The most warlike country (45 photos). Russia was recognized as one of the most aggressive countries in the world

World history can be thought of as the history of wars. They were carried out for geopolitical interests, often the aggressor countries ignored the principles of international law and existing peace treaties.

Ancient Rome

"They call to kill and plunder with the false word" dominion ", and when they turn the country into a desert, they call it peace." This is how the British leader Kalgak characterized the Romans in Tacitus's Agricola.

The descendants of Romulus did sometimes treat the enslaved peoples cruelly. For example, after the capture of the capital of sworn enemies - Carthage (146 BC) - the city was wiped off the face of the earth, the inhabitants were sold into slavery, and the whole soil was sprinkled with salt so that nothing else would grow there.

At the Roman Forum stood ancient temple Janus, whose doors were traditionally kept open in times of war and closed in times of peace.

During the 482 years of the existence of the Roman Republic, this sanctuary was closed for a short time only twice. For the first time, it was closed for a long time only under the first emperor, Octavian Augustus, at the beginning of our era. By that time, the state, which began with a small polis on the Tiber, had captured the territory of the entire Mediterranean.

Mongol Empire

At the peak of its power, the Chingizid empire covered 38 million square meters. kilometers - only one and a half times less than the entire area of ​​Eurasia. Moreover, the colossal expansion - from several Mongolian uluses to the basins of four oceans - took about 50 years: an unprecedented case in the history of mankind.

The contemporaries were struck not by the bloodthirstiness of the nomads (which stood out little against the background of the mores of the era), but by the rationality, "rationality" of their cruelty.

So, in 1232, after the conquest of the North Chinese empire of Jin, a certain Mongol nobleman proposed to Khan Ogedei to kill all its inhabitants and destroy all the cities. For what? So that the country is overgrown with grass on which horses would graze - the basis of the Karakorum power.

Chinese officials, fortunately, managed to dissuade the khan from such an idea, promising numerous riches that can be obtained by exploiting the sedentary population. However, during the years of the war with the Mongols, the number of inhabitants of the Jin state really decreased monstrously: from 45 to 5 million people.

British empire

The sun literally did not set over the British Empire - for the simple reason that its colonies were located in all time zones of the Earth. British scientists have calculated that British troops (pardon the pun) invaded almost every state in existence.

As Stuart Laycock writes, the territories of 171 of the 193 states that are today in the UN have ever been subjected to aggression by the Anglo-Saxons.

In addition to armed interventions, in the struggle for geopolitical domination, London has never disdained "black" methods, preferring to act by someone else's hands. For example, most historians believe that the conspiracy to assassinate Paul I in March 1801 was prepared with the active participation of British ambassador Whitworth, in order to prevent the emerging rapprochement between Russia and Napoleonic France.


The German ruling class, brought up on the ideas of German nationalism, is guilty of the most terrible disasters XX century: the First and Second world massacres, which resulted in the death of approximately one hundred million people.

German advances were often accompanied by senseless brutality. For example, in 1941, during the battle of Moscow, miners of the SS Reich division blew up the Resurrection Cathedral of the New Jerusalem Monastery (this crime, along with mass genocide, figured at the Nuremberg Tribunal).


In 2004, the Congressional Research Service attempted to establish the total number of military conflicts the United States has ever participated in. If we add to these calculations and recent events (like Operation Serval -2013, when the US Air Force provided assistance to France during the war in Mali), we get the astronomical figure of 261 acts of "aggression" (or, depending on our sympathies, "Defending democracy") around the world.

That is, on average, since independence in 1776, the United States has fired or bombed someone outside of its borders every year.

Of course, not all such precedents are comparable in scale to the Vietnam War, where in seven years the "stars and stripes" have lost more than 60 thousand of their citizens in killed. Most of the daunting list is local “missions”. Like Operation Praying Mantis on April 18, 1988, when the Americans took over a pair of Iranian oil platforms in the Persian Gulf, losing a two-pilot attack helicopter.

