We understand plant growth stimulants and regulators. Main retardants (chlorocholine chloride, alar, etrel) Alar fertilizer

December 14, 2010

Growth regulators (phytoregulators) are a very powerful tool for plant control, and like any powerful tool, it requires certain professional knowledge for conscious, correct and safe use.

What most of us know about phytoregulators is when planting, treatment with root, if the plant is not feeling well, spraying with epin, and sometime else, fertilizing with humates. In fact, the choice of drugs that affect various processes in the plant is very wide. Phytoregulators open up truly inexhaustible possibilities for plant control. They can and should be used in cases where we want to radically restructure growth processes, increase plant resistance to unfavorable conditions, increase plant resistance to harmful microorganisms and insects, overcome the toxic effects of chemicals, and simply increase the attractiveness of plants and correct some almost inevitable shortcomings of individual crops and varieties.

The range of problems faced by nurseries and creators of ornamental gardens, as well as the gardeners who care for them, is very diverse. This is what often prevents us from issuing ready-made recommendations for each specific case. For a correct reaction to a particular event in the life of plants, especially considering their diversity in an ornamental garden, one must understand how the plant is structured and how phytoregulators carry out their action. This is exactly what we will devote the first section of this article to.

How do phytoregulators work? To understand or remember this, let's look at a few points...

1. A sign is a substance.

The structure and properties of organisms in general and plants in particular - the totality signs . Signs change during the development of the organism. For example, a leaf turns yellow in the fall. This is due to the fact that active destruction of chlorophylls and other pigments occurs - anthocyanins and carotenoids become more noticeable and dominate the color. That is, a sign of a color change is a change in the content of pigment substances. So, with a detailed study, all other signs can be decomposed into changes in the content of certain substances. The more complex the sign, the greater the number of substances involved in its formation.

2. Substances are formed in the plant under the action of enzymes and move with the help of transport proteins.

All processes of formation, transformation and destruction of substances in the body are controlled by biological catalysts - enzymes. That is, the amount of a particular substance in a cell depends on the activity of the enzymes involved in the formation of this substance or its destruction. Another way to change the content of a substance is through active transport by carrier proteins, that is, by the intensity with which the substance is pumped into or out of the cell.

3. Enzymes are proteins, which means they are products of genes.

Enzymes and transporters are proteins in their chemical structure. And therefore, for them

Construction requires appropriate genes that determine the sequence of amino acid residues in the molecule, and therefore its shape and properties. Most of the enzyme and transporter genes belong to the genes inducible, that is, requiring for their activation certain signals that turn their operation on and off.

4. Phytohormones are one of the tools for controlling genes and the activity of transport proteins.

The signals that control the activity of genes or transport proteins are, to a large extent, molecules of substances that are produced as a by-product or parallel product during the most important physiological processes, and serve as indicators of their intensity. These substances went through a long selection process during evolution and were named phytohormones.

5. Phytohormones are formed in the plant and control the flow of nutrients, the plant's response to changes in external conditions and coordinate the development of various plant organs.

The main phytohormones that stimulate growth processes are formed in meristems. In the apical meristem of the shoot it is formed auxin, at the root apex - cytokinins, in the generative meristem that will give rise to the flower - brassinosterioids. Formed in leaves and roots gibberellins. It is these hormones that determine the flow of nutrients to the place of their formation, and therefore the maximum concentration. It is these hormones that determine the hierarchy of meristems - which of them will receive how many nutrients, which means the growth of the organs to which this meristem gives rise. Increased auxin production determines the preferential growth of the apical bud, intercepting nutrition from the lateral ones, and the associated pyramidal structure of the crown. The appearance of generative meristems and brassinosteroids switches the main flow of nutrition to them, causing a weakening of the growth of vegetative organ processes. Disturbance in the formation of cytokinins in roots, which occurs mainly due to flooding or soil compaction, weakens the flow of sugars to the root meristems and impairs their development.

Of particular interest is the fact that the hormone auxin, produced by the shoot apex, activates the activity of root meristems and thus controls the growth of the root system, and vice versa, cytokinin, a hormone produced in the roots, is necessary for the activation of shoot meristems, and therefore controls the development of the above-ground part of the plant . It is through such hormonal interactions of various organs that the plant system is built as an integral organism.

In addition to hormones that stimulate growth, hormones that are inhibitors are also known. These substances are necessary for the plant to overcome unfavorable conditions. So, ethylene inhibits growth processes, switching metabolism to the production of secondary metabolites, in particular to the production of phenolic substances, alkaloids and terpenoids - substances that determine protective functions and determine the color of the petals and aroma. Another hormone inhibitor abscisic acid, is responsible for the state of rest, blocking growth processes before the onset of cold weather.

6. In some cases, for example, in stressful situations, as well as at the beginning of the growing season and during active growth, there are not enough phytohormones and the plant uses symbiosis with microorganisms living in the plant’s body to cover their deficiency, receiving analogues of phytohormones from them and providing them with nutrients in return substances.

The plant receives quite a lot of hormones, especially at the beginning of the growing season, from

microorganisms, mainly fungi, living in the intercellular space of the plant body. These microorganisms constitute the so-called vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM). It is very important, at the same time as creating normal living conditions for the plant itself, to create them for the symbiont fungi. Often, seemingly inexplicable failures when growing plants are associated precisely with disruption of the vital functions of these symbiont fungi.

7. Most of the phytoregulators (mainly synthesized analogues or antagonists) exert their effect through phytohormones, increasing or blocking the activity of any of them, which leads to changes in symptoms (see paragraphs 1-5).

