribution of each to the final product The teacher should be able to do everything that he teaches students

Competence of the teacher What should the teacher provide in the project form of organizing students' activities? Students 'independent choice (topics, task difficulty level, forms and methods of work, etc.) Students' independent choice (topics, task complexity level, forms and methods of work, etc.) Independent study work, planning their activities (independent implementation different types of work, in the process of which skills, concepts, ideas are formed); Independent educational work, planning one's activities (independent implementation of different types of work, in the process of which skills, concepts, ideas are formed); Awareness of the purpose of work and responsibility for the result Awareness of the purpose of work and responsibility for the result Realization of individual interests of students Realization of individual interests of students Group work (assignment of responsibilities, planning, discussion, evaluation and reflective discussion of results) Group work (distribution of responsibilities, planning, discussion, evaluation and reflective discussion of the results) Formation of concepts and organization of their actions on their basis Formation of concepts and organization of their actions on their basis Use of an assessment system adequate to the required educational results (criterion assessment, portfolio, achievement diary, student success map, etc.) Use of the assessment system adequate to the required educational results (criteria-based assessment, portfolio, achievement diary, student success map, etc.) Demonstration of your competent behavior Demonstration of your competent behavior

Evaluation of educational results - competencies Essays (point assessment according to the levels of achievement - A, B, C, D, E of the required indicators - argumentation, originality of the idea, logical coherence and validity, structuredness, use of sources, design, etc.) Essay (point assessment of the levels of achievement - A, B, C, D, E of the required indicators - argumentation, originality of the idea, logical coherence and validity, structuredness, use of sources, design, etc.) Project protection - report - reflection of results and work process Protection project - report - reflection of the results and process of work Portfolio (collection of student's works - his achievements - are evaluated in points) Portfolio (collection of student's works - his achievements - are evaluated in points) Expert assessments of specific activities and behavior according to known criteria by observation Expert assessments of specific activities and behavior according to known criteria by observing Test tasks that allow to record the level of achievement of a skill (competence) For example, PISA Test tasks that allow you to record the level of achievement of a skill (competence) For example, PISA Different types of examinations Different types of examinations

Expertise as: Expertise (French Expertise, from Latin Expertus - experienced) - the study by experts of any issues, the solution of which requires special knowledge in the field of science, technology, art, etc. (TSB, 1978, vol. 30, p. 9). “Evaluation is a comparison of the evaluated with the equivalent as a measure of the evaluated. The presence of an equivalent as a measure of the assessed Is the most important factor that distinguishes the process of assessment from the process of cognition. " (Gorbunova T.I. Expertise as an assessment of human activity and its results.) Research Assessment

Internal expertise Carried out by an expert group consisting of: teachers, parents, students, administration (on an elective basis) The following main areas of the school's life are analyzed: The following main areas of the school's life are analyzed: Management - the presence of an idea and strategy, as well as the involvement in its implementation of most members of the pedagogical team Management - the presence of an idea and strategy, as well as the involvement in its implementation of the majority of members of the teaching staff Education content - results - social order The content of education - results - social order Assessment system - corresponds to the results Assessment system - corresponds to the results Organization of the educational process Organization of the educational process Increasing competence teachers - mastering new methods, forms of professional communication Increasing the competence of teachers - mastering new methods, forms of professional communication Working with parents lami Working with parents Way of school life Way of school life Social partnership (interaction with the external environment) Social partnership (interaction with the external environment)

Internal expertise (continued) Students 'satisfaction with their life at school is analyzed (organization of the educational process, educational results, relationships with teachers, availability of free time, etc.) Students' satisfaction with their life at school is analyzed (organization of teachers, availability of free time, etc.) Analyzes the satisfaction of teachers with the organization of their professional activities and life at school Analyzes the satisfaction of teachers with the organization of their professional activities and life at school Analyzes the satisfaction of parents with what happens to their children at school Analyzes the satisfaction of parents with what happens to their children at school Tools: specially designed questionnaires, interviews, observation

Measuring the quality of education is also important to ensure the satisfaction of an individual with his educational background. Moreover, the quality of education makes it possible to ascertain to what extent the human rights to receive an education corresponding to the world level are ensured.

