Presentation on the geography of ferrous metallurgy. Ferrous metallurgy - presentation

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Geography of ferrous metallurgy 9th grade Metallurgy Volodina Elena Nikolaevna teacher of geography MBOU Novovolkovskaya secondary school

Metallurgy is a set of industries that produce various metals, beneficiation, production, mining, smelting, rolled metal

Role in the country's economy: Coal consumption 25% Electricity consumption 25% 30% rail freight transportation Employed 10% of all workers Main consumer - mechanical engineering

Metallurgical complex of Russia Ferrous metallurgy Almost 90% of metals are ferrous metals. Non-ferrous metallurgy 10% of metals are non-ferrous metals.

Placement factors: Raw materials Fuel Consumer Transport Water Ecological

Favorable location of metallurgical enterprises: In the ore mining area (Ural, Norilsk) In the coking coal mining area (Kuzbass) In the area of ​​cheap electricity production (Eastern Siberia) At the intersection of ore and coal flows (Cherepovets)

Ferrous metals are metals based on iron (cast iron, steel, ferroalloys) Iron ore

Iron ores Reserves Mining

Technological chain of production of ferrous metallurgy Iron ore mining Ore beneficiation Rolled steel production Steel smelting Cast iron smelting

Full cycle plants: Blast furnace shop Steel melting shop Rolling shop

Metallurgical plants A plant is an enterprise where, in addition to metallurgical production, there are production facilities in other industries related to the main ones technologically and economically.

Related: Production of cement and building materials, nitrogen fertilizer plant

Metallurgical bases: Ural European Center European North Siberia

Ural Kachkanarskoye field Kola Peninsula Kazakhstan KMA Nizhny Tagil Kuzbass Magnitogorsk Chelyabinsk Novotroitsk 40% Plants:

European Center KMA Donbass Lipetsk Stary Oskol 2 0% Plants:

European North Kola Peninsula Karelia (Kostomuksha) Pechora basin Cherepovets Severstal 2 0% Plant:

Siberia Angara region Mountain Shoria Kuznetsk basin Novokuznetsk 16% Plants:

Homework: § 5 Contour map pp. 46-47 task 1-2

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The presentation for the lesson introduces students to the factors of locating ferrous metallurgy enterprises, the main products of ferrous metallurgy, as well as methods of mining ferrous metals....

Geography lesson ferrous metallurgy grade 9

technological map of a geography lesson. 1. Maksimova N.M. 2. class - 9, subject - geography 3. topic: Ferrous metallurgy. Composition and significance. Pr/work "Identify the centers of metallurgical plants" Concepts: me...

Metallurgical complex. Ferrous metallurgy. Compiled by a geography teacher MOBU SOSH LGO s. Ruzhino Mazur E.V.

The purpose of the lesson : to form students’ ideas about the metallurgical complex of Russia.


To familiarize students with the structure of the country's metallurgical complex.

To develop knowledge about metallurgical bases, types of metallurgical enterprises and factors of their location.

Continue developing the ability to compose a characteristic of an object using atlas maps.

Composition of the complex

Metallurgical complex

Ferrous metallurgy

Non-ferrous metallurgy (10%)

Iron production

and its alloys

Production of light metals ( Al, Ti, Mg)

Production of heavy metals ( Cu, Zn, Pb)

Production of precious metals ( Ag, Au)

Production of alloying metals ( W, Mo, Vn)

Metallurgical complex is a set of industries producing a variety of metals.

Iron and steel production

Rolled products production

Melting steel

Iron ore mining




Iron smelting

The basis of ferrous metallurgy

(full cycle plant)

Blast furnace shop

Steel shop

Rolling shop

Ferrous metallurgy enterprises: 1. Full cycle metallurgical plants (combines) 2. Particle metallurgical plants 3. Small metallurgical plants

Features of the metallurgical complex

1. Full cycle metallurgical plants placed near raw materials or fuel or on ore and fuel streams

2. Conversion plants and small metallurgy plants They focus on scrap metal (waste from machine-building factories), therefore they are located in large cities, focusing on the consumer.

