What happened once can happen a second time. "What happened once may never happen again.

In the morning, Michaelia refused to wake up and was numb cold water... Snorting, she flew out of the tent and began making passes with her hands. The devil in the form of a cat was jumping and laughing contentedly, while lightning and water poured down from behind.
Thus began the morning of the next day. The angel and the devil quarreled and fell on each other with spells interspersed with curses. The teacher tried several times to separate them, and the course was divided into two fronts: the male, led by Michaelia, and the female, led by Dimitri. Herbal medicine was forgotten and a war on two fronts turned out. There were scouts and archers and others. Everything took on the form of the game “Cossacks, robbers”.
There were also victims. But in the evening everyone was shocked that the team of young men had lost their commander somewhere. As it turned out, she was taken prisoner by the enemy commander, who extorted an apology from her for all his troubles. Michaelia was stubbornly silent and, with the precision of an archer, spat on her enemy's left eye. The tortures were different, but the daughter of the archangel withstood everything and in the end the savior came and snatched her from the clutches of this devil dragon - it was their teacher (savior).
By evening, everyone had played enough and a temporary truce reigned. Michaelia thought how wonderful it was to be just a man: neither you were ruled, nor eternal warriors. But it was time to set up tents and she again got entangled in all the hooks, fabrics, etc. She twisted a displeased face and sat down on the cold ground. Radonezhskaya got up again and made another attempt to erect a stubborn tent. When she completely despaired and wanted to give up everything, someone's warm palm covered her cold hand. Michaelia turned and her eyes met the hard gaze of black eyes. The blood rushed to my cheeks and my heart beat faster. She lowered her eyes and wondered to herself: "Why is it so breathtaking and heart beating?" For a 16-year-old angel girl, everything was new and unusual, but for a 23-year-old devil it was a blow, and he was afraid that this fragile creature would feel his heart beating. He, as if burned, withdrew his hand and took a breath. She looked into his eyes in surprise and he was embarrassed, and in order not to lose control of the situation, he began to assemble her tent. He worried and prayed to the Lord not to let her speak. The Lord was gracious.
The tent was assembled and Michaelia asked him to light a fire for her (why not use it and shake your rights). He grinned, but not so confidently and ran to get the wood.
The girl, left to herself, fiddled with her blond curl and tried to explain the situation. She didn't have the heart to admit to herself that she liked this impudent man. And she drove such thoughts into the far corner of her consciousness, but every minute they threatened to break out. When Demetrius returned with firewood, the onslaught intensified, and his head creaked from the strain.
Seeing that childishly concentrated face, the devil smiled. The first wave of affection for this unusual creature passed from him and he could calmly keep himself with Her. But as soon as the fire broke out, he hastened to retreat.
Michaelia sighed with relief and, not realizing what she was doing, gently led her to the place where He touched her.
At dinner, she watched him for so long that her neck went numb. There were songs at the fire again and He also sang. Among all the voices, she heard only Him. It occurred to her to write down the words of songs that she liked and she conjured herself a parchment, a pen and began to write. Dimitri noted that when she writes, she sticks out the tip of her tongue and smiled at her own thoughts. When everyone scattered to the tents, the devil grinned when he saw that Michaelia fell asleep right on the records. He glanced at them and silently laughed: “like a chicken with a paw” - it was just about her. He carried her to her tent and covered her with a quilt, which she took with her. His mistress rolled over in her sleep and laid left hand under the head. The face was serene. He admired her again and mentally kicked himself. How that head of the council was right ... damn right ...

* * *
Dimitri returned to his tent and leaned back on the bag of food that served as his pillow. A rustling was heard nearby and Martha put her warm palm on his chest. The devil shuddered, but immediately calmed down. To himself, he only thought that Michaelia's hands were cold as ice.
-Why did you come to me? he inquired with his eyes closed.
- I'm cold, - she answered without hesitation.
“Sorry, I can’t help, I’m frozen,” he continued, without opening his eyes.
Martha crawled with her whole body on him and dug her lips into him. But there was no answer. She made another attempt, but this time at the neck. Demetrius tensed. And then I thought that the Commandments exist for the devil only in order to break them. He opened his eyes and took a position on top. He looked appraisingly at Martha, who was trembling with delight and pressed his lips to hers. The girl began to unbutton his white shirt and put her hand on his chest. She pulled him to her and left a strong hickey on his neck. He took it away from him and clearly understood that he could not.
-Sorry, - and he rolled to the other edge of the tent.
Martha shrugged her shoulders in a mock-casual manner, straightened her neckline and left.
Demetrius fell into a deep sleep.