Quality is the normative level to which the product of education must correspond. It is generally accepted that this category embodies the social order of society for the educational activities of an educational institution.

It should be noted that the quality of education is not only a RESULT, but also a CONDITION and a PROCESS.

The quality of education includes:

Quality of end results

The quality of the educational process

Quality conditions

Quality of norms and goals

Students in the educational process study the system of knowledge from different scientific fields and the result of this process is their mastering of scientific knowledge. But the level of this development is different, i.e. having a different set of properties.

there are three main qualities of knowledge.

The first quality is the consistency of knowledge.

(facts → concepts → laws → theory → consequences and applications).

The second quality is the effectiveness of knowledge.

The third quality is the strength of knowledge

Assessment of the quality of the educational processis based on the following criteria:

Quality criterion for the content of the educational process;

Quality criterion for educational technologies.

The criterion for the quality of the content of the educational process can be represented by a number of indicators, which, in turn, are grouped according to the levels of presentation of the content of education. Such levels are:

Invariant level; (fundamental content,)

Variable level;

Personal level.

Quality assessment of conditions

In assessing the quality of education, an important role is played by assessing the quality of the conditions of the educational process, among which the leading place is occupied by managerial conditions.

Assessment of managerial conditions involves tracking the end results of management and identifying the effectiveness of types of management activities: motivational-target, information-analytical, planning and forecasting, organizational and executive, control and regulation and evaluation and performance.

In addition, personnel conditions, scientific and methodological conditions, psychological conditions, etc. should be subject to a qualitative assessment.

44. Quality management of education

Practical experience in the implementation of education quality management systems in developed European countries allows us to identify the main stages of management:

1. Designing school education quality management systems

(ShS UKO) and planning of education quality management - the formation of regulatory, organizational, methodological and instrumental

the basis for the implementation of activities to achieve the required quality).

2. Education quality management is a process of quality formation, which is a set of systematic actions to study the needs of customers of educational services, develop and implement basic and additional educational programs, and provide resources.

3. Monitoring of processes and correction - the process of assessing and comparing the achieved level of quality with a given one, providing feedback to all stakeholders, making adjustments to the activities and management system.

Thus, the management of the quality of education is a continuous closed process, consisting of interrelated and interdependent elements.

The purpose of creating an education quality management system in an educational institution is to ensure the necessary conditions for the provision of high-quality educational services that meet the needs and expectations of consumers.

In addition, a quality management system is necessary for a modern educational institution for:

 increasing the efficiency of the educational process in achieving the requirements of state educational standards;

 developing a creative and active atmosphere in the institution, enhancing

professional activities of employees;

 improving the overall management system in a general education institution;

 optimization of financial, resource and personnel support of the educational process;

 increasing the competitiveness of a general education institution;

 creation of modern safe conditions for educational activities;

 ensuring broad public participation in the management of a general educational institution.

The functions of the UCO AL are:

 determination of the criteria basis for the quality of education in an educational institution;

 preparation of analytical reports and public reports on the quality of education in EE;

 stimulation of innovative processes in an educational institution

to maintain and constantly improve the quality of education;

 determination of directions for the development of an educational institution, advanced training of teaching staff.

All possible objects of the CCS UKO can be conditionally divided into three

The first group includes those objects that must be determined and installed by the management of the MA:

 policy in the field of quality of education;  organizational structure;

 maintaining contacts with external expert organizations, which include the licensing and accrediting body, institutions that carry out external audits of the quality of education, expert associations and individual experts, etc.

The second group - objects related to the design, planning, content and organization of educational and work processes:

 educational programs of EE (basic and additional); curricula and programs;  forms, methods, teaching technologies;  extracurricular activities.

The third group includes elements related to resources and performance measurement:

 keeping records and control of quality documentation;

provision of educational activities (legal, organizational and administrative, financial, material and technical, personnel, etc.);

 a system for assessing the quality of education.