In fact, it is most logical to influence the plant’s hormonal system by adding

out missing hormone. Actually, this is where the use of phytoregulators began - auxin analogs began to be used to stimulate root formation of cuttings of tree crops. It is equally important to reduce the activity of the phytohormone - thus, the largest volumes of use of phytoregulators in practice are associated with suppressing the biosynthesis of gibberellins to combat excessive vegetative growth, leading to lodging of grain crops. This is done by substances that retard vegetative growth - retardants.

8. Some of the phytoregulators exert their effect by changing the properties of biological membranes, making them more resistant to adverse external influences. The effects of these drugs are similar to those of medications.

Some phytoregulators that actively affect plants are not aimed at

hormones, but exert their effect by changing the properties of membranes. Such drugs can have a cryoprotective effect, as well as influence the transport of substances in the plant. Most of these phytoregulators are organosilicon compounds.

9. Another part of phytoregulators (mainly of natural origin) affects the activity of symbiont microorganisms, stimulating their production of growth-regulating substances (see paragraph 6).

There are many drugs on the market, mainly of biological origin - extracts of various biological objects, about the mechanism of action of which little is known. These drugs, as a rule, effectively increase the nonspecific resistance of plants to unfavorable factors and harmful organisms and, along with this, also have a growth-regulating effect. Quite often, the effectiveness of such drugs can be explained by their stimulating effect on VAM symbiont microorganisms, which themselves secrete regulatory substances. Such treatments are especially useful at the beginning of the growing season, when the plant’s need for stimulants is especially high.

Plant growth regulators approved for use

The growth regulator market is regulated by the State Chemical Commission under the Russian Ministry of Agriculture. All drugs undergo a series of tests for safety and effectiveness, after which a decision is made on their registration and purpose. Preparations for professional and amateur use are registered separately. It should be borne in mind that the developers recommend the use of their drug on those crops where it can be used in maximum quantities, and therefore, recommendations of drugs on ornamental plants are not very popular.

It should also be borne in mind that some plant growth regulators are registered as fertilizers, which can significantly reduce the cost of the registration procedure.

So, what can we, in principle, purchase on the Russian market of growth-regulating drugs and, with a clear conscience, recommend to our fellow landscapers?

Name of the drug, active substance, origin

Mechanism and nature of action


Preparations that stimulate the development of the root system


(indolyl-3) acetic acid

Chemical synthesis

Synthetic complete analogue of the natural phytohormone - auxin

Induction of root formation of cuttings, stimulation of root system growth during transplantation and increased survival rate,

Improving the fusion of grafts and accelerating the healing of wounds during pruning

Mainly used in the form of aqueous solutions

Very unstable in light. Quickly loses activity. Overdose leads to the opposite effect


Potassium salt of indolyl-3-3-acetic acid

Similar to heteroauxin, but more soluble in water



Kornevin, Ukorenit

4(indol-3yl)butyric acid

Chemical synthesis

Structural analogue of the natural phytohormone - auxin

Induction of rooting, stimulation of development of the root system, increased survival rate.

Used in the form of powder or aqueous solutions

More stable drugs, much less risk of overdose

4(indol-3yl)butyric acid

Chemical synthesis


The most effective drug for inducing root formation.

Used mainly in the form of high concentration alcohol solutions

The drug is not included in the “List of Approved Use...”, but this is the drug used by the pros


Alanine and glutamic acid

Biological synthesis

General stimulation due to activation of protein synthesis

Stimulation of root formation, increased survival rate

Good for soaking plants before planting, especially if the plants have experienced stress beforehand


Hydroxycinnamic acid

Chemical synthesis

These drugs suppress the system of destruction of natural auxin in the plant.

Stimulates root formation, increases survival rate.

Soaking seeds or cuttings in aqueous solutions or spraying during the growing season

Also increases nonspecific resistance to fungal diseases and stress


Organosilicon compound

Chemical synthesis

Stimulation of root formation.

Increased resistance to low temperatures, general stimulation, especially in unfavorable soil conditions

A very good drug, but rarely used because it is poorly promoted

Stimulators of vegetative growth of aerial parts



Chemical synthesis

Structural analogue of natural phytohormones - brassinosteroids.

The most powerful attracting effect.

Activation of natural phytohormones.

Anti-stress effect

Increasing seed germination,

strengthening growth processes, increasing resistance to stress and disease

A popular and excellent drug, but its activity is often not manifested due to improper use.

It is advisable to use in conjunction with surfactants.



Organosilicon compounds

Chemical synthesis

Optimizing the properties of biological membranes

Increasing seed germination,

strengthening of growth processes, increasing resistance to low positive temperatures

Optimal results - when treating seeds

A good drug, but rarely used, as it is poorly promoted


Acetylene alcohol

Chemical synthesis

According to the developer - similar to auxin and gibberellins

Strengthening growth processes

Can only be purchased from the developer



Sodium salts of gibberellic acids

Microbiological synthesis

Analogs of natural plant gibberellin with good solubility in water

Quite a powerful attracting effect

Activation of sugar transport

Activation of germination of seeds and tubers due to hydrolysis of reserve starch

Acceleration of germination of seeds and tubers

Strengthening growth processes

Increasing fruit set

Stimulation of the growth of juicy fruits

Popular proven drugs. They are in greatest demand among fruit growers and gardeners. On sale everywhere.

Chitosanium glutaminium succinate

Combined synthesis

The developer does not report the mechanism of action

Numerous family of preparations with various variants of humic acid salts in combination with nutritional elements

Combined synthesis

There is a lot of speculation, as there is about humus in general, but today there is no real explanation for the indisputable biological activity.

