Alexey Dobashin, Krost construction concern. “Krost” scandals: from A to Z Sergei Polonsky

Concern "Krost" is a leading investment and construction company that has achieved great success in various areas of its activities over its almost twenty-year history. The Concern's leadership is reflected in specific results: unprecedented global real estate projects, a powerful industrial complex, an innovative approach, research activities, a high degree of social responsibility.

National Internet Archive - New Moscow developers

Owners of the KROST concern

The owner of the KROST concern is Alexey Dobashin.

Management of the KROST concern


RBC requests that the Krost construction concern be declared insolvent

The RBC holding may bankrupt one of the largest construction companies in Russia, the Krost concern. The corresponding application was submitted to the capital arbitration on March 15. The developer owes RBC 2 million rubles. for advertising services provided. Last summer, the parties already tried to resolve the issue amicably - Krost had to pay off the debt in three tranches. However, the developer never fulfilled the terms of the settlement agreement.

Moscow authorities filed a lawsuit against the construction concern "Krost"

The Moscow government filed a claim with the capital's Arbitration Court against the Krost construction concern for a total amount of 203.093 million rubles. RIA Novosti reports this with reference to court materials.
link: 2009/03/11/krost/

Concern "Krost" will change the project of the residential complex "Zvezda Gazproma" near Moscow

The Krost concern plans to revise the planning project in the Gazoprovod and Kommunarka villages in the territories annexed to Moscow and come up with a new project for the Zvezda Gazprom residential complex, where the building density will be reduced, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the project manager of the Krost concern, Alexander Elkin.

Head of the KROST concern Alexey Dobashin: “I built the company from scratch”

“I built the company from scratch,” the founder and owner of the KROST concern, Alexey Dobashin, admitted in a conversation with an Interfax-Real Estate correspondent. “In the post-Soviet period, KROST was one of the first construction cooperatives, now it occupies a niche in the Braun segment - business."
link: realtyinf.asp?id=1836&sec=1453


A large Moscow developer, Krost, plans to open a chain of beer restaurants in Moscow. The name may include the brand of the beer restaurant chain from Munich, Pschorr, which specializes in healthy nutrition. Beer market participants find the Krost idea intriguing, but find it difficult to assess the chain's prospects.

General Director of the KROST Concern Alexey Dobashin has been appointed as a confidant of Russian Presidential candidate Vladimir Putin

On February 6, the Central Election Commission approved the proxies of Russian Presidential candidate Vladimir Putin. Among them was the General Director of the KROST Concern, Alexey Dobashin.

Alexey Alekseevich Dobashin, professor at the International Academy of Architecture,Honorary Builder of Russia, is the founder of the Krost company, which over two decades of its activity has established itself as a true temple builder. Her under the care of more than 30 beautiful cathedrals, not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia. In addition, the Concern pays special attention to social facilities - the construction of kindergartens, schools, and sports palaces using the most modern technologies. The company takes part in many projects and programs aimed at the benefit of Moscow and the region.

As part of the “200 Temples” Program, the Concern is building several temple complexes:

- Iveron Icon of the Mother of God on the territory of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Thanks to this construction, the students of the Academy, the golden personnel reserve of our country, will be able to receive spiritual and moral education in the best traditions of our great state. The site is located in the southwest of Moscow, at the intersection of Michurinsky Prospekt and st. Lobachevsky, on the territory of a park area formed on the site of a filled-up slope and valley of the Ochakovka River. The site is closely adjacent to the territory of the Academy of the FSB of Russia.

“Each new project for us means new experiences, new creative searches, the opportunity to realize the best ideas,” says Alexey Dobashin. - Overcoming difficulties, with great love, faith and prayer, we build temples, churches and chapels. This construction requires a high level of professionalism and attention to the traditions of ancient Russian temple building. We put all our skill and heart into every detail of God’s new house.”

Temple in honor of the “Derzhavnaya” Icon of the Mother of God on the territory of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District. The author of the project is Honored Architect of Russia Andrei Nikolaevich Obolensky. On June 18, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', concelebrated by the Moscow clergy and in the presence of generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, consecrated the foundation stone.

At the behest of the heart

Why are you building so many temples?

This is my state of mind,” Alexey Alekseevich smiles.

They say you have already built more than 30?

The temple at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District will become the 35th. We will complete all work as quickly as possible. I am absolutely convinced that every church, cathedral, chapel covers with invisible protection the surrounding houses, streets and everyone living and being in the immediate vicinity. Light forces create a cover. Therefore, the more shrines are built, the more firmly we will protect our people from troubles and strengthen the spiritual foundations of our society.


Biography, life story

The owner and general director of PFK Krost LLC, Alexey Dobashin, is a professor at the International Academy of Architecture.

Alexey Alekseevich Dobashin was born on December 8, 1961 in Moscow, into a family of builders. At the age of 14, Alexei’s working life had already begun - he went to work at a factory. In 1984 he graduated from MISI (Moscow Civil Engineering Institute) with a degree in civil engineering, then served in the army.

In 1989, Dobashin was appointed head of the Moscow department of the All-Union Association “Soyuzsportstroy” and worked in this position until 1991.

However, already in 1990, being the head of the Moscow “Soyuzsportstroy” site, Aleksey Alekseevich decided, as they said at that time, “to start working for himself”: he assembled a team of builders and founded the Krost concern, which began as a cooperative “Roofing and Construction” (abbreviated as “CROST”). It is noteworthy that the formation of the enterprise took place during a rather difficult economic time in Russia, so the aspiring entrepreneur had to learn to be a leader, as they say, “as the play goes.” However, the romance of construction as a great process did not let go of the young specialist.

“When I was just starting my business, and I had a team of only ten people, I wanted to prove that Russians know how to build. This was the childhood goal. But then, with experience, it transformed into something more…” recalls Aleksey Alekseevich.

In 1992-1997, Dobashina’s company received a number of orders for the reconstruction of administrative buildings. And although these projects did not bring much profit, they became a good foundation for the future. And in 1997, Alexey Alekseevich built his first residential building - not far from the Paveletsky station...

Today, the Krost concern has about 200 constructed and reconstructed buildings. In 2008, the company commissioned 120 thousand square meters. m of area. The CEO still works 15 or more hours a day. He hasn't been on vacation since the day he started his own business.

What motivates an entrepreneur when success comes and everything he dreamed of at the start has been done? About this in Elena Tkachenko’s interview with the founder and general director of the Krost construction concern, Alexey Dobashin.

“We did everything despite the circumstances”

In 1990, the head of the Moscow department of the Soyuzsportstroy association, Alexei Dobashin, decided, as they said then, to “get wild.” The idea was simple: gather smart men and start working for yourself. This is how the cooperative “Roofing and Construction” was born - “Krost” for short.

