Pregnancy or not symptoms. Tests that will show an increased level of hCG in her blood

In most all cases, women begin to suspect pregnancy only with the onset of a missed period. It even happens that the expectant mother learns the good news already in the second or third month. But by listening and taking a closer look at your body, some conclusions can be drawn much earlier.

Naturally, your guesses will still have to be confirmed by a gynecologist, who will make a final “diagnosis” only after an ultrasound. But it will be useful for yourself to know about pregnancy as early as possible, because in the first weeks the fetus is very sensitive to all factors: the lifestyle and habits of the mother will largely determine the health and life of the child in the future.

Symptoms of early pregnancy are often the same or similar for different women. But individual reactions of the body to changes occurring in it are often observed. We will help you deal with your well-being.

So, there is a problem if you have had sexual intercourse in the recent past and are now experiencing some of the following early pregnancy symptoms.

Characteristic symptoms of early pregnancy

Observations of a newly pregnant woman have been carried out for a long time. Long before the advent of ultrasound, our ancestors could accurately determine the fact of a pregnancy, although there were cruel mistakes in this practice. Nevertheless, centuries-old experience is still used in everyday life. The reliability of the “diagnosis” is recognized even by gynecologists themselves.

The following reliable symptoms in the early stages will tell you that pregnancy has occurred:

  • Lack of regular periods. This is the very first and very likely symptom of pregnancy, which every woman knows about. But a delay in menstruation is not always a fact of conception. Menstrual irregularities can occur for a huge variety of reasons that have nothing to do with pregnancy.
  • . This symptom is relevant only for those women who maintain a BT schedule. It is not 100% proof that conception has taken place, but in general it is quite reliable. During pregnancy, the basal temperature rises to 37°C and above and remains at these levels.
  • Changes in the chest. For many women, the breasts become so sensitive that any touch to them causes pain and severe irritation. Even wearing a regular bra becomes simply unbearable! A woman may observe scanty discharge from the breasts - this is future colostrum. At the same time, the breasts fill up, become heavy, and may become covered with a venous network. Occasionally, spider veins also appear on the legs.
  • Mood swings. The woman becomes very vulnerable, whiny, and suspicious. She can get angry over any reason and become depressed because of a broken nail. Attacks of anger are abruptly replaced by outbursts of joy and fun. Along with increased breast sensitivity, women often attribute everything to premenstrual syndrome.
  • Runny nose. Nasal congestion in early pregnancy is explained by hormonal changes. Because of this, snoring may occur at night, and nosebleeds are also possible. Many women suffer from a runny nose until the very last days of pregnancy: after childbirth, everything goes away as if by hand. It’s good if you recognize your pregnancy now, because a runny nose during pregnancy is practically impossible to treat.
  • Drowsiness, fatigue. A few hours before lunch you are already falling on your teeth. Neither coffee nor going to bed early the night before helps: you just want to sleep like crazy! At work they start making fun of you about this, but there is no increase in positivity: how to cope with responsibilities when you are literally in a semi-fainting state... Insomnia, which has now worsened, can also aggravate drowsiness: despite fatigue and weakness, sometimes it is simply impossible to fall asleep.
  • Malaise. In general, a certain weakness is felt: body aches, chills, and the temperature may even rise to subfebrile levels. Along with the previous signs, this picture is often perceived as the onset of the flu. It’s good if you decide to take sick leave, more rest won’t hurt you now.
  • Various pains. It’s unfortunate, but it’s a fact: with the onset of pregnancy, a variety of pains can appear. Many women note that they have pain in their head, chest, stomach, back or lower back, legs, arms... A certain danger is posed by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by slight bleeding. If you suspect you are pregnant, you should consult a gynecologist: there may be a risk of miscarriage. But in general, such pain will accompany a woman throughout her entire life: the uterus is growing all the time and the ligaments that hold it stretch, which can be quite noticeable for the expectant mother.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases. In addition to all this, inflammatory processes hidden in your body can worsen. If you have previously suffered from kidney or other diseases, then with a high degree of probability they will make themselves felt now. One of the most common early pregnancy symptoms is thrush. Calf cramps also often occur, especially at night. Talk to your doctor and start taking calcium supplements.
  • Frequent urination. The uterus begins to enlarge from the earliest stages of pregnancy, putting pressure on the bladder. Aggravated genitourinary infections can also force you to run to the toilet frequently.
  • Dark spots. Most often, nipple halos and the abdominal line leading from the navel to the pubis darken. But in general, pigmentation can appear anywhere. Many women one morning notice that their face is covered with brown spots: experts call this phenomenon chloasma, and people call it a pregnancy mask. You are unlikely to like this, but, thank God, this is not forever.
  • Bloating, constipation,... Disturbances in the digestive processes and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will accompany the woman throughout the entire period of gestation. Some of the manifestations will appear in the very early stages: increased flatulence, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, bloating, constipation or stool disorders, heartburn.
  • Change in taste preferences. Complete chaos is happening with your gastronomic preferences. In principle, each of us can crave strawberries or cherries in the middle of winter. But only a pregnant woman can dream about delicacies that you couldn’t stomach before. Often, a pregnant woman receives intense gustatory pleasure from a combination of incompatible products - this is already a fact... By the way, appetite can also change in any direction.
  • Enhanced sense of smell. It is not surprising that you can be very sensitive to odors in this situation. Your favorite perfumes just make you sick, and you’re the first to hear the milk running down in the apartment from the house opposite.
  • Nausea, . This symptom is the most popular among the people, although in reality it is not in first place. Many pregnant women actually experience early toxicosis, but not all and not always. If vomiting occurs too often and you begin to lose weight, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, there is nothing to worry about: look for ways to combat toxicosis.
  • Increased salivation. By the way, don’t be surprised if saliva begins to be released in large volumes: this is normal and will pass soon, but, of course, it still causes some discomfort: it’s okay when saliva flows out of the mouth during sleep, but often it just splashes during a conversation or laughter - the interlocutor may not like this.