* * *
Michaelia woke up from the fact that her access to oxygen was cut off. When she opened her eyes, she realized in the darkness that it was only Martha. She removed her hands from her face and said sleepily:
-And why can't you sleep?
-What relation do you have to Demetrius? - she ignored her question.
- None, - answered his mistress, falling back into sleep.
-Truth? Martha asked suspiciously.
-Yes. - Michaelia squeezed out with displeasure and now she has passed out for good.
She clearly thought it was only a dream. And Martha, very pleased with herself, came out of the next tent. She went out and screamed at the whole camp ...
A pack of wolves crowded around the tent of her loved one. She grabbed a little bit from the dying fire and, with a squeal, went on the attack. Sleepy faces popped up from all sides, and the teacher, as he was in his pajamas, ran out into the street. The wolves, seeing such an onslaught, looked at the mad witch rushing in their direction for a few more seconds, and then rushed into the forest with all their paws.
Exalted in the eyes of the whole course, Martha solemnly walked on her way. Everyone, considering the matter settled, returned to the thrown pillows to fill up.

* * *
Demetrius, awakened by a wild screech, first of all saw the old man sitting on the other side of the tent. He jerked up and knitted his brows. All the remnants of sleep vanished as if by hand.
- Why did you come, Sebastian? he asked in a businesslike tone. This was the second uninvited visitor tonight.
“The owner asked me to convey that if you don’t show up to say goodbye to your grandfather, he will force you to do it, no matter what it costs him,” the guest replied.
- Since when did you stop serving me? - the devil raised an eyebrow haughtily.
-I am still loyal to you, my lord. - the servant in the corner shrank.
-Go away! And tell your brother that I don't want to see him! Neither him nor grandfather's coffin! - the completely furious devil barked.
-Yes my Lord. the servant bowed.
- Wait, and one more thing ... Let them not try to look for me.
The servant again bowed politely and backed out of the master's "chambers."
Dimitri realized that he would not fall asleep and therefore simply wallowed with his eyes closed in his thoughts. “They figured me out ... They need this devilish book. I have no doubt that my brother will pull my soul out of me before he gets it. " And my thoughts abruptly jumped to another stage: “But I have a weak point. But they will never reach Her with their dirty claws! All you have to do is stay away from Her. ” But it was like banging your head against a wall. “So you need to crush your feelings at the root and in no way let her know about them. If She stops me anywhere, my entire parchment wall will rip to smithereens. " So the heir to the famous family of Lucifers reasoned.
He realized that he felt something about the regent's daughter. He always got what he wanted. So this feeling is passing and he will cope with everything, the main thing is not to give himself any indulgence anywhere. To lose the goodies once, and in return get everything that your heart desires.

"I love you. Less than yesterday but more than tomorrow."

If you really want something, then the whole universe will contribute to the fulfillment of your desire

If you ask me if I am good with you, I will answer "yes", but if you ask if I can live without you, I will answer the same.

I can do anything but one thing. It is not given to me to make another person follow me in my madness in my lust for life.

The wound in the heart, no matter how severe it would be, will heal and the ability to comprehend the beauty of life will return to me

And yet, today we love so much that for a minute of spiritual peace we pay with an hour of longing

The only way to avoid unhappy love is not to love at all.

If what makes us happy is different from what we live in, we will either have to drastically change our lives or become even more unhappy.

A person lives and is tied by invisible threads to the people who surround him ... Separation sets in, the threads stretch and break like the strings of a violin, making dull sounds ... And every time the threads break at the heart, the person experiences the most acute pain ..... "

Insanity is the inability to communicate your perception to others. As if you are in a foreign country - you see everything, you understand what is happening around you, but you are not able to explain yourself and get help, because you do not understand the language spoken there.

