Fractional meals - menu for the week. Fractional nutrition

Modern man has to eat literally on the go. In the morning you need to have a bite to eat as soon as possible in order to be in time for work. During the day, the boss does not give food - you have to do it in a hurry and most often dry. But in the evening, you can finally drown out all your problems that have accumulated during the day with food. The result is overeating at night, insomnia due to a full stomach and excess weight.

It is not surprising that in such conditions, most nutritionists and doctors suggest switching to fractional nutrition, which streamlines the regimen of meals and regulates the size of portions. It has recently been so praised that it seems almost the only correct system that allows you to lose weight and improves your well-being. Is it really so?

What it is?

Fractional nutrition is the frequent use of food in small portions by the hour. The researchers concluded that the three-time regimen (breakfast-lunch-dinner), to which everyone is so accustomed, is not enough to satisfy all the needs of the body. There is too much gap between them, which makes a person, outside of any schedule, fill it with small, but high-calorie snacks (cookies, sweets, ice cream, chips, nuts). As a result, with the daily calorie content - bust, on the scales - the same thing.

This is a whole system in which each element works to ensure that the body functions correctly. Despite frequent meals, they exclude overeating due to a small number of servings, the calorie content of which is calculated in advance and does not exceed the daily allowance.

Basic principles of fractional nutrition:

  • frequency: 5-6 times a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon tea, dinner, sometimes shortly before bedtime);
  • small portions: the maximum size is 300 g, it is often recommended to measure the amount of food with a handful of your own palm;
  • by time: you always need to eat at the same hours;
  • compliance with the principles of proper nutrition: excludes harmful foods, calls to minimize sugar and salt in the diet;
  • balanced menu: it implies a competent ratio of BJU, and not a bias in one direction.

Small portions, getting into the stomach, are digested faster. This does not allow the intestines to become clogged, which leads to the normalization of digestion in general. That is why fractional nutrition is used in therapeutic dietology: it relieves diarrhea, flatulence, heaviness, nausea, and bloating. The size of the stomach finally becomes normal, the bouts of hunger recede.

At first, it is very difficult to reorganize your schedule and the work of the body, under the new system of meals. But after the transition, health and weight quickly normalize.

Slimming mechanism

Fractional nutrition is used not only by doctors for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Nutritionists suggest sticking to its basic principles for weight loss. Theoretically, weight loss is explained very simply and scientifically.

  • Mode

The body gets used to the intake of food at certain hours and prepares for this: juice is secreted in the stomach, salivation increases (all this contributes to the quick and easy absorption of products). A slight feeling of hunger appears strictly by the clock, which eliminates the risk of unjustified snacks and.

  • Frequency

It is impossible to overeat with fractional meals, because between such frequent meals (maximum 4 hours) hunger does not have time to wake up.

  • Serving Size

For 1 time you need to eat no more than 200-300 g of food. This does not allow the stomach to overflow and significantly reduces the daily calorie content.

  • Product set

All harmful (and they are most often high-calorie) foods are excluded, they are replaced by healthy and dietary ones.

So it is quite possible to lose weight on fractional nutrition, but in practice this does not always happen for the following reasons:

  • incorrect transition (the body does not have time to rebuild, the stomach requires large amounts of food, which leads to a breakdown and overeating);
  • lack of motor activity;
  • busting daily calories due to the large amount of carbohydrates in the diet;
  • constant indulgences to yourself, your beloved, in the form of a piece of cake for the night or a burger for lunch;
  • individual characteristics of the organism.

Debunking Myths

Opponents of fractional nutrition debunk myths about the effectiveness and benefits of this system, trying to rely on scientific facts.


It is believed that a person can only speed up his own metabolism by 20%, since the speed of chemical reactions is laid in the genes from birth. Moreover, this can only be done under ideal conditions: with a clearly scheduled daily routine, with a level of physical activity calculated to the smallest detail, with a competently distributed rest and sleep regimen.

Proponents of fractional nutrition argue that it just activates the metabolism. And in confirmation lead experiments on mice. One group was fed small meals frequently throughout the day. The second group - rarely, but without control of the amount of food. A long period of time (7-8 hours) without food led to a sharp limitation in the use of fat reserves as energy in the second group of mice, in the first group they maintained their weight and even “lost weight”. Conclusions suggest themselves.

But opponents cite a refutation of this experience. The metabolism of mice exceeds that of humans by 4 times. And if we can live without food for up to 4 days, then for them this period is reduced to 1 day. Therefore, in the experimental subjects, processes arose in the body, as a result of which the metabolism switched to the energy-saving mode. Accordingly, according to the results of this study, it cannot be argued that a break of more than 4 hours in nutrition will cause the human body to experience stress and switch to a fat-saving function.

BJU ratio

In fractional nutrition, the ratio should be perfectly adjusted and balanced to the needs of the body. Few people can calculate it correctly. Often there is a bias towards carbohydrates, someone overdoes it with fats. A total mistake is the lack of protein in the diet. Opponents of this system once again remind you that even with frequent meals in such a situation, fat will not go anywhere, because muscle tissue will be consumed. This process is called gluconeogenesis, when energy will be taken from the breakdown of protein into amino acids.