Cuba alone was invaded by West Point alumni half a dozen times (1822, 1898, 1906, 1912, 1917, 1961), and at least twice (1933, 1959) abandoned similar operations at the last moment.


Let's be honest: yes, there have been cases in the history of Russia when our country acted as an aggressor. For example, the Livonian War, which ended in failure as a result. However, for each offensive campaign of the Russian army, there were 8 defensive ones. We repulsed the bloody invasions of the Pechenegs, Polovtsians, Mongols, Horde, Swedes, Poles, Turks, French, Germans ... With horrific victims, on our own territory.

"... From now on, a girl with a bag stuffed with gold can go around the state from end to end, without losing either honor or values," - this aphorism sounded both about the Roman and Mongol empires. Can this be considered a reward for the years of wars accompanying their expansion?

Nevertheless, we bring to your attention the 10 most aggressive armies in the world. They were calculated according to a number of criteria (number of people, funding, etc.), however, this does not mean that they are also of very high quality. You can test them only in action.


Budget: $ 18.2 billion

Human resources: 41.6 million

Armored vehicles: 3,778

Aviation: 1,020

Submarines: 13

The Turkish army is one of the largest in the world. Although the country does not own aircraft carriers, it does have a very large tank fleet. She also has a variety of aircraft and attack helicopters. Turkey is one of the participants in the F-35 program.

United Kingdom

Budget: $ 60.5 billion

Human resources: 29.2 million

Armored vehicles: 407

Aviation: 936

Submarines: 10

Despite Britain's plans to reduce the number of its armed forces, it can still gain the status of one of the most powerful states in the world. In 2020, the Royal Navy plans to introduce HMS Queen Elizabeth, an aircraft carrier that has an almost 2 hectare take-off deck.


Budget: $ 34 billion

Human resources: 3.2 million

Armored vehicles: 586

Aviation: 760

Submarines: 6

The Italian army is not behind either. She owns big amount technicians - two operational aircraft carriers, many submarines and attack helicopters.

South Korea

Budget: $ 62.3 billion

Human resources: 25.6 million

Armored vehicles: 2,381

Aviation: 1,412

Submarines: 13

South Korea, taking an example from neighboring North Korea, also possesses quality technology. She has a lot of submarines, helicopters and personnel. The country also possesses tanks and the sixth largest air force in the world.


Budget: $ 43 billion

Human resources: 28.8 million

Armored vehicles: 423

Aviation: 1,264

Submarines: 10

There are not many military personnel in France, but they are all first-class professionals. The country has a practically new aircraft carrier, Charles de Gaulle, which is often involved in military operations in Africa.


Budget: $ 50 billion

Human resources: 615 million

Armored vehicles: 6,464

Aviation: 1.905

Submarines: 15

India on this moment one of the largest military states on the planet. In terms of the number of military personnel, it can only sacrifice the United States and China. There are also large numbers of tanks and aircraft. India still has access to nuclear weapons.


Budget: $ 41.6

Human resources: 53.6 million

Armored vehicles: 678

Aviation: 1.613

Submarines: 16

Compared to dozens of other countries, Japan does not stand out with a large number of military personnel. On the other hand, the equipment in the Japanese army deserves praise. Japan has four aircraft carriers, and the country wants to continue to invest in the development of the army.


Budget: $ 216 billion

Human resources: 749 million

Armored vehicles: 9,150

Aviation: 2.869

Submarines: 67

The Chinese army is developing in both quantity and quality. China leads in the number of army, and also ranks second after Russia in terms of the size of the tank fleet. China also has a large amount of funds, which makes it possible for the country to invest in the development of the army.


Budget: $ 84.5 billion

Human resources: 69.1 million

Armored vehicles: 15,398

Aviation: 3.429

Submarines: 55

The Russian Armed Forces occupy a solid second place in the ranking of the most powerful states. Russia has the first largest tank fleet in the world, the second largest aircraft fleet and the third largest submarine fleet. Russia is showing its army abroad, as can be seen in Syria.