Also in the early stages there may be a heavy discharge of leucorrhoea. If you have been tested for hCG, it will certainly be elevated.

“Strange” and unusual symptoms of early pregnancy

For young girls and women who may be pregnant for the first time, any of the symptoms may seem strange. But all of the above are classics, so to speak. However, each body is individual and can sometimes react to pregnancy very unpredictably. The following symptoms also occur, but are relatively uncommon:

  • the appearance of facial and body hair;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • falling off of extended acrylic nails (they break off at the base);
  • the appearance of blush on the cheeks;
  • itching of palms.

In addition, each organism can behave completely unpredictably. If you observe any special symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages, then share with other women: perhaps this will help them recognize the long-awaited pregnancy in themselves.

As the period increases, if suspicions of pregnancy are confirmed, more and more new symptoms may gradually be added: itching of the skin of the abdomen, swelling of the arms and legs, and others.

We draw your attention to the fact that this is a list of symptoms of a possible pregnancy. They are not a reason to make an accurate diagnosis; only a doctor can do this. And you can even suspect pregnancy only by a combination of several of the probable symptoms. But we wish you that the result in any case turns out to be what you expect. Be happy!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

How wonderful it would be if the very next day after conception the uterus signaled to a woman that pregnancy had occurred with some obvious symptom. But this does not happen and we have to rely only on signs of hormonal changes in the body. Considering that each woman is individual, signs of pregnancy in the early stages may not appear at all, or they may all begin to bother the expectant mother as early as 1 month.

What are the earliest symptoms?

If you do not observe any of these signs, this does not mean that there is no pregnancy. Perhaps your body reacts differently to conception and changes in hormonal levels do not affect your well-being so much.

No. 1: High basal body temperature

If you regularly monitor your cycle and measure your basal temperature, you will notice that it will remain high throughout the luteal phase. Progesterone causes the temperature to remain high throughout ovulation, and if BBT remains high, this indicates pregnancy. If conception does not occur, then the BT drops and menstruation occurs on its due date.

#2: Lack of menstruation

The most obvious and well-known symptom is that you notice that your period is not on time. But, despite the fact that this symptom is most often attributed to pregnancy, there are a number of other reasons that can lead to a delay. For example, severe stress, serious illness or surgery. On the other hand, many women note the presence of menstruation already during pregnancy. For some, they will continue for several months or even the entire pregnancy.

#3: Morning Sickness

Another fairly well-known symptom is. It, of course, can manifest itself not only in the morning, but also at any time of the day, as soon as the blood sugar level drops significantly. Therefore, you need to monitor regular nutrition. Nausea can occur throughout the first trimester, and some women suffer from this symptom for up to 9 months.