Calorie calculator

This is where the cold calculation comes into play. Let's say a woman of fairly heavy build eats at the rate of 2,000 kcal per day. With 6 meals a day, this is 333 calories for each meal, with 3 meals a day - about 666. Wanting to lose weight, our lady will gradually cut the daily calorie intake and bring it to 1,400 kcal. 6 receptions of 233 kcal is too little, according to opponents of fractional nutrition, and will eventually lead to starvation. And with a 3-time serving size, it will allow you to get enough to give up later on the nightly "duty" at the refrigerator.

Daily regime

And the last argument is not in favor of fractional nutrition. The schedule of the working day for most people does not allow you to arrange lunch and afternoon tea. The first falls at about 10-11 am, when planning meetings and meetings are held in companies, and this is the height of working days. How can you retire here in order to eat the same apple or drink a glass of cocktail? The second snack - and at all at 16 o'clock: either it's time to submit reports on the work done during the day, or at this time, many go home, which also makes it impossible to have a snack. And what about those who work on a rotational basis day after day in ...?

Possible harm

The most ardent opponents of fractional nutrition do not just refute the effectiveness of this system. Often they claim that it is harmful to health:

  • frequent meals harm the teeth: they wear out faster and are more at risk of caries (this is a fact!);
  • lack of hunger leads to loss of control over overeating (myth: if you weigh portions, this will not happen);
  • snacking destroys the circadian clock (cyclical fluctuations in the intensity of biological processes associated with the change of day and night) - a controversial issue, since many studies claim that it is quite natural for a person to eat during the day and in the initial segment of the dark period of the day;
  • high levels of endotoxins by the end of the day (in fact, this is observed only in those who allow themselves too much sweet and starchy foods for dinner);
  • losing weight with fractional meals is impossible, because insulin rises with each meal, which stops the breakdown of fat in the subcutaneous fat (this is only partly true, because the increase in insulin is very short-term);
  • it is impossible to control the level of cholesterol in the blood, and doctors recommend that diabetics adhere to 3 meals a day (this is true, but individual cases, especially clinical ones, should not be put at the forefront for healthy people).

So all these facts about the harmfulness, failure and inefficiency in their majority turn out to be myths. Numerous scientific studies and practice prove the opposite.

How to go?

It is very important to switch to fractional nutrition correctly so that a sharp change in diet and a jump in daily calorie content does not affect health. Therefore, do everything gradually. Step by step instructions will help you not to make mistakes.

Week 1

Step 1. 3 main meals should always take place at the same time, which is strictly forbidden to change.

Step 2 Accurately determine the calorie content of the food you eat and the portion sizes that you are satiating at the moment. For example, 2,000 kcal per day and 700 g per 1 meal. Write them down.

Step 3 Eliminate frying - replace it with a grill if necessary.

Step 4 Exclude 1 harmful product from the menu daily (see the list below).

Step 5 Start walking every day for half an hour.

Step 6 Organize the correct drinking regimen: bring the daily rate to one and a half liters.

An example of phasing out unhealthy foods:

  • on Monday we refuse fast food;
  • on Tuesday - from semi-finished products (store frozen cutlets, dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, etc.);
  • on Wednesday we remove carbonated drinks;
  • on Thursday - fatty meat;
  • on Friday we no longer eat sausage, sausages, etc .;
  • on Saturday - sweets;
  • on Sunday we say goodbye to sugar forever.

Week 2

Step 1. Reduce your daily caloric intake by 200 kcal. Divide it between meals.

Step 2 Include in the diet 1 of the snacks (lunch or afternoon snack).

Step 3 Reduce the size of each serving according to the new calorie calculation.

Step 4 Learn to determine the ratio of BJU, make a menu for the week in accordance with it.

Step 5 Continue eliminating 1 unhealthy food every day.

Step 6 Refuse the elevator - give preference to the stairs. Several stops to work and walk home.

Step 7 Bring the daily norm of drinking water to 2 liters.

Week 3

Step 1. Reduce your daily caloric intake by 300 kcal. Divide it between meals.

Step 2 Include another snack in the diet and decide on the last, 6th time.

Step 3 Reduce portion sizes due to new daily calorie intake.

Step 4 Start doing 15 minutes in the morning.

Continue to work according to this scheme until the daily calorie content reaches 1,200 kcal (for women) and 1,500 (for men), the serving size becomes no more than 300 g (this is the maximum and then only for lunch). But these parameters are for weight loss. If your task is to maintain a normal weight and switch to simple proper nutrition, then the numbers should be higher: 1,500 kcal and 1,800 kcal, respectively (maybe more, depending on the intensity of physical activity and individual parameters).

To organize proper fractional nutrition, you need to follow its basic principles. A few useful recommendations will help to implement them as comfortably and competently as possible.


You need to eat 5-6 times a day. Make an exact diet by the hour, try to stick to it. The maximum discrepancy should not exceed half an hour. If you constantly forget about it, set an alarm for the first time. The break between meals is no more than 4 hours.

