Treatment with wheat germ. Sprouted wheat: benefits and applications What does sprouted wheat treat?

It has long been known that sprouted wheat heals the entire body. However, you can achieve a positive result during treatment only by knowing how to germinate grains correctly.

Benefits of wheat germ

A huge number of effective medicines have been created based on the gifts of nature. These are herbs and plants or their individual components. Among such remedies, wheat sprouts occupy a special place. Our distant ancestors knew that sprouted wheat heals the entire body. They passed this knowledge, the secrets of proper germination of grains and the use of sprouts from generation to generation. The best recipes have survived to this day and received well-deserved recognition.

The main feature of wheat sprouts is their rich content, which helps increase immunity, the resistance of the human body and the ability to resist pathogens. But in addition, sprouted grains are rich in fiber and contain:

  • minerals;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vegetable protein mass;
  • folic acid;
  • unsaturated fatty acids.

Microelements include potassium, iron and phosphorus. The chemical composition, or more precisely the proportion of chemical elements in the grain, changes during germination. At this time, small grains with sprouts that have appeared can have the most beneficial effect on all internal organs.

Features of the action

Cholesterol is one of the worst enemies of the human body. An increase in its level causes the emergence and development of complex and dangerous diseases. Sprouted wheat grains, which contain a special place in octosanol, will help reduce cholesterol levels. This is nothing more than germ oil - the most important source of vitamin E.

Effect of sprouted wheat on the body

The result of long-term study and numerous experiments was the decision to use it to treat the whole body, since regular intake of sprouts provides effective protection against many ailments, including the development of malignant neoplasms. A course of sprouted wheat grains allows you to:

  1. Restore and activate the functionality of all endocrine glands. This is possible thanks to amino acids such as cysteine ​​and tryptophan, which promote enhanced production of serotonin.
  2. Ensure high-quality and effective removal of toxins from the body. Arginine and histidine are involved in this process.
  3. Isoleucine and methionine help increase the body's resistance and reduce blood cholesterol levels.
  4. Tyrosine helps maintain memory at the proper level.
  5. Valine is an amino acid that prevents the development of malignant tumors.

Sprouted wheat. Food for a healthy diet:

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Today, few people do not know about the benefits of sprouted wheat; those who use it regularly talk about improved health, cure of many diseases and even the appearance of new teeth. The latter fact has not been proven by scientists, but it is regularly written about on many forums about healthy eating. Yogis, naturopaths and scientists studied sprouted wheat grains; none of them doubted the exceptional healing effect of sprouts on the human body.

Why is sprouted wheat beneficial?

Wheat grains contain a large amount of useful substances, but most of these substances are in an inactive, “preserved” phase. At the moment when a sprout is ready to hatch in the grain, it mobilizes all its contents in order to put into the sprout all the necessary substances for active growth. Moreover, the active substances are balanced in such a way as to ensure maximum absorption. Therefore, sprouted wheat is not just a healthy product, it is a biologically active natural supplement that has virtually no contraindications and is completely absorbed by the body.

At the moment of germination, fats are converted into healthy fatty acids, and starch becomes maltose. Protein substances found in grains break down into amino acids, then into nucleotides. What is not absorbed by the body is again broken down into various bases, which are necessary for the construction of nucleic acids, which in turn are the basis of genes. Our body acquires the material to restore and cure certain diseases.

Along with these transformations, enzymes, vitamins and minerals are actively synthesized. Thus, our body receives material that is ready for absorption, it does not need to break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats itself, and vitamins and minerals come to us in a balanced, easily digestible form, unlike similar complexes from the pharmacy.

What is sprouted wheat rich in?

The nutritional value of sprouted wheat grains is enormous. The highest concentration of biologically active substances is found in grains with a sprout of 1–2 mm. They contain various fatty acids, ash, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, 8 essential amino acids and 12 non-essential ones. They are rich in minerals, including rare ones: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium and zinc. Eating sprouted wheat saturates the body with many vitamins; B vitamins, youth vitamins C and E are especially important for us; in addition, sprouts contain a lot of vitamin PP. Sprouted wheat does not contain sugars, which makes it especially useful for people with diabetes.

