Biography. The former governor will take care of the investment climate of Novosibirsk Tolokonsky biography

The political career of 64-year-old Viktor Tolokonsky is primarily connected with the Novosibirsk region. Since 1993, he headed the administration of Novosibirsk for seven years, then moved to the regional government: he was twice elected to the position of governor, and after the abolition of direct elections, he was appointed by presidential decree. Tolokonsky worked as the head of this region for 10 years, and many analysts perceived his unexpected transition in 2010 to the post of Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the Siberian Federal District as a demotion.

Tolokonsky was replaced as head of the Novosibirsk region by Vasily Yurchenko, who did not last long in the governor’s chair - in March 2014 he was dismissed with the wording “due to the loss of the president’s confidence.” Experts attributed Yurchenko’s failures to the opposition of Tolokonsky, who soon also left his post: in May 2014, he became the acting governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

“It was a coincidence of circumstances. On the one hand, Governor Lev Kuznetsov was leaving, it was clear that he would leave Krasnoyarsk. At the same time, in Novosibirsk there was a conflict situation between the plenipotentiary representative and the governor. Probably all this played into Tolokonsky’s appointment,” said TASS political scientist Sergei Komaritsyn.

Budget, revenue, profit

Tolokonsky won the gubernatorial elections in September 2014 with 63% of the vote. His closest rival, the chairman of the committee on rural affairs and agro-industrial policy of the Legislative Assembly of the region, Valery Sergienko, then received only 14%.

The Novosibirsk politician led the region during the crisis of 2014. “The region can and should develop at the expense of its own economy,” he said then and set the task of increasing consolidated budget revenues by 100 billion rubles in six years. In 2015–2016, this figure increased by 40 billion rubles to 200 billion rubles.

“We can safely credit the growth of regional budget revenues - including through competent and careful work with the main taxpayers. I think the task of increasing budget revenues by 100 billion rubles over six years will not be canceled,” Russian State Duma deputy Viktor told TASS Zubarev.

According to him, in the economic sphere, the region, more mildly than many regions, went through a crisis stage associated with changes in the system of international relations and sanctions policy. “We were able not only to maintain export volumes, but also to enter the Asian and European markets for coal and grain. Finally, we have a long-term planning document - the Strategy for the period until 2030. Of course, its draft was criticized, but at the same time we managed to lay the basic positions development of the region for three five-year plans,” Zubarev emphasized.

The parameters of the regional budget largely depend on world prices for non-ferrous metals and, to a lesser extent, oil. Tolokonsky himself closely monitored prices. “When I was in Novosibirsk, I never looked at quotes. Here I am always in these quotes: I see a green triangle - I’m happy: profit is coming. A red triangle is down - we’re losing profit,” he admitted to reporters.


It was possible to partially increase the revenue side of the budget thanks to the sale of regional property. In 2015, the region sold 51% of the shares of Yemelyanovo Airport to Oleg Deripaska’s structures for 4 billion rubles. The second wave of privatization in 2017 failed: Tolokonsky met resistance from the local elite when it came to selling the Krasnoyarsknefteprodukt shares owned by the region and the remaining stake in the airport. “From these enterprises, “nothing for anyone,” said one of the most influential politicians in the region, speaker of the regional parliament, Alexander Uss.

This was a rare case of open opposition to the local “Varangian” Tolokonsky.

“It did not become one of its own, despite the fact that there was an attempt to replace the concept of “Krasnoyarsk” with “Siberian”. Although there was no external discussion of squeezing it out of the region due to the inability of the political elite. However, there was a problem, and this was felt even in the academic and artistic environment," says Sergei Komaritsyn.

Universiade and salaries

The decision of Krasnoyarsk legislators to increase their salaries in June 2017 caused a loud resonance. The law adopted by the deputies was signed by the governor and caused sharp criticism in the press, after which it had to be repealed. According to Krasnoyarsk political scientist Alexander Chernyavsky, if this were the reason, then Tolokonsky’s resignation would have taken place in the summer.

The reason for the resignation of the head of the region from his post, according to Chernyavsky, could be the center’s dissatisfaction with the preparations for the 2019 Universiade. The World University Winter Games will be held in Krasnoyarsk from March 2 to 12. 34 sports and medical facilities will be built or reconstructed in the city, and the city transport infrastructure will be modernized. Investments in preparation for the Universiade are estimated at 60 billion rubles.