Management of the return-nym pr-som.1.Theoretical level is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe arr-nom pr-se as a system, its driving forces and laws.The role of the hands-la: knows the theory of the opposite pr-sa; Provides assistance to teachers in the development of knowledge about the sample pr-se. The role of the teacher Acquires knowledge in the field of EP theory. The role of the student Gradually accumulates knowledge about the pr-se of his own teaching and the return of the pr-se .2. project level account plan and curriculaThe role of the leader 1. supervises the collective activity of teachers to develop the school component of the school. plan, familiarization with the account. school plan, study uch. programs, textbooks. The role of the teacher 1. Participates in the development of the school component of the curriculum. 2. Selects and studies study programs. Role of the student Makes a choice of additional treatment, profile. Declares his or her needs .3. the level of creating a project for a specific production in the form of planning it for the academic year, topic, separate lessonLeader's Role 1. Organizes planning activities for teachers. 2. Stimulates teachers for long-term planning of EP in the form of a technological map. The role of the teacher Draws up plans for the return of the project for the academic year, topic, training session. Role of the student Participates in the planning of the EP in the development of training sessions. Expresses his wishes. 4.the level of real pr-saThe role of the leader 1. studies the course of the return at school. 2. Carries out the analysis of the reverse pr-sa, evaluates its results. 3. Plans the development of the obr-th pr-sa at school. The role of the teacher 1. implements the obr-ny pr-s in the classroom. 2. Reflects his ped. activity. 3. Builds a development program for his ped. activities. Role of the learner Actively participates in all stages of the classroom. Reflects his educational and cognitive activity.

Today, many countries of the world (Russia is no exception) have formed the main directions of policy regarding the assessment of education. They began to create certain standards that are advisable to apply in the development of educational programs. Thus, these norms served as the main tool for determining the target areas of education and the formation of the educational space.

Quality concept

This article fully examines the concept of the quality of education, its essence and fundamental features. First, it is necessary to determine what the concept of quality means in the general sense of the word. The quality of education is what?

The most striking interpretation of this term is the definition of quality as a combination of a number of properties, characteristics, characteristics of products, certain categories of goods, services, materials or works that fully serve as a conditioning factor in relation to their ability to meet the needs and demands of society and conformity to their own purpose , as well as the requirements. The considered conformity measure is formed on the basis of specific standards, contracts or agreements. It is important to note that the creation of this measure can also take place in close relationship with the needs of the population or its specific segments. How to relate this concept to the educational category?

The quality of education

The quality of education is the most important component of the social sphere, which absolutely accurately determines the state, as well as the effectiveness of the educational process in society, the degree of its compliance with the needs and even expectations of society (and its various groups, in particular) in terms of the development and creation of both civil and professional competencies of a person as personality. It is important to note that the indicator in question in the process of a detailed analysis breaks down into smaller ones, each of which can fully characterize one of the aspects of the educational activity of a particular educational institution. Among these, the main ones are the following:

  • The content of the educational process.
  • Methodology developed in relation to teaching norms.
  • Forms of training.
  • Material and technical base.
  • The composition of the personnel structure.

The absolute and relative concept of quality

It is important to note that the concept of quality ( the quality of education is a very important indicator) are often attributed to various, usually contradictory meanings. The point is that the analysis can be carried out both in absolute and relative order. Thus, an absolute concept implies a demonstration of superiority and a certain status, which, naturally, has a beneficial effect on the image of a particular educational institution.

The relative concept does not perceive quality as an attribute of an educational service and can be considered in two aspects: as compliance with a certain state standard, or as compliance with the preferences of service consumers. It should be added that the first aspect reflects the point of view of the manufacturer, and the second is interrelated with consumer views. However, the opinion of the manufacturer is often not equivalent to the opinion of the consumer, therefore, the issue of the quality of education is considered by one or another educational institution from two sides.

