Why do you dream about a black needle? Why do you have dreams about needles?

What should a person think if he dreams of needles? The dream book will help answer this question. But in order to give a more complete interpretation, you should carefully study several meanings of this symbol.

Meaning according to a modern book of interpretations

So, why do you dream about needles? The 21st century dream book says that this sign means trouble. In most cases, they relate to scandals and quarrels, usually of a family nature. As a rule, they usually occur without any reason. Quite often, needles are a symbol of envy, and black envy at that. It is possible that someone wishes harm to the dreamer. And in many cases, the sources of envy are close friends. Usually these are the situations that promise needles.

In a dream, seeing yourself and embroidering something means grief. And to a large extent. And trouble may appear from where the dreamer did not expect it at all. As, in fact, this usually happens. Perhaps the other half admits that her feelings have faded away. Or a close friend will commit betrayal. In general, it is better to prepare in advance for the onset of a dark streak in life. It would be better if it were in vain, and the trouble would pass by, than to suddenly cover the dreamer with a wave.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Seeing needles in a dream means that soon a person will have to take care of other people. And it is possible that in connection with this the dreamer will have other problems. The most important thing when helping others is not to forget about yourself. And even more important - do not stop solving your own problems. Otherwise, forgetting about it, you can only complicate your life.

But it is a good sign if you find needles. The dream book claims that this means the appearance of new friends in life, very devoted and faithful. You can be sure that they will not let you down in a difficult situation, but will provide help and support. But losing a needle in a dream is an unkind sign. This means that soon in reality a person will be overtaken by useless troubles and worries. And a broken needle even promises loneliness and financial trouble. It is worth preparing for this unfavorable period and, most importantly, not giving up.

Why do you dream of small needles?

Vanga's dream book claims that this is a sign from above. Soon a person will have to make full use of all his abilities to overcome the difficulties that will soon arise on his way. It will be difficult, but this is the only way to cope with the surging problems.

Collecting needles in a dream means betrayal or treason. Moreover, this will shock and shake the dreamer so much that it will take a long time to recover from what happened. But seeing a lot of needles in a dream is already a hint from the subconscious. Perhaps the dreamer seriously offended someone. And you shouldn’t be surprised if that person decides to take revenge. So if you want to avoid retribution, you should ask for forgiveness.

It will not be entirely pleasant to see yourself swallowing sewing needles in a dream. This is a sign of serious diseases, which will most likely be associated with the cardiovascular system. Injecting yourself barely perceptibly and imperceptibly means a car accident. So in the near future you should refrain from doing anything too extreme. But injecting someone means good news for the person who had to endure it. Moreover, the dreamer will bring him the news.

Dream book of the 20th century

According to this book, the interpretation of dreams in which needles are scattered on the floor is not particularly pleasant. This is a symbol of anxiety. And there will be a lot of it. And mostly it will be associated with quarrels with friends or relatives.

Embroidering - to the emergence of love and true joy. If the dreamer still produces beautiful patterns, this means the onset of a bright streak in life. In general, this is a good sign. But if the dreamer injects himself, he will have to prepare for a not entirely successful period in life; there is a possibility of encountering conflicts that can drag on for a long time. And if there was a black thread in the needle, this means problems associated not with the dreamer, but with someone else. But he will have to take part in their decision. And the longer the thread, the more time it will take.

Meaning according to the Italian dream book

What does it mean to see such a dream? A needle and thread can mean many things. If a person has lost it, this means work-related problems. But finding it means family troubles. If the dreamer breaks the needle into two parts, then he should expect real obstacles on the way to achieving a long-set goal. The Italian dream book warns that a person may soon feel a loss of strength. He may become depressed because there are too many problems in his life. Well, in this case, it is recommended to take a break and rest. There is no need to make pointless attempts to improve situations, because they will still end in failure. You need to rest and recuperate - then you will definitely be able to achieve what you want.

If a person saw in a dream how he was buying needles in a store, one should be prepared for severe financial difficulties.

French dream book

What is the interpretation of dreams here? Needles into which a person threads usually dream of increased enmity with ill-wishers and enemies. But if he sees himself sewing something up, this means a successful resolution of all the troubles that bothered him before.

Choosing needles means gossip, rumors and a damaged reputation. Moreover, as is usually the case, all the words spoken by enemies will be false. And it is possible that enemies are using what the dreamer once talked about to spread gossip. They will simply present what is said in their own way. Therefore, a person should be prepared to live up to his reputation. If he pricks himself with a needle, it means major quarrels. To prove that you are right, you will, again, have to make excuses.