During a March visit to Krasnoyarsk, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that 12 of the 34 Universiade venues were behind schedule. And he called on local authorities to prevent this. Then representatives of the region explained that the construction deadlines had been delayed due to the state examination, and promised to eliminate these backlogs.

Between two cities

Tolokonsky is remembered in the region for his mobility. He often traveled to the territories and could visit different parts of the region in a couple of days. With such visits, the governor kept local authorities on their toes. He repeatedly visited settlements affected by the May fires and promised that fire victims would receive new housing by September 15. However, it was not possible to introduce housing in the large village of Strelka within the specified time frame - construction is still ongoing.

The head of the region spoke willingly and for a long time in public and even sang songs. Throughout the “Krasnoyarsk” years, he did not lose interest in his native Novosibirsk and even participated in local events. For example, in September 2017, at the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Novosibirsk region, he performed the song “Waltz Boston” for the townspeople. Somewhat earlier, the governor amazed Krasnoyarsk residents at the library congress by singing the song “Kiss me, good luck.”

According to Viktor Zubarev, whoever heads the Krasnoyarsk Territory for the transition period - until new elections, he will have very difficult tasks. “This is the completion of the preparation of the main objects of the region for the 2019 Universiade, the 400th anniversary of Yeniseisk, and the election of the head of Krasnoyarsk for the next five years,” he said.

About resignation

On Wednesday, Viktor Tolokonsky announced his resignation from the post of governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. This happened at a meeting with members of the government, deputies and heads of government bodies in the region. According to the vice-speaker of the regional parliament, Alexei Kleshko, Tolokonsky said: “I’m leaving. And I’m even leaving.” At the same time, it was noticeable that he was worried. The governor said that he usually says goodbye to colleagues when his thoughts are already on a new job, but this time the situation is different. “I never abandoned the things I started. Now I regret that not all projects have been completed. But I have always been for renewal,” said Viktor Tolokonsky.

Regional editorial office of TASS

12:46 — REGNUM

What the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory did Victor Tolokonsky, political scientists have already called it a demarche. On September 27, at a closed meeting, he announced that he was “leaving and even leaving.” And he really left. And he even left.


On September 28, messages began to appear on social networks that Tolokonsky was already in his native Novosibirsk. But at the same time, neither on September 27 nor on September 28, the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the resignation of the Krasnoyarsk governor was published. He did not appear at the time of preparation of this material, in the morning of September 29. Thus, the governor must continue to show up for work, lead the region... However, he is no longer in the region.

Krasnoyarsk region is waiting

The press service of the regional government correspondent IA REGNUM gave the following answer to the question of where the governor is now and whether he shows up for work:

“Viktor Tolokonsky wrote a letter of resignation and sent it to the President of the Russian Federation. And we are all waiting for some solution. According to colleagues, Viktor Alexandrovich is now in Novosibirsk.”

So, the governor has left, but the acting governor is not yet there. He will be appointed by the president. The current situation can be considered strange, to say the least. In order to get even a little closer to understanding what is happening, it is necessary to recall how Tolokonsky’s political career began, how he eventually ended up in the chair of the Krasnoyarsk governor.

Viktor Tolokonsky was born on May 27, 1953 in Novosibirsk. He graduated from the general economics department of the Novosibirsk Institute of National Economy and graduate school at Novosibirsk State University. In 1981-1991 he worked in senior positions in the Novosibirsk Regional Executive Committee. From 1991 to 1993 he was deputy chairman of the Novosibirsk City Executive Committee.

In 1993, Tolokonsky became the mayor of Novosibirsk. He led the city until 1999. In January 2000, he headed the Novosibirsk region. He led the region until 2010, then became the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District.

On May 12, 2014, the president, by decree, appointed Tolokonsky as acting governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In September 2014, gubernatorial elections were held in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. 425,017 voters (63.3%) cast their votes for Viktor Tolokonsky. September 26, 2017 marks exactly three years since Viktor Tolokonsky has been governor of the region.

When characterizing Tolokonsky, political scientists often called him an experienced politician and a skilled apparatchik. And now, it turns out, he has violated these very hardware traditions.