3. Metallurgical plant - This is a water-intensive enterprise, so it is built near a large river, lake or pond.

4. Metallurgy – a “dirty” industry, so you can’t build several metallurgical plants in one city.

5. Metallurgical plant cannot work without the railway, because The flows of raw materials and fuel are very huge.

A cluster of metallurgical plants that use a common ore or fuel base and produce the base metal of a country is called metallurgical base. There are 3 main metallurgical bases in Russia: 1. Ural 2. Central 3. Siberian

  • Indicate the sources of raw materials and fuel for ferrous metallurgy.
  • Indicate the largest metallurgical centers of ferrous metallurgy.
  • Draw conclusions about the features of each base.

Central base – 44%

Raw materials – ores of the KMA, Kola Peninsula.

Fuel – coking coal of the Pechora basin, Donbass.


  • Tula (full cycle)
  • Lipetsk (half cycle)
  • Moscow (transferM)
  • Elektrostal (before)
  • Stary Oskol (electrometallurgy)
  • Cherepovets (full cycle)

Ural base – 42%


Raw materials – ores of the Urals, KMA, Kazakhstan

Fuel – Kuzbass coal


  • Nizhny Tagil
  • Chelyabinsk
  • Magnitogorsk
  • Novotroitsk

Siberian base – 13%

Raw materials - ores of Gornaya Shoria, Khakassia, Angaro-Ilim deposits

Fuel - Kuzbass coal


  • Novokuznetsk (full cycle)
  • Novosibirsk (before)
  • Krasnoyarsk (before)
  • Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky

  • What industries are part of the metallurgical complex?
  • Name the metallurgical bases in Russia.
  • Indicate the connections between raw materials and fuel.
  • List the features of metallurgy.
  • What types of metallurgical enterprises are there in Russia?
  • What are the prospects for the development of the industry?

Homework: § 10, on the contour map, mark 3 metallurgical bases, indicate deposits of ore, coal and large metallurgical plants.

1. Japan Russia Ukraine Germany Belgium, Luxembourg France South Korea Brazil Italy Turkey 11 Largest steel importers (million tons) Largest steel exporters (million tons) 1. China USA Germany Italy South Korea France 15 7. Belgium, Luxembourg Spain Taiwan Thailand 9

STRUCTURE OF FERROUS METALLURGY Mining and processing of ore materials Mining and processing of non-metallic materials Iron production Steel production Rolled metal production Pipe production Ferrous metallurgy Hardware production Ferroalloy production Refractories production Coke production Production of a number of types of chemical products Procurement and processing of ferrous metal scrap and waste

FACTORS FOR LOCATION OF FULL CYCLE ENTERPRISES Orientation towards iron ore deposits Orientation towards coking coal deposits Transport Water Consumer Ecological Ferrous metallurgy is characterized by: Concentration of production Combination of production

Concentration of production - production of most of the metal at large enterprises Combination of production - combining all stages of metallurgical production Ore mining Ore beneficiation Iron production Steel production Rolled products production

The Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA) is the most powerful iron ore basin in the world. The region with the largest iron reserves in the world, in terms of explored reserves of rich ores (about 30 billion tons), is second only to the promising Bolivian El Mutun (about 40 billion tons). Located within the Kursk, Belgorod and Oryol regions. Currently, the boundaries of the KMA iron ore deposits cover an area of ​​over 160 thousand km², covering the territories of nine regions of the Center and South of the country. The potential reserves of rich iron ores and ferruginous quartzites in the unique basin amount to billions of tons.

Lebedinskoye (Gubkinsky district, Belgorod region) Mikhailovskoye (Zheleznogorsk district, Kursk region) Stoilenskoye (Starooskolsky district, Belgorod region) Korobkovskoye (Gubkinsky district, Belgorod region) Yakovlevskoye (Yakovlevsky district, Belgorod region) Bolshetroitskoye (Shebekinsky district, Belgorod region) Pogrometskoye (Volokonovsky district, Belgorod region) Novoyaltinskoye (Dmitrovsky district, Oryol region)

Ferrous metallurgyAt all times the question of
what materials to create, what
to give them properties, was and
will always be inseparable from
the question is how to do this
N.M. Zhavoronkov