The benefits of sprouted wheat for the body

Sprouted wheat grains, when consumed for a long time, can create a real miracle for the body. Living food improves the proper functioning of organs and metabolic processes in the body. The overall tone improves, the body's resistance to infections increases, immunity increases, and metabolism normalizes. Living food fills the body with energy and strength. Eating sprouted wheat is beneficial for everyone from young to old age. Its use is especially recommended in the following cases:

  • In case of exhaustion, reduced immunity, after illness. Sprouts perfectly restore vitality and increase the body's resistance to many infections. They are recommended to be eaten during periods of flu epidemics, as well as after illnesses to quickly restore the body.
  • For long-term stress and depression. Sprouted grains contain a large number of substances that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • In case of decline or disturbance of sexual function. In some cases, long-term use can cure impotence.
  • With elevated blood cholesterol levels. Sprouts are rich in magnesium, which helps lower blood pressure and remove cholesterol from the blood.
  • For disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. A large amount of insoluble fiber stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, relieves constipation, and cleanses the body of waste, radionuclides and toxins. Soluble fiber restores intestinal microflora and absorbs bile acids, and also promotes the removal of cholesterol.
  • For metabolic disorders and obesity. Sprouted wheat is not very high in calories. It balances metabolism, which promotes better absorption of food. This product quickly fills you up and relieves you of hunger for a long time. But when consuming sprouted grains, it is advisable to avoid baked goods.
  • In the presence of various neoplasms in the body. Sprouted wheat is a good preventative against the development of cancerous tumors. The experience of many people suggests that long-term consumption of sprouts promotes the resorption of cysts, fibroids, fibroids and polyps.
  • For various inflammatory processes in the body.
  • For poor vision. After just a few months of daily consumption of sprouted wheat grains, vision improvement is observed. In many cases, vision is completely restored within a year.
  • For diabetes. The absence of sugars in sprouted wheat makes this food absolutely safe for diabetics; in addition, sprouted grains normalize the function of the thyroid gland and ease the course of the disease.

Sprouted wheat grains are unique whole body rejuvenation complex, since they stimulate restoration and cleansing processes in our body. This is also facilitated by the rich content of youth vitamins and enzymes in the sprouts. 50–100 g of sprouted wheat per day will return you healthy skin and complexion, strengthen your hair, nails and teeth. They will give you strength and energy.

How to properly germinate wheat grains

When choosing grain for sprouting, pay attention to the fact that it must be sufficiently ripe, without foreign impurities, completely healthy, stains on the grain or the presence of pests are unacceptable. Then, separate the wheat from the chaff. Fill the required amount of grain with water, rinse it and drain off any debris and floating wheat. There should not be many dead grains, otherwise, most likely, all the grain from this batch is old or weak, and it will not bring much benefit. From one part of dry grain after germination, two are obtained, that is, if you put a tablespoon to germinate, then you subsequently eat 2 tablespoons of sprouted wheat grains.

For germination, use dishes made of natural materials, glass, clay or porcelain. Don't eat unsprouted grains, they have no benefit.

Pre-soaking is usually done in the evening or morning. The grain lies in the water for 5–8 hours, then this water must be drained, the grains must be rinsed thoroughly until light, clean water begins to flow from them. The first water is always poured out; it contains poisons that were used when growing wheat, as well as those that are formed when the grain is activated in water before germination.

The water you drain during subsequent washes is very beneficial. You can wash your face with it, you can drink it and add it to soups, it will be very useful for indoor plants.

When sprouting, you should wash the grains at equal time intervals 3-4 times a day with cool water. This is necessary in order to prevent the growth of mold fungi and provide the grains with fresh moisture. Grains with sprouts of 1–2 mm are considered ready to eat. At night, germination is more intense, take this into account before soaking.

