Filatov Viktor Ivanovich investigator. Fabricated cases cannot be investigated

In words, the authorities are ready to tear anyone apart for a businessman. The head of the Supreme Court vows to protect entrepreneurs from unfounded criminal “attacks,” and the President of Russia even proposed putting behind bars for 10 years those who interfere with business people’s work. In fact, as a rule, it is the entrepreneurs themselves who “float” on prison bunks, and not their offenders. Let’s try to understand another story of an attack on a business, as a result of which the director of Belgorodenergo, Viktor Filatov, is already suffering.

The father of five children knows this firsthand - Viktor Filatov has already spent a year and a half in “Matrosskaya Tishina”, and the investigation into his case still will not end. He, the general director of the AltEnergo company and former head of Belgorodenergo, a branch of the large energy generating company IDGC-Center, was arrested in June last year in a case of theft. Over the course of a year and a half of investigation, the security forces apparently failed to dig up a single piece of evidence against him. Well, no problem. It’s been like this for a long time: if only there was a person, there would be an article.

An effective entrepreneur? Plant!

Under Filatov, Belgorodenergo flourished. Filatov modernized networks, built new substations, and developed bioenergy. With his light hand, the largest biogas station in Russia, “Luchki,” was launched in the region. Filatov had never been a desk worker - he spent days traveling around sites, independently understanding all the working nuances. Filatov had almost no time to rest - maybe that’s why he didn’t acquire yachts and palaces abroad. But those who worked for Filatov earned very decent money by regional standards. And the Belgorod press rang out that if Filatov was allowed to work for a couple more years in the same spirit, the region would be able to generate up to 75 percent of “clean” energy for our entire country. How they jinxed it.

The general director of IDGC-Center, Evgeny Makarov, who fled abroad, effectively led the company. During the six years of his leadership, he increased the company's profit from 900 million rubles to 4.7 billion. But his replacement, Oleg Isaev, somehow immediately had problems with his business - over the year, income fell from 4.7 billion to 300 million rubles. The point may be that Isaev is a former law enforcement officer with twenty years of experience. Not a businessman. But if the former security officer clearly did not know how to earn money, it seems that he mastered the technique of “translating the arrows” professionally during his years of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was probably like this, realizing that for the 16-fold drop in profit he would be asked in full, Isaev began writing statements to various authorities, saying that the previous management was to blame for everything, which it would be nice for the investigative authorities to sort it out.

Vladimir Gorelik, lawyer:

The very wording of the accusation brought against Filatov is untenable. What kind of theft and what kind of damage can we talk about if the team of specialists from CorSsis is 200 people! – did the work and received a fee for it? The investigation claims that some of the personnel were “transferred” to KorSsis allegedly from Filatov’s structures, but this is not so! It was established that the work was done and the specialists were paid for this work. I believe that there may be forgery on the part of the investigators, or rather, abuse of their rights. The investigation takes full advantage of the spinelessness of the courts, and the courts are likened to some kind of stampers of decisions needed by the investigation. And the investigation, having plucked up the impudence, begins to do strange things - as in the sad story with Filatov.

All questions to Chubais - not to Filatov

Filatov is accused of embezzling 240 million rubles. But theft is an unlawful gratuitous seizure or conversion of someone else’s property for the benefit of the perpetrator or other persons, committed for mercenary purposes, causing damage to the owner or other holder of this property. And those same ill-fated 240 million are paid under contracts with signed certificates of completion, that is, the work was completed with high quality and on time, and the court does not seem to deny this. But what does the charge of theft have to do with it then? It is known how this money was spent: on the services of specialists from the IT company CorSsis, on employee salaries, the purchase of equipment and payments to shareholders. What kind of theft are we talking about?

It is important to understand the following: if IDGC-Center succeeds in winning the “Filatov case” in court, then similar lawsuits will be launched at the places of work of the remaining 10 branches of the company, and the amount of the claim will grow to 3.5 billion rubles. The Belgorod case is like a “pilot project” for IDGC; it is very important for them to win it now. But it’s difficult to win: the investigation, in my opinion, does not have a single document that would confirm the theft of either 880 million or 240 million - which, in fact, is what they are trying to accuse Filatov of.

And here's another nuance. The order to withdraw non-core assets from IDGC-Center was given by RAO UES, which had not yet been abolished at that time - and that’s where KorSsis OJSC appeared. Belgorodenergo did not undertake any initiative - they simply followed the order of a higher structure. And the “unfavorable agreements” worth 880 million are settlements with KorSsis specialists, who created a unified platform for management, control, document management and maintenance for all enterprises of IDGC-Center, including Belgorodenergo. And, if they decided to put Filatov behind bars, then it would be logical to put the head of the liquidated RAO UES Anatoly Chubais in his cell, right?

In the meantime, the investigation is slowly looking for the last resort, every now and then extending the terms of Filatov’s arrest, a wave of criminal proceedings is moving across the country, the initiators of which may be representatives of interregional distribution grid companies and Rosseti. Tver, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don - now Belgorod. Business redistribution? Elimination of those who for some reason have become objectionable?

Is someone going to profit from the seized property?

And what's the bottom line? Filatov continues to languish in “Matrosskaya Tishina”; he is not being released on bail. The investigation is not adding more evidence - what is clear, where will they come from? At the same time, it seems that even the fact of theft has not been established. Maybe it's time for the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, to take control of the matter?