Most effective with foliar feeding in the first half of the growing season


Chemical synthesis

Cytokinin analogue

Attractive action

Activation of lateral bud growth, activation of photosynthesis and delay of leaf aging

A very useful drug, as it allows you to effectively control the structure of the crown. Hard to find on sale.

Retardants - drugs that reduce vegetative growth


SSS (TsetTseTse)

Chlormequat chloride

Chemical synthesis

Obtaining compact plants

Some increase in stability due to deeper root system

Very good drugs, but difficult to find on sale.

The action is very selective. Preliminary testing on each new variety is required.



Triazole derivatives

Chemical synthesis

Blocking the formation of gibberellin in the plant

Reduced vegetative growth

Obtaining compact plants

Able to penetrate roots

Not included in the “List...permitted in the Russian Federation”, but widely used throughout the world. Good effective universal drugs with long-lasting action

Dimethyl succinic acid hydrazide

Chemical synthesis

They do not affect the biosynthesis of gibberellins, but “turn off” their action at subsequent stages of the implementation of phytohormonal activity

Reduced vegetative growth

Obtaining compact plants

They are not included in the “List of...allowed in the Russian Federation”, but are widely used all over the world when growing flower seedlings.


Chemical synthesis

Suppression of gibberellin biosynthesis

Reduced vegetative growth

Preparations that increase plant resistance to diseases and stress



Arachidonic acid

Combined synthesis

Activation of the plant’s own defense systems against stress and fungal diseases

Increased resistance to diseases (to a greater extent) and to adverse effects (to a slightly lesser extent)

Reducing fungicide treatments

Very good preparations, but so far little used, since they are little known among gardeners


Hydroxycinnamic acid

Chemical synthesis

Increasing resistance mainly to fungal diseases (to a greater extent) and to adverse effects (to a slightly lesser extent)

Also increases root formation by increasing auxin activity (see above)

Chitosanium glutaminium succinate

Combined synthesis

Works as an elicitor - a signaling substance that imitates the action of a pathogen and activates the phytoimmunity system

General stimulation of growth processes while simultaneously increasing nonspecific resistance


Extracts of triterpene acids from larch

Activation of the phytoimmunity system

General stimulation of growth processes while simultaneously increasing nonspecific resistance

Activators of endogenous symbiotic microorganisms

Extract of culture liquid of symbiont fungus Acremoniumlichenicola

An excellent drug, but difficult to find on sale.

Extract of Japanese cedar, cypress pine and plantain

Activation of the plant's own symbionts

General stimulation of growth processes. Some increase in nonspecific resistance

Good, effective and expensive drug

Culture fluid extract PseudomonasaureofaciensH16

Activator of phytoimmunity.

Antagonist of pathogenic microflora

Increasing resistance to fungal diseases.

General stimulation of growth processes

When using this drug, you can halve fungicide treatments


Ginseng endophyte extract

Activation of the plant's own symbionts

General stimulation of growth processes. Some increase in nonspecific resistance

Micromycete culture liquid extract Cylindrolichenicola

Activation of the plant's own symbionts

General stimulation of growth processes. Some increase in nonspecific resistance

Baikal EM-1

Complex of microorganisms

Microbiological fertilizer

Activation of the plant's own symbionts

General stimulation of growth processes. Some increase in nonspecific resistance

The table does not include some drugs, for example, the “Crohn...” family of drugs, since they are not included in the “List...”, the authors of the article do not have their own experience in their use, and it was not possible to find experimental evidence of their effectiveness in the available literature. At the same time, the drug “Super Humisol”, also not yet included in the “List...” and our table, in our experiments and according to the testimony of colleagues, has shown high efficiency in transplanting large-sized trees and as a means for foliar feeding of ornamental plants, and definitely deserves recommendations for widespread implementation.

You should not treat phytoregulators as a panacea that can solve all the problems of growing beautiful plants. The action of these substances will be truly effective if you follow the following rules:

Phytoregulators will not have a noticeable effect on the plant if the plant is weakened by a lack of water and nutrients;

Strictly follow the drug manufacturer's instructions regarding concentration and dosage rate. Remember that an overdose of the drug almost always causes the opposite negative effect, which can lead to a complete loss of decorativeness and death of plants.

Special cases of using phytoregulators


This is perhaps the most studied area of ​​application of growth regulators. Such an effective method of vegetative propagation as green cuttings is simply impossible without treating the cuttings with auxin. At the same time, for amateurs it is most convenient to use Kornevin and immerse the sections in the preparation immediately before planting for rooting in conditions of artificial fog, while professionals most often use an alcohol solution of IMC for this at a concentration of 3,000 mg/l, also dipping the sections in this solution immediately before planting . In this case, it is necessary to avoid getting the solution on the leaves in every possible way, and also use 70% alcohol to prepare the solution.

Pre-treatment of mother plants with retardant preparations gives very good results. Suppression of gibberellins in this case shifts the balance towards the preferential development of the root system, which most favorably affects both the percentage of rooting and the subsequent development of rooted cuttings.

At the stage of growing rooted cuttings, after the formation of a new shoot, preparations based on hydroxycinnamic acid - Domotsvet and Zircon - should show good results, since they will prevent the rapid destruction of the auxin formed in them.

Those wishing to learn more about the use of regulators in plant propagation are advised to contact the Department of Fruit Growing of the Timiryazev Academy, where vast experience has been accumulated in this matter.

