Dreams: If you dream about a needle sticking out in your body. The magic of numbers

Dreams can be magical, and sometimes even mystical. This effect is given to them by objects that we encounter in our dreams. For example, according to Russian beliefs, a needle is a magical object endowed with supernatural powers and served as a talisman against evil forces.

So, let’s figure out what needles mean in dreams. If you look in the dream book, a needle is a harbinger of quarrels, as well as unexpected news. Due to the duality of this symbol, it is worth paying attention to the plots of dreams, as well as their details.

  • Item color.
  • Size.
  • Is it broken?
  • Where they found it.
  • What they were doing.

It must be said that most often a needle in a dream has a metallic color, and this means that new experiences await you. This vision also promises meeting new people. Seeing a large seamstress' tool in your night dreams means that success awaits you in all enterprises, and especially in creative projects. In addition, you will have the opportunity to solve many long-standing problems.

Many people are interested in why they dream of a black needle. This symbol indicates that something is worrying and bothering you, a vision with a black needle does not foretell anything terrible, you just need to sort yourself out and try not to waste a lot of energy worrying about trifles.

Seeing red pins in a dream means love victories. Also, such a vision acts as a warning - you may be overcome by passion for a new acquaintance. Therefore, if you are not looking for adventure, control yourself and your actions.

If the needles in the dream were of normal sizes and there were a lot of them, it means that new horizons are opening up before you. And these can be both prospects in work and in personal life, the main thing is to choose exactly what you really need now.

Seeing one broken needle in a dream means success in a new job. If you have been working in one place for many years, then expect a transfer to another department. Perhaps you are waiting for a job change that will ultimately turn out to be more attractive than your current one.

If in your night dreams you saw a lot of broken needles, this indicates that you have many fans. Also, such a dream foreshadows you resolving disputes or conflicts that may arise between your old friends.

Where found

Finding a lot of sharp objects in your clothes means that you will discover hypocrites and deceivers in your environment. Someone is trying to achieve their goals at your expense. Be more attentive to your friends.

Finding a needle in a doorframe is a sign of intrigue and gossip. To avoid becoming a participant in such discussions, you just need to avoid getting involved in conflicts with others for a few days after this dream.

  • If you find an object in your bed, this means that a “sharp edge” will appear in your relationship with your loved one.
  • Also, needles in bed - to resolve an old dispute.
  • Miller's dream book offers the following version of the analysis of such a find: pins or needles in bed - to changes in your personal life, perhaps you will receive an offer to get married.

If you have found a needle in your food, then soon you will be collecting guests. Old and new acquaintances will come to you with a lot of interesting news and offers. Also, a needle in food, if you look in the Meridian dream book, dreams of gifts.

Finding an object on your body, under your skin or in your mouth is a disappointment. Unfortunately, if you don’t stop building castles in the air, a period of disappointment will come in your life, both in yourself and in the people around you. It's time to grow up and start being more realistic about what's happening.

To see in your night dreams how you found pins in your sewing chest means that you will soon rest. You'll be going on a trip or spending a few quiet days outside the city, so it's time to pack your bags.

What they were doing

Collecting scattered pins from the floor means that you have to solve many small problems. You will be able to solve these problems without difficulty, but you will need to spend enough time on this. Collecting needles means interesting tasks will appear. Also, such a dream promises career advancement.

Pulling sewing needles out of your body is a painful, but still favorable solution to the conflict. You will need to make every effort to get out of this situation. Also, pulling needles out of the body, and especially from the legs, as Velesov’s dream book says, means greater stability and stability in life.

  • Injecting yourself with a needle in a vision means unexpected falling in love.
  • Pricking yourself with a pin means the appearance of an adult, serious suitor.
  • Pricking yourself with a medical needle means increased attention from the opposite sex.
  • Injecting yourself with a gypsy needle means an unexpected resolution of the conflict with your significant other.

Holding pins in your mouth means interesting conversations. Miller’s dream book also considers a needle in the mouth as a symbol of gossip. Squeezing a needle in your hand means the arrival of an old friend. Take a few days off to make the meeting more enjoyable.

