Beauty recipes and little secrets of youth. Ancient beauty recipes

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Every woman has the magic to know exactly what these or those cosmetic tubes / jars / boxes from her collection are intended for. The beauties of antiquity also wanted to be attractive and used means for this that can be used today.

We are in the editorial office site specially selected the most effective beauty recipes, which have proven themselves excellently since the beginning of time.

Olive oil

The ancients called this product "golden". This is not surprising: in terms of color and useful properties, it deserves such an honorary title. It is on the basis of olive oil that there are many creams and shampoos designed to soften and strengthen the skin and hair.

Bath procedures

They were indulged not only by the Slavs. Roman women spent many hours in the baths, discussing their feminine secrets and alternately enjoying cool and warm baths.

Massage with aromatic oils

Mmm, this is a nice word "massage" ... Lightness and softness throughout the body! And with the addition of aromatic oils, after which both the aroma and the silkiness of the skin remain for a long time, is a dream at all.

Textured fabric instead of a scrub

Indeed, what to do if the scrub is not at hand (or it will still have to wait a couple of hundred years before its invention)? Use cloth, of course. A suitable material will exfoliate keratinized particles as well as usual.

Sugar hair removal

It is not known who exactly came up with the idea to use sugar for hair removal, but this idea is older than the pyramids. Ladies loved this method because it allowed them to keep the skin smooth for a long time.

Rose petal cream and cream

Roses for aroma and color, cream for velvety skin. The recipe is nowhere simpler, and the effect is simply amazing.

Honey masks

Honey for smooth skin and anti-cellulite has also been loved by many ladies. Anyone can do an anti-cellulite massage with it: it is enough to apply honey to the problem area and, pressing the palm / part of the hand, pull it away. Cellulite is afraid of such treatment, like fire, and honey will contribute to the beauty and softness of the skin.

Henna and Basma

In order to make the curls strong, healthy, and most importantly, the desired color, women have long used henna and basma in different proportions.

Egg masks

Egg hair masks have been and remain megapopular. Recipes vary, but everyone who has tried such masks is delighted: the hair is guaranteed strength and shine.

Sour cream

She, by the way, is good not only in borscht! The hostesses know: it is worth washing the sour cream container, as the handles are velvety and tender the next day. If you have a little sour cream, feel free to use it in the fight for beauty.

The modern world dictates its own conditions of existence, and we are used to obeying them. We have lived for a long time with average concepts, we use methods and patterns for our lives, without thinking about how correct they are and whether they work at all. We live by habits. Or do habits live on by us? How often do we go in circles, stepping on the same rake, but persistently continue to behave normally and do not even try to act differently in a new situation, try OTHER forms of behavior. In the depths of her heart, everyone understands how one does not want to be ordinary, ordinary, how one wants to become another - a mysterious, alluring, attractive, exciting and UNUSUAL woman.

How not to go with the flow and create events, happiness, love, life yourself? How to become different? And what does it mean to become OTHER? This means moving away from stereotypes, living according to the laws of nature. We know how to be DIFFERENT, i.e. not like everyone else, we must remember how it is.

Obavnitsa was just like that - DIFFERENT and were in antiquity. There was once a secret cult of Obavnitz, echoes of which have been preserved in myths, legends, and fairy tales.

An adorable ... Refined and INFLUENCE, subtly, gracefully and imperceptibly managing events in the life of ordinary people. She is always the master of the situation, superbly sustained and organized in the topic of knowledge and leadership. Agree, you want to be like that.

Beautiful sorceresses, sorceresses worked their wonders, using the magnetism of charm, love. They understood that love-spell energy is necessary not only in family life, without an attractive aura SUCCESS is impossible, because relations with society are made up of such a human trait as CHARM! This art was taught to little girls from 4 to 16 years old. And then the “graduates” of green temples had to arrange their lives themselves, using their knowledge and skills.

Do modern women need this? And how to fit the ancient practice of Vedic cultivation into the rhythm of modern life? After all, contemporaries have a lot of trouble: family, life, children, school, work. In pursuit of images from the covers of fashion magazines, women have ceased to understand that the main thing is not the tortured beauty of gloss, but inner charm, charms of love and attraction, a harmonious combination of external attractiveness and wealth of the inner world.

But a woman must necessarily FEEL that there is always a SECRET inside her! How do you feel it? How to create a space of peace within yourself? Neither family, nor success, nor career height will help in this. Nobody is responsible for the female inner world! Only a woman herself can harmonize it, adjust it with the help of spiritual practice and discover in herself the creative energy, the divine energy of Vedic attraction.

Not everyone is given to become Obavnitsa, for this one needs to work very hard, but any woman can use the methods of the ancient Cult today.

Obavnitsy know how to turn on the light in other people, i.e. INSPIRED, a person becomes radiant, warm, he is seen by the Higher Forces, successful events and opportunities rush to him. Obavnitsy are always observant, thoughtful in their actions, and they use their skills in order to lead to the benefits of loved ones and those whom they consider their own.

Seminars from this cycle are filled with female love spelling practices, rituals that allow not only the woman herself to become happy, but also to introduce any person into a state of HAPPINESS.

When you master the ART of knowing yourself and others, you will notice how the conquering power of peace will pour out of you with divine charisma, gifts of charm, and life itself will surround you with care and RICHES of opportunities.

Note: We reserve the right to deny unwanted visits.

Pre-registration for the seminar is required!