There are several ways to germinate wheat:

  • Lay several layers of gauze in a deep plate, sprinkle wheat grains on top in an even thin layer after pre-soaking, and then another layer of gauze on top. Then you need to pour cool boiled water so that it slightly covers the grains. Place the plate in a bright, warm place, but not in the sun, and do not forget to change the water so that the grains are moist at all times, in clean water. There should not be too much water, otherwise the wheat will begin to mold. Depending on the variety, the grains will germinate in 1.5–2 days.
  • It is even easier to germinate wheat in a small strainer. To do this, lay one layer of gauze in it and pour in the grains. Place the strainer on a glass of clean water so that the grains touch the water but do not float in it. The water in the glass needs to be changed 3-4 times a day.
  • And the easiest way. There are several types of grain sprouters available in natural food stores these days.

How to properly eat sprouted wheat grains

The daily recommended intake of sprouted grains is 50–100 g. They are consumed raw, preferably immediately after germination. It is permissible to store sprouted wheat in the refrigerator for no more than a day. It is better to eat a daily portion in the morning to get a boost of energy for the whole day. 100 grams of sprouted grains can also be an excellent lunch, but do not eat them at night, it will be difficult for the stomach to cope with such food during sleep.

Sprouted wheat can be eaten as part of salads or cereals, or you can leave it as an independent dish. It is very important to chew it thoroughly until it becomes a liquid paste. If this seems difficult, you can grind it in a blender or meat grinder.

Sprouts go well with any food except dairy products. In combination with bee products, an allergic reaction is possible over time. It tastes best to add wheat to a green salad or grind it along with dried fruits or nuts.

Recipes with the addition of sprouted wheat

  • Kissel. Jelly made from sprouted wheat grains is very useful. Pass the grains through a meat grinder and fill with water. Boil for 2-3 minutes, then let sit for half an hour. Strain and enjoy the healthy drink.
  • Cookie. Pass sprouted grains, dried fruits and nuts through a meat grinder. Form cutlets from the resulting mass and roll them in poppy or sesame seeds. Place in the oven for 15–20 minutes.
  • Infusion of sprouted wheat grains. The infusion can be added to soups and porridges; it is very beneficial for the skin of the face and hands; you can also make hair masks with it. A mixture of infusion with honey is a good remedy for respiratory diseases. To prepare, pour a tablespoon of sprouted grains into a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, boil the infusion for 15 minutes, then strain.
  • Rejvelac. This Italian “kvass” is prepared from half a glass of ground sprouted wheat and 6 glasses of clean water. Fill the sprouts with water in a glass decanter or jar, cover the decanter with gauze and leave for 2-3 days. When the kvass is ready, strain it from the grains. For the next serving, use the same grains.
  • Bread. Pass the sprouted wheat through a meat grinder and add a little water. You can add ground seaweed, sautéed onions or nuts. Form the loaves and fry them in a frying pan with a little olive oil.
  • Wheat milk. Pour one glass of sprouts with 4 glasses of clean water and stir the mixture in a blender. You can add raisins or nuts to the milk. Strain the liquid. Store it in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.


There are not many contraindications for sprouted wheat.

  • It is not recommended for use by patients with stomach or duodenal ulcers.
  • It should not be given to children under 12 years of age.
  • Wheat germ is contraindicated for people with an allergic reaction to gluten.
  • At the beginning of the course of treatment, dizziness, weakness, and loose stools may occur. These symptoms should subside within 2–3 days. Increased gas formation is also possible, especially when combining wheat with dairy products.
Sprouted wheat grain does not cure any specific disease, but heals the body as a whole. Many people have probably heard about sprouted wheat. But how often do we use it, and do we use it at all? Sprouted or sprouted wheat is not news, not a scientific discovery, it has been used since ancient times. Even then, people understood that sprouted wheat had healing properties. The ancient Egyptians were always confident. Therefore, in particular, sprouted wheat is recommended to slow down the aging process, and therefore prolong life, and to normalize carbohydrate and fat metabolism. The benefits of sprouted wheat are mentioned in medical treatises of ancient Indian healers and famous physicians.