Stimulation of branching of seedlings

Many ornamental and fruit crops tend to grow with one single tall shoot, which is explained by the powerful apical dominance of the apical bud. To obtain branched seedlings, formative pruning is usually carried out, the meaning of which is to remove this dominant bud. However, the seedling remains in the nursery for another year. You can avoid unnecessary costs associated with additional time the plant stays in the nursery by treating it with Cytodef. Treatment should be carried out by spraying in the early stages of shoot growth. And if on perennial flowers we combine such treatment with treatment with retardants, for example Moddus, then we will get a compact plant, densely covered with flowers. This is exactly how the Dutch and Germans grow chrysanthemums, and flower seedlings in general. Only most often the drug B-9 (alar) is used for this purpose.

Preparing to transport plants

We must say right away that nothing like this has yet been used in practice, which is a pity. The fact is that during transportation, plants experience real stress associated with shaking, changes in orientation in space, temperature discomfort, and during long-term transportation - also a lack of moisture. Therefore, treating plants 1-2 days before shipment with drugs that activate the synthesis of stress proteins can significantly increase the resistance of plants to transportation and ensure their better adaptation in a new place. The best results should be expected from Epin. Dear nurserymen, please do this treatment, it will definitely not harm the plants, but it can improve the condition of the plants very significantly! For our part, we are ready to provide all possible support to those who decide to undertake such an experiment.

Preparing and planting plants

The use of phytoregulators when preparing plants for planting is not the most popular technique, but not because it is not effective, but because few people know about it. Before planting, it is very important to soak the plant in order to restore the filling of all water-conducting vessels and trachea with water. And if, when soaking in water, you add small (no more than 2-5 mg/l) amounts of auxin, preferably in the form of the drug Kornerost or Heteroauxin, and slightly injure the root system with cuts in the coma, then such seedlings will take root and grow much better.

Soon after planting, after abundant watering to remove air pockets and press the soil to the roots, it makes sense to water the plants with a solution of Ribav-Extra, and also spray the crown with Zircon or Domotsvet. Subsequently, weekly for a month, we recommend watering the newly planted plants with a solution of Super-Humisol. Good results were also obtained with the use of the drug Baikal EM-1 and HB-101. This is especially important when transplanting mature plants.

Improving the appearance of plants

I don’t know about you, dear reader, but for some time I was very interested in the question - why such beautiful plants come to us from abroad and why in the Fatherland they so quickly turn into such filth. Is this the influence of the “Russian spirit”? Well, okay, after the winter, otherwise the plant will be delivered in April - May, and by July you won’t be able to look at it without tears. Is this a familiar picture? And one more interesting question, seemingly unrelated to the first one - why do plants from some nurseries (for example, some Dutch ones) take root worse than those from others (for example, some Polish ones)?

The answer is single and simple. The thing is that plants in nurseries are given a marketable appearance with the help of regular foliar feeding with special fertilizers

Growing flowers in the autumn-winter period is associated with a number of difficulties, mainly caused by a lack of light. Thus, excessive elongation of stems as a result of elongation of internodes significantly reduces the value of flowers. Particularly undesirable is the elongation and associated weakening of peduncles, which sharply reduces the life span of plants. It turned out that modern retardants can prevent these negative phenomena.

The effect of retardants on cloves, a greenhouse crop of which is especially widespread, has been well studied. Carnation plants are sprayed twice or three times with a 0.25% solution of SSS, which leads to a reduction and strengthening of the peduncle, some shortening of the internodes without changing the diameter of the flower. Approximately the same results are obtained by watering the substrate with a 1% solution of alar. These changes improve the appearance and prolong the life of the flower.

Growth regulators are also recommended for processing cut carnations. The domestic industry produces the drug “Nora” intended for this purpose, which contains 0.07% alar and 0.04% hydroxyquinoline sulfate, as well as sucrose. Stored flowers are first placed in water for 2-3 hours, and then in the “Nora” solution, which can extend the life of cut carnations up to 40 days.

Some varieties of chrysanthemums react to alar in much the same way as carnations, so with the help of retardants it is possible to reduce the growth of plants in height, reduce the length and increase the strength of the peduncle.

To reduce the height growth of daffodils, tulips, and geraniums, you can apply treatment with an etrel solution at a concentration of 0.03-0.05%. Spraying many plants (for example, azaleas, roses, asters, zinnias, petunias, etc.) with a higher concentration of ethrel solution suppresses apical growth and promotes the formation of numerous lateral shoots. In recent years, numerous synthetic growth regulators have been created for use in floriculture. At the same time, new drugs are characterized, as a rule, by higher efficiency and a significantly lower level of phytotoxicity.

In developed countries, large areas are occupied by decorative lawns, the periodic mowing of which requires significant labor costs. Spraying the lawn in the spring with MMC in doses from 3 to 6 kg/ha effectively retards the growth of cereal grasses, which reduces the number of grass mowings. Since the tillering of plants becomes more intense, the decorative qualities of the lawn increase.

MMC is also used as a means of inhibiting the growth of shrubs in hedges. Typically, hedges are trimmed many times throughout the growing season as new shoots grow. This rather labor-intensive event gradually leads to a deterioration in the decorative qualities of the hedge, since when trimmed, the foliage of the plants decreases and the trunks are exposed. The best results are obtained by spraying the bush with a solution of hydrochloric acid. It is carried out at the very beginning of summer, when the bushes become well leafy. The concentration of the inhibitor solution varies from 0.25 to 1.5%, depending on the rock forming the fence. For example, to inhibit the growth of hawthorn, privet or yellow acacia, less HMC is required than for processing cotoneaster.