If you find a needle, what is it for?

So, the first meaning is to establish a great relationship with a good person. This will be a new acquaintance with whom the dreamer will communicate quite closely. In the future, he can become his best friend. But if a young girl had such a vision, it means starting a new romantic relationship, which will then develop into something more. Perhaps it is Fate itself.

But a broken sewing needle - on the contrary, means separation. With a friend, girlfriend or boyfriend - it doesn't matter. One thing can be said with certainty - the dreamer will come face to face with loneliness, and perhaps this will drag on for a long time. But you shouldn’t give up, it’s better to recover from what happened and start looking for a new relationship.

Strange circumstances

Sometimes people dream of something unusual. For example, needles in the body of a close friend of the dreamer. What is this for? To the point that one should be wary of duplicity. It is possible that this same person will soon commit betrayal. And in general, you should trust others less.

Pulling needles out of your own body means difficulties that will soon arise in real life. But they can be overcome quickly. Peace and complete calm will follow. By the way, it is very important to consider from which part of the body the person removed the needle. If from a finger or from a leg, this means a difficult and rather emotional period. Quarrels, disputes, conflicts - you will have to go through all this. And the most difficult thing is that it is unlikely that anyone will want to support a person during this difficult period.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus

The golden needle is a symbol of deceit, wounding and insult. In general, according to Nostradamus’s dream book, it does not mean anything good. Especially if there are traces of blood on the needle. This indicates that perhaps the person’s close people are planning something unkind towards him.

A dream about a lot of needles usually means that soon someone from the dreamer’s circle will begin to spread unpleasant rumors and gossip about him. Seeing them sticking out from the body of some animal means acquiring an enemy. Moreover, this person will be the one from whom it could not have come at all. And the fight against him will be difficult and unpredictable. A golden needle that a person stuck into himself with his own hand means that a volunteer will appear in his life who can help him. But taking it out of the heart of another means committing a good deed, for which the saved one will thank the dreamer for a long time.

Important Details

To give a more correct interpretation of the dream, it is necessary to remember under what specific circumstances the person dreamed of a needle. If he saw them in his mouth, this meant a failure of expectations. You shouldn't hope too much for something because it might end badly in the end. Collecting them from the floor means that you will soon have to face your problems alone. It is unlikely that anyone will help in solving them, so you need to be prepared for this. Seeing yourself pricked with a pin is an unkind sign. Or to be more precise, a warning. It says that a person needs to be more restrained in terms of communication and talk less about himself. Excessive gullibility and the habit of opening up to anyone you meet will not work in your favor.

Holding a needle in your hands at a level below your eyes means great trouble and grief. If there was a white thread in it, this is a signal that it is time to mind your own business and think less about other people. Only in this way will you be able to solve your problems and finally begin to live to the fullest. But if a person saw large and long needles in his dream, this means troubles that will arise in the family. It is advised to forget about work and other matters for a while and concentrate on communicating with your family. This will only be beneficial.

Signs to listen to

If a person saw needles scattering on his bed in a dream, then he must prepare for the onset of a dark period in life. Troubles will appear like mushrooms after rain, in all areas of life. And it will happen unexpectedly. Seeing spruce needles means that it’s time to think about your future and start building it up. You should forget about the carefree time, otherwise it will be difficult in the future.

Sewing up holes in old clothes (or any other things) means that soon a person will be faced with problems associated with elderly members of his family. He will probably have to look after them, show concern. Holding a handful of needles in your hands and suddenly scattering them, and at your own request, and not by accident - means strong love and affection. The same is true if a person injects himself, but does not feel pain or any other unpleasant sensations.

There are many interpretations. And, unfortunately, most of them do not bode well. But it’s better to be warned about troubles than to encounter them unexpectedly later.

Dreams can be magical, and sometimes even mystical. This effect is given to them by objects that we encounter in our dreams. For example, according to Russian beliefs, a needle is a magical object endowed with supernatural powers and served as a talisman against evil forces.

So, let’s figure out what needles mean in dreams. If you look in the dream book, a needle is a harbinger of quarrels, as well as unexpected news. Due to the duality of this symbol, it is worth paying attention to the plots of dreams, as well as their details.

  • Item color.
  • Size.
  • Is it broken?
  • Where they found it.
  • What they were doing.

