Wormwood bitter good. Medicinal properties of the wormwood plant: the benefits of the composition, methods of application

Wormwood is one of the oldest known medicinal plants, wormwood tincture is the most bitter of all herbal tinctures, but perhaps the most useful. Wormwood has the strongest beneficial properties, its use allows you to solve a variety of health problems. In ancient times, magical properties were also attributed to this herb, as if it helps to exorcise evil spirits, cleanses the energy of premises, and removes damage and the evil eye. Today, few people believe in magic, but everyone knows that wormwood is a powerful natural healing drug.

Composition of wormwood

Today, wormwood is used to get rid of a variety of diseases. The plant contains essential oil, resins, glycosides (anabsinthine and absinthine), tannins, vitamin C, carotene, succinic, malic, acetic and isovaleric acids, as well as the substance chamazulene and terpenoids. The plant has such a powerful therapeutic effect on the human body, primarily due to the bitter glycoside absinthine and essential oil.

Absinthine stimulates the functions of the digestive glands, enhances the secretion of bile and gastric juice. The essential oil contained in wormwood is similar to camphor in its stimulating effect on the central nervous system. It is used to treat fungal diseases, arthritis, rheumatism, muscle fatigue. Wormwood oil effectively acts against depressive and shock conditions, neurosis, hysteria and nervous tics.

Chamazulene has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and analgesic properties, enhances the body's regenerative abilities. Thanks to this substance, wormwood can be used to treat bronchial asthma and allergic conditions.

Biologically active terpenoids have a multidirectional effect on the body. They enhance the protective functions of the body, suppress viral activity, prevent the formation of tumors, and have a calming effect on the nervous system. The organic acids that make up the wormwood restore the acid-base balance, normalize the hormonal background, and prevent the formation of atherosclerosis.

Extracts and infusions of wormwood are used to normalize digestion and stimulate appetite. Traditional medicine uses preparations from wormwood to treat gastritis, peptic ulcer, enterocolitis, inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urinary tract. The plant helps to get rid of anemia, insomnia, migraines, rheumatism. Wormwood juice also has powerful beneficial properties and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, normalizes the acidity of the stomach, relieves flatulence, spasms and inflammation in the intestines.

Despite the abundance of useful properties, we must remember that wormwood is a poisonous plant, its overdose can provoke various mental disorders, hallucinations, convulsions. Wormwood is categorically contraindicated during pregnancy (danger of miscarriage) and breastfeeding. It is also not recommended to be treated with wormwood for peptic ulcer and any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract at the acute stage. The plant should not be used by people with mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system, as well as patients prone to blood clots.

Bitter wormwood - from benefit to harm

Among medicinal plants, there are quite poisonous ones, however, the benefits of which for the human body, subject to the required dosage, are quite large. We will talk about one of these plants today. It will be about wormwood and what is its benefit to human health, and what is its harm.. We will also consider who is contraindicated in the use of this medicinal plant ...

Science knows more than four hundred species of this medicinal plant, this and wormwood, white wormwood, yemshan, lemon wormwood, silver wormwood… Remarkably, each type of wormwood not only differs in its appearance from each other, but also differs in its medicinal properties. However, the most popular and most often used in folk medicine is wormwood. She will be discussed...

History of useful bitter wormwood

Even the ancient Slavs used wormwood for medicinal purposes, for healing from various ailments. In addition to medicinal properties. magical abilities were also attributed to this plant - it was believed that wormwood expels unclean spirits and protects from damage, and its bitter decoction can erase the memory and memories of past events from the one who tastes it. But, not only the Slavs revered wormwood, Buddhists and yogis used it during meditation (the smell of wormwood has a slight intoxicating property). And in Latin, wormwood even had its own name, which was given to it in honor of the goddess Artemis - artemisia

Wormwood differs from other plants not only in its appearance, but also in its specific pungent aroma with a very, very bitter taste. For medicinal purposes in folk medicine, wormwood leaves, flowers and roots are used. The time for collecting wormwood is July and August. However, do not forget that after 2 years from the date of harvesting, wormwood loses all its useful properties.

Despite the specific bitter taste, in certain cases, wormwood can be very useful for the human body: decoctions of wormwood leaves perfectly tone up, restore and cleanse the body.

Decoctions of wormwood root used in the treatment of cancer, it is believed that the bitterness of wormwood kills oncogenic cells and prevents their further growth and development progression.

As an external application, wormwood tincture is recommended for the speedy healing of wounds, stopping bleeding, to relieve pain from bruises and sprains, and in the treatment of various skin diseases (scabies, eczema).

Some useful recipes for the use of wormwood

  • if you have an alcohol tincture of wormwood, then take no more than twenty drops of this tincture three times a day half an hour before meals,
  • if you have dry wormwood, then you can make a decoction from it - brew one teaspoon of chopped grass with two cups of boiling water (But! Do not boil), let this decoction brew. A quarter cup of a decoction of wormwood can be consumed three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Despite the obvious benefits of this medicinal plant, in addition to strict adherence to the prescription dosage when preparing decoctions and infusions from bitter wormwood, this plant should not be consumed for more than two weeks in a row. The health consequences can be quite dire. It is recommended that after such a course of treatment, take a break and continue taking wormwood no earlier than a month later.

  • pregnant women,
  • mothers who breastfeed their babies
  • babies
  • people suffering from enterocolitis, bleeding and anemia.

Gastritis and ulcers, allergic reactions to this plant, as well as low acidity (wormwood will lower it even more) are also contraindications to the use of wormwood for medicinal purposes..
There is a very thin line between the benefits and harms of bitter wormwood, which is measured in hundredths of grams of this medicinal plant. The authors of the World Without Harm wish you not to get sick and always find the golden mean of unconditional benefit in everything.

Wormwood-grass bitter - a plant of the wormwood genus (there are approximately 180 species), the Aster family. Currently, wormwood is cultivated as a valuable medicinal raw material in Asia, many European countries (in particular, the CIS countries), the USA and North Africa.

Wormwood-herb bitter is one of the oldest medicinal plants, it was used to improve the functioning of the digestive system, increase appetite, stimulate sexual life, there are references to this in the ancient Ebers papyrus (3.5 thousand years ago).

Wormwood-grass bitter: where it is applied

Wormwood is one of the main components of vermouth, absinthe and some other alcohol tinctures. And in cooking, it is used as a seasoning for poultry and meat dishes, it goes especially well with goose. Wormwood is used in agriculture as a volatile and insecticidal agent for pest control, and in the household to repel fleas, cockroaches, moths and other insects. But wormwood has found its greatest use in medicine. We'll talk about this.

Composition of wormwood

The chemical composition of wormwood is very rich: it contains tannins, organic acids (succinic and malic), flavonoids, essential oils, phytoncides, glycosides, saponins, potassium salts, ascorbic acid, resins, carotene, micro and macro elements and many other valuable substances.

Wormwood: plant properties for the treatment of diseases

The healing properties of wormwood were known to our distant ancestors, it was actively used in those days in folk medicine. Quite widely in Russia, brooms from bitter wormwood were used in baths when soaring. The smell of the plant and the substances released during soaring, when penetrating into the pores, filled the steamed muscles with vivacity.

Wormwood juice has been used for a long time in folk medicine. Our ancestors also knew about the healing properties of wormwood oil. Modern studies have shown that the essential oil of bitter wormwood is similar in pharmaceutical properties to camphor and has a cardiostimulating effect, excites the central nervous system.

Today, wormwood is used in pharmacy in more than 20 countries in the world. Even official medicine uses the plant as a means to improve digestion and appetite (in the form of infusions and tinctures, as well as in herbal preparations to increase appetite).

Wormwood preparations increase the secretion of pancreatic and gastric juice, thereby increasing appetite and motor function of the intestines and stomach, increase urination, and also have antiulcer, anti-inflammatory effects and activate the defenses of the human body.

The selective effect of wormwood deserves special attention. For example, with increased excitability, insomnia and nervousness, preparations based on wormwood have a calming effect, and in case of depression, neurasthenia, fatigue, apathy or weakness, these drugs, on the contrary, have an exciting and tonic effect.

Studies have shown that wormwood, due to the content of bitterness, increases the endurance and performance of the human body, strengthens the liver, and the aromatic bitterness present in the essential oil of wormwood has a juice effect, improves the absorption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and also contributes to the growth of muscle mass. Probably for this reason, Russian heroes actively used wormwood to refresh and strengthen muscles.

Many of the properties of wormwood, known for a long time, are still used today: it improves complexion, eliminates purple spots under the eyes. Pairs of wormwood decoction help with pain in the ears. And if you take a decoction before drinking wine, it will help with a hangover.

With angina, a lotion of wormwood is effective on the palate from the inside. And in combination with soda, wormwood-grass is useful for ear pain, swelling behind the ears, or accumulation of fluid in them.

The plant is also useful in chronic eye inflammations, if you make a bandage from it under the eye, and it also helps from the veil before the eyes. If a bandage is made from wormwood with grape juice, it will calm the rapid pulsation of the eyes, reduce swelling and help with hemorrhage in the eyeball.

Medicinal herbal dressings are placed on the stomach, liver and side - it will relieve pain in these organs. Wormwood drives away urine and menstruation, especially when used in the form of suppositories with water sweetened with honey.

With cracks in the anus, it is useful to drink wormwood wine.