Broke the rules of the game

“Of course, Viktor Tolokonsky violated hardware traditions, so to speak, the rules of the game. Actually, he is a very experienced apparatchik and knows that this is not necessary.” , - commented in a conversation with a correspondent IA REGNUM Krasnoyarsk political scientist Sergey Komaritsyn.

According to him, there are several versions of what caused this.

“One of the versions is Tolokonsky’s resentment. When he gave his farewell speech on September 27, he said that this was not the first time he was saying goodbye to his colleagues, and each time he was already thinking about a new job, but now that’s not what’s happening. He said he was going nowhere. It is clear that he was not offered anything, no sinecure post like a special representative in the Congress of some nations, as happened with. And, it seems, he will not be awarded the order, as he was awarded. But Shantsev is already over 70, and Tolokonsky turned 64 this year. And he, in general, is still quite capable, maybe he was offended by this attitude , says the expert. — In general, to be honest, all these governors were put in a humiliating situation. They are sitting and waiting for their resignation, some for some reason denied this. And Tolkonsky, perhaps, finally decided to slam the door in this way. But by doing so, he, of course, predetermined his future fate; it is unlikely that they will offer him anything now.”

Komaritsyn recalled: in his farewell speech, Tolokonsky said that he was not just leaving, but leaving:

“I think no one will especially cry about this in Krasnoyarsk, since he didn’t become one of his own here. As for whether Tolokonsky has a chance to stay in politics... Hardly. I repeat, with his biography, he could count on some kind of sinecure post. But, apparently, nothing of the kind was offered to him, and he found himself in an unpleasant situation. After all, over all these years he has become accustomed to a certain way of life. He needs status, an office, a secretary, a car with a driver. It is clear that he will not be in poverty, but he has lost these formal, status things.”

Answering the question of what kind of leader the Krasnoyarsk Territory needs, the political scientist emphasized that for 20 years the region, in fact, has been ruled by “strangers, Varangians,” and Tolokonsky also never became one here.

“The Krasnoyarsk Territory needs a person who would shake it up, because the region is in obvious political stagnation. We have very serious problems with management, we need a competent and strong-willed person.” “, the expert concluded.

It is worth noting here that the ongoing personnel changes in the media and social networks are aptly nicknamed the autumn governor's fall. Within a few days, several regional heads left their posts. This is Nikolay Merkushkin (Samara region), Valery Shantsev (Nizhny Novgorod region), Igor Koshin(Nenets Autonomous Okrug). Victor Tolokonsky and Ramazan Abdulatipov(Dagestan) independently announced their intention to resign.

Moreover, according to political scientists, the heads of several more regions may soon resign. The supposed elimination list includes the heads of Kalmykia, North Ossetia, Altai, Novosibirsk, Murmansk, Omsk, Vladimir and Ivanovo regions, the heads of Altai and Primorsky territories, as well as the governor of St. Petersburg.

After 17 years, ex-governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Viktor Tolokonsky returned to work at the Novosibirsk City Hall as chief adviser to the communist mayor Anatoly Lokot. Mr. Tolokonsky will be involved in attracting investments. Experts believe that the official direction of the adviser’s activities is more “a diversion”; in fact, his work will be inextricably linked with the upcoming political cycle. In turn, the acting governor of the Novosibirsk region, Andrei Travnikov, proposed that Viktor Tolokonsky become a member of the strategic planning council.

Anatoly Lokot said that Viktor Tolokonsky, who left the post of head of the Krasnoyarsk Territory at the end of September, began working in the city administration as chief adviser. Mr. Tolokonsky confirmed the information to Kommersant. Anatoly Lokot said that Viktor Tolokonsky will deal with issues related to improving the investment climate and the economy. “Viktor Aleksandrovich has extensive experience in attracting investments and developing the business environment. Viktor Aleksandrovich is ready to help, we are starting to cooperate,” the mayor said.

Earlier, Acting Governor Andrei Travnikov approached Viktor Tolokonsky with a similar proposal - to join the regional strategic planning council. He announced his intention to organize work to formulate a strategy for the socio-economic development of the Novosibirsk region until 2030, which should be developed during 2018. According to Mr. Travnikov, he “received preliminary consent from Viktor Tolokonsky.”