A hedge treated with GMK retains its given shape throughout the entire growing season, the plants remain green and well-leafed. In this case, a one-time haircut is sufficient, which is carried out in the fall or spring before the buds open. Thus, labor costs for maintaining the fence are reduced several times.

Ornamental gardening, becoming increasingly important, is becoming a serious consumer of physiologically active substances. It is not surprising that many new synthetic plant growth regulators first find application in this branch of crop production.

The main retardants (chlorocholine chloride, alar, etrel)
About 20 retardants belonging to various groups of chemical compounds are used in global agricultural production. But the main attention is drawn to three: chlorocholine chloride (2-chloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride), alar (N-dimethylhydrazide of succinic acid) and etrel (a derivative of 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid).
Chlorocholine chloride (in our country produced under the name TUR, abroad CCC) is widely used in agriculture in many countries. This is an extremely effective and universal means of combating lodging of cereals. It also helps to increase the drought and frost resistance of grain crops. The use of chlorocholine chloride is necessary for long-stemmed, lodging wheat varieties growing in wet weather, when using high doses of nitrogen fertilizers. Spring wheat is sprayed with retardant in the summer at the beginning of the booting phase, and winter wheat in the spring at the end of the tillering phase. Only 4-6 kilograms of chlorocholine chloride are consumed per hectare. With mechanized spraying, the water consumption per hectare is 100 liters, and with the help of aviation - only 25.
As numerous tests have shown, chlorocholine chloride has found reliable use in vegetable growing, especially when growing tomato seedlings. Typically, the preparation of seedlings in greenhouses is carried out with a high seeding density and a lack of light. Because of this, elongated and weakened plants often grow. Spraying tomato seedlings at the moment when they have only formed two or three true leaves with a solution of chlorocholine chloride reduces the height of the stem by 1.5-2 times due to the formation of a short, thickened stem, which is very convenient for mechanized planting. At the same time, the number of true leaves increases and the root system becomes more powerful. Tomatoes treated with retardant produce more buds, flowers and ovaries. Maturation is thus accelerated by almost a week.
Today, when cultivating high-intensity varieties of apple, pear, cherry, sweet cherry and many other fruit crops, they try to limit their crowns. This can be done by pruning and bending the branches. But such operations require skilled manual labor. The search prompted chemists to create new regulators that inhibit plant growth. Based on N-dimethylhydrazide of succinic acid, a group of drugs was created under the trade name Alar.
Alar can work wonders. By treating apple or pear trees with it in the spring, you can slow down the growth of shoots and at the same time speed up the formation of flower buds and thus increase the yield next year. Fruit trees treated in the fall can delay flowering next year and avoid spring frosts. With the help of alar, they prevent the undesirable phenomenon of fruit falling before harvesting, and also accelerate ripening and even improve the color of fruits. Treatment of raspberry bushes reduces the length of the shoots by two to three times and thereby increases the frost resistance of the plants. Alar is superior in its effectiveness to many similar drugs.
But this substance also has disadvantages. For example, repeated treatments, especially of mature trees, are dangerous. They are overloaded with the harvest, which leads to sudden and long breaks in fruiting. In some varieties of fruit trees, after treatment with alar, the yield is sometimes lost. A negative feature of alar is its high stability and the danger of accumulation in the environment. Alar is harmless to humans and warm-blooded animals, but dangerous to fish. In this regard, in our country, alar is not used in industrial gardening. Our scientists are conducting research to create drugs similar to alar, but easily decomposed and less toxic.
Everyone knows how important it is not only to grow a crop, but also to harvest it, and then save it. Half of the total costs in gardening, or even more, are spent on manual labor for picking fruits and berries. While grains, potatoes and some vegetables are harvested from the fields using machinery, fruit collection still remains a challenge for agricultural machine design engineers. In recent years, mechanized harvesting of fruits and berries has been making its way into global industrial horticulture. So far, all modern fruit harvesting machines are based on the principle of shaking the harvest from trees and bushes. For the successful operation of such machines, it is necessary to simultaneously ripen the fruits and weaken their connection with the stalks or fruiting branches. But it turned out that not all valuable industrial varieties of fruit trees and berry bushes meet this requirement.
Plant physiologists knew about an unusual gaseous regulator of growth and development - ethylene. We have already talked about it in previous chapters. Let us remember: the action is expressed in the acceleration of maturation. But using gas in gardens is not very convenient. And here chemists came to the rescue - they created ethylene “generators” - powerful, easily soluble substances in water that facilitate mechanized harvesting.
An effective drug, etrel, was created based on 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid. In plant tissues, it decomposes into hydrochloric and phosphoric acids and ethylene, which has such a desirable physiological effect on the plant.
Spraying cherries, cherries, and plums with etrel in a concentration of 0.1 percent 10-15 days before harvesting accelerates ripening and the formation of a separating layer between the fruit and the stalk. Thanks to this, the harvesting machine manages to shake off almost all the fruit. From untreated trees, only one third of the fruit can be harvested by machine.
So, the creation of modern high-intensity and low-labor technologies for cultivating fruit and berry crops is a requirement of today. This is possible only with the close cooperation of design engineers, chemists creating synthetic regulators, and physiologists studying the processes of plant growth and fruiting.

The phytohormones it produces help the plant develop faster, bloom and bear fruit better. Today there are many synthetic substitutes for these substances on the market. How to understand the wide range?