If boiled alone or with rice (or lentils) and consumed with honey, wormwood will kill intestinal worms and slightly loosen the stomach.

Wormwood will help with the bite of a shrew, scorpion and poisoning with hemlock (if you drink it with wine) or mushrooms.

The bitterness present in the preparations from this plant increases the amount of hemoglobin and erythrocytes, normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces digestive disorders and the phenomena of intestinal autointoxication.

Chamazulene, derived from wormwood, is used in the treatment of rheumatism, bronchial asthma, eczema, or burns due to exposure to x-rays.

As an aid in the treatment of cancer of the rectum, stomach or uterus, traditional medicine advises a decoction of wormwood root, which is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of raw materials are poured into 200 grams of hot water, boiled for 5 minutes, filtered and squeezed. Take it three times a day, 2 tablespoons before meals.

And as an antihelminthic, an infusion is used at night in the form of microclysters with a volume of 50 g. The infusion is prepared as follows: dilute the dried wormwood with boiling water 1:10.

You can talk about wormwood for a long time, but its most important advantages are as follows: preparations from it have analgesic, hemostatic, antipyretic, expectorant, antihelminthic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, wound healing and astringent effects. They are used for inflammation of the mucous membranes, poisoning, insomnia, epilepsy, neurasthenia, paralysis, fever, edema, colitis, migraine, dyspepsia, hypertension, liver disease, hemorrhoids, obesity, gout, heartburn, bloating, flatulence, ascariasis, ulcers and gastritis stomach, influenza, bronchitis, malaria, cholera, shortness of breath, rheumatism, hypertension, jaundice, anemia, tuberculosis, dysentery, bad breath, to stimulate the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, increase appetite, excrete bile, improve digestion, normalize the pancreas. Wormwood is used externally for the treatment of long-term healing pustular skin diseases, ulcers, wounds, bruises, dislocations, burns, frostbite, sprains, joint diseases.

When starting treatment with wormwood, you should consult a doctor, since wormwood has some contraindications and restrictions for use. Firstly, preparations of this plant can be used for no longer than 2 months to avoid negative effects on the body. In diseases such as enterocolitis, gastritis with low acidity, duodenal ulcers or stomach ulcers, cholelithiasis and internal bleeding, as well as during lactation and pregnancy, it is better to refuse wormwood preparations.

Wormwood is widely used in modern medicine. With the help of tincture of this herb, diseases of the gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract, eczema can be treated. Its use helps relieve emotional stress and overcome insomnia.

Wormwood and its medicinal properties

Wormwood is a herb that has long been famous for its unique properties. The plant can be found almost everywhere, as it is very unpretentious and grows even in adverse climatic conditions. Its height, as a rule, does not exceed 1 meter. The most valuable are the leaves of wormwood, its tops. Roots are also used in folk medicine.

Wormwood has a very rich chemical composition. In addition to a large number of vitamins and minerals, it contains bitter glycosides, flavonoids, alkaloids, phytoncides, malic and succinic acids, carotene, vitamin C. It also contains valuable essential oils.

Wormwood has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal, immunostimulating properties. Its use in medicine is very extensive. For the treatment of various diseases, as a rule, tincture of herbs in alcohol is used. You can make it yourself, or you can buy it at a pharmacy.

The use and benefits of wormwood

Wormwood grass is widely used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Its tincture stimulates the production of gastric juice, the secretion of bile. The drug should be taken 15-20 minutes before meals, 15-20 drops. The duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days.

Wormwood can also be used to treat eczema and some other skin conditions. In this case, compresses are most effective. In this case, care should be taken, as the tincture of the herb can cause allergic reactions.

The peculiarity of wormwood is that it has a selective effect on the human body. So, for example, with insomnia, it perfectly calms, relieves stress. If a person feels weakness, loss of strength, he can also use wormwood tincture. Its use helps to slightly increase blood pressure and performance.

As a prevention of colds, you can use an alcohol infusion of this herb. Every day you should take 1 teaspoon of the drug. Duration of admission should not exceed 4-5 days.

Before you start treatment with wormwood, you should always consult with your doctor. She, like many medicinal herbs, has certain contraindications.

Many do not realize how valuable the plant is wormwood. Emshan, widow grass, field wormwood - these are all names of wormwood. Even the ancient Slavs used this plant as a cult, cleansing a person and his home. There are many varieties of wormwood, but most often experience is studied and used in folk medicine is wormwood, medicinal properties and contraindications. It is not good for us to forget the amazing properties of a plant that can cure or alleviate the course of many serious diseases. Let us study in more detail the indications and contraindications for taking this interesting plant.

general information

Wormwood is a perennial. The entire ground part of the wormwood has a silver-gray ("wormwood") color. The plant is distributed everywhere: in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Siberia, in the European part of the former CIS.

Its flowering occurs in August. In order to experience the medicinal properties of this plant, you can use the aboveground (leaves, flowers) and underground parts (roots). Artemisia rhizomes are harvested in the second half of autumn, and the stem and leaves are harvested at the time of flowering of the plant.

Chemical composition

Everyone knows very well that wormwood is an extremely bitter herb. It is the bitter taste of wormwood that explains its many medicinal properties.

The composition of this wonderful herb includes essential oils, bitter glycosides, tannins, terpenoids, saponins and flavonoids, carotene, acids (ascorbic, malic and succinic). It contains a lot of minerals in the form of zinc, magnesium, calcium, bromine, selenium, molybdenum, cobalt, etc.

healing properties

Many people ignore wormwood because of its extreme bitterness. But it is precisely these properties that allow it to fight many harmful microorganisms, thus healing our body from bacterial and fungal diseases. The bitterness of the plant is indispensable for stimulating appetite, enhancing bile outflow and improving the digestive response of the body. Wormwood oil, reminiscent of camphor in its chemical composition, has long been used as a wound healing agent.

In addition, traditional medicine highlights the following medicinal properties of this plant:

  • cleansing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antihelminthic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • hypotensive;
  • immunostimulating;
  • hypotensive.

It is known that the cause of inflammation and slow destruction of any organ are many pathogenic microorganisms: mycoplasmas, yeast fungi, ureplasmas, trichomonads, chlamydia, gonococci, toxoplasma, etc. This bitter herb contains unsurpassed medicinal properties and is one of the natural and affordable means of fighting with many invisible enemies.

Wormwood in medicine

Wormwood is necessarily present in many collections of herbalists from the people. But the plant is also used quite effectively by traditional medical science. Medicines based on wormwood are included in the pharmacopeia of more than 20 countries, and are also used in homeopathic preparations.

It is used for a wide range of ailments.

For diseases of the digestive organs:

  • to activate digestion, with dysfunction of the gallbladder (when the bile outflow is slowed down or accelerated), catarrh of the biliary tract, pancreatitis;
  • with poor appetite, bloating (flatulence), discomfort in the stomach, deterioration of food digestibility;
  • to restore the activity of the pancreas, digestive organs, normalize the acidity of the stomach.

As an antihelminthic and antifungal agent:

  • used for many helminthic invasions: giardiasis, echinococcosis, tapeworms;
  • as a means of combating fungus and protozoa.

For gynecological diseases:

  • with infertility, dysfunction of the menstrual cycle;
  • thrush, dysbiosis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital area.

For nervous dysfunctions:

  • with excessive nervous irritability, anxious superficial sleep, depression;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, hysterical seizures, epilepsy.

For skin ailments:

  • with persistent oily skin and hair (oily seborrhea);
  • as an anti-cellulite and wound healing agent.

In oncology practice:

  • as a method of preventing malignant neoplasms;
  • a remedy that alleviates the condition with tumors of the stomach and intestines, the female genital area, mastopathy.

For joint and bone ailments:

  • with articular rheumatism, gout, arthritis.

In addition to the listed diseases, the plant is also used to alleviate the condition of tuberculosis, anemia, bruises, alcoholism, impotence, as a means of cleaning the body of toxins and disinfecting the oral cavity.


Having colossal medicinal properties, wormwood still has its contraindications and requires careful handling. Taking drugs from it for more than 2 months can lead to troubles from the nervous system, up to vomiting, seizures and hallucinations. To avoid such phenomena, the interval between courses of treatment should be at least 2 months. The course of treatment with any drug based on this plant should not exceed 4 weeks.

Also, this herb has contraindications for use in such cases:

  • in allergic conditions;
  • with anemia;
  • with gastrointestinal diseases during an exacerbation.

Contraindications for taking this plant relate to such a category of patients as pregnant and lactating mothers.

Effective dosage forms with wormwood

In pharmacies, you can buy ready-made medicines based on this plant in the form of a thick extract, alcohol tincture, combined tincture based on wormwood and mint. The drug based on wormwood "Hamazulan" is popular for rheumatism, eczema, burns from x-rays, bronchial asthma.

We offer recipes that have medicinal properties that you can make yourself with great benefits for the body.