The optimal size of 1 serving is 250 g (maximum - 300 g). It is even more correct to measure with a handful of your palm (this, of course, applies to solid foods). Daily calorie intake - from 1,200 (when losing weight for women) to 2,000 (for men who are actively involved in sports).

Monitor the ratio of BJU in the diet. Refuse harmful products. Make a menu for the week at once and strictly follow it. If you have already decided to stick to this system, there is nothing to be ashamed of: take snacks and a full meal with you to work in the absence of a canteen with hot meals.

If your goal is to lose weight, it is almost impossible to achieve it without movement and physical activity. Therefore, take daily walks in the evenings, give up the elevator, do exercises, do any sport or dance.

Drink as much pure water as possible (based on approximately 30 ml per 1 kg of weight). Water and drinks can be consumed either half an hour before a meal or half an hour later, but should not be mixed.

The diet should be varied, the menu should include as many new dietary and healthy dishes as possible. Chew food very carefully.

For every meal

Term: 4, 8, 12 days.

Result: 3 kg in 4 days.

  • Semyorochka

Weight loss scheme:

  • 1 week - cereals (no additives);
  • 2 - unsweetened fresh fruits;
  • 3 - any nuts and seeds;
  • 4 - cereals, fruits, nuts, vegetables;
  • 5 - ;
  • 6 - any products, as in normal nutrition;
  • 7 - vegetable food.

Deadline: 7 weeks.

Result: minus 10 kg in 7 weeks.

  • Diet of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

The basic principle: fractional nutrition with a minimum portion size.

Main products: only the lowest calorie.

Deadline: 21 days.

Results: minus 8 kg.


A sample menu for the week will allow you to correctly compose your own diet. It can be extended for a month by repeating this option or changing it to suit your taste preferences.

This table is just a menu option that can be changed at your own discretion, but at the same time adhering to the basic unshakable rules of fractional nutrition. Focus on it - and it will be very easy to make a diet for the next week.


Low-calorie, but very healthy and tasty recipes will help diversify the menu.

Omelet for breakfast


  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 2 fresh chicken eggs;
  • 100 ml of 1.5% milk;
  • a little natural olive oil;
  • baking soda on the tip of a knife;
  • a little greenery (a sprig of parsley, dill, a stalk of green onions).


  1. Beat the eggs with a mixer.
  2. Add soda to them, pour in milk at room temperature. Beat again with a mixer.
  3. Cut the pepper into thin strips, put on a baking sheet with oil.
  4. Pour the beaten egg mixture over the top.
  5. Cover.
  6. Keep in preheated oven for 5 minutes.
  7. Grind the greens, sprinkle with it the dish before serving.

Soup for lunch


  • 100 g of pure (without spices) minced chicken;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • 2 small potatoes;
  • a bunch of different greens;
  • pepper;
  • any seasoning;
  • 2 liters of water.


  1. Cut potatoes into cubes, throw into boiling water.
  2. Pass the carrots through a grater.
  3. Chop half an onion.
  4. Throw them into the water.
  5. Add seasoning and chopped second half of the onion to the minced meat, pepper.
  6. Shape the minced meat into balls and throw them into the soup.
  7. Boil for half an hour.
  8. Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving.

salad for dinner


  • 250 g of Chinese cabbage;
  • 10 g of sesame seeds;
  • 50 g spinach;
  • carrot;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • a bunch of any greens;
  • undiluted lemon juice.


  1. Shred the cabbage. Squeeze with hands until juice is formed.
  2. Chop spinach, herbs.
  3. Coarsely grate the carrots.
  4. Pepper turn into straws.
  5. Mix all ingredients.
  6. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  7. Top with finely chopped herbs.

If you follow all the principles of fractional nutrition, be competent in matters of food intake and portion size, this system really helps to lose weight and improve well-being. In this case, you need to focus on the characteristics of your body and constantly consult with specialists when problems arise. This is just the case when reviews do not give a complete picture of whether such a technique is useful or harmful, because everything is too individual.

When a baby is born, mothers and doctors often adhere to a feeding regimen every three hours all day. The child receives everything necessary and actively develops. But as they grow older, people stop using physiologically correct nutrition.

The results manifest themselves in the form of overweight or underweight and the appearance of health problems. With gastritis and other types of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to use fractional nutrition. It can also lead to weight loss, which will not harm the body. Diet, especially in the form of a monovariant, is exhausting and puts a lot of stress on the liver.

The essence of the power system

Fractional nutrition is a kind of system that implies that a person can eat everything, but in small portions. The usual diet involves a lot of restrictions, which causes psychological discomfort in a person. Hence the constant breakdowns. This system gradually adjusts the body to the desired mood through a change in the volume of the portion.

Basic Rules:

  • meals should be 5-6 times a day;
  • it is desirable to set the breaks between them approximately the same in time;
  • The portion size should be no larger than what fits in the palms of a person.

Considering that everyone's palms are different depending on age and build, then the portion size will also be different.

