Have the results of the Unified State Exam in Biology arrived?

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111,748 people took part in the 2017 Unified State Exam in Biology, which is slightly less than the number of exam participants in 2016 (126,006) and 2015 (122,936). The biology exam is traditionally in demand and is one of the five elective final exams.

The exam is chosen by biology-motivated Unified State Exam participants entering medical universities, veterinary and agricultural academies, psychological and biological faculties of pedagogical universities and universities, institutes of physical education and sports.

Average USE test score in biology 2017-2015

Source of information document from the official website of FIPI - METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS for teachers, prepared based on an analysis of typical mistakes of participants in the 2017 Unified State Exam in BIOLOGY

In 2017 average test score amounted to 52.57 and was 0.6 higher than in 2016 (51.97), but 1.07 lower than in 2015 (53.64). A slight increase in the average test score may be associated primarily with a change in the number of participants in the main period of the Unified State Examination, in which there were no graduates from previous years, whose results, as a rule, were significantly lower than the results of current year graduates.

The findings indicate that changing the CMM model did not lead to a change in the overall level of job complexity.

Minimum test score in 2017, as in previous years, was 36 points, and the primary one was 16 points. In 2017, the share of USE participants in biology who did not achieve the minimum score was 17.97% (in 2016 – 18.35%).

A reduction of 2 in the maximum primary score while maintaining the minimum limit indicates an increase in the requirements for the quality of biological training of Unified State Exam participants. In 2017, 75 participants completed all the tasks of the examination work and scored 100 points, which is 14 people more than in 2016.

The share of 100-point students has remained at approximately the same level for several years, which indicates the comparable complexity of the Unified State Exam KIM in different years.

In 2017, the total share of participants in the Russian Federation who received above 80 test points was 6.54%, which is comparable to the results of 2016 (7.16%). A slight decrease (by 0.7%) in the share of high-scoring students (in the range of 81–100) can be associated primarily with a change in the model and a general improvement in the measuring properties of the Unified State Examination CMM in biology, as well as with the expansion of the range of monitoring the knowledge and skills of Unified State Examination participants. The data obtained indicate both a sufficient level of complexity of the new CMM model in biology, the accessibility of its implementation, and sufficiently serious preparation for the exam of highly motivated graduates.

At the same time, compared to 2016, the proportion of participants who scored less than 20 test points (3.21%) increased by 0.85%, which is explained by the absence of tasks with the choice of one correct answer, where there was the possibility of randomly guessing the correct answer. In addition, the percentage of participants with test scores in the ranges of 41–60 and 61–80 was 37.3% and 27.91%, respectively, which is slightly higher (0.9% and 1.8%) than in 2016 d. This can be explained by an improvement in the average level of biological training of Unified State Exam participants.

Russian graduates took the Unified State Exam in Biology in 2017 on June 13. This year, the test part was excluded from it and new types of tasks were introduced, which the students ultimately completed successfully.

“The Unified State Examination in biology has undergone changes this year. The test part was excluded from the control measuring materials, as in the Unified State Exam in other natural science subjects. New types of tasks have been introduced into the examination model and have undergone preliminary testing. Based on the results of the Unified State Exam, we see that graduates successfully completed them during the final tests,” said the head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov.

The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science summed up the preliminary results of the Unified State Examination in Biology, which took place during the main exam period on June 13.

About 112 thousand people took the biology exam.

The number of exam participants who failed to overcome the minimum threshold of 36 points decreased to 18% from 18.3% in 2016.

Thanks to the widespread use of technology for scanning the work of Unified State Examination participants at examination points, the examination was completed in a short time. Exam participants can find out their results through their personal account on the Unified State Exam portal - ege.edu.ru.

The main stage of the Unified State Exam 2017 is almost over, and, of course, graduates want to find out the exam results as soon as possible.