Complex indicator

Monitoring the quality of education indicates that the analyzed indicator is endowed with a complex nature. In accordance with this fact, it would be advisable to clean up its main aspects:

  • The relationship between the goal of learning and the result.
  • Ensuring the absolute satisfaction of society with certain educational services.
  • Decent level of knowledge and skills; beneficial development of the individual - mental, moral and, of course, physical.
  • Providing all conditions for healthy self-esteem of the individual, her self-government, as well as self-certification.
  • The formation of a variety of cultural environments for education in terms of political culture, spiritual enrichment and, of course, a person's readiness to live fully in modern society, and so on.

Monitoring concept

In accordance with the above aspects, it can be defined as a system of continuous collection of information about its most significant properties, its subsequent qualitative processing, analysis and, of course, interpretation, which is necessary to provide the field of education and society as a whole with reliable, complete and classified by levels. application of information about the compliance of processes, as well as the results of educational activities with certain standards, about current changes and relevant forecasts. The main goal of forming a monitoring system is to improve the quality of educational services.

Education quality management through monitoring has a number of advantages and disadvantages, but in order to eliminate the latter, it is only necessary to provide all the conditions for the effective implementation of this event. The main ones are the following:

  • Application of a systematic approach.
  • Collection of quantitative and qualitative methods into one aggregate.
  • Competent interpretation of the information obtained as a result of monitoring.
  • Using only high quality tools.
  • Assistance from the management bodies in the methodological and, of course, material terms.

Monitoring as the main condition for the quality of education and its types

It is important to note that the classification of monitoring can be based on various factors: the goals of its conduct, key functions, the scope of use of information, and others. The most popular is the division of monitoring types in accordance with the functions they perform. Thus, quality of education (this the most important component of the social sphere) is regulated by monitoring the following types:

  • Information monitoring.
  • Diagnostic monitoring.
  • Comparative monitoring.
  • Predictive monitoring.

It is important to note that the use of the presented types of monitoring in their pure form is quite rare. Thus, today such an event has become popular as conducting a comprehensive monitoring, which competently combines all the above elements.

Education quality management

The concept of monitoring considered above is directly related to the management of the quality of education, which should be understood as a certain system of both strategic and operational decisions (and then actions), the implementation of which takes place in a planned manner. It is aimed at full provision, significant improvement, strict control, as well as a competent assessment of the quality of educational processes or services.

It is important to note that in almost every country (Russia is no exception), it continuously operates to ensure and control the implementation of the above operations. This subject of the educational process also deals with additional issues, including, for example, planning the educational process and the accompanying assessment of factors that reduce the quality of education. Among these factors, some defects of an internal or external nature can be distinguished.

Quality of education and school

Today quality of education at school is determined by the following factors:

  • Matatization of educational processes.
  • Creation of historical identity.
  • Continuous learning of the native language and the history of the state.
  • Education of the individual as a patriot of his country (in accordance with the national culture and language).
  • Formation of a real defender of the Fatherland (for guys).
  • Fostering absolute respect for work, because work itself is the main condition for the growth of a personality in a creative way.
  • Setting for the harmonious development of a person in relation to creativity.
  • Improving the quality of vocational education.

Quality of education and university

In the system of modern higher education, the main indicators of its impeccable quality are:

  • Absolute compliance of the structure of curricula with the requirements of customers, which can be, for example, the state, business or individual, as well as the rooted standards of education.
  • High level of satisfaction of stakeholders (eg employers or students) with the quality of education.
  • A high degree of satisfaction with their activities of employees of a particular higher educational institution.
  • A beneficial effect on society, raising the level of culture in the general sense of the word.

Ways to improve the quality of education

Today it is the most important task, because the well-being of this or that country depends on the productivity of its implementation. Thus, the most significant conditions for its achievement are the following points:

  • Activation of educational standards of the state, as well as the basic plan of the learning process.
  • Optimization of various types of student workload (psychological, physical and, of course, educational).
  • If necessary, providing training according to an individual program.
  • Development of the distance education system.
  • State support for schools for gifted individuals.
  • Formation of the state system in relation to assessing the quality of the educational process.
  • Significant strengthening of the role of disciplines that can provide socialization of students, and so on.