The mechanism of fractional nutrition allows the liver to function better, because. the body manages to purify the blood from substances that come with food. Equal intervals between snacks do not overload it. This is not the case with any other diet. With gastritis, the set mode allows you to avoid a drop in the level of acidity.

The diet can be adjusted according to personal preferences by type of food. If there are certain diseases, then an additional diet should be observed. With gastritis, it is not recommended to eat spicy food, even if fractional nutrition is used. It does harm anyway. The first results of using fractional nutrition can be seen in a month. Even skin tone and hair condition will change.

Transition to fractional nutrition

If you abruptly switch to a new nutrition system, then for the body it will become stressful. You can harm the operation of internal systems. It is recommended to gradually switch to a new diet and change the serving size. This requires:

  • determine the approximate menu for the week;
  • set the time of eating, taking into account the work schedule and sleep patterns;
  • within 2–3 days, accustom the body to a new schedule while maintaining the portion size;
  • reduce the size of the accepted volume of products to the desired one within 3-5 days.

Those who made the transition to this system say that the body itself quickly refuses an excessive portion size. Therefore, changing the size of dishes turns out quickly when a person gets used to the diet by the hour.

Some nutritionists advise to cleanse the liver before starting to use a new nutrition system. This allows you to better cope with the resulting load and get faster weight loss results. Already in the first month, you can lose up to 10% of your current weight. This does not mean that everyone who switched to the new system will achieve this effect. Much depends on the initial parameters.

Nutrition Features

Fractional meals assume that the main meals are breakfast, lunch and dinner at a set time. Between them there should be snacks. For them, you should not choose chips, chocolate bars or drinks that can harm the liver or stomach with gastritis. It is desirable to set up the body for the proper absorption of proteins and starches. For this:

  • for breakfast, you should eat starchy foods and dishes: cereals, muesli, herbal tea;
  • at lunch, you need to saturate the body with proteins in combination with vegetables or fruits, the use of starch substances is undesirable;
  • at dinner, the consumption of protein products increases.

Proteins take longer to digest. This gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness, so a person does not overeat before going to bed. This is especially important for gastritis, because. eating should be completed with such a disease at least 2 hours before bedtime. Any diet recommends this.

As snacks, you should use portions of salads, fruits. You should be careful with the latter: they can increase acidity in gastritis. It is better not to use fatty versions of salads. The portion size of the main meals should not be large. No more than 2 thousand kcal should be obtained per day.

What to include on the menu?

Those who switch to fractional meals should draw up a menu in advance for each day or a week in advance. This will allow you to plan the purchase of the necessary products, indicating an approximate list. Someone helps a table with a menu for the week. Visual perception enhances mood. After all, a new diet causes a certain stress in a person.

Breakfast options:

  • 200 g of porridge, preferably from cereals with whole grains;
  • 150 g muesli;
  • 150 g baked potatoes with herbs.

Breakfast can be supplemented with nuts, a large fruit.

The day is always energy intensive. This is taken into account when choosing dishes. Suitable for lunch:

  • vegetable broth soup (200 ml);
  • boiled or steamed vegetables (200 g);
  • vegetable salads, in which it is appropriate to add nuts, legumes, if there are no contraindications from the liver (150–200 g).

For dinner, for example, you can cook one of the following dishes:

  • boiled or stewed vegetables;
  • rice with corn as an independent dish;
  • casserole with tomatoes, peas and sesame seeds;
  • zucchini.

The compiled table will allow you to rearrange positions for other days and make the diet more diverse. To enhance the results that fractional nutrition gives, the weekly menu should be reviewed every month.

Example for snacks for the day:

  • avocado salad with carrots;
  • cabbage salad with green cucumber, corn or carrots;
  • 30–40 g dried fruits or nuts;
  • 150–200 g fruit salad.

The serving size of any salad should not exceed 200 grams per day. With gastritis, you should not drink freshly squeezed juices, although in other cases they are acceptable as snacks. Preference should be given to products that are not capable of harming the liver.

The system solves many problems. A habitual diet is not able to activate the internal forces of the body, only giving impetus for this. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for gastritis, for which it is important not so much the size of the meals consumed, but the frequency of meals. The state of the liver, which will switch to a new mode of operation, can be understood by the skin. It will become more pink, less acne, and defects will appear less frequently. This is another bonus, in addition to other benefits for the liver, stomach and body as a whole, which can be obtained by changing the principles of nutrition and switching to a fractional system.

is the smartest meal plan ever. This diet is suitable for most people. With it, you can get rid of extra pounds, bring your body into a healthy state, or simply accustom yourself to proper nutrition. What are the main advantages of this method, and how to make a menu of fractional nutrition for a week and a month?

What it is

Our usual diet consists of three meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner). In fractional nutrition, the daily norm is divided into 5-6 small parts. Observing this mode, a person simply does not have time to get hungry. But here it is important to correctly distribute all the products. And don't forget to count calories. Carbohydrate foods should be eaten in the morning, and light proteins should be consumed in the evening.


