Characteristics of a man with the zodiac sign Scorpio. Characteristics of a man of the zodiac sign Scorpio October 24 child what is he like



Born on October 24: the meaning of the birthday

During this period, the favorites of fate are born, who are given absolute happiness, luck and success from birth.

They are endowed with unique abilities, attractive to others and certainly occupy a prominent position in society.

If you were lucky enough to be born on October 24, your zodiac sign is Scorpio, which gives you enormous internal energy, a strong spirit and excellent physical health. You are those extraordinary individuals who will get everything simply and easily.

Such persons will always strive to present themselves in the most favorable light; they are prone to pretentious speeches, demonstrative actions, and love to play to the public.

Those born on October 24th are extremely interested in what is happening in the world: their zodiac sign encourages them to conduct a deep analysis of reality, draw their own conclusions and be sure to present them to the public, and in the most extravagant form.

But it’s worth giving them their due, they will never talk about what they don’t know for sure or what they don’t understand well enough; idle talk and trickery are alien to them.

Often the secret of their popularity lies in charisma and inexplicable inner attractiveness, which they so generously endowed Zodiac sign of people born on October 24th. They are always interesting to society, significant and popular in their environment and even beyond.

In your opinion, is the influence of the zodiac sign noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day?

October 24: influence of the sign Scorpio

Undoubtedly, perfectionism is the dominant quality in Scorpios who were born on October 24, they strive only for the best that life has to offer, occupy only the highest positions and do not admit negligence in anything.

Such persons are accustomed to surrounding their family and friends with constant attention.

Of course, they will completely control them, but at the same time they will give them true love and tender care.

As life partners, those born on October 24 are not suitable for everyone. Few people will be able to cope with the nature of such power and understand that self-realization will always come first for them.

Although, having fallen in love passionately and selflessly, they will find someone to delegate their job responsibilities to.

They need to learn to accept that everyone is equal in their rights, and they are not the ultimate truth; having abandoned their dictatorial habits, they will understand what true happiness is.

On October 24, 1966, the sought-after and successful modern theater and film actress and TV presenter Oksana Stashenko was born. In 1986 she became a graduate of the Theater Institute of the Saratov State Conservatory. Sobinova, after which she worked for three years at the Lipetsk Youth Theater and the Kamensk-Ural Drama Theater. In the early 90s of the twentieth century, she first tried herself in cinema, starring in the film “Golden-domed Moscow.”

If you have fallen in love with a Scorpio man and the word “passion” scares you, put on your sneakers and run as fast as if the devil himself is chasing you. The way it is. Scorpio is passionate in everything: friendship, politics, work, food, children, relatives... This is not the person who suits your psyche if emotional overstrain repels you. At first glance, he gives the impression of an even and calm interlocutor. You won't even think that a person with such self-control could be dangerously passionate. But his calm is superficial. It's red hot inside. Don't touch it, you know very well how long it takes for burn wounds to heal. After meeting a Scorpio, your heart may ache for months, and maybe even years. Remember your grandmother's favorite saying: "Try on seven times before you cut once." Don’t forget about it when dealing with Scorpio, think about your safety.

But if your own sign has given you a reinforced concrete nature, not afraid of fire, then the matter is different: you can get carried away by it and play with this dynamite. If this is your nature, then you will be able to keep the flame under control and warm your heart throughout your life. It is possible that you yourself are a hot-headed person, then everything will be fine too. Just don’t forget to attach an automatic thermostat to your senses, which will prevent them from overheating if something happens.

The Scorpio man is not one of those people who cannot be remembered after the first meeting. You will definitely remember him either as a pleasant and cheerful person, or as a perverted and passionate person. The trouble is that he is both. This man is invincible. Behind his cold reserve lies a boiling cauldron that is constantly seething. If you are lucky, the lid of this boiler will be permanently closed for a long time. But a blow to his pride could explode this cauldron. Step aside if you feel an explosion coming, and never do anything to cause it yourself.