For some time, personal business and Soyuzsportstroy existed in parallel in Dobashin’s life. Official work did not always bring high earnings, but it helped to make useful contacts in government agencies in Moscow. Their orders made the name “Krostu”. In 1992-1997, Dobashina's company reconstructed a number of administrative buildings. And although the budget projects did not bring much profit, they became a good foundation for the future. And in 1997, Dobashin built his first residential building - not far from the Paveletsky station.

Today, the Krost concern has almost 200 buildings erected from scratch and reconstructed. Last year alone, he commissioned 120 thousand square meters. m of area. But the founder of Krost still works up to 18 hours a day. And he hasn’t been on vacation for 14 years, from the very moment he started his own business.

Do you know what I dream about? - Alexey Dobashin began our conversation, which took place late in the evening in the Krost office. - That young people who open their own business learn to find time to relax. For me, successful entrepreneurial activity is, first of all, nerves, gray hair and a lot of work.

But hard work alone is not enough for success. What else is needed?

Knowledge and experience of elders.

Who were your teachers?

Vladimir Iosifovich Resin (first deputy mayor of Moscow, head of the capital’s construction complex - “SB”) taught me a lot. I have known him since the days of Soyuzsportstroy. I try to adopt his ability to make compromises, sometimes to negotiate at a loss (if the case requires it!). This is the most difficult skill - flexibility...

And most importantly, Resin taught me decency. The number one task of any manager is to pay people a decent salary on time. After all, our well-being is created by those who feed themselves. For Krost, these are the people who work on the line, our workers. I say “thank you” to them. I rely on them.

Have you ever had a situation where you were unable to pay your salary on time?

Twice. In 1998, after the default. And even earlier, in 1996, during the election of President Yeltsin. Those were difficult times. The volume of work has been reduced, the equipment has stopped. I generally sent 70% of drivers from Moscow construction sites on vacation. They sat at home, receiving two-thirds of their salary. And no one left!

Do your customers pay you on time?

Only in 20% of cases does the money arrive on time. However, at my speed it’s not so scary.

In general, I am convinced: you need to generate goodness without counting on gratitude. Because, most likely, you won’t wait for it. I can give you an example: as a child, you were pushed in a stroller, and a tree grew nearby; in the summer it was cool and nice under it. But neither your mother nor you knew who planted this tree. And they couldn’t say “thank you” to this person. And that's okay. You just need to plant trees, without thinking that after many years someone will thank you for it. You need to do your job every day. And don’t let it be ruined. Good must be with fists.

How often did you have to work with your fists?

When I started, we did everything despite the circumstances. And thousands of entrepreneurs will say the same. Recently I talked with respectable people, still of Soviet origin, and one of them told me: “We used to think: if only we could help in some way.” And now you think: if only they don’t interfere. For example, environmental police come to a construction site. He sees: the bark on the tree is slightly torn off. And this may be recognized as improper conservation of the natural fund, they may impose a fine, or drag it through the courts.

When I was just starting my business and I had a team of only ten people, I wanted to prove that Russians know how to build. This was the childhood goal. But then, with experience, it transformed into something more... Although romance, of course, remains at any age, even now I look at my work through rose-colored glasses. This helps to enjoy life and not pay attention to the local difficulties that were, are and will remain.

What has your goal transformed into?

She expanded. Now my goal is to educate a new generation, young people. I believe that it is necessary to raise the material level of twenty and thirty-year-olds. Young people must have money to, for example, go to a construction exhibition in Copenhagen on Saturday and Sunday. I begin the implementation of this goal with my workers, my employees. Many of our guys study at universities, and the company helps them with this. Considerable amounts of money are spent on training at Krost.

"Penetrate into the Future"

Many Russian entrepreneurs still make their most important decisions intuitively. Do you trust your intuition?

I trust knowledge and experience more: this is 95% of the right decision. You can't rely on intuition; it's unreliable. It should, of course, be present, but it is better if there is less of it. You can afford to make intuitive decisions only a few times a year, as a small holiday.

Was there such a thing?

Certainly. For example, I bought two factories for the production of collectible paving slabs for $12 million. We're building middle-class housing, and my instinct is that these people need collectible tile in their backyard because everyone dreams of having a home that looks original. I am convinced that the decision to start producing tiles is correct, although we do not yet have experience working with such building materials.

In 1998, immediately after the default, my intuition told me that it was necessary to spend $2 million on modern French equipment. It was this that allowed Krost to be the first in Russia to implement the method of high-speed monolithic construction. The risk was very great: no one knew how quickly the country would recover after the crisis. But I took a risk. The equipment paid for itself in a year or two.

What kind of equipment was this?

The so-called tunnel formwork. When using it, walls and ceilings are simultaneously poured with concrete. The quality of wall surfaces is higher, and so is the speed of work.

This technology, like a locomotive, pulled everything along with it: we had to develop vertical transport at construction sites and strengthen discipline. For the first time, we have drawn up such a work schedule for builders, where all stages of work are calculated not even by the hour, but by the minute. As a result, we began to complete the floor in three days, but usually such work takes five to seven days. New technology required new knowledge. To master the equipment, we went to study in France and the USA. And yet, to take this step, I needed not to calculate the situation, but to intuitively penetrate into the future.

Can this be learned? Do you have a prescription?

In the construction business, it is important to see the entire process as a whole. Be a strategist. To do this, you need not only to understand your business, but also to constantly study related areas. This was laid down for us back at the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. As soon as you isolate yourself within one specialty, consider that you have passed a sentence on yourself. If you study construction, study architecture. If you study architecture, study the functions of a technical customer. Constantly expand your circle of knowledge.

What are you doing about this in your company?

All employees are required to attend exhibitions and conferences. A categorical requirement is advanced training. The circle of knowledge is so paradoxically structured that the more you know, the more often you come into contact with the unknown. But at the same time, the knowledge located in the center of the circle is more strongly consolidated and enriched.

That is why I involve major foreign specialists in the projects that the company implements: architect Rem Koolhaas, landscape architect Martha Schwartz. To build well, you need to draw on the experiences of different cultures. It is foolish to hope that monoculture will give birth to something brilliant. She closes in and eats herself.

Why is America strong? All cultures are united in this country. It is important to apply this principle and, as a result of the fusion of different cultures - Mexican, English, Chinese, Russian - to achieve grandiose changes.

Or, let's say, I collect various old tools - hammers, chisels, nails. Do you know why? The instruments have absorbed the knowledge and skills of many generations. We already have a whole museum, even experts from the Tretyakov Gallery came to us.

What areas of knowledge that are not directly related to construction are you good at?