Filatov is accused of causing damage - but what kind of damage can we talk about if the entrepreneur, following the orders of his superiors, only paid for the ordered services? Imagine that you have decided to renovate your apartment. We hired a repair team to whitewash and paint everything for you. You paid and then sold the apartment. And after a few years, its new owner comes to you - with the police! - and accuses you of overpaying for long-standing repairs. Absurd? Human rights activist Eva Merkacheva, who met with Filatov in the pre-trial detention center, in a conversation with a Versiya correspondent, noted that although the entrepreneur is doing well, his physical condition is not very good. According to our publication, Filatov is not allowed to properly familiarize himself with the investigation materials; his elderly mother and minor children, of whom, we repeat, Filatov has five, are not allowed to visit him. Not long ago, Filatov angrily told the security forces: “I have been strengthening my authority for decades. It's important for me. But you ruined my life. They made me out to be a criminal." It's a shame what's going on. And for our country as well.

Boris Titov, Commissioner for Entrepreneurs under the President of Russia:

The feeling is that our entire state machine does not work in the interests of private business, but vice versa. While we are saving yet another entrepreneur who has fallen under its wheels, several more find themselves there. Even more criminal cases are being initiated. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to turn the situation around, it is getting worse, and stories like the ones in Belgorod are not uncommon in general. Businessmen create added value, new enterprises, new jobs, working both for themselves and for the country, and officials, meanwhile, crush this business under themselves. Creating a problem for both business and the country as a whole. If an entrepreneur pays for completed work, but the investigation reports it as theft, this is, of course, a mess. We need to understand it in detail.

And here is the last radiogram signed by Vlasov:

„№ 115 23.6.42 23.35.

Beginning GSHKA. Chief of Staff of the Front.

Battle at the army headquarters checkpoint at level 43.3 (2804-B). Help is needed.


In fact, the text is more similar to encryption, including, for example: “The checkpoint is empty - I’m leaving, as agreed. Don’t forget about the help that was promised... “What does this radiogram mean if its text is translated into everyday language? Vlasov called fire on himself, as all scouts do when they are overtaken by pursuit, and reported the exact coordinates of the location of his command post for a bombing strike by our aircraft. We are not talking about suicide here. The point here is that General Vlasov was a courageous and brave man, and cowardice could in no way be the motive for his surrender. In the protocol of the very first interrogation of Vlasov by the Germans there is a remark: Vlasov gives “the impression of a strong and direct personality. His judgments are calm and balanced." But everything is in order...

And what “autobiography” is this from? In 1962, Major General E. Fominykh, the former commander of the 25th Tank Corps, who in May 1945 was given the task of turning away from Berlin and moving towards Prague, said that already during the march an order was transmitted from the Soviet front headquarters to withdraw corps from the operational subordination of the army to block the ROA... In short, this is how Fominykh recalled in 1962 in Izvestia one of the episodes of Vlasov’s “capture”.

...Vlasov was delivered to the 25th Tank Corps. “I and the head of the political department P.M. Eliseev looked with curiosity at the tall, stooped general with glasses, without a headdress, in a light, steel-colored raincoat approaching us, accompanied by battalion commander Captain Yakushev. So that's what this geek is like!

– Let’s clarify your identity. Who you are? What documents do you have? - I besieged him.

- I am Vlasov. Vlasov tore off his cloak and threw it on the back of the chair. Strange khaki uniform. Without shoulder straps. The trousers have crimson silk stripes.”

“With shaking hands, in a hurry and not getting into the inner pocket of his jacket, he took out his identity card. Familiar signatures confirm that this is the former commander of the 2nd Shock Army of the Leningrad Front.”

“With shaking hands” – why? From happiness? Katusev and Oppokov report even more striking details. It turns out that the entire “Vlasov core” spent a lot of time “thinking about the moves of a possible return to the society they betrayed.” . Shatov, for example, voluntarily going into service with the occupiers, just in case (?) hid in a “safe place” a member’s card of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), which did not prevent him from then actively “membering” the anti-communist “party”. Well, did Vlasov, also just in case (?) almost the entire war keep with him the Soviet party book and the pay book of the commanding staff of the Red Army? What “autobiography” is this from? Western researchers of the “historical phenomenon”, as I. Hoffmann put it about Vlasov in a letter to the “Military Historical Journal” after we published the first study of Katusev and Oppokov’s “Judas” (at that time I was editor-in-chief of "VIZH"), act simply - for them these facts simply do not exist. Our researchers most often classify the presence of party cards under Vlasov and Shatov in the line - "hypocrites", "chameleons" and "double-dealers".

Why shouldn’t the party card, which Vlasov carried literally close to his heart all the years while among the Germans, be “read” like this: “I, Vlasov, never changed the party line, never deviated from the general line of the party: not in the 30s - in the battle with the Trotskyists, or in the 40s - in the battle with the fascists"? You need to know what a party card was for the people of that heroic time. They rightly associated all their personal successes and that of their homeland as a whole with the party. For a true party member to lose his party card was a personal tragedy, a catastrophe. Where were the GRU looking when they instructed Vlasov for the last time? The GRU saw it correctly. Vlasov would be very good if he showed up to the Germans without a party card. Vlasov without a party card among the Germans is not Vlasov from the GRU. The whole game was built on openness, frankness, honesty and sincerity on the part of Vlasov. But even then Vlasov did not “throw away” his party card, although logically he should have done just that with the “hated crusts”, the symbol of Stalin-Lenin, etc. General Lukin - the hero of captivity and the accuser of Vlasov later - did just that. He was readmitted to the party in 1946. Vlasov was not required to be accepted into the party in 1946; he would only have to put down membership fees on his party card for the entire time he was absent from his party organization. I didn’t throw it away, the secret thing worked. For General Vlasov, his party card was the very secret thread that connected him with his Motherland. The party card was for General Vlasov a guardian talisman, an amulet near the heart. There is simply no other explanation.