A person allows himself to be crazy only when the conditions are created for him.

In her life there was always a lot of love, participation, but in order to turn all this into happiness, she lacked only one thing: a little madness.

Never give up on your dream.

Every person on earth, no matter what he does, plays the main role in the history of the world. And usually he doesn't even know about it.

"Without coming to the edge, without looking into the abyss, a person will grow old and die, never knowing what he was doing in this world."

"To him who is able to tame his heart, the whole world will submit."

“I do not take my eyes off him, but he speaks in the language of angels.
Fear and jealousy were supplanted by loneliness. The angels found a companion for themselves, and I stood alone. "

"Perhaps this is why God created the desert so that people would smile at the trees?"

When we try to curb love, it destroys us, but if we open our hearts, a higher power comes to our aid ...

A person should choose, not accept their fate

Don't be ashamed to be loved, I'm not asking for anything, just let me love you.

Life is a spicy, dazzling game, this is a parachute jump, this is a risk, you fall, but get back on your feet, this is what is called "get out of your skin" . "

"The wound in the heart, no matter how serious it may be, will heal, the ability to comprehend the beauty of life will return to me."

"We must either fulfill the dream, or forget it." (C)

What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will be repeated a third time!

Crime against life, there is faith in the word "impossible"

"If I am part of your destiny, someday you will return to me."

"... life doesn't always give a second try ..."

The only way to save our dreams is to be generous to yourself.

Everything in the world is one whole

There is one great truth on this planet: no matter who you are and what you do, when you really want something, you will achieve it, because such a desire originated in the soul of the Universe. And this is your destiny on Earth.

There is nothing completely wrong in the world. Even a broken clock shows the exact time twice a day.

Nothing in this world happens by chance ..

Be like an overflowing fountain, not like a reservoir containing all the same water

There are two victories for every defeat

"The most important meetings are arranged by souls, even before the bodies of the body meet."

"First of all, one should not believe promises. And there are so many of them in the world - they promise wealth, salvation of the soul, love to the grave. There are people who consider themselves entitled to promise anything they want. There are others - they agree to believe in any promises, only they would guarantee them a different, better fate. Those who promise and do not keep their promises in the end become powerless and worthless. And the same happens to those gullible who grab onto the promise. "

There is no game more fun than seduction.

* Even if love brings with it separation, loneliness, sadness, it is still worth the price we pay for it

Wait. This was the first lesson that love taught me. The day barely drags on, we make thousands of plans, conduct thousands of imaginary conversations, make promises to ourselves in such and such circumstances to behave completely differently - but we do not find a place for ourselves, we can’t wait for our beloved to come.
And when he comes, we don't know what to say. Waiting for many hours turns into tension, tension gives way to fear, and fear makes you feel ashamed of tenderness

Love is all about traps and traps. When she wants to let know about herself, she only shows her light, and the shadows it generates - hides and hides.

I tried to love with all my heart, but my love was betrayed and trampled upon. If God is Love, He could treat my feelings more carefully.

As children, they leave only after their wishes are fulfilled.

You need to immediately pull yourself together. Convince yourself, just pretend it's okay and everything will be okay

I could fall in love now, give you everything that I have, You ask me for just a little music, but I am much more than you think, and I would like to share with you something else that I have now understood.

The risk is the charm of his life

How do I recognize my soul mate?
- Only by taking risks ...

".... we cannot guess what will bring joy to the Lord. Do as your heart tells you, and He will be pleased."

* Absolute freedom does not exist, there is only freedom of choice, and having made a choice, you become a hostage to your own decision ..

Nobody can lose nobody because nobody belongs to nobody

They mounted their horses.

“I want to tell you a story about dreams,” said the Alchemist. - Come closer.

The young man obeyed.

- So, he lived and was in ancient Rome, during the time of the emperor Tiberius, one kind man, and he had two sons.

One became a soldier and went to serve on the farthest edge of the empire. The second wrote poems that delighted all of Rome.

