Epipremnum argentum. Epipremnum description types varieties reproduction growing photo video

Epipremnum, or scindapsus, is the most common cultivated vine. In the natural environment, it reaches a length of at least 40 m; smaller species are found (up to 15 m). Under room conditions, the size is much more modest (about 4.5 m), but it will still branch strongly, trying to spread everywhere.

This herbaceous hanging plant belongs to the Araceae family. Natural habitat - the tropics of Indonesia, Southeast Asia, the Solomon Islands, and the islands of the Malay Archipelago. Epipremnum has a fibrous root system. You can often see roots on the stems of the plant that become lignified over time.

The liana is semi-epiphytic: it can spread along the ground or grow by attaching to tree trunks. Flowering at home is extremely rare, but it is fully compensated by the gorgeous greenery. The leaf blades are heart-shaped, the surface is smooth, the color is juicy green, and there are variegated forms. The flower is a spadix surrounded by a spathe 5-6 cm long.

To decorate your home with this luxurious vine, you need to learn the rules for caring for it at home.

How to care for epipremnum at home

Caring for the epipremnum vine at home is quite simple. It is necessary to ensure proper lighting, air temperature, watering, and fertilization. Pay special attention to the tropical guest in winter. It is at this time that the epipremnum most often dies from lack of lighting and drafts.


Liana is very light-loving and will literally strive for the light source. But the lighting needs to be diffused, without direct sunlight. Direct exposure to the sun will cause the leaves to fade and fall off. If there is insufficient lighting, the leaves will lose their elasticity, and the growth of the vine as a whole will slow down. Use artificial lighting in winter.

It is best to place the plant at a distance of 0.5-2 m from a well-lit window.

Air temperature

In the spring-summer period, keep the air temperature at 20° C. Do not create drafts: do not take it out onto the balcony or outside, it is enough to ventilate the room by opening the window.

In autumn and winter, the air temperature should not be lower than +13-16° C.

Watering and spraying

Cut off the apical cutting with 2-3 leaves. Divide the shoots into parts so that each has at least one leaf, from the axil of which a new shoot will appear.

The principle of rooting cuttings is simple: plant them in separate pots (8-9 cm high) with the following soil composition: 1 part each of peat, leaf and humus soil with the addition of 0.5 parts each of turf soil and sand. Cover the top with a transparent glass or jar or bag. Rooting will occur within 2 weeks. Before planting, it is recommended to treat the cuttings with root or heteroauxin, which will significantly improve the survival rate of the cuttings and root formation.

Types and varieties of scindapsus epipremnum with photos and names

Epipremnum aureum or golden scindapsus aureus

A very common species in ornamental cultivation. It is notable for its beautiful leathery leaves of a dark green color, strewn with spots and stripes of a golden yellow hue. The liana reaches a length of 6 m.

Varieties of this species:

Golden pothos - leaves are almost entirely yellowish-golden in color.

The luxurious variegated variety of scindapsus Marble Queen or Marble Queen fascinates with its delicate lace of bluish-white stains on a light green background. The bush is compact, with heart-shaped leaves and pointed tips.

Pearls and Jade (Epipremnum aureum “Pearls and Jade”) - a variety bred from the Marble Queen by American breeders. Differs in more compact sizes. The leaf blade is 5 cm wide and 8 cm long. The color consists of spots of white, green and gray-green shades. It is noteworthy that you will not find leaves of the same color on the same plant. The green stem is decorated with longitudinal white stripes.

Epipremnum aureum N Joy photo

A similar variety N Joy - with large spots of white and green, as if carelessly mixed and poured onto a scindapsus bush.

Native to the forests of Indonesia and Sumatra. An elegant liana reaches a length of up to 6 m. The leaves are oval-lanceolate, the surface is glossy, the color is dark green. The leaf blade grows 5-6 cm in width and up to 15-20 cm in length.

Epipremnum pinnatum

The largest liana of this family: 35-40 m long. When grown indoors, it is limited to a length of 10 m. In the natural environment, it lives in India and China. The leaf blade is pinnately dissected. The liana has a deep dark green color.