Why not read the general’s identity card, which Vlasov carried with him all the years he was with the Germans: “I, Vlasov, will sooner or later return to my native army. I will not need to write out new documents. When I meet the first of ours, I will gladly and proudly present him with my documents, my identity card as a Soviet general." Yes, that’s right, General Vlasov needed the ID to prove to the Germans that he was the same General Vlasov. But then, logically, he should have thrown the ID in the trash. He would have thrown it away, as all the generals threw them out in those circumstances. But then he would not have been a man from the GRU - a Soviet general.

And just like in the movies, the story about his wife is told about the “exploitation of a scout.” God did not offend Andrei Andreevich with his wives. The first was Anna from her native village of Lomakino - Anna Mikhailovna Voronina, a teacher. Then: Agnessa - Agnessa Pavlovna Podmozenko, from Gzhatsk, doctor; Adelka - Adele Bielenberg, a German, the widow of an SS man, whom he married in 1944 with the blessing of Himmler himself - these are all official, so to speak, legal. But in 1945, Vlasov needed to fill out an arrest form, and in the “wife” column he writes:

"Anna Mikhailovna Vlasova, maiden name Voronina." Why? Apart from Anna Mikhailovna, everyone else is “official”, “for the sake of business”? How are the other eleven doing? For Zhilenkov, for example, in the column about his wife, it is not Elena Vyacheslavovna Zhilenkova-Litvina - his first wife, but a certain Zoya Borisovna Veselovskaya. Malyshkin entered into the questionnaire not Anna Ivanovna, his first wife, but another woman... For the majority, it’s basically like this: “He doesn’t know where he is.” And not only about the first wife, but also about mother, father, children, relatives and friends. What kind of games are these? Or was everything started so that when the husbands and sons returned, the neighbors would not guess anything? And wouldn’t there be any extra “informants and chroniclers”?

The fact that the Germans swallowed the GRU “hook” under the code name “Wolves” in China is confirmed by the diary entry of one of them, a representative of the German headquarters Sergei Frelich: “In China, Vlasov’s Bolshevik worldview experiences its first shock. Having come into contact with a non-communist country, he saw the deceit of Soviet policy, which, on the one hand, supported Chiang Kai-shek’s nationalists against the Japanese, but, on the other hand, tried to encourage the Chinese Communists. Thus, Vlasov’s mission, in addition to the official task of helping Chiang Kai-shek in training and forming his army, had. and a secret task, namely: to create the preconditions for the victory of the Communists in China." The minimum program: to create the impression among the Germans that “Vlasov’s Bolshevik worldview is experiencing its first shock,” was completed by the Main Intelligence Directorate. Now it was possible to move on to the implementation of the maximum program - Vlasov in Berlin.

In our small provincial region, all scandals immediately become known to everyone. I remember how about a year ago I read in the local newspaper about the arrest of the former manager of Belgorodenergo OJSC. For our local scale, this CSO is like a huge and high-profile matter. However, many people still discuss it among themselves, as they say in the kitchen. The local media only provide brief reports and no specifics.

Because what I hear from close friends and acquaintances does not quite coincide with the newspaper information, I decided to find out more about what is happening here. I called some Belgorod residents I knew, looked through the local press and the Internet, and this is what I came up with...

IN AND. Filatov and the head of the region Evgeny Savchenko

So, Viktor Ivanovich Filatov is a successful entrepreneur, no one even now disputes that under him, as the head of Belgorodenergo OJSC, this structure increased its profits every year. Investments in the development of the network complex grew: networks were modernized, new substations were built, and the number of connected individuals increased annually by 30-40%. Many note Filatov’s great contribution to the development of bioenergy in the region. Filatov launched the country's largest biogas station, Luchki. In general, our region is advanced in terms of the use of alternative energy sources. Actually, this man led the Belgorod region to the point that it could generate 75% of clean energy for the entire country. Employees speak of him as a demanding leader, always “in the fields,” but with him they never complained about salaries.

This is a manager from the bottom who made himself: he worked for a long time as an electrician, then was a foreman, a foreman. He took part in the restoration of the city of Slavutich after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the city of Leninakan after the earthquake in Armenia. I learned another very important point for myself in all this heap of information - V.I. Filatov never owned real estate abroad, did not have yachts or palaces. He planned his life in Russia and for Russia. You understand, if he had something of this kind, now it would be dug up in one second. But no, silence...

Here is what Filatov himself says about his arrest:
"I do not agree with the court’s decision and am going on a hunger strike, which I have been on since the moment of my arrest. I believe that this criminal case was ordered. This is a slander and blackmail, the case is fabricated. I didn’t steal anything and I’m ready to cooperate with the investigation, and also tell them who ordered this criminal case.".

I wasn’t too lazy and talked to my friend Belgorod blogger Mikhail Koinov (). Here :

"Viktor Ivanovich is such an open-minded guy, without star fever from his positions and political statuses. When we went to the biogas station to do a report, he showed and told everything so enthusiastically. There are people who sit in offices, and there are those who sort everything out with their own hands, do something, and understand everything."

"...Filatov is not my friend or comrade, I know his achievements for the residents of the region and the region as a whole, from the construction of churches to the creation of a motorcycle club and its successful promotion, but it’s a shame, it’s a shame that his colleagues are silent. It was necessary to act and act as guarantors and demand not to be arrested, but to be placed under house arrest! And to give Filatov the opportunity to fight and prove that he is not guilty. Alas, this is more difficult to do in a pre-trial detention center... why fuss about it, it’s almost impossible!