In mathematics, in philosophy - the queen of all knowledge. I am close to the teachings of Hegel, for example. Such laws and principles as the transition of quantity into quality, unity and struggle of opposites, the law of negation of negation.

How does this affect your work?

Well, let's take the struggle of opposites: with age, you begin to understand that after a white streak, a black one certainly comes. All life consists of successes and failures. The law of negation of negation manifests itself in the ability to compromise: you have the right today to say that yesterday you were wrong, although then you sincerely believed that you were invulnerable. And the transition from quantity to quality is exactly the process when you acquire new knowledge. As soon as you stop on the path of expanding your circle of knowledge, you will turn into a barcode stick and will be of no interest to anyone. But in order to use your knowledge, you need some audacity.

Because when you offer something new, you often destroy the rules that have been established over many, many years. When I worked at Soyuzsportstroy, I noticed that it was inconvenient to use ordinary graph paper for drawing. The distance between the rulers on it is five millimeters. And when the step is seven millimeters, drawing is a pleasure. The fact is that in nature there is a certain pattern - the golden ratio. Everything that corresponds to this principle is convenient and harmonious for a person. Seven-millimeter paper exactly corresponds to the rule of the golden ratio; it is most convenient to write, draw, draw on it. The efficiency of using paper sheets increases by 30%. I counted on purpose.

At first, I drew on the new graph paper myself and was embarrassed to tell my colleagues how convenient it was. For such a step it was necessary to become a little “insolent”, to grow up... Now the time has come: at Krost we use notebooks and paper for drawing with a distance between the rulers of seven millimeters.

“I love working with my hands”

Many people rely on close friends to develop their business. And how are you?

My main partners are construction workers. Relationships with work colleagues are more camaraderie than friendship. Of course, I have friends, but they don’t work with me.

If circumstances forced you to leave your business, what would you do then?

I would go into shabashniks. I declare responsibly. Remember, in Soviet times, many engineers worked part-time on state farms and collective farms? They built cowsheds and pigsties on Saturdays and Sundays. I built it that way too. Sabbath. And I would love to work with my hands again. I love construction, I need it.

And now, if you see that a worker is laying a brick “crookedly”, don’t you feel inclined to show him how to do it correctly?

No. I’ll say three words and the person will understand everything perfectly. Three good Russian words sometimes work surprisingly effectively. If necessary, I can say so and in the same tone as everyone talks at a construction site.

You know, there's a good saying: the clothes of a monk don't make you. The main thing is that you are a monk at heart. Here it is with us: if we wear ties, at tables, in offices, this does not mean that we are real entrepreneurs...

Alexey Dobashin

42 years. Born in Moscow, into a family of builders. At the age of 14 he began working at a factory. He graduated from the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute and served in the army. In 1989-1991 - head of the Moscow department of the All-Union Association "Soyuzsportstroy". In 1990 he founded the Krost concern. Based on the results of 2003, the RosBusinessConsulting news agency named Alexey Dobashin “Entrepreneur of the Year.”




“It’s easy to find violations”

Now in the city, at the stage of approval of documents and at the construction stage, there are many non-standard objects - such as the residential high-rises of the New Ring or the towers of the MIBC Moscow City complex or Triumph Palace, the tallest residential building in Europe. Today, a special commission at the construction complex should draw up a list of objects that are subject to priority inspection, a source in the construction complex told Vedomosti. However, market participants have been preparing for large-scale checks since the weekend. The largest developers have been discussing the possible consequences of the Transvaal tragedy for the market for the last two days at informal meetings. Developers fear that as a result of inspections, it is even possible to suspend the construction of the most complex projects and delay the approval of documentation, admitted Alexey Dobashin, General Director of the Krost concern, and this point of view was shared (though preferring to remain anonymous) by representatives of several other well-known development companies.

Moscow promised

Recently, the concern managed to increase the area of ​​its site in the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki area, where a comprehensive reconstruction of a five-story and dilapidated building is underway. To the existing 82nd and 75th blocks (the Union Park and Welton Park complexes are being built here), 81st and 84th with an area of ​​32 hectares each were added. The total area of ​​the site is now 120 hectares. In two new quarters, 1 million sq. m. will be created. m of areas for various purposes. Kroet is also trying its hand at the luxury housing segment, building the Premier complex on Vorobyovy Gory.

Where is Baturina’s money?

But real estate market participants now doubt it. Alexey Dobashin, general director of the Krost concern, explains everything by the fall in profitability of the real estate market: “Baturina knows very well that there are fewer and fewer construction sites, and the market is narrowing; the times of the gold rush are over.” And Veremeenko admits that Baturina is preparing to terminate the powers of her husband, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov.

Golden Key

Only the construction concern Krost and Intermax LLC applied for the contract with the management, but the auction commission considered the former’s application to not meet the requirements, because of this the auction did not take place, and Intermax was given the opportunity to conclude a deal at the starting price. The degree of readiness of the apartments proposed in the first application was only 70-80%, Viktor Khrekov, press secretary of the presidential administration, explained to Vedomosti. And the general director of the Krost concern, Alexey Dobashin, said that he did not challenge the results of the auction with the FAS.
link: 28772.htm

The deputy mayor extorted space for a boutique for his daughter

Moscow Control was created in 2006 to control construction processes in the capital - not a single document relating to construction was adopted without its approval. Moskontrol began its activities with an analysis of all pre-design proposals for development and acts of permitted use of sites, blocking dozens of administrative documents.

Based on the results of inspections, contracts with investors on 764 contracts were terminated, Roslyak said in February. Many contracts do not comply with federal legislation - the land was provided without tendering, explained a source close to Moscontrol. “Moscow control is seizing sites, citing contradictions in the legal system. When projects that you have been involved in for several years are taken away from you, it’s scary,” says Alexey Dobashin, general director of the Krost concern. “They offered to pay me, but I refused, so I had to terminate all investment contracts and sue the Moscow government,” said Alexey Shepel, chairman of the board of directors of S. Holding.

According to a source in the prosecutor's office, last year investigators were made to understand that cases against Moscow officials could be investigated without hindrance if there was solid evidence
link: 28973.htm

Alexey Dobashin: “In Russia it is necessary to conduct an experiment to introduce self-regulation in construction”

In Russia, it is necessary to conduct an experiment to introduce a system of self-regulation in the construction industry, says Alexey Dobashin, general director of the Krost construction concern.

“It is necessary to first work out a model of self-regulation in any particular federal district, and then, if the results are positive, introduce it nationwide,” noted A. Dobashin during a meeting at the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Rosstroy).

Alexey DOBASHIN: We have proven that you can build beautifully

Construction concern "KROST" is positioned in the real estate market as a general contractor and investor of VIP, business and economy class houses. It has its own industrial complex (12 factories), producing building materials and structural elements, as well as a real estate and marketing center with the latest sales technologies. We are talking about the prospects for the Moscow construction market with Alexey DOBASHIN, General Director of the KROST concern.