1 Intraschool education quality management system in an educational institution: design, assessment Moscow Center for Education Quality Poroshinskaya L. Year 1

America had war heroes in the 1940s; in the 60s, astronauts were role models. Today, quality professionals should be considered heroes, since their contribution to future development and prosperity may be even greater than the outstanding personalities of the past. "J. Harrington, 1990" Quality Management in American Companies "2

3 The state policy in the field of education should guarantee the necessary conditions for full-fledged high-quality education, take into account the interests and abilities of the individual, ensure the achievement of a competitive level for all levels of education The main task of the Moscow educational policy is to ensure high quality education based on maintaining its fundamental nature and compliance with current and future needs. individual, society and state. “The quality of Russian education is a key aspect of its development strategy” -A. Fursenko High-quality education is a resource for sustainable development of society ”. The quality of life and the quality of education are the main guidelines of the policy of UNESCO and the United Nations. The Berlin Declaration (d) defines what should ensure the national system of guaranteeing the quality of education

4 TRENDS IN THE SPHERE OF ENSURING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION TRENDS IN THE SPHERE OF ENSURING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION Development of uniform criteria and standards for the quality of education Development of uniform criteria and standards of quality in education Creation and development of national accreditation systems for educational programs in European countries Creation and development of national accreditation systems for educational programs in European countries countries Building quality management systems for the educational process on the principles of quality management Building quality management systems for the educational process on the principles of quality management Development and implementation of educational institutions based on various models of the quality system, including the requirements of International standards Development and implementation of educational institutions based on various models quality systems, including the requirements of International Standards Shifting the center of gravity from external quality control procedures education. process and its districts based on the system of attestation and accreditation for int. self-assessment of the MA Shifting the center of gravity from external quality control procedures educ. process and its districts based on the system of attestation and accreditation for int. self-assessment OU

6 To manage means, first of all, to purposefully influence all components of the controlled system in order to achieve predetermined results. In other words, the management of an organization as a process includes people, material, financial and other resources. Administration - the style of activity of any body, official, characterized mainly by the issuance of directives, orders, orders. Leadership is the impact on people, the purpose of which is to ensure that they perform work efficiently, in accordance with the standard, i.e. to lead people but not resources

7 The purpose of management is to change the existing conditions (processes, mechanisms) to achieve the set goals - new results; Objects of management - processes of activity; Management goals (idea, concept, mission, strategy) - which set the vision of future results, the purpose of the organization, the content of its activities. The main management functions: analysis, planning (setting strategic goals, developing a development program, implementation plan), organization (distribution of powers, consolidation of functions of joint activities, staff motivation) and control.


Planning Organization Management Leadership Control 5 Analysis 5 Purpose Analysis Purpose Purpose Purpose Information Management Management Decision

13 How do you understand the essence of the concept of "intraschool education quality management" The education quality management system is the management of the quality of the educational process and other activities that ensure the formation of competencies of students and school graduates. Education quality management is the management of quality assessment and control mechanisms. Education quality management system is an organized intra-school control and planning of the school's work on the quality of education. Quality management system is a set of organizational structure, methods, processes and resources necessary for the implementation of general quality management

14 Management of the educational process information about the progress of the process Indicators of the educational process Indicators of educational outcomes Consumer satisfaction Resources Main activity of the process control consumer result Process control points correction input Diagram of the educational process

15 What ensures the educational result of a student in the quality management system Organization of the educational process Improving the competence of teachers Teaching-methodological and material and technical resources Public management Independence and openness of educational institutions Implementation of the mission, goals and objectives of the development program Organizational culture of educational institutions aimed at supporting the strategy Educational institution Social partnership New approaches to the system of assessing the quality of education The essence of the result Social order: successful graduate control External and internal expertise

16 New accents in the assessment system Transition from assessment as a control tool to assessment as a tool for managing the quality of education Transition from ascertaining assessment to formative, programming self-development of a student, teacher, school Transition from an assessment of exclusively subject learning to an assessment of educational results in general