As you know, the Belgorod media call me a human rights activist, although I am not officially given such a status. Therefore, in turn, I appealed to the members of the Public Monitoring Commission for the implementation of public control over the provision of human rights in places of forced detention and assistance to persons in places of forced detention with a request to visit deputy Filatov, who announced a hunger strike."

But as you all understand, if something happens, it means someone needs it. Who could be interested in such a sudden placement of a deputy and former leader in a pre-trial detention center?

Filatov and Prime Minister Medvedev.

It turns out that the prosecutor is O. Isaev, the current head of IDGC (a man who has worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 20 years, knows well how to put businessmen behind bars). And this is where the fun begins. If you google similar situations around the country, you will immediately notice that a wave of criminal prosecutions initiated by the heads of IDGCs and Russian networks has swept across the country Tver, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Belgorod.
In Tver, for example, several entrepreneurs have been in pre-trial detention for two years now - without any reason. These are the heads of Tver network companies A. Potekhin, O. Shadrin and S. Konchenkov (). Is this a coincidence or a goal to put pressure on and take away business?

Or there may be another reason. Perhaps the attempt to accuse subsidiaries of corruption is also due to the fact that Russian Networks are showing catastrophic losses. Thus, at the beginning of March 2014, it became known that Rosseti increased its loss under Russian Accounting Standards (RAS) for 2013 by 81 times.

According to the report, the increase in net loss was due to an increase in other expenses - up to 255.4 billion rubles from 15.5 billion a year earlier. Rosseti demands an increase in tariffs by an average of 15% (the law provides for no more than 8%), as well as money from the budget, that is, again, all costs will fall on the consumer. At the same time, they are trying to solve their financial problems by removing unwanted people locally, with the goal of total control of all energy production companies and their financial flows.

What charges are brought against the heads of subsidiary energy companies in such cases? For example, in the case of Filatov, the accusation states that BelgorodEnergo OJSC was forced to enter into economically unprofitable contracts with CorSsis OJSC, as a result of which JSC IDGC of Center suffered major material damage in the amount of 880,751,000 rubles.
However, everything would be beautiful, but as Filatov’s lawyers claim, there are no documents confirming the theft of funds in the amount of either 880 million or 240 million. There is only the testimony of one witness who does not specifically mention V.I. Filatova.

By the way, KorSsis OJSC appeared thanks to the order of RAO UES on the withdrawal of non-core divisions from IDGC. CorSsis is a company providing IT services in the energy sector and more. That is, literally all actions and processes took place at the request of the parent companies and their orders. There was no initiative. With the help of the CorSsis company, a unified platform for management, control, document management and maintenance was created for all enterprises of IDGC-Center.

Filatov and Chubais

So why is the creation of an outsourcing structure now being blamed? Maybe Chubais should be held accountable, since the initiative came from the former leadership of RAO. This is confirmed by documents and, in general, is not disputed by anyone.

Added to all this are statements by Filatov and his defense that his rights are systematically violated in the form of illegal detention and extension of arrest. The lawyer also emphasizes that there is a refusal to include evidence in the case that refute the accusation, a refusal to provide sufficient time to familiarize yourself with the case materials, etc.

I certainly hope that the court will figure out who is right and who is wrong, but when the picture is built in this way from the very beginning to the very end, one gets the feeling that for this, both Filatov himself and his defenders, friends and comrades will have to break through high-level barriers and obstacles .

Well, our task as a society is to control the transparency of all legal processes and actions in order to eliminate the once-favorite variants of raider takeovers and “squeezing” of business from successful entrepreneurs.

On June 30, 2015, the Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested Deputy of the Belgorod Regional Duma, General Director of AltEnergo Viktor Filatov. He and four other defendants in the case are accused of embezzlement of funds, and now of organizing a criminal group. The Lantern special correspondent spoke with the son of the accused, Denis, who now heads AltEnergo, about who “ordered” the case against his father, how they tried to blackmail the deputy while still at large, and why his colleagues did not stand up for him.

The case of Filatov and four other defendants in the process, one way or another with a former Belgorod deputy, was combined with the case of Evgeny Makarov, the former general director of IDGC of Center, under whom Filatov served as general director of the company's branch, Belgorodenergo. According to the investigation, all the accused, led by Makarov, as part of an organized criminal group, were engaged in embezzlement of funds - in particular, Makarov created KorSsis OJSC, where, according to papers, he transferred more than a thousand specialists from IDGC of Center, although in fact they physically remained in their places. According to the position of the investigation, thanks to such fraud, Makarov and his colleagues, including Filatov, caused damage to the state in the amount of 880 million rubles. Filatov himself in court called the case ordered.


We meet with the acting head of AltEnergo Denis Filatov at the company’s office. The last time his father, Viktor Filatov, was in this office was exactly a year ago; the walls are decorated with numerous joint photographs of him with Governor Yevgeny Savchenko, single portraits of the head of the region, and congratulations from Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev are visible on the shelves nearby; Filatov Sr.’s business cards are still on the table.

Acting head of AltEnergo Denis Filatov, photo from personal archive

Yes. They change them all the time, every two months, probably to make acquaintances. What the conditions of detention are like there, one can only guess. It seems like a cool camera... We order programs - now in the pre-trial detention center there is a service where you can order any products, set meals, in addition to what they are given for free.

- So he doesn't complain?

