Fortune telling online by the hour. Fortune telling by the hour

The meaning of the coincidence of numbers on the clock.

We first learned about repeating numbers from the movie “Night Watch”. According to the author of the book, repeating numbers have a certain character and tend to tell you something. In the film, constantly repeating numbers indicate that darkness is nearby. In numerology, each number has a specific meaning. And if you keep seeing certain numbers repeating, you should be wary.

In general, many of us have known since childhood that when four identical numbers appear on the screen of an electronic watch, we should make a wish. That is, if the clock says 22:22 or 11:11, then you should make a wish. If you often encounter such coincidences, make the same wishes over and over again.

Decoding numbers:

  • Numbers from 1 to 3 don't bode well. Try not to rush to conclusions and not make mistakes. Now the risk of making a mistake is very high. Therefore, try to postpone all matters and important meetings. Financial collapse or spending is possible.
  • Numbers from 3 to 7. These are good numbers and they promise prosperity. It is believed that by constantly contemplating these numbers on the clock, success will await you in financial matters and love.
  • Numbers from 7 to 9. If you constantly see two 9s or two 7s repeating on the clock, then even the most adventurous decisions will be crowned with success. You can attract new partners to your business and invest money in risky projects.

Don't worry if you keep seeing the same numbers on your watch. Perhaps the angels want to tell you something. Often guardian angels warn us about some event in this way.

Decoding numbers according to angelic numerology:

  • 00:00 – be sure to wish for something in your thoughts. Your dream will definitely come true
  • 01:11 – material well-being and enrichment await you
  • 02:22 – they are not telling you the truth
  • 03:03 – the most long-awaited and brightest feeling awaits you, your beloved is somewhere nearby
  • 03:33 – expect success in business and a good mood
  • 04:04 – take troubles easier, relax
  • 04:44 – expect troubles at work
  • 05:05 – you communicate with people who want you harm
  • 05:55 – you will meet a smart interlocutor who will help solve problems

You see the same numbers on the clock for a reason. Your angels are trying to warn you against mistakes or troubles.

Meaning of numbers:

  • 06:06 – a wedding awaits you
  • 07:07 – stay away from people in uniform
  • 08:08 – expect a promotion up the career ladder
  • 09:09 – most likely you will lose something
  • 10:01 – meet people who will help you in the future
  • 12:21 – you will meet a nice person
  • 13:31 – your dreams will come true soon
  • 14:41 – not all plans will come true, expect failures
  • 15:51 – expect a passionate date
  • 20:02 – do not quarrel with loved ones
  • 21:12 – you will have new ideas
  • 23:32 – expect health problems

Mirror numbers on a watch can tell a lot of interesting things. It is worth paying close attention to such values. Numerologists believe in similar interpretations of deciphering combinations of numbers.

R decryption of mirror numbers:

  • 01:10 – all your endeavors will bring success
  • 02:20 – do not overreact to criticism, remain silent
  • 03:30 – your feelings will not be returned
  • 04:40 – don’t make hasty conclusions. Luck has left you
  • 05:50 – stay away from bodies of water and do not go outside in windy weather

If you are constantly haunted by a certain combination of numbers, think about it. Numerologists believe that angels are trying to warn you about something. If you understand interpretations, you can easily predict events and quickly make decisions in various situations.

Decoding repeating numbers:

  • 111 – now you have a period of active decisions and many opportunities. Right now there are more options than ever. Therefore, you should not make a mistake and make the right choice
  • 222 – be sure to solve problems as they arise. Otherwise, you will not be able to solve them in the future.
  • 333 – angels are watching over your life. You are now under their protection, so nothing bad will happen.
  • 444 – Patrons can help you, so don’t hesitate to ask for help if necessary.
  • 555 - to changes in personal life. Only you set the vector for change. They can be both positive and negative.

These are interesting and unusual combinations of numbers. Below is a transcript of the testimony.


