The most mysterious photographs in the history of photography. The most mysterious and terrible photos

Over the nearly 200-year history of photography, several unique photographs have been taken, which until now no one can explain.

In 2004, the rover Opportunity discovered curious spherical microscopic formations on Martian soil. However, an even more curious picture was taken by Opportunity at the end of 2012, which clearly shows much large quantity much larger areas.

These spheres, composed of hematite, could mean that there was water on the Red Planet in the past.

A sea monster off the coast of Hook Island (March 1965)

This well-known image is considered by many to be the result of working with Photoshop. But few people know that the French photographer Robert le Serrec took this unknown giant sea animal back in 1965, and this photo became the subject of heated discussions among zoologists.

For the first time a picture of an unknown object, called the "Black Knight", was made in 1960 by one of the first satellites of the Earth. In polar orbit, an unidentified object is clearly visible, which could not be a satellite of the USSR or a satellite of the United States. Since then, this object has been seen many times - it appears and disappears at certain time intervals. The images below are photographs of this object captured by NASA's STS-88 mission.

Among these images was STS088-724-66. Enlarging the image makes it possible to examine the object in more detail. After careful study, scientists are inclined to believe that this is a piece of artificial origin.

On November 22, the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was shot dead in Dallas, Texas. During the analysis of photographs taken at the scene of the murder, experts drew attention to a mysterious woman in a light brown raincoat and scarf. She appears in many photographs and almost always holds a camera in her hands. The FBI was looking for this woman. long time but were never able to identify her.

On the DVD of Charlie Chaplin's collector's edition of Circus, a short film about the 1928 premiere was added as a bonus. One of the frames shows a woman holding something very reminiscent of mobile phone.

Belfast-based filmmaker George Clarke said he considered the footage as proof of the existence of time travelers. Many are inclined to believe that a woman holds an auditory tube in her hand. But then it is not clear why she smiles and says something to her.

In 1907, a group of teachers, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study a mysterious phenomenon called the "Lights of Hessdalen".

On a clear night, Björn Hauge took this picture using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object should be composed of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of Hessdalen's Lights. Scientists are still puzzling over what it could be.

This picture was taken during the Tiananmen Square riots in Beijing in June 1989. An unarmed man alone held back a column of tanks for half an hour.

The personality and further fate of this person remained a mystery. But this photo was published in almost all major publications in the world, and the unknown rebel himself became a symbol of resistance to power.

Secrets always arouse genuine interest in people, they give everyone the opportunity to invent and think out something of their own, completely inexplicable and mysterious. The 10 photographs presented in this article are the most mystical in the entire history of photography. Mysterious photographs demonstrate to humanity that not everything can be explained logically.

The assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963 is shrouded in many secrets, yet another mystery is this photograph taken at the scene of the crime. The woman in the picture is one of the most mysterious figures. The police, having reviewed hundreds of shots taken on that fateful day, could not establish the identity of this elderly person, they tried to track her down, hoping to find at least some additional evidence.

It later turned out that the woman in the photograph of Beverly Oliver, who was only 17 years old at the time of the creation of the photo, had been distorted by the camera in such a way that the girl in the picture was much older than her age. There is no evidence or refutation of this fact.

Mysterious lights of unknown origin have been recorded in the Hessdalen Valley. Residents recall that for the first time the glow was noticed during the Second World War, but since 1981 they have become more frequent. People from all over the world began to come to the valley to see the lights. Eyewitnesses claim that in some periods, the glow appeared 15-20 times a week.

The scientific explanation for these lights remains unproven, which causes a lot of controversy and disagreement regarding their nature. Some say they are aliens, while others argue that they can be headlights, mirages, astronomical bodies or aircraft lights.

If these pictures were taken, nowadays, the audience would blame Photoshop for everything, but this frame was taken on December 12, 1964 and then, it caused a lot of controversy and rumors. In 1964, there was no Photoshop, so people came up with their own explanations.