It must be said that most often a needle in a dream has a metallic color, and this means that new experiences await you. This vision also promises meeting new people. Seeing a large seamstress' tool in your night dreams means that success awaits you in all enterprises, and especially in creative projects. In addition, you will have the opportunity to solve many long-standing problems.

Many people are interested in why they dream of a black needle. This symbol indicates that something is worrying and bothering you, a vision with a black needle does not foretell anything terrible, you just need to sort yourself out and try not to waste a lot of energy worrying about trifles.

Seeing red pins in a dream means love victories. Also, such a vision acts as a warning - you may be overwhelmed by passion for a new acquaintance. Therefore, if you are not looking for adventure, control yourself and your actions.

If the needles in the dream were of normal sizes and there were a lot of them, it means that new horizons are opening up before you. And these can be both prospects in work and in personal life, the main thing is to choose exactly what you really need now.

Seeing one broken needle in a dream means success in a new job. If you have been working in one place for many years, then expect a transfer to another department. Perhaps you are waiting for a job change that will ultimately turn out to be more attractive than your current one.

If in your night dreams you saw a lot of broken needles, this indicates that you have many fans. Also, such a dream foreshadows you resolving disputes or conflicts that may arise between your old friends.

Where found

Finding a lot of sharp objects in your clothes means that you will discover hypocrites and deceivers in your environment. Someone is trying to achieve their goals at your expense. Be more attentive to your friends.

Finding a needle in a doorframe is a sign of intrigue and gossip. To avoid becoming a participant in such discussions, you only need to avoid getting involved in conflicts with others for a few days after this dream.

  • If you find an object in your bed, this means that a “sharp edge” will appear in your relationship with your loved one.
  • Also, needles in bed - to resolve an old dispute.
  • Miller's dream book offers the following version of the analysis of such a find: pins or needles in bed - to changes in your personal life, perhaps you will receive an offer to get married.

If you have found a needle in your food, then soon you will be gathering guests. Old and new acquaintances will come to you with a lot of interesting news and offers. Also, a needle in food, if you look at the Meridian dream book, dreams of gifts.

Finding an object on your body, under your skin or in your mouth is a disappointment. Unfortunately, if you don’t stop building castles in the air, a period of disappointment will come in your life, both in yourself and in the people around you. It's time to grow up and start being more realistic about what's happening.

To see in your night dreams how you found pins in your sewing chest means that you will soon rest. You'll be going on a trip or spending a few quiet days outside the city, so it's time to pack your bags.

What they were doing

Collecting scattered pins from the floor means that you have to solve many small problems. You will be able to solve these problems without difficulty, but you will need to spend enough time on this. Collecting needles means interesting tasks will appear. Also, such a dream promises career advancement.

Pulling sewing needles out of your body is a painful, but still favorable solution to the conflict. You will need to make every effort to get out of this situation. Also, pulling needles out of the body, and especially from the legs, as Velesov’s dream book says, means greater stability and stability in life.

  • Injecting yourself with a needle in a vision means unexpected falling in love.
  • Pricking yourself with a pin means the appearance of an adult, serious suitor.
  • Pricking yourself with a medical needle means increased attention from the opposite sex.
  • Injecting yourself with a gypsy needle means an unexpected resolution of the conflict with your significant other.

Holding pins in your mouth means interesting conversations. Miller’s dream book also considers a needle in the mouth as a symbol of gossip. Squeezing a needle in your hand means the arrival of an old friend. Take a few days off to make the meeting more enjoyable.

If you dreamed of a needle and thread, and besides, you were in the vision, this means you will have new, loyal friends. Soon you will find yourself at an event, after which you will make interesting acquaintances, communication with whom will develop into strong friendship. Another option for why you dream of a needle and thread is offered by Miller’s dream book - such a vision promises you enrichment, both material and spiritual.

Thus, it is not so difficult to understand what needles mean in dreams. Such dreams are somewhat mystical, but at the same time they predict interesting events. And remember that your fate is only in your hands, no matter what dream you have.

An accessory for ancient magical rituals or a simple thing necessary in the everyday life of any housewife? Few objects seen in a dream bother people as much as needles. The dream book will dispel restless doubts - what is the dream about and should you be afraid of deciphering it?

Could this be a good dream?

The sleeper usually perceives a needle in a dream as a threat, because the most vivid associations lead to the voodoo religion, not promising anything good. But dream books refute the erroneous theory. Seeing a sharp thorn is not always a sign of bad influence.