  • 10:10 - expect changes in life
  • 11:11 – think about your bad habits or dependence on a specific person
  • 12:12 - success awaits you in love affairs
  • 13:13 – you may get sick, take care of your health
  • 14:14 – changes for the better in your personal life
  • 15:15 - wait for advice from friends
  • 16:16 – try to be quiet in transport and on the roads
  • 17:17 – you might get robbed, don’t go out late at night
  • 18:18 – danger from transport again, be careful
  • 19:19 – you can go ahead, success awaits you in all endeavors
  • 20:20 – you quarrel with a family member, try to resolve the conflict
  • 21:21 - a whirlwind romance awaits you
  • 22:22 – you will meet an influential person
  • 23:23 – don’t get involved with unreliable people
  • 01:01 – someone will tell you about important news about a loved one
  • 02:02 – soon you will be walking at a wedding or party

Magical coincidence of numbers - number 22 55 on the clock, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55: what are they talking about?

Similar coincidences can say a lot. Below is a breakdown of the numbers. If there are two numbers, then the action is doubled.


  • 1 - you are at the beginning of some path, don’t turn off the road
  • 2 – you have a choice, try to balance between two decisions
  • 3 – balance in everything
  • 4 – stability and stable financial situation
  • 5 – adventurism is characteristic of a person
  • 6 – soon your problems will be solved and everything will stabilize
  • 7 – go towards your goal
  • 8 – go forward, you have enough strength to complete the painstaking task
  • 9 – calms and gives harmony, do not play races with life

Magical coincidence of numbers - number 22 55 on the clock, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55: what are they talking about?

As you can see, the constantly repeating numbers on the clock are not an accident. If you happen to observe frequent repetition of certain numbers, be careful. Perhaps forces from above are trying to warn you.

VIDEO: Repeating numbers on a clock

At all times, various ways to find out the details of future events have been popular. Often we unconsciously turn to mysticism and begin to apply it in our daily lives. Not everyone wants to perform complex manipulations with runes, cards, mirrors and other magical attributes, but many are attracted to fortune telling by time. It is believed that the appearance is not a coincidence, especially if you start noticing them quite often. In this article, we will look at the main characteristics of different number combinations that you may come across.

Description of number combinations

To find out the prospects for the future in this way, you do not need to perform complex actions. All you need is a regular watch with an electronic dial (watches on various devices are also suitable - computer, mobile phone, tablet and the like).

An important condition for fortune telling is that you do not try to deliberately turn your gaze to the clock, just take a closer look at those numerical combinations that often catch your eye.

  • 00:00 - this combination of numbers is a warning - the coming day will bring certain difficulties. There is no need to plan any important things for it, starting new projects or bold actions. It is recommended to provide yourself with maximum peace and quiet today.
  • 3:33 – this is a more favorable numerical combination than the previous option. Threes foretell the successful completion of the work you have started. Today you can safely start new things, make plans for the future, decisive actions are welcomed.
  • 10:01 – if this numerical combination caught your eye, it means that the coming day will bring you good luck in any endeavor. Higher powers are trying to encourage you and push you so that you begin to act decisively, parting with any fears and doubts. You can cope with all problems!
  • 10:10 - an option for another very successful combination. The appearance of tens on the dial promises you good luck and luck in business, and encourages you to act rather than stand still. You will be able to achieve good luck in matters of career, all endeavors will end in success.
  • 11:11 – a very positive combination, promises you a pleasant gift from fate. Moreover, it can be both material and spiritual - today will present you with various pleasant surprises and surprise you.
  • 12:12 – is a rather unusual combination; it is usually found less frequently than the previous options. But if you saw it, you can rejoice, because whatever you undertake today will definitely work out, you will cope with any difficulties in life.
  • 12:21 – another combination of one and two promises you love. Throughout the day you will be floating in romantic clouds about some person. It is also possible to receive a pleasant romantic surprise from a loved one, a romantic meeting or proposal.
  • 14:41 – is also a successful combination that has different meanings. So for girls who are not in a relationship, this combination predicts the emergence of love adventures in life, making new acquaintances, flirting and other pleasant romantic surprises.
  • And for family people, the combination of numbers 14:41 promises pleasant communication, family relaxation, harmony and tranquility throughout the day.
  • 15:15 – this combination is not as attractive as the previous options. If you notice it, it means that today you should hold off on taking risks and new beginnings. You may receive an unpleasant surprise or a not very pleasant meeting. It is important to remain wise and perceive everything correctly.
  • 15:51 – a positive combination of numbers. Today you will get a pleasant surprise, you will have a good evening. Even if certain difficulties arise during the daytime, by the evening the situation will become more positive.
  • 20:02 – the combination acts as advice from the Higher Powers to show restraint today. A disagreement with your lover or relative is also possible. You should control your emotional state and keep your mouth shut.
  • 21:12 – tomorrow you will achieve success and will be happy about something.
  • 21:21 - this is a warning sign, you need to be more careful and carefully monitor the actions you take. You may have made some mistake in the past, don't blame yourself for it.
  • 23:23 – the number of very great luck and happiness. Put aside all your doubts and worries and go to sleep with a positive attitude.