Treatment with wheat germ is a method of cleansing the body, based on research that has shown that this remedy has enormous healing properties that help cure many diseases. The process of wheat germination leads to a number of biochemical and structural changes in the grain - from 1 kg of wheat 1.5 kg of wheat sprouts are obtained. This grain contains the maximum amount of valuable substances for the body, which are very easily absorbed by the body. 100 g of wheat germ contains 1050 mg. phosphorus, 342 mg. magnesium, 71 mg. calcium. These minerals plus vitamins A, B, E, K, D, PP, enzymes and phytohormones have an exceptional healing effect.

Wheat germ has been found to be of particular importance in the fight against various diseases, including cancer. It is a very important stimulator of the body's vital functions, due to its rich content of B vitamins and many other vitamins, as well as various enzymes necessary to regulate intimate processes in the body. For many diseases, after a week or two of consuming sprouted wheat, people of any age experience noticeable improvements in health, up to complete recovery... Using this method does not cause any harm to health, but on the contrary, it is a very effective method.

French scientist and doctor Jean Valnet, in his scientific work “Treatment of diseases with vegetables, fruits and grains,” says that “the exceptional richness of its components (sprouted wheat) is a heavy blow for diseases such as diabetes, asthenia, neurosis, neuritis, heart disease , cases of cancer."

Wheat germ has proven effective in treating growth retardation in children, combating premature aging, skin diseases (eczema, acne, recurrent infections) and liver diseases. This is a very good regulator of intestinal transit. Extremely effective in the treatment of kidney diseases, thrombophlebitis, arthritis and stomach tumors. Good results have been obtained by introducing wheat germ into antitumor diets. Sprouted grains treat cardiovascular diseases and some of the blood diseases, impotence and infertility in men, restoring their zest for life.

Prevents situations of amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea in women with a weak constitution. Quickly relieves headaches and insomnia. Has a beneficial effect in the treatment of eye diseases.

The course of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks. Obvious improvement in health and vitality comes after the first 7-10 days and increases gradually during treatment if the disease recedes gradually until healing occurs. Stabilization of the treatment effect occurs after 2-3 months and 6-12 months for people with serious illnesses. You can repeat the course after at least a 10-day break.

Prepare a fresh portion daily in a non-metallic bowl. 200 g of wheat grains selected from the latest harvest are thoroughly washed and placed in a bowl of warm water (not hot!). The container with the grain is covered with a towel and left in a warm place for 24 - 72 hours, depending on the season, until a small white spot (germ) appears on each grain. Twice a day, gently rinse the grains in warm water. After germination, the washed grain can be passed through a meat grinder and consumed 1 tbsp. on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.

Wheat sprouts contraindications

Wheat germ is contraindicated for individuals experiencing an imbalance caused by excess estrogen in the body. Therefore, women with heavy menstrual periods should be wary of using such treatments, which may worsen their problems.

Sprouted or sprouted wheat is not news, not a scientific discovery, it has been used since ancient times, and people have accumulated extensive experience in its use for prevention and treatment. A grain is a dormant organism in which a kind of energy is stored under the shell for the continuation of its kind.

This occurs at the moment of germination - the birth of a new plant. For this, nature provides the most valuable thing for the nutrition of a born young plant that it contains: enzymes and other valuable substances. By using wheat germ, we are consuming nature's most important nutrition.

Here is what researcher Ani Wagmore writes about wheat germ: “Large experimental work carried out over 20 years fully confirms the effectiveness of the stimulating effect of wheat germ, this natural elixir of life, on coordinating the development of the human body at any age, on the organization of metabolism and the nervous system.”

Recently, scientists learned that wheat sprouts are brilliant scavengers; they clear away life-threatening landfills and debris in the body, ensuring natural cleanliness. They are able to dissolve gluten formed in the intestines and protect against a terrible disease - cancer.