Intraschool education quality management system is a mechanism of internal quality assurance in education in general Requirements for the national system of education quality are determined by directives and quality standards in the European Region and can be considered as basic for educational institutions. When developing an intraschool quality management model, it is recommended to use: PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SELECTING A TYPICAL MODEL OF EDUCATION QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR UNIVERSITIES AND SCHOOLS "(Federal Agency for Education 15% of quality deviations depend on performers and 85% of defects are determined by management deficiencies Edwards Deming 15% quality deviations depend on performers and 85% of defects are determined by management deficiencies Edwards Deming 18

19 the concept of integrated quality management (Totel Quality Control), proposed by Armand Feigenbaum - Methods for improving the quality of personality, proposed by Klaus Möller: Basic principles of AQI: Joseph M. Jurana "Handbook for quality management" Quality management systems in education Principles of the theory of quality management by American Edward Deming

20 Basics of Process Control Determining the desired result measuring the “input” and “output” of the process; Attention at the stages of the process, its resources and assessment Attention on the decision-making process Consistency with the capabilities of the MA Assessment of barriers and failures Clear distribution of powers and responsibilities Concept of integrated quality management

21 Factors that determine the success of educational institutions (studies of the European Commission) Financial independence High level of autonomy of educational institutions High level of competition within the system High level of management in educational institutions High level of quality control of education

22 Studies that determine the effectiveness and quality of impact on education The strength of the effect Overall effect Average value Satisfaction of personally important expectations of the student with the qualitative performance of tasks 1.13 Motivation of the student (value orientations for achievement) 1.04 Educational effectiveness of elements of education (educational process) 1.00 Educational a space that allows the student to organize self-education in accordance with his capabilities 0.84 The direct influence of the teacher through direct teaching instructions 0.82 Intensification (inclusion of additional programs, increasing the pace of passing the programs) 0.72 Domestic factors (living conditions, influence of parents) 0, 67 Feedback and remedial support (academic outcomes that trigger special assistance) 0.65 Research linking work published by the University of Auckland

23 Studies that determine the effectiveness and quality of impact on education The strength of the effect Attitude towards learning 0.61 Classroom environment (favorable atmosphere, support, high expectations from the student) 0.56 Formation of goals (goals formed in joint activities with the teacher, as own learning objectives student) 0.52 Equal tutoring (successful students help the weak) 0.50 Teacher development (teaching new methods) 0.49 Parental involvement 0.46 Homework 0.43 Survey - exam (provided it helps students think studied) 0.41

24 Education quality management is the management of the quality of the educational process and other types of activities that ensure the formation of the competencies of the learners of the educational institution.Each educational institution, depending on the goals in the field of quality and the available resources, chooses its own organizational structure of the quality system. process, monitoring studies, development of preventive and corrective measures, development of IC documentation, etc. The activities of the service are regulated by: the Charter, the regulations on the service, orders and orders of the director, orders and instructive documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, etc.

25 Options for constructing an organizational structure for managing the quality of education of an educational institution Council for the quality of education under the director of an educational institution Deputy director of an educational institution for quality of education Education quality service of an educational institution Laboratory of educational quality of an educational institution Department of educational quality of an educational institution

26 Tasks of the educational quality service of the educational institution Development and implementation of the organizational and functional structure of the educational institution of the educational institution Conducting internal audits and self-assessment of the educational institution Development of the draft policy of the educational institution in the field of educational quality Development and maintenance of documents of the educational establishment of the educational institution; Preparation of proposals for the administration to improve the quality of education in the educational institution; Determination of measurable characteristics of education quality and methods of their measurement; Organization of work to improve the quality : planning, collection and analysis of information, monitoring and control operations, etc.