This was fortune telling by the time on the clock, and now we will bring to your attention another way to find out more about yourself - by the number of clocks in your home.

You can find more numerical values ​​with their interpretation in the following video clip

Fortune telling by the number of clocks in the house

  • 1 watch– your home is imbued with love and prosperity.
  • 2 – the home is also filled with positive energy.
  • 3 – you are distinguished by pragmatism, which affects your home – in it, calculation prevails over feelings.
  • 4 – there is not enough comfort in your home, work on this situation.
  • 5 – you like to welcome guests, the atmosphere at home is quite friendly.
  • 6 – there is a lot of restless energy in the house, you are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere.
  • 7 – it is worth changing your attitude towards relatives in order to ensure harmony in the family.
  • 8 – business energy prevails in your home, it is difficult to calm down and rest your soul here.
  • 9 – the statement “my home is my fortress” is definitely about you. You love your home.

If the number of hours exceeds 9, you will need to add up their number and reduce it to a single digit number. For example, if there are only 12 hours – 1+2=3, then the number 4 corresponds to the energy of your home.

Now you know how to use a simple dial to shed light on the details of your future. From now on, every time you look at your watch, you will know what fate has prepared for you and how to act correctly in the current situation.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Fortune telling, various ways to predict fate and find out your future - it is very tempting and many people like it.

Sometimes we ourselves do not notice how we resort to mysticism in everyday life and how we use it for our own purposes.

Skeptics note that identical numbers are not uncommon. However, judge for yourself - noticing them, looking at the watch dial at that very moment, this is not a mere coincidence.

Fortune telling by the clock is a simple thing and familiar to many, and most people even somehow unconsciously, intuitively make a wish if they see a beautiful number or identical numbers on the clock. For example, 20:02, or 12:21. And they do it right!

In fact, this is not a mere coincidence, this is a very subtle moment when a person can really establish a connection with higher powers for just a few moments, and a wish can come true. Especially for someone who believes in fortune telling by the clock!

What time is it now? What will come true?

There is fortune telling by the time on the clock, in addition to simply making wishes at the sight of identical numbers. There are special combinations of numbers that are not only very beautiful and harmonious, but also have a special magical meaning.

This fortune telling can be done on any watch with an electronic dial - not only on a wrist watch, but even on a computer monitor. Find out what awaits you!

  • 00:00 - if you looked and saw these numbers, at exactly midnight, higher powers warn you - the day will not be the most successful for new beginnings. Do not plan any new projects or bold actions for this day; if possible, postpone it. Try to spend the day calm and quiet.
  • 3:33 – this beautiful combination of threes is very successful for the one who saw it. Threes indicate that today the things you have started will certainly end in a very successful way, or will develop correctly and successfully.
    Today you can start new things, make bold plans and take decisive steps. It's your day!