Alcohol tincture

To prepare this drug, 5 parts of the herb are poured into a dark glass bottle with 1 part of 70% alcohol and infused for 14 days. Take a tincture of 25 drops before meals to reduce the acidity of the stomach, with anemia and the prevention of cancer.

herbal infusion

For water tincture, a teaspoon of herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours. The infusion is used for digestive diseases, epilepsy, oily seborrhea, problematic skin, high temperature, a quarter cup before meals. Externally used for calluses, for injuries, for washing wounds.

cold infusion

Half a teaspoon of wormwood powder is poured into a glass of cold water, leave for an hour and strain. Drink one or two sips 5-6 times a day with hysteria, increased nervousness, insomnia, hysteria.

dried herb powder

Dry herb powder is obtained by grinding a dry herb in a coffee grinder. Use in a teaspoon with an interval of 2 hours during the week for candidiasis and helminths. With impotence, the remedy is used in a teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

Even more pronounced anthelmintic properties has a medicine for helminths, consisting of a powder of crushed dry grass of tansy, cloves and wormwood ("troychatka").

seed oil

Wormwood oil is used externally for bruises, various burns, rheumatism, for rubbing with bronchitis and SARS. For this purpose, the grass is crushed and the jar is filled to the top with it. Pour the grass with vegetable (preferably olive) oil and insist 2 weeks. The product is filtered, stored in a cold place, and has proven itself when rubbing.


To get an ointment, you need to add half a liter of melted lard to one hundred grams of fresh chopped wormwood. This drug should be kept in a water bath for two hours in a closed container, then strain. The product is stored in the refrigerator. An ointment is used for rubbing if muscles or joints hurt.

Wine infusion

For wine infusion, a tablespoon of wormwood is mixed with a glass of wine (white) and infused for a day in a dark place, filtered and drunk in half a glass a day. The tool perfectly helps to fight tuberculosis.


To prepare baths, take 0.5-1 kg of wormwood per bucket of water, boil for 15 minutes. When the broth has cooled, it is poured into the bath until a temperature of 37 degrees is obtained and immersed in it for 15-20 minutes. This procedure alleviates the condition with arthrosis, gout, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, oily seborrhea.


In order to get juice, they take the whole plant, without the root. It is then crushed and pressed. Take juice in a tablespoon three times a day, with honey, before meals, with digestive disorders, inflammation of the gallbladder, dyskinesia.

We will be glad if you are interested in this wonderful plant, which in capable hands can bring so many benefits to your health. You should not just violate the instructions, ignore contraindications and use wormwood arbitrarily. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can cause serious harm to your health.

This is a very valuable medicinal plant. The story about him goes far into the past. Among the ancient Slavs, wormwood was considered a cult plant with the ability to cleanse the spiritual and physical world.

Yogis and Buddhists have used wormwood essential oil in meditation as one of the best ways to help focus. Even today, many people believe that the aroma (smell) of wormwood scares away evil spirits, protects from the evil eye and damage.

Wormwood has gained the greatest popularity among the people for its healing, cleansing and cosmetic properties. It differs from other species primarily in its general grayish-silver color. The upper surfaces of the leaves of wormwood are whitish in color and the stem also appears silky greyish. And the flower baskets of this plant are yellow.

This is a perennial wild plant with a characteristic specific aroma and a very bitter taste. The smell of wormwood is quite strong and resembles a bitter-tart taste. It grows almost everywhere, has a straight, up to 1.5 m height, sprawling stem.

Wormwood leaves are harvested before flowering, plucking them without petioles. The stems of the plant with tops are cut off at the beginning of flowering. Dry in the shade, in a well-ventilated area.

Shelf life of medicinal raw materials - 2 years.

The value of wormwood and its use has increased even more with a number of discoveries in the field of microorganisms that inhabit our body. Such as: toxoplasma, chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococcus, yeast fungi, viruses, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, gardnerella, etc. slowly but surely destroy the human body, leading it to the most dangerous diseases. Studies show that they affect about 90% of the total population of the planet.

The presence of this pyogenic infection causes a metabolic disorder in the body, leads to inflammation of the small intestine, various diseases of the liver and biliary tract, skin diseases (diathesis, allergies, urticaria, eczema, psoriasis, and so on), heart attack, various colds with mucus and pus. Wormwood is one of the effective, affordable and natural means in the fight against these microorganisms.

Artemisia cleaning

Regular cleansing of the body with a decoction of wormwood, douching with it (1 tsp per tablespoon of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes - in the morning and evening) is a very necessary and effective procedure that women need to periodically do on a regular basis.

There were cases when people infected with worms were diagnosed as cancer patients and naturally treated by irradiating them, and when they died, after an autopsy it turned out that people were languishing because of worms.

2. Tincture of wormwood and pumpkin seeds (recipe from Vanga): mix equal amounts of wormwood leaves and crushed pumpkin seeds, pour this mixture with vodka in a ratio of 1:3. Infuse for a week in warmth or in the sun.

Drink tincture twice a day, one glass on an empty stomach, preferably half an hour before lunch and before dinner. The course of treatment is several weeks, until the stomach is completely cleared of worms. Use as a general antihelminthic.

First, the first 3 days and every 2-2.5 hours, we take 1 incomplete teaspoon. dry wormwood: put a portion in your mouth and drink it with water.

It turns out 5-6 times a day, then we reduce it to 3-4 times, we do not become attached to the time of eating. The course of treatment with wormwood is 1 week, the whole body is immediately involved in cleansing, it is recommended to carry it out 2 times a year - in spring and autumn, and also during cleaning, adhere to a vegetarian diet and do wormwood enemas (1 time per day) and douche (in the morning and in the evening) from the infusion of wormwood (1-2 teaspoons per 1 liter of boiling water, insist until cool, approximately to body temperature and strain).

During cleaning with wormwood, weakness can be observed, exacerbation of old diseases for some time (sick in the side, ache in the joints, cutting pains may occur when stones move).

Wormwood and tansy act on round and tapeworms, bacteria, protozoa, fungi and viruses of many kinds, and cloves destroy larvae and eggs. But the triad should not be taken by pregnant women, with stomach ulcers and erosive gastritis.

Wormwood tincture (recipe): take 1-2 teaspoons of chopped wormwood herb for 1 cup of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, drink 3 times a day, an hour and a half before meals.

An infusion of wormwood destroys pyogenic microorganisms, helps with insufficient secretion of bile, lethargy of digestion, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, bloating and gases, cholelithiasis, jaundice, sand and kidney stones, activates blood circulation and improves metabolism.

Wormwood is also good for carrying, anemia, insomnia, relieves pain (inflammation of the caecum), relieves heartburn, and eliminates bad breath.

Wormwood to improve (stimulate) appetite: mix 8 parts of wormwood herb and 2 parts of yarrow herb, then take 1 teaspoon of the mixture and brew with 2 cups of boiling water, insist, take 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

The most effective and most importantly - not very bitter! method of eating wormwood: roll a few wormwood flowers into bread balls and swallow them.

Wormwood root (decoction): take 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped wormwood root (dry), pour 1 cup boiling water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. To prevent essential oils from evaporating, cover the dishes with a lid. After cooling - strain, take 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals, i.e. in fact, we drink the entire prepared broth per day.

They take a decoction of wormwood roots for oncological tumors and stomach cancer, rectal cancer, and uterine cancer. In case of uterine cancer, external procedures (daily douching) are additionally made with the same decoction, having previously diluted the resulting 1 glass of decoction to 1 liter with boiled water.

Also, the root of wormwood is used for therapeutic baths for gout and neurosis. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Wormwood oil. We take fresh wormwood, put it in a jar (from under mayonnaise) to the top, without tamping, pour olive oil (can be corn or linseed) and close it tightly so that air does not get inside and insist 10 days. The oil will turn dark green or pearly. Then strain it and store it in the refrigerator or cellar.

Wormwood oil is now commercially produced. In Ukraine, it is made from Tauride (Crimean) wormwood. Used for inflammation of the respiratory tract, flu, cough, bronchitis. Cosmetologists recommend wormwood oil for oily, impure skin and also used in aromatherapy.

For liver diseases, it is advised to take powder from bitter wormwood and sage, in a ratio of 1: 5. Take it 0.2-0.5 g 3 times a day.

Also, in addition to the diseases listed above, wormwood herb is used to treat scrofula and tuberculosis, hemorrhoids and articular rheumatism, epilepsy; taken for leucorrhea, insufficient and irregular menstruation, against worms.

An infusion of wormwood activates blood circulation and improves metabolism. Therefore, it is recommended for obesity and other metabolic disorders.

For fever and malaria, an infusion or decoction of wormwood is taken orally.

To expel worms, a decoction with the addition of garlic is used in the form of enemas: (2 cups of wormwood decoction and 1 cup of decoction from one head of garlic).

The presence of azulene in the composition of wormwood justifies its appointment inside with allergic skin diseases.

Freshly crushed herb wormwood is good for soothing pain from severe bruises and dislocations, it also works for sprains.

Infusion of wormwood is used externally in the treatment of scabies, calluses. Camazulene isolated from wormwood has an anti-inflammatory and spasmodic effect and is used for x-ray burns, eczema, rheumatism and bronchial asthma.

Wormwood tincture diluted with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1:10 is used for lotions for inflammation of the eyes, as well as for compresses for inflammation of the periosteum, bruises, articular rheumatism.

Wormwood tincture mixed with water is used to disinfect the gums and mouth.


Large doses of wormwood or its long-term use is undesirable, since it can cause a nervous system disorder, the course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks, a maximum of a month, after which it is necessary to take a break for at least two weeks, and preferably a month.

Wormwood is contraindicated during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, enterocolitis, bleeding, anemia. It is undesirable to take it with a stomach ulcer and gastritis with low acidity - it will lower it even more. It should not be used by people who are allergic to wormwood.