Yes, and the purpose is different. If you dream of a sewing accessory that connects two pieces of expensive fabric, a magnificent wedding will soon be over, this is a true prophecy of the unity of hearts. If you hurt yourself while stroking a hedgehog’s back, it means you are showing increased curiosity about matters that don’t concern you. Why do you dream about a needle from:

  • syringe - panic, paranoia;
  • cactus - family discord;
  • Christmas trees - old grievances;
  • brooches - unrequited love.

Needle in the language of dream books

In a dream, sewing up torn clothes is a symbol of upcoming financial hardships. Dream books promise ruin or a major loss to a wealthy person, and titanic work that does not bring satisfaction to a poor person. The gypsy dream book states: needles found in bed predict an intimate relationship with someone who is especially dangerous, unbalanced, and prone to obsession.

Vanga's dream book gives the following meaning: pierce a finger with a pin until it bleeds - give the last piece of bread to a loved one, help, provide shelter. You may have to shelter a relative or friend in your home. If the blood does not flow, you can expect a dirty trick and all sorts of problems from this person.

Dream Interpretation Enigma

A needle stuck into the body - the Enigma Dream Interpretation hints at gossip that has tarnished your name. In a dream, while walking, you stepped on something sharp - you will hide, avoid unwanted meetings in every possible way, because dirty discussions will cause significant trouble.

But more attention should be paid to your behavior, because there is no smoke without fire. Seeing scattered needles on the floor means being rejected by a lover or an outcast in a company.

Islamic dream book

The Muslim dream book urges you to beware of night dreams in which you had to take needles out of your own pillow or blanket. Finding such a surprise in personal belongings is a sign of the negative influence of someone who is aggressive towards you.

An unpleasant gift was found in your underwear - the Islamic dream book promises the extinction of sexual desires between spouses and affairs on the side.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about buying needles? Replenishing your craft kit is a good sign. The sleeper is protected from negativity, knows how to fight back and is confident that he himself is capable of scaring anyone. Choosing to give is to show your strengths. Miller says: soon make it clear to the enemy that it is better not to mess with you.

Hanging up Christmas tree decorations and severely scratching your hands on the spruce branches is doing a good service and receiving ingratitude in return. The sharper the pine thorns were, the more painful it will be to realize that you were treated unfairly and basely.

What do actions in a dream mean?

It turns out that this little thing can do more than just sew. And the interpretations offered by dream books completely erase all the boundaries of human imagination. In a dream, sticking a needle into someone else's eye - the secret will become public knowledge and will cause you some trouble.

If you cripple yourself, you are destined to soon observe a disgusting scene. Prick your skin, get a tattoo - make an impression, cause conversations with your appearance. Why do you dream of darning old linen? It’s in vain to try to maintain contact with someone who shows no interest in you. What does a needle mean:

  • to lose – fears, doubts;
  • break - deterioration of health;
  • throw away - indifference;
  • swallowing is a mental pain.

Sew up

Did you sew your mouth shut in a dream? In reality, one is destined to regret previously spoken words. Black threads - your frivolity will lead to tragedy. White - in vain you repent of something you didn’t do.

If you created a beautiful carpet with colorful patterns with your own hands - the work will bring a well-deserved reward, there is an opportunity to receive a promotion or bonus. At the same time, the needle breaks - you will ruin everything by stupidity.


Why do you dream of losing, dropping? You would prefer to remain silent instead of starting a scandal. Throwing a whole scattering of small needles on the ground is an attempt to catch a dishonest person in a lie.

In a dream, you deliberately scattered needles at someone’s feet - you will expose a deceiver and get punishment, which will earn you respect in your circles.


Looking for something missing means doing things that are illogical and do not bring results. Why do you dream of getting a needle to give an injection? You are depressed by the inability to share some secret or secret with a friend. The syringe was empty, without medicine? You exaggerate the scale of the situation, worry for no reason, and infect others with anxiety.

See it for yourself

Why do you dream of seeing a needle sticking out of your throat? What you see in a dream will bring throwing, an inability to firmly defend a position. You will be completely dependent on the whims of others.

Clothes swept away by invisible people are explained in dream books as awkward steps on the path to success. You are haunted by failures, but without defeats there are no victories.

Seeing a bunch of needles decorating your head in a dream is a sign of maturity, meaningfulness, and experience. The sleeper knows exactly his needs, has a clear plan and does not need prompting. Therefore, do not seek advice, act according to your instincts.

Why do you dream of finding it in food?