The Moscow construction market is monopolized and informally almost completely controlled by city hall officials. Nevertheless, it also has its owners. BG represents 17 entrepreneurs who control the top ten large construction organizations in the capital. In their hands is a market with an annual sales volume of more than $7 billion, of which slightly less than $1 billion is budget funds.

Three management models

The owners of the top ten largest companies in Moscow represent two generations of domestic businessmen. The oldest, Vladimir Kopelev and Mikhail Cherne, celebrated their 70th anniversary this year. Sergei Polonsky, Artur Kirilenko, Yuri Zhukov and Dmitry Zelenov have just crossed the 33-year mark. There is only one woman among the leaders, but she has an influential husband behind her. The vast majority are professional builders. Only a few came to the construction business from other sectors of the economy. The construction “generals” can be conditionally divided into three groups that have different approaches to doing business. The first is people from Glavmosstroy, the old Soviet guard. The second consists of young businessmen with healthy ambitions who prefer a team management style. The third category includes single heroes, favorites of fortune, who created the first family-owned private construction companies in the country. All owners, regardless of the difference in age and education, are distinguished by their business acumen and friendship with the powers that be.

Guardsmen of Glavmosstroy

In the early 90s, when the Moscow construction industry was corporatized, directors of house-building plants and reinforced concrete products factories had a significant advantage. Most of them, such as Vladimir Kopelev, Mikhail Cherne, Gennady Ulanovsky, Alexander Meshcheryakov, heads of DSK-1, MSM-5, GMS, SU-155, MFS-6, respectively, went through all stages of their construction career. They all love to visit construction sites. During privatization, it was not difficult for them to buy up large blocks of shares in their enterprises. Having concentrated share capital in their hands, they were in no hurry to loudly declare themselves, preferring a series of small ones to one large transaction. The secrecy remains even now. Coming from Glavmosstroy DSK-1, SU-155, MFS-6 and MSM-5 are authoritarian companies with strict discipline. There is no smell of democracy and openness here. Suffice it to say that only a year ago the SU-155 acquired a press service, but MSM-5 and MFS-6 still do not have one.

People from Glavmosstroy like to repeat: “Why talk? We need to get things done.” These are people of the old school; they do not expect miracles from heaven. All of them survived a tough struggle, they know the morals and customs that reign in the corridors of Moscow power, they know when, where, with whom and for what they need to be friends so as not to be trampled by competitors. In the early 90s, during the first wave of property redistribution, they were able to discern colossal prospects in unprofitable enterprises of the construction complex. For example, in 1991, the sinking Mosstroymekhanizatsiya-5 trust was headed by Mikhail Cherne. He did not fire workers, rent out production premises for consumer goods warehouses and parking lots, but took a risk and was the first among Moscow builders, in conditions of galloping inflation, to take out a loan to invest in an unfinished house on Aviatsionnaya Street. The scheme turned out to be cost-effective and made it possible to buy new equipment. But shareholders do not remember financial successes for long. Recently, the investment company Troika Dialog, which bought a blocking stake, carried out a reshuffle, as a result of which the long-time general director of MSM-5, Mikhail Cherne, was replaced by his first deputy, Obid Yasinov. The same fate most likely awaits Gennady Ulanovsky, who has been heading Glavmosstroy for eight years. His place will probably be taken by a young representative of Basel, who, after purchasing a controlling stake in HMS, has set a course for rejuvenating the top management. On September 24, the company's board of directors was re-elected. The new council, which includes representatives of Basel, will deal with personnel changes in the company’s management structures.

But the “red directors” are not going to give up without a fight. For 23 years, DSK-1 has been headed by former paratrooper, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, Vladimir Kopelev. And although formally 61% of the plant’s shares belong to the workforce, Vladimir Kopelev is considered its main owner. The main co-owner of his native enterprise is also called the chairman of the board of directors of SU-155, Mikhail Balakin, who went from a foreman to the head of the Mosfundamentstroy-1 trust, and then moved to the chair of the general director of SU-155. In 2000, Mr. Balakin headed the operational and administrative department for the implementation of city programs, but in January of this year he returned to operational control over the SU-155. Alexander Meshcheryakov, general director of SU-155, also has experience working in structures controlled by the Moscow government. Previously, he worked as vice president of Mospromstroymaterialy JSC, which is part of the Committee on Architecture and Construction. People from Glavmosstroy are united by another important detail - they are all on very good terms with the first vice-mayor of the Moscow government, Vladimir Resin.

New wave

In the late 90s, talented and assertive managers who were united not only by their youth (from 33 to 37 years old), but also by a team style of doing business, loudly declared themselves. PIK is the only major developer in Moscow whose owners do not come from Glavmosstroy, but at the same time enjoy the favor of Vladimir Resin. The owners of the group - Kirill Pisarev (supervises the financial block) and Yuri Zhukov (responsible for production) - came to the real estate market as investors 11 years ago. In 1994, they founded First Mortgage Company, which became the core of the group. In the same year, the financial core of the group was created in the person of the United Industrial and Commercial Bank. In parallel with PIK, another real estate company was created - Zhilstroyindustry, which was recently renamed PIK-Region. In 1998, the PIK-Development company was founded, which began monolithic construction. Three years later, in order to increase their own production and construction capacities, they acquired a 52% stake in DSK-2, which builds houses of the KOPE and KOPE-M-Parus series. Later, the group included DSK-160 (Korolev), the Sortavala crushing and screening plant and the Petrozavodsk forestry complex. This year, PIK added DSK-3 to its assets and became the leader in the capital's panel housing construction in Moscow and the Moscow region. Some market participants consider PIK owners to be outsiders, since they entered the construction business after a series of successful transactions with securities. The company is now paying off its fourth loan and is about to place a fifth. The total volume of the first four PIK loans is 1.45 billion rubles. Competitors certainly point out PIK's hyper-aggressive style of marketing policy.

The co-owners of DON-Stroy, Maxim Blazhko and Dmitry Zelenov, say they became friends when they served in the army. Even the name of their company has a military connotation - Special Purpose Houses - DON.