Budget: $ 601 billion

Human resources: 145 million

Armored vehicles: 8,848

Aviation: 13, 892

Submarines: 72

Although the United States is cutting the budget for the army, it is allocating the largest funding for the army in the world - $ 601 billion. America's big advantage is its fleet of 10 aircraft carriers. The USA also has the largest aircraft fleet, advanced technology, and a large number of professional military personnel. America's trump card is also the world's largest nuclear arsenal.

World history can be thought of as the history of wars. They were carried out for geopolitical interests, often the aggressor countries ignored the principles of international law and existing peace treaties.

Ancient Rome

"They call to kill and plunder with the false word" dominion ", and when they turn the country into a desert, they call it peace." This is how the British leader Kalgak characterized the Romans in Tacitus's Agricola.

The descendants of Romulus did sometimes treat the enslaved peoples cruelly. For example, after the capture of the capital of sworn enemies - Carthage (146 BC) - the city was wiped off the face of the earth, the inhabitants were sold into slavery, and the whole soil was sprinkled with salt so that nothing else would grow there.

At the Roman Forum stood the ancient temple of Janus, the doors of which were traditionally kept open in times of war and closed in times of peace.

During the 482 years of the existence of the Roman Republic, this sanctuary was closed for a short time only twice. For the first time, it was closed for a long time only under the first emperor, Octavian Augustus, at the beginning of our era. By that time, the state, which began with a small polis on the Tiber, had captured the territory of the entire Mediterranean.

Mongol Empire

At the peak of its power, the Chingizid empire covered 38 million square meters. kilometers - only one and a half times less than the entire area of ​​Eurasia. Moreover, the colossal expansion - from several Mongolian uluses to the basins of four oceans - took about 50 years: an unprecedented case in the history of mankind.

The contemporaries were struck not by the bloodthirstiness of the nomads (which stood out little against the background of the mores of the era), but by the rationality, "rationality" of their cruelty.

So, in 1232, after the conquest of the North Chinese empire of Jin, a certain Mongol nobleman proposed to Khan Ogedei to kill all its inhabitants and destroy all the cities. For what? So that the country is overgrown with grass on which horses would graze - the basis of the Karakorum power.

Chinese officials, fortunately, managed to dissuade the khan from such an idea, promising numerous riches that can be obtained by exploiting the sedentary population. However, during the years of the war with the Mongols, the number of inhabitants of the Jin state really decreased monstrously: from 45 to 5 million people.

British empire

The sun literally did not set over the British Empire - for the simple reason that its colonies were located in all time zones of the Earth. British scientists have calculated that British troops (pardon the pun) invaded almost every state in existence.

As Stuart Laycock writes, the territories of 171 of the 193 states that are today in the UN have ever been subjected to aggression by the Anglo-Saxons.

In addition to armed interventions, in the struggle for geopolitical domination, London has never disdained "black" methods, preferring to act by someone else's hands. For example, most historians believe that the conspiracy to assassinate Paul I in March 1801 was prepared with the active participation of the British ambassador Whitworth, in order to prevent the emerging rapprochement of Russia with Napoleonic France.


The German ruling class, brought up on the ideas of German nationalism, is guilty of the worst catastrophes of the 20th century: the First and Second World Massacres, which caused the death of approximately one hundred million people.

German advances were often accompanied by senseless brutality. For example, in 1941, during the battle of Moscow, miners of the SS Reich division blew up the Resurrection Cathedral of the New Jerusalem Monastery (this crime, along with mass genocide, figured at the Nuremberg Tribunal).


In 2004, the Congressional Research Service attempted to establish the total number of military conflicts the United States has ever participated in. If we add to these calculations and recent events (like Operation Serval -2013, when the US Air Force provided assistance to France during the war in Mali), we get the astronomical figure of 261 acts of "aggression" (or, depending on our sympathies, "Defending democracy") around the world.

That is, on average, since independence in 1776, the United States has fired or bombed someone outside of its borders every year.