A spicy dish is not only food cooked with excessive amounts of spices, it is also a culinary masterpiece with needles. Seeing them on a plate is a bad sign. You know your enemies by sight and are aware of the intrigues prepared by these subjects.

Feeling a foreign object in your mouth during a meal means becoming a participant in a quarrel, being in the middle of a disagreement, and even hearing accusations against you. A tip stuck in the tongue, on the contrary, makes the sleeper the attacker. It's better not to fall into your hands. Why do you dream about an object:

  • spit out - control emotions;
  • add to food - behave defiantly;
  • chew - listen to insults;
  • to get it out of the teeth - to protect the innocent.

Dreaming for a man and a woman

What does a dream plot mean for both sexes? If a woman finds a needle in bed in a dream, you should tense up; your spectacular rival intends to destroy the marriage. If an unmarried girl dreams of something like this, let her choose her friends more carefully.

In a dream, a man had to eat rusty needles - he sympathizes with an older lady. It is better to limit communication with this person; she is determined and will not tolerate losing in romantic games.

A needle in a dream is a rather non-trivial sign that extremely rarely comes to us in a dream. Everything is explained by the peculiarity of human perception of details and images.

Usually in a dream we see something blurry, large-scale, something that takes up the entire dream. And if it is not controlled by you, then you are unlikely to see such small details as any needle. It doesn’t matter what kind of needle you dreamed about - be it an injection needle, two needles, insulin needles (even smaller ones), embroidery needles, a needle for a record player (gramophone, say), needles for a tattoo. The important thing is that you dreamed of exactly this small object and you clearly remembered its size and appearance. Use our combined dream book and find out everything you want to know about this ambiguous sign.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

A needle in a dream, and even with a thread, promises a meeting with a bright and interesting personality. For this to happen in reality, you should thread white and red threads into one needle and fasten it to your clothes for 3 days. But there is also a bad interpretation... Seeing a broken, rusty, blunt needle in a dream means illness. To avoid it, you should light a candle near the bed, sprinkle the sheet with salt (!) and then leave 3 needles in the mattress. And repeat this ritual for 3 nights in a row.

Russian dream book

A needle and thread in a dream means labor, usual work, or that dreary routine that seems to you to be your main activity. However, this also means the presence of unkind people who will spice up your work with a portion of gossip. In general, nothing pleasant, but you will easily survive all these obstacles - they are fleeting.

Noble dream book of Grishina

  • Dream: a sewing needle - a quarrel and separation, or maybe even a meager reason that will provoke great enmity. So watch your words, actions, and before you do anything in your hearts, just think again.
  • In a dream you were pricked with a needle - alas and ah, a quarrel with loved ones. Just don’t aggravate it with showdowns and don’t try to leave the last word for yourself.
  • Machine needles, or a needle and thread in a dream (that is, you are working, embroidering, darning) - the enmity will only become greater.

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

Why do you dream about a needle and thread? To the successful completion of the work started. According to the Chinese emperor, a dream about a needle is an extremely positive event, because at that time injections were not practiced, and the needle was only the lot of women who spent days sewing the first silks. Since then, it has become a custom to consider the needle as a kind of symbol of painstaking work, which always brings pleasure, both in the process and in the end result.

Aesop's Dream Book

Seeing sewing needles in a dream according to the legendary Greek poet is the subject of careful investigation. You need to understand what kind of needle it is, its material, its purpose, what you do with it, how it ended up in your hands, who gave it to you and why - in a word, you need to remember absolutely all the details of the dream.
In general, a needle is an economic tool with which we create. And if we remember that the needles were cast from bronze, copper, and the first alloys, which were extremely expensive, then its value was great. But on the other hand, all sorts of needles, spindles and other sharp weaving objects were and are part of various sinister cults and processions. So the interpretation of a needle in a dream is twofold. The diameter of the needle is not important, it is still small, and losing it will not be difficult. And just like, “look for a needle in a haystack,” even if there is no hay nearby. So this could mean you are looking for something. Collecting needles in a dream promises unexpected circumstances that will complicate an already difficult, thoroughly confusing task. Finding a needle in a dream means solving some troubles. But if a stranger is looking for a needle and you calmly watch him, this is a signal that among your imposing associates there may be a person who is extremely scrupulous, painstaking and exemplarily responsible, who will amaze you with his qualities (as opposed to ignorant friends). Medical needles were unknown at that time (around the 6th century BC), so there is no description of them. Seeing sewing needles in a dream that a tailor threads into a suit is, oddly enough... a sign of updating your wardrobe. But if your plans did not include a desire to buy little things, then your business will probably decline.