One of the founders of the Mirax group, Sergei Polonsky, after demobilization from the Airborne Forces in 1991, began entrepreneurial activity. In 1993, he returned home to St. Petersburg from Gorlovka with his friend Artur Kirilenko. A year later, they founded the Stroymontazh company, which, starting with small “covens,” within seven years became one of the five leading construction companies in St. Petersburg. In 2001, Stroymontazh entered the Moscow construction market, and three years later the former Moscow branch of the St. Petersburg company was transformed into the Mirax group construction corporation. By a strange coincidence, it is this company that often gets the “cleanest” plots of land, unencumbered by the demolished five-story buildings. Sergei Polonsky's ambitions match his projects: now on the territory of the Moscow City International Business Center the corporation is erecting the tallest building in Europe - the Federation Tower. The visiting card of Mirax group has become the elite residential complexes "Crown" and "Golden Keys-2", the Europe-Building business center. Construction circles appreciated the competence and drive of Sergei Polonsky and, despite his youth, consider him a fairly independent figure. Officials from the Moscow mayor's office also consider Mr. Polonsky a leader with great potential.

In the summer, the Moscow construction market was shaken by raider attacks on one of its leaders - OJSC Glavmosstroy (GMS), co-owner of more than 70 companies performing a full cycle of construction and installation work. In mid-summer, a broad daylight raid on the office of the construction and industrial corporation (SPK) Razvitie, which includes Glavmosstroy, caused a lot of noise in the press. According to operatives from the department for combating forceful takeovers of the Moscow Department of Economic Crimes, the raiders’ attacks on the Razvitie agricultural production company and Glavmosstroy’s subsidiaries were carried out by order of State Duma deputy Suleimen Kerimov. However, there is no objective evidence of this version. In August, the offensive against the HMS, whose cost is estimated at $800 million, suddenly fizzled out. A controlling stake in OJSC Glavmosstroy, together with its investment projects in Moscow (about 20% of the capital's construction market), was acquired by Oleg Deripaska's Basic Element CJSC. It is interesting that before this, Mr. Kerimov helped Mr. Deripaska establish control over Avtobank, Ingosstrakh, and the NOSTA steel plant. Previously, Basel, as part of diversifying its business structure, was only engaged in the construction of hotels through Russian Hotels LLC.

However, a trip to construction sites is unlikely to be a joyride for Basic Element: the heads of some HMS subsidiaries, for example OJSC GMS-Invest, refused to come under its control.

Oleg Deripaska is not the only Russian metallurgist interested in the growing construction market in Moscow. The iron grip of metallurgists has already been demonstrated to builders by co-owners of the Mechel group Vladimir Iorikh and Igor Zyuzin, as well as co-owner of Evraz Group Alexander Abramov. The struggle for complete control over the Moscow City International Business Center is being waged by the Norilsk Nickel MMC, controlled by the Interros holding. Let us note that metallurgists do not just act as builders, but are engaged in development. They expect to either make a profit from the operation of business complexes and residential buildings built under their management, or resell their established business to investors at a profit.

Family values

Elena Baturina is the only woman to join the Moscow construction elite. The transformation of the head of the Inteko plastic company into the head of the Inteko construction empire with a turnover of more than $1 billion does not surprise anyone, because Elena Baturina’s husband is Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. With all due respect to the hard work and determination of Mrs. Baturina, one cannot help but admit that it was the political influence and personal connections of Mr. Luzhkov that gave Inteko access to the best plots of land in the capital and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The company, created by Elena Baturina 14 years ago, has consistently bought up undervalued cement factories and house-building plants in the country and abroad. Since 2000, the Inteko company has been one of the main clients of the Bank of Moscow, which lent it about 16 billion rubles. The company's second-largest lender in terms of loans is the Russian Land Bank, in which Elena Baturina owns 52.9% of the shares.

Competitors appreciated the foresight of Mrs. Baturina, who, after taking profits, usually sells her business on the rise. For example, in 2001, when the preconditions for rising panel prices just arose, Inteko bought OJSC DSK-3 from the heirs of the former owner of this plant, Yuri Svishchev. Then the company reconstructed the plant to increase production capacity and loaded it with long-term investment projects. But as soon as the prospects for lower margins in the panel housing construction sector loomed on the horizon and the threat of a shortage of land plots in Moscow arose, Ms. Baturina lost DSK-3 for $300 million to her partner, the PIK group of companies. The deal was completed this summer.

Let us note that a little earlier, in March, Elena Baturina sold all her cement plants to the Eurocement Group holding for $800 million. Thus, over six months, Inteko accumulated an amount comparable to its annual turnover. Now one of the richest women in Russia has a new hobby - the construction of monolithic and individual housing, whose share in the total volume is steadily growing. The company's main construction sites in the Grand Park, Shuvalovsky-1, Shuvalovsky-2, and Molzhaninovo microdistricts are intended for monolithic construction.

The second strategic direction of the company is the creation of a pool of commercial real estate. In addition to the construction of office space, Inteko intends to create its own large national hotel chain. It is curious that this new direction of the company’s activity surprisingly coincided with the plans of the Moscow government to allocate huge funds from the budget for the construction of a network of inexpensive hotels.

Another person who built a family construction company is the founder and owner of PSF Krost LLC, Alexey Dobashin. He is a hereditary builder; he began his career at the age of 14 as a worker at the OMZ plant, then became a foreman. 15 years ago he created a small company “Roofing and Construction” (by the way, the current name of the group is an abbreviation of the name of the first company). In 1999, Mr. Dobashin implemented the first investment contract. Cooperation with the security forces brought him luck. Builders with Krost badges often work on construction sites of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. It was the former heads of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Ministry of Defense in the early 90s who were the first to appreciate the quality and speed of the work of Mr. Dobashin’s company. Many of them, after retirement, moved from ministerial offices to Krost offices. Competent managers with extensive connections help to win open tenders held by law enforcement agencies. For example, in the late 90s, after a number of prisoner escapes from Butyrka, it was Krost that was entrusted with the reconstruction of the prison. The courier service and other departments trust Krost with their special facilities. Mr. Dobashin also builds a lot for the Russian Orthodox Church, including at the expense of the company. Competitors behind his back call him “the general contractor of the Russian Orthodox Church.”

Let us add that the Krost company is the most family-owned of all the capital’s construction holdings. Key positions in it are occupied by relatives of its founder. The head of the company's real estate department is Irina Borisovna, Alexei Dobashin's cousin. His uncle Boris Ivanovich is responsible for organizing meals for employees at the company. Alexey Dobashin’s mother also worked for the company for a long time. Krosta's partner, the Nabad design bureau, is headed by his brother Boris. Let us note that both daughters of Alexey Dobashin are not yet going to continue their father’s business. But they still have time to change their minds.

However, even if they don’t change their mind, the family will take care of them. According to BG, Krost is going to diversify its business, in particular, it plans to create a network of fitness clubs in Moscow.