Robert Le Serre and his wife were vacationing on the shores of Stonehaven Bay, near Hook Island, Queensland. His wife noticed an unusual large object underwater and they took some photos. According to the pair's descriptions, the object resembled a giant tadpole, approximately 2.5 meters long. The object did not move and the couple thought the tadpole might be dead, so they moved closer. Then the creature began to move, and they fled, and the unknown object swam away.

When Jim Templeton snapped photographs of his wife and daughter on a sunny day in Cumbria, England in the summer of 1964, he was unaware that it would spark much debate among conspiracy theorists and UFOs.

After the shooting, the photographer developed the film and took photographs, he discovered that behind his little daughter there was a silhouette of a man in a spacesuit. Templeton said that during the photo session, he did not see anyone other than his wife and daughter. When the picture became public, some of the viewers said that the astronaut was behind, it was nothing more than the girl's mother standing behind her. Others have suggested that this is an astronaut who landed in the same area.

James Courtney and Michael Meehan were poisoned by gas fumes during their sea voyage to New York in 1924. As was the custom at the time, the men were buried at sea. However, within days of their burial, reflections of two male faces were seen in the water. The faces were so clear that Captain Keith Tracy was able to photographically capture the two ghosts.

This picture was taken in 1950. Then, after fixing a mysterious flying object, a rumor about an alien invasion flew around the world. UFO researcher Donald Keeho put forward the claims of the US Air Force about the detection of two satellites orbiting the Earth, however, in the end it turned out that no one launched these satellites and absolutely nothing is known about them.

Legend has it that when the Cooper family, shown in the photo, moved to their new house they decided to take the first photo. During the shooting, the camera captured the image of a body falling from the ceiling. Further investigation of this story provides little information to clarify this situation. As a result, many decided that it was just some kind of trick or hoax. How everything really happened, so no one knew.

It is a well-known fact that humanity always sees the Earth's satellite from one side. But what is hiding on the other side of the moon? Below is a photograph taken by Apollo 17 during the last flight to the moon. Despite the graininess of the frame, the image of a certain peaked mountain or pyramid is clearly visible in it. Some believe that these are the Great Pyramids, similar to the Egyptian ones. NASA does not divulge the origin story of the frame and does not specify what exactly is depicted on it.

In 1919, mechanic Freddie Jackson was accidentally killed by an airplane propeller while working. Two days later, after that, the squadron was assembled for a joint photo. After the release of the photo, everyone was very surprised by the appearance of Freddie Jackson in the photo. The photo was reviewed by the entire crew and everyone agreed that it was Jackson, despite the fact that he died two days before the photo, and the funeral took place on the same day as the shooting took place.

Hotel Killer - Cecil

In January 2013, 21-year-old student Eliza Lam was staying at the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles. Over time, the girl's body was found in a water tank by a maintenance technician. Witnesses say it was suicide. This story might not have attracted public attention, if not for a series of strange coincidences that accompany it.

It all started with a strange video recorded by a camera in an elevator, when, after pressing a button, the doors did not close for a long time. Further, it can be seen that Lam is trying to hide from something invisible in the corner of the elevator. Then the video recorded that the girl was getting out of the elevator, looking around chaotically, doubting her decision. At the same time, the elevator doors did not try to close, as if someone, or something prevented them from doing it. Minutes go by, and the girl's strange behavior continues after Lam disappears from the camera's field of view. When the girl got off the elevator, he closed himself and drove to the next floor. The mystery is how Lam was able to find herself on the roof, which was locked and barricaded. Shrouded in mystery is the mystical update of the information in the girl's blog, which took place six months after her death.

We all keep photographs from different years, where different episodes of our life are captured. Review them more closely. Maybe you will find something mysterious, like the Cooper family.

Bringing. When members of the Cooper family were photographed for this picture in 1950, they had no idea what they would find later. They had just moved into this house and it seemed that life would go on in a new way. But the shock crept up in the form of a ghost.