  • Do you stand behind a counter and sell needles? There is no need to expect an easy way out of a difficult situation. You need to think about a new business, try your luck in another business venture.
  • Thread, needle and... It would seem, what could be the point here? It turns out that you are waiting for news from relatives who have serious ill-wishers. And because of you...
  • There is an expression “like a thread and a needle,” that is, water will not spill. If someone follows you like the proverbial “thread behind a needle,” then such a dream inspires you with devotion and confidence in your friends. Use their help and provide it yourself if asked.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Dream Interpretation: a needle, needles in a dream, needles on the floor are essentially one thing - enemies and quarrels, after which you will acquire them. Pricking yourself with a needle in a dream, or God forbid seeing needles stuck in your legs in a dream, speaks of one thing - everyone around you is trying to annoy you and simply survive. The dream book calls a corner with a needle without blood or painful sensations barbs, all sorts of sarcastic statements addressed to you. Let them not be your guide to action, just don’t listen - there will be little constructive in them.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream of needles according to this dream book - only to disputes and minor troubles. There are no specifics, so you don’t have to look for much meaning where there is none a priori.

Esoteric dream book

The dream interpretation of needles is very diverse and sometimes too harsh. But this is just one of many dream books, some of which clearly contradict each other. So just listen to the interpretations and draw your own conclusions...

  • Dream Interpretation: a needle in your hand is a trick in your bosom that will soon come in handy.
  • Why do you dream of needles scattered on the floor? This is a direct blow to the heart, betrayal from a loved one.
  • Acupuncture needles are a sign that it’s time to think a little about your health and undergo procedures (the same acupuncture, massage, exercise).
  • The length of the needle can only promise the degree, so to speak, of the effect that the dream will have on your reality if the vision begins to realize its plan.
  • Scattering needles around you means you have offended someone and now you just have to wait for the consequences.
  • A large needle in a dream that you have pricked yourself with is a danger of getting hurt in reality or even getting into an accident. But if you prick someone else, then on the contrary you will bring him joy. Paradox…
  • Dream interpretation: needles swallowed by a person - to heart disease.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

In this case, the analysis comes from the point of view of astral-celestial mechanics. The primary elements of the needle are metal and earth, since dreams without the participation of fabrics and threads are extremely rare. The element of vision is humidity, causing calm emotions with a bit of sadness. Sleeping with a needle is responsible for the condition of the spleen and lungs. The planets that patronize sleep are Saturn and Venus. And now about the interpretation...

Needles in a dream, which you deftly wield, mean the creation of something new. That is, you are trying to give the shape of some matter at will. Why do you dream about a needle - to your subconscious desire to gain strength, opportunities, to reshape old relationships in a new way, so that everything will be correct and lasting this time. If you saw a golden needle in a dream, then the decision made may become an insurmountable obstacle. After all, you are holding something practical and valuable in your hands, and if so, is there any reason to look for a better life? And what kind of fate could this be?

Dream: threads and needles, you make stitches. This image gives you a picture of clear steps that need to be taken to achieve your intended goal. If you sew clothes, then in a visual image you reflect the desire to create new relationships, and not try to reshape old ones that have long since become obsolete. If at the same time you experience pleasure, then in reality your achievements will bring more luck. If the thread or needle is tangled, lost, or you cannot thread the thread into the eye of the needle, then you are in too much of a hurry where patience and the ability to wait for the right moment are required.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Needle: the meaning of the dream according to the legendary seer is nothing more than vulnerability, secret revenge, deceit, witchcraft - in general, a whole mixture of interpretations. But this is at first glance. Upon detailed analysis of the vision, not the most pleasant, but quite probable and clear interpretations appear. So…

  • The dream “a needle from a syringe with marks” is a dream warning about the evil intentions of a relative.
  • The dream of “sewing with a needle with a very long thread” means that a person will come to power who will dictate the will for a long time and will be able to achieve respect from his subordinates.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a needle carelessly thrown in a visible place? This is news about deceit and intrigue, which can even lead to the death of someone unwanted.
  • Dream Interpretation: a needle in the body or a person is completely covered with them. A real sign! In the future, a volunteer will appear who, with his sacrifice, will atone for the sins and everything done on Earth during the lifetime of not only his own, but also that of many other people.
  • Dream Interpretation: a needle and thread that you remove from the heart of another means taking an active part in a scientific breakthrough that will give impetus to the development of all humanity.
  • A broken needle in a dream is a harbinger of difficulties, the resolution of which will be very simple, but you will have to find it among many other options.
  • Rain of needles is a very rare dream. This is a manifestation of black forces that want to subject you to serious tests. Or maybe all of humanity.