- No. And Viktor Ivanovich is the kind of person who will not complain, especially not to me, his son. For everyday things, that someone offends him - this has not happened, and never will. On the contrary, he says that everything is fine, positive, we will cope. He does not hide the fact that pressure is being put on him. He said at some court that everyone else and himself were being put under pressure in terms of “you admit this, sign that...”.

- Is the investigation pressing?

Certainly. The investigation has reached a dead end - in fact, they have nothing, it was invented from the air. Again, the prosecution is based on one witness. We read his testimony. This is the former general director of KurskEnergo, the current first deputy general director of IDGC of Center. He writes that he signed all the contracts, the work was carried out, and he went to Filatov’s office to get acquainted with the experience - that’s all. And on the basis of this the arrest was made - from extension to extension they constantly repeat the same thing.

Viktor Filatov before the court hearing, photo

- So he doesn’t talk about Filatov’s guilt?

No. He says that Makarov forced him to sign everything. But there is nothing about Filatov.

- Since Makarov left, no one knows where he is?

This investigation doesn’t know, but I know very well that it’s abroad. Finding him and arresting him for investigation is so ( snaps his fingers - approx. ed.). As soon as the media reported that they had opened a case against him, he immediately left. And Viktor Ivanovich was a witness for two years, knocked all the doorsteps so that the case was closed, so that he (Makarov - editor's note) could come back...

- What exactly did your father do?

He constantly appeared for interrogations and was in contact with the investigator. What led to his detention? He began to talk to the investigators in high tones: either give some facts or close the case.

- Why was this so important to him?

To close the case: help a friend return to his homeland, go to Valuiki to his parents. I think so.

- Is Viktor Filatov’s position that all those involved in the case are innocent?

Yes. If you look at it this way, then, in fact, even I, an outsider, worked in construction, looked closely out of the corner of my eye, and did not notice any illegal actions on the part of CorSsis. Again, this company was created in all regions, and this was a kind of optimization of the energy system.

- The investigation indicated that Makarov's wife was the owner of CorSsis.

- (Filatov does not give an intelligible answer and falls silent).

- What is your position in court based on?

- Independent reports are provided. One was provided by the Saratov Law Institute. There, the professor explained that there were no thefts - the KorSs IS company did not work to damage the Belgorod region and other regions. The second is a report from Moscow State University saying the same thing. There are no facts - I stole a calculator from the table, how can I prove this? Video surveillance, fingerprints. The fact that Viktor Ivanovich received funds has not been proven. At one of the trials, the lawyer asked: where were the facts of theft, where were some payments made? But the investigation has no facts.

In the regional Duma they contacted the authorities, they wrote a letter and petition to the prosecutor's office, they wrote to the Moscow City Court when there were appeals. They petitioned to cancel the preventive measure. This was such a help. But there really weren’t any appeals or mass numbers.

- Did you expect something different?

Certainly. We expected help not even from the Duma, but from the governor and the government. We understand that this is the government, they somehow communicate at the top - but no. Absolutely. There is also the Belgorod diocese, which Viktor Ivanovich helped. Quite recently the church was restored. We also hoped for John, but he - thanks for that too - only filed an appeal to the authorities.

Opening of the Luchki biogas station with the participation of Governor Evgeny Savchenko (second from left), photo

- Why is this happening?

There are different rumors...

- But why Filatov?

Denis Filatov discusses how Belgorod officials could help his father. He concludes that there is no support because “it’s all about money,” which they don’t want to spend.

- Viktor Ivanovich directly said that he knows the specific customer of this case. Can you name it?

Denis Filatov names the name of the alleged customer, which Lantern does not provide in the interests of the investigation.

How it happened: when new owners came to IDGC of Center - it is not clear how - they elected a new director, Dmitry Gudzhoyan. He worked in the system for two years - then Viktor Ivanovich was the general director of Belgorodenergo, and in 2010 it is unclear who complained about this Gudzhoyan that there was a theft, a corruption scheme. He was fired - according to rumors, the letter was written by someone from Makarov’s former team. After that, everything settled down: in 2011, Viktor Ivanovich left for AltEnergo, Gudzhoyan was replaced by Isaev, a former organ worker. After an appeal from FSB officers, he submitted an application to the Investigative Committee with a request to look into the situation. The audit confirmed the FSB information, and a criminal case was opened against Yevgeny Makarov for abuse of power.

When a case was opened against Makarov, he immediately left, and Viktor Ivanovich began vigorous activity, behaving like a greyhound with the investigation. Once I arrived at the Investigative Committee at 11 am, they didn’t accept him, and he wrote a complaint. Investigator Stepanov ( senior investigator for particularly important cases under the chairman of the Investigative Committee, who is in charge of Filatov’s case - approx. ed.) then said: “Since you do this, we will talk to you differently when you are in a different status.” Three months pass, and Viktor Ivanovich is detained - well, what can I say?

- At the end of December 2015, Viktor Ivanovich’s lawyer said that “the federal prosecutor’s office is behind the accusation, which welcomes the extension of the term in custody.” What does it mean?

Probably, it was meant that the prosecutor's office was going in the same direction as the investigation... What was interesting was that the judge at the trial had already decided for himself that he would extend it.

- How is that?

For example, the lawyer begins to read out why it is impossible to leave ( Filatova - approx. ed.) in a pre-trial detention center. He says: “Wait, this is not relevant to the case, you will tell the appellate court.” You just have to go to court to understand all this - there is no corruption, of course, it’s just stupid...