If you dreamed of a needle and thread, and besides, you were in the vision, this means you will have new, loyal friends. Soon you will find yourself at an event, after which you will make interesting acquaintances, communication with whom will develop into strong friendship. Another option for why you dream of a needle and thread is offered by Miller’s dream book - such a vision promises you enrichment, both material and spiritual.

Thus, it is not so difficult to understand what needles mean in dreams. Such dreams are somewhat mystical, but at the same time they predict interesting events. And remember that your fate is only in your hands, no matter what dream you have.

The needle is a symbol of vulnerability, insult, secret revenge, deceit, witchcraft, and hard work.

Seeing a needle with traces of fresh blood - this dream warns of the bad intentions of a relative.

Seeing a needle with a very long thread is a symbol of the fact that a person who comes to power without elections will dictate his will for a long time and will be able to inspire respect for himself in his subjects.

Seeing a lot of scattered needles is a harbinger of treachery, gossip and intrigue that will overwhelm everyone and lead to the death of some unwanted persons.

Seeing an animal with steel needles sticking out of its skin means that humanity will acquire an enemy that it did not even suspect; the fight against it will be difficult and unpredictable, because outwardly the enemy will be difficult to distinguish from the usual appearance of earthly inhabitants.

Seeing a person sticking needles into himself is a symbol of the fact that in the future a volunteer will appear among people who will sacrifice himself in order to atone with his death for all the bad things done on Earth.

Seeing the letter "X" written with needles sticking out with the point up is a sign that suggests that for ten years people can try to become better and thereby deserve a better life, to avoid the fate of guinea pigs for more developed civilizations.

To remove a needle from a person's heart means to take a direct part in a scientific discovery that will advance humanity much further.

Getting caught in the rain of needles is a symbol of the activation of black forces, which once again want to subject humanity to serious tests.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Nostradamus

Dream Interpretation - Needle

This symbol has many interpretations because it is associated with various activities and associations. The needle was a subsistence farming tool that made it possible to earn a living and was therefore valuable. On the other hand, the needle is part of magical rituals, many of which were aimed at evil. From this, the symbol takes on a negative meaning.

The needle is characterized by its relatively small size, therefore it is difficult for those who are looking for it (“Looking for a needle in a haystack”) - this is another meaning of the symbol.

Seeing a huge pile of things into which the necessary needle was accidentally dropped is a harbinger of unforeseen circumstances that will unexpectedly complicate an already complicated matter.

Seeing a person on the road who has scattered needles and is crawling on his knees, trying to pick up lost things, is a signal that your colleagues may delay at the moment when you need to act with lightning speed; on your way there will be a person who will amaze you with his meticulousness in any business he undertakes.

Seeing yourself behind the counter of a haberdashery stall that specializes in selling various types of needles - do not hope for an easy way out of a difficult situation, it is better to think about a new business that can bring profit, because it is time to start all over again.

If you see yourself trying on a suit, where the tailor is trying to pin something right on you, for which he pricks your clothes with needles, you will have to update your wardrobe, otherwise your position will be shaken and things will go downhill.

Sewing up your boots with a large needle and pricking your finger hard until it bleeds - your intuition tells you that it’s time to worry about your relatives, because because of you they have serious ill-wishers.

To dream that a friend is constantly following you, like a thread following a needle, - this dream inspires you to be loyal and not reject your friends; use help and provide it yourself if asked; a loved one will help in difficult times; Beware of separation from someone who cannot live without you.

Interpretation of dreams from

In general, needles in a dream mean troubles or things that you don’t feel like doing. A dull needle, both in life and in a dream, cannot do much harm, but it does not do any good. This dream suggests that a loved one will soon become indifferent to you.

Pulling a needle out of some part of the body in a dream means that obstacles in business are causing you a lot of trouble and problems, but after such a dream everything should change - you will feel relief.

