What proverb can you pick up a Zoshchenko tree. Review of the story of M. Zoshchenko "Christmas tree

Lyolya and Minka, two cheerful children from Zoshchenko's story, have wonderful dad and mom. Parents love their daughter and son very much, and arrange different holidays for them. New Year's holiday is one of the best. Christmas tree, gifts, happy guests, treats. But it happens that misunderstandings happen on a holiday ...

Quiz based on Zoshchenko's story "Yolka"

1. At what age is Minka, the main character story, realized what a tree is?
Answer: at five years old

2. What new Year decoration Did you see Minka and his sister Lyolya at the Christmas tree?
Answer: colorful beads, pastilles, flags, lanterns, golden nuts and Crimean apples

3. What sweets hanging on the New Year tree caught Lyolya's attention?
Answer: lozenges

4. Who dropped the chair for the New Year's gifts?
Answer: Minka

5. To whom did Minka and Lyolya's mother give a New Year's gift - a clockwork train?
Answer: to the guest of the holiday - a four-year-old boy

6. Who treated themselves to the apple from the Christmas tree?
Answer: Minka

7. What proverb is in Zoshchenko's story "Yolka"?
Answer: "To be found with you, what to sit in nettles"

8. Which of the children present at the holiday, according to one of the mothers, should have become a robber in adulthood?
Answer: Minka

9. Why did Minka's mom and the scrofulous boy’s mom quarrel?
Answer: due to the fact that Minka hit the boy on the arm with a toy

10. Why did one of the New Year's gifts - doll have a hand injured?
Answer: she was damaged when the chair fell (the doll was porcelain)

11. For what reason was one of the guests, the girl's mother, offended?
Answer: because her daughter received a doll with a damaged hand

12. Who of the guests after the quarrel stayed on new year holiday from Lyolya and Minka?
Answer: no one, all the guests, offended, left

13. Who uttered the clever words that children should not be greedy and angry?
Answer: Daddy Lely and Minky

14. Did similar events later take place with the main character of the story?
Answer: no

15. What do you think, did your mother do the right thing by not taking the position of guests of the holiday?
Answer options:

Class: 4

Lesson presentation

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Lesson type: Learning new material.



  • to acquaint students with a new work;
  • practice the skill of expressive reading.

Correctional and developmental:

  • correct and develop students' sustained attention and imagination;
  • replenish the active and passive vocabulary of students;
  • develop coherent oral speech of students.


  • foster respect for others, a responsible attitude to their actions.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

- The bell rings merrily. The lesson begins.

If you want to know a lot
To achieve a lot
Must read
I must learn.

II. Speech warm-up (Slide 2)

1. Development of attention

  • kelkitesnegivts(tree, snow)
  • shchemorozyfyapurgazh(frost, blizzard)

a) Find words among the alphabetic text, underline them.

Exercise: Find general concept for these words. What is superfluous? Why?

2. Articulation gymnastics.

Tongue Twisters

  • The tree has pins for splitting.
  • Snow is pouring down from the sky.

Clearly, loudly, clearly, so that everyone understands.

III. Homework check (5 min.) (Slide 3)

1. Draw a picture for the passage you like and read it expressively.

2. Make a syncwine on the theme "Piano", "Dagny Pedersen", "Edvard Grieg". (Annex 1)


  1. The first line is the theme of the poem, expressed one word (usually a noun).
  2. The second line is a description of the topic in two words (two adjectives).
  3. Third Line - a description of the action within this topic three words (usually verbs).
  4. The fourth line is a phrase showing an attitude towards the topic (feeling).
  5. The fifth line is one word that repeats the essence of the topic.

IV. Preparation for primary perception (Slides 4, 5, 6)

1. The story about M.М. Zoshchenko (1894-1958)

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko was born on August 10, 1894 in the family of an artist and an actress. After graduating from high school, Mikhail Mikhailovich entered the university, but a year later he volunteered for the front (the first World War). Participates in battles in which he is distinguished by courage. Three times wounded, gassed, after which he gets heart disease and is demobilized. He was awarded five orders and ends the war with the rank of staff captain. Zoshchenko returns to Petrograd. She earns her living by trying herself in a variety of professions: train inspector, postmaster, shoemaker, clerk, policeman, etc. Soon Zoshchenko meets with Chukovsky, who leads literary studies and he highly appreciates the first works of the writer. This is how the author's active literary activity began. Many come out famous works... Soon Mikhail Zoshchenko was elected a member of the Writers' Union.

The heart disease, which Zoshchenko received in the First World War, began to remind of himself. And at the age of 64, Zoshchenko dies in Leningrad. The writer was buried in the city of Sestroretsk.

2. Vocabulary and lexical work(Slide 7)

  • Scrofulous child - sick child
  • Long knitted - high
  • Pastille confection from fruit mass and sugar
  • Ceremonies - show excessive softness, shyness

V. Primary perception of the text (Slide 8)

The text of the story is read by the famous actor of the Maly Theater Igor Ilyinsky (listening to the text - 7 min.)

Vi. Primary Perception Test

- Did you like the story?

- Who are the main characters of the story?

- What did you decorate the tree with at that time? (Beads, flags, lanterns, golden nuts, lozenges, Crimean apples)

- Do you guys think the holiday turned out to be fun?

- And the story turned out to be funny?

- Why funny and funny story creates a slightly sad mood?