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Cleopatra she herself invented the emulsion for the face. She mixed honey and aloe powder with silver-set water. She did not bathe her hands in milk baths, washed her hair and at the same time nourished shampoo from three yolks of freshly laid chicken eggs. After that, Cleopatra rinsed them with a decoction of burdock roots, hop cones and nettles. After taking the famous milk bath, the queen used a body scrub: 300 grams of sea salt was mixed with half a cup of cream and rubbed into her skin for ten minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

Queen Isabella of Spain She was distinguished by beautiful hair, excellent skin, shine in her eyes and long-lasting youth. Isabella supported all these natural data with natural means: she made herself unpretentious masks from field herbs - chamomile, plantain, rosemary and yarrow - and rose and lily flowers, which insisted on alcohol. Even at a very advanced age, the queen had a blooming appearance.

The beauty of Shaherizada- the image is rather collective, but in addition to the 1001 fairy tales, she is credited. The queen dyed her hair with a mixture of henna and basma, and then rinsed it with fruit juice. I whitened my teeth with very thick natural yogurt. Before bathing, the skin was rubbed with honey, to which ground nuts and vegetable oil were added. And she removed unnecessary hairs with a ball of sugar syrup, boiled until golden brown and mixed with lemon juice.

Napoleon's wife Josephine was a simple woman. While still a provincial Creole, she knew what was best to make from ordinary boiled potatoes. She cleaned the clogged pores of her face with hot camphor compresses. On an empty stomach, she drank a glass of lemonade every morning. At that time, it was simple lemon juice diluted with simple mineral water, this helped to properly cleanse the intestines from toxins and other evil spirits and, as a result, preserve virgin beauty.

Diane de Poitiers (mistress of Henry II) believed that you can't look young, having made a mask a couple of times and rubbed yourself with lotion. At 6 in the morning, Diana took a cold bath, until 8 she had a ride on horseback. Then she went to rest. Until noon, she basked in bed, ate a light breakfast. She preferred to deal with matters of state importance in the afternoon. Diana denied herself such joy as alcohol, even in minimal quantities: she, not without reason, believed that her face was swollen from wine. But the main secret of her beauty, she said, was that she never thought about old age.

Russian Empress Catherine II tried to keep youth in the most miraculous ways. First, she took a bath every day with the addition of a balm specially designed for her: a mixture of thick almond milk was added to four crushed egg yolks, poured with water, in which the rose petals had been soaked for a long time, and to this - a glass of vodka.

Marquise de Pompadour, the favorite of Louis VI, was in poor health, and her skin was thin and dry. Jeanne-Antoinette made masks from cream mixed with whipped egg whites and lemon extract. She began the morning by smearing lemon juice on her face and then rubbing olive oil into her skin. She washed off all this with warm, settled water, and all day the skin retained a beautiful delicate appearance. In addition, the marquise drank a glass of carrot juice with the addition of a spoonful of honey, which gave her vigor for the whole day.

Marilyn Monroe I washed myself sometimes fifteen times a day. She used regular petroleum jelly as her moisturizer, sometimes replacing it with olive oil. Marilyn never sunbathed, she said that the sun is aging faster than time. The morning began with a mug of hot milk with a couple of raw eggs. But the most important conclusion about the beauty of the great Monroe was this: the female body needs free access to air, otherwise the skin will flabby and become covered with wrinkles. Therefore, she did not recognize underwear and tights. At the same time, she liberated her sensuality and freedom of movement.

Beauties of Ancient Russia differed in delicate facial skin and excellent natural blush. What cunning secret did they have? And the trick here is small. Our great-great-grandmothers washed themselves with ice water from a silver jug. Then this was explained in a miraculous way, today scientists explain the unusual effect of such washing with the tonic effect of cold and the high bactericidal properties of silver. The ability of silver to kill bacteria is 1750 times stronger than carbolic acid and 3.5 times stronger than chlorine, furacillin, potassium permanganate.

Today, not every home has silverware, but everyone has a refrigerator at home. It is not difficult to prepare these cubes for daily washing: Squeeze half a small lemon into a glass of boiled water and pour into molds. Lemon juice and ice water will leave your skin firm and soft for years to come.

Chronicles say that the Murom prince Peter suffered from a serious illness. His body began to become covered with scabs, and the best healers could not help him.

And when hope completely disappeared, a simple girl Fevronya appeared in the princely chambers - the daughter of a bee-keeper. Together with her father, she lived in the forest and collected honey from wild bees. Fevronya took with her some linden honey and herbs - celandine and calendula. She promised to heal the prince, but took his word from him that in gratitude he would marry her. Fevronya made a medicinal broth and watered and washed Peter with it for several days. And - lo and behold! The ailment receded.

The prince recovered, but he was in no hurry to fulfill his promise. He did not want to go down the aisle with a commoner. And the disease returned to him again. As the legend says, then the young man went to the forest, found his healer there and called him in marriage. Incredibly, Fevronya soon managed to inspire him with respect and love, which became an example for everyone for centuries. She repeatedly rescued the prince with wise advice, and he could no longer live without her. Peter and Fevronya died on the same day in 1228. They did not want to be separated even after death, but the servants put them in different coffins. According to church records, twice the bodies of the princely couple miraculously disappeared from separate tombs and ended up in one sarcophagus.

Who really was Fevronya and is there an explanation for all these miracles?

Scientists suggest that the beekeeper's daughter was related to the obavnitsa - the keepers of ancient and mysterious knowledge.

Has it survived to this day?