Taken from: http://my-fly.ru/blog/43539073803/O-chyom-umalchivayut-vrachi:-polza-polyini

What does wormwood treat? ... a lot of things!

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All about wormwood...

Sagebrush belongs to the Compositae family. The plant has a short, branched, lignified root. It grows up to two meters high. In the first year of life, adnexal buds form on the basal neck, the second year is marked by the appearance of shoots that bloom and bear fruit a year later. Artemisia stems are erect, multi-branched in the upper part, silvery-grayish, pubescent. Wormwood grass has a strong spicy smell and bitter taste.

The leaves of the plant at the base are on long petioles, with two or three divisions. The middle of the stem is characterized by leaves on short petioles - bipinnate, separate, sessile and pinnatipartite. Leaflets trifoliate, simple, entire, lanceolate above. In July-August, basket flowers appear - tubular, yellow, small in size, spherical in shape, collected in dense panicle inflorescences. From August to September, seeds ripen in oblong, wedge-shaped, finely furrowed achenes-fruits.

One plant can produce up to 100,000 seeds, this is its main method of reproduction. Wormwood grass is distributed throughout the European part of the Commonwealth countries. It can be seen in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia. Kazakhstan and Central Asia are also considered the birthplace of wormwood. It grows in empty, abandoned areas, chooses roadsides, forest edges. Medicinal raw materials are harvested during the flowering period, cutting off only the leafy tops.

It is important to collect grass on time, as being late leads to the fact that when drying, the grass becomes dark and the baskets crumble. Dry the plant in attics or in the shade, laying it out in a thin layer and turning it over from time to time. Properly dried wormwood has a fragrant, spicy smell and a spicy-bitter taste.

The beneficial properties of wormwood are due to active substances - absinthine, anabsinthine, flavonoids, thujone, pinene, cadinene, bisabolone, chamazulenogen, selinene. Phytoncides, alkaloids, capillin, ascorbic acid, provitamin A were found in the leaves. The plant is rich in malic, succinic acids, tannins, saponins, and carotene.

Galenic substances of the herb stimulate the reflex function of the pancreas, gallbladder, increasing the separation of bile and thereby improving digestion. Terpenoid compounds have anti-inflammatory and cardiostimulatory effects. Wormwood essential oil excites and normalizes the work of the central nervous system. The herb is known for its bactericidal and fungicidal properties due to its unsaturated hydrocarbons.

The aerial part of the wormwood herb is used for the preparation of infusions, tinctures, extracts. The bitterness of the plant stimulates the appetite and improves digestion. Wormwood acts as an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent. It has a beneficial effect on the treatment of bronchial asthma, rheumatism. Eczema and burns are perfectly treated with wormwood. Means from the plant are recommended to be taken for gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. They effectively help with enterocolitis, diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Folk healers advise using infusions and decoctions of wormwood for anemia, ascariasis, and insomnia. Excellent results are observed in the treatment of anemia, obesity, flatulence, migraine. Using wormwood in complex therapy with other drugs, you can cure pulmonary tuberculosis, hypertension, fever, edema, hemorrhoids. Useful wormwood with an unpleasant smell from the oral cavity, leucorrhea, neurasthenia, gout, paralysis, epilepsy.

Frequent fainting and alcoholism, heartburn and cholera are also cured faster with the help of wormwood. In the form of compresses and lotions, infusions and decoctions of herbs relieve pain from inflammation of the joints, bruises, and various eye diseases. Burns, fistulas, ulcers are treated with ointments prepared on the basis of wormwood. The plant is often used in the treatment of headaches, convulsions and paralysis.

Wormwood ointment: it will require 10 g of a thick extract of wormwood, 100 g of vegetable oil or lard.
Wormwood Powder take 0.2-0.5 g 3 times a day before meals.
Artemisia juice: it is pressed before flowering from leaves and branches and taken 1 tablespoon of juice with honey 3 times a day before meals.

Wormwood tincture

Wormwood tincture has a normalizing effect on the digestive system, metabolism, eliminates almost all existing fungal and infectious diseases. The bitterness of the plant allows the use of wormwood for weight loss. It is a clear brownish-green liquid with a characteristic aroma and bitter taste. It is taken 15-20 drops 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

Cognac tincture of wormwood: 2 tablespoons of wormwood roots and 1 liter of cognac should be kept in a water bath for 10 minutes. The finished mixture is poured into a vessel, tightly closed and placed in a warm place for 48 hours. After this, the tincture should be filtered and drunk 3-5 drops 1-2 times a day for neurasthenia.

Wormwood oil

To prepare wormwood oil, fresh herb is placed in a liter glass jar, poured with olive oil and hermetically sealed with a lid. Let the product brew for 1.5 weeks, the readiness of the oil is determined by the color, it should be dark green or pearly. Strained oil is kept cold and used to lubricate wounds, ulcers and painful areas of the skin.

Wormwood seed oil: 5 g of crushed raw materials and 20 g of Provence oil must be insisted for 8 hours. Take the medicine, dripping 1-2 drops on sugar or bread for pain and cramps in the muscles.

Wormwood treatment

Treatment with wormwood containing carotene, phytoncides, essential oils and vitamins gives good results in many diseases. Infusions and decoctions of this herb have choleretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic properties, help in the treatment of scabies.

Infusion of wormwood herb: 10 g of raw materials are steamed for 15 minutes in a water bath in 200 ml of hot boiled water, cooled at room temperature for 45 minutes, filtered and brought to a volume of 200 ml with boiled water. Take the remedy 1/4 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The infusion is stored in a cool place for no more than two days.

Wormwood juice is used for dressings with corns, to stop bleeding in injuries, it has a disinfecting and healing effect. If you apply crushed grass to the place after a bruise or to a joint with a dislocation, then the pain quickly calms down, the swelling resolves.

Recipe #1: dry wormwood grass must be ground into powder and taken with water according to the following scheme:

  • 1st day - 1 pinch;
  • 2nd day - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • 3rd day - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • Day 4 - 1/2 teaspoon.

The dose is increased daily, the medicine is taken for 14 days, bringing the volume to 1/4 tablespoon. On the 15th day and the 5 remaining days, you need to take 1/4 tablespoon, and then continue to take 1/4 tablespoon of the powder once a week throughout life.

Treatment of wormwood worms

In order to get rid of worms, you can use an antihelminthic decoction and at the same time wash the intestines. A highly effective agent is useful for ascariasis, has an immunomodulatory effect, and normalizes cellular immunity. A decoction of wormwood: 1 teaspoon of raw materials should be mixed with 1 liter of water, bring to a boil, leave for 10 minutes, strain. It is recommended to do an enema with an almost hot solution. Also at night, you can enter 50-100 ml of decoction, which should be absorbed into the rectum.

Treatment of wormwood hemorrhoids

Pathological enlargement of hemorrhoids leads to various troubles. In addition to pain, an insidious disease can be accompanied by bleeding. Treatment can be long, often a neglected form of hemorrhoids is treated only in an operable way. In folk medicine, wormwood grass is successfully used in the fight against this disease.

Wormwood tincture: you need to grind a small branch of the plant, pour 100 g of alcohol and insist. Take tincture in the morning and evening, 12 drops per 1 tablespoon of water.

Decoction of wormwood: 4 tablespoons of chopped wormwood in 1 liter of boiling water should be boiled over low heat for 6-7 minutes and insisted, wrapped for 6 hours. The remedy is filtered and an enema is made from this decoction.

Wormwood therapy allows you to remove inflammatory processes, after several procedures the patient's condition improves much.

Treatment for wormwood allergy

Allergy is the hypersensitivity of the body's immune system to any substances, including wormwood and other plants during their flowering period. Since wormwood has active pollen, the probability of illness of people prone to hay fever is high in August. This disease manifests itself in the form of swelling of the nasal mucosa, runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, the occurrence of various types of conjunctivitis. Once a doctor has made a diagnosis, immediate action must be taken.

Firstly, it is important to exclude the possibility of contact with grass; for this, you can temporarily go to sea and mountain resorts, having previously found out the vegetation of the region chosen for recreation. Secondly, you can do allergy vaccination. And thirdly, if it is not possible to leave, then in dry windy weather you cannot leave the house, the windows must be closed. Coming from the street, be sure to take a shower and wash clothes, rinse your nose and gargle with saline. Wet cleaning should be carried out more often.

Treatment of wormwood herpes

Herpes is a dangerous virus, it manifests itself in the form of red blisters on the lips, wings of the nose, and on the face. As a prevention of the disease, traditional healers recommend tinctures and infusions of wormwood.

Wormwood tincture: 5 tablespoons of wormwood seeds must be poured with half a liter of vodka and kept for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally, then strain and drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. You can take wormwood powder 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals with water.

Wormwood infusion: 1-2 teaspoons of crushed raw materials should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water, insisted and taken in a dessert spoon 3 times a day 30-60 minutes before meals.

It is useful to drink tea from wormwood for two weeks, its use helps to suppress the insidious virus.

Wormwood tea recipe: a teaspoon of wormwood should be poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 10 minutes and drunk in small sips throughout the day.

Treatment of wormwood fibroids

Uterine fibroids is a benign tumor that consists of connective tissue and muscle fibers. This disease can be successfully treated with wormwood.