Buying needles in a dream means reconciliation with a friend. A needle and thread in a dream means that your relationship with a loved one or partner will be like a thread and a needle. Where the needle goes, so does the thread.

The thread always follows the needle. Try to figure out who is meant by the thread and who is meant by the needle. Such a dream can also predict that you will try to achieve the same success as another person. The length of the thread in this case indicates how close your relationship with the other person will be. See interpretation: threads.

If you dream that you pricked yourself with a needle, then expect a quarrel with your loved ones. See interpretation: prick.

A dream in which you saw that you had lost a needle means the loss of a friend or loved one. Looking for a needle means wasted effort. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying “looking for a needle in a haystack.”

Finding a needle in a dream is an indication of the danger that threatens you, which will come from where you do not expect it. Searching and finding a needle is a good dream. It means that you will soon find new friends.

A broken needle in a dream means a break in a relationship with a loved one. After such a dream, expect great experiences and loneliness.

A dream in which you saw yourself working with a needle means: expect a quarrel with a loved one. For spouses, such a dream predicts that their family life will soon crack.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Needles

Using a needle in a dream is a harbinger of suffering from the hostility of a person close to you. A needle and thread means that you will worry about other people's affairs more than your own. Looking for a needle in a dream means groundless worries. Finding it means making new, reliable friends. Breaking a needle is a sign of loneliness and poverty.

Interpretation of dreams from

What should a person think if he dreams of needles? The dream book will help answer this question. But in order to give a more complete interpretation, you should carefully study several meanings of this symbol.

Meaning according to a modern book of interpretations

So, why do you dream about needles? The 21st century dream book says that this sign means trouble. In most cases, they relate to scandals and quarrels, usually of a family nature. As a rule, they usually occur without any reason. Quite often, needles are a symbol of envy, and black envy at that. It is possible that someone wishes harm to the dreamer. And in many cases, the sources of envy are close friends. Usually these are the situations that promise needles.

In a dream, seeing yourself and embroidering something means grief. And to a large extent. And trouble may appear from where the dreamer did not expect it at all. As, in fact, this usually happens. Perhaps the other half admits that her feelings have faded away. Or a close friend will commit betrayal. In general, it is better to prepare in advance for the onset of a dark streak in life. It would be better if it were in vain, and the trouble would pass by, than to suddenly cover the dreamer with a wave.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Seeing needles in a dream means that soon a person will have to take care of other people. And it is possible that in connection with this the dreamer will have other problems. The most important thing when helping others is not to forget about yourself. And even more important - do not stop solving your own problems. Otherwise, forgetting about it, you can only complicate your life.

But it is a good sign if you find needles. The dream book claims that this means the appearance of new friends in life, very devoted and faithful. You can be sure that they will not let you down in a difficult situation, but will provide help and support. But losing a needle in a dream is an unkind sign. This means that soon in reality a person will be overtaken by useless troubles and worries. And a broken needle even promises loneliness and financial trouble. It is worth preparing for this unfavorable period and, most importantly, not giving up.

Why do you dream of small needles?

Vanga's dream book claims that this is a sign from above. Soon a person will have to make full use of all his abilities to overcome the difficulties that will soon arise on his way. It will be difficult, but this is the only way to cope with the surging problems.

Collecting needles in a dream means betrayal or treason. Moreover, this will shock and shake the dreamer so much that it will take a long time to recover from what happened. But seeing a lot of needles in a dream is already a hint from the subconscious. Perhaps the dreamer seriously offended someone. And you shouldn’t be surprised if that person decides to take revenge. So if you want to avoid retribution, you should ask for forgiveness.

It will not be entirely pleasant to see yourself swallowing sewing needles in a dream. This is a sign of serious diseases, which will most likely be associated with the cardiovascular system. Injecting yourself barely perceptibly and imperceptibly means a car accident. So in the near future you should refrain from doing anything too extreme. But injecting someone means good news for the person who had to endure it. Moreover, the dreamer will bring him the news.