#4: Breast changes

  • nipples become tender, sensitive and darken;
  • the breast begins to hurt and/or becomes lumpy;
  • veins on the chest become noticeable;
  • areolas (circles around the nipples) may darken and enlarge;
  • small bumps on the areola may become larger or their number may increase.

No. 5: Natural discharge increases

An increase in the hormone progesterone leads to an increase in the amount of cervical mucus. For some women, this symptom may not be noticeable at all, while others have to change panty liners more often.

#6: Fatigue

During your first pregnancy, your metabolism speeds up to support your unborn baby and your own body. This leads to a feeling of endless fatigue. It may seem to you that you constantly want to sleep or at least just relax. Progesterone also has a sedative effect, so many women literally close their eyes from fatigue even during the day. There is no need to fight with your body - you simply need rest now.

#7: Frequent urination

Already a week after conception, you may notice that the urge to go to the toilet begins to occur somewhat more often than usual. This happens because the embryo has already begun to produce hCG, a pregnancy hormone that increases blood supply to the pelvic area. As a result, the bladder signals that it is full even when there is a small amount of urine. This especially bothers women at night.

No. 8: Cramps in the lower abdomen

This symptom causes concern for many women, because they are afraid. However, even if you are not pregnant, your uterus is constantly contracting. This is also normal while expecting a baby, because the fetus grows and puts pressure on the walls of the uterus, which leads to its spasms.

But if these contractions are accompanied, then it really could be a miscarriage. In this case, you need to contact your gynecologist and an ambulance as quickly as possible. But don't panic - sometimes spotting can be another sign of pregnancy.

No. 9: Bloody discharge

8-10 days after ovulation (when you are due to have your next period), you may notice a light-colored spotting called . They are usually not as bright in color as periods.

#10: Constipation and gas

An increase in hormones leads to the fact that the intestines relax and work worse - this is necessary in order to free up more space for the baby. But as a result, this often leads to constipation. Fortunately, there are many products that can help and are safe for pregnant women.

#11: Smell

Smells that never bothered you before can now become a real problem. Even cooking can now be disgusting.

#12: Colds and/or stuffy nose

During normal pregnancy, the woman's immune system is suppressed. This is provided by nature so that the pregnant woman’s body does not reject the fetus as a foreign body. As a result of these hormonal changes, the expectant mother is very susceptible to various types of infections. And the nose is stuffy again due to hormonal effects on the nasal passages.

No. 13: The appearance of acne

You may find yourself prone to acne. And even if this trouble has not bothered you before, the period of waiting for a baby quite often leads to acne.

#14: Change of taste

Rising hormone levels in the body can also affect your saliva. You may experience a metallic taste in your mouth that changes the taste of regular foods.

#15: Emotional swing

From the very first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may feel either incomprehensible surges of joy or sudden influxes of sadness. It often becomes a very acute problem and relationships with others begin to deteriorate.

Pregnancy tests

Sometimes a test at a very early stage may not show the coveted second strip. Even if conception has occurred, the hCG level may still be too low for the test to detect its increase. If you think that conception did occur during the last ovulation, then you should wait only 2 weeks and the result will be accurate.

Examination by a gynecologist

The hospital may offer you several types of pregnancy determination:

  1. Analysis of urine;
  2. blood analysis;
  3. inspection.

To avoid infection, it is better not to do the last procedure. The first two are enough to determine whether the long-awaited pregnancy has occurred.

After conception, physiological changes occur in a woman’s body, which are manifested by unusual symptoms. At the very beginning, these manifestations are weak, not all women pay attention to them. However, it is useful to know about the most typical first signs of pregnancy so as not to confuse this condition with a common illness and not to proceed with treatment that could harm the unborn baby. The first weeks of intrauterine development are a very crucial period, so it is important for a woman to find out about her situation even before the delay occurs.

In the first weeks of embryo development, the most important organs are formed. Incorrect behavior of the mother (excessively intense sports, increased nervousness, drinking alcohol, smoking) can have a detrimental effect on the health of the unborn baby. Infectious diseases pose a particular danger.

A woman who wants to give birth to a healthy baby must introduce some restrictions into her life from the very first days of pregnancy. She needs to stop drinking alcohol, as well as strong coffee, and should take a more responsible approach to nutrition. Pregnant women should not be nervous or overexert themselves physically. If you feel unwell and have to see a doctor, you need to warn him about your possible condition so that he takes it into account when prescribing medications.