28 What types of activities are covered by the in-school education quality management system Analysis of the quality of education (subject, supra-subject results, personal development) Work processes for quality management Information support of managerial decisions on the problems of improving the quality of education; Quality policy implementation: planning the quality of the educational process; organization of work to improve quality; development of preventive and corrective measures; Expertise, diagnostics, assessment of the quality of education. The system of improving the professional competence of teaching staff. Material and educational and methodological support of images. process Conducting various monitoring operations of the quality of education

29 Work processes for quality management of education Content of work processes Analysis of education quality Analysis: - MSC; - Final certification; - External control; - Comparative analysis of external and internal control - Conditions that ensure the educational process (quality of lessons, professional competence, educational and methodological support, etc.) Planning the quality of the educational result Planning the quality of conditions for achieving the planned result, including the use of resources to achieve it

30 Organization of work to ensure the quality of education Creation of conditions necessary to ensure the quality of education (personnel, educational, methodological, material and technical, financial) Areas of activity for studying the personality of the child, identifying the abilities of schoolchildren of all age groups (Individual assessment of the capabilities and abilities of children, diagnostics of professional orientation, etc.), Areas of activities for the development of the teacher's professional competence (system-activity approach, new approaches to the assessment of educational achievements, etc.) Motivation of all participants in the educational process for its quality Activities to organize preventive and corrective measures Creation of a system measures to track and stimulate improvement; a clear distribution of authority, responsibility in organizing quality assurance work. Organization of work on quality control Development of criteria and indicators for examination and evaluation. Development of control and measuring materials, etc. Activities for the organization of MSC Organization of work to determine the measured parameters of the quality characteristics of the educational process Preparation of documents reflecting records for assessing quality Preparation of documents reflecting records for assessing the quality of education Normative consolidation of procedures for assessment, collection, storage of data about the quality of education, etc.

31 Monitoring the quality of education Determine and include in the MSC the necessary types of monitoring for the identified indicators. Determine the subjects of monitoring (information consumers) and possible forms of providing them with information. Determine the frequency of monitoring, appoint persons responsible for its collection, storage, processing and analysis. Information support of management - the progress of students and the level of academic performance; - the competitiveness of schoolchildren in terms of education in universities, participation in olympiads; - satisfaction of schoolchildren with educational programs; - teaching efficiency; - the composition of schoolchildren and its analysis; - available training resources and their cost, etc. Management decisions Determination of information flows necessary for making managerial decisions on the quality of education Determination of a specific object of managerial influence and certain performers and those responsible for its implementation;

32 The quality of the education system cannot be higher than the quality of the teachers working in it! The only way to improve learning outcomes is to improve teaching quality! Conditions for improving teaching - a mechanism for improving teaching Results of an international study of the factors of successfully functioning schools (McKinsey, 2007) The role of teacher performance

33 Every child should have access to high quality teaching Effective teacher training Teachers should be “the right people” Factors critical to improving the quality of education (based on an international survey of the top 25 school systems) Attracting strong candidates to the teaching profession Candidate selection mechanism tov Tightening of academic requirements for the received sample. Annual professional development courses Each teacher should be provided with all available materials, knowledge, abilities to improve the level of the child Implement processes that guarantee quality improvement

34 Areas of activity for the formation of a new formation of teachers Using the mechanisms of the Priority National Project "Education" to identify and support the best teachers New system of confirmation of the level of professionalism of teachers Development of a professional standard of teacher activities in line with the competence-based approach Updating the system of training and improvement qualifications of personnel Development of public participation in the assessment of teacher performance


36 Complete the assignment and answer the questions: Describe the system for managing the development of teachers in the school What analytical information do you use in the school to assess the quality of education and make management decisions? Describe the structure, areas of activity and assessment of the effectiveness of the in-school education quality management system.

Literature 37 PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SELECTION OF MODEL MODEL OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR EDUCATION universities and colleges of St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI".) GUIDELINES FOR THE ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONING OF CONDUCT SELF-EFFICIENCY OF CONTROL SYSTEMS OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT BASED ON THE MODEL OF IMPROVING PERFORMANCE (St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI".) 2005 Monitoring of general educational achievements of the graduates of the basic school Polivanova K.N. Kasprzhak A.G. A.L. Venger M. 2006 Monitoring of general educational achievements of graduates of the basic school Polivanova K.N. Kasprzhak A.G. A.L. Venger M. 2006 Monitoring of quality: statistics and sociology of education ML Agranovich O.Ya.Dymarskaya et al. M. 2007 Monitoring of quality: statistics and sociology of education ML Agranovich OY Dymarskaya et al. M. 2007