  • 10:01 is a combination that is hard to miss. If you see 10:01 on your watch, rest assured that today will be very successful in everything.
    Thus, higher powers seem to encourage you and push you to take bold actions - build your destiny, don’t be afraid of anything, you will succeed! Today luck is on your side.
  • 10:10 is another lucky morning coincidence. These numbers on the clock indicate good luck in the work and business sphere, so if you see them, be bolder and more decisive! All projects will develop perfectly, and negotiations will go in your favor.
  • 11:11 – today you will receive gifts from fate. By the way, we are also talking about material gifts from loved ones, because today is a time when you will receive surprises and pleasant surprises. You will be pleasantly surprised more than once!
  • 12:12 is an unusual combination and not often noticed. If you are lucky and find 12:12 on your watch dial, rejoice! Today, absolutely everything you undertake will go well, everything will work out, no difficulties will interfere with you.
  • 12:21 is also a beautiful combination of ones and twos, it’s hard to miss it, because it must mean something! Of course, like other unusual and rare combinations, 12:21 is special.
    This is a sign that today you will fall in love, or you will spend the whole day in romantic thoughts about someone. Perhaps today you will receive a very romantic surprise from your loved one, a date or a pleasant proposal.
  • 14:41 is a lucky combination that can have several meanings. For example, for young people and unmarried girls, 14:41 means love affairs, new acquaintances, flirting and all the most pleasant things associated with the romantic sphere.
    For family people and adults, the numbers 14:41 promise pleasant communication, relaxation, reconciliation in the family, a harmonious and calm day full of joy.

  • 15:15 is not the best combination of numbers. This fortune telling says that if you see 15:15 on the clock, be careful today - don’t take risks and don’t start new things. An unpleasant surprise or an unwanted meeting may happen; try to treat everything as calmly and wisely as possible.
  • 15:51 – on the contrary, a good combination. The combination 15:51 promises you a pleasant surprise and a good evening. Even if this day is difficult and full of various unwanted events, stress and failures, know that by the evening everything will change for the better.
  • 20:02 is an unusual number. This is not a prediction, but advice to you, if you see 20:02 on the clock, then be more restrained this evening. The combination 20:02 consists of twos and zeros, and can promise a quarrel with a loved one or loved one. Keep your emotions under control, know how to remain silent.
  • 21:12 – tomorrow will be successful for you and will bring new joy.
  • 21:21 – warning, be careful and weigh your actions. You may have already made a mistake that you will regret - think about it.
  • 23:23 – Great luck and joy await you tomorrow. Go to sleep with good thoughts!

Fortune telling by hours and numbers is something that will help you navigate your reality, not forget that you need to live and act according to your conscience, and avoid mistakes.

Be wise, make the right decisions and believe in luck! Author: Vasilina Serova

For a long time, fortune telling by the clock has been considered a popular and accurate type of practical magic, capable of giving an answer to the question posed, and even today it is also in great demand among beginners and more experienced magicians and fortune tellers. Previously, people with their questions and fortune telling on the clock went to esotericists, but today, due to the wide availability of information, you can practice this type of fortune telling on your own.

The fortune telling method described below is the simplest, accessible to everyone. And to find out your distant or not so distant future, just look at the watch dial. Look around, see what is happening around you. For what? The Universe sends a variety of signs and it is important to learn to accept and interpret them, thereby somewhat lifting the veil of the future.

Numbers can tell you a lot about a person.

Fortune telling itself appeared in practice immediately after the appearance of the first clock mechanisms, and then the opportunity arose for those who wished to look a little into their future. After the clock was invented, people realized that numbers had their own hidden pattern, and the same numbers could indicate and predict a particular event.

Any watch is suitable for fortune telling, be it a mechanical or electronic watch, even to the point that you can use a wall clock.

What rules should you follow when telling fortunes with a clock?

To carry out an accurate and correct ritual of fortune telling with numbers and watches, it is important to adhere to a number of rules. This will allow you to get an accurate and truthful answer to the question or situation that interests you.