Phytohormones produced by plants are divided into 4 groups:

  • auxins responsible for the development of the root system, the growth of cambium cells and the distribution of nutrients throughout the plant;
  • gibberellins stimulate seed germination, flowering and fruit formation, increase productivity, bring tubers and bulbs out of dormancy and, unlike auxins, do not redistribute useful substances, but only accumulate;
  • cytokinins promote cell division, awakening and growth of buds, and also regulate the aging process of leaves;
  • brassins (brassinosteroids) support the normal functioning of the plant immune system, increase resistance to adverse environmental factors and diseases, and also regulate the ripening processes of fruits and seeds.

But the plant’s own phytohormones are not always enough. To “help” it grow and develop better, their synthetic substitutes are used.

Root growth stimulants (auxins)


The most popular growth stimulant, but it has one drawback - it is sold in the form of tablets that need to be dissolved in plenty of water. This takes a lot of time and effort.

Kornevin and Ukorenit

An analogue of Heteroauxin, which is available in powder form. It is more toxic than the previous preparation, but it is very convenient to powder the cut areas of cuttings before rooting.

Stimulators of seed germination, flowering and fruiting of plants (gibberellins)


A weak aqueous solution of the drug is sprayed on plants at different periods of the growing season.


Most often used for spraying tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage and grapes.


The drug is odorless and low-toxic. Suitable for processing all fruits, vegetables and cereals.


In addition to increasing productivity, it also increases plant resistance to disease.


Plants are treated with this drug before the formation of buds in order to stimulate the appearance of the ovary.


Apply after the appearance of the ovary just before flowering.


This preparation is intended for tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. It is used to treat flowering inflorescences to accelerate the setting and ripening of fruits.

Stimulators of kidney growth and cell division (cytokinins)

Cytokinin paste

Using a toothpick, apply a small amount of paste to a fresh cut made on the plant, or to the place where the bud should be. Please note that an overdose of the drug will lead to inhibition of growth and deterioration in the general condition of the plant.

Keikigrow Plus

This is a Canadian analogue of cytokinin paste. The action and method of use of these drugs are identical.


This drug stimulates seed germination, shoot growth, and increases the yield of fruit trees. It is used as an additive to pesticides.

Stress adaptogens with growth-stimulating activity (brassinosteroids)


Helps plants take root faster after transplantation, increases their resistance to diseases and pests, and is also suitable for soaking seeds and cuttings. Moreover, the drug is not very toxic.

Epin Extra

Broad-spectrum regulator and stimulant. Increases the immune system of plants in stressful situations, promotes the restoration of weakened and rejuvenation of old plants. Plants are sprayed with Epin Extra solution several times at intervals of 7-10 days until complete recovery.

Application of plant growth stimulants

To help the plant grow faster without harming it, you need to strictly follow the instructions indicated on the packaging of a particular drug. The dosages and number of treatments are different for all stimulants.

Growth stimulants can be used in the following ways:

  • soak the seeds in the drug solution so that they germinate quickly and amicably;
  • spray seedlings and seedlings for quick and abundant flowering;
  • when transplanting plants into the ground, water them with a solution of a growth stimulator to speed up rooting;
  • Before flowering, treat the plants with a fruit formation stimulator.

Natural plant growth stimulants

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a drug to accelerate plant growth in the store, you can prepare it at home. It has long been known that, for example, infusion of young nettle shoots– an excellent root formation stimulator.

Mash the nettle leaves and stems well, add warm water and let steep for 2 weeks. Soak cuttings, seeds, tubers and bulbs in the resulting fermented solution.

Also, an excellent plant growth stimulator can be prepared from yeast(you need to dilute 100 g of dry product in 1 liter of water), bee honey(dissolve 1 tsp in 1 glass of water) or freshly squeezed concentrated aloe juice.

Natural growth stimulants for plants: nettle, yeast, honey, aloe

Plant growth regulators

As you can easily guess from the name of this group of drugs, they do not accelerate, but regulate growth, that is, they help some parts of the plant develop faster than others.


This drug is most often used to prevent overgrowth and stretching of seedlings. At the same time, the stems of the plant become thicker, the leaves become wider, and the main part of the nutrients “goes” to the roots, due to which the plants bloom faster and produce a rich harvest.


A growth regulator for horticultural crops, which promotes the formation of fruit buds, reduces the growth of shoots, and reduces the need for pruning. At the same time, it increases resistance to diseases (in particular, scab and powdery mildew). The first spraying is carried out 3-4 weeks after flowering, then another 3-4 treatments are carried out at intervals of 2-3 weeks.

TUR, Chlorocholine chloride, or CCC

This drug inhibits plant growth. Most often it is used for potted and container crops.


Used to prevent premature fruit drop of pome crops. The garden is treated a month after flowering.

Multifunctional regulators

Today there are drugs on sale that not only regulate plant growth, but also have complex general strengthening properties. However, it is not always possible to accurately predict the response of plants to their use.


In addition to root growth, this drug increases plant resistance to fungal diseases, prolongs the flowering period, increases productivity and helps to better tolerate unfavorable conditions (dry air, excess moisture, lack of lighting, high/low temperatures, etc.).

Mival, Mival-Agro, Energy-M

The preparations include silicon, which regulates respiration and accelerates the growth and development of plants. They are used to treat potato tubers; they are used to spray tomatoes, peppers and eggplants during the budding phase. This speeds up the ripening of fruits and increases the yield.


This drug, created on the basis of biologically active substances of sunflower, increases the lignin content in plant tissues and increases their resistance to disease.


An immunomodulator, which is most often used for pre-soaking vegetable seeds. Ambiol solution increases the resistance of plants to frost, sudden changes in air temperature and lack of moisture, and also increases yield.