Of course, not all such precedents are comparable in scale to the Vietnam War, where in seven years the "stars and stripes" have lost more than 60 thousand of their citizens in killed. Most of the daunting list is local “missions”. Like Operation Praying Mantis on April 18, 1988, when the Americans took over a pair of Iranian oil platforms in the Persian Gulf, losing a two-pilot attack helicopter.

Cuba alone was invaded by West Point alumni half a dozen times (1822, 1898, 1906, 1912, 1917, 1961), and at least twice (1933, 1959) abandoned similar operations at the last moment.

World history remembers a huge number of prolonged hostilities that were fought different nations and states. Wars were fought for political and geographic interests, and the invading countries often ignored the provisions of international law and existing peace treaties.

Below will be listed the countries that, in the opinion of military historians, were (or are) the most aggressive in the course of world history, and left a noticeable bloody mark in it.

1. Ancient Rome.

The most outstanding state of the ancient world, famous for its scientists, architecture, and, of course, numerous military campaigns. The Roman generals did not particularly stand on ceremony with the conquered peoples and their cities. So, having taken Carthage, the Roman soldiers received the order: to level the city of the enemy with the ground, and the very soil on which the settlement of the sworn enemies of Rome stood was ordered to sprinkle with salt so that nothing else would grow there. Yet the inhabitants of Carthage were sold into slavery.

The British leader Kalgat, whose words were quoted in his writings by Tacitus, laconically but correctly noted the Romans. He literally said the following: "To rob and destroy, they call it a deceitful word" dominion ", and having turned the country into a desert, they call it the world."

2. Mongol Empire.

One of the largest countries that ever existed. At the height of their power, the descendants of Genghis Khan owned 38 million square meters. kilometers - 1.5 times less than the entire territory of Eurasia, which is certainly impressive. To conquer so many lands, the Chingizids had to spend about 50 years: a unique case in world history.

Contemporaries described the toughness of the Mongol warriors, who, with a calm soul, could boil a living person in boiling water, break a ridge and leave that person to die in inhuman torment. History remembers the case when the Mongols conquered the Chinese state of Jin, and one of the highest dignitaries of the conquerors suggested that the khan destroy all the cities and kill the population. If this order was carried out, Jin would be overgrown with grass, where the Mongol horses would graze.

The Chinese dissuaded the top leadership of the Chingizid empire, complaining that great wealth could be obtained by forcing the Chinese population to work.

3. British Empire.

One of greatest empires the entire planet, in fact, ceased to exist in 1997, when the most important colony of the empire - Hong Kong - was transferred to China. In addition, about a large number military invasions of the British in other countries is evidenced by the fact that the colonies of the British Empire were located in all time zones of the planet. Scientific experts have found that the British armies have entered almost every now existing country... Scientist Stuart Laycock has determined that British troops have targeted 171 of the 193 countries currently in the UN.

4. Germany.

The Hohenzollerns and Hitler are to blame for the most tragic and horrific moments of the past century, namely both world wars, which killed more than 100 million people.

The attacks of the Germans were often seen off in vain ruthlessness. So, in the first year of the Great Patriotic War the Germans blew up the Resurrection Cathedral of the New Jerusalem Monastery. Years later, this crime was remembered by the Nazi elite at the Nuremberg trials.

5. USA.

This list could not do without the Americans. According to the Congressional Research Service, whose staff tried to determine the total number of conflicts in which the Americans took part, the figure is 261 acts of attack (or "defense of democracy", whichever is more convenient). Calculating, it can be understood that, on average, since 1776, when the United States was formed, the leadership of the state has fired at someone every year. The Americans invaded Cuba alone 6 times: from 1822 to 1961, and in addition, there were also wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries.

6. Russia (?)

Yes, alas, there have been cases when Russia has become an aggressor. For example, the Livonian War, although everyone understands that the Russian government of that time was waging that war for the good of Russia itself. In general, for each attacking campaign of the Russian army, there were 8 defensive ones. The Russian people managed to repel numerous attacks of enemies: Swedes, Germans, French and many others, and emerge victoriously from difficult situations.