There were geisha in Japan. In the Arab East - odalisques. In ancient Greece - hetaira. Their whole life was dedicated to the man. But they gave their beloved only body and a little attention. The goal of all these women was - in clever ways to tie the master to themselves and get everything from him.

Therefore, history keeps so many sad stories with their participation.

Slavic obavnitsy knew much more. And besides, they were created - to bestow. The things that were done by the women seem to be miracles today. But the time has come for them to find an explanation.

Arina Vesta, a historian and ethnographer, tries to explain it this way: “This is true magic, true magic, when a person, having reached certain degrees of spiritual maturity, could control the material world completely freely. And even more so in our culture, in the secret, Slavic culture, there are a lot of conspiratorial mysteries, conspiratorial practices. "

First of all, the woman could get any man.

Being of simple origin, they nevertheless became queens.

Historians have recently found a mention of this in the chronicles of the first Kiev princes. And the new discovery gave rise to a number of mysteries.

It turned out that Svyatoslav Kievsky, the son of Igor and Olga, fell in love with his mother's housekeeper - a certain Malusha, the sister of the hero Dobrynya Nikitich. From this union was born Vladimir, the future prince and baptist of Russia.

But here's the weird thing. Malusha lived at the court while Svyatoslav was on campaigns.

After his return and the birth of a son, she was exiled by Princess Olga to the Pskov region. And the child was brought up in Kiev together with other children of Svyatoslav. And it was Vladimir, the son of a commoner, who was chosen among other princes as the heir to the throne. Why did Princess Olga do this? Did you understand what abilities the son of the adorable would have? Did you see a threat in Malusha? Afraid and unwilling to share power with her? Did you know what such women are capable of? ..

But is there any confirmation that Malusha was an obavnitsa? Historians believe that this proves her relationship with the hero Dobrynya. At the time of Prince Svyatoslav, the heroes of the field were known. Warrior maidens, Russian Amazons, daughters and sisters of heroes.

Polyanitsy were just the military direction of knowledge of the obavnits.

Historians have the impression that the obavnitz were carefully selected and prepared in well-hidden priestly schools. It is no coincidence that all princes in legends find magical maidens in the forest.

So what was the secret weapon of the obavnits? Can we use it today? First of all, they knew how to apply the power of nature for beauty. And how to treat a man correctly.

The main thing that has survived to this day is the beauty secrets of these superbrides. The canons of attractiveness in those days were based on the indicators of the girl's health. And today science has confirmed this. The thicker the young lady's braid, the more calcium in her body. It means that she will give birth to a strong baby. From almost forgotten, but very effective means for improving hair growth - hemp and flaxseed oil. It was added to food and rubbed into the hair.

Olga Perevalova, a nutritionist, talks about the beneficial properties of this product: “This is the oil that has been used in Russia for centuries. That is, our Russian people, our luxurious gene pool, our heroes and beauties, who have such a thick blond braid, are the people who grew up on good, high-quality flaxseed oil. "

The pearly luster of the teeth was achieved with the help of ordinary ash. Nowadays, activated carbon is quite effective for the same purposes.

A decoction of parsley and a mask of curdled milk helped to whiten the face. With the help of sour milk, the girls removed freckles. Cream saved themselves from sunburn. The effectiveness of such procedures has also been confirmed by modern scientific research.

Natalia Popova, a dermotoxicologist, shares her secrets: “After a working day, it is very pleasant to wash your face with cool kefir with the addition of vitamin E, which also belongs to fat-soluble vitamins and is a very strong antioxidant. That is, it fights free radicals, respectively, fights skin aging. "

However, Russian beauties knew that healthy skin is an indicator of proper digestion. In the historical textual monuments of the 18th century, historians have found an interesting recipe, apparently from antiquity.

Empress Elizaveta Petrovna loved noisy feasts and feasts. During her reign, they drank a lot at court and ate without measure, and after that they certainly "suffered from the head and stomach." The very same ruler in the morning continued to have fun, because she used an old Russian recipe, which was told to her by one of the court ladies. It is an elixir of youth and health based on cereal milk. This is how it was prepared. Grains of wheat, barley and oats interfered equally. Thoroughly grind, poured boiling water, insisted and drank warm. This kind of raw porridge perfectly cleansed the stomach and intestines. Even in her middle years, the empress could boast of a healthy blush and excellent appetite.

Recently, another curious story was found in the chronicles of the Kiev princes. Stopping on business in a small town on the banks of the Moskva River, which would later become the White-stone capital, Yuri Dolgoruky noticed a young girl. He was overwhelmed by her beauty. The peasant's face was white and smooth, like a boyar's. To take a closer look at the girl, the prince grabbed her hand on occasion. Suddenly he saw huge scratches on the girl's hand. The prince asked where they were from, but the girl only laughed and tried to run away. The next day she brought the prince a basket full of berries. It was raspberry. The girl said that these gifts of the forest are the secret of her beauty. Just to get the berries, you have to wade through the thorny thickets. She treated the prince to berries, he marveled at their taste and fell more and more in love with the girl. Are there any doubts that it was an adorable? ..

In Russia, raspberries were considered a magic berry. She was used in rituals for enrichment and family happiness.

Albina Selitskaya, a parapsychologist, says: "When women use sweet jam, it is not, of course, a love potion, but love, goodness and happiness are sure to flow into a house in which the smell of raspberry jam or tea is brewed with raspberry berries."