This drug is used to accelerate the ripening of fruits and obtain an early harvest of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and potatoes.

Amulet, Prorostok, El-1, Immunocytophyte

These regulators are based on arachidonic acid. Seeds, bulbs and tubers are soaked in their solutions, and the plants are also sprayed with them on the leaves. The drugs are used to increase plant resistance to diseases, accelerate the growth and development of green plants, and ripen fruits.


This drug contains acetylene alcohol, which has hormonal properties. It stimulates seed germination and plant development, increases productivity and improves the taste of fruits. Most often used for spraying tomatoes, peppers and eggplants.


This immunomodulator is obtained from larch wood. Thanks to the active ingredient - dihydroquercetin, Larixin increases the immunity of plants and protects them from powdery mildew, septoria and root rot.


Biological product for stimulating seed germination, protecting plants from low and high temperatures, drought, lack of oxygen and vitamins. It is used for soaking seeds and spraying vegetable, fruit, flower and ornamental crops.


When released into the soil along with treated seeds, this drug promotes the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms and improves the absorption of nutrients by plants.


Thanks to the chitosan included in the composition (this substance is obtained from the shell of a crab), the drug activates the work of the root system and leaves, increases the resistance of plants to disease and stress.

Novosil, Biosil, Verva

These drugs contain triterpene acids. They are obtained from Siberian fir needles. The use of these regulators increases yield by 9-25%, accelerates fruit ripening, helps reduce storage losses, reduces the risk of developing fungal diseases, accelerates seed germination and increases their germination.

Use growth regulators strictly according to the instructions indicated on the package. Typically, the plant treatment procedure needs to be repeated several times. If you reduce this amount, the plant will begin to develop very quickly. Thus, the growth regulator will work as a stimulant.

Use growth regulators and stimulants correctly - and ornamental plants will delight you with lush and spectacular flowering, and garden crops will delight you with a rich harvest.

Growth regulators- these are organic compounds other than nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.), of a type that cause an increase (stimulation) or weakening (inhibition) of the processes of growth and development. Growth regulators are used to treat plants to change vital processes or their structure to improve quality, increase yield or facilitate harvesting.

Natural growth regulators isolated from plants - phytohormones - are currently represented by five groups of substances: auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid and ethylene. In addition to natural phytohormones, which are synthesized in factories, a large number of chemical preparations have been created that have an effect similar to natural growth regulators.

All growth regulators, both natural phytohormones and synthesized substances that activate individual phases of plant growth and development (organogenesis), are combined into the group of growth stimulants. Growth regulators that suppress or inhibit physiological or biochemical processes in plants, growth, seed germination and bud breaking are combined into the group of growth inhibitors.

Growth stimulants are the following substances.

Auxins are phytohormones of predominantly indole nature (indoleacetic acid and its derivatives), causing cell elongation, activating the growth of coleoptiles, stems, roots, causing trophic bends, stimulating the formation of roots in cuttings. Auxins are synthesized in the apical meristem and growing tissues. Synthetic analogs of auxins are α-naphthylacetic acid (a-NAA), β-indolylbutyric acid (β-IBA), potassium salt of indolylacetic acid (Κ-β-IAA), or heteroauxin, etc.

Gibberellins are phytohormones that stimulate cell division or elongation, activating the growth of stems, seed germination, the formation of parthenocarpic fruits, breaking the dormant period and inducing flowering of long-day plant species. Gibberellins are synthesized in young leaves, immature seeds and fruits, and root tips. More than 50 gibberellins are known. The main substance used in practice is gibberellic acid, or gibberellin A 3 (GK 3), which is obtained microbiologically. A drug derived from GK 3, gibbersib, is also used.

Cytokinins are phytohormones, mainly derivatives of purines, that stimulate cell division, seed germination, and promote the formation of buds in whole plants and isolated tissues. Sources of cytokinins are fruits and endosperm tissues. Synthetic analogues of cytokinins - kinetin, 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BAP).

In addition to the above substances, some natural substances of a non-hormonal nature - vitamins, some phenols, urea derivatives - also have the ability to stimulate the growth and development of plants. These substances, like phytohormones, are formed in plants in very small quantities, and not all of them easily move throughout the plant (for example, vitamins). They have a growth effect only in combination with phytohormones. In practice, they are used to enhance the effect together with growth regulators.

Growth inhibitors are abscisic acid and ethylene.

Abscisic acid (ABA) is a hormonal substance of the terpenoid group. ABA differs from natural inhibitors of the phenolic group (coumarin, salicylic acid) in that it inhibits growth in very low concentrations - 100 - 500 times less than substances of the phenolic group.

Ethylene is a gaseous substance that has an inhibitory effect on growth processes: it causes leaves to fall, petioles to bend, inhibits the growth of seedlings, as well as the action of auxins, cytokinins, and gibberellins.

Synthetic growth inhibitors comprise several groups that have a specific function: retardants, suppress stem growth; antiauxins inhibit the movement of β-indoleacetic acid (β-IAA) and its analogues throughout the plant; morphactins disrupt the normal course of morphogenesis processes in plant apices; paralyzers sharply stop the growth of all organs.

Substances with the action of auxins are used in the vegetative propagation of chrysanthemums, carnations, roses and other crops to treat cuttings in order to improve their root formation. The most widely used for this purpose are heteroauxin, rootin (a preparation based on β-IAA), β-indolylbutyric and a-naphthylacetic acids, as well as vitamins B 1 and C.