  1. To get a truthful and accurate answer from the clock, do fortune telling on days of the week such as Tuesday or Thursday. Events on these very days acquire a special magical meaning, and all signs are signs that should not be rejected, but interpreted correctly.
  2. Never, under any circumstances, mess around to get the answer you want - it will not bring you anything good, and if you anger higher powers, it will only worsen your situation.
  3. Remember for yourself that the science of numerology is special and from combinations of numbers you can learn a lot about yourself, predicting your hidden future and purpose on this earth.

Numbers surround us everywhere, from our own date and year of birth to the calendar, mathematical formulas and simply banknotes. You can learn a lot from them, which we’ll talk about next.

Options for fortune telling using numerology

Number 12 signifies a major change in life.

Fortune telling can be carried out using a variety of methods - using the final numbers or using the same numbers on the clock, or other options. Some of the options came to us from the very distant past, others were developed not so long ago, but in each case, fortune telling is based in principle on time and numbers.

Many of us, looking at a watch dial and seeing the same combination, think about the question - what could this mean, what does such a combination carry? After all, we understand that the arrows stand in one position or another for a reason - it can carry a certain, sacred meaning when the Universe sends us a certain sign through it.

This type of fortune telling for each nation follows very different schemes and methods, but the interpretations of the resulting combination of numbers are the same. At the very beginning, it is worth remembering that in many backgammon games it is odd numbers that are considered successful, although the exception is the number 9 - it carries the symbolism of the end of one stage in life and the beginning of a new one. At the same time, even numbers carry the opposite, negative meaning - therefore, if they appear as a result of fortune telling, then you should take a close look at your surroundings, the events that happen to you.

If the clock hands show the same numbers, you should take a close look at this sign. This may not be a warning, but it is also an indication that you should refrain from certain actions, indicating a number of trials that you will have to endure.

However, you should not stop at the same numbers that appear on the dial - pay attention to other coincidences occurring around you. For example, the same number may constantly catch your eye - many people have encountered such a situation when, looking at the dial of a watch, they see it constantly. All this may indicate something important for yourself, your loved ones and acquaintances, something that happened or will happen in the near or not so future.

As an example, when a person glances at the dial, he mostly sees a hand pointing to 12. At the very beginning, a person may not pay attention to this, but when the situation repeats itself again and again, you look at it a little differently.

The number itself 12 means that a certain event will happen soon, which can turn sharply in one direction or another. A new job or career advancement, a meeting with a future husband or wife - 12 carries a sacred, even fateful meaning.

When telling fortunes by the hour, special attention should be paid to mirror combinations. For example, you saw on the clock 10-01 - this indicates good luck and success in your endeavors. It is for this reason that you should treat your watch with due attention and respect, because it tells your future. Only in this way can you radically change your life, both on your own and with the help of a psychic who will help you decipher the combinations.

Do they tell fortunes on electronic watches?

If you make a dream at 00-00, it will come true

Fortune telling by clocks came to us from the distant past, but today time as a concept can be found everywhere - metro and office, apartment and so on. Time appeared earlier than all life on earth, but at first people and animals were guided by the Sun, but gradually it was replaced by clocks, mechanical and electronic.

Today, in practical magic, many methods of fortune telling have been developed and introduced, signs that are directly related to the clock. This is how each of us looks at the clock from time to time, because we are used to controlling our own lives. Plus, on top of everything else, we go to work or to college, eat and rest according to the clock - almost everything that happens to us is connected with time and clocks.

Scientists have long proven that it is no coincidence that a person from time to time sees before his eyes this or that combination of numbers on a dial. And on electronic watches, we see this combination of numbers all the time, and this is already a pointer to certain information sent from above. Therefore, fortune telling on an electronic watch is a new stage in the development of magic.

Coincidence or prediction

Some people may perceive the results of fortune telling by time on a clock not so much as predictions, but rather as a comic coincidence - they simply do not believe in them, they do not take them seriously. But as experienced psychics note, this is a fundamentally wrong decision - this is how fate gives us a hint from above, warning us about something.