If we stop at the fact that this is a custom case, then there are rumors that, roughly speaking, someone went to negotiate with these customers. They were allegedly told: “Come on, what do you need? Let's close." And they replied that they would no longer close it, because the investigation was no longer subordinate to them. Roughly speaking, I think that the investigation asked to shake the person, the investigation took the person - now, until they give a term, they will not leave. Why is time dragging on like this - because the investigation has nothing.

- Where do they look for evidence?

Now they are going through witnesses. But the fact that they could catch on - they only caught on one. And the rest simply write that Viktor Ivanovich headed KorSsis or headed Belgorodenergo. Such certificates.

- But he didn’t officially run CorSsis?

No. But there is affiliation; Belgorod is full of such companies, all the time. And RAO UES knew. Everything was agreed upon with them, there was a purchase and sale of shares. I recently looked at the paper: the deal we are talking about now, about the sale of shares in Kursk to KorSsis, was agreed upon with Prime Minister Fradkov.

- At the trial, they also talked about blackmailing your father. The lawyer said: “He was blackmailed. People contacted him and said that if you don’t pay us the money - he has all this evidence - then you will go to jail. He didn't pay the money. And he sat down.” Who blackmailed Viktor Ivanovich?

I don't know this. I asked him when we were being searched, what was happening. And he said: “This is all bullshit, everything will be fine.”

- In 2013?

Yes. The fact that blackmail is most likely about the Belgorodenergo building. One of the branches of IDGC of Center is Belgorodenergo. This building is the heart of the energy industry, where networks are controlled and the like. To create this somewhere else, you need a lot of money. They want to take away this building in order to initiate a case. Most likely, this is what we are talking about, since the KorSsis company owns the Belgorodenergo building. And what could happen: now Viktor Ivanovich is accused, given a sentence, and to account for this “damage” the Belgorodenergo building is taken away.

- How was the 880 million damages mentioned by the investigation calculated?

This is the cost of the Belgorodenergo building, one for one.

The Belgorodenergo building on Preobrazhenskaya Street, photo

- How is that?

Judge for yourself. Both blackmail and revenge - all together. I know my father, he taught me not to take someone else’s. And for him to engage in some kind of fraud... He has a lot of things, the only thing he doesn’t have is real estate abroad.

- How can it not?

Like this.

- That is, the investigation has incorrect information about the fact that he has foreign real estate?

Where's the confirmation? The investigation refers to the fact that there is real estate abroad and that he can hide abroad. How will he leave if his passport was taken away?

- In your last address, you stated that thanks to the attention of the media and the public, it may be possible to get Viktor Ivanovich out of the pre-trial detention center. How do you imagine that?

I would like this to reach even the president. To help.

- Have you yourself made any attempts to reach out to Putin?

We didn't write to him. They wrote to the Investigative Committee and the prosecutor's office. Let me explain: we wrote a letter to the diocese about Kirill (Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' - editor's note). Kirill replied that we will pray for a good outcome of the case, and we will forward your appeal to the Prosecutor General’s Office. Also, the father of one of the detainees wrote an appeal against the president - it does not reach Putin, but a reply comes that the president has no right to interfere.

- In winter, your father’s lawyer said that the case already contains more than a thousand volumes, and by spring the first results will appear in it. “Filatov is also charged with “energy danger” in the Belgorod region - heating and the like. He prepared documents on this matter, but they didn’t even want to include them in the case,” he said then. Firstly, what documents did Viktor Ivanovich prepare, and secondly, did the results that the lawyer spoke about appear?

As for the energy danger, it is believed that with his, roughly speaking, theft, he “brought to his knees” the energy sector of the Kursk region. And the documents were prepared purely for information: during the period of work of Makarov and Viktor Ivanovich, what were the news stories. But these documents never went any further.

As for the results, in April Article 160 was reclassified to 210 “Organized criminal group”. There is nothing on what it is based either. But what is good about it for the investigation - any of the five people can make a deal, and then he will be released. Now there is pressure on this: one of the accused, Zelensky, said at the trial that they were negotiating with him. He, accused of an economic crime, is kept in a tuberculosis dispensary, where there are criminals and rapists. Such a psychological impact. But he doesn't seem to give up. And Pivovarov has a lot of diseases, he needs to be released and operated on.

- According to Kommersant, the case materials indicate that as a result of fraud, “conditions were deliberately created under which IDGC of Center JSC could not fulfill its obligations to electricity consumers without concluding economically unprofitable contracts with the KorSsis company.”

I can't say what this could be connected with. I know that CorSsis supplied Belgorodenergo with software, computer programs, provided accounting functions, an investment program, sold properties, and provided financial services. That is, I was not involved in energy related work. At Belgorodenergo, managers, engineers and a crew worked under KorSsis, and everything else was done at KorSsis.

Why did outsourcing appear in the first place? To optimize, it was necessary to reduce the company's employees, about a thousand people, in order to adjust the regional tariff. Human resources should not have been included in the tariff.

- They seemed to have been reduced, but physically the people remained in place...

Yes. So Belgorodenergo paid the person’s salary directly, and also paid the company for services. How beneficial was this...

- How legal was this?

Legally. "CorSsis", for example, when they were supposed to do some kind of annual computer service, held auctions.

- No alternative?

This is legalization. Yes, they were interested in KorSsis winning, but if someone else had come, for God’s sake! All prices were agreed with Moscow. It turns out that another 200 people from Moscow, besides Viktor Ivanovich, need to be transplanted, who were involved in all this.