Girls in Russia wore rather tight sundresses so that future suitors could appreciate their flexible body. The obavnitsy knew how important gymnastics was for the female body. Of course, they did not have time to exercise.

However, they found something even more useful - swimming.

Remember how many stories are built around a magical maiden bathing in a lake or river.

The obavnitsy had power over people, but they never abused it, controlling men only with a wise word and gentle persuasion.

Obavnitsy "turned into animals and birds." Researchers suggest that we are not talking about physical transformation, but about the acquisition of the qualities of this or that creature. The frog princess, most likely, knew how to become invisible and wait for days in the cold and damp thickets. Just like specially trained saboteurs do it today. Or she could find fords in the swamp by barely noticeable changes in vegetation.

The swan princess, the eagle and the dove could very well have flown.

The phenomenon of levitation is described in all ancient peoples.

The Slavic historian, Candidate of Historical Sciences Marina Krymova is sure: "The obavnitsy were volatile, that is, they directly used their ether, they could create a supply of forces, a supply of resources, if we talk about a battle or a long march, directly through a distance."

The priestesses of the ancient cult did not live in the forest all their lives. Often they returned to their native villages and there they were looking for a betrothed.

The obavnitsy knew exactly how to find their man.

It is no coincidence that the most important love rituals were held on holidays, especially on the Days of Kupala and Kolyada. These periods are associated with special energy rhythms of the planet. The days of Kolyada are the winter solstice, the period of the longest and coldest nights of the year. Our ancestors believed that December 21 is the time of the god Karachun. This is an evil deity of death and frost, also called Chernobog.

Alexander Belov, a researcher of the Slavic tradition, says: “We have Karachun, we understand that life will end, because the space of light is infinitely shrinking. The winter solstice is a struggle between light and shadow, it is a struggle against the waning of the Sun, that is, the departure of the Sun into the world of the dead. "

But, according to myths, the god Kolyada defeats Karachun-Chernobog. And for this to happen without fail, you need to greet Kolyada with bonfires to heaven, a fun feast, songs and dances. It was on these nights that they wondered about marriage, harvest and addition to the family. And during the day they called upon the Sun to be reborn and turn for the summer. Daylight and warmth of life began to multiply in the world.

Alexander Belov explains: “Now the sunlight is starting to gain strength. Gradually, the same explosion of potential energy begins, which will be embodied, explode into kinetic energy. But it will be at the summer solstice. "

The main Slavic holiday was Kupala's day - the summer solstice, June 22. Our ancestors believed that during the longest and brightest days, the Sun gives the most life. At this time, the union of man and woman will become divine. Unmatched girls and guys on this day were looking for a future couple. But not in the way it is considered nowadays, going over everyone in a row.

Few people today know how Kupala was actually glorified.

The obavnitsy performed a special magic ceremony. Later, it was widely used. Representing the image of the betrothed, they made a wooden raft, where they put their own embroidered scarf and cooked dishes, and let them down the river. And the guys were guarding these rafts downstream.

Arina Nikitina, researcher of the Slavic tradition: “There was such a belief that whoever caught this raft, who would taste these gifts, would be able to find the owner, find his betrothed by the pattern of the thing that was embroidered and lay on this raft.”

And married couples performed a rite of calling a child. This ritual was mandatory for the birth of the first child. Moreover, they began to prepare for it six months in advance. For a month and a half, bodily and mental fast was observed.

The most important element of the ceremony for young married couples was admiration for each other as god and goddess. Mutual ablution was performed. Then the spouses performed for each other the sacred dance of the unity of the elements. The husband danced with two bowls of fire in his hands, and the wife with two bowls of water. Then they gifted each other. The woman is a shirt with embroidered signs of strength and paternity. And her husband gave her a special headdress symbolizing motherhood.

Arina Nikitina continues: “It was the night of the sacrament, and, often, the night of the conception of the first child in the family, for the day of the summer solstice is, as they said in Russia, the time when the earth and the sky get married, this is the holiday of the wedding of heaven and earth, the conception of a new embryo ".

Our ancestors knew how to use the forces of nature to give birth to offspring living in harmony with the entire universe.

The obavnitsy kept and remembered the meaning of the rituals. They knew how to use the forces of the Earth and Space. But these maidens have never been many.

Getting such a woman was considered incredible luck. Any prince, if he knew where to look, strove to find himself such a wife, even if she was of low birth. After all, the meaning of any Russian fairy tale lies in the fact that the tsarevich should marry a magical maiden who knows and knows what no one can do. However, everything had to be for love and mutual consent.

Every Russian soldier knew that he would not fail by taking a wife as his wife. After all, she will become a real coastal woman - the keeper of his house and family.

Dispell his longing, defeat enemies and diseases, raise sons and daughters.

Marina Krymova, a Slavic historian, candidate of historical sciences, says: “There are such interesting fragments in the documents that all the princes tried to marry Vila the Wise. Their names were hidden. Vila the Wise is a title, just a designation that she is a darling, a difficult woman, a witch, Vila the Wise, or Vasilisa the Wise. "

What did the women do for their men? Few people know that the love traditions of the Slavs and everyday magic were part of one big knowledge. It was called wisdom.