Metal production stages

Rolled products production
Metal smelting
Ore beneficiation
Ore mining

Iron Fe

the most common metal on
Earth after aluminum
(4.2% of the total mass of the earth's crust)
The most important ores:
Magnetic iron ore Fe3O4
Red iron ore Fe2O3
Brown iron ore 2Fe2O3 3H2O
Iron pyrite FeS2
Iron pyrite FeS2

Iron ore deposits

Ural (Mount Magnitnaya, Kachkandar,
Krivoy Rog field Kursk
magnetic anomaly

Coking of hard coal

Blast furnace structure

Chemistry of the blast furnace process

Group 1 reactions – combustion of coke and
formation of reducing agent
C + O2 = CO2+ Q
C + CO2 = 2CO - Q
How to increase the speed of this stage?
The higher the combustion temperature, the
education occurs faster
reducing agent.

Chemistry of the blast furnace process

Fe2O3 Fe3O4 FeO Fe

Chemistry of the blast furnace process

Group 2 reactions – recovery
iron(III) oxide carbon(II) oxide
3Fe2O3 + CO = 2Fe3O4 + CO2
Fe3O4 + CO = 3FeO + CO2
FeO + CO = Fe + CO2

Chemistry of the blast furnace process

Group 3 reactions –
recovery of impurities,
contained in the ore and
Fluxes are substances
facilitating translation
simple rock into slag –
low-melting alloys
various silicates,
phosphates, aluminates,

Chemistry of the blast furnace process

CaCO3 = CaO + CO2
CaO + SiO2 = CaSiO3
3CaO + P2O5 = Ca3(PO4)2, etc.

Chemistry of the blast furnace process

Group 4 reactions – formation of cast iron
3 Fe + 2CO = Fe3C + CO2

Open hearth furnace

Chemistry of the open hearth process

Rapid oxidation of impurities
Si + 2FeO = SiO2 + 2Fe
Mn + FeO = MnO + Fe
2P + 5FeO = P2O5 + 5Fe
The resulting oxides are solid,
loose substances
C + FeO = Fe + CO

Chemistry of the open hearth process

Adding deoxidizers –
ferrous alloys (iron alloys with
high content of other metals:
chromium, manganese, vanadium, silicon)

Chemistry of the open hearth process

Mn + FeO = MnO + Fe
To remove sulfur and phosphorus
add quicklime (CaO)
3CaO + P2O5 = Ca3(PO4)2
CaO + FeS = CaS + FeO

Cast iron is an alloy of iron containing
more than 90% carbon, as well as silicon,
manganese, small amounts of sulfur and

Products of metallurgical plants

Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon,
the mass fraction of which does not exceed
Types of steel:
solid (carbon mass fraction 2.5)
soft (mass fraction of carbon up to 0.3%)

Types of ferrous metallurgy enterprises

steelmaking and steel rolling
factories (“processing” metallurgy)
production of ferroalloys
small metallurgy
blast-furnace metallurgy


Environmental problems of ferrous metallurgy

Environmental problems of ferrous metallurgy


Environmental problems of ferrous metallurgy


What is metallurgy?
What is the importance of metallurgy?
What groups of enterprises are included in
composition of ferrous metallurgy?
What raw materials are needed for
iron and steel production?


Why does the blast furnace look like a tower?
Why does a blast furnace shaft have a shape?
truncated cone with large
base in its lower part?
How can we explain the increase in walls?
blast furnaces in its lower part?
What factors determine
placement of black enterprises


Name the main metallurgical
Russian bases and their main centers.
Fe3O4, Fe2O3 - what are these ores called?
Indicate their main deposits in

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Lesson objectives Define the concept of “metallurgical base”. Describe metallurgical bases. Consider industry problems. Develop the ability to name and show the largest centers of ferrous metallurgy; identify facts from the map that influenced the location of enterprises; To develop students' cognitive interest in the subject. Fostering a sense of patriotism and respect for nature. Improving communication skills and self-control skills.