Here is the conclusion of scientists and naturopaths about the benefits of eating wheat germ. Wheat sprouts:

Regulate, restore and stabilize the correct functioning of the vital functions of the body at any age

Rejuvenate and stabilize all body systems.

Resolves various neoplasms of malignant and benign tumors, polyps, fibromas.

Enrich blood with oxygen.

Increases the body's tolerance to oxygen deficiency.

Increases the body's tolerance to cold.

Suppresses various infections and inflammatory processes.

They remove cell waste products, poisons, excess cholesterol and other harmful substances from the body.

Increases immunity.

Restore visual acuity.

Heals wounds.

Restore hair.

Strengthens the entire cardiovascular system.

Promote active longevity.

They are pleasing and pacify the human soul.

Sprouts of all grains are useful, but it is better to take wheat, which contains the most useful substances for treatment and prevention and is convenient for cooking. Below are 2 ways to germinate wheat grains.

Method 1. For germination, take 80-100 g of wheat, wash it in running water 2-3 times. Damaged and unripe grains are thrown away. The washed wheat is spread in a layer of no more than 2-3 cm in a porcelain or other dish. Then this wheat is poured with water so that the top layer of grains just touches the surface of the water. All this is covered with gauze. The main thing is to provide the grains with moisture, air and heat - up to 22 degrees. After 24-30 hours, the wheat will show white sprouts. After they become 2-3 millimeters long, the wheat must be washed again. This is sprouted wheat. For convenient use, you need to grind it in a meat grinder or coffee grinder. They chew sprouted wheat like this - slowly and thoroughly, for example, chew 1 teaspoon for one minute, making 50-60 chewing movements. This is the main process by which the body obtains the natural elixir that is formed in the mouth.

Those who have difficulty chewing sprouted wheat can do this: add 1-1.5 cups of water to the crushed wheat, stir until smooth, then squeeze - you will get wheat milk, which is also healthy.

Method 2. In the evening, pour 2 tbsp. spoons of wheat (serving for 1 person) and leave overnight. Durum wheat is taken. In the morning, pour out the water, rinse the grain, drain the water again and place the jar at an angle of 45 degrees, bottom up, after covering the jar with gauze under an elastic band. Since the grains are soaked, they are distributed along the walls of the jar, and the gauze prevents them from spilling out. In a few hours the grains will hatch, they need to be rinsed, and... everything is ready. In the same way, you can germinate not only wheat grains, but also other grains.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are the basis of a healthy diet. At the same time, nutritionists recommend consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables and avoid buying strawberries in December.

But where do we then get the necessary vitamins and microelements in winter, when market stalls are littered with imported cucumbers and tomatoes?

There is a way out - to germinate wheat at home. Sprouts of grains and seeds are a real vitamin bomb! In this article you will find comprehensive instructions on how to germinate wheat according to all the rules. I will also tell you how to prepare and consume sprouted wheat.

Wheat sprouts are a unique product in their benefits, the regular use of which:

  • strengthens the body's defenses, so in winter you will get sick less and feel better;
  • normalizes metabolic processes and speeds up metabolism - this is a wonderful product for everyone who wants to lose weight!
  • creates an optimal nutrient environment for beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and improves stomach function by stimulating the secretion of saliva and gastric juice;
  • cleanses the body of all sorts of bad things like cholesterol, toxins and waste;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • has a preventive effect against many diseases (including malignant tumors).

Where to buy and how to choose wheat for home germination

If you care more about your health than about your wallet, then it is better to buy grains in large supermarkets and in special packages with the inscription that this wheat is intended specifically for germinating wheat at home. Pay special attention to the expiration date: if more than a year has passed since the raw materials were packaged, then it is better to refrain from purchasing such a product.

High-quality wheat grains are smooth, beautiful, the same shape and size, with a delicate yellowish-brown tint and dry to the touch.