If a person eats 2-3 times a day, then about 6-8 hours pass between meals. During this time, a person may experience a wild feeling of hunger, which pushes them to a breakdown and uncontrolled gluttony. Many are familiar with the situation when a person really wants to eat and is unable to resist. At such a moment, he can eat half the refrigerator at a time. After all, he simply can not think about the right diet. Because before his eyes there is a delicious burger or a sweet cake. Later, a person will regret what he ate and what he broke, but by this moment all harmful foods will have time to be deposited in the sides.

Appetite and hunger must be controlled by the mind. If you correctly divide the daily diet into several parts, then the interval between meals will be reduced to 3-4 hours. During this time, hunger will not have time to turn into an angry beast. Correctly considering all the nuances, a fractional meal for a week and a month is compiled.

It is important to properly distribute food throughout the day. Then a person can eat in small portions, choosing healthy foods. Since he will always be full, in a calm mode, he will not want to break into sweets and pastries, or he will be able to stop in time. In addition, now you need very little food to saturate. Constantly stuffing the stomach to capacity, a person stretches it and accustoms himself to huge portions. Accordingly, each time you need more and more food to fully saturate. It is necessary to control all the food that is eaten during the day. Gradually, the body will get used to eating a small amount.

Basic Rules

  • Before breakfast, 20-25 minutes before breakfast, you need to drink 1 glass of clean water to prepare the digestive tract for work.
  • Exclude all harmful foods: pastries, sweets, fatty, fried foods, snacks, chips.
  • All food is divided into small portions. It is necessary to eat 5-6 times a day (3 main meals and 2-3 snacks).
  • Each dose should be consumed after 2.5-3 hours. At the end of the 3rd hour, a slight hunger should be felt.
  • The volume of food for 1 reception should not exceed 500 grams.
  • It is necessary to take into account BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and observe their daily rate.
  • You don't need to starve. Then the metabolism will slow down.
  • If you eat at home, then choose smaller plates. Gradually, you will accustom yourself to small portions.
  • All food can be put into containers and carried with you.
  • Based on the results of 2 weeks, it is necessary to adjust the diet, keeping the proportions.
  • Love physical activity.

Fractional nutrition for weight loss is an effective thing for those who do intensive work during the day (military, athletes, rescuers).

BJU calculation

  • proteins - 50%;
  • fats - 30%;
  • carbohydrates 20%.

These proportions make up a balanced diet. If you need to gain muscle mass, then the proportions change:

  • proteins - 30%;
  • fats - 10%;
  • carbohydrates 60%.

It is important to know that in 1 g of protein - 4 kcal, in 1 g of fat - 9 kcal, in 1 g of carbohydrates - 4 kcal. But grams of BJU are not grams of finished products. Each ingredient contains only a few fractions of a percent of the desired components.

Video instruction: what is


When choosing fractional meals for weight loss, it should be remembered that the main enemy of the diet is carbohydrates. The following harmful products should be removed from the menu:

  • sweet (cakes, sweets, cakes);
  • bread;
  • pasta;
  • potato;
  • mayonnaise.
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage;
  • pepper;
  • celery;
  • broccoli.

Proteins should be useful:

  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • chicken;
  • seafood.

The right fats are flaxseed and olive oil.

Optimal quantity

You should go straight to a reasonable eating scenario. If a person eats too often, it will be difficult for him to keep the right amount of food within the normal range. Even if the portions are small and he eats 8 times a day, he still eats too much.

You can fill your stomach with vegetables (carrots, cucumber, celery), but such small snacks will not give full saturation. A person will constantly experience an eternal feeling of hunger. The best option is 5-6 meals a day, including small snacks.

It is necessary to distribute food in such a way as to avoid large gaps in time. Do not forget about the total amount of food for the whole day. It also matters what you eat. For example, 300 g of vegetable salad will help you lose weight, and the same 300 g of buns will increase your waist size.


Fractional nutrition collects conflicting opinions and reviews around the world. Most people don't know how to eat at work. After all, sometimes there is simply no way to eat right. Then containers come to the rescue, in which you can shift the food. There are several options here:

  • plastic containers;
  • disposable containers;
  • special sports bags with containers;
  • shakers.

If you prefer conventional plastic containers, then choose expensive and durable ones to minimize accidental opening and leakage. But they will have to be washed every evening in order to fill them with food the next day.

Disposable containers are completely devoid of disadvantages, except for leakage. They are light and can hold enough food. Each container can be additionally placed in a plastic bag.

For the organization of serious nutrition, sports bags are suitable, in which there are several special containers. If the meal time caught you in transport, use a regular shaker. You can pour liquid food into it (yogurt or curd-fruit cocktail).


What can be cooked during the day so that it is tasty, healthy, nutritious, and all this would fit in a container?

Fractional power mode

In order to see quick results, from the very beginning it is necessary to accustom yourself to rational and systematic nutrition:

  • Breakfast should start at 7-8 o'clock in the morning.
  • First snack around 10 am.
  • Lunch is best at 13:00 in the afternoon.
  • The second snack around 16-17 hours.
  • Dinner is scheduled for approximately 19-20 pm.
  • A light snack is allowed 4 hours before bedtime.