When the electronic dial displays 12 - this indicates meeting a new person, while the number itself 48 - indicates a stormy, exciting romance that awaits you in the very near future. Many practicing psychics say that mirrored or repeated combinations of numbers also play an important role in fortune telling. Therefore, if they appear on the electronic display, it is worth knowing exactly what meaning they carry.

Important points about watches and methods of fortune telling by numbers

But perhaps a whirlwind romance awaits you

The most important point in fortune telling using an electronic clock display is strict adherence to a number of rules - if you do not take them seriously, then after a while you yourself will say that the fortune telling is untrue.

To ensure that the answers to the questions and the fortune telling itself are truthful, perform the ritual no more than 2 times a week, on Tuesday and Thursday. You should not deliberately sit and wait for the time you need - such manipulations will no longer be true and even the desired answer will not initially be truthful.

Top ten interpretations

  • 00-00 - what you have planned will definitely come true, since the time was chosen successfully and correctly.

- you will soon receive good news from your man, which will greatly please you.

  • 01-10 - the work you started will not end well, because the timing is very wrong.
  • 01-11 – accept all the offers that will come to you throughout the day, they are worth it.
  • 02-02 - Expect an invitation to visit soon and a pleasant time in a fun company.
  • 02-22 - you will soon learn a very important secret, and the secret will concern you personally.
  • 03-03 - the combination promises you a quick, strong love, the development of which will depend only on you.
  • 03-30 – if you wait for changes, then you shouldn’t, because this desire will not come true.
  • 03-33 - open wide the doors to your happiness - it is on the threshold, because time is favorable for it.
  • 04-04 - look for another way out of the current situation, since the one you have chosen will not be successful.

Second ten interpretations

  • 04-40 – you shouldn’t make serious decisions today – they will be wrong and erroneous.
  • 04-44 – today you will receive a scolding from your superiors, so make your decisions carefully.
  • 05-05 – your enemies are plotting against you, so be as careful as possible.
  • 05-50 – stay away from water and fire today – you may suffer from these natural elements.
  • 05-55 – you will soon meet with a smart interlocutor with whom you will spend a pleasant time.
  • 06-06 - soon a wedding ceremony awaits you or one of your relatives, and you will be either the main character or an invited guest.
  • 07-07 – communicate as politely as possible with people in uniform.
  • 08-08 – rapid career growth and an offer of a new position await you.
  • 09-09 – today, watch your money – unnecessary spending, theft and financial losses are quite possible.
  • 10-01 - you will soon meet an influential person.

Third ten interpretations

  • 10-10 – today is your day, so feel free to take on all your endeavors.
  • 11-11 – today you will be completely dependent on a stranger.
  • 12-12 – expect success in love affairs today, an invitation to a date or a romantic dinner.
  • 12-21 - you will meet a very influential person who will help you in the future.
  • 13-13 – be careful, your enemies are preparing intrigues for you – show maximum attention and this will save you from troubles.
  • 13-31 – today you will receive something you have been waiting for a long time.
  • 14-14 - promises you a successful day on the love front, an invitation to a romantic dinner or a trip to the cinema.
  • 14-41 - minor troubles may arise today, but you will overcome them.
  • 15-15 – listen and do as a smart person tells you.
  • 15-51 - a whirlwind romance will capture you, but it will be short-lived.

Fourth ten interpretations

  • 16-16 – warns that you should be as careful as possible on the road.
  • 17-17 - warns of an attack by street hooligans, so you should not walk in dark streets.
  • 18-18 – try to be careful on the road.
  • 19-19 - today is definitely your lucky day
  • 20-20 - promises a quarrel with a person important to you.
  • 20-02 - promises a quarrel in the family.
  • 21-12 - you will come up with something new.
  • 21-21 - the combination in this case directly speaks of an imminent, very passionate romance.
  • 22-22 - talks about meeting a new person for you.
  • 23-23 - promises you a very dangerous relationship associated with many diseases.