You can also buy a liter or two of wheat for germination at the local food market. Here, of course, there is a greater chance of running into a low-quality product: many grain producers use aggressive chemicals to improve the keeping quality of grain and prevent its premature spoilage.

Yes, without the help of a special laboratory it is impossible to determine how pure the product is being offered to you. But before purchasing it is useful to inspect the grains. The presence of a large number of specimens of an ugly shape, broken, cracked and with a characteristic whitish coating indicates that the seller does not particularly care about the quality of his goods.

By the way, for comparison, a liter of pure wheat grain in our Kaliningrad market costs 60 rubles, and in our stores the same amount of wheat in branded packaging is sold for 120-150 rubles.

What you need to sprout wheat at home

In addition to high-quality wheat grains, you will need the most basic set of dishes:

  • container made of glass, ceramics, porcelain or plastic. Do not use metal bowls; the grain does not germinate in them, but simply peroxidizes. It is advisable to use containers with a wide bottom. And if you are soaking cereal for several people, then it is better to take a baking sheet or a plastic tray.
  • sieve or colander;
  • a cloth made of natural fabric or ordinary gauze;
  • pure water.

Then think about where you will place the dishes with future sprouts. It should be a warm (+22...24 degrees) and bright place, out of direct sunlight.

How much wheat to germinate at a time

In a humid and warm environment, wheat kernels awaken in about 1-2 days, depending on the variety and the conditions created. If after two days the grains still have not hatched, then they are most likely “dead” and are better off.

The peak nutritional value of wheat sprouts occurs in the first six hours after the white roots appear on the grains, so I prefer to soak a fresh portion every day.

For myself, I found that it is most convenient to do this as follows:

Evening- I fill the grains with water.

Morning- I drain the unabsorbed moisture and wrap the wheat in gauze (rag). During the day and before going to bed, I rinse the fabric under the tap several times and add clean water.

Evening- I fill in the next portion.

Morning- I wash the first-soaked wheat and eat it for 2-3 meals (breakfast, snack, lunch).

I soak 20-30 grams of dry wheat, although if your diet is low in fiber, then this norm can be increased to 100 grams.

How to germinate wheat at home - step-by-step instructions

  1. Pour your daily dose into a cup of water. Leave the grains that have settled to the bottom, and remove the hollow specimens and debris floating on the surface.
  2. Rinse the wheat thoroughly under the tap and refill with clean boiled water so that it covers the grains with a layer of 5-7 millimeters.
  3. After 6-8 hours, rinse the grain again, scatter it on a moderately damp cloth or gauze folded several times and place it in a wide bowl.
  4. Every 6-8 hours (2-3 times a day), the wheat needs to be washed to remove mucus.

Wheat kernels can be added to food within 15-20 hours after soaking.

Before doing this, they need to be thoroughly washed again. The grains can be kept at room temperature as long as the sprouts are no more than two to three millimeters long. Then it is better to rinse them, sprinkle them with water, place them in a plastic tray, cover with a lid and put them in the refrigerator.

Sprouts should be stored in the cold for no more than two days!

How to properly consume sprouted wheat grains

Wheat sprouts can be eaten in two ways: before breakfast on an empty stomach or at lunch as part of cereals, salads, soups, and so on.

To get maximum benefit, chew thoroughly before swallowing. Or you can simply grind the raw materials with a blender.

“Live” grain goes especially well with different types of beans (mung beans, beans, lentils). Sprouts are great to combine with dried fruits, honey, nuts, vegetable and fruit juices. I love adding ground sprouted wheat to my flatbread and bread dough.

Just don’t eat milk and sprouted grains in the same meal. This is fraught with excess gas formation and unpleasant sensations in the stomach.

Each type of sprout contains its own unique set of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances. But it is inconvenient to germinate several batches of grain and seeds at once - you need to constantly ensure that the grains do not overgrow and spoil. The DobroSad seed germinator solves this problem. In addition, you can germinate grass for pets and seeds for the garden. You can buy the device here.

I suggest watching a video on how to easily and quickly germinate wheat at home.