Results of the work of ten largest Moscow construction companies

Revenue from
sales in
(million rubles;
Revenue from
sales in
(million rubles;

Profit in
(million rubles)

Profit in
(million rubles)
DSK-116850,5 20991 2013,2 2200,8
SU-15523640 16560 n/an/a
GC PIK10260 14250 n/an/a
"Inteko"9358,2 11668,9 2508 n/a
MSM-515063,6 11648,9 449 360,6
"Glavmosstroy"10446,3 10654,2 258,8 144,3
"Don-Stroy"8550 7125 n/an/a
MFS-64684,2 5856,2 94,4 58,4
Mirax group2593,5 5438,5 n/an/a
"PSF Krost"3762 4702,5 n/an/a

Source: company data, SPARK-Interfax, Rosstat.

Drummers of capitalist competition

One of the leaders in the American housing construction market, Texas-based Centex Homes, generated $12.9 billion in sales of residential buildings last year (24% more than in 2003). Pulte Homes Inc. (Bloomfield Hills, Michigan), which specializes in the construction of private residential buildings (more than 80% of the projects the company delivered in 2004), sold $11.7 billion last year (an increase of 29.4%). D. R. Horton (Fort Worth, Texas) in 2004 sold about 50 thousand family residential buildings worth $10.8 billion (24.2% more than in 2003). In 2004, sales of Lennar Corporation (Miami, Florida) amounted to $10.5 billion. Beazer Homes USA (Atlanta) last year built and sold about 17 thousand residential buildings worth $3.9 billion (23% more than in 2003). Toll Brothers Inc. Sales Volume (Horsham, Pennsylvania), specializing in the construction of expensive family homes, amounted to $3.8 billion. KB Home (Los Angeles, California) sold 31 thousand buildings in 2004. Sales volume: $7 billion (growth: 21.3%).

Sweden's construction sector contributes about 6% of the national GDP. Unlike American ones, Swedish construction firms very often simultaneously operate in the housing, industrial and road construction markets. The largest Swedish company in the housing construction market is Skanska, which controls about 10% of the market. In addition to Sweden, she actively works in the USA and most EU countries, and has implemented several projects in Norway and Chile. In 2004, Skanska's sales amounted to 133 billion kronor ($17 billion), of which only 23 billion kroner (about $3 billion) came from the Swedish market. The second-largest Swedish construction company by sales volume, NCC, implemented projects last year for approximately 45 billion kronor ($5.7 billion).

Who built up all of Moscow

Kopelev Vladimir Efimovich, General Director of JSC DSK-1. Born in 1936. He graduated from the Moscow Assembly College "Minmontazhspetsstroy" and the Higher Party School. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor, has four Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor. Married. Has an adult son and granddaughter. He is interested in painting, Russian history, football, and skiing.

Pankovsky Andrey Alexandrovich, First Deputy General Director of OJSC DSK-1. Born in 1960 in the Tula region. In 1983 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers with a degree in civil engineer and economist-manager. Honorary builder of Russia. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Married. Has two children. He is interested in landscape art photography.

Baturina Elena Nikolaevna, President of JSC Inteko. Born in Moscow. In 1982 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Management named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Married. Has two daughters. Hobbies include horse riding, tennis, golf, and cars.

Meshcheryakov Alexander Sergeevich, General Director of the investment and construction group of companies SU-155. Born in 1956 in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute with a degree in programmer. Married. An avid football fan. He is interested in painting.

Balakin Mikhail Dmitrievich, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the investment and construction group of companies SU-155. Born in 1961 in Serpukhov. In 1983 he graduated from the Kuibyshev Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering with a degree in civil engineering. Married. Has a daughter. He enjoys skiing and collects wine.

Cherne Mikhail Alexandrovich, President of JSC Mosstroymekhanizatsiya-5. Born in 1935. In 1956 he graduated from the Moscow Architectural and Construction College of the Ministry of Construction of Metallurgical and Chemical Industry Enterprises of the USSR. In 1970 he graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Civil Engineering. Honored Builder of the Russian Federation, Honorary Academician of the Moscow Construction Complex, Honorary Builder of Moscow, Honorary Builder of Russia. Married.

Yasinov Obid Mamatovich, General Director of JSC Mosstroymekhanizatsiya-5. Born in 1953. In 1974 he graduated from the Tajik Polytechnic Institute. Awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, second degree. Married.

Polonsky Sergey Yurievich, President of Mirax Group Corporation. Born in 1972 in St. Petersburg. In 2000 he graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Architecture and Civil Engineering with a degree in economics and management in a construction enterprise. Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation. Married. Has three children. He is interested in extreme sports.

Kirilenko Artur Vladimirovich, President of the Stroymontazh Corporation association. Born in 1972 in Gorlovka (Donetsk region, Ukraine). In 2000 he graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering with a degree in economics and management in a construction enterprise. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation. Married. Has a son and daughter. He is interested in sports, loves active recreation and travel.

Ulanovsky Gennady Moiseevich, President of OJSC Glavmosstroy. Born in 1942 in Kuibyshev. Graduated from the Lobnensky Industrial College and the Moscow Kuibyshev Institute of Civil Engineering. Honored Builder of the Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, holder of the Order of Honor and Friendship of Peoples. Married. He is interested in painting, cars and motorcycles.

Deripaska Oleg Vladimirovich, the main shareholder of OJSC Glavmosstroy. Born in 1968 in Dzerzhinsk (Gorky region). In 1993 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, in 1996 from the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics. Married. Has two children. He enjoys skiing and tennis.

Pisarev Kirill Valerievich, President of the PIK group of companies. Born in 1969. He graduated from the State Financial Academy and worked in the banking system. Married. Has four children.

Zhukov Yuri Vladimirovich, President of the management company PIK Holding LLC and member of the board of directors of Housing Finance Bank CJSC. Born in 1969. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering and the Moscow Institute of Public Utilities and Construction. Married. Has three children.

Blazhko Maxim Evgenievich, Chairman of the Board of Management Company "DS-Holding". Born in 1969 in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow Geological Exploration Institute.

Dobashin Alexey Alekseevich, General Director of PSF Krost LLC. Born in 1961 in Moscow. In 1984 he graduated from MISS with a degree in civil engineering. In 2004 he received the title "Honorary Builder of Russia". Married. Has two daughters.

Nesterenko Viktor Ivanovich, General Director of JSC Mosfundamentstroy-6. Born in 1948 in the Leningrad region. In 1979 he graduated from the Plekhanov Moscow Institute of National Economy. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Honored Builder of the Russian Federation. Married. Has a son and daughter. He is interested in tennis.

