Museum-reserve “Horse yard. Sergiev Posad: museum complex "Horse yard"

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Last Friday of every month


141300, Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, st. 1st Shock Army, no. 2

History of the Horse Yard

Among the oldest buildings in Sergiev Posad, the first place, without a doubt, is occupied by the museum complex “Horse Yard”. Located in one of the most picturesque corners of the city, on the shores of the White Pond, it has long been classified as one of the most important architectural monuments of Sergiev Posad. It was founded in 1790. Contemporaries compared it to a “monastery” near the walls of the great Lavra.

The history of the appearance of the equestrian yard is inseparable from the history of the Lavra’s stables. Already in the XVII-XVIII centuries. The Trinity Monastery contained a huge stable farm, which was also necessary for servicing its numerous patrimonial estates.

By the beginning of 1764, when Empress Catherine II signed a decree on the confiscation of monastery lands to the treasury and on the transfer of monasteries to a very small state (“regular”) salary, the Lavra had over 700 horses. The confiscation of estates required the reduction of a huge and extensive stable farm. And in 1790, the huge empty wooden stable yards were replaced by one small stone stable yard. The proposal to build it came from Metropolitan Plato himself.

The horse yard was built in 1790-1791. “square on 20 fathoms” in the form of a closed square of one-story buildings with four round towers in the corners and a rectangular tower above the southern gate. Contemporaries compared the appearance of the equestrian yard to a “monastery” perched next to the huge fortress walls of the great Lavra.

After 1918 The nationalized buildings of the Horse Yard, distributed among various organizations, gradually fell into disrepair and were revived through the efforts of the Sergiev Posad Historical and Art Museum-Reserve. The Trinity-Sergius Lavra also provided significant assistance in the restoration of the Equestrian Court.
During the restoration of the Horse Yard, it was possible to recreate the half-lost historical core of its buildings - the very original square of 1790-1791. with round corner turrets. At the end of the 18th century. The plank roofs of the towers of the horse yard ended with wooden spiers with turned balls. After the restoration, instead of balls on the spiers, weather vanes in the form of a rider on a horse were installed. The model was a miraculously surviving weathervane from the 19th century.

Without exaggeration, the horse yard can be called a unique architectural monument and a true landmark of Sergiev Posad. Currently, in the restored buildings of the Horse Yard, exhibitions and open storage funds of the Sergiev Posad State Historical and Art Museum are deployed, which house the most interesting exhibits representing the history of the region and the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Russian folk art and modern decorative and applied arts.

In the halls of the Horse Yard, using the example of the archaeological finds presented here from the 6th millennium BC. - I millennium AD you can imagine the daily life and beliefs of our distant ancestors, be surprised at how Russian peasants of the 19th and early 20th centuries decorated their lives, admire the original peasant costumes and headdresses, admire the works of decorative and applied art by the masters of Khokhloma, Zhostov, Gzhel, Gorodets and others numerous art centers in Russia. The horse yard is open to the public and awaits guests.

We wandered into this museum complex by accident - it’s just very close to the monastery, so we came out of there and somehow immediately ran into the Horse Yard.
"Horse yard" is one of the parts of the Sergiev Posad State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve.

A ticket for 400 rubles gives the right to visit all exhibitions and expositions of the museum (children - 50%, in general about prices).

1. The territory of the museum is neat and well-groomed, like candy :)

2. On Tuesday there were practically no people.

3. In the halls “The Ancient Past of Sergiev Posad” there are wonderful models of the monastery. You can clearly see how it grew from the 14th century onwards...

4. There’s a lot more here.

5. Very interesting weapons. There's a lot of different stuff there, actually.

6. The single-seater carriage impressed me with its scale - the wheel diameter is “almost as large as me”, such a huge structure...

7. In the halls “Russian Decorative and Applied Art of the 18th-21st Centuries” I somehow immediately fell in love with a figurine :) Porcelain Factory named after. M.V. Lomonosov, Leningrad.

8. This is also lovely! I don’t remember whose, though. But what a touching goat is a deer! I really want this :))

9. Space tea set :)

10. Incredibly beautiful figures! Late 19th century, Verbilki, Gardner plant.

11. You can’t go anywhere without this beauty, of course...

12. The furniture is amazing.

13. This chest of drawers?... a buffet?... full of toys - just some kind of miracle :)

14. Next we had “The World of the Russian Village”. No discoveries, of course, but funny, in general.

15. In general, you should go to applied arts and the world of the village with your children - they will be interested. There are firewood, and shafts, and a spinning wheel, and a trough, and a cradle, and a stove...

After also looking at the exhibition “Reverend Sergius - Helper to the Entire State and Russian Sovereigns” (from which, for some reason, I didn’t have any photographs), we left in the hope of getting to the Toy Museum. But finding it closed, we returned (persistent!) and finished watching the exhibition “Russian Matryoshka Museum” :)) After all, it was from here that the nesting doll began its mass march into the world, it was impossible to miss the exhibition!