Menu for the week

The menu consists of simple products that can be bought at any supermarket within walking distance. It is recommended to stock up on pans with non-stick coating, on which you can fry without oil, as well as a double boiler, oven or multicooker.

BreakfastPercus 1DinnerSnack 2Dinner
Mondayoatmeal with 1-2 slices of chocolate, banana or kiwi, a cup of coffee.cereal bar.vegetable tomato soup.1 fruit (kiwi, banana or orange) and green tea.warm vegetable salad, 1 glass of kefir.
Tuesdayomelette of 2-3 eggs with fresh tomato and a slice of hard cheese, tea.a handful of nuts and an apple.brown rice with vegetables.cottage cheese casserole with semolina and fruit.skinless chicken and steamed vegetables.
Wednesdayoatmeal with milk and fruit.1 boiled egg and cucumber.baked fish in the oven or steamed, salad with Beijing cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes.skim cheese.steamed fish and 2-3 tomatoes.
Thursdaysteamed rice, green apple and sweet green tea.low-fat yogurt and breadbrown rice with grilled vegetables.cottage cheese casserole with raisins.seafood with grilled vegetables.
Fridaybuckwheat with boiled egg and fresh cucumber.cottage cheese with dried fruits.steamed turkey fillet with baked potatoes without oil.vegetable salad dressed with unsweetened baked in the oven with vegetable casserole.
Saturdaywheat porridge with a little butter and unsweetened, banana and coffee.vegetable casserole, baked fish, tea.seafood and a glass of fruit drink.chicken baked in foil, and seaweed.
Sundayfat-free cottage cheese with herbs, rye bread with hard cheese and tea.dried fruits with kefirmushroom soup with lentils and vegetable salad with radish.natural yogurt without additives and an apple.baked chicken breast with apples without butter.

In fractional nutrition, all products can be combined with each other and create a menu for weight loss for a month or six months. It is only necessary to take into account the amount of BJU in products.

Small notes

  • Never skip breakfast.
  • Remember to drink a glass of drinking water before eating. Morning food should be rich in carbohydrates.
  • The food in the first snack should be light. Then the metabolism will accelerate, and the amount of energy consumed will decrease.
  • Do not skip main meals. Lunch should be not only nutritious, but also healthy and tasty. Try to cook all foods without adding oil. If they seem too bland, you can add a little seasoning.
  • Evening meals should be light. It is necessary to use those products that calm the nervous system. Don't skip dinner completely.

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Why did I put the topics of separate and fractional nutrition in the topic “Diets for Weight Loss”? Because experience is a stubborn thing. You can offer a variety of, sometimes fantastic and exotic ways to lose weight, but if I myself and a considerable number of acquaintances and friends got rid of 4 to 5 kg of my unnecessary weight per month, then we can probably start with the simplest - from a balanced diet.
Moreover, the benefits are double: firstly, you get used to a healthy diet, get rid of problems with the stomach, intestines, cleanse the body, you start to feel light, mobile, depression and bad mood disappear, and secondly , you become slim, you look younger just in front of your eyes!

Even in ancient times, Indian yogis made the observation that the simultaneous ingestion of certain foods leads to illness. Proper combination of products is one of the first steps to health without drugs. People who live by observing the basic laws of food compatibility do not know what "heaviness in the stomach", heartburn, dull pains in the intestines are. And no one has yet suffered from the fact that they first ate porridge without sugar or milk without a bun.
Thus, the indestructible law of the correctness of the diet, which came to us from ancient times, is its balance.
What is the Yogi Balanced Diet on which many modern nutritionists base their dietary principles?
Yogis distinguished between alkaline foods (fruits, vegetables, curdled milk, buttermilk, etc.) and sour foods (meat, fish, polished rice, etc.). Butter and ghee were considered neutral food, and eggs and cottage cheese were considered concentrated; the use of these types of food should be limited to both the healthy and the sick. Alkaline food cleanses the body, creates a normal environment, and forms a small amount of waste during digestion; sour food, difficult to digest, slagging the body. Two-thirds alkaline and one-third acidic - this is the balance of the diet of yogis. Only in this case the body will be protected from a dangerous oversaturation with acid.