The Scorpio man will amaze you with his duality: he combines reason and passion, intellect and emotions. He's more than smart. This is a deeply philosophical nature, interested in the mysteries of life and coming very close to the answers. There are Scorpios who can live without any comfort, but the true nature of this sign is sensuality. He usually surrounds himself with luxury. He is prone to excess in food, drugs, alcohol and, of course, in love. Love never frightens him or catches him unprepared. She was already in his head the first time he rode a tricycle. Nothing in life leaves you indifferent. These men have an explosive temperament that can scar you for the rest of your life. When he sticks his sting in, it really hurts a lot. But he doesn't just enjoy winning, he has to win. Something inside him dies if he loses, even in trifles. When he's disappointed in something, you won't see any emotion on his face. He controls himself very well. He can brutally torture a woman before grabbing her by the hair and dragging her into his hole. Naturally, there are some Scorpios who will propose to you in a graceful manner, on their knees, but do not be deceived: he is simply behaving as is accepted in society and wants to maintain his dignity.

His reputation must be impeccable. He can't stand cheap stuff or anything ridiculous, despite his erotic nature. Every Scorpio man is a lawmaker within himself. HE doesn't care what others think about him. Of course, he would like to be a respected person, but if this prevents him from achieving his goals, then he does not care about how he looks from the outside. None of his decisions are influenced by the opinions of friends, relatives or neighbors. But don't despair, because such determination usually produces an attractive free spirit. But are honesty and courage a bad thing?

It is very interesting to watch a Scorpio when he acts in some difficult circumstances, while others hesitate, are afraid, or do not know what to do. His courageous and strong nature reaches its peak at such moments. He is rarely subject to envy and self-pity. And he doesn’t think that life should hand him gifts on a silver platter. There is another very frightening feature about him: he is attracted to secrets, riddles, and he will not miss any of them. And since female mystery is the strongest female defense, your soul will constantly be naked in front of him.

The Scorpio man has very high standards, and he carefully selects his friends. This is a rare type of man who can drink pure alcohol and share rough manly jokes, and then turn into a gentle and soft lover for a woman. How can you be more of a man? But he can also be very cruel for completely inexplicable reasons and take sadistic pleasure in tormenting you. In society, in front of people, he can tell you that you are fat or stupid. This is one of his pastimes. Grin back even if it kills you. You were warned that Scorpio does not reveal his motives for doing something. And this tendency towards cruelty is not pacified by love; over the years it can even intensify.

He rarely shows his true emotions in front of everyone, but in private with you he can tell what he really thinks. After marriage you may feel some security. But by this time you will be completely wounded. It is no use telling him that you find it difficult to tolerate his cruel behavior. In this case, he will tell you: “I’m not holding you.” It will take time to adjust to his personality. If you are too soft, you will worry constantly.

As for jealousy, you must be very careful here too. A Scorpio man will explode if you so much as blink an eye in the presence of another man, but it's best to pack your jealousy in a suitcase and lock it away. Your tears and reproaches will not make any impression on him. No matter how he behaves, repeat to yourself: “He loves me, he is true to his deep feelings, he is only practicing his hypnotic art with other women.” Tell yourself this every day, especially when you go to bed. Women find him irresistible and attractive. But remember that if there is anyone who can resist such attention from women, it is your Scorpio. Don't you feel better now?
It is possible that he will be a very demanding father. His children will not grow up lazy and disobedient. He will teach them to respect themselves. And although he loves them with sincere love, like everything else, and will protect them, he will also teach them independence.

A Scorpio man will never allow his wife to dictate anything to him. He is a man, you are a woman. If you have any doubt about this, he will eliminate it so quickly that you won't even have time to blink. However, with a wife who understands him, he will be gentle and attentive, and will repay her taxi with fidelity and love, which many women have only read about in novels. Don't try to resist this man, if he decides that he needs you, he will still hypnotize you. Its magnetism is almost physically palpable. A woman must be very brave to live with him and not break. Hold tight so as not to fall, and open your eyes wider - you will see a horizon that is inaccessible to the timid. Look over the trees, have you ever seen a sunrise like this? And from such a height? Its sunset will be just as magnificent.