Arina Nikitina explains what it is: “That is how they used to call a cunning science, as the old people used to say, about creating and maintaining a family. This is very great knowledge. It also included an understanding of who you are, what is your personal destiny, what is the destiny of a person. This included the practice of creating clothes, knowing which herb belongs to which elements, how to use it for nutrition and use it to heal the body if you have lost a single integrity (that is, the relationship of body, soul and spirit). This is a very extensive knowledge, it also included fixings - this is something like folk chiropractic, healing the body, working with the body. "

Ladka was made not only to the sick, but also to the tired person. When loving couples met at home at the end of a difficult day, they began by taking off each other's fatigue. For this, the head plate served. They stroked my hair, massaged my temples and the back of my head. The effect of these simple and gentle movements was magical. Each hinge had its own secret, but the essence was in the healing energy exchange.

The women who were married, and in marriage already - the bearers, knew well how to protect their beloved, even when they were far from him. Knights who went to war or to distant lands for a better life were awarded special amulets, objects made with the help of conspiracies. Such a thing kept a piece of the soul of the caregiver, surrounded her husband with care and love. Fragments of these traditions are still alive in the people's memory today. Few people know, but those whose work is associated with risk - professional athletes, rescuers, military, do not leave the house without a talisman given by their wife or mother.

Alexander Belov, a researcher of the Slavic tradition, says: “She lives and gives all of herself, all of her energy. All the strength of her character, will, habits, everything, everything, everything, intellect, mind, soul, she gives completely to a man, leaving nothing for herself in return, which is why, in fact, she is called a coastal woman. Because the most powerful amulets are created only by such women. "
Photo 15. Obavnitsy perform the Siemiradzki rite. The night before Ivan Kupala

After seeing off the betrothed for a long time, the bereginya handed him her comb. In Russia, they believed that a comb, presented to a beloved, could better than any weapon in a dangerous battle protect from an enemy strike, and in a foreign land - from an evil eye.

Marina Krymova, a Slavic historian, candidate of historical sciences, explains: “The cult of the obavnitsa says that the obavnitsa will part with her comb only if she needs to save her beloved, only in this case she will give her strength, her resources, her hair , his life energy in order to save his knight. "

It is the comb that has become one of the most common patterns for protective clothing. Slavic women adorned them with belts, shirts and headdress, which they tied on their heads. Nadezhda Kholmogorova (a master of making amulets) is restoring this ancient craft. She now makes clothes for her husband and son herself.

Says Nadezhda Kholmogorova (Yaroslava), a master of making amulets: "Previously, clothes were made with their own hands, and properly sewn clothes, correctly embroidered clothes are also a very strong talisman."

True, it is no longer possible to fully comply with all the ancient technology of creating protective clothing. Previously, special conspiracies accompanied the whole process: from the moment of combing out flax for fabric, to putting on the bridegroom in a ready-made shirt. Today the craftswoman uses shop threads. But the main requirement remains unchanged - you should start work only in a good mood.

Alexander Belov, a researcher of the Slavic tradition, says: “There is a specific embroidery: when she scratched flax, a conspiracy was going on; then she created yarn, the plot went on; then the fabric weaved, the plot went on; then from the fabric cut, there was a conspiracy; then she embroidered, there was a conspiracy; made a shirt, there was a conspiracy - everything is so verbalized. This is not just an embroidered piece of fabric that I wear on myself. I protect this woman, her family is in her face, and she protects me. It turns out a closed system, a system of connecting vessels. "

Our ancestors had one more protective amulet. They poured a handful of their native land into a small bag. Thus, the great goddess herself - the mother of the damp earth - was called for help. Often this bag was given to a man along with a doll, which he kept at home and always took with him on a long journey.

Nadezhda Kholmogorova says: “There is such a doll called Plantain. She represents a woman who holds a bag in her hands, into which her native land is poured. This is also a talisman for her husband on the road. There are other male dolls that help a man to maintain strength and overcome all the obstacles that come his way. These are such dolls as, for example, Spiridon-Solntsevorot, who holds the wheel in his hands and thus helps the man to carry out his affairs ”.

Beregini knew how to protect their home in the absence of the owner.

Until the middle of the last century in the Volga villages in the huts in the "red corner" was placed a small doll. She was considered the repository of the soul of the maternal ancestors and served as a powerful amulet.

Arina Vesta: “This little doll is a prototype of the Great Mother. They have a protective, mystical and magical meaning. By making such a gift to our loved one, we transfer part of the qualities to this doll. If this doll is a grain, then we convey the wish of prosperity and completeness to the house, so that the house is a full bowl. If some other symbol is laid, accordingly, we endow our gift with the same qualities. "

Beregini made seven special amulets for themselves. They are also called dolls of female destiny.

Taisiya Potselueva, a master of protective dolls, explains: “When a woman found out that she was pregnant, she made a little, little doll, literally from her palm, and she kept this doll throughout the pregnancy and, if possible, carried it with her. She was very small, she could fit in the palm of her hand, and such a doll took care of a pregnant woman. "

A number of magic dolls were made especially for a small child. Before his birth, a kuvadochka doll was placed in the cradle. It was believed that she warmed the bed and then protected the child from the evil eye of relatives who came to look at the baby.

Taisia ​​Potselueva continues the story: “Then, when the child began to walk on his own, to go out into the street, his mother gave him a“ nanny ”. She was hung on the neck. If a child was scared of something, someone offended him, he grabbed the doll with his hands, remembered his mother, and he was no longer so scared. "

These protective dolls were considered so strong that they were never painted with a face. According to legends, a doll with a face could capture someone else's soul.

Today, all these magical practices are beyond science. Psychologists can still explain the role of a number of amulets. But what about the fabulous dolls that could talk? .. Esotericists suggest that the spirits of nature were subject to the bereginians. It was they who were asked to move into the chrysalis.