Wormwood tincture: 2 tablespoons of dry wormwood herb is required to pour 0.5 liters of alcohol, leave for 10 days, take the infusion at least twice a day, 1 teaspoon during meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. The infusion must be stored in the refrigerator.

Treatment with wormwood opisthorchiasis

Wormwood Powder

Wormwood grass should be ground into powder and taken 1 incomplete teaspoon 5-6 times a day with water and gradually reducing the number of doses to three times a day. The course is a week, you can take the medicine before or after meals.

Wormwood infusion: 2 teaspoons of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes, filtered. Drink the infusion in three divided doses an hour before meals.

With the help of wormwood, insomnia, nervous disorders are cured, metabolism is restored, and the immune system is strengthened. The bitterness of bitter wormwood can stimulate the digestive glands, the secretion of bile and pancreatic juice. Reception of decoctions and infusions enhances the secretion of gastric juice. Chamazulene and essential oil have an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate appetite. Wormwood is suitable as an additional remedy in complex therapy for bronchial asthma, rheumatism, eczema. The herb heals burns caused by x-rays.


Wormwood is a perennial plant 1.5 m high. The stem of the grass is paniculate-branching, woody in the lower part, brownish-red. The leaves are pinnately dissected, with lanceolate segments, glabrous and dark green above, felt-pubescent below. The upper leaves may be slightly or deeply three-lobed. Small inflorescences-baskets with yellow or reddish tubular flowers are collected in an ear or in a brush.

Raw materials are collected during flowering, the stems with leaves are tied into bundles and dried under a canopy. Artemisia vulgaris contains aromatic bitterness. The effect of wormwood on the body during treatment is weaker than wormwood, but it can also be used to improve appetite, normalize the secretion of gastric juice and bile.

Wormwood tea recipe: 1 teaspoon of chopped dry grass should be poured with 1/4 liter of boiling water, insisted for 1-2 minutes and strained. You should drink a cup of tea 1-3 times a day, without adding sugar or honey. Bitterness determines the main healing effect of the drug.

Wormwood is used as a seasoning in the preparation of meat dishes.

Wormwood medicinal

Medicinal wormwood reproduces only vegetatively, so its cultivation requires some conditions and efforts. The plant perfectly tolerates winter cold and grows well on any soil. Artemisia officinalis has the taste and aroma of lemon, the bitterness of pine needles. The leaves contain essential oil, flavonoid compounds, and abratin alkaloid. In folk medicine, decoctions of the leaves are used to treat anemia and scrofula. Women are advised to take funds from wormwood for menstrual irregularities, abdominal pain.

It is useful to take wormwood medicinal for helminthic invasion, aching bones. The plant is effective for treating bladder inflammation. In the form of rinses, infusions and decoctions of wormwood are used for toothache. Bruises and abscesses are eliminated with grass powder.

Contraindications to the use of wormwood

Wormwood has some contraindications for use, and its incorrect dosage can provoke side effects. With prolonged use of wormwood, mild poisoning is possible, an overdose leads to hallucinations and convulsions. Therefore, between courses of taking wormwood, you should take breaks of up to two months. It is strictly forbidden to take wormwood for anemia and during pregnancy.


People have been familiar with the beneficial and healing properties of wormwood since ancient times. Many beautiful legends are associated with this plant. According to one of the ancient legends, the herb wormwood got its name in honor of a beautiful young woman named Wormwood. The fate of this young beauty has developed in a very tragic way.

She fled from the persecution of the imposed groom, and her path lay through the steppe. In complete despair and grief, bursting into bitter tears, she asked for protection from the mother of the steppe. The steppe heard her request and turned the girl into a plant. Since then, there is no more bitter and heady shrub than wormwood. The legend says that the bitterness of the plant comes from girlish tears shed about an unfortunate fate.

The ancient Romans generally considered this herb a real gift from the gods and used it in almost all areas of life. She was even named after the ancient goddess Artemis. It was believed that its magical properties have the ability to relieve muscle pain and fatigue. In ancient times, it was believed that if you add wormwood to the preservation of meat and mushrooms, you can avoid poisoning.

The list of diseases that wormwood cures is huge, and the use of wormwood in folk medicine has saved many people from various ailments, restoring their health, strength and well-being.

Biological properties of wormwood and its composition

Artemisia absínthium is the Latin name for the plant. A perennial herb with a bitter taste and a spicy aroma. The therapeutic effect of wormwood is carried out by many useful substances that make up its composition:

  • glycosides absistin and anabsistin;
  • organic acids malic and succinic;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins B9, B6, K, C;
  • flavonoids;
  • phytoncides;
  • resinous substances.

The most valuable product from the wormwood herb is the essential oil.

The plant is common in Russia in Ukraine and the territory of all CIS countries, the medicinal herb grows in the steppes and forest-steppes. The leaves of the wormwood are pale green, and the flowers are in the form of yellow baskets. By the way, by the height of the stem, you can determine the qualitative composition of the soil.

The higher the bush, the better and more fertile the soil. The flowering period of the plant is in July and August. Among representatives of traditional medicine, wormwood, due to its healing properties, occupies one of their places of honor.

For the preparation of medicinal potions, herbalists and healers use absolutely all parts of the plant. The collection of raw materials is different. For example, for the ground part, this is the flowering period of July and August, and for the roots, autumn is considered a good time.

Plants are preferably used in their pure form, because it potentiates the healing effect of other herbs. Wormwood enhances appetite, has a sedative effect on the nervous system, disinfects and stimulates appetite.

Healing properties of wormwood

Unfortunately, not all people are familiar enough with the medicinal properties of bitter wormwood. Therefore, gardeners often mistake it for an ordinary weed and ruthlessly exterminate it. However, true herbalists, traditional healers and adherents of herbal treatment know what beneficial properties ordinary wormwood has.

This is a long list, by no means a complete list of diseases in healing, from which wormwood will help. If there is a fever disease, then in this case, decoctions and tinctures based on wormwood are used.

Wormwood grass helps with fainting, frequent urge to vomit, abdominal cramps. In traumatology, lotions are used for severe bruises, sprains and dislocations. Also, with various injuries and bruises, you can simply apply fresh wormwood leaves.

cooking recipes

There are several ways to prepare various kinds of products based on wormwood in folk medicine:

  1. Decoction. For a decoction, take one spoonful of dried herb wormwood, pour 300 ml of liquid. Put on fire and boil for about three minutes. Infuse the resulting broth for 45 minutes. A decoction of wormwood is taken in half a glass three times a day before meals. This decoction helps very well with severe poisoning that cannot be treated by other means..
  2. Infusion. Take 40 grams of dry or raw herbs, pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for about an hour. Strain and squeeze out the sediment. Take a full tablespoon, three times a day before meals.
  3. Tea. For wormwood tea, you need to take 10 grams of crushed leaves and combine with 400 ml of boiled water. Insist no more than 30 minutes. The sediment is removed and taken a quarter of one glass a day before meals.
  4. Tea for appetite. In order to increase appetite, a different composition is made as tea: take 80 grams of wormwood leaves, and 20 grams of yarrow leaves. Mix the herbs, select 10 grams of the resulting collection and pour two cups of boiling water.
  5. Powder. To prepare the powder, you just need to dry the leaves of wormwood and grind them to a powder. The resulting powder is taken in a pinch, no more than one gram three times a day.
  6. Alcohol tincture sold in a pharmacy. Take 20 drops in a glass of water.
  7. Ointments. To prepare an ointment, you need to squeeze the juice from fresh leaves and combine with the base. The basis for ointments are different fats. Vaseline, melted fat, butter, lanolin.

It is important to remember that infusion, decoction, wormwood tea should not be taken for more than six days!

How to make wormwood tincture at home

Recipe #1

  1. You need to take one glass of alcohol and pour it with 50 grams of wormwood grass, previously dried and chopped.
  2. Then the tincture until it is fully ready must be insisted in a dark place for 14 days.
  3. Then strain and close in a dark glass bottle.

How to take wormwood tincture:

Take 15 drops per glass of water, before meals, to improve digestion, to increase appetite, to eliminate flatulence (bloating).

Recipe #2

  1. We take clean chopped wormwood roots - 1 tablespoon, and fill them with good cognac - 500 milliliters.
  2. We put the composition in a water bath and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Then pour into a bowl, cover with a lid and insist for two days, then filter.

How to use:

The prepared healing agent should be taken twice a day, 5 drops per half glass of water, as a sedative.

Application of essential oil

Essential oil is a product of distillation. The concentrated product contains a maximum of useful substances. The use of wormwood essential oil has a fairly wide range:

  • edema reliever;
  • expectorant;
  • relieves nervous tension;
  • reduces depression;
  • relieves insomnia;
  • relieves pain in joints and muscles;
  • eliminates attacks of nausea and dizziness during walks on the sea.

As you can see, the list of useful properties of wormwood essential oil and its uses is quite impressive. It has also been observed that inhaling the aroma of wormwood can increase libido.

A migraine headache is well removed with a mixture of peppermint oil and wormwood oil. To do this, it is necessary to dilute a few drops of both healing potions in water and moisten the temples and the back of the head.

Contraindications for the use of wormwood herb

As already mentioned, wormwood is a fairly strong natural remedy for the treatment of many ailments. Therefore, you should be aware of contraindications. In ancient times, it was believed that the uncontrolled intake of various means based on wormwood could lead to insanity.