Once the old man had a dream that a heavenly messenger appeared to him and predicted to him that the words of one of his sons would be known throughout the world and many hundreds of years later people would repeat them. The old man wept with happiness: fate was merciful and generous to him, for it gave him the highest joy that a father can experience.

Soon he died - he tried to save the child from under a heavy cart, but he himself fell under the wheels. Since he led a righteous life, he went straight to heaven, where he met a messenger who appeared to him in a dream.

- You were good and kind person, - he said to him. - Your life was filled with love, and your death - dignity. I can fulfill any of your requests.

“And life was kind to me,” answered the old man. “When you appeared to me in a dream, I felt that all my efforts were not in vain. For the poems of my son will pass from generation to generation. I have nothing to ask for myself, but any father would be proud of the glory of the one whom he nurtured, taught and instructed. Therefore, I would like to hear the words of my son in the distant future.

The messenger touched his shoulder, and both of them in the blink of an eye found themselves in the distant future - in a huge city, among thousands of people who spoke an unknown language.

The old man shed tears of joy again.

“I knew that my son’s poems would survive the centuries,” he said through tears. - Tell me what his lines are repeated by all these people.

The messenger gently sat the old man on a bench and sat down beside him.

- The poems you are talking about became famous throughout Rome, everyone loved them and enjoyed them. But the reign of Tiberius ended, and they were forgotten. People repeat the words of your other son - the one who became a warrior.

The old man looked at the messenger in bewilderment.

“He served in one of the distant provinces,” he continued. - And he became a centurion. He, too, was fair and kind. Once one of his slaves fell ill - he was dying. When your son heard that a certain healer had appeared, he set out in search of this man. And on the way I learned that this man is the Son of God. He met people healed by Him, heard His teachings and, although he was a Roman centurion, converted to His faith. And then one morning he appeared before Him and told that his servant was sick. And the Teacher - that was the name of this man - was going to follow him. But the centurion was a man of faith, and looking into the eyes of the Teacher, he realized that he was standing before the Son of God. It was then that your son uttered the words that will not be forgotten forever and ever. He said this:

“Do not labor, Lord, for I am not worthy for You to come under my roof. But say the word and my servant will be healed. "

The alchemist touched the horse.

Also on the topic “What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen the third time. ”:

  1. Example (perspectives). Some time after that seminar, it so happened that my "girl on duty" (I never apologize for being a man), in the form of entertainment, asked to be shown "something like that." Since I was visiting her, and like any woman who cares about her appearance (“we don’t ... see others”), she has a bathroom scale, I decided to reproduce the above technique. After the demonstration, a lecture was planned on the difference between "subjective" and "objective", from which
  2. Still, it is very important to remember that all belief supports fear - the fear that something unpleasant will happen if you act contrary to that belief.
  3. Your real safety is unshakable knowledge: no matter what happens, you yourself have everything you need to accomplish everything you want and to transform the undesirable for the better, taking into account all your true NEEDS
  4. lifestyle requires a person to follow only two simple rules: 1) never put sugar in a small cup of tea; 2) never forget that there are no big cups in this world. Assess your health
  5. 1. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Place your feet flat on the floor. 2. If you feel tense or find it difficult to concentrate, use the relaxation technique described in Chapter Eleven. 3. Imagine the person for whom you dislike. 4. Imagine that something good is happening to this person, for example, he is seeking attention, love, or receiving a lot of money. Let something happen to him that he himself would consider as good. 5. Try to understand
  6. We are able to achieve everything that our mind can comprehend and what it can believe. Napoleon Hill
  7. Latest information... The Pentagon just announced, in the spring of 1997, that they have a computer that can do the same amount of operations in one second that would take a personal computer at 250 megahertz and 3 gigabytes of memory for 30,000 years. In one day, he can process what would have taken a personal computer 2.6 billion years! I would call this something more than a quantitative leap. Connection of the Earth with Space
  8. When we get married or get married, no one can guarantee that our marriage will be happy. If we are confident in advance that it is doomed to failure, this will no doubt increase the likelihood that it will disintegrate.
  9. when we talk about parapsychological phenomena, be it telekinesis, suggestion, telepathy or something else, it must be borne in mind that in these phenomena two worlds are simultaneously revealed, work, appear before us - the world of matter, in which the official science itself demanded repetition of experience, and the world of Consciousness of Nature and Man, the world of the psyche of a particular person, the world of his life, largely hidden from us, the repetition of which never happens.
  10. When a person learns that he is sick and that his disease can be fatal, he begins to see his problems in a new way.
  11. Example (capabilities). In my workshop, a student requested a demonstration of the technique for changing the sensation of body weight. I never did it, but I read from L. Grimak that these techniques were used by him in training astronauts to simulate work in zero gravity, and the request was accepted by me as real. By analogy, I hypothesized that the key might be a promise to return "normal weight" after the session, and this could be optimized by applying the nelper kinesthetic anchoring technique. Moreover
  12. 1. This process can reduce fear. Most often, fear is caused by the feeling that you are not able to influence what is happening. Cancer patients feel that their condition is deteriorating, and they can not do anything. Relaxation and visualization help a person feel that they still play a role in maintaining health, and this creates a sense of their ability to influence the situation. 2. This process can change your internal installations and strengthen the desire
  13. You do something for a person that you do not want to do, and at the same time you do not tell him that you are doing against your will. 2. You start doing something with the other person and find that he has shifted most of the work to you. 3. You don't always let people know what you want. Of course, this does not mean that by expressing your needs, you will always get what you want. By not talking openly about your desires, you make it impossible for those around you to react to them.