Of the interpretations of Nostradamus, it smacks more of fate and fate, which are applicable to the distant future and to people whom you are unlikely to see at all. Therefore, dreams according to Nostradamus relate more to providence, plans that only declare themselves, but you cannot do anything to prevent one or another of their outcomes.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Did you dream about a needle? It's okay - a minor quarrel, an argument and nothing more. But receiving a needle as a gift is not a good sign. You will soon part ways with your friend. Azar’s dream book adheres to the exact same interpretation.

Dream book of health

A needle in a dream means a conflict, a stressful situation, which promises a lot of shocks that will affect your health. Finding a needle in clothing means damage and the evil eye; sewing with a needle - memory problems; a needle stuck in the hand is a danger that can lead to injury; dream book: pulling needles out of the legs, arms, body - to neurological diseases, and by localization in accordance with the part of the body from which you removed the needle.

New family dream book

Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams “needle” comes down to the fact that this is an exclusively negative sign. Use a needle - you will lose sympathy; see a needle and thread - your affairs will fade into the background and you will have to devote yourself entirely to caring about others; looking for a needle - anxiety; find a needle - make new friends; breaking a needle means poverty and loneliness.

Gypsy dream book

Any needle in a dream is a disappointment in love.

Eastern women's dream book

Dream interpretation: sewing needles are troubles, but they are even greater if you sew with the same needle. Threading a needle means taking on the care of elderly family members. Searching for a needle is a waste of time and a waste of time, but if you find it, you will probably make new acquaintances. Breaking a needle or not being able to prick yourself with it (dull) means loneliness and financial difficulties. But as soon as you see a needle stuck in your arm/leg, then rejoice - you have a secret admirer/admirer.

Miller's Dream Book

Needle, Miller’s dream book identifies it with grief, but does not name the reasons or its scale.

  • Dream Interpretation: a broken needle, as in most other dream books, means loneliness coupled with poverty.
  • Dream interpretation: a needle with a thread stuck in the eye - you will have more outside worries.
  • Looking for a needle means experiencing unnecessary anxiety. But once you find her, your circle of acquaintances will expand.

Modern dream book

A rather prosaic interpretation, and not the most pleasant one... Sewing in a dream, using a needle - means trouble that is about to come. Moreover, there is a risk of losing the love of a loved one. Threading a needle means caring for the elderly. Looking for a needle means trouble about nothing. But finding it means meeting a new acquaintance. For the most part, the modern dream book has many coincidences with Miller, so there is no point in listing all the meanings further.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

A needle in a dream means triumph over the enemy and successful completion of affairs. Dream Interpretation: collecting needles is akin to aimless labor that will not have any useful effect, but will only take up time. Needles on the body is a test that you also have to methodically overcome, as if you were removing needles from your own body - one at a time.

Dream Interpretation by A. Roberti

A needle, according to psychoanalysis, is a persistent thought that haunts you. You need to find the reason for this thought, think - is it really so significant that its non-resolution causes concern? Probably, after careful consideration, it will immediately disappear and there will be no more intrusive needle in your dreams.


As you can see from the above interpretations, the needle is an obsession, an image that wants you to pay attention to it and then project it onto a specific episode from your life, in which lies the answer you are looking for. But it’s worth remembering that reality is not as scary as you may interpret it for yourself. We hope that this collection of interpretations will put your thoughts in order and that the needle you see in a dream will be just a memory, and not a prophetic accomplishment.

, Thorn, needle, peak, Top, Awl

Needle in Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • Find it - you will get into a dispute
  • To receive as a gift means to part with a friend.
  • Coniferous needles are a profitable and profitable enterprise.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita sleep needle:

    Needle - discover an enemy in a friend - find - get into an argument - receive as a gift - part with a friend - coniferous needles - a profitable, profitable enterprise

    Why do you dream about Needle? Esoteric dream book?