Of course, now no one thinks so, however, if the dose is not observed, in other words, with an overdose, side effects are noted in the form of hallucinations, convulsions, dizziness and loss of consciousness.

When treating wormwood, the following rules should not be violated:

  1. The course of taking wormwood should not exceed one month.
  2. Then take a break for exactly one month.
  3. Even in this case, you should not take more than three courses.

There are diseases in which taking medicines in which wormwood is present is contraindicated:

  • acute and chronic ulcerative gastroenteritis;
  • gastritis with reduced secretion;
  • individual intolerance;
  • anemia;
  • inflammation of the small intestine;
  • bleeding.

alcohol addiction

To overcome alcoholism it is necessary to use all possible means and methods. This folk remedy based on a decoction of wormwood and thyme is well known in folk medicine.

Decoction of alcohol addiction

  1. Take equal amounts of crushed herbs of wormwood and thyme.
  2. Stir and add a bunch of collection to a glass of boiling water. Stir and boil for about four minutes. Set aside and chill.
  3. Drink two dessert spoons three times a day with meals.

The treatment period is thirty days. If there is no effect, take a break for a month and repeat again.

It should be noted that any treatment will be effective only if the alcoholic makes every effort to recover.

joint inflammation

Arthritis is characterized by non-septic inflammation of the joints, which causes excruciating pain to people. Wormwood can help alleviate the suffering of patients who suffer from this disease.

Foot baths with wormwood

Warm foot baths have proven themselves well. To do this, fresh, only collected leaves and stems of wormwood about 200 grams, pour about six liters of boiling water. Steam legs for 25 minutes. As an accompanying property, such baths relieve calluses.

Compresses from the leaves of wormwood for arthritis

Another good way to treat arthritis is to collect wormwood leaves from a bath and put directly on the affected joints for 15 minutes. Such compresses and lotions are well suited for the hands.

Compresses for arthritis pain are also popular. Apply steamed leaves of wormwood to sore joints, wrap with cellophane and warm woolen cloth. The duration of the procedure is one hour.

Ointment for arthritis

Grind dry wormwood grass, combine with one of the bases: butter or ghee. Mix until smooth. The resulting healing ointment from wormwood should be applied to aching joints.

Wormwood can help get rid of so many problems of the digestive system, such as oropharyngeal candidiasis with immunosuppression, overweight, and helminthic infestations.

Infusion from diseases and problems of the digestive system

For ingestion, an infusion of wormwood is used, prepared according to this recipe:

  1. 20 grams of grass pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Leave in a water bath over very low heat.
  3. Keep in a water bath for 30 minutes, then remove from heat, let cool and strain.

The taste of the infusion may seem unpleasant and very bitter, so you can add a little honey. Drink one sip, 45 minutes before meals, for 4 days. When using infusion of wormwood, the acidity of gastric juice may increase.

For the same purpose, tinctures are used. The method of preparation of tincture is always associated with the use of alcohol-containing liquids. If possible, take medical alcohol, in extreme cases, let it be ordinary vodka. The ratio of dry herbaceous mixture of wormwood to liquid is one tablespoon to a glass. The pharmacy sells a ready-made tincture of wormwood, you can use it.

It is necessary to take the tincture in strict dilution of 20-30 drops in a glass of clean water. Alcohol tinctures are good for inflammation of the gastric mucosa with high acidity. Wormwood contributes to the production of not only acid, but also gastric enzymes, and also stimulates the liver and pancreas.

Treatment of gastritis

If you treat gastritis with high acidity, which is accompanied by heartburn and frequent pain in the epigastric region, the following recipe is acceptable: prepare an infusion of herbal tea according to the general rules.

  1. Together with wormwood they take: leaves of peppermint, sage, yarrow, chamomile, in equal proportions.
  2. A tablespoon of crushed medicinal herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for one hour under the lid, after which it is filtered.

Drink hot only once a day.

Symptoms of the disease are varied:

  • various disorders of the stomach and intestines;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • skin rashes;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • frequent infections and disorders of the digestive system.


  1. Wormwood - 20 grams, boiling water - 300 ml is poured into an enameled saucepan.
  2. Put in a water bath for half an hour.
  3. To boiled in a water bath and strained infusion, wormwood add another 200 ml of boiling water.

Take this remedy half an hour before meals, during the week, 30 ml each.


Longer use may cause overdose symptoms. You should be especially careful when giving such an infusion to children; prior consultation with a pediatrician is required!

Treatment of worms - recipe number 2

Also a good anthelmintic is a powder of wormwood, artemisia, tansy and cloves.

  1. Herbs are taken in equal parts.
  2. Finely ground in a coffee grinder or blender.
  3. Eat in a bread crumb, the size of a pea.

The main thing to remember is that the powder itself is placed on the tip of the knife. You need to take the medicine for worms before breakfast, on an empty stomach, and continue taking it until the unpleasant symptoms pass, but not more than 10 days.

You can not use these recipes for pregnant women and adults with hypersensitivity to wormwood.

  1. You need to take two cloves of garlic, chop well and add chopped wormwood grass to the resulting slurry - 0.5 teaspoon.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture with hot homemade wine, white or red - 750 milliliters.
  3. We insist for 5 days in a glass dish, closing the lid.

How to use:

Drink the resulting tincture 1 or 2 glasses a day.

Treatment of enterobiasis (pinworms) and ascariasis

  1. We take onion peel - 1 tbsp. spoon and wormwood - 1 tbsp. spoon, pour everything with boiling water - 1 liter.
  2. We put in a water bath and simmer for 15 minutes, then cool and strain.

The resulting decoction should be used for treatment in the form of enemas, once a night.

Wormwood in cosmetology

Of course, such a powerful, natural natural remedy could not pass by the attention of the fair sex, who always strives to improve appearance, preserve youth and beauty.

We normalize the weight

There are good recipes for weight loss, which is achieved by normalizing water-salt metabolism and digestion in general. This requires drinking an infusion of wormwood herb for seven days. Infusion to cook according to the general rules. The composition should be consumed before meals. After the completed course, a break is taken for exactly a week and repeated again.

Improve complexion and get rid of acne

Strengthening hair

Hair becomes more beautiful and better if wormwood is used in their care. The infusion is prepared as follows. Take two liters of hot boiled water and pour a glass of fresh wormwood grass over them. Let stand 30 minutes. Use this infusion to rinse your hair. Anti-inflammatory properties will help get rid of dandruff caused by fungi, while vitamins and organic acids will improve blood circulation in the scalp.

Rejuvenate the skin with wormwood oil

Oil prepared on the basis of wormwood has a very beneficial effect on the skin of the body and hands.

  1. To prepare, take: 400 grams of sunflower seed oil, add five tablespoons of chopped fresh herb wormwood and two tablespoons of table vinegar.
  2. Mix all the ingredients and let it brew for 14 days in a dark and cool place.

Fat-soluble vitamins found in sunflower oil and beneficial properties of wormwood can make the skin silky and smooth. Stretch marks and uneven skin will disappear after a few weeks of regular use of wormwood oil.

Dear women, as you can see, the use of a wide range of beneficial properties of wormwood in cosmetology, and its beneficial effects on the body, will help you maintain beauty and youth: it will improve complexion, relieve excess weight, make skin smooth and tender, hair thick and beautiful.

The use of wormwood in folk medicine

Since ancient times, wormwood has helped people in getting rid of various ailments and painful conditions. Healers and folk healers used the powerful healing power of the plant and prepared various healing potions based on it. We offer you time-tested recipes of traditional medicine with wormwood.

Fighting insomnia

To normalize night sleep and restore strength, use oil infused with wormwood:

  1. Pour a glass of fresh wormwood leaves with olive oil so that the oil completely covers the plants.
  2. Set aside in a dry warm place for a day.
  3. Strain after exposure time.

Before going to bed, take a piece of sugar and drip 6 drops of the resulting healing oil.

We treat injuries and bruises

A pre-steamed wormwood plant with flowers should be applied to the bruised place. To do this, pour hot water over a certain amount of herbal raw materials and cover in an impenetrable cloth. Drain the infusion or use it for other purposes, and put the leaves on the sore spot and wrap it with a cotton cloth.

chronic colitis

With prolonged inflammation of the colon mucosa, not associated with infection, drink a decoction of wormwood and eat at least 4 pears per day. Brew like regular tea with wormwood in boiling water.


Infertility is a painful, both physically and psychologically condition for women; specialists from many branches of science are trying to treat it.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for solving the problem of infertility, including those using wormwood.

Folk recipe for the treatment of infertility with wormwood

  1. For four days, every two hours, regardless of the time of day, drink half a teaspoon of infusion of dry herb wormwood.
  2. A sip of clean water is allowed to drink.
  3. If at night it is not possible to drink the medicine, then increase the course of admission for another seven days.

After the course is completed, take another infusion:

  1. Take one gram of dry powder of wormwood, cloves cooking seasoning and one gram of tansy.
  2. Drink in the morning half an hour before meals and in the evening also half an hour before meals.

If patients feel pain or discomfort in the stomach area, then it is allowed to take the infusion 40 minutes after eating. The course of admission is ten days. After completing all courses of treatment, it is necessary to take a break for 20 days and repeat the procedures.