Sea monster. This well-known image is considered by many to be the work of Photoshop. But few people know that French photographer Robert Liserek captured this unknown giant sea animal back in 1965. This photograph has become the subject of heated debate among zoologists.

Black Knight... For the first time, a picture of an unknown object, called the Black Knight, was taken in 1960 by one of the first satellites of the Earth. In polar orbit, an unidentified object is clearly visible, which could not be a satellite of the USSR or a satellite of the United States. Since then, this object has been seen many times. It appears and disappears at regular intervals. After careful study, scientists are inclined to believe that this is a piece of artificial origin.

Granny. On November 22, the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was shot dead in Dallas, Texas. During the analysis of photographs taken at the scene of the murder, experts drew attention to a mysterious woman in a light brown raincoat and scarf. She appears in many photographs and always holds a camera in her hands. FBI officers have been looking for this woman for a long time, but they could not establish her identity.

Mobile phone. The Charlie Chaplin Circus Collector's Edition DVD has a short film about the 1928 premiere added as a bonus. One of the frames shows a woman holding in her hand something very reminiscent of a mobile phone. Belfost-based filmmaker George Clarke said he considered the footage as proof of the existence of time travelers. Many are inclined to believe that a woman holds an auditory tube in her hand. But then it is not clear why she smiles and says something into her.

Lights of the Hessdalen Valley. In 1907, a group of educators, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study a mysterious phenomenon called the Lights of Hessdalen. On clear nights, Björn Halgi took this picture using a shutter speed of 30 sec. Spectral analysis showed that the object should be composed of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but not the only photo of Hessdalen's Lights. Scientists are still puzzling over what it could be.

Unknown rebel. This picture was taken during the 1989 Tiananmen Square riots in Beijing. An unarmed man alone held back a column of tanks for half an hour. The personality and further fate of this person remained a mystery. But this photo was published in almost all major publications in the world, and the unknown rebel himself became a symbol of resistance to the authorities.

Astronaut from Solway Firth. In 1954, the family of Briton Jim Templeton was walking near the Solway Firth. The head of the family decided to photograph his five-year-old daughter with Kodak. The Templetons assured that there was no one besides them in these swampy places. And when the pictures were developed, one of them showed a strange figure peeping out from behind the girl's back. The analysis showed that the photo was not subjected to any changes.

Squadron of Ser Goddard. This is a group photo of Goddard's squadron that fought in World War I. It contains one intriguing detail. At the very top, behind one of the officers, you can see the face in which the squadron members recognized their former mechanic Freddie Jackson, who died two days before this photo was taken. And on the day when the squadron was photographed, Jackson's funeral took place.

Pyramids on the Moon. The photograph of the surface of the moon AS-17-136-8-0 was taken as part of the Apollo 17 mission. In the catalog of photographs, it was listed as overexposed. She clearly suffered from changes in light exposure. However, after working with the contrast of this image, it turned out that in fact, structures that resemble pyramids are captured on it.

Over the nearly 200-year history of photography, several unique photographs have been taken, which until now no one can explain.

In 2004, the rover Opportunity discovered curious spherical microscopic formations on Martian soil. However, an even more curious picture was taken by Opportunity at the end of 2012, which clearly shows a much larger number of significantly larger spheres. These spheres, composed of hematite, could mean that there was water on the Red Planet in the past.

A sea monster off the coast of Hook Island (March 1965)

This well-known image is considered by many to be the result of working with Photoshop. But few people know that the French photographer Robert le Serrec took this unknown giant sea animal back in 1965, and this photo became the subject of heated discussions among zoologists.

Black Knight (December 11, 1998)

For the first time a picture of an unknown object, called the "Black Knight", was made in 1960 by one of the first satellites of the Earth. In polar orbit, an unidentified object is clearly visible, which could not be a satellite of the USSR or a satellite of the United States.