Epipremnum Skeleton Epipremnum ‘Skeleton’

An interesting variety is Skeleton, with holey leaves - long slits along the veins somewhat reminiscent of a skeleton or palm leaves.

Epipremnum spotted or painted Scindapsus pictus

The liana is up to 15 m long. The stems of young plants are smooth, but over time numerous warts appear on them. The ovoid leaves are 12-15 cm long and 6-7 cm wide.

Popular varieties of the species:

Argyraeus - leaves are slightly shorter than those of the species plant, the width is the same. Color – deep green with silvery spots.

Exotica - green leaves are decorated with oblong strokes of gray and wide spots of silver.

The benefits and harms of epipremnum, signs and superstitions

Is it possible to keep epipremnum in the house? Western scientists have proven the benefits of the plant: NASA included epiprenum among the 3 plant species that can most effectively purify the air.

But the juice of the plant is toxic: if it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, it causes irritation, and in severe cases, swelling.

In the East, the scindapsus vine is given great importance. Feng Shui experts say that the plant accumulates Qi - vital energy, which it distributes to places where it is lacking. The energy of the plant increases endurance, stimulates intellectual development, promotes career advancement, and has a beneficial effect on the results of social activities. There is a positive effect on physical and mental health. In the room where this vine grows, good spirits, enthusiasm and optimism will reign.

Photo of epipremnum: how to care for a flower at home

Epipremnum is an ornamental plant that has climbing shoots. It is distinguished by its original emerald-colored oval leaves, on which golden or white specks and smudges are visible.

Epipremnum flower: description

In the photo of the epipremnum it is noticeable that this is a liana belonging to the araceae family. The plant has fleshy leaves reaching 15 cm in length. In nature, epipremnum grows to incredible sizes, namely up to 40 m in height. It has a fibrous root system.

Source: Depositphotos

Epipremnum - a real decorative home vine

At home, of course, the plant will be much smaller in size, but never forget that it is a vine. Its stems and branches will rapidly spread wherever they find space. Therefore, it is important to properly care for epipremnum so that a beautiful ornamental plant does not turn into a real problem.

Epipremnum care at home


Even if you follow all the rules for caring for epipremnum, you will not be able to get it to bloom. In the wild, flowers, of course, appear, but this is impossible to achieve at home. So, the basic principles of care:

  • In terms of air temperature, this plant is unpretentious. It will survive the cold winter if you ensure the room temperature is at least 16°C. In the warm season, try not to let the temperature rise above 20 °C.
  • Do not move the plant outside or onto the balcony in summer. It is enough to ventilate the room periodically.
  • Watering should be regular and will require soft water. Prepare it in advance by letting it sit for a few hours to settle. Watering should not be excessive, but you need to keep the soil moist.
  • In winter the air is dry, and in summer it is hot. Therefore, periodically spray the plant and wipe its leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust.
  • From spring to autumn, the flower needs feeding twice a month. A universal fertilizer for vines is suitable for this.
  • Liana really loves diffused sunlight. Provide it throughout the day.
  • Once every 3 years, replant the epipremnum into another soil. Keep an eye on the size of the pot; it should always be the right size for the plant.
  • The flower suffers from spider mites, scale insects and thrips. You can get rid of them using special plant medicines.

Epipremnum is a purely domestic vine, so improper care and poor maintenance conditions will immediately lead to plant disease.

Epipremnum is a genus of perennial lianas belonging to the Araceae family. According to different data, it numbers from eight to thirty-three species.

The whole problem is that Epipremnum and Scindanpus are two close genera and often representatives of one genus are called by the name of the other and vice versa, and many scientists do not know how to classify this or that plant. But in general, this does not pose any difficulties for gardeners, since caring for representatives of both genera is practically the same.

Varieties and types

The most famous and popular type is or Aureum This is a very long vine that can reach a length of over two meters and looks good on the wall. Its foliage is similar to philodendron, but has a more pleasant color and is also covered with yellowish spots.

Popular varieties in cultivation:

  • Marble Queen ,

  • Golden Queen ,

The plant has a slightly angular shoot, on which warty growths gradually form. The foliage is round, oblong, leathery, petiolate, covered with whitish spots. It has a variety with wider foliage, also covered with small spots.

This is a relatively short vine with solid, rounded foliage placed on fairly large petioles.