Major shareholders:

Vladimir Kopelev - 5.07%

labor collective of OJSC DSK-1 - 61.56%


CJSC "Domostroy-2001" - 61.56%

fund "Creator" - 24.15%

LLC "Financial Partner" - 5.58%

citizens of the Russian Federation - 6.13%

OJSC "Glavmosstroy" - 2%

TV DSK-1 and K - 0.55%

TOPROF employees - 0.02%

JSC "Inkorn" - 0.01%

TV DSK-1 and K - 95%

Fund "Creator" - 100%

OJSC "Trudovoy Kollektiv" - 2.17%

OJSC "Cottage" - n/a

LLC "Fram Windows-DSK-1" - 42%

CJSC "Monolitfundamentstroy" - n/a

LLC BRAAS DSK-1 (production of tiles) - n/a

Domodedovo Precast Concrete Plant - n/a

Khoroshevsky Concrete Concrete Plant - n/a

Shcherbinsky Elevator Plant - n/a

Krasnopresnensky reinforced concrete plant - n/a

Rostokinsky reinforced concrete plant - n/a

Tushino reinforced concrete plant - n/a

SU-213 - n/a

MU-1 - n/a

MU-2 - n/a

MU-4 - n/a

MU-5 - n/a

MU-9 - n/a

Major shareholders:

Mikhail Soldatov - 0.94%

Andrey Katsura - 0.35%

Igor Petrov — 0.35%

Sergey Prozelev - 0.35%

Yakov Shveibman - 0.35%

Alexander Yagelnitsky - 0.19%

Natalia Khmelnitskaya - 0.19%


citizens of the Russian Federation - 94.29%

LLC MU-3 - 2.18%

LLC "Invest Siena" - 2.12%

PC "PUN "Sotsinvest-reserve"" - 0.65%

LLC "Larem" - 0.55%

CJSC CB "NO-Bank" - 0.21% (trust management)
Controlled enterprises: (share in the management company)

OJSC "Fintelcom" - 50%

CJSC "Rosstroy" - 50%

OJSC BZK - 49%

ZAO OKS SU-155 — 19%

NP OOPP South-Western Administrative District - 10%

JSC OPK - 8.4%

TV SU-155 and K - 0.95%

TK Asia Trans LLC - n/a

Foundation "Education XXI Century" - n/a

HOA "VSK "Novopodmoskovny"" - n/a

OJSC "Holding Company "Glavmosstroy"" - n/a

Main shareholder— Oleg Deripaska — 50.2%

citizens of the Russian Federation - 49.97%

CJSC "Kortit" - 18.38%

JSC "Carmin" - 16.94%

CJSC "Novstroy" - 14.97%

Controlled enterprises: (share in the management company)

OJSC "GMS-Real Estate" - 100%

OJSC "GMS-Landshaft" - 100%

OJSC "GMS-Avto" - 100%

OJSC "GMS-Mekhanizatsiya" - 100%

JSC "GMS-Beton" - 20%

OJSC "GMS-Monolit" - 60%

CJSC "Company "GMS-Invest" - 15%

OJSC "GMS-Formwork" - 61%


CJSC "GMS-Pravo" - 100%

JSC ZhBK-2 - 19%

JSC ZHBI-21 - 15.47%

OJSC "Mekhanizatsiya" - 20.09%

OJSC "Mekhanizatsiya-2" - 51%

OJSC "Vysota" - 1.67%

OJSC "Mosstroymekhanizatsiya-4" - 4.57%

JSC UTs "UPK Mosstroykadry" - 22.58%

OJSC "IVC Mosstroy" - 28.98%

OJSC PI-2 - 19.54%

OJSC "Eletromontazh" - 100%

OJSC "Mosstroysnab" - 23.97%

OJSC "Mosmekhankomplekt" - 23.98%

OJSC "Mosotdelprom" - 23.98%

OJSC "Trest MS-14" - 100%

OJSC "Trest MS-5 GMS" - 100%

JSC "Mashstroy" - 43.96%

OJSC "Stroytrest-25 GMS" - 100%

CJSC "Mossantekhspetsstroy-2" - 78.1%

JSC "Construction Company" - n/a

JSC "MTsTS "Mosstroytseny"" - 25%

OJSC "LK "Likostroy"" - 2.23%

OJSC "Vtorstroyresursy" - 20%

CJSC "Stroyinvest-R" - 20%

OJSC "Udis" - 100%

OJSC "Housing Fund Rehabilitation Administration" - 40%

OJSC UZHS-2 GMS - 100%

OJSC "Firm Mosstroy-15" - 41.46%

OJSC "Firm Stroitel" - 49%

OJSC DSK-7 - n/a

OJSC "Monolit" - 9.29%

OJSC "Mosstroy-40" - 50.99%

OJSC "Trest Mosstroy-49" - 40%

OJSC "Mossanelectroprom" - 24%

OJSC PIKPD - 14.01%

JSC "Mosstroykonstruktsiya" - 20%

OJSC "Pilot Plant of Dry Mixes" - 19.48%

LLC "SP Reforma" - 10%

OJSC "Energopromstroy" - 25%

OJSC "CS HMS Valtsevo" - 22.6%

OJSC "Sanventstroy-1" - 80%

OJSC "Mosstroy-7" - 75%

CJSC "VO Regionpromsnab" - 25%

OJSC NPO "GMS-Technology" - 75%

CJSC MKM Ltd - 50%

JSC "Mosstroy-48" - 70%

OJSC "Moselektromontazh-2s" - 50.06%

LLC SU-258 - 75%

OJSC "Stroytrest-3" - 100%

OJSC "GMS-Exploitation" - 75%

OJSC "Stroytrest-17" - 100%

OJSC TD GMS - 100%


OJSC MFS-3 - 100%

JSC "Spetszashchita-R" - 20%

OJSC "Granit-Glavstroy-215" - 75%

OJSC "Trest MZhS" - 100%


OJSC UZhS-1 - 100%

OJSC UMIS - 100%

OJSC "Stroymonolit-14" - 91.6%

OJSC "Trest MS-1" - 100%


JSC UNR HMS - 100%

LLC "Glavmosstroy-Finance" - n/a

OJSC "GMS-Televik" - n/a

OJSC "GMS-Marketing" - n/a

LLC Private Security Company "GMS-Security" - 100%

OJSC "Stroytrest-34" - 100%

OJSC "Fundamentstroy" - 15%

OJSC SU-73 - 26.51%

Kuntsevo Concrete Concrete Plant - n/a

ANO "Arbitration Court of Moscow Construction Organizations" - n/a

Independent commercial bank - n/a

Central Mortgage Company - n/a

Stability Fund - n/a

Moscow Construction Veterans Fund - n/a

OJSC "Aremex" - 100%

HOA "Retro-35" - n/a

HOA "Magnitogorskaya, 13" - n/a

HOA "Zhemchuzhina-2" - n/a

HOA "Yunost-3" - n/a

HOA "Severnoe Tushino-3" - n/a

HOA "Vilisa Latsis-1" - n/a

HOA "Fortuna-4" - n/a

HOA "Emperor" - n/a

HOA "Gallery" - n/a

HOA "Ryazansky 30-32" - n/a

JSC "Inteko"