Fizminutka(Slide 9)

We repeat all the movements of the warm-up without hesitation!
Hey! We jumped on the spot.
Eh! We wave our hands together.
Ehe-he! Bent backs
We looked at the boots.
Hey-ge! Bent down lower
We leaned closer to the floor.
Turn in place deftly.
We need a knack for this.
What did you like, my friend?
There will be another lesson tomorrow!

Vii. Re-perception (Slide 10)

1. Comparison of the two main characters Lely and Minka:

Selective reading.

Each student has a question sheet on the table. The girls give the characteristics to Lele, and the boys to Minke.






Was 7 years old

Hit 5 years


Tall, long-knit

Surprisingly small


Exceptionally lively

What can they get?

Could reach high

Nothing can be obtained

How does he eat?

Eats up instantly

Bite off


Doesn't stand on ceremony

I almost roared

2. Work in groups.

1st group(Elya, Tolik, Karina, Rada, Gena)

Independent work to answer the questions:

  1. The offended aunt predicted the future for Minka, that he would be…. (Rogue)
  2. How did mom Lyolya want to punish? (Place in the corner with the nose)
  3. What proverb is used by one of the invited mothers? (It’s common with you to sit in a nettle!)
  4. What happened to the porcelain doll? (Her handle was broken off)
  5. What did mom want to give Minka? (Locomotive)
  6. Why was mom surprised? (That we were left alone)

2nd group (Slides 11-16)

Selective reading.

Find the corresponding words in the text for the picture on the slide.

  • 1 picture - page 60
  • 2 picture - page 60
  • Figure 3 - page 62
  • 4 picture - page 62
  • 5 drawing - page 63
  • 6 drawing - page 64

Group 1 check

- Let's check how you answered the questions.

Fizminutka(Eye Exercise)

(Slide 17)

3. Clarification of the main meaning of the story

What words reflect the most important meaning of this work?

(And for all these thirty-five years, children, I have never again eaten someone else's apple and never hit someone who is weaker than me. And now doctors say that this is why I am so comparatively cheerful and good-natured.)

- What does this story teach?

Pay attention to the words "The warmth of the hearth". These words did not just appear in the lesson. (Slide 18)

- Warmth, care, comfort at home come only from the behavior of adults?

- When did your behavior create warmth, coziness in the house, made your loved ones happy?

Working with proverbs:

  1. For what the treasure, if the family is okay.
  2. Rot the tree while it is young, and teach the children while they are green.
  3. He who brings up his children incorrectly pays with tears.

Family is the most important thing we have. Take care of your relatives, never act in such a way that your parents were ashamed of your actions.

Vi. Lesson summary

- I would like to finish our lesson with the words of M.M. Zoshchenko: (Slide 19)

No, I may have failed to become very good. It is very difficult. But for this, children, I have always strived. (Mikhail Zoshchenko)

Vii. Homework

  1. Prepare a retelling on behalf of Minka.
  2. Draw a drawing for the passage you like.

VIII. Reflection

(Slide 20)

Please show your choice.

See how colorful the class is today, you are really active, attentive, artistic. Well done, it's a pleasure to work with you. Thank you for the lesson.

The main characters of Mikhail Zoshchenko's story "Yolka" are a five-year-old boy Minka and his seven-year-old sister Lelia. Once Lelya persuaded Minka to secretly look at the New Year tree, which was dressed up for the arrival of the guests.

Taking advantage of the fact that mother went to the kitchen, the children went into the room where the tree stood. Lelya said that they would not touch the gifts, but she decided to eat one of the pastilles that hung on the tree. Minka could not reach the pastilles, and he bit one of the apples hanging on the tree.

Seeing this, Lelya ate another lozenge and took candy from the tree. In response, Minka took another bite of the apple. Then Lelya decided to eat the third lozenge and take a firecracker and a nut from the tree. An angry Minka, who could only reach an apple, took a chair to climb higher. But he could not cope with the chair and dropped it on the gifts lying under the tree. A porcelain doll's hand flew off from the blow. Hearing mother's steps, the brother and sister fled to another room.

At this time, guests came with their children, and the mother of Minka and Leli lit candles on the Christmas tree, after which she invited everyone to the room where she stood Christmas tree... Mom began to give gifts to the children who came and treated them to sweets and fruits taken from the tree.

Noticing the bitten apple, mom called Minka and Lelya over to her and asked who bit the apple? Lelya said that Minka did it, and he replied that Lelya had persuaded him to do this. Mom decided to punish her children for their misconduct and gave the toy intended for Minka to one of the boys who came to visit. Minka got angry and hit the boy on the arm.

The mother of the offended boy began to be indignant and called Minka a robber. His mother stood up for Minka and a skirmish began between the adults. As a result, all the guests left, and Minka and Lelya's dad came into the room. He put out the candles on the tree and said that he would give all the toys to the other children. After that, he told Minka and Lele to go to bed.

Since then, Minka has never again taken anything from someone else in his life and has never offended those who are weaker than him.

This is summary story.

The main idea of ​​Zoshchenko's story "Yolka" is that it is always easier to suppress the first desire than what follows. Lelya decided to try just one pastille from the New Year tree, and it all ended in a quarrel with the guests and severe paternal punishment.

The story teaches not to succumb to other people's persuasions and temptations, but to think with your own mind. Minka, looking at how Lelia was eating the pastilles, could not resist and also tried to get something from the tree, breaking the porcelain doll in the process. Lelia and Minka's lack of willpower, their excessive curiosity led to a conflict on the New Year's holiday.

What proverbs fit Zoshchenko's story "Christmas tree"?

Live everyone with your own mind.
If you chase after a stranger, you will lose yours.