Treating colds with wormwood

Wormwood is good, both in the treatment of severe pathologies, and for getting rid of simple painful conditions that can overtake all people. It's about the common cold. In order to be ready in the cold season to successfully fight the disease, you need to prepare in advance.

To do this, you need to prepare a tincture of a healing tincture of wormwood herb:

  1. Pour one tablespoon of dry grass with a glass of high-quality vodka.
  2. Put in a dark place for three weeks.
  3. After this period, strain.

When the first signs of a cold begin to appear, you should take about 4 days, 25 grams once a day, diluted in a glass of water or washed down with clean water.

We strengthen immunity

In order not to get sick, you need to effectively increase immunity to protect against viruses. In this case, wormwood can also help. Prepare the infusion according to the general rules using a water bath. Pour the resulting infusion with boiled water up to 300 ml. It is necessary to drink the infusion, for the purpose of prevention, 0.5 cups, at least five days.


Wormwood in our area grows everywhere: along roads, on forest edges and fields. If you decide to touch or pick this plant, you will feel the unique bitter, spicy aroma of wormwood juice. These sensations are due to the essential oils contained in wormwood.

A real storehouse of nutrients and medicinal properties of bitter wormwood, this plant has provided popularity among herbalists and a wide range of applications in traditional medicine. Knowing what diseases this herb treats, you can be sure of its versatility and help with so many diseases. Use the knowledge gained to your advantage and follow the recipe and the rules of admission.

For many people today, wormwood is associated exclusively with absinthe, but this herb has much more advantages than serving only as a raw material for alcohol. And I must say, our great-grandmothers knew about it.

general characteristics

Wormwood, or Chernobyl, is common throughout Europe, North America, Western Asia and North Africa. This plant from the Compositae family can often be seen on sunny hills, wastelands, forest glades, mountain slopes. Chernobyl is a tall perennial with a straight branched stem, covered with fluff, and silvery leaves. This grass blooms with yellow flowers, collected at the top of the stems in small discreet baskets. During the flowering period, the plant secretes a resin that protects it from insects.

Wormwood was known as a medicinal plant in ancient Babylon and Assyria, and Hippocrates, the father of medicine, mentions it in his writings as a potion for jaundice and stomach diseases. In Algeria, an alcoholic infusion of wormwood is taken as a medicine against malaria. And this plant is also known as a universal remedy against pests. Interestingly, in ancient times, wormwood juice was added to ink to scare mice away from books. To drive away moths from different tissues, they were also sprinkled with grass juice. And bouquets of this plant, arranged indoors, will help get rid of flies. Interestingly, pets can also benefit from wormwood. If cats or dogs are bothered by fleas, it is enough to redeem the animals in a strong decoction of Chernobyl. The same decoction can disinfect wounds in animals. And for gardeners and gardeners, wormwood infusion will come to the rescue when you need to get rid of annoying caterpillars.

In addition, in ancient times, people believed that this bitter plant protects against witchcraft. It was believed that wormwood growing in the garden drives away evil spirits from the house.

Chemical composition

There are many varieties of wormwood and not all of them have healing properties. In addition, some varieties are difficult to distinguish among themselves. In herbal medicine, branches, leaves and flowers of grass rich in chemical components are used. Wormwood leaves, for example, contain glycosides, essential oils, flavonoids, tannins,.

Recent studies have pointed to the presence of specific compounds in the leaves of wormwood, which actually give the plant a bitter taste. In addition, it turned out that these substances also have antispasmodic and antiseptic properties. Among other components contained in wormwood, flavonoids, tannins and minerals were found, in particular, the plant contains a lot.

No less useful for humans is wormwood oil, which is obtained by steam distillation from the leaves and flowers of the herb. Chernobyl essential oil contains 28 active ingredients, and they make up 93% of the total chemical composition of the substance. But among the chemical elements in wormwood there is also a dangerous thujone, which, however, is removed from the plant during the production of alcohol.

Benefits for a person

Wormwood has an antibacterial effect, cleanses the kidneys, relieves fever, activates metabolic processes, stimulates appetite, improves digestion, and has a beneficial effect on the urinary and bile ducts.

Now let's talk about the scientifically proven properties of wormwood.

Cures malaria

Artemisinin, among other things, has properties that remove free radicals from the body. And this is also an additional plus in antimalarial therapy.

Has anti-cancer properties

According to recent studies, thanks to the already mentioned artemisinin, wormwood reduces the risk of malignant tumors and inhibits their growth. The effectiveness of the plant has been laboratory-proven on the example of breast cancer cells. It is also interesting that against the background of consumption of Chernobyl, healthy cells do not experience any changes, but tumor cells die within 16 hours.

Helps treat Crohn's disease

Scientific evidence indicates that consuming mugwort extract three times a day can help reduce the symptoms of this condition. A positive effect was recorded in 90% of patients participating in the experiment. But it should be said that these are only the first preliminary studies. But the effect of Chernobyl on an organism suffering from autoimmune diseases has already managed to impress scientists. Researchers continue to discover new properties of this herb.

Has antibacterial and antifungal activity

Laboratory studies confirm that wormwood essential oil has a strong effect on bacteria, viruses and fungi. Its action is so powerful that it destroys even virulent bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella. By the way, several million people become victims of salmonella every year in the world, children and the elderly are especially vulnerable. The bacterium Escherichia coli is the cause of many diseases. It can cause diarrhea, infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, respiratory diseases and others. Wormwood helps keep the digestive system healthy by killing bacteria.

Also, the effectiveness of the herb extract was determined against fungi. The most effective is the essential oil of wormwood, which also has antioxidant properties. Studies indicate that the essential oil of this plant inhibits the growth of fungi of the genus Candida. And this is very important, because in recent years, candidiasis has become a universal problem. These fungi can attack the entire body - the oral cavity, intestines, reproductive system. But using wormwood, you can get rid of the disease.

Protects the small intestine

Studies have shown that wormwood restores the natural intestinal microflora. It is known that the use of antibiotics has a bad effect on the state of the intestinal microflora. Scientists, comparing the effectiveness of antibiotics and herbal remedies, came to some interesting conclusions. It turned out that herbs such as wormwood, oregano, thyme are effective in the treatment of intestinal diseases. The positive effect of herbal treatment was felt by 46% of the participants in the experiment. In addition, herbs, in comparison with antibiotics, do not cause dysbacteriosis and do not affect the work of the digestive tract. According to scientists, the treatment with these herbs is almost as effective as the use of pharmacy medicines.

Wormwood in folk medicine

This bitter plant has been used in folk medicine in many countries. Chernobyl is harvested for medicinal purposes from July to September. Raw materials are dried naturally in well-ventilated but dark places.

Once crushed fresh leaves of wormwood, mixed with egg white, were applied as a compress to bruises and wounds. Lotions from the juice of wormwood were used to treat sore eyes. Stomach ailments, bad breath were treated by herbalists with Chernobyl infusions. The same medicine was given to people with any liver disease.

To improve appetite, three times a day, half an hour before meals, it is useful to drink a teaspoon of wormwood wine. Medicinal wine is prepared from 3-5 tablespoons of chopped herbs and half a glass of 40%. The ingredients are mixed and infused for 24 hours. Then add 1 liter of white wine and leave overnight. Strain in the morning and drink.

Wormwood tincture retains all the healing properties of the herb. But most often this medicine is used for diseases of the digestive system. In particular, with diarrhea, abdominal pain, indigestion. Prepare the tincture as follows. Fill the bottle with young leaves of grass and pour alcohol. Infuse in a warm place for a week, then strain. The strength of the finished tincture can be reduced by adding to it. For severe diarrhea, this medicine is taken in a tablespoon every 3 hours. In other cases, it is enough to consume 1 tablespoon per day.

And here is another popular recipe for Chernobyl tincture, which herbalists advise drinking a tablespoon 2-3 times a day to cleanse the blood and in case of indigestion. Put 3 dry branches of wormwood, 5 inflorescences of St. John's wort with leaves, 1 leaf of geranium, 8 grains of black pepper, 10 raisins, 10 g of green tea, 1 tablespoon of honey and a liter of vodka into a vessel. Close the vessel, wrap it in a cloth and put it in a pot of hot water for 2 hours. Then the mixture is infused for a week, after which it is filtered through several layers of gauze.

Use in the food industry

Even in ancient Egypt, wormwood was added as a seasoning to food, and more specifically to alcohol. Mainly for wines. The tradition of using Chernobyl in the preparation of alcoholic beverages continued in France in the 19th century. At that time, absinthe was popular, especially in the bohemian environment. However, in those days, absinthe contained a lot of the poisonous substance thujone, which has a detrimental effect on the central nervous system and causes addiction. Today, absinthe is safer.

Wormwood is sometimes added as a herb to fatty meat dishes, including goose, duck, or lamb. It is believed that a small amount of this herb improves the taste of the finished dish. Fresh leaves are also added to some cocktails. In Morocco, for example, a small piece of Chernobyl leaf is traditionally added to a mixture of mint and green tea. Such a drink leaves an unusual bitter aftertaste. But in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the tea will become very bitter and with an unpleasant odor. Surprisingly, the bitter taste of wormwood tea persists even when diluted 1:800. But it was precisely because of the bitterness that this herb in microdoses was once so often added to various sauces. Today, wormwood is used mainly for the preparation of bitters, vermouth, flavored vodka.