Whatever theory of nutrition is chosen, it should be applied "with adjustment" for the idea of ​​separateness. We are not going to persuade and agitate you, but in order to feel a change in well-being, it is enough to sit on separate meals for only two weeks. After this, the state of health changes so dramatically that, even if you give up the diet, you willy-nilly will choose the opportunity to eat separately, without mixing proteins and carbohydrates, bread and meat.
Each product will show itself to the fullest. Digestion will require less effort on the part of the gastrointestinal tract: if I may say so, the depreciation costs of the digestive system will decrease. And our body is arranged wisely: as soon as there is an excess of reserves, they are directed to self-purification, renewal of the entire body.
Product Compatibility Practical Tips:
- "Eat protein and starchy foods at different times"
Protein foods include: meat of all kinds, poultry, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, nuts. To starchy - bread and all products made from flour, cereals, potatoes.
Natural combinations of proteins, fats and starches are not difficult to digest, but random combinations are unacceptable: bread - meat, bread - eggs, porridge - eggs, potatoes - meat, porridge - milk, bread - ham and the like. The first stages of digestion of starches and proteins occur, as it were, in opposite environments: some require an alkaline environment, while others require an acidic one, so the stomach reacts differently to starchy foods and to protein foods.
First, you should eat meat, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, nuts, and after a while - starchy food.
- "Eat protein foods and acids at different times"
The use of lemon, grapefruit, orange or tomato juice, vinegar and other various acids simultaneously with proteins upsets the stomach, leads to rotting of food.
Therefore, you can not eat meat, fish, eggs and other protein foods with salads seasoned with lemon juice, vinegar or mayonnaise. An exception can only be made for cheese and nuts, as they contain enough fat to slow down the decomposition process.
- One type of protein per meal
Combinations of meat - milk, milk - eggs, meat - cheese, meat - nuts, etc. are not allowed. For example, the most effective gastric juice involved in the digestion of milk is released in the last hour of this process, and meat - in the first. However, this does not mean that you can not eat two different types of meat or two types of nuts in one meal: in these cases, normal digestion is not disturbed.
- "Eat starchy food and acids at different times"
The acids of tomatoes, berries, citrus fruits, all acidic fruits can also interrupt the digestion of starch.
Therefore, combinations of porridge - sour fruits, potatoes and bread - salads with mayonnaise and other sour seasonings are harmful.
-"Eat protein and starchy food at different times, with sugars."
Sugars inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. They do not need to be digested either in the mouth or in the stomach, but are absorbed in the intestines. If sugars are eaten separately, then they, without lingering in the stomach, quickly pass into the intestines; if they are eaten with proteins or starches, then they remain in the stomach for a long time, so the food begins to ferment quickly. Sour belching, heartburn - evidence of fermentation.
Therefore, in one meal it is harmful to use combinations of porridge - sugar; bread - raisins, sweet fruits, jams; cookies - milk, etc. Desserts should be avoided, almost always prepared using sugar, sweet fruits, cream, milk, eggs
- "Fats are not recommended to be consumed with any type of protein food"
In the presence of fats, the digestion of protein foods of all kinds is slowed down by at least two hours. However, the unpleasant effects of eating fatty and fried meats can be mitigated by pairing them with plenty of raw green vegetables and herbs.
A few more practical tips:
- Bread and butter is a favorable combination, and, consequently, cereals or potatoes with
any fat.
- Milk should be consumed separately from any other food.
- Cauliflower, carrots, beets, pumpkins and other starchy vegetables go well with any starchy food.
- Melons and watermelons are eaten separately from any other food. The same applies to fruits.
- Great importance is attached to the correct consumption of water in separate meals.
- It is necessary to drink water not earlier than after 30 minutes. after taking fruits, 2 hours after starchy food and 4 hours after protein.

The temperature of the food also plays an important role. Both cold and hot food are harmful. Ice food cools the gastric mucosa and all organs around, causing them to "febrile state." Hot food deprives the stomach of "strength and energy", weakens its tone. The stomach functions best at a temperature corresponding to body temperature, or at least not more than 40 °

Of course, separate meals are unusual from the traditional point of view. Here is a sample menu for the day.
Breakfast: protein (two eggs, unsweetened yogurt or kefir without bread or toast) or carbohydrate (porridge with water, maximum with fruits or nuts).
Lunch: vegetarian soup, a slice of bread, vegetables for a side dish (without mayonnaise, sour cream, poultry, fish and other protein products).
Snack: protein - 200 g of boiled poultry or fish with soy sauce, or carbohydrate - the same amount of fruit.
Dinner: carbohydrate - stewed vegetables in vegetable oil with a slice of bread (again, without cheese, mayonnaise or other protein supplements), or purely protein - scrambled eggs.

Hand in hand with the theory of separate nutrition goes the theory of fractional nutrition.
Fractional nutrition was originally a short-term diet, in which every hour it was supposed to eat 100 g of food of one type. It became more efficient (and more convenient in terms of everyday life) to divide the meal into five times, two hours each, and eat 250 g of food. If you combine separate and fractional meals, you get a diet that is effective for weight loss and body cleansing.
During fractional meals:
1. one meal is boiled cereals without milk and sugar (preferably rice, pearl barley, buckwheat);
2. one - for high-quality boiled or grilled meat (fish, poultry);
3. one - for fruits;
4. one - for vegetables;
5. and the fifth reception - either again fruit, or milk.
It is advisable to start the morning with cereals, because they are satisfying and provide a supply of energy for a long time.
You eat before you get hungry after the previous meal. Willpower must be applied at moments of spontaneous snacking (for example, at work, when everyone drinks tea with sweets) and in the evening - after the last meal, hunger may be felt. In the most extreme case, you can add a sixth meal.
In general, this diet is one of the most simple, sparing, economical and healthy.