Dream book of the 20th century

According to this book, the interpretation of dreams in which needles are scattered on the floor is not particularly pleasant. This is a symbol of anxiety. And there will be a lot of it. And mostly it will be associated with quarrels with friends or relatives.

Embroidering - to the emergence of love and true joy. If the dreamer still produces beautiful patterns, this means the onset of a bright streak in life. In general, this is a good sign. But if the dreamer injects himself, he will have to prepare for a not entirely successful period in life; there is a possibility of encountering conflicts that can drag on for a long time. And if there was a black thread in the needle, this means problems associated not with the dreamer, but with someone else. But he will have to take part in their decision. And the longer the thread, the more time it will take.

Meaning according to the Italian dream book

What does it mean to see such a dream? A needle and thread can mean many things. If a person has lost it, this means work-related problems. But finding it means family troubles. If the dreamer breaks the needle into two parts, then he should expect real obstacles on the way to achieving a long-set goal. The Italian dream book warns that a person may soon feel a loss of strength. He may become depressed because there are too many problems in his life. Well, in this case, it is recommended to take a break and rest. There is no need to make pointless attempts to improve situations, because they will still end in failure. You need to rest and recuperate - then you will definitely be able to achieve what you want.

If a person saw in a dream how he was buying needles in a store, one should be prepared for severe financial difficulties.

French dream book

What is the interpretation of dreams here? Needles into which a person threads usually dream of increased enmity with ill-wishers and enemies. But if he sees himself sewing something up, this means a successful resolution of all the troubles that bothered him before.

Choosing needles means gossip, rumors and a damaged reputation. Moreover, as is usually the case, all the words spoken by enemies will be false. And it is possible that enemies are using what the dreamer once talked about to spread gossip. They will simply present what is said in their own way. Therefore, a person should be prepared to live up to his reputation. If he pricks himself with a needle, it means major quarrels. To prove that you are right, you will, again, have to make excuses.

If you find a needle, what is it for?

So, the first meaning is to establish a great relationship with a good person. This will be a new acquaintance with whom the dreamer will communicate quite closely. In the future, he can become his best friend. But if a young girl had such a vision, it means starting a new romantic relationship, which will then develop into something more. Perhaps it is Fate itself.

But a broken sewing needle - on the contrary, means separation. With a friend, girlfriend or boyfriend - it doesn't matter. One thing can be said with certainty - the dreamer will come face to face with loneliness, and perhaps this will drag on for a long time. But you shouldn’t give up, it’s better to recover from what happened and start looking for a new relationship.

Strange circumstances

Sometimes people dream of something unusual. For example, needles in the body of a close friend of the dreamer. What is this for? To the point that one should be wary of duplicity. It is possible that this same person will soon commit betrayal. And in general, you should trust others less.

Pulling needles out of your own body means difficulties that will soon arise in real life. But they can be overcome quickly. Peace and complete calm will follow. By the way, it is very important to consider from which part of the body the person removed the needle. If from a finger or from a leg, this means a difficult and rather emotional period. Quarrels, disputes, conflicts - you will have to go through all this. And the most difficult thing is that it is unlikely that anyone will want to support a person during this difficult period.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus

The golden needle is a symbol of deceit, wounding and insult. In general, according to Nostradamus’s dream book, it does not mean anything good. Especially if there are traces of blood on the needle. This indicates that perhaps the person’s close people are planning something unkind towards him.

A dream about a lot of needles usually means that soon someone from the dreamer’s circle will begin to spread unpleasant rumors and gossip about him. Seeing them sticking out from the body of some animal means acquiring an enemy. Moreover, this person will be the one from whom it could not have come at all. And the fight against him will be difficult and unpredictable. A golden needle that a person stuck into himself with his own hand means that a volunteer will appear in his life who can help him. But taking it out of the heart of another means committing a good deed, for which the saved one will thank the dreamer for a long time.

