Fables remade in a new way. Cool fables in a new way

Story Quiz

N. Nosova "Zateyniki", "Patch"

Middle group "Camomile"


Ulyantseva E.N.

Vorontsova T.N.


Target: In a playful way, generalize and systematize the pupils' knowledge about the life and work of N.N. Nosov, broaden horizons.

Instill interest in the book. To cultivate a respect for books. Promote the activation of each child in activities (group work).

Equipment: Exhibition of books by NN Nosov, a portrait of the writer, a set of items for the competition (two hats, two small balls in a basket according to the number of children), laptop, ICT technology.

Preparation. Reading stories "On the Hill", "Zateyniki", " Living hat"," Patch ".

Leading:- Today we will make a fascinating journey into the world of the wonderful works of Nikolai Nikolayevich Nosov. We read books, got acquainted with the heroes of the stories and today we will see how you remember.

Leading:-Today we have two teams that will take part in the quiz. But not only team members will compete, team fans will also be able to participate. If the team finds it difficult to answer the question, then the fans will be able to come to the rescue and earn points for their team.

With this little book at once

You and I became friends

It has funny stories

As if on demand

For you and for me.

Why are they dreamers!

Your life is full of questions

And for the joy there are many books

Composed by the writer Nosov.

There is about a slide and about porridge,

About resourcefulness and about

Phone, stairs, Sasha,

About the patch and the metro,

About a live hat, a blot,

About putty and skating rink

And how I rode in a suitcase

A dog named Buddy.

How we rode on the bumper


How carp changed

And they dug up the garden,

How the galosh was nailed

And how they returned at night

Plucked cucumbers.

Guys, now listen to the riddles, they are not simple, having guessed them you will find out what stories N. Nosov wrote.

Boys saved this money

We didn't eat ice cream, we didn't go to the movies.

And in the end: they bought something.

And this is something, I tell you, they soon disassembled in parts. (" Telephone").

  1. The sisters gave him a gun.

There is no better gift in the world.

Satisfied Sasha was walking in the yard.

He banged from a pistol, scared the old woman. (" Sasha»).

  1. Bobka boasted: “Look, guys,

These pants are worn only by soldiers. "

The boy pricked his fingers, sewed up his pants,

When I broke them on the fence with a nail. (" Patch»).

  1. Listen to another riddle of mine.

Kotka once fished with Pavlusha.

There was no catch, but they are happy

We got something in our pockets full.

They visited someone else's garden.

The watchman whistled, but they ran away. (" Cucumbers»).

Well done you have guessed all the riddles from the stories of N. Nosov. I invite you to get acquainted with the stories "Zateyniki" and "Patch" in more detail.

We have two teams. Team "Entertainers", and the team "Patch".

For each correct answer you get a chip at the end, we will calculate which team has the most chips and the winner.

Questions for the team “ Entertainers»

  1. What fairy tale did the children read?

Three pigs

The wolf and the seven Young goats

  1. What did the guys make of the house?

Out of the blanket

From pillows

  1. Without which it was sad in the guys' house?

No windows

No doors

No basement

  1. Why did Petya scream?

He was grabbed by the leg

He hit Valya

The house is broken

  1. 5... Petya suggested that he was frightened

grey Wolf

Brown bear

Red fox

  1. 6... Where did the children run away?

Into the corridor

  1. Who really scared Petya?


  1. Who broke the house?


  1. Who was sitting in the children's house?

No one

  1. After that, the children ...

stopped playing

continued to play

let's go to lunch

Well done, guys, you have coped with all the questions about the story. And now the team is answering questions: Patch»

  1. What was the name of the main character of the work?


  1. What did Bobka boast about?



3. What color were the pants




  1. What happened to his pants?

Tore up

  1. Why didn't Mom start sewing up her pants?

Cooked to eat

At work

You broke, you sew up

  1. Why did Bobka decide to sew up his pants himself?

Wanted to get some candy

I wanted to go to school with them

Because he really liked them

7. What a patch was first.

Like a tomato

Like an orange

Like a dried mushroom

8. The boy was satisfied with his work. What did he do?

Watered flowers

Helped mom

Ate candy

I sewed the patch myself

9.What did the guys say when they saw Bobka in the yard again?