16. In general, it was unexpected for me that the nesting doll appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century. It seemed like they were always there :) However... Here are representatives of the Matryoshka tribe of the early 20th century.

17. Matryoshka dolls :)

18. Well, the friendship of peoples, of course:)

The only exhibition that we didn’t have enough energy for was “From sample to tile”. I honestly went there, but didn’t come away with anything worthwhile :) Although, if you are somehow interested in the subject, it should be very interesting.

In general, “Horse Farm” completely satisfied our desire to “go to a museum” and left a pleasant impression, although it did not surprise us in any way. On the other hand, we walked on our own, without excursions, and at a fairly brisk pace - I think it can be much more educational if “with feeling, with sense, with arrangement” (c), and with an excursion :)

The museum complex “Horse Yard” is one of the departments of the Sergiev Posad State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve, opened on the territory of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. "Horse yard" is an architectural monument of the 18th - 20th centuries. The museum complex houses an exhibition of Russian folk and decorative arts.

The museum complex "Horse Yard" belongs to the museum, which was founded in 1920 on the territory of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

In the period from 2001 to 2005, the museum collection was transferred from the territory of the Lavra to other premises. The Horse Yard, an architectural monument of the 18th - 20th centuries, was restored. There is an exposition of Russian folk and decorative arts.

Now in the Museum complex "Horse Yard" you can see the following exhibitions: the archaeological exhibition "The Ancient Past of the Sergiev Posad Region", the architectural ensemble of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, "Russian decorative and applied art of the 18th-21st centuries", the exhibition of Russian folk art "World Russian village”, exhibition “Museum of the Russian Matryoshka”, exhibition dedicated to the 700th anniversary of St. Sergius of Radonezh “And the candle did not go out...”, exhibition of archaeological finds “Finno-Ugric peoples in ancient times and today”.

Museum complex "Horse Yard" (Sergiev Posad, Russia) - exhibitions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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The museum complex "Horse Yard" is one of four branches of the Sergiev Posad Museum-Reserve. It occupies a substantial territory of former monastery stables on the shore of the White Pond, on the corner of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra complex. It houses several permanent exhibitions dedicated to the archeology of the region, the history of the monastery, Russian decorative and applied art of the 18th-21st centuries and the world of the Russian village, as well as various exhibitions, including the Russian Matryoshka Museum, a collection of tiles and views of Russian monasteries. It’s also interesting to just walk around the territory and imagine how the economic life of the Lavra once flowed during its heyday.

Every weekend the complex hosts interactive programs and interesting master classes.

What to see

The archaeological exhibition “Horse Yard” tells about the ancient past of Sergiev Posad and the region from the 7th millennium BC. Here you can see finds from Stone Age sites (tools and utensils), bone sculptures made by primitive craftsmen, and evidence of the worship of various cults, including the sun, fire and bear. In the Iron Age exhibition, it is worth paying attention to the special “noisy” decorations buried with the dead: they were designed to scare away evil spirits on the soul’s journey to the afterlife.

The halls of the first floor of the southern building of the “Equestrian Yard” tell about the architectural ensemble of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the 14th-18th centuries. Here it is worth seeing a model of the 15th century monastery to imagine the grandeur and scale of the monastery, pay attention to the oldest stone icon of the Mother of God, and even sit in the “scribe’s corner” - a reconstruction of the workplace of an ancient Russian clerk.

The Russian Matryoshka Museum will tell you about the fascinating journey that this simple and charming toy has gone through over 110 years of its history.

The exposition of the Sacristy of the Lavra (it has been under reconstruction in the monastery for 3 years) presents unique exhibits from the 14th to 18th centuries. Among them are paired portraits of donors (Peter I with his brother, Catherine II with Paul I), among the highlights - a gift from Boris Godunov - a 32-kilogram church candlestick made of silver, as well as an icon painted on a wooden lid from the coffin of Sergius (it was made without a single nails is still in the Assumption Cathedral), and wooden pre-Rubble icons. It is worth paying attention to the products of the gold embroiderers of the Lavra School.

The second floor of the same building is dedicated to the collection of Russian decorative and applied art of the 18th-21st centuries. Through a series of toys and figurines, examples of bone and wood carvings, jewelry and dishes, you will take a fascinating journey back into the depths of time, to different corners of our earth. Here are nesting dolls, a Bogorodsk toy, charming Dymkovo gentlemen and ladies, and entertaining multi-figure compositions on everyday themes.