The political career of Viktor Tolokonsky is largely connected with Novosibirsk. From 1996 to 2000, he was the mayor of Novosibirsk, then headed the Novosibirsk region for ten years. In 2010, he became the Presidential Envoy to the Siberian Federal District.

In 2014, State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Anatoly Lokot won the election for mayor of Novosibirsk against the United Russia candidate. After this, Viktor Tolokonsky was transferred to the post of governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which he left in the fall of 2017 during the rotation of regional heads.

The mayor's press secretary, Artem Rogovsky, said that the position of adviser entails a monthly salary of 16 thousand rubles. A Kommersant source in the city administration said that the new councilor’s office was allocated opposite the office of Deputy Mayor Artem Skatov, who is responsible for information policy and interaction with the deputy corps and parties. “Skatov is a good PR man. But due to his youth, he lacked political weight in negotiations with authoritative people. Viktor Alexandrovich will cope with this task with ease. Such a tandem can bring good results in the next elections,” noted Kommersant’s interlocutor.

Experts interviewed by Kommersant believe that the position of investment adviser is nothing more than a screen. In fact, Mr. Tolokonsky may enter or even head the election headquarters of Anatoly Lokotya. The mayor hinted about his gubernatorial ambitions, but has not yet openly announced his nomination (the gubernatorial elections will be held in September.- “Kommersant”). “It is impossible to say openly now that Viktor Tolokonsky will be involved in the gubernatorial campaign of Anatoly Lokot. Strategically, this will be wrong from the point of view of revealing trump cards,” said Igor Ukraintsev, chairman of the Siberian Politics expert center. Political consultant Andrei Troshkin also believes that finding investment for the city is not a priority for Viktor Tolokonsky.

“I regard this as a direct challenge to the interim,” says Mr. Troshkin. “It will be very difficult to defeat the tandem of Lokot and Tolokonsky, if it passes the registration stage.”

Tatyana Kosacheva, Novosibirsk

Viktor Tolokonsky’s connections with the Trunov-Solodkin organized crime group, corruption, ecology. What else could be the reason for the resignation of the Krasnoyarsk governor?

Despite the “hit list” of eight governors, which was published by dozens of media and news agencies at the end of last week, the “retirees” are trying to put a good face on a bad game even now. The governor's chairs do not wobble - they fall like dominoes: but not in a random order, but in the one determined by the Kremlin. There are no surprises here. However, the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, like Queen Marie Antoinette, point-blank refused to notice the obvious.

Carriage for me, carriage!

Although where is Viktor Tolokonsky compared to the late empress - he is closer in character to Chatsky, who in the heat of conversation exclaimed: “A carriage for me, a carriage! I don’t go here anymore...” The ex-governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory spoke in the same style after an unscheduled meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on September 22: “I’m leaving. And I’m even leaving. I apologize if I offended anyone. I can be quick-tempered, but I have always worked with love. And if there wasn’t enough warmth for everyone, I’m sorry.”

When the elite is so strong, everything is allowed to them.

And there are plenty of those who lacked the warmth of Governor Viktor Tolokonsky. Well, besides the family: the ex-governor’s son Alexey is the Deputy Minister of Health of the Novosibirsk Region, daughter Elena is the head of the department of the Regional Clinical Hospital, son-in-law Yuri Iosifovich Bravve is the chief physician of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution NSO “City Clinical Hospital No. 1”, his wife is a Doctor of Medical Sciences - she works presenter on television. No engineers, no ordinary doctors in the countryside, no salesmen and loaders. Elite. Moreover, the elite are attached to grain-producing, and in the conditions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, “golden” places. But that’s okay: who else will take care of relatives if not the head of the family? Russia is a country of patriarchal foundations; we first accommodate our own people, otherwise it somehow doesn’t work out like a human being. But here’s what’s interesting: Viktor Tolokonsky, in addition to strengthening family foundations and the health care of the region at the same time, was noticed in much more interesting places, affairs and companies.