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Message from the President Dear guys! The Russian fuel industry faces an acute problem, and this problem must be solved as soon as possible. To ensure supplies of oil and gas to Europe, more than 100 million tons of large-diameter steel pipes were laid in Russia. Most of these pipes have been in operation since the 70s of the last century, when 2-3 million tons of large-diameter pipes were purchased from Europe and Japan. The service life of these pipes is 30 years and is already ending. We have to replace these pipes on the same scale. Today Russia has a chance to correct the paradoxical situation when the world's largest manufacturer of large-diameter pipes and at the same time one of the world leaders in steel production does not have modern pipe production. There was a need to build a plant for the production of large-diameter pipes. Will we help the country build a pipe production plant?

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Lesson objectives: Identify factors influencing the location of metallurgical complex enterprises. Consider the main metallurgical bases in Russia. Determine where it is advisable to build a plant for the production of large-diameter pipes.

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The location of metallurgical enterprises is influenced by: 1. Raw materials; 2.Fuel; 3.Consumer; Iron ore Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP Beloyarsk NPP

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4. Water supply; 5.Transport; 6.Energy; 7. Ecological. Transportation of coal by rail

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It is most profitable to create metallurgical enterprises: 1) In the ore mining area (Ural; Norilsk); 2) In the area of ​​coking coal mining (Kuzbass); 3) At the intersection of ore and coal flows (Cherepovets) Novokuznetsk Metallurgical Plant

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Iron and Steel Works. A plant is an enterprise where, in addition to metallurgical production, there are production facilities in other industries related to the main one technologically and economically 12/10/2013

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Decipher "Allatem avtsdovziorp yald ysruser eyivilpot or eyndur eishbo hiyuuzlopsy, yityairpderp hiksechigrullatem appurg - azab yaaksechigrullatem"

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Metallurgical base. This is a group of metallurgical enterprises that use common ore or fuel resources to produce metal.

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Metallurgical bases 12/10/2013 Name of base Raw materials Fuel Large centers Central KMA, ores of the Kola Peninsula Donbass, Pechersk basin Kuzbass Cherepovets, Lipetsk, Stary Oskol, Tula Zpektrostal Uralskaya Own deposits, KMA, From Kazakhstan Kuzbass, from Kazakhstan Magnitogorsk, Novotroitsk, Nizhny Tagil, Chelyabinsk, Serov Sibirskaya Tashtagol, Temirtau, Korshunovskoye Kuzbass Novokuznetsk, Krasnoyarsk, Belovo Far Eastern Taiga Chulman Komsamolsk-on-Amur

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The Central Metallurgical Base is an area of ​​early development of ferrous metallurgy, where the largest reserves of iron ore are concentrated. The center, being an old region of ferrous metallurgy, developed relatively recently in two unrelated directions: the first - the smelting of foundry cast iron and blast furnace ferroalloys (Tula, Lipetsk), the second - the production of steel and rolled products mainly from metal scrap (Moscow, Elektrostal, Nizhny Novgorod, etc.). The ferrous metallurgy of the Center is completely dependent on imported fuel (Donetsk coal or coke). The raw material resources represented by the KMA deposits practically do not limit production. Scrap metal is of great importance. Almost all iron ore is mined by open pit mining. Along with rich ores, ferruginous quartzites are mined in large quantities (Lebedinsky, Mikhailovsky and Stoilensky GOKs). The Yakovlevskoe rich ore deposit is being developed. KMA serves as a source of raw materials not only for the factories of the Center, it also provides it to a number of enterprises in the Urals, the South, and also the North. Within the KMA, a particularly promising production of metallized pellets has emerged. On this basis, electrometallurgy is developing without blast furnace processing (Oskol plant). The production of cold-rolled strip was created (Oryol Steel Rolling Plant).

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Cherepovets Plant At first glance at the map of the country, it seems that the plant is located in the most inappropriate place: there is nothing nearby - no ore, no coal. They are 1500-2000 kilometers away. However, if you look closely, you realize that the choice is not accidental. It has its own advantage: it is the extremely favorable geographical location of Cherepovets. The city is located at the junction of three economic regions - the European North, North-West and Center. The St. Petersburg - Yekaterinburg railway and the Volga-Baltic waterway formed a large transport hub here. Good transport links allow uninterrupted delivery of raw materials and fuel to Cherepovets, and proximity to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and other industrial centers opens up wide opportunities for the sale of finished products and for the use of scrap metal from all over the Non-Black Earth Region.