The central wing of the “Horse Yard” is the revived world of the Russian village. The collection, reflecting the place of folk art in human life, includes more than 700 exhibits: wood carvings and paintings, ceramics and embroidery samples, openwork lace, individual items and entire sets of women's and men's clothing. The pearls of the exhibition are roof ridges actually removed from houses, carved platbands and even the carved facade of an entire house. The recreation of a peasant hut is also unique - the entrance with a stove and a living room with a baby's cradle. The exhibition ends with a hall with household items of a Russian woman: a loom, a device for crumpling flax, a roller for ironing clothes, spinning wheels, spinning wheel bottoms with Mezen, Gorodets and Severodvinsk paintings. A separate corner is dedicated to the technology of printing designs on fabric: stamps, variants of designs, and the tub in which the fabric was washed are presented here.

The Russian Matryoshka Museum will tell you about the fascinating path that this simple and charming toy has gone through over 110 years of its history - from a “prototype” for children’s education at Mamontov’s workshop to a symbol of Russia. There are many wooden dolls of different shapes and themes - both original Chinese ones, those dating back to the time of Napoleon (grotesque Napoleons and his comrades), and classic Russian beauties, and Soviet leaders, and tumbler dolls, and modern complex composition matryons.

You will also learn to distinguish the Sergiev Posad matryoshka doll from the Semyonovskaya and Vyatka dolls by eye.

Be sure to check out the exhibition of stove samples - that’s what tiles were called in the old days. Here are presented a wide variety of versions of these elegant Russian decorations for stoves and house facades. And at the exhibition of views of Russian monasteries you will see engravings and lithographs from the 19th century collection, which served as a kind of textbook for the Lavra’s painters.

Practical information

Address: Sergiev Posad, st. 1st Shock Army, 2. Website.

Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday - from 10:00 to 17:45, on Friday - until 16:45. 2nd Wednesday of every month - from 11:00 to 19:45. Closed: Monday and last Friday of the month.

Entrance - 100 RUB, schoolchildren and pensioners - 50 RUB, children under 7 years old admission is free. Prices on the page are as of September 2018.

The museum complex "Horse Yard", located on the street of the First Shock Army, is one of the buildings of the Sergiev Posad Museum-Reserve. This building appeared in 1790 to replace the numerous monastery wooden stables. By that time, the number of horses managed by the Lavra had decreased from 700 to 40, since Catherine II, by her decree, transferred part of the monastery lands to the treasury and reduced the cost of maintaining the remaining ones. A regular stone structure, square in plan with round towers at the corners and an angular one above the gate, appeared on the northern bank of the White Pond. “Monastery” is the name often given to the Horse Yard, located right next to the walls of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Several layers of birch bark protect the walls of the museum from erosion by groundwater. Initially one-story buildings, construction was completed along with an increase in the number of horses and servants. Over time, a second floor for workers and an additional building appeared here. The equestrian courtyard of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra is the only surviving one of the two monastery courtyards that could afford their maintenance. Previously, such buildings could only be found on rich landowners' lands.

Now “Horse Yard” is the name of the museum, which presents four permanent exhibitions telling about the ancient past of the Sergiev Posad region, about the architectural ensemble of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, about Russian applied art from the 18th century to the present day and about the world of the Russian village.

Exposition “The Ancient Past of the Sergiev Posad Region”. Here, authentic archaeological finds coexist with exact copies of historical objects. You will go from the Stone Age through the Bronze Age to the formation of the Russian state in the 13th century. The main part of this collection consists of various tools (from stone and bone to iron) for hunting, fishing, cultivating the land, etc. Here you will get acquainted with cult and ritual objects from different eras, found as a result of excavations on the Sergiev Posad land.

The exhibition halls on the first floor of the museum will tell you about the history and architectural ensemble of the main shrine of the region. Moving from one room to another, you will see the entire history of the development of the monastery from its very origins. In many ways, the creation of this exhibition was facilitated by famous restorers who restored the Lavra. In the first hall you can see the entire monastery up close - its model is located here. Weapons, documents, portraits, and paintings will tell about one of the most difficult periods in the life of the monastery of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the Polish-Lithuanian siege of 1608-1610. The development of the book business is presented at the exhibition: writing instruments, manuscripts, the alphabet, part of the library created by Maxim the Greek.

On the second floor of the museum you will find the applied crafts of Central Russia. Of course, the main part of the exhibition is occupied by works by Sergiev Posad masters. Numerous wooden toys, including the world-famous Bogorodskaya one, brought fame to the city. The exhibits amount to about four thousand copies. Collections of Kargopol, Filimonovskaya, Dymkovskaya clay toys represent the development of decorative and applied art of the early 20th century. It is impossible to consider all the works of the masters of Khokhloma, Zhostov, Gzhel, Gorodets and other art centers of Russia.

One of the latest exhibitions, which opened at the Horse Yard in 2008, is “The World of the Russian Village”. It can be found in the central building of the museum. Here are presented activities common in the European part of Rus': working with wood, clay, fabric, lace making, etc. The whole life of a peasant from birth to death is traced in everyday and festive costumes.

In addition to permanent exhibitions, the museum organizes exhibitions and celebrations.