Beregini also used more applied methods of protecting the house.

Elena Grafskaya has been guessing on beans all her life. She was taught this by her grandmother, a hereditary fortune teller. These beans could not only reveal the future, but also protect loved ones.

The fortune-teller Elena Grafskaya says: “It was on beans that I began to guess when I was a child, because our grandmothers used to guess. I saw how my grandmother wondered to herself, to people and how she told who I would be. When I was ten, she predicted to me that I would marry a military man, that I would study in Moscow, that I would have two sons. I didn't believe it, but when it started to come true, of course, I already believed it. But in childhood, we all wondered. And if the cards were forbidden and they were not there, then legumes and peas were always, and we wondered on them. "

Grafskaya recalls the ritual that her grandmother performed every time there was no consent in the house, and the children indulged in and did not want to go to bed. She took a handful of beans in a mug and walked around the house, shaking the beans and reading a special conspiracy.

The fortune teller Elena Grafskaya tells: “For a long time in Russia there was such a ritual: they took an ordinary iron mug and beans, there should be an even number, but for some reason they always took 22 pieces. These can be seeds of peas, beans, beans themselves. And they covered only with their left hand. They begin to go around the house clockwise, rattling these seeds. My grandmother always said: "We must drive the demons." She took a mug, covered it with her hand and began to walk around the house, speaking out the conspiracy. "

According to the science of Beregin, such a "tapping" of beans at home helped attract good luck and wealth.

Elena Belenkova inherited other unique descriptions of rituals from her healer grandmother. Most of them focus on common salt. The oldest woman in the family should work with salt. They were slandering salt. In ancient times - forgotten Slavic. Later - church, Orthodox.

Elena Belenkova recalls: “At Christmas I took ordinary coarse salt, at 12 o'clock I poured it in a slide, lit a church candle and recited the prayer“ Our Father ”on this salt three times. And this salt was already considered a spell. Then I put it in a cotton bag, and now you can use it. "

The charmed salt was sprinkled along the windowsill so that trouble would not come to the house. They put it under the pillow to drive away bad thoughts and insomnia.

Elena Belenkova explains: “She is in order to remove some evil eye or something bad. When some strangers come, you need to pour this charmed salt into an open salt shaker and put it in the center of the table. Then she will remove all the negativity that will be present. "

In Russia, black, or Thursday, salt was more revered. She was in every home. Black salt recipes have been forgotten for centuries. They have survived only in remote villages. Sergei Krasnov remembers how his great-grandmother cooked black salt in a Russian oven.

Sergey Krasnov, a black salt producer, says: “They made it in a Russian stove. They took rye bread, mixed with rock salt. Then the leavening sourdough goes, certain herbs, and they kneaded the dough from this. Then they wrapped it in linen material, put it in the oven, on birch firewood. Its cooking temperature is very high, about 900 ° C. "

Black salt was considered a special magical powder. She relieved of many ailments, she was sewn into amulets along with her native land. Today, there is an explanation for the magical effect of black salt.

Sergei Krasnov continues his story: “If a person went on a long hike, long voyage, he took this salt with him, that is, it was also a talisman. The man left with her and then returned with her.

Due to the fact that the salt in the oven was calcined at a high temperature, it changed its molecular structure. This means that now she already did not attract water to herself as much as white salt. And due to the fact that there is bread, leavened leaven and herbs of the aforementioned additives, it was enriched with potassium, calcium, manganese, microelements ”.

Science has come close to solving this rite. The point is that salt is a crystalline mineral. It is known that crystals can memorize and store an incredible amount of information. It is possible that at the energy level. It is possible that the salt charged by the mistress of the coast created a special field that influenced people with bad intentions.

In the Kostroma province, a folk recipe for a magic loaf has been preserved. The hostess took coarse rock salt and added it to the rye dough, in a ratio of about one to five kilograms. She would add three or four handfuls of dry mint, dill or oregano there and put them in the oven. The baked loaf exuded an extraordinary, divine aroma. The bread should be taken out when it completely darkens.

This bread was considered to be healing. It was especially often prepared at the end of winter, when all food supplies were running low. A rye loaf with black salt gave protection from all kinds of diseases, restored strength and improved spirits.

But the most important skill of any caregiver was knowing how and when to use medicinal herbs and plants. Some helped to heal the sick. Others were ascribed purely magical properties. The overpower-herb was considered a truly magical plant. This is the name of a white water lily in an old handwritten herbalist. Our ancestors believed that she conquers evil spirits and helps travelers not to get lost on a long journey.

Natalia Zamyatina, agronomist of the Botanical Garden of the First Moscow State Medical University IM Sechenova, shared her knowledge about this plant: "Overcome the grass, conquer the high mountains for me, the fields are wide, the forests are thick." It was considered necessary to take the grass with you on any journey, so that it would protect you on the road from all difficulties, from robbers and, in general, bring good luck. "

Also, the science of herbalists-herbalists attributed mystical properties to the willow-leaf loosestrife, better known among the people as the weeping herb. The plant really emits drops that flow down the leaves and look like tears from the side. Why is the loosestrider crying?

Tatiana Kovaleva, phytotherapist, explains: “The fact is that often before the rain, when the soil is saturated with moisture, and the plants perfectly feel that it will rain now, a certain regulation takes place. He does not need extra moisture so that the roots do not rot. And the plant thus discards water through its stomata, ducts. This is how weeping plants are scientifically explained.