A long vine with unequal leaves growing on short petioles. As the foliage ages, holes appear in the foliage and it may become split.

A varietal form with a removed leaf, rounded but pointed upward, placed on a long petiole. Large white roots grow from the nodes.

Epipremnum care at home

This plant is easy to grow even for an amateur gardener. Epipremnum grows quickly - up to 45 cm per year, and can grow over 4 meters.

Like other aroids, epipremnum needs good lighting, however, it must be protected from direct sunlight, which can cause burns. If there is not enough light, the foliage will fade and become shredded.

In summer, no special temperature regime is required, but in general it is desirable that the air temperature does not exceed 25°C. In winter, it is advisable to lower the temperature, but do not allow the thermometer to drop below 12°C.

Scindapsus is a similar plant that is quite difficult to distinguish. It is grown without much hassle when caring at home, but observing a few nuances. You can find all the necessary recommendations in this article.

Watering epipremnum

Air humidity is not important for this crop. It does not need spraying and can easily tolerate winter air dried by radiators.

During the period of active growth, watering is carried out approximately once every 5 days. The water should be warm and settled. In winter, watering should be done a maximum of once every week and a half. In the intervals between watering procedures, the top layer of soil should dry out a little.

During the growing season, liquid mineral fertilizer should be applied once a month, diluting it twice as much as indicated in the instructions.

Soil for epipremnums

Epipremnum is not particularly demanding on the substrate, and transplants for an adult plant are carried out once every three years. Young individuals are transplanted annually in mid-spring.

You can make your own soil mixture. To do this, take turf and leaf soil, as well as perlite in a ratio of 1 to 3 to 1. It is imperative that the pot has holes.

Is Epipremnum poisonous or not?

At home, this plant practically does not bloom, and in general, the flowering of this vine does not have any particular decorative value.

You should not touch the foliage and shoots again, and also do not wash your hands after transplanting procedures and the like, since aroids are poisonous and can cause irritation and swelling.

Also note that this crop needs support; it does not tolerate drafts and smoke well. In spring the shoots can be pruned.

Epipremnum has a pleasant bonus - it purifies the air, being one of the best plants suitable for this purpose.

Epipremnum propagation by cuttings

Epipremnum propagation is possible using cuttings that have at least 2 leaves.

The material produces roots well even if it is simply placed in water, but rooting is mainly carried out in peat mixed with moss. Rooting temperature is about 21°C.

Diseases and pests

Among the problems that arise when growing this plant are: yellowing of foliage And the appearance of rot , which slow down growth and ultimately lead to plant death . The reason for this is excess moisture in the soil.

  • For lack of nutrients height creepers can slow down a lot .
  • Darkening of leaf edges most often indicates that the air temperature is too low.

Among the pests there are aphid And scale insect , and spider mite .

Aphid It settles on the foliage like black clouds and feeds on its juices. When this pest appears, they resort to washing with soapy water or spraying citrus peels with infusion.

Shchitovka It covers the plant with brown growths, which are very difficult to separate, so spraying with insecticides, as a rule, does not have much effect - you have to soak a cloth in the preparation and remove the pest manually.

Spider mite also feeds on juices and leads to drying of the foliage and stem. It leaves behind thin cobwebs. To cope with this insect, the plant is washed with a warm shower, and if this does not help, they resort to insecticidal preparations.

This vine is familiar to everyone who has the slightest experience with indoor plants. The epipremnum flower grows in almost every apartment and office, entwining itself with everything that comes in its way. Its bright and lush greenery pleases the eye all year round, and the most important thing is that it is so unpretentious that it can grow on its own, however, minimal care for the vine is still needed.

Under natural conditions, the length of this vine can reach 40 meters, but when grown at home, its size is somewhat smaller. With quality care, it can grow up to 18 meters long.