Conception may also be unplanned (for example, contraception was unsuccessful or the woman made a mistake in calculating safe days). The first signs will indicate that an unexpected event has occurred; she should be careful not to harm the baby. If a woman does not intend to give birth, she will be able to have an early abortion, avoid toxicosis and other ailments that have to be endured before having a regular abortion at a later date.

When do the first symptoms appear?

Fertilization of the egg occurs only after ovulation, which in a 28-day cycle occurs approximately in the middle. There may be slight deviations in the timing of conception due to the presence of individual physiological characteristics in women, as well as the existence of differences in sperm activity in men. However, it is safe to say that there is no point in trying to detect reliable signs earlier than a week after sexual intercourse.

When is it appropriate to do the test?

If you use the test earlier, the result may be false negative. That is, conception has occurred, but the level of the hormone secreted by the embryo (hCG) is still too low. The more expensive inkjet tests are most accurate. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, since if done incorrectly, the result may be false positive.

Blood test for hCG

A reliable result of a hormone test can be obtained only 10-12 days after sexual intercourse. The fertilized egg must have time to implant in the uterus, only after that the chorion (embryonic membrane) begins to secrete hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Each week of pregnancy corresponds to a certain level of the hormone, higher than in non-pregnant women.

However, this sign is not absolutely accurate, since an increase in hormone levels occurs not only during pregnancy, but also with kidney disease or diabetes.

Signs of pathological pregnancy

If the test gives a positive result, and the hCG test shows its content in the blood is below normal, this indicates that the pregnancy is ectopic. It is especially dangerous when the fetus begins to develop in the uterine tube. A condition in which a pipe ruptures is life-threatening for a woman. Therefore, it is necessary to identify such a pathology as early as possible and remove the fetus. Signs of improper attachment of the embryo include the appearance of cramping pain on one side of the lower abdomen, as well as spotting.

A frozen pregnancy is possible, when the embryo stops developing and dies, but a miscarriage does not occur; the fetus also has to be removed surgically. This pathology occurs if a woman has polycystic ovary syndrome or an increased level of androgens in the body. An early sign of a frozen pregnancy is a low level of hCG in the blood.

There is such an anomaly as false pregnancy. Moreover, the signs are so real that it is difficult to dissuade a woman from her self-hypnosis.

Video: What are the signs of pregnancy?

Early signs of conception

All signs of pregnancy that appear before a missed period are not absolutely reliable; they only allow us to make an assumption about its likely occurrence.

These include the following manifestations:

  1. Nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of toxicosis. They appear approximately 3-4 weeks after conception. At this time, a woman develops intolerance to certain odors (for example, perfume aromas or the smell of meat broth), as well as unusual taste preferences (love for pickles, sweets).
  2. Drowsiness and fatigue, decreased blood pressure, inability to concentrate, weakened memory.
  3. Frequent mood changes. The desire to cry over the most insignificant things.
  4. Change in the nature of discharge. If a woman is not pregnant, then before the onset of menstruation, the leucorrhoea becomes scantier and thicker. After fertilization has occurred, the level of progesterone (the corpus luteum hormone that remains in the ovary after ovulation) remains high. Thanks to this, the work of the cervical glands that produce mucus is activated. Discharge literally from the first days of pregnancy becomes abundant, transparent and liquid.
  5. Implantation bleeding. Droplets of blood may briefly appear in the discharge. In this case, a particularly sensitive woman feels a slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Such symptoms occur when the fertilized egg implants into the endometrium of the uterus. If bleeding occurs immediately before or coincides with an expected period, it is sometimes mistaken for menstruation. In other cases, women mistake them for intermenstrual bleeding. You need to know that pregnancy can be assumed if such “menstruation” is too scanty and short-lived.
  6. Swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands. Changes in their condition occur immediately after conception. Before the delay, the skin around the nipple may darken, and the tubercles on the areola become more noticeable. Sometimes a clear yellowish discharge from the nipple (colostrum) appears.
  7. Constipation, feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen.
  8. Increased urination, cystitis. With the onset of pregnancy, women's immunity sharply decreases. In this way, the body “adapts” to the new state, doing everything to prevent fetal rejection. Decreased immune defense leads to increased susceptibility to bacteria and viruses. Therefore, at the very beginning of pregnancy, inflammatory processes worsen (in particular, in the bladder). Colds may become more frequent.