The results of the Unified State Examination, as noted repeatedly in Rosobnadzor, are published no later than the dates specified in the pre-drawn schedule. But more often, results appear even a few days earlier.

You can access the results online on the official website ege.edu.ru. It should be noted that this is the most popular way to obtain information about the results of the Unified State Examination 2017. Without leaving home, having indicated your passport data, you can obtain information about the results of the Unified State Examination on the official website, the site informs. But it should be noted that when entering passport data, you will also need to indicate your region and the number received when registering for the Unified State Exam. By filling out the form, the graduate will have access to the Unified State Exam results for free.

Regional portals have also been launched in the regions, providing free online information about the results of the Unified State Exam 2017. And in Moscow, it was possible to connect a service that sends a notification about the publication of Unified State Exam results online.

You can also find out the results of the Unified State Exam at your school, or at the Unified State Examination point. They will also be marked on the information boards of the local education authority.

Dates for publication of Unified State Examination results 2017

Geography: June 8
Literature: June 8
Mathematics (basic level): June 10–14
Russian language: June 15–16
Mathematics (major level): June 21–22
Social Studies: June 22–23
English: June 28–29
German: June 28–29
French: June 28–29
Spanish: June 28–29
Biology: June 28–29
Computer Science and ICT: June 29–30
History: June 29–30
Physics: July 4–5
Chemistry: July 4–5

Reserve days:
Geography, foreign languages, chemistry, social studies, computer science and ICT: July 5–6
Foreign languages ​​(oral): July 5–6
Literature, physics, history, biology: July 6–7
Russian language: July 8–9
Mathematics (basic, specialized): July 11–12
For all subjects: July 12–13

As noted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the region, the Unified State Exam has not undergone significant changes this year. The minimum Unified State Exam scores for admission to universities also remained at last year's level. Only changes were made to the format of assignments in some subjects.

  • Russian language – 36
  • Mathematics - 27
  • Computer Science – 40
  • Biology - 36
  • History - 32
  • Chemistry - 36
  • Foreign languages ​​– 22
  • Physics - 36
  • Social studies - 42
  • Literature - 32
  • Geography - 37

The main wave of passing the 2018 Unified State Examinations has begun. Graduates take mandatory exams and optional Unified State Examinations and look forward to their preliminary results. The results of the Unified State Examination in several subjects will be known after graduation ceremonies in schools. When will the results of the Unified State Exam in Biology 2018 be known and how to find out using passport data using the official Unified State Exam website and the State Services portal.

How to get acquainted with the results of the Unified State Exam in Biology 2018

The Unified State Exam in Biology in 2018 will be held on June 18, the results will be known no later than July 4th. This date is the deadline, it was announced in advance and is normative for people checking the Unified State Examination and publishing the results.

In cases where the results are ready for publication before the officially specified date, they are published ahead of schedule. That is why it makes sense for schoolchildren who are impatient about how they passed the Unified State Exam to check the results two or three days before the specified date.

To find out the results of the Unified State Exam in Biology 2018 using passport data, you need to use either the official Unified State Exam portal or the State Services portal. Page of the official portal of the Unified State Examination -. In order to check the results of the Unified State Examination, you need to enter your passport data, as well as the registration code or document number, which are indicated on the Unified State Examination pass form. By selecting from the list the region in which the exam was taken, an eleventh-grader can receive all available information about the results of the Unified State Exam even before it is announced at school.

A backup option for viewing the 2018 Unified State Examination results in biology is on the State Services portal. The interface for receiving the service is almost identical, and the only additional thing required is registration on the State Services themselves. This option is worth keeping in mind in case the official Unified State Exam website cannot withstand the load, especially during the publication of the results of popular exams.

We wish graduates only positive emotions from their Unified State Exam results and successful admission to higher education institutions. For those who failed the Unified State Exam, we would like to remind you that retaking exams in compulsory subjects (basic level mathematics and Russian language) will be possible in July or September 2018. For all other subjects, retaking will be possible only next year.