Epipremnum, species

Epipremnum and are two plants so similar that they are almost indistinguishable. One is called the other, and vice versa. There are about 40 species of these plants in nature. 7 varieties of vines are suitable for home cultivation. The most popular of them are listed below. Epipremnum - photos of species, and their brief description:

Epipremnum pinnate is an unpretentious plant with dissected leaves, reaching a length of 10 meters. They are good for decorating balconies, greenhouses and office spaces;

epipremnum in the photo
  • Epipremnum aureus is a liana with large leaves that are covered with yellow spots and stripes;

Soil requirements

The soil should be slightly acidic and well permeable, with a high level of drainage. It must contain moss and peat. In order for the plant to have enough oxygen, it is necessary to regularly loosen the top layer of soil, but this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the root system.

Epipremnum flower: home care

Caring for a vine at home is so simple that it won’t be difficult.

The rules of care are elementary:

  • epipremnum loves diffused lighting. If it does not have enough light, the foliage begins to fade;
  • the room temperature in summer should be between +20 -+22, and in winter - not lower than +12 degrees. It is necessary to protect the vine from temperature changes and drafts;
  • watering should be moderate, however, the soil in the pot should not dry out;
  • If the air in the room is dry, then spraying will be needed. You can place a container of water to make the air more humid;
  • Fertilizing is necessary once every 2 weeks with fertilizer for vines.

Video: Epipremnum, reproduction

Epipremnum is a genus of evergreen and perennial herbaceous vines that belongs to the Araceae family.

In natural conditions These vines grow in the tropics from Northern Australia to India, and can also be found in Southeast Asia. Previously, epiprenum was called pothos and raphidophora.


Total this genus includes includes 30 different types. The most popular varieties for growing at home are Forest, Painted, and Golden.

Epipremnum Painted. This is a decorative type of epiprenum. Its leaves are leathery and oval-heart-shaped. They reach a length of 15 and a width of 8 centimeters. They are colored green with white or silver spots.

Epipremnum aureus. It is a tall, highly branched and climbing vine. They can reach a height of up to 2 meters. The leaves are about 10 centimeters long and about 6 centimeters wide.

This species is planted in a pot in several copies and a support must be used. Its leaves are bright green with a yellowish pattern.

Epipremnum Lesnoy. This plant is an elegant vine that can reach a length of up to 6 meters. The leaves have an oval-lanceolate shape with pointed ends. Painted in rich green color, shiny. They reach a length of 20 and a width of 6 centimeters. The internodes are short and the petioles are long, reaching the axil of the leaf blade.

Lighting and temperature conditions

The best thing epiprenum feels at room temperature, it should not be lower than 18 degrees. In winter, a temperature of 15 degrees is allowed, at which time the plant rests. It can tolerate even a short-term drop in temperature to 12 degrees, but suffers greatly from air conditioners and drafts.

Epipremnum It requires little lighting and grows even in shaded areas. However, placing it in a north window without light or in the corner of a dark room will cause the plant's leaves to turn completely green and stop developing. But even on a hot southern window the vine will feel uncomfortable.

Best position epiprenum at a distance of 1.5–2 meters from a well-lit window.

Watering and humidity

Plant It is worth watering moderately. Epiprenum does not like heavy waterlogging. When overwatering, the roots may rot and dark spots will appear on the leaves. The soil should dry out between waterings.

Watering in winter reduce, but do not allow the soil to dry out. For irrigation, you need to take settled water at room temperature. Once a week, the leaves must be wiped with a damp cloth.

If epipremnum is in a cool room, it does not need air humidification. However, if the room is hot, then it must be placed on a tray with wet gravel above the water level.

It is also necessary to periodically spray the leaves and aerial roots.

For spraying Only soft, settled water at room temperature is suitable, otherwise stains may form on them.

Planting and fertilization

For landing epipremnum choose loose soil, which is composed of:

  • turf (2 parts);
  • leaf soil (2 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • sand (1 part).

Also can be purchased ready-made mixture for decorative indoor plants. The bottom of the pot must have good drainage.
Epiprenum does not need frequent feeding. During the period of active growth (it lasts from April to October), it is necessary to fertilize it once every 2-3 weeks.

Suitable for this complex liquid fertilizer for indoor plants. If the plant is in a fairly cool room in winter, then it is not worth fertilizing.

When staying in winter in a warm room you can feed epiprenum once a month.


Epipremnum easily propagated by cuttings, both apical and stem. Cuttings take root quickly enough in water or wet sand. At the same time, they need to create greenhouse conditions.