Since then, this object has been seen many times - it appears and disappears at certain time intervals. The images below are photographs of this object captured by NASA's STS-88 mission. Among these images was STS088-724-66.

Enlarging the image makes it possible to examine the object in more detail. After careful study, scientists are inclined to believe that this is a piece of artificial origin.

Grandmother (November 22, 1963)

On November 22, the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was shot dead in Dallas, Texas. During the analysis of photographs taken at the scene of the murder, experts drew attention to a mysterious woman in a light brown raincoat and scarf.

She appears in many photographs and almost always holds a camera in her hands. FBI officers have been looking for this woman for a long time, but they could not establish her identity.

Mobile phone in the film by Charlie Chaplin (January 6, 1928)

On the DVD of the collector's edition of Charlie Chaplin's Circus, a short film about the 1828 premiere was added as a bonus. One of the frames shows a woman holding in her hand something very reminiscent of a mobile phone.

Belfast-based filmmaker George Clarke said he considered the footage as proof of the existence of time travelers. Many are inclined to believe that a woman holds an auditory tube in her hand. But then it is not clear why she smiles and says something to her.

Lights of the Hessdalen Valley (20 September 2007)

In 1907, a group of teachers, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study a mysterious phenomenon called the "Lights of Hessdalen". On a clear night, Björn Hauge took this picture using a shutter speed of 30 seconds.

Spectral analysis showed that the object should be composed of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of Hessdalen's Lights. Scientists are still puzzling over what it could be.

Unknown Rebel (5 June 1989)

This picture was taken during the Tiananmen Square riots in Beijing in June 1989. An unarmed man alone held back a column of tanks for half an hour. The personality and further fate of this person remained a mystery. But this photo was published in almost all major publications in the world, and the unknown rebel himself became a symbol of resistance to power.

Astronaut from Solway Firth (23 May 1964)

In 1964, the family of Briton Jim Tumpleton took a walk near Solway Firth. The head of the family decided to photograph his five-year-old daughter with Kodak. The Templons insisted that there was no one else in these swampy places besides them.

And when the pictures were developed, one of them showed a strange figure peeping out from behind the girl's back. The analysis showed that the photo was not subjected to any changes.

Long before the advent of the Internet and the masters of Photoshop, the vast majority of photographs taken were genuine. Everything that was displayed on the film was actually in the frame. Sometimes truly incredible and mysterious phenomena such as ghosts, incomprehensible creatures and even UFOs fell into the pictures. Until now, scientists cannot explain how they got there.

Mysterious photographer

If you look closely at this, at first glance, regular photo, you can see one strange person in sunglasses. In a picture taken in the 40s in Canada, he stands out especially among ordinary people dressed for their time. First, his clothes are more appropriate for our time. Secondly, you can see a modern camera in his hands. So who is this - an ordinary person in strange clothes or a time traveler? And what exactly was he going to photograph with an unusual camera? There are no answers to these questions yet.

Mysterious silhouette at the bottom

In 1964, Frenchman Robert Serrek in the Australian state of Queensland captured something inexplicable on the seabed with his camera. The image clearly shows a huge serpentine silhouette hidden under the water. This photograph has been exciting the minds of many scientists for half a century, but there is still no convincing explanation.

Monster or Monkey?

Several decades ago, the Bigfoot theory became very popular. A little later, they even found a relative for him - a stink monkey. This photo was taken by a resident of Florida in her yard. She also claimed that she was bitten by an incomprehensible monkey-like creature. The researchers of the picture suggested that this beast could be a bear. But most are convinced that it really was a skunk-like monkey.

Spooky photo of the Cooper family

After moving to a new home, the Coopers invited relatives to their place and decided to make family photo... But instead of fond memories, this picture is only capable of inducing fear. On it, in addition to family members, there is an incomprehensible body hanging from the ceiling. Until now, no one can explain whether this was a simple defect in the film or whether there are otherworldly forces in the house that accidentally fell into the frame.