Environmental disaster and mortality from cancer

When the elite is so strong, everything is allowed to them. For example, it has been documented that air pollution has been increasing in Krasnoyarsk since 2000. The sky over the Krasnoyarsk Territory is already black, people can’t breathe – the level of pollution is twice the national level. Half of the region’s inhabitants exist in conditions close to a post-apocalyptic world, in which formaldehyde, benzopyrene, phenol and ammonia are like the scent of chamomile in the village. The amount of waste is estimated at 350 million tons per year. Complaints from residents and requests for help not only did not call the governor to action, but also led to unexpected consequences: medical presenter, first lady of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Natalya Tolokonskaya gave a sharp rebuke to people on Instagram. “When there are more pure thoughts in your head, dirty air will cease to be dangerous. I can teach like a doctor!”

For reference: despite her degree, she is a so-so doctor, because even a medical student knows about experiments with formaldehyde, which gave approximately 50 lethal (deadly) mutations per 800 individuals in the Drosophila fly population. That's a lot. For humans, formaldehyde chemical mutagenesis results in infant deaths, and mutations can be delayed into the second and third generations. This means that Viktor Tolokonsky himself will already be forgotten, but his environmental crisis will affect the residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for about another hundred years. And people understand this: in 2016, they sent a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin asking for the resignation of Viktor Tolokonsky. But the decision dragged on for more than a year.

Not all is well with oncology. More precisely, everything is very bad: the average annual increase in cancer diseases in 2017 in the Krasnoyarsk region was 4.9%, and the increase in diseases of the endocrine system was approximately the same. Indicators for diseases of the nervous system, circulatory system, and respiratory organs have worsened. 16 cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are recognized as potentially life-threatening: in official language, “there is an increased degree of health risk.” Today in the Krasnoyarsk Territory the mortality rate from cancer is 219.8 people per 100 thousand inhabitants. Among these cases, the first place is occupied by oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the second place is lung cancer.

Need I say that the overwhelming majority of the chemicals listed above are carcinogenic and formaldehyde occupies a leading place among them?

Fourth place in the country for corruption

According to the legal statistics website of the Russian Prosecutor General's Office, the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranked fourth in the country in receiving bribes in 2015. And no matter how much one would like to find an excuse for Viktor Tolokonsky, that, supposedly, he did not understand, did not realize, he was busy reforming the top management of the healthcare sector, but the facts say the opposite. The ex-governor came to power in 2014, and already in 2015, the “imprisonment” of people from his team began, which was extremely painful for Tolokonsky. Thus, one of the deputy ministers, Yuri Panchuk, caused damage to the budget of the Krasnoyarsk Territory by transferring 17 million rubles to the company Special Energy Construction LLC, which was supposed to work it out under a government contract, but somehow forgot. In October 2015, he was arrested.

Corruption always goes hand in hand with crime.

Six months later, in April 2016, the Minister of Architecture and Construction Nikolai Glushkov and his deputy Sergei Kozupitsa were searched in connection with a bribe case of 1.1 million rubles. Later, Elena Vavilova, another deputy minister, was also brought into the case. Vladimir Sedov, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the region, is suspected of receiving a bribe. In his case, the scheme was simple: according to investigators, Sedov promised to protect the developer, the Zlata company, from inspections.

Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the region Nadezhda Marshalkina was arrested. For what? She is suspected of having contributed to a government contract worth 170 million rubles. went to one of her friends. But these are still flowers. Corruption always goes hand in hand with crime. And in the Krasnoyarsk Territory it could not have happened without it.

Where did Viktor Tolokonsky come from?

And Viktor Tolokonsky came from the governors of the Novosibirsk region. And there he came up with such a beautiful story that only a miracle can explain how he managed to get out of it and move to Krasnoyarsk. In 2006, former Press Minister Boris Mironov wrote an article in which he exposed a criminal community that had successfully merged a branch of power in the person of father and son Solodkin and the gang of Alexander Trunov. The piquancy of the situation was that Alexander Solodkin Sr. (“Nyuma”) was an adviser to the governor. The same Viktor Tolokonsky, who for some reason did not see how an organized crime group grew up next to him. And Alexander Solodkin Jr. (“Baloven”) was the vice-mayor, which did not stop him from getting the drug dealer wife of one of the “Trunovskys” off the police and receiving income from the car market built with the money of the organized crime group.