During this time interval, the darlings of fate are born. Already at birth, they are accompanied by phenomenal luck, happiness and success. The stars endow Scorpios (born at the end of October) with unsurpassed talents. Such people are always in the spotlight and successfully win their place in the sun. If your birthday falls on October 24, then the dexterous sign of Scorpio will bestow you with good health, a strong spirit, and colossal internal energy. You are strong both physically and mentally. Much will be given to you easily and simply. There are also many extraordinary personalities among Scorpios.

Such individuals always strive to present themselves in the “best possible colors”, have a habit of making sarcastic and pretentious speeches, love to play to the public and perform demonstrative actions. Those born on October 24 with the zodiac sign Scorpio are very curious about what is happening in the country and in the world. The stars call on Scorpios to deeply analyze reality, draw personal conclusions and certainly appear before a public court. However, all this is done, as a rule, in a rather pathetic and defiant form.

In addition, Scorpios born on October 24, zodiac sign Scorpio, also have the traits of a sage - they will never talk about what they are poorly versed in and do not know. Empty words and deceit do not apply to them.

Often the mystery of fame is hidden in the innate charisma and incomprehensible inner attractiveness that the water sign has so richly endowed them with. They will always be the center of attention both in the team and among friends, and sometimes even beyond.

Perfectionism is undoubtedly the leading quality in most Scorpios. Those who were born on October 24 with the zodiac sign Scorpio set themselves the goal of striving only for the best that is in life! Many Scorpios born on October 24 hold high positions and do not tolerate negligence.

Scorpios, they are Scorpios in the family. These people surround their household with constant attention. Without a doubt, they will maintain global control there, but at the same time they will surround you with reverent care and true feelings.

As spouses, soulmates born on this day are not suitable for everyone. After all, it’s not easy to be next to a person for whom self-realization is always in the foreground. But, having fallen head over heels in love, they will find someone to share their official powers with. They need to learn to realize that all people have equal rights. Having thrown off all the habits of a dictator, Scorpios realize where real happiness lies.

At the end of the article I would like to mention celebrities born on October 24th with the zodiac sign Scorpio. There are quite a few of them on RuNet sites. However, the most recognizable today is film and theater actress, TV presenter Oksana Stashenko. Her tireless expert named Zhanna is always in the spotlight, a generator of different ideas. I just want to say about this actress - she is a Scorpio both in life and in the movies! On October 24, director Dinara Asanova, known for her works “The Untransferable Key” and “The Woodpecker Doesn’t Have a Headache,” was born.

You feel the rhythm of time very well and know what actions to take, when it is worth being active, and when it is better to hold off on things and just wait. You try to realize your life plans and dreams as much as possible, value time and strive for high achievements. You often show special abilities in music, painting and other forms of art, which makes your life bright, rich and interesting. At the same time, you are practical and patient, you know how to use your chance and realize your abilities.


  • Rationality and discipline;
  • Determination;
  • Developed intuition and desire for success;
  • Goodwill;
  • Romance and sensitivity.


  • Indecisiveness;
  • Excessive prudence;
  • Greed;
  • Coldness in relationships with others;
  • Superficiality.

Man born on October 24

You are friendly, but a little frivolous. You are characterized by touchiness, a desire to avoid problems and worries by any means, so it is not easy for you to take a step towards family relationships, even with mutual and great love. Sometimes you underestimate yourself too much and doubt your abilities, so you often bother others with boring conversations.

Woman born on October 24

You are dreamy, friendly, but in some cases you doubt too much, both in yourself and in others. You constantly wind yourself up, taking possible negative developments of events as reality. You should trust people more and interfere as little as possible in other people's affairs and negative situations.

Love horoscope October 24

You strive for a warm and friendly relationship, not ideal love. Appreciate the kindness, tenderness and attention of the opposite sex, but for a long time you hesitate to take steps towards family relationships. Constant hesitation and pessimism prevent you from being decisive and creating your own family happiness.

Work and career horoscope October 24

You strive for high goals and achievements, appreciate what you have achieved and try to realize yourself in activities related to communication and people. Money and power are of secondary importance to you, although you will never give them up. You carefully consider all your actions to achieve success and your personal career goals.