Peru cult writer Paulo Coelho owns no less than 18 books: novels, anthologies, collections of short stories-parables, and their circulation already exceeds 350 million copies. He is read and loved all over the world.

Paulo Coelho, like no one else, knows how to help look at life from a different angle, find great in small, look at life with optimism and find the strength to love.

We have collected for you 30 best quotes Paulo Coelho about love and life, which, perhaps, will help you understand something important for yourself:

  1. Sometimes you need to go around the whole world to understand that the treasure is buried near your own home..
  2. If you are able to see beauty, it is only because you carry beauty within you. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees their own reflection.
  3. What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen the third.
  4. When you want something badly, the whole Universe will help to make your wish come true..
  5. If I do exactly the things that people expect of me, I will fall into their slavery.
  6. Life is always waiting for the right moment to act.
  7. Getting lost is the best way find something interesting.
  8. Most dark hour- before dawn.
  9. If a person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and he is not worth any nerves or attention.
  10. Everything in the world is different manifestations of the same.
  11. Everyone says anything in the back, but in the eyes - what is beneficial.
  12. If love changes a person quickly, then despair - even faster.
  13. Where they are waiting for us, we always find ourselves right on time.
  14. Life is sometimes surprisingly stingy - for days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door - and an avalanche falls on him.
  15. Waiting is the hardest part.
  16. Our angels are always with us, and often they use someone's lips to tell us something.
  17. Constantly feeling unhappy is an unaffordable luxury..
  18. There are people who were born to go through life alone, this is not bad or good, this is life.
  19. You can never give up a dream! Dreams feed our souls, just as food feeds the body. No matter how many times in our lives we have to go through a crash and see our hopes dashed, we still have to keep dreaming.
  20. Sometimes you have to run to see who will run after you. Sometimes you have to speak softer to see who is actually listening to you. Sometimes you have to take a step back to see who else is on your side. Sometimes you have to make the wrong decisions to see who's with you when things fall apart.
  21. Once I found all the answers, all the questions changed.
  22. We say the most important words in our life in silence.
  23. Sometimes you have to die to start living.
  24. People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same.
  25. What you are looking for is also looking for you.
  26. Always say what you feel and do what you think! Silence breaks fates ...
  27. Man does everything the other way around. Hastens to become an adult, and then sighs about the past childhood. Spends health for money and immediately spends money to improve health. He thinks about the future with such impatience that he neglects the present, which is why he has neither the present nor the future. He lives as if he will never die, and dies as if he never lived.
  28. When they reach the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them in the beginning.
  29. It sometimes happens that life divorces two people - only to show both how important they are to each other.
  30. Everything always ends well. If it all ended badly, then it’s not over yet.