  • Finding, collecting - means an “injection” in the heart. A loved one or friend will betray you.
  • Hold - the trick will help you.
  • Scatter - you offended someone casually. Now wait for the consequences. It’s better to ask for forgiveness once again.
  • If they prick you, you will run into trouble, don’t get into trouble.
  • Injecting yourself is a danger of getting hurt or getting into an accident.
  • You injected someone - you will bring joy to someone.
  • Swallow - to heart disease, possibly a heart attack.
  • IN Ukrainian dream book, if you dream about the Needle:

  • If you dream of needles (needle), then this is a sign that you will fall in love with someone.
  • If you dream about Needle? IN Azar's Dream Book:

  • find a needle - you will get into an argument
  • receiving a needle as a gift - breaking up with a friend
  • Interpretation of the dream Needle in Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus:

    The needle is a symbol of vulnerability, insult, secret revenge, deceit, witchcraft, and hard work. Seeing a needle with traces of fresh blood - this dream warns of the bad intentions of a relative. Seeing a needle with a very long thread is a symbol of the fact that a person who comes to power without elections will dictate his will for a long time and will be able to inspire respect for himself in his subjects. Seeing a lot of scattered needles is a harbinger of treachery, gossip and intrigue that will overwhelm everyone and lead to the death of some unwanted persons. Seeing an animal with steel needles sticking out of its skin means that humanity will acquire an enemy that it did not even suspect; the fight against it will be difficult and unpredictable, because outwardly the enemy will be difficult to distinguish from the usual appearance of earthly inhabitants. Seeing a person sticking needles into himself is a symbol of the fact that in the future a volunteer will appear among people who will sacrifice himself in order to atone with his death for all the bad things done on earth. Seeing the letter "x" written with needles sticking out with the point up is a sign that suggests that for ten years people can try to become better and thereby deserve a better life, to avoid the fate of guinea pigs for more developed civilizations. To remove a needle from a person's heart means to take a direct part in a scientific discovery that will advance humanity much further. Getting caught in the rain of needles is a symbol of the activation of black forces, which once again want to subject humanity to serious tests.

    Seeing Needle in a dream The newest dream book:

  • Portnovskaya - a warning about an imminent illness associated with poor circulation and unreliable functioning of the lymphatic system; I. medical - to a disease for which injections cannot be avoided.
  • What does it mean to see a needle in a dream? Tsvetkov's Dream Book?

  • trouble;
  • dispute.
  • What does a needle mean in a dream? Noble dream book?

  • Thread a thread into it - the enmity will increase.
  • Injecting yourself with it means a quarrel with loved ones.
  • A needle, seeing it is a quarrel, separation, a small reason for a big enmity.
  • Needle in a dream Old Russian dream book:

  • trouble.
  • In a dream, see the Needle. IN Mayan dream book:

    What does Needle mean? Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong:

  • You buy a needle and thread. - All things will be completed successfully.
  • Seeing Needle in a dream. IN Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor:

  • Elements - dryness, humidity.
  • Emotions - sadness, calmness.
  • The thread and stitches with it are a dreamy image of a clear understanding of those connecting steps that must be taken in reality to achieve the desired goal (the thread is an image of the connection between the needle, desire and the resulting sewing form). Wanting to sew something new is a reflection of your desire to create new relationships, and not reshape old ones. The more carefully and with more pleasure something is sewn in a dream, the more luck it will bring. If the dreamer got irritated while sewing in a dream, the needle got lost, the thread got tangled, then this symbolizes haste, ambition and lack of understanding of the course of action. The dream does not bode well.
  • Planets - Venus, Saturn.
  • Organs: lungs, spleen.
  • Primary elements - metal (needle), earth (fabric, matter).
  • Explanation and Interpretation
  • Sewing with a needle - establishing order, creating something new (yin and yang harmony). Sewing in a dream and in reality - giving the desired shape to shapeless matter (creating a suit from shapeless fabric). The symbolism of a needle and the process of sewing in a dream is the creation of a certain state in yourself, with the help of which you gain a real opportunity to reshape previous existing relationships as you yourself see fit. Just as a needle overcomes fabric, so the decision made will help overcome a seemingly insurmountable (shapeless, like fabric) obstacle. The state is calm, tranquility.
  • What does Needle mean? Dream Interpretation of Health:

  • The needle is a symbol of a conflict, stressful situation that will bring a lot of grief and have a negative impact on health. Finding a needle in your clothes means possible damage and the evil eye; Sewing with a needle means memory problems; Getting pricked with a needle is a sign of a dangerous situation and possible injury; Feeling needle pricks is a sign of various manifestations of neurological and other diseases, depending on the nature of the pain and the location of its manifestation.