Having familiarized yourself with all the rules and interpretations, you can start fortune telling yourself - you can do it in any place where there is a clock. But only taking into account all the rules and only if fortune telling is carried out on strictly designated days - only in this way will they be accurate and truthful.

A familiar object - a watch - can tell a lot, including detailed details of the future. It becomes especially interesting when, when casually looking at the dial, people see the large and small hands in the same position. Fortune telling by the hour is a special magic that requires an individual attitude. It is worth understanding this unusual force, capable of revealing the unknown.

Clocks can predict the future

For a long time people have tried to find the relationship between time and current events. For this reason, many superstitions arose, among which the most common were signs about the dead. And people still believe that there is nothing to do in the cemetery after sunset. It was also forbidden to guess by the hourglass at this time.

In modern times, you can cast magic on any mechanical or electronic mechanism. Sundial fortune telling is also interesting, but one of the legends about it can terrify even a cold-blooded person.

A special ritual with them involved the creation of Teraphim. In ancient times, this bronze idol in the form of a sundial could predict the future by offering sacrifice to a higher power in the form of killing the firstborn and then writing the name of some evil spirit on a gold plate. Such barbarism was later eradicated.

Rules for fortune telling by clock

To carry it out, some points of decoding by numbers are important:

  1. No cheating. Deciphering the prediction will not cost anything if a person is constantly waiting for favorable coincidences of arrows for him.
  2. Observation. Such fortune telling by numbers on a clock requires paying attention to both even and odd numbers on the dial. Usually the emphasis is on an even pair of matching mathematical symbols on the mechanism field.
  3. Foresight. Repeated appearance of identical symbols on the mechanism field can mean not only happy events in the future, but also temporary difficulties in the form of the machinations of envious people.
  4. Correct interpretation. Every minute when deciphering fortune telling is worth its weight in gold, and a successful coincidence of numbers when studying the dial will tell you a lot. To do this, you should carefully read the table below.
  5. Moderation. You cannot guess more than 2 times a week, and it is advisable to do this process on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Fortune telling by time on a clock does not tolerate fuss, so it is worth understanding a clear decoding of the relationship between the two hands. Many people are interested in the question of what object should be used to carry out the cognitive process.

It is best to guess by hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Fortune telling on the clock using the same numbers and their different indicators can be done in different ways. There is not much difference in such actions if you want to learn about changes in your life.

Wall-mounted, fireplace and hand-held instruments for determining time are suitable. The most popular are manipulations with electronic devices.

The meaning of the numbers on the clock

Identical numbers in a single tandem are most welcome because they announce the most important events in a person’s life. However, this factor does not prevent you from paying attention to the discrepancy in the position of the hands when fortune telling using an electronic or mechanical watch.

06:06. A wedding celebration with close relatives or a new addition to the family.

07:07. A warning sign because it's time to be wary of people in uniform. It is better to avoid visiting crowded places if there are likely problems with the law.

08:08. Career growth. It is possible that such a promotion promises a high rank in the future.

09:09. The coincidence of the arrows warns of excessive squandering.

10:01. Nice meeting you. It is possible that a certain person from your inner circle declares his love.

10:10. You can relax, because soon the troubles will leave the life of the fortuneteller.

11:11. Identical numbers warn of a difficult situation in which close friends will be involved. In very rare cases, such an intervention will be beneficial.

11:15. Solving a global problem in life or a big win.

11:31. Temporary problems at work that will be resolved quickly.

11:51. The numbers announced are a chance to become a wealthy person within a short period of time.

12:00. A warning to think about the problems that have matured in a couple with a long duration of marriage.

12:12. Lovers will finally be reunited after a quarrel or a long separation.

12:21. Alarming numbering is a reason to think about new relationships.

13:13. The appearance of a rival on the love front.

13:31. The wish will come true if you spread out the Tarot cards after fortune telling.

14:41. Dependence on a partner in a love relationship. The combination of numbers 1441 means the occurrence of an unpleasant situation.

15:15. Advice to listen to the opinion of a wise person.