- It is known that after his arrivaland Dmitry Medvedev supported the local “green energy” biogas station “Luchki”, but the Ministry of Energy had problems with the adoption of laws necessary for your activities. Filatov then actively complained about this, including to the Prime Minister. Could this have led to his arrest?

The fact that Viktor Ivanovich is a stubborn person, and when Medvedev arrived, they agreed on one thing, and when he arrived at the ministry, they slowed it down in every way - of course, this was. Some people didn't like it. But so that on the basis of this they begin to put spokes in his wheels and shut his mouth... I think not. Yes, this is not beneficial for some. For example, oil tycoons, nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants. Now we will build up the Belgorod region with biogas stations and we will probably live in the most environmentally friendly region, but we will not buy electricity - of course, this will be a big loss for them.

Recently there was a St. Petersburg economic forum, at which Dvorkovich said that it is too early for us to develop the energy sector. Then Chubais next says that it is necessary to develop production for processing solid waste, and in the next report Medvedev said that it is necessary to develop alternative energy (smiles).

- In 2012, your father said that by 2015, the Belgorod region plans to produce 20 percent of all alternative energy in Russia. Is this already a utopia?

Why did the plans slow down? Firstly, there is no investment. Many investors came from Germany, drew up an agreement on investment in a biogas station, but then... A crisis is happening across the country. Secondly, the legislative framework - regarding tariffs seems to have been established, but not entirely in our favor. They forgot to apply the currency coefficient, but now it is very important. And the region should be interested. Who gave AltEnergo a loan for the construction of alternative energy? "Belgorodsotsbank", that is, the region, in essence. This year I tried to take out a loan for development, I visited a dozen banks, VTB, Sberbank, and smaller ones, and everyone simply refused - no one wants to get involved with the “alternative”.

- After the arrest of Viktor Ivanovich, one of his former employees wrote this: “You can treat him differently. But under him, Belgorodenergo worked like never before or since. His name brought horror to any employee of the company. Yes, sometimes the management methods caused bewilderment, but this is probably what is necessary with a Russian person.” How do you know him as a leader?

- Strict, quick-tempered, demanding, but kind in his own way. When he gets what he wants from a person, he can ask for an apology if in the end he is wrong. And so, (what happened - ed.) while working at Belgorodenergo under his leadership, and now, I will say this: the people are loose, there is no discipline. You drive along Belgorodenergo, no one smoked there, no one even just stood there - everyone was working.

He was, of course, evil. Probably every leader and every father with a child, if he does not understand normally, uses either force or character. It was true that he was hot-tempered. But not like on a collective farm - swearing - everything is worthy. At the same time, he encouraged the workers: everyone I know says that it was good under Viktor Ivanovich. Considering what he has achieved, perhaps he should be like that.

- Does this character help him now?

It probably even gets in the way. Lawyers say that he also fights off investigators - he is an economist and a lawyer, he knows everything. Lawyers even complain - they say: we come to him, we say this and that, and he answers: no way! They say that you need to keep quiet, but he says, “No, I’ll complain.”

- Is he ready to go all the way?

Yes, until the end. But the sad thing is that a person gets used to everything. There was the last trial. He was already in such a mood that he understood that he would still return to where he was. Some kind of apathy. I didn’t expect any miracle or development of events. This is a shame. But in such a way that the character changes, there is no such thing.

Viktor Filatov at the AltEnergo wind generators, photo by Mikhail Koinov

- In general, the region’s alternative energy industry is associated primarily with its name. What has changed in the company this year? How did you become the head of AltEnergo?

In 2014, I left the construction company Mekhkolonna 77 and didn’t work anywhere for a year. Then, when Viktor Ivanovich was arrested, I was accepted as an adviser, and then acting.

What has changed... The current one worked and still works. We have pilot projects that would have already been launched with Viktor Ivanovich - I’m not going to open the doors to the government with my feet, but Viktor Ivanovich could do it. When he was still working in 2015, there were a lot of ideas for the construction of biogas stations using raw materials from human waste, that is, what is in the sewer system. And so to this day he controls everything, asks for numbers. And at the biogas station itself, the team is great: they worked as hard as they did. Everything is going as usual.

Honestly, I would like to give everything back to him as soon as possible.

- What if we count on the worst case scenario?

In fact, AltEnergo was created for grandiose projects. According to the governor's decree, there should already be five stations this year. And at one station, which is managed by five people, they can do without a manager. We have a staff of 27 people, but it could have been ten. For a company like this to develop, it needs a person like him. Why did it all work out? He was known at the Ministry of Energy and at RAO UES - this helped.

- Filatov was also the head of motorsports in the region, what is the situation there now?

We created the Board of Trustees in 2014, and in 2015 we appointed our own person, Vladimir Bredikhin, to the federation. We sponsored the national team, purchased minibuses and motorcycles. They were going to build “Green Glade”, a track for the World Championship - we even had an official application, which passed. But this whole thing has stalled. Now we have frozen the route, but maybe we’ll finish building it...

We thought that they would support him in difficult times, but you see how everyone abandoned him. According to rumors, someone from the deputy corps made a noise that Viktor Ivanovich was abandoned - they immediately began to remember: oh, I have an acquaintance there, there, but everything remained only at the level of conversations.

In IDGC of Center, if you look at the indicators during the Makarov years and now, during Isaev’s time, the difference is noticeable. The profit is now much smaller, but the investigation does not look at this.