By the way, the Trunovsky gang became famous not for the sale of spare parts: it is responsible for a wide network of drug sales, a series of contract killings of Novosibirsk businessmen, and raider takeovers. And somewhere in the background of all this looms the large figure of Viktor Tolokonsky: a governor who could equally control Trunov’s organized crime group, patronize it, or know nothing at all. The Investigative Committee knows which of these theories is closer to the truth. Or he will find out. Sooner or later.

And by the way: where would there be vacancies for vice-mayors in Novosibirsk? The position is no small one, it doesn’t just appear. Here's the thing. We quote from Rossiyskaya Gazeta seven years ago: “The judge, reading out her decision to extend the arrest for Solodkin Jr., stated that the cases against him and his father were combined into one proceeding with the cases of the murders of the vice-mayors of Novosibirsk I. Belyakov and V. Maryasova." There are different ways to be removed from a position.

The crown of the matter

After the high-profile case of the Trunovsky gang, Viktor Tolokonsky resigned and became the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Siberian Federal District. And then the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. And we are happy for him: he has cleared up his reputation, and the salary for such positions is quite large. Now he has resigned. I even managed to say goodbye to the team. Unlike many other governors, they moved from bright offices in one day to narrow cells of pre-trial detention centers. So if Viktor Tolokonsky seriously intends to look for “where there is a corner for an offended feeling,” then he will definitely find it. Fortunately, there is something to do - unlike most Krasnoyarsk residents. Another thing is that his friends and comrades - both Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk - most likely will not want him to be bored without them. And perhaps they will find Viktor Tolokonsky even in the Maldives, Alaska or in an underground bunker. Probably, in order to simply talk to him “for life” “like a boy.”

The article will talk about the political and statesman of the Russian Federation. Since September 16, 2014, he has been previously the mayor of Novosibirsk, the governor of this region, as well as the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District.


Tolokonsky Viktor Aleksandrovich was born on May twenty-seventh, 1953 in Novosibirsk. His father, A. Ya. Tolokonsky, was born in Barnaul, went through the Great Patriotic War, and held leadership positions in the city executive committee and the regional consumer union for twenty-three years.

Mother - N.V. Pisareva, originally from Novosibirsk. Her father taught military skills. Among his famous students were such personalities as Marshals of the Soviet Union R. Malinovsky and K. Rokossovsky. Tolokonsky’s mother V.A. received a medical education and devoted her life to working as a laboratory assistant at the regional sanitary and epidemiological station.


Viktor Tolokonsky graduated from school No. 22 in his hometown. Then he entered the Novosibirsk Institute of National Economy. Graduated from the institute in 1974. In 1975-78. studied in graduate school at NSU. Before defending his dissertation, he suddenly abandoned this procedure and did not receive a candidate’s degree.

In 1978, Viktor Tolokonsky joined the party and remained in it until the collapse of the Soviet Union. Until 1981, he lectured at NSU and NINKh.

Political career

In 1981, Viktor Aleksandrovich worked as a member of the commission under the executive committee of Novosibirsk. He held the post of head of the department for consumer goods and industry. Since 1983 he headed the planning department.

In April 1991, he took the post of deputy chairman of the city executive committee of his city. And in January 1992, he sat in the chair of the first deputy head of the Novosibirsk administration, I. Indinok, who was involved in issues of economic reform.

In the ninety-first year, he became a member of the Novosibirsk Political Council - the “Movement of Democratic Reforms”. Since 1993 he became acting. O. mayor of the city. In December of this year he was appointed mayor of Novosibirsk. In his new post, he pursued a policy that was aimed at improving the economic situation of the city, and was able to achieve the elimination of the budget deficit.

Career continuation

In 1994, Viktor Tolokonsky joined the board of directors of the Novosibirsk municipal bank and received a deputy mandate from the City Council. In 1995, he lost in the elections for regional governor to Vitaly Mukha. After that, he submitted his resignation, but the city council rejected it.

In the summer of 1995, Boris Yeltsin included it in the federal body for local self-government. The following year, together with Governor Mukha Tolokonsky, participated in negotiations on the release of police officers from the hands of militants S. Raduev (village of Pervomaiskoye).

In the spring of 1996, after the elections, he became the official city mayor, receiving eighty percent of the votes of Novosibirsk residents. In 1999-2000 was elected head of the regional administration.

In the winter of 2000, Viktor Tolokonsky became a plenipotentiary member of the Russian Federation Council. Until 2001, he was a member of the committee dealing with economic policy issues of the parliament.