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The Ural metallurgical base is the largest in Russia and is second in terms of ferrous metal production volumes only to the Southern metallurgical base of Ukraine within the CIS. The share of Ural metallurgy accounts for 52% of cast iron, 56% of steel and more than 52% of rolled ferrous metals of the volumes produced on the scale of the former USSR. The Urals use imported Kuznetsk coal. Our own iron ore base is depleted, so a significant part of the raw materials is imported from Kazakhstan (Sokolovsko-Sarbaiskoye deposit), from the Kursk magnetic anomaly and Karelia. Strengthening the raw material base is associated with the development of titanomagnetites (Kachkanarskoye deposit) and siderites (Bakalskoye deposit), which account for 3/4 of iron ore reserves. The first ones are already involved in development (Kachkanarsky GOK). The largest centers of ferrous metallurgy were formed in the Urals (Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Tagil, Novotroitsk, Yekaterinburg, Serov, Zlatoust, etc.). With the significant development of pigment metallurgy, the main role is played by enterprises with a full cycle. They are located mainly along the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains. On the western slopes, pigment metallurgy is more represented. The ferrous metallurgy of the Urals is currently being partially reconstructed (the first stage of steelmaking at the Magnitogorsk Combine and small-capacity metallurgical plants).

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The metallurgical base of Siberia as a metallurgical base of Russia is in the process of formation. Siberia and the Far East account for approximately a fifth of the cast iron and finished products produced in Russia and 15% of steel. Modern production is represented by two powerful enterprises with a full cycle - the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant and the West Siberian Plant (Novokuznetsk), and several processing plants (Novosibirsk, Guryevsk, Krasnoyarsk, Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Komsomolsk-on-Amur), as well as a ferroalloy plant (Novokuznetsk ). The raw material base is the iron ores of Gornaya Gioria, Khakassia and the Angara-Ilim basin (Kormunovsky GOK). Fuel base - Kuzbass. The ferrous metallurgy of Siberia and the Far East has not yet completed its formation. Therefore, based on efficient raw material and fuel resources, in the future it is possible that new centers of ferrous metallurgy will emerge, in particular the Taishet plant for Kuznetsk coal and Angara-Ilim ores, as well as the Barnaul plant for the processing of Lisakovo brown iron ore to produce phosphorus-rich slag, which is important for meeting the needs Siberia in mineral fertilizers.

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Novokuznetsk plant The plant was founded on May 5, 2003 on the basis of the production facilities of the legendary KMK, which has been supplying its products to different parts of Russia and abroad for more than seventy years. NKMK is located in the city of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region, in the central part of the Kuznetsk coal basin, on the left bank of the Tom River. Novokuznetsk is a large industrial and cultural center of Western Siberia with a population of 560 thousand people. The Novokuznetsk Metallurgical Plant is the leading manufacturer of rail products in Russia and the only enterprise producing tram rails.

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The problem is waiting for your solution. To ensure supplies of oil and gas to Europe, more than 100 million tons of large-diameter steel pipes were laid in Russia, forming the basis of a unique pipeline system. Most of these pipes have been in operation since the 70s of the last century. The service life of these pipes is 30 years and is already ending. We have to replace these pipes on the same scale. Today Russia has a chance to correct the paradoxical situation when the world's largest consumer of large-diameter pipes and at the same time one of the world leaders in steel production does not have modern pipe production. There was a need to build a plant for the production of large-diameter pipes. Where is it more convenient and profitable for us to build it?” So, where, in your opinion, is it better and more profitable to build a plant for the production of large-diameter pipes?

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Base + - Siberian Its own natural resources, not far from consumers (Western Siberia) There are no railways to the east of the country Ural There are factories for the production of pipes, located at the intersection of transport highways Old, resources are being exhausted, it works on imported resources Central Proximity of European consumers Old, operates on imported natural resources, remote from main consumers

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Guys, you and I tried to solve a problem that really took place in the history of the development of the Russian economy. This project was called “Stan – 5000”. On April 26, 2000, a decree of the Russian government was signed on the creation of JSC Plant for the Production of Large Diameter Pipe, which puts an end to this problem. An agreement was signed with OJSC Gazprom for the supply of pipes, which began in 2006.