Important Details

To give a more correct interpretation of the dream, it is necessary to remember under what specific circumstances the person dreamed of a needle. If he saw them in his mouth, this meant a failure of expectations. You shouldn't hope too much for something because it might end badly in the end. Collecting them from the floor means that you will soon have to face your problems alone. It is unlikely that anyone will help in solving them, so you need to be prepared for this. Seeing yourself pricked with a pin is an unkind sign. Or to be more precise, a warning. It says that a person needs to be more restrained in terms of communication and talk less about himself. Excessive gullibility and the habit of opening up to anyone you meet will not work in your favor.

Holding a needle in your hands at a level below your eyes means great trouble and grief. If there was a white thread in it, this is a signal that it is time to mind your own business and think less about other people. Only in this way will you be able to solve your problems and finally begin to live to the fullest. But if a person saw large and long needles in his dream, this means troubles that will arise in the family. It is advised to forget about work and other matters for a while and concentrate on communicating with your family. This will only be beneficial.

Signs to listen to

If a person saw needles scattering on his bed in a dream, then he must prepare for the onset of a dark period in life. Troubles will appear like mushrooms after rain, in all areas of life. And it will happen unexpectedly. Seeing spruce needles means that it’s time to think about your future and start building it up. You should forget about the carefree time, otherwise it will be difficult in the future.

Sewing up holes in old clothes (or any other things) means that soon a person will be faced with problems associated with elderly members of his family. He will probably have to look after them, show concern. Holding a handful of needles in your hands and suddenly scattering them, and at your own request, and not by accident - means strong love and affection. The same is true if a person injects himself, but does not feel pain or any other unpleasant sensations.

There are many interpretations. And, unfortunately, most of them do not bode well. But it’s better to be warned about troubles than to encounter them unexpectedly later.

In the dream book, needles symbolize problems and troubles. If you sew in a dream, it means that in reality you will have to solve various problems. Where the troubles will come from, whether they happen to you or to other people, can be explained by remembering all the events and features of the dream and understanding why the needles are seen in dreams.

Why do you dream about needles?

Small Velesov's dream

pricking yourself with a needle - remembering old grievances;

sewing - difficulties, problems, unpleasant situations;

needles are scattered - you are surrounded by evil people;

losing needles means problems will resolve themselves.

Dream book of the 21st century

If in a dream a sleeping person tries to thread a needle, but it does not want to get into his eye, in real life he will have to face impossible tasks. If a red thread is inserted into a needle, trouble will happen, there will be victims, losses, illnesses. Seeing a needle in the wrong hands means troubles will come from where you don’t expect them.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Needles in a dream are a symbol of unpleasant events in life. To prick yourself with a needle means to fail, to be disappointed. In addition, such a dream may mean that in the near future you will face a major conflict, an unpleasant conversation or slander.

inject yourself with blood - you will be hurt by how others treat you;

sew - solve problems;

sew other people's things - you should not interfere in the affairs of other people, this will bring trouble;

the needle is in the wrong hands - a conspiracy is being prepared against you.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

To understand why needles are removed, you need to consider all aspects of sleep. Perhaps, if you can correctly interpret the visions, you will be able to avoid unpleasant events and losses.

What kind of needles did you dream about?

If you dream of a needle and thread, it means that a series of unpleasant events will begin in life. Try to focus on work and family and not be distracted by fun activities and entertainment.

Christmas tree needles - make peace with a friend;

syringe needle - gossip, resentment, squabbles.

What did you do with the needle?

sewing - to troubles;

threading a thread - solving other people’s problems, helping loved ones;

inject yourself - scandal, conflict, major quarrel;

breaking needles in a dream - aggravation of tense relationships;

scatter - there will be a meeting that will upset you;

collecting needles - worry less, do more.

Where was the needle?

stuck in the body - you will have to ask your family for help;

in the mouth - your loved ones need help;

in hand - you will have to face difficulties at work;

in the leg - you need to speak out and get advice;

in bed - not everything is going smoothly in your house, perhaps repairs or replacement of communications are needed;

on the floor - a conspiracy is being prepared against you;

in the finger - there will be minor squabbles, quarrels, troubles in the family, but very soon everything will work out.