But in the old days, people explained tears of weeping grass in their own way. When the Mother of God mourned the crucifixion of Jesus, her tears fell to the ground and turned into a loosestrife. This herb was used in conspiracies against evil spirits: by making the loosestrife cry, the bereghinas gained power over the world of spirits, destroyed the spell of enemies and cured diseases.

Natalya Zamyatina: “Placun grass was considered mainly necessary for driving out demons. They drove all the devils, witches, all the evil spirits. Moreover, they always collected grass on Ivan Kupala. "

After reading special spells, the weeping grass was hung over the door of the dwelling or placed under the threshold. The root of the plant was also used in magical rituals. They dug it out by hand. Then a wedding ring was circled around the root. They were hung at home as a talisman.

Elena Korsun, Associate Professor of the Department of Phytotherapy at RUDN University, says about this rite: “They were hung to preserve peace in the family, for marital well-being. And the root of the red twig-shaped loosestrife was placed in the barn. He helped to rein in the brownie, helped with the housework, so that everything was coordinated, nothing was lost, did not beat and did not disappear. "

Also, on the magical day of the Kupala holiday, ordinary horseradish was dug up. In folk recipes, not only the root, but also horseradish leaves are considered healing. Since ancient times they have been put in pickles. Horseradish really kills bacteria. But the root gives all its strength to the leaves only once a year.

Beregini was treated with herbs not only for colds, but even for serious illnesses.

Naturopathic doctor Elena Vitalievna Svitko has been working with berries all her life. She knows about their benefits firsthand. It's hard to imagine, but thanks to strawberries, she defeated myopia!

Naturopathic physician Elena Vitalievna Svitko recalls: “When I was five, they put on glasses. I had complex eye disease, astigmatism and myopia and it got worse. Despite the fact that both my father and mother are academicians, no one could help me. In our house, on the first floor, lived a five-year-old herbalist, Baba Pina, who, when she saw me wearing glasses, began to shame my mother very much and said: “You see, I am 105 years old. I eat strawberries and drink strawberry leaves. And I don't wear glasses! "

A herbalist neighbor recommended giving the girl fresh strawberries and a decoction. Elena's mother brewed a strawberry bush with boiling water along with the roots, on the advice of the herbalist, she did it on the growing moon. During this period, strawberries acquire special strength. It sounds fantastic, but the child's eyesight has started to improve.

The glasses were soon forgotten. Elena Svitko can boast of vigilance even today. So the recipes of the ancient bereginas came in handy for her.

Where did all these magical rites come from? Where are the origins of the mysterious obavnitsa cult? What gods and goddesses patronized them and what is behind all this? Researchers are inclined to believe that the Beregini worshiped Mokos. Makosh is a female goddess spinning the thread of fate.

Dmitry Pankratov, researcher of Slavic culture: “She was credited with spinning yarn. Accordingly, this yarn can go in lumps, and life will be uneven; it can be flat, it can break off earlier, maybe later. And in exactly the same way, all this was carried out in the household, when the hostess had her own spinning wheel, and she knew that Makosh was watching her just as sternly. The better she gets a thread, the better the thread of life will turn out in the whole family, the thread that Makosh weaves for this kind. "

However, Mokosh also had a secret, Vedic cult.

Change fate, help find a betrothed, bewitch your chosen one - in such matters only the goddess of fate could help. The rituals of worshiping Makoshi were performed on the full moon, when the feminine energy is maximized. Men were forbidden not only to attend these witchcraft rites, but even to observe them from afar.

Alexander Belov, a researcher of Slavic traditions, says: “It is a taboo for a man to get into this structure, into this part of the female space. All the mysteries of Mokos are only for women! Women who are in the rituals of the goddess Makosha, in their round dances, enter a state of altered consciousness, they will then be called witches first. The witch is, first of all, Makosh. "

Witch - literally means "knowing mother." The wisest woman of the family.

In Russia, witches were not called at all servants of dark forces, but those who knew how to heal diseases, how to help a girl find her betrothed, and a married woman to maintain family happiness. From generation to generation - from mother to daughter - the witches passed on their secrets.

And when the dogma of the Orthodox Church came to Russia, ancient knowledge and its guardians were slandered and anathematized.

But the people still knew where the witches lived, and often turned to their help.

At the end of her life, the Bereginya became a witch - a knowing mother, the wisest woman of the family. They lived for a long time, for a very long time, sometimes outliving husbands and even children. When the witch, having raised descendants, completed her task of keeping the family, she again retired to the forest abode - to bring up new women. If it happened far from the sanctuaries of Makoshi, where there were probably whole schools of obavnitsa, there were never many female students - one or two. Remember, in fairy tales, grandmother Yaga sometimes has a granddaughter or niece. The girls were taken to the forest, where for years they learned to understand the language of animals and birds, collect herbs, and heal people. After all, if they worked in the field, they would have no time left. Knowledge has always been passed on within the same clan - to those who have more clearly manifested the abilities of a real Slavic Woman, the daughter of a great goddess.

Even today, the secrets of beauty and rejuvenation of such world-famous beauties as Josephine and Cleopatra, the Marquis de Pompadour and Diana de Poitiers, and, of course, Marilyn Monroe, excite the minds of modern ladies. Many of the recipes have survived to this day, their value lies in the fact that all components are natural, and therefore “native” for the skin.