Elena Baturina – 99%

Victor Baturin — 1%


citizens of the Russian Federation

Controlled enterprises: (share in the management company)

OJSC "Uspensky Agromashplast" - 38.1%

LLC "Inteko-center" - 100%

CJSC TD "Inteko-LP" - 40%

CJSC "Intekostroy" - 70%

LLC "Skanklininvest" - 50%

JSC "Bistro-plast" - 75.5%

CJSC "Agricultural Enterprise "Selectioner"" - 100%

LLC "Formo-plastic" - 50%

JSC "Park" - 100%

LLC Private Security Company "Barat" - 99.81%

OJSC "Inteko-Chess" (Kalmykia) - n/a

NOU "1st Moscow Gymnasium" - n/a

branches in Perm, Sochi, Belgorod - n/a

PIK Group of Companies

Major shareholders:

CJSC "PIK-Region" - 79.8%

Kirill Pisarev - 14.4%


citizens of the Russian Federation - 20.2%

CJSC "Zhilstroyindustriya" - 79.8%

Controlled enterprises: (share in the management company)
OJSC "House-Building Plant #2" - n/a
OJSC "House-Building Plant #3" - n/a
CJSC "Housing Finance Bank" - n/a
OJSC "First Mortgage Company" - 100%
CJSC "PIK-Region" - 100%
LLC "PIK-Profile" (production of windows, doors) - n/a
LLC "PIK-Technology" (production of ventilated facades) - n/a
LLC "PIK Interior" (cottage construction) - 100%

LLC "PIK Design" - n/a

LLC "PIK-Systems" - 100%

LLC "PIK-Invest" - 50%

LLC "PIK-Development" - n/a


LLC "Industrial Insurance Group "Osnova"" - n/a

LLC "Trading House "Osnova"" - n/a

OJSC "480 KZHI" (Tula region) - n/a

OJSC "160 DSK-Moscow region" - n/a

OJSC "100 KZHI" - n/a

LLC "Zhilstroyexploitation" - 1.33%

Sychevsky Production and Technology Plant - n/a

JSC "Aeroflot-Don" - n/a

CJSC "Design and Architectural Workshop" - 51%

JSC "DC "Klepa"" - 79.29%

HC "Glavstroyprom" - n/a

Owners and founders— citizens of the Russian Federation
Controlled enterprises: (share in the management company)

CJSC SU-7 FS - 74.99%

CJSC UMFS-6 - 17%

OJSC "Mospishestroy" - 12.73%

LLC SU-9 - 70%

CJSC SU-8 "Fundamentstroy" - 40%

JSC "Mosstroyprogress" - 97.51%

TsMA-FS LLC - 49%

CJSC "Company "Ostrich"" - 90%

HOA "Festivalnaya, 22" - n/a

HOA "Petrozavodskaya, 8" - n/a

HOA "Z. and A. Kosmodemyanskikh, 36" - n/a

HOA "B. Akademicheskaya, 28" - n/a

Major shareholders:

Alexey Andreev - 2.01%

Victor Sokryukin - 1.85%

Vladimir Markovsky - 1.72%

Mikhail Cherne - 1.14%

Obid Yasinov - 0.98%

Tatiana Chalykh - 0.74%

Vladimir Khusainov - 0.69%

Nikolay Logachev - 0.66%

Nikolai Popa - 0.36%

Victor Finagin - 0.2%

Vladimir Shuvakin - 0.2%

Vladimir Afanasyev - 0.16%

Zoya Petukhova - 0.16%

Vasily Chepanov - 0.02%


citizens of the Russian Federation - 29.08%

Controlled enterprises: (share in the management company)
CJSC "IO "Itrastcom"" (nominal holder) - 47.26%

CJSC "Stroymekhanizatsiya-4" - 16.18%

LLC TD "Papyrus" - 5.43%

CJSC DCC (nominal holder) - 1.91%

CJSC "Mosstroymekhanizatsiya-5" - 0.14%

OJSC "National Real Estate Agency" - 13.5%

LLC "Lobskoe-5" - 100%

LLC "Stroymekhanizatsiya-5" - 100%

HOA "Guryanova 17-19" - n/a

charitable foundation "Assistance" - n/a

SU-2 - n/a

"Builder-5" - n/a

"Stroybeton-5" - n/a

"Stroyrekonstruktsiya-5" - n/a

UM-9 - n/a

UM-25 - n/a

UM-37 - n/a

UM "Avtotransport" - n/a

department "Nonmetallic materials" - n/a

self-supporting plot "Maryino" - n/a

LLC "PSF Krost"

Owner and founder:

Alexey Dobashin - 100%

Controlled enterprises: (share in the management company)

LLC "Concrete Plant-222"

LLC "EkoDoK" (plant for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete) - n/a

LLC "Krost-D" - 100%

CJSC "PSF Krost" - 100%

LLC "RAO Energo-API" - 49%

factory "Gothic" (paving slabs, borders) - n/a

OJSC "Spetsstroybeton - ZhBI #17" - n/a

metal structures plant - n/a

woodworking plant "Krost" - n/a

SU-7 - n/a

SU-10 - n/a

SU-11 - n/a

GS Estate (commercial real estate management) - n/a

ELSE club (wellness center) - n/a

HOA "Silver Quarter-3" - n/a

Don-Stroy Company

Major shareholders:

Maxim Blazhko - 50%

Dmitry Zelenov - 50%

Controlled enterprises:
four concrete plants (production of ready-mixed concrete and reinforced concrete products)

two general contracting departments

engineering company performing customer functions

architectural design bureau

engineering bureau

design department

mechanization department

workshop for decorative facade structures

metal structures production plant
factory of translucent structures (aluminum and plastic profiles)

Major shareholders:

Sergei Polonsky - 50%

Artur Kirilenko - 50%

Controlled enterprises:*

JSC "Stroymontazh-Avto"

LLC "Stroymontazh-Svaya"

LLC "Stroymontazh-Les"

LLC "Stroymontazh-Electro"

LLC "Stroymontazh-Proekt"

LLC "Stroymontazh-Azhur"

JSC "Stroymontazh"

LLC "Stroymontazh"

LLC "Lenstroymontazh"

LLC "Petrobowling"

LLC "Fitness center "Petrovsky Fort""

LLC "ASN-Info"

LLC "Fifth Element"

LLC "Possession 5"

JSC Mirax-City

JSC "Mirax-Pharma"

LLC "Mirax-Service"

JSC Mirax-Software

LLC "Mirax-Rekrut"

LLC "Mirax Group"

*Currently, the Stroymontazh Corporation association and its member enterprises have separated from the Mirax group and formed an independent legal entity.