To treat cuttings, prepare aqueous solutions of preparations, as well as powders and powder-based pastes. The concentrations of various substances are not the same for different crops.

When using vitamins, the exposure of cuttings to treatment depends on the exposure of the rooting stimulant used.

Cuttings that cannot tolerate pre-planting soaking (leaves, herbaceous cuttings) are treated with powders and pastes. Such cuttings are immersed with the wet basal end in the powder or paste and immediately planted in the substrate.

Powders are prepared at the rate (1 mg per 1 g of talc or crushed charcoal): heteroauxin, IBA or NAA - 1-30, vitamin C - 50-100, vitamin B2 - 5-10. A paste is prepared based on powder or an aqueous solution at the rate of 300 g of talc (or coal) per 1 liter of water.

In addition to aqueous solutions, alcohol solutions are also used, which contain in 1 ml of 50% alcohol (mg): heteroauxin - 8-10; indolylbutyric acid - 8-10; naphthylacetic acid - 4-6.

Treatment of cuttings with an alcohol solution is carried out for 10-15 s.

The stimulating effect of gibberellins on the growth of shoots in length, increasing doubleness and color, increasing the size of inflorescences and changing the timing of flowering was revealed on roses, cineraria, carnations, hydrangea, chrysanthemum, phlox, salvia, petunia, etc. In addition, treatment of bulbs and corms with gibberellins increases their reproduction coefficient accelerates the flowering of bulbous and corm crops. To obtain these effects, it is important to take into account the growth and development phase of the plant, since gibberellin stimulates the growth of those structures that have formed at the time of treatment. So, to increase the size of the inflorescences, enhance their color and doubleness, the treatment is carried out at the moment of complete formation of all elements of the flower, and to change the timing of flowering - when all parts of the flower are formed, but the buds are still green, and the longer the period from the formation of flowers to flowering, the greater the acceleration.

The most common way to use gibberellin is to spray individual parts of the whole plant or apply drops of the suspension to buds and buds; for bulbs and seeds, soak them in the suspension for 4-12 hours.

The concentration of gibberellin A 3 (GK 3) solutions for soaking or spraying is 0.0001-0.005%.

The drug "Gerbamine", obtained by biofermentation from medicinal herbs, contains: N - 5.7 g/l, P - 2.7 g/l, K - 8.4 g/l, microelements, gibbersib, amino acids and fatty acids, pH 5.7. Recommended for feeding open ground perennials at the time of leaf growth; for irrigation use a 3% solution, consumption 10-15 l/m2, 2 for spraying - the same solution, consumption 10 l/100 m2.

Cytokinins (kinins) are used mainly in tissue culture to enhance cell division (cytokinesis) and tissue differentiation, and to induce active shoot formation in test tubes.

Of the inhibitors in floriculture, retardants of synthetic origin are tested first of all; they have the ability to limit the growth of shoots without reducing the number of leaves or significantly reducing the leaf surface, due to which a compact plant habit is created and the stability of peduncles is observed. In many cases, retardants accelerate flowering and inhibit the growth of unproductive shoots, thereby creating favorable conditions for the development of the main generative shoots. In general, they cause an effect similar to the effect of high-intensity lighting at low temperatures: plants have dense stems, short internodes, and intensely colored leaves.

The most widely used are: CCC - chlorocholine chloride, or 2-chloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride (domestic preparations TUR and ZAR); alar - 2-2-dimethylhydrazide of succinic acid (B9, SADH, DYAC); etrel - 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (ethephon); phosphon - tributyl-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl) phosphonium chloride (chlorofonium); atrinal - sodium salt of 2,3:4,6-bis-(1-methylethylidene)-0-(L)-xylo-2-hexylfuronose acid (dikegulak, daikgulak).

Retardants are used in concentrations of 50-200 mg/l, the processing methods are the same as for gibberellin, at a temperature of 12-23º C.

The selection of a suitable retardant is carried out during experiments on each plant, since retardants act specifically. Thus, SSS has no effect on nightshades; only alar is effective for them.

CCC is used in the form of a 0.5-1% solution for growing remontant carnation; treatment is carried out 3-4 times in the autumn-winter period at intervals of 10-14 days.

Physiologically active substances include humates (sodium humate), biological products capable of synthesizing cytokinins - APS (seed germination activator), APM (soil microflora activator), AF (photosynthesis activator), obtained from lactic acid bacteria and beneficial soil microorganisms.

The preparation “Sodium Humate”, containing at least 70% pure humic acids, is obtained from peat. It is used in the form of a 2.5% solution for treating seeds of cuttings and spraying plants (50 mg/l). Tested on Chinese aster, balsam, snapdragon, hybrid petunia, salvia under conditions of industrial pollution: damage to leaves decreased, morphological characteristics of plants improved.

Recently, the growth regulator epin has become widespread. This drug is synthesized on the basis of a natural substance - epibrassinolide, which accelerates the germination of seeds of grain and vegetable crops, increases resistance to adverse environmental factors and diseases. At a concentration of 0.12-0.25 mg/l, epin accelerates the germination of gladiolus corms, accelerates its flowering, increases the yield of children and the quality of the corms.

According to the GBS RAS, epin was used for cuttings of Korean chrysanthemums (concentration 0.125 mg/l, exposure 24 hours) and roses: ground cover, miniature, floribunda, hybrid tea and climbing roses (concentration 0.06 mg/l, exposure 18 hours). 20 h). In all experimental samples, the quality of the root system and the number of rooted cuttings under the influence of epin approached the indicators obtained from the influence of IMC.