Anti-aging recipes from Cleopatra

The first woman who carefully monitored the condition of her skin, hair and body is the Queen of Egypt - Cleopatra... It was she who developed the compositions of many, popular and now, face masks, various emulsions and creams.

For example, face emulsion consisted of the following components: honey, aloe powder and water. All ingredients were taken in equal proportions. The peculiarity of this anti-aging recipe is the use of water, which has been previously settled in a silver bowl.

It is known that Cleopatra was the first to learn how to quickly get rid of blackheads on her face.

In addition, she was very fond of taking milk baths, the components of which perfectly nourished the skin. After taking such baths, the slaves rubbed the body of the queen exfoliating scrub m based on sea salt and cream.

Perfect hair condition the queen supported with the help of ordinary chicken eggs. The shampoo recipe is extremely simple: three chicken eggs are thoroughly beaten, then rubbed into the scalp and hair, and after a few minutes are washed off with warm water. An analogue of modern hair rinses was a decoction of hop cones and burdock roots, with the addition of nettle.

Anti-aging recipes from the Spanish queen Isabella

"Always radiant, with beautiful thick hair and charming dark eyes" - this is how contemporaries described Isabella, Queen of Spain... To maintain natural data, the queen used only natural remedies.

For example, she was very fond of doing chamomile face masks, rosemary, plantain, yarrow. She made lotions from lily and rose flowers, insisting them on alcohol. Thanks to daily procedures, Isabella, even in her old age, was distinguished by a blooming appearance.

Rejuvenating recipes from Scheherazade

Scheherazade is a collective image of a beauty. She is known not only for 1001 fairy tales, but she is also credited with many anti-aging female beauty recipes.

To give the hair a deeper shade, the queen dyed it with a mixture of basma and henna, and for greater shine, rinsed it with fruit juices. For teeth whitening used natural yogurt, which has a very thick consistency. As a scrub before bathing, I used a mixture of honey and crushed nuts, and extra virgin olive oil was added to additionally moisturize the skin.

Modern depilation procedure carried out using a ball of sugar syrup with the addition of lemon juice.

Rejuvenating recipes from Josephine

Josephine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte being a provincial Creole, she knew simple recipes for rejuvenating masks. She performed skin lifting using masks made of boiled potatoes.

To cleanse the pores, I used hot camphor compresses, which I applied every week for a few minutes. Each morning, Josephine began with a glass of lemonade, which at the time consisted of lemon juice and mineral water. This helped to cleanse the intestines, remove toxins and other harmful substances, and therefore preserve natural beauty.

Now everyone already knows that periodic cleansing of the body is a very useful procedure that allows you to preserve both beauty and health.

Anti-aging recipes from Diane de Poitiers

Diane de Poitiers I gave more preference not so much to cosmetic procedures, but to a constant healthy lifestyle.

Henry II's mistress began her day at 6 a.m. with a cold bath, followed by a horseback ride that lasted up to eight hours. On her return from the boardwalk, she rested, basking in bed until almost noon. All affairs of state importance were postponed until the afternoon.

She gave up alcohol completely, considering that even a minimal amount of wine in the evening will affect the swelling of the face in the morning.

Rejuvenating recipes from Catherine II

The famous Catherine II used the most entertaining and miraculous compositions.

Every day the Empress took a bath with a balm of a very interesting composition. The egg yolks are thoroughly ground, after which a mixture of almond milk is added, everything is poured with rose water, and a glass of vodka is added to this.

Anti-aging recipes from the Marquise de Pompadour

Favorite of Louis VI, Marquis de Pompadour, had very poor health, in addition to this, her skin was dry and thin.

Fresher skin helped to make cream mask with proteins, with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice. Jeanne-Antoinette's morning began by rubbing the skin with lemon juice, after which she moisturized it with olive oil. After fifteen minutes, the marquise washed off the mask with warm water.

This rejuvenating treatment helped her maintain a beautiful gentle look throughout the day. In order to cheer up, the Marquise drank a glass of carrot juice with honey in the morning.

Anti-aging recipes from Marilyn Monroe

How many men's hearts this beauty broke, you can't count, but what is the secret of Marilyn Monroe's style? To moisturize the skin, the actress used ordinary petroleum jelly, she could rarely replace it with olive oil.

Marilyn tried not to sunbathe, believing that it is the sun that ages the skin much faster than time. She preferred to drink for breakfast a glass of warm milk with the addition of two raw eggs. Monroe also considered the lack of free air as the main enemy of female beauty, since otherwise wrinkles appear. The actress tried to follow this principle constantly, and therefore did not recognize tights and underwear.

Simultaneously she liberated sexuality and sensuality, and relations with famous men still excite the world community.

Rejuvenating recipes from the beauties of Ancient Russia

The beauties of Ancient Russia were distinguished by delicate facial skin and natural blush. For washing, they used melt water, settled in a silver jug. Then it was considered a kind of miracle, but today scientists have already explained this fact.

Cold water has an excellent tonic effect, and silver is an excellent bactericidal agent.

For example, silver destroys bacteria 3.5 times more actively than potassium and chlorine permanganate and 1,750 times more than carbolic acid.

Of course, not everyone has silverware now, but do anti-aging cubes can... The juice of half a lemon must be diluted with a glass of boiled water, poured into molds and frozen. The combined action of ice water and lemon will not keep you waiting long, the skin will become taut and velvety.

Hope that anti-aging recipes from recognized beauties of all times and peoples will help you in the difficult struggle for a beautiful and youthful skin.

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