Note: Do not forget that these signs are non-specific. Nausea and vomiting can also occur with intestinal diseases (gastritis, colitis), poisoning, and strong emotions. Odor intolerance occurs even with the flu. Craving for sweets occurs during nervous stress.

It is important not to confuse changes in the mammary glands with symptoms of diseases. If the pain becomes obsessive, lumps appear, and the skin of the breast turns red, you should definitely visit a mammologist.

Basal temperature

One of the first signs of pregnancy is the constancy of a woman’s basal temperature after conception. True, it can only be detected if the measurements were carried out for a long time (over several cycles) in the previous period.

Basal temperature is measured rectally. This allows us to exclude the influence of various external factors on the indicators. The procedure is carried out in the morning at the same time. In this case, the woman must still be in bed. By changing the temperature you can find out when ovulation occurred, since at this moment it reaches a maximum (37°). If fertilization does not occur, the temperature decreases. And if conception has occurred, it remains slightly elevated.

Thrush in early pregnancy

A natural decrease in immunity can provoke the appearance or exacerbation of thrush. The occurrence of the disease is also facilitated by changes in the state of the vaginal microflora due to an increase in the volume of discharge. The lack of beneficial lactobacilli leads to the proliferation of Candida fungi in the body.

However, not all pregnant women develop thrush. It all depends on the state of the immune system and the characteristics of the hormonal shifts occurring in the body. Therefore, the presence of thrush cannot be considered a reliable way to establish the fact of conception.

Video: Early symptoms in pregnant women

Pregnancy is perhaps exactly the condition that every woman awaits with trepidation.

It’s simply amazing when you know and feel how a little person, or, but already loved and desired, is growing inside.

For many, this is such a long-awaited moment that, almost immediately after conception, they begin to listen to the behavior of their body in order to recognize the symptoms of pregnancy in time.

But it is unlikely that such a condition can be recognized literally in the first days.

It should take at least a week for early signs to appear.

But even in this case, this will not be a 100% guarantee of a positive result. Only a gynecologist can give a more accurate answer after a delay in menstruation, and not earlier than 4-5 weeks, as a result of a full examination.

There are several signs by which pregnancy can be determined.

They are divided into:

  1. doubtful, i.e. not giving any guarantee, but taking place,
  2. probable, which the doctor takes into account,
  3. reliable, confirmed by diagnostics.

Symptoms of pregnancy are characterized by a combination of certain physiological changes occurring in a woman’s body.

Often, for many, even in the early stages, you can see the first signs that conception has occurred.

Doubtful signs

An ambulance must be called immediately so that it is possible to provide timely medical assistance to save the fetus.

In order not to confuse them with regular periods: such bleeding does not have to be profuse, but can be accompanied by either severe or unusual nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Reliable signs

If you look at all these signs together, you can confidently conclude: the symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages are very similar to a cold.

Therefore, in the first days of conception, it is quite difficult to determine most accurately whether a woman is in an interesting position. But how can you find out about conception even before your period is missed, in the early stages?

  • It can help with this.

It shows results already in the first 10 days, because... this hormone begins to be produced only after the embryo has fixed on the wall of the uterus.

The first signs of pregnancy Pregnancy is a mysterious process, especially at the very beginning, when very impatient women want to know about its onset even before their periods are missed. The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages can be confused with the phenomena of premenstrual syndrome, but laboratory and instrumental research methods will help confirm conception. Why is it so important to establish the presence of a long-awaited pregnancy as early as possible? To reconsider your lifestyle and diet, if this has not been done in advance, eliminate, if possible, harmful factors and prepare to become a mother.

The process of conception: how it happens

Conception refers to a series of processes that follow after fertilization, as a result of which a new organism is born and continues to develop in the female body, that is, pregnancy occurs. The moment of pregnancy is preceded by several factors:

The period of time from sexual intercourse to implantation takes 7–12 days, so it is premature to talk about the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages 1 week after coitus.

Diagnosis of pregnancy in the early stages

Diagnosing pregnancy in the earliest stages is quite difficult, since the first symptoms, which both the woman and the doctor can regard as pregnancy, are also possible with various pathologies. Disorders such as premenstrual syndrome, disruption of the endocrine organs, neuropsychiatric diseases, or an overdose of certain medications cannot be excluded.

But if a happy moment has occurred, then the first signs of pregnancy that confirm its presence are laboratory and instrumental studies. Early signs of pregnancy are caused by hormonal changes (production of hCG and progesterone).