16:16. Those who like to drive around while driving should think about their recklessness.

17:17. Serious problems in open conflict with spiteful critics.

17:19. The need to figure out love problems. It is best to do this in a romantic place.

17:55. A period of contemplation has arrived, which should be practiced throughout the week.

18:00. Time to think about the advisability of further arguing with fate. Some prospects are best postponed to avoid serious consequences.

18:18. Warning about following traffic rules.

19:19. Success in business with a partner will not be long in coming.

20:20. A family quarrel that can separate a couple completely.

21:21. 2121 is a treasured chain that foretells success in any endeavor.

22:22. A new acquaintance that will end in a strong friendship or love relationship.

23:22. Communication with a dangerous person with bad intentions.

23:23. Identical numbers portend calm and family idyll.

23:32. Such fortune telling on the dial is a sign of serious health problems or short-term illness.

00:00. Fulfillment of a cherished desire that does not infringe on the rights of other people.

01:01. Advice to change your field of activity.

01:10. A successful completion of the planned event is not expected.

01:11. Receiving a valuable offer that you cannot refuse.

02:02. An invitation either to visit or to a new job.

02:20. Advice to start monitoring your own


02:22. Soon someone close to you will share a secret that needs to be kept.

03:03. A chance to find your love or hear a confession of warm feelings from a pleasant person.

03:30. Advice to stop in your zeal to conquer the entire planet in one fell swoop.

03:33. Great success in life.

04:04. A warning to live with caution.

04:40. Advice to settle down, because the fortuneteller will face troubles in the coming week.

04:44. Trouble at work.

05:00. Achieving your cherished goal without much effort.

05:05. The machinations of ill-wishers.

05:25. Good news.

05:50. Threat from fire or water.

05:55. Meeting an interesting person both socially and personally.

Rare fortune telling on the dial

In addition to the traditional study of arrows, there are unusual ways to lift the veil of the future.

Fortune telling on a painted clock

This type of fortune telling is becoming increasingly popular. To carry it out, you need to draw a conventional dial on a sheet of paper and place a rotating object on it (any writing object or stick).

You need to draw a dial on paper, using a pen or pencil as an arrow.

When asked a question about the future, you should spin the arrow thing. Stopping it at a certain number can tell a fortuneteller a lot:

  1. 1 - vacation outside your hometown or the need for support from an influential person;
  2. 2 - the onset of difficult times that need to be overcome with dignity;
  3. 3 - not all endeavors will end in success, but you shouldn’t sit still;
  4. 4 - a quick date with a very dear person in the future;
  5. 5 - advice to prepare for moving due to unexpected circumstances;
  6. 6 - recommendation to become active in everything;
  7. 7 - a warning to take care of your health and the well-being of your loved ones;
  8. 8 - return to a relationship of tenderness and affection;
  9. 9 is a good period to start organizing a business;
  10. 10 - current affairs will be completed successfully, but with a slightly different result;
  11. 11 - advice to beware of quarrels that could cause separation from loved ones;
  12. 12 is a period of complete relaxation, during which everything will be fine.

Fortune telling by stopping the clock

If the hands have stopped moving and do not show the time, then you should decipher the exact place where they stopped running:

  1. 24.00–13.00. Don't lend.
  2. 13.00–14.00. Control your angry emotions.
  3. 14.00–15.00. Don't trust flatterers.
  4. 15.00–16.00. Don't offend your loved ones.
  5. 16.00–17.00. Be careful on the road.
  6. 17.00–18.00. Keep your secrets secret.
  7. 18.00–19.00. Don't overload yourself.
  8. 19.00–20.00. Avoid hypothermia.
  9. 21.00–22.00. Think about the words.
  10. 22.00–23.00. Avoid scandals.
  11. 23.00–24.00. Don't eat more than normal.

Fortune telling using an electronic watch or using a mechanical device should be carried out periodically and in compliance with the specified recommendations. Only in this case can one hope for a correct interpretation of one’s destiny.