How much dairy should you eat to lose weight?
It turns out milk not only strengthens the teeth and bones, but also helps to lose weight and reduces the amount of fat in our body. According to some researchers, a glass of milk can replace an hour of exercise. Unfortunately, this is an exaggeration.
However, nutritionist Dr. Zemel believes that dairy products have a fairly stable effect on weight control and fat metabolism in the body. In the event that you at least slightly limit the caloric content of food, you will achieve twice as much success in the fight against excess weight. Even if you do not limit the number of calories in the diet, daily consumption of dairy products will allow you to reduce body fat by 5%.
This is due to the fact that an insufficient amount of calcium in the diet contributes to an increase in the content of calcitriol in the body - a hormone that causes our body to produce more fat and disrupts the process of burning fat deposits. In conditions of deficiency of dairy products, not only the process of fat metabolism decreases, but also the process of their utilization is disturbed. Dr. Zemel and his colleagues have shown that calcitriol also inhibits the programmed death of fat cells, which live longer than usual.
In pursuit of an ideal figure, it is worth turning to high-quality calcium supplements, since only they and dairy products can really affect fat metabolism. Calcium from dairy products as well as high-quality supplements acts in conjunction with the biologically active components of milk. It is known that dairy products contain specific amino acids that regulate and stimulate protein synthesis, which contributes to the replacement of adipose tissue with muscle mass. In conclusion, we note that only three types of dairy products contribute to weight loss - milk, yogurt and hard cheeses.
To get the desired effect, you need at least three servings daily. Serving Sizes: Eight ounces of milk (one ounce = 28.349 grams) or yogurt or one and a half ounces of cheese.

Fractional nutrition is suitable for people who are distinguished by patience, punctuality, scrupulousness, who have great willpower and self-discipline. In the event that eating by the hour does not suit you, or you are not distinguished by patience and endurance, cannot adhere to the rules you have established, if you cannot resist the temptation to eat something tasty, then this diet definitely does not suit you. But if your life proceeds according to a strictly scheduled plan, and you meticulously adhere to it, then you will definitely like fractional meals.

The main thing you have to get used to is the absence of traditional breakfasts, lunches and dinners. The traditional diet has been replaced by five small meals a day. As for the diet, with fractional nutrition, you do not have to give up your culinary preferences or exclude any foods, the emphasis is on the consumption of quality healthy foods.

The benefits of fractional nutrition

The main advantage of such a nutrition system is the reduction in the number of calories consumed per day. This is because too long a break between meals leads to a feeling of intense hunger, which in turn affects the amount of food that a person will eat to satisfy him. And he will eat much more than is required for saturation.

If the interval between meals is reduced, then the person will not overeat. An organism that is in a satiated state requires 15% fewer calories than an organism that is hungry. This circumstance can also be counted among the advantages of fractional nutrition - with such a diet you do not have to starve, unlike most other diets. A person is constantly full, and despite the fact that he eats several times less and, accordingly, consumes fewer calories.

What you need to know about fractional nutrition

    fractional nutrition, although it does not imply the exclusion of any products from the diet, you still should not engage in self-deception and eat buns, cakes, pastries, convenience foods or fast food. Your nutrition will not be called correct, even if you consume all of the above in small portions.

    food must be chewed well. Don't get distracted while eating TV, reading a book, or anything else. Enjoy the taste of food - it will do you good.

    there should always be a table of caloric content of products at hand, because it would seem at first glance a harmless product for verification can contain a lot of calories.

    Eat several small portions of fresh vegetables and fruits every day, they contain a small amount of calories, but a lot of the vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and fiber that the body needs. Fruits and vegetables will satisfy hunger well and will benefit the body.

    do not fry food in butter or margarine, use a double boiler or oven for cooking.

    Drink 7-8 glasses of water daily, this activates the metabolism in the body and helps to remove toxins from it. Also, water consumed in such quantities is a good means for losing weight.

    breaks between meals should not be more than three hours, since with fractional meals a person should always remain full, the feeling of hunger should not visit him.

    do not completely exclude sweets from your diet, in one of the five meals you can afford to eat a piece of chocolate, marmalade or candy.

What is the benefit of fractional nutrition?

Fractional nutrition, according to gastroenterologists, is considered especially effective and is prescribed by them to patients suffering from various diseases of the stomach. With such a diet, food is consumed often, but in small portions, which does not allow overloading the gastrointestinal tract with excess food, and the level of sugar in the blood with such a nutrition system is kept within the normal range.

What can you eat with fractional nutrition?

You should immediately forget about fast food: various hamburgers, big macs, french fries, chips, nuts, chocolates. As a snack, eat muesli, cereal, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetables, fruit salads, bread. The daily diet should consist of a sufficient amount of vitamins, fatty acids and trace elements.

Menu for the day with fractional nutrition

For breakfast with fractional nutrition, you can eat any porridge, bananas - they contain a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. For lunch and dinner, you can cook fish, lean meat, vegetable salad or a hot vegetable dish.

Snack in between should be salads, fruits, yogurt, cottage cheese, vegetables. The daily diet must necessarily include foods that contain natural fats of vegetable origin - for example, it can be olive oil.

In order to lose a few extra pounds, add exercise to fractional nutrition. Proper nutrition and reasonable physical activity guarantee you success, and excess weight will go away without applying excessive effort.