Among the laboratory methods to confirm pregnancy, the determination of hCG in urine and blood serum is used. Determination of the level of hCG in the blood can be carried out 14–21 days after sexual intercourse, when conception has already occurred and the trophoblast of the embryo begins to intensively synthesize hCG. The increase in the level of the hormone in the blood is determined in a special laboratory.

Pregnancy tests

Pregnancy test Such tests are an alternative to laboratory determination of hCG levels and are carried out at home. It is recommended to carry out the test no earlier than 4 - 5 weeks after coitus, that is, after a delay in menstruation. But it is possible to find out about pregnancy earlier, even before your expected period, if you have a long (35 days or more) menstrual cycle. The test is based on detecting hCG in urine.

Test rules:

  • carry out a test with morning urine (morning urine is concentrated, which means the hCG content in it is higher);
  • do not increase fluid intake if the test needs to be done during the day (the urine is diluted and the concentration of the hormone decreases);
  • Before performing the test, carefully study the instructions and act according to them;
  • Do not use tests that have expired.

A false positive result during pregnancy testing is possible in the following cases:

  • 1 – 1.5 months ago there was an abortion, miscarriage or childbirth (hCG is not immediately cleared from the body);
  • expired;
  • treatment with hCG-containing medications (pregnyl, choragon);
  • trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform mole, chorionic carcinoma).

A false negative result is also possible if:

  • the test was performed too early (fertilization has occurred, but implantation has not yet occurred);
  • threat of miscarriage (hCG levels in the blood drop);
  • violation of test instructions;
  • drink a lot of liquid before performing the test;
  • renal pathology;
  • arterial hypertension.

In any case, after a negative result, you should repeat the procedure again after a few days.


Determining pregnancy by ultrasound in the early stages The conclusion after an ultrasound is another sign of early pregnancy. However, in too early stages, ultrasound cannot serve as a 100% guarantee, since the doctor may not notice the future embryo until it has reached a certain size. When performing this instrumental study, in addition to confirming pregnancy, the following indicators are revealed:
  • localization of the fertilized egg (in the uterus or in the tube, ovary, etc.);
  • determining the viability of the embryo (whether there is a heartbeat);
  • the presence of the embryo itself in the fertilized egg (detection of anembryony).

First signs of pregnancy before missed period

When do the first signs of pregnancy appear? As already noted, no earlier than 7 days after sexual intercourse.

The following signs allow you to suspect pregnancy even before a missed period:

Implantation retraction
This sign is determined by a graph of basal temperature, which is measured in the rectum. Only a woman who carefully and for a long time (at least 3 months) keeps a graph of the temperature curve can identify this sign.

On the eve of ovulation, the temperature decreases by 0.2 - 0.4 degrees, but from the moment the egg leaves the follicle, the temperature rises sharply and becomes above 37 degrees. It stays at this level for about 12–14 days, and before the onset of menstruation it begins to decrease. Before the introduction of the egg into the endometrium, the production of progesterone decreases somewhat (after all, it is towards the end of the menstrual cycle), since the body is not yet aware of the fertilization that has occurred. But as soon as implantation has occurred and connections have been established between the fertilized egg and the maternal body, the trophoblast begins to produce hCG, thanks to which the body adapts to a program for maintaining pregnancy. That is, the corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone, which supports further growth and development of the embryo, and, accordingly, the basal temperature rises.

Later, after a delay in menstruation, the basal temperature exceeds 37 degrees and indirectly confirms pregnancy.

Implantation bleeding
The process of implantation of the blastocyst into the thickness of the uterine mucosa may (but not necessarily) be accompanied by slight bleeding. Bloody discharge is caused by the destruction of the walls of the vessels of the uterine mucosa. You should not expect obvious and too noticeable discharge. A bloody or pinkish discharge may appear in the form of a couple of drops on linen or toilet paper. Implantation bleeding should be expected within 7–12 days from the date of sexual intercourse. If there were no “suspicious” discharge, this is not considered a pathology, just as it does not confirm or deny a possible pregnancy.

Feelings in the lower abdomen
After implantation, the blood supply to the genital organs, in particular the uterus, changes. The blood flow to the pelvic organs, in particular to the uterus, increases significantly, which improves its blood supply and provides the embryo with nutrients and oxygen. Therefore, for many women, one of the first signs of pregnancy before a delay is a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen. Mild tingling and even stretching are also possible, which is not a pathology (after all, the uterus begins its increased growth).