- To be honest, I think they will give him time. I think everyone. It’s simply impossible without a deadline, otherwise the entire investigation will have to be transplanted. And if they started this, then Viktor Ivanovich will not come out justified. The best option: on September 29, the period for extending the arrest ends, there will be a main court, they will tell him: the term is two years with payment of compensation. He has already served two years, so he will have to be released. Another development of events is that he is given a term of five to ten years, the property of Belgorodenergo is taken away, and it goes to IDGC of Center. In principle, this is what they, in my opinion, are trying to achieve.

A criminal case on the fact of embezzlement and abuse of power by the ex-managers of IDGC of Center JSC and its subsidiaries was opened back in October 2013.

The story began in the summer of 2013, when the general director of IDGC of Center, Oleg Isaev, turned to the Investigative Committee with a request to understand the situation that occurred in the company from 2004 to 2010, when it was managed by Evgeny Makarov. In a statement, Oleg Isaev indicated that his predecessor in the position of general director, for the “purposes of personal illegal enrichment,” entered into a number of deliberately economic outsourcing agreements unfavorable for IDGC of Center, causing damage to society in the amount of at least 880 million rubles.

As a result of the inspection, investigators found a lot of abuses and opened a criminal case under Art. 201 Part 2 of the Criminal Code (“Abuse of power resulting in grave consequences”).

Without waiting for them to come for him, Mr. Makarov went on the run and today he is wanted.

Soon the names of “unidentified persons” surfaced.

One of the main defendants in the criminal-corruption story was Viktor Filatov, deputy of the Belgorod Regional Duma of the IV and V convocations, deputy chairman of the Coordination Council under the Governor of the Belgorod Region for the development of the fuel and energy complex, who previously headed Belgorodenergo. He is accused of organizing the illegal withdrawal of funds from the above-mentioned Interregional Distribution Network Company and its branches.

On October 23, 2013, searches took place at the above-mentioned deputy Viktor Filatov(former head of Belgorodenergo), Alexandra Eist(former director of Tverenergo), Alexey Zelensky (worked at Belgorodenergo and CorSsis) and Dmitry Lagunin (former deputy general director at IDGC of Center).

It should be recalled that the main shareholder of IDGC Center is Russian Networks (headed by Oleg Budargin). Controls 21% of shares Prosperity Capital Management Limited fund. This foundation was created by a Swedish military intelligence officer Matthias Westman, who specialized in intelligence work in the USSR and Russia. The director of the fund is a native of St. Petersburg, Alexander Branis.

As Kommersant learned, within the framework of only one completed episode of the investigation, the defendants in the case are accused of embezzlement of 240 million rubles. In turn, the former general director of the Belgorod branch of IDGC of Center, OJSC, Viktor Filatov, who is accused of organizing an organized criminal group, as soon as he began to get acquainted with the case materials, went on a hunger strike, protesting against the accusations contained in them.

The ICR investigator finally charged Viktor Filatov with “organizing embezzlement and a criminal community” (part 3 of article 33, part 4 of article 160, part 1 of article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), and his alleged accomplices - former leaders and employees of OJSC "Corporate Service Systems" ("KorSsis") Stanislav Milkin, Alexey Zelensky, Pavel Tishchenko and Alexander Pivovarov - were charged with complicity in these crimes. The investigation considers the ex-head of IDGC of Center Evgeny Makarov, who fled abroad, was put on the international wanted list and arrested in absentia by the court, to be another leader of the organized criminal group. His case in connection with the search has been separated into separate proceedings.

Initially, Evgeny Makarov was accused in absentia of “abuse of power, resulting in grave consequences” (Part 2 of Article 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to investigators, in 2005, Makarov, by his order, transferred more than a thousand IT specialists from the territorial branches of IDGC of Center to the KorSsis service company, the head of which was his wife Tamara Makarova. The task of these specialists was to maintain the information and technological systems of the energy company. However, this transfer, according to the investigation, was fictitious: all specialists physically remained at their jobs, performing their previous duties. In this case, the recipient of the money for the work they performed was KorSsis OJSC.

According to sources, within the framework of the criminal case, only one episode of theft was investigated, related to the execution of the outsourcing agreement between IDGC and KorSsis for Kurskenergo for 2008-2010. The investigation believes that the contract was used to steal 240 million rubles. The investigation into the remaining contracts that raised suspicion, the interlocutors believe, will be carried out after the court makes a decision on the first case.

In turn, Viktor Filatov’s lawyer Vladimir Gorelik claims that there was no crime in the actions of his client and other defendants in the case: “The version of the investigation is completely incomprehensible to me, since Makarov at that time only carried out the orders of the management RAO UES on the division of IDGCs into core and non-core assets, and therefore accountants, personnel officers, IT specialists and others, that is, those who are not involved in the production of electricity, not fictitiously, but actually switched to work at CorSsis."

The defendants in the criminal case were detained and then arrested last summer - all of them are still being held in pretrial detention. According to Mr. Gorelik, after the start of the criminal prosecution of the ex-head of IDGC of Center Evgeny Makarov, his client Filatov was interrogated several times as a witness, appearing before the investigator on the first call. During the same period, the defense lawyer notes, Viktor Filatov traveled abroad more than 30 times, always returning to his homeland, including to participate in investigative actions. The defense lawyer sees no grounds for further detention of his client, since all the main investigative actions have already been completed, and Filatov’s international passport has been confiscated. However, the court refused to change his preventive measure to bail or house arrest, citing, in particular, a certificate from the FSB, which stated that, once free, Viktor Filatov “can come into contact with a person who is on the international wanted list,” that is, with Makarov, and continue to engage in criminal activities. In turn, Filatov, who, together with his alleged accomplices, will have to read 180 volumes of the criminal case, recently, as his lawyer reported, went on a hunger strike.