The zodiac sign of those born on October 24 is Scorpio. These are purposeful, positive and persistent individuals. They start any business with great enthusiasm and zeal. Without fire in their eyes they cannot achieve success.

From early childhood, these people love everything new and unknown, which in adulthood results in innovation and design. For many it is just a hobby, but some successfully use their knowledge for social purposes.

Those born on this day see conflict resolution in peaceful compromise and mutual concessions. For this, they are even ready to deviate from their principles and make sacrifices. They see no point in waving their fists and foaming at the mouth to prove that they are right. After all, there are other more constructive ways to do this.

Such women and men are used to dominating society. They are emotional and open. They tend to interrupt their interlocutor and share frank details of their life. Sometimes this looks like overt boasting. These people have developed intuition, so it is difficult to fool them. They do not forgive deception.

Characteristics of women born on October 24

Such ladies are charming and sensual. They know a lot about life and relationships. Wisdom and sedateness protect them from evil people and love disappointments.

These women are spectacular in appearance and attractive to the opposite sex. They are rarely lonely. They are accustomed to male attention and benefit from it. Therefore, they rarely experience a lack of money, a new dress, or unemployment in life. All this is given to them by their faithful male assistants.

Characteristics of men born on October 24

These are courageous, independent and powerful individuals. They are attracted by risk and danger. They have a passion for travel, adventure and speed. That's why they often get involved in extreme sports.

Such men are not able to resist a beautiful and bright girl. They need love and relationships to emphasize their authority in the eyes of their friends.

Love horoscope

There is rarely a calm on the love front for those born on this day. They run towards love, like a flower opens towards the sun. Without this feeling they can neither breathe, nor create, nor act intelligently. Relationships value loyalty and honesty. They are very jealous, even without reason. They surround their soulmate with care and attention. However, often behind this lies a powerful and merciless nature.

Such women and men are prone to early marriages. Because of their dislike for divorce, most of them “live” to a ripe old age. Men love to rationalize everything and give a second wind to already broken things. Women are creative and economical. They successfully combine careers, everyday life and raising children, without complaining about workload or lack of sleep.


Scorpios born on October 24 have a good chance of a successful union with representatives of the following zodiac signs: Aries, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn. Relationships with Aquarius and Libra promise a lot of disappointments.

The most suitable partner for those born on October 24

People born on such days are best suited for love and marriage:

January: 4, 11, 21, 24, 28
February: 5, 9, 11, 26, 28
March: 5, 18, 22, 29
April: 5, 11, 12, 16, 25
May: 3, 4, 21
June: 5, 7, 22
July: 7, 11, 14, 29, 30
August: 14, 23, 28
September: 5, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26
October: 2, 3, 7, 17, 23, 31
November: 3, 5, 6, 15, 16, 30
December: 2, 12, 15, 16, 25

Business horoscope

Those born on this day strive for professional growth. They do a good job of being a smart leader and a diplomat at the same time. These abilities set them apart from the rest of the team.

It is important for such people to do what they love. This is evidenced by sparkling eyes and inner enthusiasm. When they fade away, they are able to abandon even a successful project.

The ability to analyze makes these women and men indispensable in the profession of journalist, scientist, doctor, sociologist.

Health horoscope

Scorpios born on October 24 rarely get sick. The greatest danger for them is stress, which arises due to overwork at work, lack of a proper daily routine and lack of sleep. They are unable to overcome stress on their own, so they often become patients in psychoneurological dispensaries.

Due to low physical activity, these women and men are prone to physical inactivity. They love comfort, so they would rather go to the store closest to home by car than on foot.

The horoscope advises such people to engage in cycling or actively relax. Green tourism will give good results. Special attention should be paid to the diet. Due to the risk of obesity and metabolic disorders, it is necessary to saturate your diet with protein and fiber.

Restrain your power impulses

Free your loved ones from total control and bring a breath of freedom.

Be less open

It is not necessary to devote others to the details of your life down to the smallest detail.

Don't let jealousy ruin you

Reject this feeling at all costs. Jealousy can destroy a relationship.