For the same reason (increased blood flow in the pelvis), hemorrhoids may appear or worsen, or veins may appear in the legs (the first sign of varicose veins). Undoubtedly, hemorrhoids and varicose veins are more likely to occur in the second half of pregnancy, when the uterus is already large and compresses the inferior vena cava, but in multiparous women these phenomena can appear very early, even before the delay.

Unstable emotional state
Before the expected menstruation arrives, most women, unaware of the new life that has arisen in them, become distracted and forgetful, or, on the contrary, overly irritable and aggressive. Unexpected tears suddenly give way to laughter and vice versa. The reason for this is progesterone, which is produced to maintain pregnancy. But mental lability is quite possible with premenstrual syndrome, so only those women who have not experienced PMS symptoms before can suspect pregnancy based on this symptom.

Mild feeling
In a very short time, a woman may feel signs of a cold: mild malaise, increased fatigue, headache. A slight increase in body temperature is also possible, which again is associated with the effect of progesterone on the thermoregulation center. As soon as the embryo has established itself in the uterine wall and begins to actively “cooperate” with the mother’s body, the immunity in the mother’s body decreases, which prevents rejection of the fertilized egg as a foreign body.

Feelings in the chest
This symptom can also be attributed to the phenomena of PMS. From the moment of conception, sensations in the mammary glands change dramatically. That is, before the woman did not feel the breasts at all, but now the slightest touch to the breasts causes pain. Swelling and swelling of the breasts is also noted.

Arterial hypotension
A decrease in blood pressure is observed from the first days of pregnancy. Under the influence of progesterone, the tone of smooth muscles, including the muscular layer of the vascular wall, decreases, which leads to relaxation of blood vessels and an increase in their diameter.

Frequent urination
From the first days of pregnancy, urination becomes more frequent, but remains painless. This symptom is due to the action of the same progesterone, increased blood supply to the pelvic organs, including the bladder and kidneys, which increases renal filtration and urine production. Frequent urination persists until childbirth (in later stages, frequent visits to the toilet also provoke pressure from the pregnant uterus on the bladder).

Signs of early toxicosis
Nausea, perversion of taste and smell, intolerance to various odors, salivation - all these phenomena belong to early toxicosis, although they are also possible with a number of other diseases (poisoning, pathology of the digestive tract, infection). Symptoms of early toxicosis are not so often observed before a delay in menstruation, and even after pregnancy has been established, not all women have them.

Is a missed period a pregnancy?

Delayed menstruation is not considered a reliable sign of pregnancy, especially in those women whose menstrual cycle was irregular. Before you run to the doctor with joy or panic, you should wait at least 5–7 days (counting from the first day of expected and non-occurring menstruation). Then conduct a pregnancy test, taking into account all the rules. If the result is negative, it is recommended to repeat the test after 3, at least 1 day.

In addition to a positive test, other signs of pregnancy are possible:

  • early toxicosis has become more pronounced or has just appeared;
  • breast tenderness, engorgement and swelling;
  • appearance of the venous pattern on the mammary glands;
  • skin problems (the appearance of acne, even if there was none before);
  • increased vaginal discharge, it has become creamy and milky in color;
  • stretching in the lumbar region and/or lower abdomen;
  • constipation, which is replaced by diarrhea (action of progesterone);
  • drowsiness during the day, insomnia at night;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • possible fainting (as a sign of arterial hypotension);
  • increased appetite or its complete absence (in case of toxicosis);
  • tendency to edema (swelling of the face after the legs, slight swelling of the arms and legs);
  • darkening of the linea alba and areola;
  • basal temperature is consistently elevated (above 37);
  • the appearance of headaches and migraines;
  • change in libido (increased or weakened).

To completely dispel doubts, you should visit a doctor. During a gynecological examination (even in the early stages of pregnancy), the doctor identifies the following signs that indirectly confirm an “interesting situation”:

  • darkening of the skin, even dark brown, of the external genitalia;
  • softening of the neck, changing its color from pale pink to cyanotic (bluish);
  • softening of the uterus, perhaps some enlargement in the early stages, and later the enlarged uterus is clearly palpable according to the period of delay (8 weeks - a woman’s fist, 10 weeks - a man’s fist, and so on).

To establish a final diagnosis, the gynecologist will prescribe an ultrasound (preferably with a transvaginal sensor), and in controversial cases, he will recommend donating blood for hCG.