In 2003, he was re-elected as governor of the Novosibirsk region. And in 2005 he joined United Russia. According to him, at the beginning of his work as governor, he set three goals for himself:

  • creation of a new airport on the basis of the old one;
  • creation of a northern bypass road;
  • reconstruction of the local academic opera and ballet theater.

After reconstruction, the theater opened in the winter of 2005. The airport underwent reconstruction, and in the summer of 2010 a second runway was built. But the construction of the bypass road was frozen in the mid-2000s. due to lack of funding. In 2005, construction was resumed, and by 2010 the main part was completed. The full discovery occurred in 2011. Tolokonsky believed that all his goals had been achieved in full.

In 2007, the regional Council extended the powers of Viktor Alexandrovich for a five-year term, which was facilitated by the initiative of Vladimir Putin. In 2010, Dmitry Medvedev made Tolokonsky his plenipotentiary representative in the Siberian Federal District. He left the post of governor. V. Yurchenko became his successor, and later the post went to V. Gorodetsky.

In May 2014, Viktor Alexandrovich was appointed acting. O. Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. And four months later, Viktor Tolokonsky is officially the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Governor's income

According to published data, in 2009 Tolokonsky’s annual income was about two million rubles. His wife earned about 1 million rubles. In 2010, their income increased to almost three million and one, respectively.

Tolokonsky, according to published information, earned about seven million rubles in 2014. His wife replenished the budget by 715 thousand. The family does not own a single car. But they have personal apartments and a private house. Viktor Alexandrovich owns a half share in the apartment, the area of ​​which is 304.5 square meters. His wife also owns half of the apartment with an area of ​​69.9 square meters. They also use a house with an area of ​​493.6 square meters.

Scandals and rumors

In February 2010, there was a major scandal in Novosibirsk. Prominent figures from the city and regional administration, close to the governor, were arrested. This is the chief sports expert of the Novosibirsk region, A. Solodkin, and his son Alexander, the deputy mayor of the city. They were accused of participating in a criminal community.

Viktor Tolokonsky stated that he was convinced of their innocence, but at the same time noted that he would not interfere in the investigation. His role in the trial was minor, but he was a witness for the defense. The investigation found his testimony unreliable.

Experts from the St. Petersburg Politics Foundation believe that it was this “unreliable” information, together with the conflict around Tannhäuser in the spring of 2015, that lowered the region’s rating.

It was classified as a region with weak political stability - 4.9 points. The national average is 6.35 points. According to some rumors, the so-called mafia in white coats still exists in Novosibirsk. Friends and relatives of Tolokonsky control the medical sphere of Novosibirsk. Viktor Alexandrovich himself denies such rumors.

Personal life

Viktor Tolokonsky (governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory) is married and has two children. His wife, N.P. Tolokonskaya, has known her husband since school. They met in their youth and subsequently decided to tie the knot. The family turned out to be strong and happy. Natalya has a Doctor of Medicine degree and has been heading the Novosibirsk Territorial Center for Infectious Pathology since 2008.

Their daughter, Elena Tolokonskaya, born in 1973, also studied medicine and now works in a regional hospital. She is married to a well-known doctor in Novosibirsk, Yu. I. Bravve.

Tolokonsky's son Alexey, born in 1978, studied at the Novosibirsk Medical Institute with a degree in Management in Medicine. Since 2008, he has held the position of deputy head of the regional health department.

And the grandson of the regional governor Viktor Tolokonsky, Alexander, studied to be a lawyer in

Viktor Alexandrovich does not like to see his photographs on the walls of officials. Once, at a meeting with the head of the Berezovsky district (V. Shvetsov), he asked that his portrait be removed from the wall. There he hung next to a portrait of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.


In 2001 he was awarded the Order of Friendship. In 2008, Viktor Aleksandrovich Tolokonsky (governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory) was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland (fourth degree). In 2001, the Public Recognition Foundation awarded him a gold badge for his contribution to the economic development of the region. In June 2002, Patriarch Alexy II awarded Viktor Alexandrovich the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh (first degree).

Since May 5, 2011, he has been a full-fledged first-class state councilor of the Russian Federation. He is also a laureate of the “Best Governors of the Russian Federation” award.