Well done

Good boy

Bad boy

10. What else does Bobka want to learn to sew



Well done, all coped with the tasks.

Guys, I propose to warm up and remember the story of N. Nosov "Living Hat". Who will remember what the story is (children's answers). We will also play the role of Vovka and Vladik. And let's play the baton.

« Hit the target».

Each team is given a potato and a hat. You need to get potatoes in the hat. The team with the most accurate hits wins.


Host: Guys, what interesting things did you learn from N Nosov's books? Why do you like Nosov's works? Why do you think N Nosov's stories don't get old? How should books be handled? What book is pleasant to hold in your hands?

Literary quiz with answers based on the stories of N. Nosov for primary school students

author Lyapina Vera Valerievna teacher primary grades MBOU Secondary School No. 47 Samara
Material description This material can be used by primary school teachers to summarize after reading N. Nosov's stories in extracurricular reading lessons. For extracurricular activities.
Target Formation of general cultural competence through the perception of fiction.
Tasks Fostering interest in fiction, love of books.
Development of individual creativity, speech, thinking skills.
Expand the understanding of fiction.
Preparation Pick up at home or school library a collection of stories by N.Nosov, read the stories "Patch", "Car", "Bengal Lights", "Live Hat", "Hill", "Lollipop" prepare questions on the content.


Our time is losing from the point of view of children's literature, rarely on store shelves you can find books by new authors with really interesting and meaningful tales, therefore we increasingly turn to writers who have long established themselves. One way or another, we come across N. Nosov's children's stories on our way, which, having started once, will not stop until you get to know all the characters and their adventures.
It is interesting to read N. Nosov's stories because he was not just an author, but also a psychologist and a loving father. His warm, respectful attitude towards the guys allowed him to create all these witty, lively and real fairy tales.
Amazing sunny city!
How are you, friend, dear to me to this day!
How wonderful they read then
Nosov's books with a bang!
Oh, what a great fairy tale!
No, not a fairy tale, but a clue to life ...
Wonderful days
Spent where the cornflowers
Like fabulous trees ...
How wonderful childhood moments are!
1. In what story did Mishka and I ride on the bumper of a car?

2. What did Mishka boast to the guys in the story "Bengal Lights"?

(Bengal lights)
3.What did the Bear add to the sparkler powder?

4.Why did the lights need to be hidden from the dog?
(She ate them)
5. What did the guys bring from the forest in the story "Sparklers"?

(Christmas tree)
6. Why is the story called "Living Hat"?

(A kitten sat under the hat and moved instead of with the hat)
7. What did the guys take in their hands, in case the hat climbs to them?

(Stick and ski pole)
8. What did the boys throw at the hat?
9. In what story did the guys Kostya and Shurik blinded a snake from putty?

10. Why didn't the guys like the movie?
(They didn't have time to watch it)
11. What is the name of the hero of the story "Patch"?

12. How did Bobka rip his pants?

(Climbed over the fence, caught on a nail)
13. Why didn't mom put the patch?
(She said: "I managed to break it, manage to sew it up!")
14. What was the patch that Bobka put the first time like?

(for dried mushroom)
15.How did Bobka move around the patch on his pants?
(Ink pencil)

16. What did Bobka regret when he learned to sew patches?
(About not learning how to sew on buttons)
17. Where did Bear find the lollipop? And in what story?

(Found in a sugar bowl, in the story "Lollipop")
18. Why did the sugar bowl break?
(Stuck to my hands and fell)
19. As Mishka explained to mom why he ate the lollipop?
(Behaved well)
20. Who was at home while everyone was building the slide?
(Kotka Chizhov)

What did Kotka do to avoid sliding while climbing the hill?
(Sprinkled with sand)
Years pass, Nikolai Nosov has not been with us for many years, but his stories and characters do not age. Sincere and amazing good heroes and they ask for all children's books.