How to collect and prepare

In dried wormwood, thujone is either not contained at all, or is present in negligible amounts, which makes the dry plant safe for consumption. A medicinal infusion of Chernobyl is prepared from half a teaspoon of dry grass and a glass of boiling water, the mixture is infused for 15 minutes. You can give a little more grass, but in this case you get a very bitter infusion that is impossible to drink. The same applies to drinks aged for more than 15 minutes.

But no matter how bitter wormwood tea is, it is undesirable to add sweeteners to it, as it affects the medicinal properties of the herb. You can minimize the bitter taste with mint and anise, which are added to tea. Wormwood is drunk in small sips.

Possible side effects

Wormwood is not one of those herbs that can be drunk without harm for a long time. Excessive passion for a drink or an increase in dose can cause poisoning. It is important to know that for making tea, only a dried plant should be taken, which contains very little essential oil and thujone. In addition, it is better not to engage in self-harvesting of wormwood, but to buy grass for tea in a pharmacy.

Alcohol tinctures may contain a certain amount of thujone, so before buying such a drug, it is important to carefully study the label, description and instructions for use. Experts do not advise preparing an alcoholic infusion of wormwood on your own, since it is impossible to control the concentration of thujone at home.

The use of preparations from Chernobyl for longer than 4 weeks can cause nausea, vomiting, insomnia, dizziness and convulsions. In some cases, eating very large doses of wormwood can cause muscle paralysis, kidney damage, vomiting, stomach cramps, urinary retention, and even death. This herb should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The substances contained in this herb stimulate the uterus and can cause premature birth or miscarriage. Wormwood is forbidden to people with allergies to plants from the Asteraceae family, people with epilepsy or kidney disease. In addition, you need to know that Chernobyl reduces the effectiveness of anticonvulsants.

The Latin name for wormwood is "Artemisia" which means "healthy". The medicinal properties of the plant have been known since antiquity, since ancient times. One of the legends says that its healing qualities were discovered by the goddess Artemis, after whom it was named.

Among the people, the attitude towards wormwood was ambiguous, primarily because of its bitterness. She was used to scare away evil spirits, a love potion was brewed from her and rubbed to seduce men, travelers put her leaves in their shoes from fatigue. It was believed that the plant adds strength, heals wounds, draws pus out of them. They also used weed for household needs: they fought pests at home and in the garden, dyed fabrics.

Today, wormwood is also used in medicine - both folk and traditional. However, you should not use the plant without knowledge and skills - some types of it are poisonous. In total, there are more than 400 varieties of weed.

About the benefits

Almost all parts of the herb are used to treat various diseases: roots and leaves, seeds and inflorescences. Lactones are responsible for the particular bitter taste. The composition contains tannins, acids of organic origin, essential oil, carotene, some vitamins and many trace elements, including potassium and zinc, magnesium and bromine, molybdenum and aluminum, nickel and boron.

Wormwood is also effective for men, to normalize their sexual sphere. You need to drink a glass of decoction from the seeds of the plant per day.

Wormwood for alcoholism

The ability of grass to one degree or another to remove cravings for alcohol has long been noticed among the people. This is facilitated by bitterness and special active substances that make up its composition. You can make either an infusion or a decoction. To do this, take a tablespoon of dry wormwood powder and a glass of purified water. The water must be heated to a boil, pour the grass. The infusion is kept warm for 2 hours, and the broth is simmered for 20 minutes over low heat.

Wormwood for the respiratory system

In viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the plant is used in several ways.

You can do inhalations by dropping a couple of drops of essential oil into hot water and, covering yourself with a towel, breathe. It is effective for both cough and runny nose: the benefit lies in the expectorant, bactericidal, immune-strengthening effect.

The second option is the treatment of rhinitis with wormwood. Some people add ether to cold oil drops, but you can make your own. To do this, take a little good extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of dry wormwood. In a closed vial, the herb is infused in oil in a dark place for a week and used for its intended purpose.

Wormwood during menstruation

Sometimes a woman's cycle is broken or the bleeding is too painful. This is due to heredity and with various disorders. What is useful wormwood in these cases?

If the cycle is lost, and menstruation does not begin for a long time, a decoction of bitter wormwood is drunk half a cup three times a day. In case of painful menstruation, it is replaced with wormwood.

beauty recipes

The plant has not only a pronounced therapeutic effect. In some cases, it is able to preserve the beauty of a woman.

  • Wormwood for oily hair

Fresh grass is poured with boiling water (2.5 liters), insisted for a couple of hours and rinsed with her head after washing in the usual way. The plant narrows the pores, reduces the production of sebum, prevents dandruff and does not allow the hair to get dirty quickly.

  • Wormwood for skin aging

If you add a filtered infusion of a bitter plant (250 grams per liter of boiling water) to the bath, this will tighten the epidermis, give it a tone and activate the production of necessary substances, in particular, collagen and hyaluronic acid. Take this bath about an hour before bedtime. In addition to rejuvenating properties, it will relax, soothe and help you fall asleep deeply and have a good rest.

  • Anti-cellulite oil

In an ordinary bottle (it is better to take a glass one), about a third of sunflower seeds are poured. Add to them 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 4 - dry bitter plant, shake. After that, the mixture is infused for two weeks, shaking every day. After this time, you need to strain the oil and use it for anti-cellulite massage. It is good to use a special roller or washcloth in the complex and pre-steam the skin in a bath or shower.


Wormwood is an incredibly active plant. Even official medicine recognizes its effect on the body; pharmaceutical factories produce tinctures and ointments based on it. However, some properties of the herb can harm the body. Therefore, there are clear rules and contraindications, under which wormwood is strictly prohibited.

  • Pregnancy. Bitter weed is an abortifacient. In the early stages, it can cause a miscarriage, in the later stages - contractions and premature birth. Even the smell of wormwood can be dangerous for a woman in position, so the use of essential oil, for example, in inhalation, is also contraindicated.
  • Lactation. There are two reasons why wormwood should not be used during this period. First, the bitter taste can be transferred to milk, which the baby will refuse. Secondly, the plant is quite allergic, which can also affect the health of the baby.
  • Decreased acidity of the digestive tract.
  • Acute form of gastric and intestinal diseases.
  • Allergic reaction.

Useful properties and contraindications must also be correlated with the fact that hallucinations, convulsions, vomiting and nervous disorders of a different nature can occur from prolonged use. The course of treatment should not exceed one week.

Botanical characteristics of wormwood

Wormwood belongs to the Compositae family. The plant has a short, branched, lignified root. It grows up to two meters high. In the first year of life, adnexal buds form on the basal neck, the second year is marked by the appearance of shoots that bloom and bear fruit a year later. Artemisia stems are erect, multi-branched in the upper part, silvery-grayish, pubescent. Wormwood grass has a strong spicy smell and bitter taste.

The leaves of the plant at the base are on long petioles, with two or three divisions. The middle of the stem is characterized by leaves on short petioles - bipinnate, separate, sessile and pinnatipartite. Leaflets trifoliate, simple, entire, lanceolate above. In July-August, basket flowers appear - tubular, yellow, small in size, spherical in shape, collected in dense panicle inflorescences. From August to September, seeds ripen in oblong, wedge-shaped, finely furrowed achenes-fruits.

One plant can produce up to 100,000 seeds, this is its main method of reproduction. Wormwood grass is distributed throughout the European part of the Commonwealth countries. It can be seen in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia. Kazakhstan and Central Asia are also considered the birthplace of wormwood. It grows in empty, abandoned areas, chooses roadsides, forest edges. Medicinal raw materials are harvested during the flowering period, cutting off only the leafy tops.

It is important to collect grass on time, as being late leads to the fact that when drying, the grass becomes dark and the baskets crumble. Dry the plant in attics or in the shade, laying it out in a thin layer and turning it over from time to time. Properly dried wormwood has a fragrant, spicy smell and a spicy-bitter taste.

Useful properties of wormwood

The beneficial properties of wormwood are due to active substances - absinthine, anabsinthine, flavonoids, thujone, pinene, cadinene, bisabolone, chamazulenogen, selinene. Phytoncides, alkaloids, capillin, ascorbic acid, provitamin A were found in the leaves. The plant is rich in malic, succinic acids, tannins, saponins, and carotene.

Galenic substances of the herb stimulate the reflex function of the pancreas, gallbladder, increasing the separation of bile and thereby improving digestion. Terpenoid compounds have anti-inflammatory and cardiostimulatory effects. Wormwood essential oil excites and normalizes the work of the central nervous system. The herb is known for its bactericidal and fungicidal properties due to its unsaturated hydrocarbons.

The use of wormwood

The aerial part of the wormwood herb is used for the preparation of infusions, tinctures, extracts. The bitterness of the plant stimulates the appetite and improves digestion. Wormwood acts as an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent. It has a beneficial effect on the treatment of bronchial asthma, rheumatism. Eczema and burns are perfectly treated with wormwood. Means from the plant are recommended to be taken for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. They effectively help with diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Folk healers advise using infusions and decoctions of wormwood for ascariasis,. Good results are observed in the treatment of obesity, flatulence, migraine. Using wormwood in complex therapy with other drugs, you can cure the lungs, hypertension, fever, edema, hemorrhoids. Wormwood is useful for an unpleasant smell from the oral cavity, neurasthenia, paralysis,.